Double post through a dash. Hyphenated spelling. The most important changes this spring

Is it possible to enter a position in the company that is written with a hyphen, for example, an accountant-economist, and add this position to work book? Will not this position considered as a combination? And is there such a position as an accountant-economist?


Answer to the question:

An employment contract is an agreement between the employer and the employee, in accordance with which the employer undertakes to provide the employee with work according to the stipulated labor function(). In this case, the labor function means “work according to the position in accordance with staffing table, profession, specialty indicating qualifications, the specific type of work entrusted to the employee "( Art. and Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The names of professions (positions) should be established in strict accordance with qualification reference books, taking into account the actual work performed. If an employee performs work different professions(in different positions), the name of the profession (position) is established according to the main job, taking into account the largest share of the work performed by him. This is stated in the appendix to. Otherwise (in the case of establishing a double position), the employee performs two labor functions under the contract, and this must be formalized either, or.

At the same time, these reference books should only be used:

  • when, in accordance with the legislation, the provision of compensation and benefits or restrictions is associated with the performance of work in certain positions, professions, specialties ();
  • when billing work and assigning wage categories to employees ().

In all other cases, organizations have the right to introduce positions into their staffing tables, the names of which are absent in qualification reference books... Moreover, the employer has the right to establish the title of the position and responsibilities for the position in such cases independently. Moreover, in the approved and approved, there are still a number of double positions. For example, plumber, toolmaker, training instructor, mechanical engineer, chemical engineer, electrical engineer, etc.

In the current circumstances, each organization makes a decision independently: to issue a double position or introduce two positions that the employee will combine or hold part-time. The exception is employees whose work is associated with the availability of benefits or restrictions. Their position (profession) should be indicated in strict accordance with the reference book. In your case, the position of an accountant-economist is not provided for in the qualification reference book, however, you can still enter the corresponding position, since there are no benefits or restrictions on it.

Details in the materials of the System Personnel:

Situation: How to indicate the names of positions and professions when drawing up a staffing table

When registering the staffing table, the employer can use the form approved by, or. In the specified form, you need to enter the names of positions (specialties, professions) for the staff units of the organization. As a general rule, positions are provided for employees who are primarily engaged in mental work: management, collection, analysis, processing of information (for example, deputy chief production department, head of the department). In turn, the concept of "profession" refers to a greater extent to employees employed production process, physical labor (builders, electricians, mechanics).

The employer, as a rule, determines the names of positions and professions at his own discretion. For example, the position of the head of an organization may appear in the staffing table as a director, general manager, company president, etc.

However, if labor legislation connects the provision of compensations and benefits (early retirement pension, additional leave) with the performance of work in certain positions or professions, or establishes any restrictions, then the names of such positions and professions must comply with or the relevant provisions. This compliance should be observed both with the employee, where his position (performance of work by profession) will be indicated, and in the staffing table of the organization. This follows from the provisions of part 2 of article 57 Labor Code RF. Failure to comply with this condition will deprive the employee of the right to receive benefits and compensation.

When talking about qualification reference books, the first thing to do is to use the following:

  • approved;
  • approved;
  • approved;
  • unified tariff and qualification reference books of work and professions of workers by industry.

In addition to the above documents, organizations should also be guided by:

  • , work in which gives the right to additional leave and a shorter working day, approved;
  • , giving the right to preferential pension provision, approved

Good day! Please tell me how to properly certify copies of documents? True, director of LLC "Romashka" or True: director of LLC "Romashka"

3.26. When certifying the compliance of a copy of a document with the original, below the "Signature" requisite, a certification inscription is affixed: "True"; the position of the person who certified the copy; personal signature; decryption of the signature (initials, surname); date of certification, for example:

HR Inspector Personal signature of T.S. Levchenko

It is allowed to certify a copy of the document with a seal determined at the discretion of the organization.

5.26 A notation on the certification of a copy is drawn up to confirm the correspondence of the copy of the document (extract from the document) to the original of the document. A note on the certification of a copy is affixed under the requisite "signature" and includes: the word "True"; the name of the position of the person who certified the copy; his handwritten signature; decryption of the signature (initials, surname); the date of certification of the copy (extract from the document).

Example -

HR Inspector Signature. AND ABOUT. Surname

If a copy is issued for submission to another organization, the notation on the certification of the copy is supplemented with an inscription about the place of storage of the document from which the copy was made ("The original of the document is located in (name of the organization) in file No. ... for ... a year") and is certified with the seal of the organization.

A stamp can be used to mark the copy confirmation.

Question number 293299

Tell me if you need a punctuation mark between the position and the last name. Is the following sentence spelled correctly: "Leader: Technical Director LLC "Upper pool" Kazakov Alexander Sergeevich. "

Russian language help desk response

The punctuation is correct, no additional punctuation is required.

Question number 280666
The modern "bureaucracy" has brought to the norm the writing of the positions of all kinds of leaders, especially in the organization of the writer, with a capital letter. Okay, God bless them, "Chairmen", "Presidents" and "Directors". I stopped fighting it. But the "Vice Chair" options still excite me. Explanations that this is a job title, a description of a function, and not a statement social status(or something like that), and that's why the second word must surely begin with an uppercase, they usually don't get through.
Am I wrong? Since the biggest boss is written with a capital letter, does the mention of the name of his position within the names of the positions of subordinates imply the preservation of the original graphics?
A. Zhuravlev

Russian language help desk response

All job titles, except for the titles of some of the highest stateofficial positions (in documents) are written in lowercase letters.

Right: president of the company, chairman of the board, director of LLC, deputy chairman.

Question number 274245
The general director of the LLC is a woman. How to write correctly in the preamble of the Agreement: "General Director of Plasma LLC PP Myshkina, acting on the basis of the Charter" or: "... acting on the basis of the Charter"?

Russian language help desk response

Correctly: CEO ... incumbent.

Question No. 272024
Should I put a dash in the following sentences (from biographies):
From 2006 to 2010 (-) Director of INFOR LLC.
In 1915 (-) commander of the Erivan detachment.

Russian language help desk response

Yes, dashes are needed in these cases.

Question No. 251431
Good afternoon! Tell me, please. in what order should the position (director) and military rank (army general) of the addressee be used in the letter?

Russian language help desk response

The military rank is usually placed directly before the surname, for example: Director of LLC "Horns and Hooves" General of the Army Ivanov.

Question number 248898
Dear help! Tell me if a comma is needed in such a closing sentence:
Yours faithfully, Director of LLC "Career Press" I.А. Lanskaya?

Russian language help desk response

It is customary to put a comma after the words "with respect".

Question No. 247980
If the appeal "Dear Ivan Ivanovich!" Is used when composing a letter,
how to correctly draw up a signature:
1. Regards,
Director of Navigator LLC I. I. Ivanov
2. Director of LLC "Navigator" I. I. Ivanov

Russian language help desk response

As a rule, the first option is used.

Question No. 245039
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich - director ...
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, director ....

Russian language help desk response

Both options are possible: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich - Director of OOO "Zvezda". Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, director of OOO "Zvezda", will also come to the meeting.

Question No. 240967
In the middle of a sentence for the position of first deputy general manager, are all words written with a small letter?

And the position of General Director of LLC "----" in the middle of the sentence are both words written with a small letter?

Russian language help desk response

In both cases, it is true with a lowercase (lowercase) letter. You wrote it right.

Question number 223332
What is the correct way to write in official documents (for example, in contracts): "General Director of LLC" XXX "or" General Director of LLC "XXX" (that is, with a capital or capital letter)? Olga

Russian language help desk response

Correctly with a lowercase (small) letter.
Question number 215201
Are these proposals correct: 1) What do we see in practice? 2) Or what, there are no more traffic jams in Moscow? Are the punctuation marks in the sentence correctly placed: Director of Mosenergo LLC, A. N. Saveliev, pointed out the shortcomings. In what cases is the surname separated by commas or dashes? Great thank you.

Russian language help desk response

Both sentences are correct. A proper name as an application is isolated if it serves to clarify or clarify a common noun. In this case, the punctuation is correct.
Question No. 211337
Good day! Please tell me if a comma is needed: With uavzhenie __ Director of LLC ... And also: Happy birthday - Day with a capital letter? Thanks.

Russian language help desk response

1. As a rule, a comma is put. 2. Correct spelling with a lowercase (small) letter.
Question No. 201106
Hello! Always at the end of the letter, before the signature, I highlighted "respectfully" a comma. However, in the course on clerical work we were told that now it is not necessary. Ie, for example: Best regards, General Director of LLC "Belochka". Is it true?

Russian language help desk response

See ["Writer"].

Hello, tell me, please, is the word "vampire" literate and stylistically correct for children's fantasy literature? Such a feeling that the common people carry from him. Wouldn't it be better to replace it with "female vampire" or "lady vampire"? Thank you in advance!

This word has a colloquial character, but in the literature it may be appropriate.

Question number 295156

Hello! I'm confused! :) In the combinations "female surgeons", "dentist surgeon", is it necessary to put a dash before "surgeons" / "surgeon" or not? I read the following in one source: "If the word or application being defined is itself spelled with a hyphen, then a hyphen is not written between them, for example: Social Democrats Mensheviks." And another source indicates that you need a dash! After all, what is the right thing to do - without a dash or with a dash, that is, "female doctors - surgeons" or "female doctors - surgeons"? Please help me figure it out! And how is it correct - "in New York" or "in New York"? They also write differently in reference books ... THANKS!

Russian language help desk response

The rule is as follows: in combinations with an application, if one of the parts, in turn, is a combination with an application and contains a hyphen, a dash is used.

Right: surgeon, general practitioner, dentist, orthopedic surgeon etc. (combinations with the application). If the second part (designation of the doctor's specialization), in turn, is a combination with the application and contains a hyphen, then a dash is used in front of it: doctor - orthopedic dentist, doctor - obstetrician-gynecologist... Likewise: female doctor, but woman is a surgeon.

Right: in new york(cf .: social democrat, jules vernov).

Question number 294117

Hello! What is the custom to call a policewoman now? Police officer? A police officer? .. Doesn't sound like that! Anna

Russian language help desk response

Such a construction is normative and stylistically neutral: female police officer.

Question No. 291374

Good day! Is it possible to say (or rather, write) - "there was the same doctor in the photo" (it must be emphasized that it is the woman who is depicted in the photo)

Russian language help desk response

Option The photo was the same doctor let's say. But better: In the photo was the same woman doctor.

Question No. 290202

Hello! Be so kind as to correctly match the endings in the phrase: "The drunk driver mixed up the pedals of the car" (we are talking about a woman). And what is the rule in this case? Thanks.

Russian language help desk response

If it is important to emphasize that the driver was a woman, then the proposal needs to be rebuilt. For example: drunk woman driver confused ... You can read about the rules of agreement you are interested in in the "Letter".

Question No. 285010

Hello! Please tell me how to write down the following structure correctly: "woman is an opera director", "a woman is a chief conductor". It is important to emphasize gender, therefore, it is impossible to formulate otherwise. Do you need a hyphen: "female opera director"? What, then, is the word "opera woman"? Many thanks.

Russian language help desk response

In combinations with applications, if one of the parts is a combination of words, a dash should be used instead of a hyphen: female director, female conductor, but: femaleopera director, woman - chief conductor.

Question No. 284272

Hello, can you say another driver, beautiful driver, etc.? Or better, another woman driver ... Thank you.

Russian language help desk response

If it is necessary to emphasize that a woman works as a driver, then it is true: beautiful woman driver... Also true: another driver(if gender is unimportant).

More details about such cases can be found in the "Writer".

Question No. 283602

Is there a word for "pilot" (for example, a female Formula 1 pilot) similar to "poetess"?

Russian language help desk response

Russian dictionaries literary language until such a word is recorded. However, the word pilot in the language exists and is used in colloquial speech and the media, where it, as a rule, has a humorous, ironic connotation. This word should not be used in official situations.

Question No. 282560
How to spell the noun "woman Serial killer"? Two options are approximately equally common:" female serial killer "and" female serial killer. "What is the rule governing this spelling?

Russian language help desk response

Spelling with a dash is correct. A corrective rule applies here: in combination with an application, if one of the parts contains a space, a dash is used instead of a hyphen. Right: chief specialist - expert(cf .: specialist expert), inspector - car repairman.

Can you please tell me through a hyphen or a dash? Woman Captain long voyage; the company is an operator of electronic payments.
For example in context: By order of the company of the operator of electronic payments, this work was carried out by Nina Evseeva, the first female sea captain.

Russian language help desk response

In combination with an application, if one of the parts contains a space, a dash should be used instead of a hyphen: female captain, but woman - sea captain; operator company, but the company is an operator of electronic payments.

Question No. 271538
Could you please tell me if the spelling "woman-migrant", "man-migrant" is correct.

Russian language help desk response

The hyphenated spelling is correct.

Question No. 268239
Hello! Please answer the correct one:
1. The State Duma adopted in the first and second readings or the State Duma adopted in the first and second readings?
2. Does Ivanova manage to be realized as a leader / to be realized as a leader? Does Ivanova manage to realize herself as a woman-mother / realize herself as a woman-mother?

Russian language help desk response

1. It is true: in the first and second readings.

2. It is true: as a leader, as a mother-woman... But better: like a mother.

Question No. 261856
Dear employees of "Gramota", tell me, please, how to write correctly "woman doctor (-) surgeon (-) massage therapist"?

Russian language help desk response

You can do this: female doctor, massage surgeon.

Question number 248887
How will it be more correct? The woman-doctor has coped or has coped. And why, which rule applies in this case

Russian language help desk response

Grammar norm: female doctor coped... Here a woman is a definable word, a doctor is an application; the predicate is grammatically combined with the defined word.

Hello! Please tell me how to write the abbreviated name of the profession editor-in-chief: is it acceptable to be "editor-in-chief"? Best regards, Ekaterina

Possible different ways abbreviations, however, they are not all in common use. So, colloquial coloring is abbreviated chief editor.

Question number 299881

Good day! My aunt is a (-) doctor by profession. Is there a dash and what rule can be applied? Omitting a predicate in an incomplete sentence? Thanks in advance for your reply!

Russian language help desk response

A dash is not put (if there is an introductory word, circumstance or addition, as well as a union or particle between the subject and the predicate-noun).

Question No. 299587

Hello, the text is taken from Art. 15 TC RF: Labor Relations- relations based on an agreement between the employee and the employer on the personal performance by the employee for a fee of the labor function (work according to the position in accordance with the staffing table, profession, specialty indicating the qualifications; specific work entrusted to the employee) in the interests of ... position, and in case: to accept the position .. The question is how to explain to another person the difference in spelling, thanks in advance!

Russian language help desk response

Using a preposition on in this case, due to the following series: by profession, by specialty. The authors of the text used a general (suitable for all words) preposition. In other contexts, it is possible: work in any position.

Question number 298910

Good day! How would it be more correct to say "I graduated from the university with a degree in law", or "in a profession of a lawyer"?

Russian language help desk response

Perhaps: graduated from the university with a degree in law.

Question number 298655

Hello. Regarding Question No. 298652. I was interested, due to the specifics of the profession, exactly the spelling in quotation marks. This combination is not used without quotation marks in the education system. They write simply: mathematics. Do not consider it a work, explain the version with quotation marks, please. In this case, nothing else suits me!

Russian language help desk response

What exactly needs clarification? Before us is a combination of the defined word and application, entering into hypo-hyperonymic relations (cf. tree birch, espresso, day of week monday etc.). There is no reason to use a capital letter. The reason for the quotation marks is shaky (except for tradition, there is nothing else to explain).

Question number 298306

Do I need to put a comma after the word, therefore, in the sentence - "Therefore, he did not like creative professions."

Russian language help desk response

The comma is not included.

Question number 296669

Good day! Can the words “specialized”, “highly specialized” be combined with words denoting professions (for example, “specialized / highly specialized doctor”)? Thanks!

Russian language help desk response

Question No. 293685

Hello! Please tell me how to correctly write the name of the profession "Tractor (-) driver of agricultural production", separated by a hyphen or a dash? Thanks for the quick response!

Russian language help desk response

If the words "agricultural production" refer within the meaning of the tractor driver-driver, then you need to use a hyphen. If only to the driver, then a dash (with spaces).

Question No. 292282

Good day! How are feminitives formed according to the rules of the Russian language? There is a widespread belief that the suffixes -ш, -is when forming feminitives have a derogatory tone, and the suffixes -ka and -ca should be used so that the resulting words have a neutral connotation. There is also an opinion that the suffix -ш means that a woman is married to a representative of a certain profession (for example, an officer is the wife of an officer). In particular, which of the following options correspond to the literary norm: author: author, author doctor: doctor, doctor director: director, director, headmistress General: general, general merchandiser: merchandiser, merchandiser?

Russian language help desk response

In business speech, there are a number of names for males, to which there are no parallel correspondences of the feminine gender. These include:

  • administrative and official titles : lawyer, delegate, deputy, consultant, correspondent, minister, mayor, prime minister, assistant (deputy), ambassador, president, assistant, leader, adviser, expert;
  • designations academic degrees : Academician, Doctor of Science, Associate Professor, Candidate of Science, Professor, Corresponding Member;
  • names of persons by military specialties: fighter, warrior, general, captain, major, officer, pilot, colonel, sergeant;
  • words on -or, -tor, -er, -ved, -log, -graf, -phil :author, bibliographer, bibliophile, governor, director, lecturer, literary critic, orator, prosecutor, editor, sprinter, philologist, linguist.

Parallel names for the designation of females have become entrenched in cases where a given specialty (profession, occupation, etc.) is equally related to both female and male labor, for example: obstetrician - midwife, laboratory assistant - laboratory assistant, pilot - pilot, teacher - teacher, saleswoman - saleswoman, student - student, teacher - teacher and many others. etc. The same in the field of art, sports, when designating persons in relation to public organization etc.: artist - artist, Komsomol member - Komsomol member, writer - writer, athlete - athlete.

However, despite the free formation of such names in the form of the feminine gender, they are not used in all styles of speech. So, in a formal business style, it is preferable to keep the shape. male, when it comes to nomenclature name of the position; Wed in the reference document: “A. V. Petrova works as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Physics "(in everyday speech - laboratory assistant Petrova); "L. I. Nikolaeva is a teacher of English language"(In everyday speech - teacher Nikolaeva). Wed household: head of department Nikitina and the official one: manager of the Nikitin trust.

You can check the words you are interested in in electronic dictionaries on our portal. Litter "colloquial" or the absence of a word in the dictionary indicate restrictions in word usage.

Question No. 291938

Are the brackets placed correctly in the name of the profession: welder (manual and partially mechanized welding (surfacing). Thank you

Russian language help desk response

Maybe so? WITH welder of manual and partially mechanized welding (surfacing).

Question No. 290927

Is it possible to use professionalisms in official documents if they are drawn up on the same specialized topic? Is there a word "designator" in Russian?

Russian language help desk response

The colloquial words of a profession are more often called professionalisms. Colloquial vocabulary in official documents is inappropriate. Word designator exists, but is not yet recorded in normative dictionaries.

Question No. 290158

Good day! Is there a mistake in the title of the "Best in Profession" competition? I think it would be better to say "The best in the profession".

Russian language help desk response

Question No. 288865

How do you spell the name of the profession "Engineer / Service Provider / Equipment"? Equipment commissioning engineer? Equipment adjuster engineer? Thanks in advance for your reply.

Russian language help desk response

Correctly write with a dash: equipment adjuster.

Question No. 288391

Please tell me the correct translation of the title "Who to be?" (in the sense of choosing a profession). Thanks.

Russian language help desk response

Unfortunately, we cannot advise you on issues related to foreign languages.

Question No. 285024

It happens sometimes: you think too much about the simplest question, and the obvious becomes hard to distinguish. I have already looked through all the punctuation guides on your site, but I could not find an answer to my question. Difficulty: how to do it correctly: Ivan is a farmer or Ivan is a farmer. And if we add By profession (Ivan is a farmer)? Ivan is a proper name. Does the rule of using a dash between the subject and the predicate, expressed noun apply to him? in Im.p.? Thank you very much, Lilia

Russian language help desk response

Punctuation depends on the structure of the sentence and the semantic connections between words. If Ivan- subject, and farmer predicate (about Ivan it is reported that he is a farmer), a dash is put between these words: Ivan is a farmer. If the word farmer acts as an application, it is separated by commas: With Ivan, a farmer, our correspondent talked about life in the village. As for the hyphen: after a person's own name, a hyphen is put only in the case of the merging of the noun being defined and the application into one complex intonational-semantic whole. A hyphen is possible in the following context, for example: Everyone knew him as Ivan the farmer.