Economist on payroll duties. Job description of a labor economist. Job Responsibilities of a Labor Economist

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For successful employment, it is desirable to have a specialized education, as well as to have necessary qualities and work skills. First of all, you need to carefully study the requirements of employers in the chosen specialty, then start writing a resume.

You should not send your resume to all companies at the same time. Choose suitable vacancies, focusing on your qualifications and work experience. We list the most significant skills for employers that you need to successfully work as a labor economist in Moscow:

Top 7 Key Skills You Need to Get a Job

Also quite often in vacancies there are the following requirements: 1C: Salary and personnel management, time-bonus wages and staffing.

When preparing for an interview, use this information as a checklist. This will help you not only to please the recruiter, but also to get the desired job!

Analysis of vacancies in Moscow

According to the results of the analysis of vacancies published on our website, the indicated starting salary, on average, is - 56,235. The average maximum income level (specified "salary to") is 71,643. Keep in mind that these figures are statistics. The actual salary during employment can vary greatly depending on many factors:
  • Your previous work experience, education
  • Type of employment, work schedule
  • Company size, industry, brand, etc.

Salary depending on the experience of the applicant

Labor Economist - Job Description a specialist of this profile contains mandatory labor functions and rights assigned to the employee. What other points are covered in job description of a labor economist, will be discussed in the article.

How to write a sample job description

In a company where management decided to draw up job descriptions for each staff unit, an employee responsible for this work is assigned. He is responsible for developing a sample job description, which will subsequently be signed by each employee who comes to the company for a specific position.

Typically, job descriptions include the following sections:

  • general provisions,
  • official duties,
  • the rights,
  • responsibility.

Function of the labor economist

In medium and large companies, where several tens or even thousands of people work in the state, there is a need to optimize the organization of labor. There should be a manager who plans the staffing in such a way that each employee works in his own direction and at the same time the labor functions of the staff are not duplicated. This is what the labor economist does at his workplace.

But it is not only the development of the staff structure, but also the development of a salary policy at the enterprise. One of the ways to improve production efficiency is to encourage employees to increase their productivity. This can be achieved by choosing suitable system remuneration and development of an efficient and transparent bonus system. The labor economist works on all these questions. In addition, he systematizes information in databases on labor and wages, analyzes it, compiles reports on it, and draws conclusions about the need to reorganize the state.

Don't know your rights?

General provisions of the instruction

This section sets out General characteristics the position of a labor economist and the requirements that apply to it. Since there is such a position in Qualification Handbook positions of managers, specialists and other employees, then the requirements for the qualifications of an employee can be taken from there.

In the directory there is a division of the position into 3 categories. Employees applying for a job in any of the categories below must have a higher professional education (it is assumed that it will be economic). But the requirements for work experience are different.

  • A category I labor economist must have worked at least 3 years as a category II labor economist.
  • A labor economist of category II must have worked for at least 3 years as a labor economist or in any other engineering and technical position.
  • A labor economist may not have work experience, having higher education. But if he has only a secondary vocational education, then his experience must be at least 5 years in any other similar position or at least 3 years in the position of a labor technician.

The section itself General provisions" may consist of the following items:

  • Job Title: Labor Economist.
  • The order of subordination (who needs to report, who makes the decision on hiring and dismissal).
  • Qualification requirements.
  • Knowledge that an employee must have.

Job Responsibilities

This section focuses on what a labor economist is required to do after employment as part of the performance of his/her job. labor function. He is usually charged with:

  • improve the organization of work in the company;
  • choose and propose to the management for approval the remuneration system, bonus scheme and other methods of stimulating employees;
  • develop plans to increase productivity;
  • develop staffing, determine the optimal number of employees;
  • calculate payroll;
  • submit for approval by management proposals to reduce staff turnover and strengthen labor discipline;
  • ensure that job titles are correct;
  • analyze performance and salary indicators;
  • maintain a database on labor and wages;
  • participate in the development of a collective agreement and other local acts within their competence.

This list of job responsibilities can be expanded or adjusted depending on the field of activity of the company for which the job description of a labor economist.

Labor economist's rights

For the effective performance of his duties in the workplace, the labor economist is endowed with rights, which are fixed in this section of the instruction. So, the employee has the right:

  • submit proposals on issues within its competence for consideration and approval by the management;
  • make inquiries and receive information from company employees, including heads of structural divisions;
  • involve employees of any department in resolving the issue in the performance of their duties;
  • contact management for assistance in the performance of their labor function.

The responsibility of the labor economist

This section of the instruction includes a listing of the types of responsibility that may apply to a labor economist. For example, an employee may be attracted to:

  • to disciplinary liability for non-compliance or improper execution their job responsibilities;
  • to administrative or criminal liability for the commission of relevant misconduct;
  • to liability for damages within the limits established by civil and labor legislation.

An employee, getting acquainted with the job description, receives only general information about responsibility. You can get acquainted with specific measures to prevent violations from the relevant legislation.

Thanks to the job description, the labor economist knows what duties he must perform as part of his functioning and what rights he can enjoy in doing so. The specifics of working in this position involves close interaction with employees from other departments, so it is so important to prescribe in the rights of a labor economist the ability to access the required information in the form of submitting requests and involving employees in solving specific problems.

And here it is necessary to pay special attention to the exclusion of duplication of duties with other employees. For example, a labor economist develops a bonus system, but an accountant is responsible for using this system when calculating bonuses. The labor economist, in turn, collects and analyzes data on bonuses paid.

A correctly drafted job description helps to increase the productivity of an employee, which meets the goals of the labor economist.

Qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees
(approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 N 37)

labor economist

Job Responsibilities. Carries out work to improve the organization of labor, forms and systems of wages, material and moral incentives. Develops draft long-term and annual plans for labor and wages enterprise and its divisions, plans to increase labor productivity and improve its organization. Calculates wage funds and the number of employees, taking into account the need for the most rational use of labor resources, ensuring the correct ratio of employees by categories of personnel and qualification categories, participates in determining the need for workers and employees, planning the training of qualified personnel, brings planned indicators to the company's divisions. Examines the effectiveness of the application of existing forms and systems of wages, material and moral incentives, prepares proposals for their improvement. Develops a distribution mechanism additional income obtained as a result of labor productivity growth, product quality improvement, reduction production costs, as well as the lease of premises and property, from the placement Money into securities. Develops provisions on bonuses for workers and employees, conditions for material incentives for multi-machine maintenance, combining professions and positions, increasing service areas and the volume of work performed in order to improve the use of equipment and reduce labor costs. Participates in planning social development the staff of the enterprise, in the development and implementation of measures to strengthen labor discipline, reduce staff turnover, strengthen control over the use of working time and compliance with internal labor regulations. Makes up staffing tables in accordance with the approved management structure, salary schemes, payroll funds and current standards, introduces changes to them due to the emergence of new types of activities (positions) inherent in a market economy. Determines the amount of premiums based on the provisions in force. Carries out control over the observance of staff discipline, the expenditure of the payroll fund, the correctness of establishing the names of professions and positions, the application of tariff rates and prices, official salaries, additional payments, allowances and coefficients to wages, the tariffing of work and the establishment in accordance with tariff and qualification reference books categories of workers and categories of specialists, as well as compliance with the regimes of work and rest, labor legislation. Participates in the preparation of the draft collective agreement and controls the fulfillment of the obligations assumed. Keeps records of indicators on labor and wages, analyzes them and draws up the established reporting. Performs work on the formation, maintenance and storage of a database on labor and wages, number of employees, makes changes to reference and regulatory information used in data processing. Participates in the formulation of the economic statement of problems or their individual stages, solved with the help of computer technology, determines the possibility of using finished projects, algorithms and application packages that allow you to create economically sound systems for processing information on labor and wages.

Must know: resolutions, orders, orders, other guidance, methodological and regulatory materials on the organization of labor and wages; labor economics; economics and organization of production; the procedure for developing long-term and annual plans for labor and wages, labor productivity, social development of the team, estimates for the use of economic incentive funds; forms and systems of wages and material incentives; methods for determining the number of employees; tariff-qualification reference books of works and professions of workers and qualification characteristics positions of employees; the procedure for rating works and workers and the establishment of official salaries, additional payments, allowances and coefficients to wages, the calculation of bonuses; methods of accounting and analysis of indicators on labor and wages; basics of production technology; the possibility of using computer technology for the implementation of calculations and accounting for indicators of labor and wages, the rules for its operation; labor legislation; labor protection rules and regulations.

Qualification requirements.
Labor economist of the 1st category: higher professional (economic) education and work experience as a labor economist of the 2nd category for at least 3 years.
Labor economist II category: higher professional (economic) education and work experience in the position of a labor economist or other engineering and technical positions filled by specialists with higher vocational education, not less than 3 years.
Labor economist: higher professional (economic) education without requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education and at least 3 years of work experience as a labor technician of category I or other positions filled by specialists with secondary vocational education for at least 5 years.

I. General provisions

1. The labor economist belongs to the category of specialists.

2. For the position:

A labor economist is appointed a person who has a higher professional (economic) education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education and work experience in the position of a labor technician of category I for at least 3 years or other positions occupied by specialists with secondary vocational education, at least 5 years;

Category II labor economist - a person with a higher professional (economic) education and work experience in the position of a labor economist or other engineering and technical positions filled by specialists with higher professional education for at least 3 years;

Category I labor economist - a person who has a higher professional (economic) education and at least 3 years of work experience as a labor economist of category II.

3. Appointment to the position of a labor economist and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the director of the organization on the proposal of the head of the organization and remuneration department.

4. The labor economist must know:

4.1. Decrees, orders, orders, other guidance, methodological and normative materials on the organization of labor and wages.

4.2. Labor economics.

4.3. Economics and organization of production.

4.4. The procedure for developing long-term and annual plans for labor and wages, labor productivity, social development of the team, estimates for the use of economic incentive funds.

4.5. Forms and systems of wages and material incentives.

4.6. Methods for determining the number of employees.

4.7. Tariff-qualification reference books of works and professions of workers and qualification characteristics of positions of employees.

4.8. The procedure for rating works and workers and the establishment of official salaries, additional payments, allowances and coefficients to wages, the calculation of bonuses.

4.9. Methods of accounting and analysis of indicators on labor and wages.

4.10. Fundamentals of production technology.

4.11. Possibilities of using computer technology for the implementation of calculations and accounting for indicators of labor and wages, the rules for its operation.

4.12. Labor legislation.

4.13. Internal labor regulations.

4.14. Rules and norms of labor protection.

6. The labor economist reports directly to the head of the organization and remuneration department.

7. During the absence of an economist for work (vacation, illness, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the director of the enterprise, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job Responsibilities

Labor economist:

1. Carries out work to improve the organization of labor. Forms and systems of wages, material and moral incentives.

2. Develops draft long-term and annual plans for labor and wages of the enterprise and its divisions, plans to increase labor productivity and improve its organization.

3. Calculates the wage funds and the number of employees, taking into account the need for the most rational use of labor resources, ensuring the correct ratio of employees by categories of personnel and qualification categories, participates in determining the need for workers and employees, planning the training of qualified personnel, brings planned indicators to the enterprise departments.

4. Examines the effectiveness of the application of existing forms and systems of wages, material and moral incentives, prepares proposals for their improvement.

5. Develops a mechanism for distributing additional income received as a result of increasing labor productivity, improving product quality, reducing production costs, as well as leasing premises and property, from placing funds in securities.

6. Develops provisions on bonuses for workers and employees, conditions for material incentives for multi-machine maintenance, combining professions and positions, increasing service areas and the volume of work performed in order to improve the use of equipment and reduce labor costs.

7. Participates in the preparation of plans for the social development of the company's staff, in the development and implementation of measures to strengthen labor discipline, reduce staff turnover, strengthen control over the use of working time and compliance with internal labor regulations.

8. Draws up staffing tables in accordance with the approved management structure, salary schemes, payroll funds and current regulations, makes changes to them due to the emergence of new types of activities (positions) inherent in a market economy.

9. Determines the amount of premiums based on the provisions in force.

10. Controls:

10.1. For observance of regular discipline, spending the payroll.

10.2. For the correct establishment of the names of professions and positions, the application of tariff rates and prices, official salaries, additional payments, allowances and coefficients to wages.

10.3. For the tariffing of works and the establishment in accordance with the tariff-qualification reference books of categories for workers and categories of specialists.

10.4. For observance of work and rest regimes, labor legislation.

11. Participates in the preparation of the draft collective agreement and controls the fulfillment of the obligations assumed.

12. Keeps records of indicators on labor and wages, analyzes them and draws up the established reporting.

13. Performs work on the formation, maintenance and storage of a database on labor and wages, the number of employees, makes changes to reference and regulatory information used in data processing.

14. Participates in the formulation of the economic formulation of tasks or their individual stages, solved with the help of computer technology, determines the possibility of using ready-made projects, algorithms and application packages that allow you to create economically sound systems for processing information on labor and wages.

15. Performs individual office work of the head of the department of organization and remuneration.

III. The rights

The labor economist has the right to:

1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise regarding its activities.

2. On issues within his competence, submit proposals to the head of the organization and remuneration department for improving the activities of the enterprise and improving the forms and methods of work; options for eliminating the shortcomings in the activities of the enterprise.

3. Request personally or on behalf of the management of the enterprise from the heads of departments and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.

4. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural units in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the provisions on structural divisions if not, then with the permission of the head of the organization).

5. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their official rights and duties.

IV. Responsibility

The labor economist is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

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labor economist
(.doc, 90KB)

I. General provisions

  1. The labor economist belongs to the category of specialists.
  2. For the position:
    • a labor economist is appointed a person who has a higher professional (economic) education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education and work experience in the position of a labor technician of category I for at least 3 years or other positions occupied by specialists with secondary vocational education, at least 5 years;
    • category II labor economist - a person with a higher professional (economic) education and at least 3 years of work experience as a labor economist or other engineering and technical positions filled by specialists with higher professional education;
    • labor economist of the 1st category - a person who has a higher professional (economic) education and at least 3 years of experience in the position of a labor economist of the 2nd category.
  3. Appointment to the position of a labor economist and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the director of the organization on the proposal of the head of the organization and remuneration department.
  4. The labor economist should know:
    1. 4.1. Decrees, orders, orders, other guidance, methodological and normative materials on the organization of labor and wages.
    2. 4.2. Labor economics.
    3. 4.3. Economics and organization of production.
    4. 4.4. The procedure for developing long-term and annual plans for labor and wages, labor productivity, social development of the team, estimates for the use of economic incentive funds.
    5. 4.5. Forms and systems of wages and material incentives.
    6. 4.6. Methods for determining the number of employees.
    7. 4.7. Tariff-qualification reference books of works and professions of workers and qualification characteristics of positions of employees.
    8. 4.8. The procedure for rating works and workers and the establishment of official salaries, additional payments, allowances and coefficients to wages, the calculation of bonuses.
    9. 4.9. Methods of accounting and analysis of indicators on labor and wages.
    10. 4.10. Fundamentals of production technology.
    11. 4.11. Possibilities of using computer technology for the implementation of calculations and accounting for indicators of labor and wages, the rules for its operation.
    12. 4.12. Labor legislation.
    13. 4.13. Internal labor regulations.
    14. 4.14. Rules and norms of labor protection.
  5. The labor economist in his work is guided by:
    1. 5.1. Regulations on the department of organization and remuneration.
    2. 5.2. This job description.
  6. The labor economist reports directly to the head of the organization and remuneration department.
  7. During the absence of an economist for work (vacation, illness, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the director of the enterprise, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job Responsibilities

Labor economist:

  1. Carries out work to improve the organization of work. Forms and systems of wages, material and moral incentives.
  2. Develops draft long-term and annual plans for labor and wages of the enterprise and its divisions, plans to increase labor productivity and improve its organization.
  3. Calculates wage funds and the number of employees, taking into account the need for the most rational use of labor resources, ensuring the correct ratio of employees by categories of personnel and qualification categories, participates in determining the need for workers and employees, planning the training of qualified personnel, brings planned indicators to the company's divisions.
  4. Examines the effectiveness of the application of existing forms and systems of wages, material and moral incentives, prepares proposals for their improvement.
  5. Develops a mechanism for distributing additional income received as a result of increasing labor productivity, improving product quality, reducing production costs, as well as leasing premises and property from the placement of funds in securities.
  6. Develops provisions on bonuses for workers and employees, conditions for material incentives for multi-machine maintenance, combining professions and positions, increasing service areas and the volume of work performed in order to improve the use of equipment and reduce labor costs.
  7. Participates in the preparation of plans for the social development of the company's staff, in the development and implementation of measures to strengthen labor discipline, reduce staff turnover, strengthen control over the use of working time and compliance with internal labor regulations.
  8. Draws up staffing tables in accordance with the approved management structure, salary schemes, payroll funds and current regulations, makes changes to them due to the emergence of new types of activities (positions) inherent in a market economy.
  9. Determines the amount of premiums based on the provisions in force.
  10. Controls:
    1. 10.1. For observance of regular discipline, spending the payroll.
    2. 10.2. For the correct establishment of the names of professions and positions, the application of tariff rates and prices, official salaries, additional payments, allowances and coefficients to wages.
    3. 10.3. For the tariffing of works and the establishment in accordance with the tariff-qualification reference books of categories for workers and categories of specialists.
    4. 10.4. For observance of work and rest regimes, labor legislation.
  11. Participates in the preparation of the draft collective agreement and controls the fulfillment of the obligations assumed.
  12. Keeps records of indicators on labor and wages, analyzes them and draws up the established reporting.
  13. Performs work on the formation, maintenance and storage of a database on labor and wages, the number of employees, makes changes to reference and regulatory information used in data processing.
  14. Participates in the formulation of the economic statement of problems or their individual stages, solved with the help of computer technology, determines the possibility of using ready-made projects, algorithms and application packages that allow you to create economically sound systems for processing information on labor and wages.
  15. Performs separate office head of the department of organization and remuneration.

III. The rights

The labor economist has the right to:

  1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise regarding its activities.
  2. On issues within its competence, submit proposals to the head of the organization and remuneration department for improving the activities of the enterprise and improving the forms and methods of labor; options for eliminating the shortcomings in the activities of the enterprise.
  3. Request personally or on behalf of the management of the enterprise from the heads of departments and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.
  4. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of the head of the organization).
  5. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their official rights and duties.

IV. Responsibility

The labor economist is responsible for:

  1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.