How to open your own business: a step-by-step implementation of the idea. How to start your own business from scratch How to start your own business from what

Cafe is the most popular business format Catering. It doesn't take a multi-million dollar to start this business. costs. With a good work of the cafe, it is easy to acquire a permanent loyal clientele. You can work in one place for decades and even pass this business on by inheritance.

But in order for the cafe to bring a constant stable income, before opening it, you need to study the key points of this business. Of course, nothing can replace your real experience, but still, it is worth knowing where to start if you decide to open your cafe from scratch.

For our users, we have written a book about opening a small cafe, where we have collected only practical recommendations, examples and calculations. This is a little more than just a step-by-step guide, so we highly recommend that you read it.

What will you learn by reading our book? Before you open your cafe, you need to answer a number of questions:

  • Where will you open a cafe? Will it be a shopping center, a busy street, a residential area or a closed area such as an office center, university, enterprise?
  • Are there enough potential customers out there? How to estimate the expected attendance of your cafe?
  • How are your competitors doing? What niche in the catering market can you occupy?
  • Where to buy equipment, furniture and utensils for your cafe?
  • How to legally resolve the issue with musical accompaniment?
  • What do you need to get permission to open a cafe?

Our instruction book will tell you where to start to open your own cafe. But we did not limit ourselves only to describing the procedure for opening a cafe. You will also learn how to evaluate the restaurant's menu for profitability, what are the performance indicators of a working cafe, what should your chef do, and what area of ​​responsibility should you control yourself.

How much does it cost to open a cafe from scratch

To understand how much money you need to open a cafe, you need to decide on the format of your establishment. At the preliminary stage of assessing the location, activities of competitors, possible attendance, average check, you can already assume what daily income your cafe will bring. A good payback period for a cafe would be one year of full operation, and that's what you need to base your calculations on how much money you need to open your cafe.

All costs for opening a cafe from scratch can be divided into one-time and those that will have to be borne for the entire period of the cafe's operation. Let's collect this data in a table:

We did not indicate in the table the most important item of expenditure - for the premises, since the situation here may be different:

  • Do you already have your own cafe space?
  • Are you planning to buy a property?
  • cafe space will be rented.

Most often, the premises for a cafe are rented. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, areas where there is good attendance are often located in shopping centers, where premises can only be rented. Secondly, renting rather than buying premises reduces the cost of opening a cafe. Thirdly, despite all the preliminary calculations, the location of the cafe may turn out to be unsuccessful.

You need to rent a space for a cafe wisely. About what you need to pay attention to when concluding a lease agreement with the owner, we told in our book. Well, if the premises are yours, congratulations, your risks when opening a cafe from scratch will be much less.

In each case, the amount of expenses when opening a cafe from scratch will be different. In our book, we calculated in detail and to the smallest detail the cost of opening a summer-type cafe for 20 people. One-time costs amounted to 500 thousand rubles, plus 330 thousand rubles were fixed costs for the first month of the cafe, taking into account the lease of the premises. Total, 830 thousand rubles.

For business starters, we advise you to consider the option of a franchise in the field of catering. Opening a franchise cafe in some cases will be cheaper, due to the fact that the franchisor is interested in promoting his brand. For example, he may offer you equipment in installments, for rent, or even for free use. Of course, he will reimburse his expenses later when he receives monthly payments from you, but at the first stage, running a franchise cafe will help you start making a profit faster.

When choosing a franchise, keep in mind that the cost and income examples in the franchisor's proposal may not be entirely accurate. The franchisor is interested in selling you a franchise, so recalculate all the figures given yourself and add those costs that are not taken into account in his rosy picture.

Are you planning to start your own business? Do not forget about the current account - it will simplify doing business, paying taxes and insurance premiums. Moreover, now many banks offer profitable terms opening and maintaining a current account. You can get acquainted with the offers on our site.

How to open a cafe from scratch: a business plan

Do I need a business plan to open a cafe? If we talk about a professionally written document with formulas, graphs and marketing research, then it will be expensive. Unfortunately, even an expensive document prepared by specialists will not guarantee you the declared income figures. A business plan is just a plan; only the cost figures will be more or less accurate in it.

Nevertheless, before you open your own cafe, you must definitely calculate its revenue side. Yes, it will only be assumed, but you have to imagine what you can expect with a good organization of the cafe.

We propose to replace a professional business plan for opening a cafe with an example with calculations of expenses and revenues. You can also find such an example in our book. In this example, we calculated not only the amount of expenses, but also how many visitors should enter the cafe, what should be the average bill, and what could be the payback period of your cafe.

What documents are needed to open a cafe

What permissions are needed to open a cafe? A cafe is a public catering enterprise, and such establishments are under increased attention of supervisory authorities. Answering the question: “What does it take to open a cafe?”, we must draw your attention to the presence of certain bureaucratic barriers.

Unfortunately, the process of obtaining permits for opening a cafe can take you a lot of time. The procedure itself is not explicitly spelled out in any normative act, because approvals must be obtained in different services.

The package of documents for opening a cafe in 2020 will include:

  • coordination with the fire inspectorate;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor on the compliance of the cafe with the requirements;
  • permission to open a cafe from the local administration;
  • permission to place outdoor advertising;
  • a license to sell alcohol, if you sell it;
  • coordination with the police on the placement of a panic button.

The most difficult thing will be to get permission from Rospotrebnadzor to open a cafe, because. for this, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of several special documents (SNiP). During the issuance of the conclusion, Rospotrebnadzor will request contracts for disinfection, garbage disposal, laundry services, a technological project for connecting equipment to electricity, water, sewerage, and other documents. Next, the sanitary program will be approved production control, according to the plan of which further activities will be checked. We advise you not to conclude a lease until you know the sanitary requirements for your type of cafe. It is possible that the room you have chosen may not correspond to them at all.

It is easier to open a cafe in a room where there was already a catering point, or in mall in the format of a food court, where the administration of the shopping center will provide some assistance in obtaining permits.

You can answer what documents are needed to open a cafe in Russia in specialized law firms, which help in obtaining various kinds of licenses, approvals, permits. It is no secret that the presence of connections, knowledge of the procedure, regional features, therefore, if you have the opportunity to order such services, you should use it.

In any case, don't despair, get permits you can open a cafe on your own, especially since you only need to do it once. Look how many active catering outlets are around, they all managed to overcome these bureaucratic obstacles. You can too.

Starting a business from scratch is not as difficult as it seems. After all, there is a very clear and well-thought-out scheme, supplemented by instructions from professionals. And if you follow it, slightly adjusting to fit your realities, you can achieve success.

Statistics show that 99% of those who want to start their own business never start it. And there are quite a few reasons for this - starting from banal laziness, ending with the inability to navigate the situation.

How to start a business from scratch

The first question that needs to be solved when planning to open your own business is where to get the money for it. Experts offer a whole list of where you can get finance to develop your own business. It includes:
- own funds(this option is possible if you have start-up capital: savings, sold real estate, etc.);
- bank loan or leasing ( borrowed funds currently available at discounted rates).
- attracting investors or partners (it is not uncommon for a company of friends or relatives to open one business);
- loan from friends or relatives;
- receiving grants and subsidies from the state (valid in most cases for social species business).

It is difficult to do without money at all, but the advantage of a small business is that it does not require such investments, as it could be with a factory or other large enterprise.

To save money, at first you can do without a chic office, a leather chair and a secretary. Moreover, you can also perform some of the functions yourself. At the same time, when collecting money, remember that the main idea should not be where to get money for opening, but how you can implement your business more efficiently.

Next, you need to decide on your knowledge and experience in the field of the opened business. That is, you must be well versed in the topic of your business, otherwise you will have to hire a lot of additional employees, which at first will entail costs. There is also a problem of a psychological nature - it is difficult for someone who has worked for someone for a long time to adjust to the fact that now he himself has become the owner of the business. In this case, it is easier to adapt to those who already had at least a little entrepreneurial experience.

Such personal qualities as self-confidence, perseverance, work will help you open your own business and develop it.

Business types

To open your own business, you need to decide on the options. Today you can choose:
- start a business from scratch, developing your business idea;
- buy ready business;
- buy a franchise;
- network marketing.

Business from scratch involves the existence of its own business project. It can be compiled independently by analyzing the facts, using statistics, etc. Alternatively, you can involve experts in the preparation of a business plan. A business plan must have a highlight that will distinguish your project from other similar ones and make it unique. You also need to explain what the value of your proposal is, how it will be better than others.

Today, ready-made businesses are often sold. Buying one is not so difficult, the main thing is that there is enough money. It remains only to actively engage in the development of the project, which will already have all the necessary base.

Direct marketing can also be quite lucrative. If you have certain character traits, the case may burn out.

To open own business you will need a lot of strength and patience. The main thing is not to give up in difficult moments, which are sure to be. And everything will work out.

Imagine the situation: it’s 2018, you are looking at a pay slip, and ideas are swarming in your head to improve your own well-being. And not for the first time, the idea of ​​starting a business from scratch, without any investment, appears. A familiar picture? Then read the tips and brief instructions on how to open your own business if there is no money.

Is there a business without investments?

Today it is easy to find information on how to start a business from scratch without initial capital, but numerous examples of commercial success rarely show the whole truth about the first steps of entrepreneurs. Actually, successful business there is absolutely no investment. For success, you still need to invest something: money, time, knowledge, labor ...

When we talk about a business from scratch, we usually mean starting a business without start-up capital. Undoubtedly, you can start the path to commercial success with minimal financial costs. But in any case, from start to takeoff, the business will require significant investments, although not always material ones.

First steps to success

Achieving success requires a clear plan of action and efforts to implement it. Therefore, you need to start your business not from scratch, and not even from a plan of action, but from careful consideration of a still hypothetical business.

To get started, make two lists:

  1. List of your strengths that could be used in business, that is, your knowledge, skills, experience, abilities.
  2. A list of ideas for starting your own business, in which you could apply the opportunities from the first list.
  • Your abilities. How well do you have the skills and knowledge that will be required for the business? For example, you know how to cut hair and could earn money with it, but complex hairstyles are not yet given to you and you need a little.
  • expected competition. Evaluate in terms of ease of entry into the business: 10 points - no competitors, 0 points - almost no chance, the market is already saturated with similar offers.
  • Potential demand. How much such services or goods are in demand, will it be easy to find customers?
  • How much do you like this line of work? Would you do this kind of work even if no one paid for it?

If the total score is less than 25 or some question did not score 3 points, then it is better to leave this business idea and move on to another one. If the score is good, then we move on to further testing the idea. Answer "yes" or "no" to the following questions:

  • Do you have any advantage over your competitors?
  • Who could be your potential client?
  • Are you sure that the chosen business will be in demand in the future?
  • Can you imagine where and how you will advertise your activities, look for new customers?
  • Do you have the necessary premises, equipment, tools for work (or the opportunity to purchase or rent them)?
  • Do you have enough resources to do this business: free time, physical health, necessary working capital?
  • Can you start this business without borrowing money?

If you answered yes to all these questions, then the chosen business idea has a chance of becoming successful. However, think about what can prevent you from doing your chosen business? Consider possible situations: change of job, moving to another area, having children, etc. Also evaluate the negative character traits: it is better to immediately take into account everything on which the success or failure of the enterprise may depend.

In addition, clearly define for yourself the amount of loss that you are able to endure in case of failure. Even if you have created a business from scratch, without start-up capital, this does not mean that there is no further investment. We are not talking about wasted time or wasted effort - after all, this is an important experience. Determine for yourself the amount of financial loss that will not knock you out of your life rut if the business fails. It's better to think about running financial statements, which in some tax regimes can be time-consuming. It is important to decide here whether you will keep all the accounting documentation or contact a specialized one. Before you make your final decision, take a close look at bookkeeping services.

We draw up a business plan

When starting a business, it is important to write a business plan. Without necessary knowledge this is difficult, but it is important to make at least a sketch of the plan: this way you can better assess the prospects of the project. For this you need:

  • Clearly describe the essence of your business, describe services, products, goods;
  • Designate the target audience
  • Determine the list of things and the to-do list needed to start your business from scratch and develop it;
  • Calculate initial costs;
  • Estimate the volume of current Money to support the business (materials, rent, advertising, taxes, etc.);
  • Determine the desired profit and the amount of work necessary to achieve it;
  • Think over a strategy for advertising your business;

Perhaps the calculations made at this stage will show the inappropriateness of the chosen business idea. But do not despair, because it is easy to make a mistake when drawing up a business plan. A specialist invited to help will point out the mistakes you have made and tell you how to make the business profitable, if possible.

Five tips on how to start a business from scratch without initial capital

Now for some helpful tips.

1. Don't Plan Big Projects

Your own shop, restaurant or online printing salon requires a rather large start-up capital and constant investments. How to open such a business if there is no money? Just don't consider those options. You can do translation, tutoring, dropshipping or website development with almost no money.

2. Don't borrow money

Many people think that it is easier to open a business with money, although this is not the case. An important rule: the more investment, the a large amount you lose if you fail. Borrowing money or taking out a loan to start a business without experience is a bad idea. You can achieve success without initial investment, but the risks are incomparably lower.

3. Use the circle of your family and friends

4. Consider warranties

What will you do if a customer is dissatisfied? Think in advance about such situations and decide what you can offer in return to retain your target audience.

5. Leave time for yourself

Whatever business you decide to open from scratch, at first you will devote all your time and energy to it. However, do not forget that a person needs rest. Accumulated fatigue, lack of sleep, worries will reduce both work efficiency and satisfaction with the result, and over time, they can even lead to the fact that you abandon the work you have begun. Therefore, find time for a good rest and success in your business!

For small business news, we launched a special channel in Telegram and groups in

Many people want to open a store, but aspiring entrepreneurs do not always understand where to start and how to approach organizing a business. We hope our instructions are helpful.

How to open your store? What needs to be considered in order for the store to start making a profit? How to make your store popular? You will find answers to these and many other questions in this article.

It seems that opening a store is very simple, however, this is a common misconception that 99% of new entrepreneurs face. Immediately, after deciding to open a store, you will probably have a lot of questions that are not always easy to find the answer to. But by answering them, you will bring your business closer to success and protect it from troubles that can happen both at the very start and already in adulthood.

Below we will present you with a list of questions, and a brief annotation for each of them, which you must answer for yourself before starting a business.

1. Selecting a product for sale in the store

The most important question that every future businessman faces is: what will we sell? What to sell in your store is up to you. It depends on your region, city.

The needs of the population, from your personal preferences, in the end. After you decide on the product, answer the following questions: will the product you are going to sell be in demand? Who are your competitors? How will your product differ from your competitor's? It does not fit to answer these questions: what size will the store be? Will it be one store or a whole network? What will be the form of trading? Where will the store be located?

2. Identification of potential buyers

After choosing an idea, you need to answer the question of who your potential customers are, describe them for yourself. Draw a portrait of the average buyer. Why will they shop at your store? Chat with potential customers, residents of nearby houses, businesses, ask them which store they lack, what goods. Find out what most of the people in the neighborhood do.

3. Product range

The next step in our step by step instructions- range. What assortment of goods will be on your shelves? What product range do competitors offer? What is in demand and what is not?

The range certainly matters to buyers, as there are as many tastes as there are people, as the famous proverb says. But do not take it literally and buy hundreds of different types of sausages, cheeses, etc. you need to make a list of the 3-5 most popular varieties of products that you are going to sell and present them at the initial stage. As you work, keep a record of the product that sells best and thereby remove poorly selling varieties from the assortment.

4. Financial calculations

Try to draw up a business plan, taking into account all the nuances, since most of your costs will be associated with unforeseen expenses. Experts advise to do this: draw up a business plan, with all expenses, and then multiply the amount received by two. Now look at the number and answer, do you have enough funds to open a store?

5. Legal aspects

Probably the most problematic part in the organization of each business is the registration and registration of the company. In addition to wasting time, effort and money on registration, you still have to wait quite a long time for all the paperwork to be completed.

Keep this in mind when starting your own business. Answer a number of the following questions for yourself: how many founders your company will have, decide on the name of the company (shop), what taxation system you will choose, etc. You will find answers to all these questions on our portal, or you can ask for a business -forum.

In addition, it is necessary to register in off-budget funds, such as: pension, medical, fund social insurance, and also you will need to open current accounts in any bank and make a seal. When opening a store, a number of difficulties arise, compared with other types of activities. For example, your store sign is considered a billboard and requires a permit.

To do this, you must submit an application. Registration card, copies of certificates of opening a company, which must first be certified by a notary, as well as a sketch of the sign that you plan to place, color photographs of the store or the place where it will be placed along with the sign, etc.

In addition, you need to obtain the conclusion of the State Fire Inspection and the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor. Do not forget about the permission for cash registers.

6. Store name

The name of the store matters a lot. What is the name of your store? Ask strangers to pronounce it and ask what associations it evokes in them. Read the article on the do's and don'ts.

7. Choosing a location

The location of the store depends on its attendance and income. If you choose a place with low traffic, then you will have one or two customers and counted. Shops work best near residential, high-rise buildings, near bus stops and metro stations, i.е. anywhere where there is a large concentration of people.

8. Store design

Even before you start building a store, or are going to rent a room for it, you need to draw up a plan for the design of the store, its interior. This can be done by standard means, using paper and pencils. And you can use modern technology computers and specialized programs. Designers need to set specific tasks. Think about how the store should look like, how the windows should be located in it. Feel like a buyer. Consider not only the internal design, but also the external one. Including signage and outdoor advertising.

9. Search for premises for a store

After you have roughly decided on the design of the room, with its structure, you should start looking for such a room for rent, or build it yourself. Remember that it is desirable for you to have a service entrance through which you will bring the brought goods into the store and trucks will drive up. It is also desirable to have a parking lot and a well-groomed space around the store.

10. Store equipment

Equally important for shops is retail store equipment. Now there is a lot of specialized and relatively inexpensive and high-quality equipment on the market, so there will be no problems with the acquisition. You just have to choose the equipment in accordance with the specifics of your store and taking into account the design of the room.

11. Suppliers of goods

The quality of the goods in your store depends on the suppliers. Their choice must be approached especially responsibly. If you already have several suppliers in mind, answer the questions: why did you choose this particular supplier? Why is he better than the rest? How reliable?

12. Logistics and goods accounting system

After choosing a supplier, you need to agree on a schedule for the delivery of goods. The goods that you will transport can be insured just in case. This is especially true if the transportation of goods is carried out from distant cities and takes a long time. Always keep a record of stock that is about to run out and restock.

13. Interior design and display of goods

Are you familiar with the rules of merchandising? Do you know what science is? If not, then go ahead to read books and attend trainings. Or send your staff there. They will need it more than you. Take care of that. So that promotional products do not cover the product. Place the most purchased product closer to the buyers.

14. Recruitment for the store

Among other factors, staff determines whether customers will return to the store in the future or not, and this directly affects your bottom line. Do not hire people through acquaintances and from the street. Choose professional sellers who are friendly and welcoming. To track the quality of the work of sellers, you can use the mystery shopper service.

15. Personnel training

If more than one salesperson works in your store, it is advisable to conduct training, tell them the basics of trading in your store, attitude towards customers and other wishes. It sounds strange, but given the kind of sellers we meet in our stores, this is more than important. You need to make salespeople not just employees, but form a real team. How to do it right, read the management section.

16. Store advertisement

Do you remember that advertising is the engine of trade!? Think about how you will attract visitors to your store, what advertising methods to use? Is it appropriate for you to hold promotions or sales? When choosing a store advertising, first of all, you need to take into account its specifics. And do not forget about the budget - expensive advertising does not mean effective!

Looking for an answer to the question of how to start your own business from scratch? Read our practical recommendations and be financially independent.

Many people are dissatisfied with their work, bosses, working conditions, salary.

And now those who want cardinal changes in their lives, over time, begin to ask themselves in search of an answer to the question: how to start a business from scratch.

But not everyone can realize this idea.

Someone lacks desire, someone lacks knowledge and support, and someone, corny, start-up capital.

But still, it is so important that thoughts about starting your own business remain not just dreams, but begin to turn into concrete actions.

Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our recommendations that will help you deal with this issue.

How to start a business from scratch and what is the situation in the business?

First of all, it is worth saying a few words about the situation that has developed in the field of small business and individual entrepreneurship.

  • personal funds and savings;
  • credit;
  • investors.

The most optimal source of start-up capital is own funds and savings.

If at the moment there is extra money and the whole organization of the future business has already been thought out, then you can start implementing the idea at any desired time.

If these are not, then they will have to be earned.

There are two options here - sell unnecessary property or earn money and accumulate it.

Therefore, in this matter, you need to rely on your patience, because it will take some time to receive the required amount.

If we talk about credit, then it will always be associated with risks, especially for beginners.

Features of the loan are as follows:

  • registration of liquid collateral (real estate, car);
  • it is necessary to hire an expert who can evaluate the collateral;
  • making insurance payments;
  • monthly pay the body and interest of the loan;
  • if the case “burns out”, you can lose the property that was pledged.

Based on the above, a loan is not just a return of the funds taken and interest, but also a strong emotional burden on a novice businessman.

And this is not the most The best way receiving funds for beginners who decided to start their own business from scratch.

The third option for obtaining start-up capital involves the search for investors.

In order to reach them, you need to look for intermediaries who are engaged in start-ups, and specifically, crowdfunding.

To do this, you must put together a compelling business plan and be willing to share your earnings with your investor.

Several practical advice for everyone who wants to start their own business from scratch:

    If at the moment there is no starting capital, as well as a desire to take funds on credit, then it is better to earn them, but there is a desire to start a business from scratch, we suggest you get a job related to your planned business.

    Firstly, you will receive a reward from which you can save the amount you need, and secondly, you will get to know the “kitchen” from the inside.

    If your business is not particularly tied to the office, then save on it.

    Business meetings can be held on neutral territory - restaurants, rented meeting rooms.

  1. Promote your business on the Internet, namely in social networks.
  2. Do not neglect the detailed preparation of a business plan.

    This is the foundation of the business, and the slightest mistake can cost the entire amount of capital.

    It's better to factor in large expenses or include an item with unexpected costs.

    When drawing up a business plan, many advise starting with a profit calculation.

    Thus, you can immediately determine the scope of the business.

    To start your business from scratch, use your connections.

    Firstly, it will help promote your business, and secondly, perhaps in this way you will find future partners.

  3. Calculate several forecasts at once: profit, break-even and losses.

So, if you're thinking, how to start a business from scratch, you must understand that this is not an easy job that can be done in the shortest possible time.

In addition to a great desire, you must have patience, because it will take time to receive start-up capital for starting a business, as well as the profit itself.

Communicate with people, study the basics of economics, follow the law, and you will succeed.

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