Indicators of the composition of the number and movement of employees of the enterprise. List of sources used

All employees of the company are divided into two categories:

- industrial production personnel engaged in production and its maintenance;

- personnel of non-industrial organizations (employees of housing and communal services, children's and medical institutions belonging to the enterprise.

All employed at the enterprise are subdivided into categories: workers, specialists, employees, for which a classifier of professions and positions has been created.

TO workers includes persons directly involved in the process of creating material values, as well as engaged in repairs, movement of goods, provision of material services, etc.

Leaders- these are employees holding the positions of managers of enterprises and their structural divisions.

TO specialists includes workers engaged in engineering and technical economic and other work, in particular, administrators, accountants, dispatchers, engineers, inspectors, mathematicians, economists, legal advisers, etc.

The employees of the enterprise are distributed according to professions, specialties and qualifications.

Profession characterized by a set of theoretical knowledge and practical skills required to perform a specific job.

Speciality Is a further division of labor within the professions.

Qualification depends on the level of special knowledge and practical skills of the employee and characterizes the degree of complexity of the performed or this particular type of work.

In the practice of personnel accounting, there are payroll, average and safe.

V payroll all employees hired for permanent, seasonal and temporary work, for a period of one day or more, from the date of their enrollment are included.

It takes into account each calendar day both those who actually work and those who are absent from work for any reason.

Average headcount employees for the reporting month is determined by summing up the number of employees on the payroll for each calendar day of the reporting month, including holidays (non-working) and days off, and dividing the amount received by the number of calendar days of the reporting month.

Explicit number Is the number of payroll employees who went to work. The difference between the actual number and the number of actually employed makes it possible to determine the number of persons who are in full-day downtime (vacations, illness, business trips, etc.).

Accounting for the number of employees makes it possible to find out their distribution in different parts of the enterprise, as well as changes in this distribution.

Structure personnel of enterprises, structural units is characterized by the ratio of various categories of workers to their total number. The structure of personnel is determined and analyzed for each department, and can also be considered according to such criteria as age, gender, education level, work experience, qualifications, degree of compliance with norms, etc.

An important group of indicators that characterize the workforce are indicators of its movement.

Frame movement is designed to balance the needs of production in relation to the replacement of vacant jobs and the need for labor of appropriate quality, for promotion, etc.

TO outward movement personnel include: turnover on admission; dismissal turnover; staff turnover rate. Internal the movement of personnel is characterized by: interdepartmental movement; interprofessional mobility; qualification movement and the transfer of workers to other categories.

Total turnover ratio (NS) is determined by the ratio of the sum of (P) and laid off (CHU) to the average (H S) number of workers or employees:

Partial turnover ratios are measured, respectively, by the ratio of the number of To OP) or the number of dismissed (turnover on dismissal - TO OU) for a certain period to the average number of employees.

Turnover rate is defined as the ratio of the lesser (from the number of dismissed or hired) to the average number of employees.

Staff turnover characterized by the number of workers who voluntarily quit (H USZH) or dismissed for absenteeism and other violations of labor discipline (CH UPN).

Coefficients characterizing the level of turnover in individual departments or groups of workers are called partial turnover rates... The methodology for calculating the partial turnover rates is similar to the calculation of the total indicator (but only for this unit).

The ratio of the private coefficient of turnover to the total for the enterprise is called coefficient of intensity of fluidity:

To characterize the sustainability of personnel at the enterprise, indicators are used: constancy and stability of personnel.

Constancy coefficient personnel is determined by the ratio of the number of persons who were on the payroll of the enterprise during the entire calendar year to the average number of employees.

The staff stability coefficient is calculated as the proportion of workers with five or more years of work experience in the total number of workers.

The intra-firm turnover ratio is defined as the ratio of the number of workers who took part in the movement within the firm, regardless of the number of changes in their positions, to the average headcount.

Enterprise personnel planning.

An important basis for workforce planning is data on available and planned jobs for the future, a plan of organizational measures, as well as a staffing table and a plan for filling vacancies.

The totality of all positions in the enterprise included in staffing table , shows how many workers of different qualifications are needed to complete production tasks. Thus, it indicates the overall need of the enterprise for labor. In fact, the need for labor shows how many workers and what qualifications must be attracted from the internal or external labor market.

In the interest of a flexible staffing policy, the planning of staffing requirements should also take into account the possibilities of replacements and transfers. Analyzing data related to jobs allows you to better compare jobs against their job requirements and helps you make the most of your workforce. When determining the need for personnel, it is recommended to involve the heads of this unit, as well as employees in relation to whom decisions are made.

The task of planning staff recruitment is the satisfaction in the future of the need for personnel at the expense of internal and external sources (Fig. 10.1).

Rice. 10.1. Sources of personnel attraction.

The choice of the option should be carried out according to criteria reflecting the social and economic efficiency of the decisions made. It is important to take into account the preservation of the personnel structure with the simultaneous inflow of new ideas; the significance of the costs associated with attracting labor in relation to the result; preservation of the psychological climate in the team; fulfillment of personal hopes of workers, etc.

3 .Determination of the number of pieceworkers.

The initial data for determining the required number of workers are: the production program for the planned period of time; time rates, production rates; labor intensity of the production program; organizational and technical measures to reduce the complexity of the program; reporting (calculated) data on the rate of implementation of standards; balance of working hours of one worker and some other documents.

Working time balance one worker sets the average number of hours that the worker must work during the planned period.

When calculating the average number of working days of a worker, there are three types of funds for working time: calendar, nominal and effective (real).

Working time calendar fund is equal to the number of calendar days of the planning period.

Nominal working time fund is equal to the number of working days that can be maximally used during the planning period. It is equal to the calendar day minus non-working days. In continuous production, absenteeism according to the shift schedule is also excluded.

Effective fund of working time is the average number of working days useful during the planning period. This fund, due to the absence of some workers to work, is usually less than the nominal fund.

The calculation of the required number of employees is based on production labor intensity unit of production, which is determined based on the labor intensity of the base period, reducing labor costs by introducing organizational and technical measures and changing the volume and structure of output in the planned period.

The decrease in labor intensity as a result of the introduction of organizational and technical measures is determined taking into account the period of their implementation for the entire volume of the planned output of products (services).

If the organizational and technical measure results in decreasing the rate of time , then the decrease in labor intensity (C M) is calculated by the formula:

t D, t p - respectively, the norm of time before and after the implementation of the measure;

Q - planned production output;

К ДМ - the coefficient of action of the event, determined by the ratio of the duration of the event (in months) to the number of calendar months in a year.

If the result of organizational and technical measures is increase in service standards

N OD, N OP - respectively, service standards before and after the implementation of the event;

Ph P - the planned fund of working time of one worker.

If the result of an organizational and technical measure - decrease in the standardized number of workers , then the decrease in labor intensity is determined by the formula:

H D, H P - respectively, the normative number of workers before and after the implementation of the measure.

A separate event can cover several products and works, and on some to reduce labor intensity, and on others to increase it. Payment changes in labor intensity by function maintenance is carried out according to the formula:

With funk. - reducing the complexity of work on any service function;

SM and P M - respectively, a decrease or increase in labor intensity as a result of organizational and technical measures;

1 ... k - the number of activities that reduce the complexity of this function;

1 ... m - the number of activities that increase the complexity of this function.

Planned technological labor intensity each product is calculated by the formula:

- technological complexity of the product at the beginning of the planning period, standard hours;

Q - planned production of products;

C - reducing the labor intensity of the planned release of the product according to the plan of organizational and technical measures, taking into account the implementation period.

The planned labor intensity of service for each type of auxiliary work (T obs.) Per unit of the main product is established based on the labor intensity of service per unit of the main product in the base period (), output in the base (Q Ф) and planned (Q P) periods, taking into account the coefficient changes in labor intensity (K TR) for this type of work in the planning period. The calculation is made according to the formula:

The coefficient of change in labor intensity for this type of work in the planning period (K TP) is set at each enterprise based on the analysis of the workload of workers performing this type of work.

The number of workers with piecework wages (CH R.S.) in standardized jobs is determined by the formula:

T Edi - the labor intensity of manufacturing a unit of the і-type product, standard hours;

Q i - the number of products of the i-th type, units;

Ф eff - effective fund of time of one worker (according to balance), hours;

К ВН - coefficient of compliance with norms.

Under such a concept as the movement of the personnel of the enterprise, they understand the change in the payroll number of employees of the enterprise in connection with the hiring and dismissal.

The movement of personnel is divided into external and internal.

External frame movement includes:

Acceptance turnover;

Dismissal turnover;

Personnel turnover (shift) coefficient.

Internal movement of personnel is characterized by:

Interdepartmental movement;

Interprofessional mobility;

Qualification movement and the transfer of workers to other categories.

Turnover metrics are widely used to characterize the overall dimensions of frame movement. At the same time, the general and private (for admission and dismissal) turnover coefficients are calculated.

The total turnover ratio is determined by the ratio of the sum of hired and fired to the average number of workers or employees.

Intrafirm movement is of several types:

1. Interdepartmental movement. It is based on technical shifts in production, organizational restructuring, rearrangements of some workers as a result of the retirement of others from the enterprise, as well as dissatisfaction with the conditions and organization of work and life, relations with the administration or with the team, the desire to work in another department with friends, family members and etc.

2. Interprofessional mobility - the transition to a new profession. These movements are associated with both technical progress and the realization of personal interests. Professional mobility takes a significant place not only in the internal turnover of personnel.

3. Qualification movement - the transition from one category to another within the existing tariff system.

4. The transfer of workers to other categories (specialists, employees). The movement is implemented within the framework of dividing the employees of the enterprise into accounting categories of personnel, reflecting the socio-economic differences in the position of these employees.

The total intra-firm turnover of employees is determined by the coefficient, which is calculated by the number of employees who took part in the intra-firm movement, regardless of the number of changed positions. Thus, the coefficient of intra-firm turnover by the number of employees is defined as the ratio of the number of workers who took part in the intra-firm movement, regardless of the number of changes made in their positions to the average headcount.

To assess the personnel policy of the company, the total number of hired and retired employees is determined, as well as distributions are plotted by sources of income and directions of retirement. On the basis of these data, the balance of the movement of personnel (the balance of labor force resources) can be built (Table 1).

Table 1. The structure of the balance of the movement of personnel of the enterprise

The number of those hired includes persons who were enrolled in this organization in the reporting period by an order (decree) on hiring.

Among the sources of labor supply are usually distinguished: taken on the initiative of the enterprise; accepted in the direction of employment services; accepted on vouchers after graduation from educational institutions; accepted by way of transfer from other enterprises.

The number of retired workers includes all employees who left work in this organization, regardless of the grounds (termination of the employment contract on the initiative of the employee, on the initiative of the administration; agreement of the parties; conscription or enrollment in military service; transfer of an employee with his consent to another organization or transfer to an elective position and etc.), the departure or transfer of which is formalized by an order (decree), as well as those who left in connection with death.

The number of voluntarily retired employees includes employees who retired from the organization on the initiative of the employee himself, as well as in the following cases:

Election to positions filled by competition;

Moving to another area; transfer of a spouse to another locality, abroad;

Illness or disability that prevents you from continuing to work or live in the area;

Enrollment in an educational institution, graduate school or clinical residency;

Dismissal of their own free will with the onset of retirement age or receiving an old-age pension;

The need to care for sick family members or disabled people of group I;

Agreement of the parties;

Dismissal at their own request of pregnant women, women with children under the age of 14, single mothers if they have a child under the age of 14 or a disabled child under 16.

The number of hired and retired employees on the payroll does not include:

Employees recruited to work under special contracts with state organizations (military personnel and persons serving a sentence of imprisonment);

External part-timers;

Employees who performed work under civil contracts.

In accordance with the normative documents of the statistical monitoring bodies, to characterize the movement of workers, the total number of hired and retired employees is determined, including those retired of their own free will.

To assess the intensity of movement of the personnel of an enterprise, as well as for a comparative analysis of the movement of personnel over long periods of time or between enterprises, it is necessary to use relative indicators calculated as a percentage of the average number of employees of the enterprise:

The coefficient of total turnover is the ratio of personnel turnover to the average number of employees.

The indicator of the average headcount (r) is used in the enterprise to calculate and plan other economic indicators, such as wages, labor productivity, production volume, etc.

To total. about = K about. by uv + K vol. reception, or

To general ob = (all dismissed + all accepted) / r

Disposal turnover ratio is the ratio of the number of people leaving during the reporting period to the average headcount:

Cob.on uv = r uv / r

where rv - all retired workers for a certain period.

Hiring turnover ratio is the ratio of the number of people employed during the reporting period to the average headcount:

Cob.reception = rprin / r

where rpr is all employees hired for a certain period.

Personnel constancy ratio is the ratio of the number of employees on the payroll for the entire reporting year to the average number of employees:

Kpost = rн / r

where rн - employees on the payroll for the entire calendar year.

To determine employees who are on the payroll for the whole year, it is necessary to exclude from the payroll number of employees at the beginning of the year those who left during the year for all reasons (except those transferred to other organizations), but not exclude those who left the number of those accepted in the reporting year, since in the lists there were no organizations at the beginning of the year.

The shift factor of workers is the ratio of the total number of man-days worked by workers in all shifts to the number of workers in the busiest shift

Kcm = ∑D /

where ΣД is the total number of man-days worked by workers in all shifts;

rnaib. cm - the number of workers in the busiest shift.

When calculating Kcm for one day in the numerator and denominator, data on the number of workers who worked in each shift can be used. The shift factor is calculated both for the shops and for the enterprise as a whole.

The positive value of this coefficient indicates that the process of hiring new employees compensates for the loss of labor force resources, while new jobs are additionally created at the enterprise. A negative value of the coefficient occurs when the number of those dismissed exceeds the number of those accepted.

The level of qualifications and experience of the personnel of the enterprise, the stability of business processes, which in turn significantly affects the results of the activities of the economic structure, largely depends on the movement and stability of the staff.

An analysis of the movement of the labor force is necessary to bring in line with, and sometimes in equilibrium, the needs of production, by filling vacancies, promoting personnel, as well as changing the qualitative composition of the available personnel. The analysis of the movement of personnel at the enterprise is carried out using the method of absolute values, the method of relative values ​​and the method of average values. The change in the state in the field of personnel movement is assessed using a group of indicators, which are divided into indicators characterizing the external and internal movement of personnel.

In the process of analyzing the external movement of personnel, coefficients are calculated that make it possible to compare the intensity of movement of personnel. When studying the workforce, organizations distinguish between necessary and unnecessary turnover. To characterize the movement of labor, the dynamics of the following indicators is calculated and analyzed:

The coefficient of the required turnover (Kn.o) is calculated by dividing the number of workers laid off during a given period for reasons of production or national nature, by the average number of employees for the same period. This indicator is measured as a percentage:

Kn.o = Chn.o / Chsr? 100%, (3)

The excess turnover rate or staff turnover rate (Kt) is defined as the ratio of the number of employees dismissed during a given period of their own free will, as well as for violations of labor discipline, to the average number of employees for the same period, measured as a percentage:

CT = Chu / Chsr? 100%, (4)

The retirement rate (Kvib.) Is determined as the quotient of dividing the number of employees dismissed for all reasons by the average number of employees for the same period, measured as a percentage:

Qvyb = Chvyb / Chsr? 100%, (5)

The coefficient of turnover for the hiring of workers (Kpr.) Is calculated by dividing the number of employees hired for a given period by the average number of employees for the same period, measured as a percentage:

Kpr = Chpr / Chsr? 100%, (6)

The frame stability coefficient is found by the formula:

Kp.with. = 1 - [Chu / (Chsr + Chpr)], (7)

It is necessary to study the reasons for the dismissal of employees (of their own free will, staff reduction, violation of labor discipline, etc.).

Intercompany movement is analyzed as the replacement of vacant positions within one enterprise (interdepartmental movement). It analyzes the interprofessional mobility of workers, the qualification movement and the transition of workers to other categories.

The total intra-company turnover is defined as the ratio of the number of employees who took part in the movement to the average number of employees:

Kvf.o = Chvf.o / Chsr, (8)

The stability of the composition of personnel at enterprises is an essential prerequisite for the growth of labor productivity and production efficiency. Therefore, the movement of labor and its dynamics are important objects of analysis. It is necessary to compare the above coefficients in dynamics over several years, as well as with similar indicators of related enterprises. The tension in providing the enterprise with labor resources can be somewhat relieved due to the fuller use of the available labor force, the growth of labor productivity, the intensification of production, the comprehensive mechanization and automation of production processes, the introduction of new, more productive equipment, the improvement of technology and the organization of production. In the course of the analysis, reserves for reducing the need for labor resources as a result of the above measures should be identified.

Frequent change of workers slows down the growth of labor productivity. It is necessary to analyze the reasons for the turnover of the labor force (the state of housing and utilities, absenteeism, unauthorized care).

It is necessary to consider the dynamics of the composition of layoffs: natural, individual and collective, change of official position, the number of transfers to other positions, retirement, expiration of the contract. Dismissals stand out:

Desired by the enterprise (replacements, reassignments, staff reduction, etc.);

Unwanted by the company (natural loss, leaving before the end of the contract).

To reduce staff turnover, proposals of the following type should be considered:

1) improve the social sphere (construction of housing, recreation centers, cheaper food in factory canteens);

2) introduce a personnel stabilization system;

3) dismiss all those leaving of their own free will only after considering possible compromises;

4) spend a weekly staff day, educational hours in the shops;

5) to intensify the work with students of schools, technical schools, other special educational institutions, universities to attract them to work.

One of the reasons for the change in the turnover of the labor force is the reduction of personnel at the initiative of the enterprise itself. In this case, the reasons that caused the staff reduction, their justification and consequences are analyzed. The ultimate goal of the analysis is to identify the reserves of labor savings.

The average number of employees per month is obtained by dividing the sum of the number of employees on the payroll for all calendar days of the month by the number of calendar days in the month (28,29, 30, 31), even if the company is working incomplete calendar month. The number of employees for weekends and holidays is assumed to be equal to the number for the previous working day.

The average number of part-time workers is taken into account in proportion to the hours worked.

The average number of persons performing work under civil and seasonal contracts is calculated according to the methodology for calculating the average headcount.

3. Indicators of movement of personnel of the enterprise

Under such a concept as the movement of the personnel of the enterprise, they understand the change in the payroll number of employees of the enterprise in connection with the hiring and dismissal.

The movement of personnel is divided into external and internal.

External frame movement includes:

Acceptance turnover;

Dismissal turnover;

Personnel turnover (shift) coefficient.

Internal movement of personnel is characterized by:

Interdepartmental movement;

Interprofessional mobility;

Qualification movement and the transfer of workers to other categories.

Turnover metrics are widely used to characterize the overall dimensions of frame movement. At the same time, the general and private (for admission and dismissal) turnover coefficients are calculated.

The total turnover ratio is determined by the ratio of the sum of hired and fired to the average number of workers or employees.

Intrafirm movement is of several types:

1. Interdepartmental movement. It is based on technical shifts in production, organizational restructuring, rearrangements of some workers as a result of the retirement of others from the enterprise, as well as dissatisfaction with the conditions and organization of work and life, relations with the administration or with the team, the desire to work in another department with friends, family members and etc.

2. Interprofessional mobility - the transition to a new profession. These movements are associated with both technical progress and the realization of personal interests. Professional mobility takes a significant place not only in the internal turnover of personnel.

3. Qualification movement - the transition from one category to another within the existing tariff system.

4. The transfer of workers to other categories (specialists, employees). The movement is implemented within the framework of dividing the employees of the enterprise into accounting categories of personnel, reflecting the socio-economic differences in the position of these employees.

The total intra-firm turnover of employees is determined by the coefficient, which is calculated by the number of employees who took part in the intra-firm movement, regardless of the number of changed positions. Thus, the coefficient of intra-firm turnover by the number of employees is defined as the ratio of the number of workers who took part in the intra-firm movement, regardless of the number of changes made in their positions to the average headcount.

To assess the personnel policy of the company, the total number of hired and retired employees is determined, as well as distributions are plotted by sources of income and directions of retirement. On the basis of these data, the balance of the movement of personnel (the balance of labor force resources) can be built (Table 1).

Table 1. The structure of the balance of the movement of personnel of the enterprise

The number of those hired includes persons who were enrolled in this organization in the reporting period by an order (decree) on hiring.

Among the sources of labor supply are usually distinguished: taken on the initiative of the enterprise; accepted in the direction of employment services; accepted on vouchers after graduation from educational institutions; accepted by way of transfer from other enterprises.

The number of retired workers includes all employees who left work in this organization, regardless of the grounds (termination of the employment contract on the initiative of the employee, on the initiative of the administration; agreement of the parties; conscription or enrollment in military service; transfer of an employee with his consent to another organization or transfer to an elective position and etc.), the departure or transfer of which is formalized by an order (decree), as well as those who left in connection with death.

The number of voluntarily retired employees includes employees who retired from the organization on the initiative of the employee himself, as well as in the following cases:

Election to positions filled by competition;

Moving to another area; transfer of a spouse to another locality, abroad;

Illness or disability that prevents you from continuing to work or live in the area;

Enrollment in an educational institution, graduate school or clinical residency;

Dismissal of their own free will with the onset of retirement age or receiving an old-age pension;

The need to care for sick family members or disabled people of group I;

Agreement of the parties;

Dismissal at their own request of pregnant women, women with children under the age of 14, single mothers if they have a child under the age of 14 or a disabled child under 16.

The number of hired and retired employees on the payroll does not include:

Employees recruited to work under special contracts with state organizations (military personnel and persons serving a sentence of imprisonment);

External part-timers;

Employees who performed work under civil contracts.

In accordance with the normative documents of the statistical monitoring bodies, to characterize the movement of workers, the total number of hired and retired employees is determined, including those retired of their own free will.

To assess the intensity of movement of the personnel of an enterprise, as well as for a comparative analysis of the movement of personnel over long periods of time or between enterprises, it is necessary to use relative indicators calculated as a percentage of the average number of employees of the enterprise:

The coefficient of total turnover is the ratio of personnel turnover to the average number of employees.

The indicator of the average headcount (r) is used in the enterprise to calculate and plan other economic indicators, such as wages, labor productivity, production volume, etc. (see above)

To total. about = K about. by uv + K vol. reception, or

Disposal turnover ratio is the ratio of the number of people leaving during the reporting period to the average headcount:

where r uv - all retired workers for a certain period.

Hiring turnover ratio is the ratio of the number of people employed during the reporting period to the average headcount:

where r is taken - all hired workers for a certain period.

Personnel constancy ratio is the ratio of the number of employees on the payroll for the entire reporting year to the average number of employees:

where r n - employees on the payroll for the entire calendar year.

To determine employees who are on the payroll for the whole year, it is necessary to exclude from the payroll number of employees at the beginning of the year those who left during the year for all reasons (except those transferred to other organizations), but not exclude those who left the number of those accepted in the reporting year, since in the lists there were no organizations at the beginning of the year.

The shift factor of workers is the ratio of the total number of man-days worked by workers in all shifts to the number of workers in the busiest shift

where ΣД is the total number of man-days worked by workers in all shifts;

r naib. cm - the number of workers in the busiest shift.

When calculating K cm for one day in the numerator and denominator, data on the number of workers who worked in each shift can be used. The shift factor is calculated both for the shops and for the enterprise as a whole.

The positive value of this coefficient indicates that the process of hiring new employees compensates for the loss of labor force resources, while new jobs are additionally created at the enterprise. A negative value of the coefficient occurs when the number of those dismissed exceeds the number of those accepted.

4. Practical application of indicators of movement of workers and their statistical processing

Calculation of the average headcount

The number of employees of the enterprise for the period:

The average number of employees (r) for the period is equal to:

person / month

Rounding off the indicator, we get the average headcount - 93 people / month.

Calculation of the turnover ratio on disposal

Fired workers:

The average number of laid-off workers (r uv) is equal to:

person / month

Calculation of the coefficient of turnover by acceptance

Employees hired:

The average number of hired workers (r prin) is equal to:

person / month

Calculation of the coefficient of the total turnover

Calculation of the coefficient of persistence of personnel

The number of employees on the payroll for the entire period (r n) was:

Statistical processing: the average number of employees working at the enterprise per month is 93 people. For various reasons, during the period, an average of 7 people leave the enterprise, which in percentage terms was 7.5%. At the same time, on average, an enterprise employs 6 people per month, i.e. 6.5% of the payroll. Therefore, the total turnover ratio is 14%. The number of permanent employees at the enterprise for the period amounted to 79.6% of the payroll.

The staff turnover rate should be equal to 3-5% of the payroll of the enterprise. At this enterprise, it was exceeded by 2.5%. This small deviation increases the cost of hiring new employees and reduces the volume of output, but not to a significant extent.


As part of the functions assigned to the statistical bodies, the Goskomstat of Russia develops a methodology and tools (reporting forms, instructions and instructions for filling them out) for conducting federal state statistical observations on statistics of the number, wages of workers and the use of working hours.

This information is collected from legal entities and their separate subdivisions according to a unified methodology and is developed by industry, type of activity, region for comparative analysis, calculation of employment indicators, average wages per employee per month and per hour worked, indices of nominal and real wages fees as well as for international comparisons

Different approaches are used to characterize the directions of employee retirement. So, for example, retirement is distinguished for reasons of a physiological nature: in connection with death, prolonged illness, inability for health reasons to continue working at this enterprise, reaching retirement age.

At the heart of another approach, traditional for domestic statistics, the concepts of necessary and excessive labor turnover were adopted.

The required turnover included retirement for reasons directly provided for by law (expiration of the term of an employment contract, conscription into the army, admission to an educational institution with a break from work, election to elected government bodies, transfer to other enterprises, moving to the place of residence of a spouse, etc.). )

Excessive turnover (staff turnover) included reasons not directly provided for by law and related to the personality of the employee (dismissal of their own free will, for absenteeism and other violations of labor discipline).

Allocation of excess turnover made it possible to determine the so-called staff turnover rate - the ratio of the number of employees who left for a certain period for reasons related to staff turnover to the average number of employees for the period. The turnover ratio can be considered as an indicator for assessing the effectiveness of the company's personnel policy.

The current practice of statistical accounting of the movement of workers does not highlight the excessive turnover of labor, therefore, the level of staff turnover can be estimated only according to the data of primary statistical accounting.


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    Methodology for statistical observation of the number of employees, wages and use of working hours


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    Coursework >> Economic and Mathematical Modeling

    ... numbers workers, leading to the redistribution of labor between individual enterprises, industries and regions, is called movement... distribution intervals of the average numbers workers... Generalizing index rate of change ...

  • Statistics numbers and movement workers enterprises

    Coursework >> Economics

    Such concepts are used and indicators: list the number workers; average the number workers; number of worked people - ... 550 Table 1.3 - Information about numbers and movement workers Human INDEX OPTION 8 Actually came to ...

  • Planning formation numbers employees

    Abstract >> Management

    A number of others indicators... Average listed the number workers per month is determined by summing numbers workers payroll ... the necessary manpower; defining and studying indicators movement and staff constancy; study and ...

  • Personnel of the enterprise (firm) - is a set of individuals whose relations with the company are governed by a contract of employment.

    The professional composition of the company's employees is studied in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Workers' Professions, Employee Positions and Wage Grades (OKPDTR). According to this classifier, employees who make up the personnel of the enterprise, depending on the nature of the functions performed, are divided into two groups: workers and employees. The workers are divided into main and auxiliary workers. In the group of employees, managers, specialists and other employees are distinguished.

    To study the composition of the labor force, groups are also built by profession and by skill level.

    Under profession understand a certain type of work activity, due to the totality of knowledge and work skills acquired by employees as a result of special training or in practice. Within each profession, workers are distinguished in different ways. qualifications. For specialists and employees, the qualification level is determined based on the level of special education, which in the process of labor activity is adjusted according to the results of periodically conducted attestations. The qualifications of workers are determined tariff rate assigned based on the results of periodic tests.

    When determining the number of personnel, it is customary to distinguish:

    - employees on the payroll of the enterprise;

    - external part-time workers;

    - employees working under civil contracts.

    V payroll includes employees who worked under an employment contract (contract) and performed permanent, temporary or seasonal work for one day or more, as well as working owners of organizations who received wages in this organization. The payroll number of employees for each calendar day includes both those who actually work and those who are absent for any reason. An internal part-time worker with more than one rate is counted in the payroll as one person.

    Accounting external part-timers conducted separately. The order on the appointment of external part-time workers (the work books of such workers are stored at the place of their main work) should stipulate that the duration of their work should not exceed 50% established by law for this category of workers.

    Also not included in the payroll are persons working under a civil contract , engaged by the enterprise, as a rule, for performing one-time, special or household work (repair, examination, consultation, etc.).

    The number of personnel, as well as its individual groups, is characterized by indicators of two types: momentary, that is, determined for a specific date (survey date, census date, reference date), and interval, i.e. the average for the period.

    Average number of employees per month is obtained by dividing the sum of the number of employees on the payroll for all calendar days of the month by the number of calendar days in the month (28, 29, 30, 31), even if the enterprise is working for an incomplete calendar month. The number of employees for weekends and holidays is assumed to be equal to the number for the previous working day.

    The average number of employees can also be determined according to the data of the daily time keeping records of the use of working time. To do this, it is necessary to divide the sum of all attendances and absenteeism for all calendar days of the month by the number of calendar days.

    In order to avoid distortions when using the average headcount indicator in calculating other economic indicators (labor productivity, average wages), some payroll employees are not included in the average headcount. These workers include:

    - women on maternity leave, on additional parental leave;

    - employees on study leave and additional leave without pay;

    - persons who are not on the payroll and involved in work under special contracts with state organizations for the provision of labor (military personnel and persons serving sentences of imprisonment);

    - persons employed in accordance with an employment contract for part-time work (week), they are taken into account in proportion to the hours worked.

    The average number of employees for a quarter is determined by summing up the average number of employees for all months of work in the quarter and dividing the amount received by three (even if the company worked incomplete quarter):

    The average number of employees for the period from the beginning of the year is determined by dividing the sum of the average number of employees for all months from the beginning of the year by the number of calendar months from the beginning of the year. When determining the average headcount for the year, the sum of the average headcount for all months of the reporting year is divided by 12 (even if the company has been working for an incomplete year).

    The average number of part-time workers is taken into account in proportion to the hours worked. The average number of persons performing work under civil contracts is calculated according to the methodology for calculating the average headcount.

    Additionally, at the enterprise level, the average turnover and the average number of people actually employed can be calculated:

    where D slave - the number of working days.