Creation of a staffing table in 1s 8.3. Entering and changing the staffing table without saving history

Having appreciated the convenience of the 1C program, we are sometimes surprised when we do not find the forms we need. So, many are looking for a staffing table in 1C Accounting 8.3. Is it there? Let's figure it out.

From the article you will learn:

  • what is the staffing table and what is it for;
  • is there a required form for staffing table;
  • what forms and reports 1C has in the personnel section.

Staffing table - personnel document, reflecting the structure and number of the organization in the context of divisions and positions. It allows you to plan the personnel structure of the enterprise and its wage fund (hereinafter - the payroll).

The staffing table is a planned job structure, not an actual one, as it reflects both occupied positions and vacancies. When all vacancies are filled, the actual state structure and headcount are in line with the staffing table.

Hiring an employee for a position that is not included in the staffing table is unacceptable ().

V Labor Code the staffing table is mentioned only indirectly when it comes to the position occupied by an employee in accordance with the staffing table (article 15 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). From which the conclusion follows:

  • staffing is necessary;
  • the position occupied by the employee must be included in it.

You will definitely need it when:

  • checks:
    • Labor Inspection;
    • IFTS;
  • in court for labor disputes and litigation with controllers.

For the lack of a staffing table, they can be prosecuted as for violation of the norms labor law ().

The perpetrator faces a warning or a fine (part 1 of article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. - for legal entities;
  • from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles. - for individual entrepreneurs;
  • from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles. - for officials.

Staffing form

A convenient form of the staffing table () is given in the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 01/05/2004 N 1. Although not mandatory since 2013, many organizations adhere to it: required details not for this document, but the form we are used to contains all the necessary information that the inspectors expect to see in the staffing table.

  • structural divisions;
  • positions;
  • the number of staff units;
  • salaries (tariff rates);
  • allowances;
  • monthly payroll.

How often do staffing requirements need to be approved?

Since the compilation and maintenance of the staffing table is not regulated, it will not be possible to give unequivocal recommendations on this issue.

Changes and additions can be made to the staffing table during the year. For convenience, in order not to accumulate changing documents, at the end of the year, you can approve a new staffing table for the next year, which will take into account all changes in the past.

If the staffing table is completely revised, a new one can be approved in the middle of the year (for example, with a large-scale staff reduction).

Where in Accounting 8.3 to find the staffing table

In 1C 8.3 Accounting the staffing table is not formed. This form is not provided there. However, to create a staffing table, you can use the report Staff members .

If you apply the default settings, then the report Staff members will look like:

Thus, the report contains the following information about employees who actually work on the date specified in the report:

  • position;
  • salary;
  • date of admission;
  • work phone;
  • date of birth (and even the number of days left before it).

To create a staffing table, you may need the following fields:

  • Subdivision ;
  • Employee ;
  • Position ;
  • Tariff rate .

Field Tariff rate contains the amount for all monthly charges to the employee specified in the documents Recruitment or HR translation ... It is not possible to obtain a detailed list of all additional payments and allowances for a specific position.

If you need information about the employees who occupied the positions vacant for today, then you can remove unnecessary settings, and then information about the dismissed employees will be additionally displayed.

To draw up a staffing table in 1C Accounting 8.3, we will generate a report on staff members as of 01/01/2019.

In 2018, all staff positions were filled. On 12/31/2018, the Network Laying Master resigned. On 01.01.2019 this position is vacant.

Report Staff members is in the section Salary and HR - HR records - HR reports.

In the form that opens, we will make the following settings.

Report header

We fill in the fields:

  • date- the date on which you want to draw up a report, in an example 01.01.2019 ;
  • Organization - select from the drop-down list if the database contains more than one organization.

Click on the button Settings and go to the report settings menu Staff members ... Choosing the type of report Extended .


In the tab Selection uncheck the box Group Or so that the list includes not only currently working, but also dismissed employees.

Fields and Sorts

In the tab Fields and Sorts remove unnecessary checkboxes for displaying the field, leaving:

  • Subdivision ;
  • Employee ;
  • Position ;
  • Tariff rate ;
  • date of receipt ;
  • date of dismissal .

Leave the settings on the remaining tabs unchanged. The report will take the form.


The staffing table in 1C ZUP is an integral part of work with personnel at any enterprise. Consider the following points in this article: where it is located, how to agree, how to set up, create and change the staffing table in the 1C ZUP 8.3 program.

Setting up the staffing table in 1C ZUP

The 1C ZUP program allows you to flexibly configure the use of the staffing table. To do this, go to the section panel in the "Settings", click on the link "Personnel accounting", then in the form of settings for personnel accounting, click on "Setting the staffing table".

A window will open where you can enable or disable the options: maintaining the staffing table, automatically checking personnel documents, history of changes, using such features as the "fork" of salaries and allowances, grades and categories, booking positions, as well as the method of displaying allowances.

Staffing approval

To start working with the staffing table, you need to open it through the sections "Main" or "Personnel". If no position has been approved yet, then the opened tab will look like this:

Click on the "Approve staffing table" link. The program has created a document "Staffing approval", where you need to specify the month and date, and then add items by the appropriate button. Each position indicates the division, position, work schedule, number of units (rates).

In the tabular section "Remuneration" we enter accruals and indicators, on the "Additional" tab, you can enter textual information about the nature of the work, as well as indicate the required additional leave.

We save the position by clicking "OK", after which it appears on the line of our document "Approval of the staffing table." When all positions are entered, the document must be posted - this can be done using the "Post" or "Post and close" buttons.

From the document, using the "Print" button, you can print both the order for approval of the staffing table, and the staffing table itself according to the unified form T-3.

After the document was posted, the staffing tab took on a different look. The table displays positions with an indication of the division, position, number of units and the date of approval for each of them, and new command links have appeared in the “header”. By clicking the link "Documents that changed the staffing table", you can open the journal of documents with which changes were registered.

If we now open the “Positions” directory in the program (see the “Personnel” and “Settings” sections), we will see that the positions for which the positions of the staffing table have been entered have a mark on the entry and its date. Moreover, those positions that have not yet been included in the staffing table will be displayed in the directory only if the "Show new positions" checkbox is checked.

Editing the staffing table

If the staffing table that has already been entered into the program needs to be edited (for example, to correct an error), then on the staffing table tab, click the link "Open the document that approved the current staffing table". The previously entered document will open, it is available for making the necessary changes.

In addition, from the posted document "Approval of the staffing table", you can, if necessary, enter a new document to change the planned accruals of employees by clicking the appropriate button:

How to change the staffing table in 1C 8.3 ZUP

If you need to register a change in the staffing table in 1C ZUP, then you should click the link "Change the current staffing table":

A new program document is created called Staffing Change. After specifying a department in the document, the current positions for this department will be displayed. Each position can be opened for modification or closed by the corresponding button.

In addition, it is possible to add new positions in the same way as in the "Staffing table approval".

If you need to approve a new staffing table, you need to use the "Approve new staffing table" link.

Reports in 1C ZUP 8.3 according to the staffing table

The program provides good opportunities for analyzing the staffing table, its compliance, staffing, etc. This data is displayed in reports, which can be found if in the "Human Resources" section, click the "Human Resources" link.

To generate the required report, click the appropriate link, then specify the period in the report form and click "Generate". Do not forget that reports are not saved in the program, but each time they are generated based on the available posted documents.

Record Staffing in 1C ZUP 8.3 (3.0) for the first time appeared Blog of 1C GOODWILL company.

Staffing table

The staffing table is a document that determines the organizational structure of the company, as well as a list of positions and specialties that are in the company, with an indication of the number of employees and salaries for each of the specialties.

The responsibility for creating and approving staffing tables and changes to them mainly falls on personnel workers and specialists. Based on the analysis of the staffing table personnel specialist can determine the availability of vacant rates and positions (vacancies). To do this, you need to compare rates from the staffing table with the actual number of employees hired.

Rosstat has established a unified form of the staffing table T-3, approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 01/05/2004 No. 1.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is necessary that information from employment contract about the position held by the employee, as well as information about the salary, i.e. about size wages, corresponded to the data of the current staffing table approved by the head of the organization.

Creation and configuration of the staffing table in 1C ZUP 8.3

For the initial filling of the staffing table, select the sub-item "Staffing table change" (Fig. 2) and create a new document "Staffing approval". The document must be filled in with a list of positions indicating the size of salaries and the number of required rates. After filling out and posting the document, we will print the "Order of approval" and "Staffing table (T-3)":

How to change the staffing table in 1C ZUP 8.3

If we need to change the staffing table, and there are many such changes (for example, it is necessary to change the names of specialties and positions accepted in the organization, or to raise salaries for the enterprise), by order of the enterprise it is necessary to cancel the old staffing table, and by the same order to approve the commissioning a new document with all the changes. To do this, you need to create a new document "Approval of the staffing table" in 1C (Fig. Above), indicate the start date of the new schedule and be sure to print the Order for approving the new staffing table, without which it will be invalid.

If it is necessary to make small changes to the staffing table, we must use another document called "Staffing table changes" and is located in the same document journal as the "Staffing table approval".

For example, it is necessary to increase the staff of the company by one staff unit, change the maximum salary according to a certain position and remove (reduce) one staff unit for an existing position.

In the Human resources subsystem, select the sub-item "Changes in the staffing table" and create a new document "Change in the staffing table". Let's assume the changes are to take effect on March 1, 2018. Click the Add position button to enter a new position "Engraver" (Fig. Below, doc-line 1). For the position "Draftsman" already approved from the beginning of the year, we will change the maximum salary from 60,000 to 65,000 rubles. in the form that opens, available by clicking the Change position button.

And to remove the bid, select Close Position: in our example, the number of bids for the “Engineer” position is 3, but we need two bids to remain - for this, after closing the entire position, create another line in the document by clicking the Add Position button and select “ number of bets "- 2. (Fig. below, lines 3 and 4).

We will print the "Order on Changes" to the staffing table approved from the beginning of the current year, so that the changes take effect from the date that we indicated in 1C in the document "Changing the staffing table".


In conclusion, we can add that the staffing table is personnel services, or other responsible persons in the organization. The presence of a round seal of the organization is not a prerequisite... If the staffing table does not fit on one sheet, then the sheets can simply be fastened with a paper clip.

Still have questions? Receive free consultation on the question "Staffing in 1C"

The staffing table at the enterprises allows:

  • Build an organizational structure;
  • To fix the number of employees in departments;
  • Track the planned amount of remuneration of employees;
  • Set the amount of allowances;
  • Simplify the selection of vacancies.

The organization has the right to choose whether or not to maintain staffing in the 1C 8.3 program ZUP:

  • In the first case, when the staffing table is not maintained, then when hiring, as well as when moving to another division of the employee, you need to choose a position from the Positions directory and fully describe his place of work, as well as the conditions of work and the amount of payment.
  • In the second case, when the staffing table in 1C ZUP 8.3 is maintained, then the functions of describing the place of work, conditions and payment are taken over by the staffing table. In this case, the position is selected from the Staffing directory.

How to set up a staffing table in 1C 8.3 ZUP

Where can I find the staffing table?

Settings -> Personnel accounting -> Setting up the staffing table:

  • The staffing table is underway - this checkbox is set if it is necessary to keep the staffing table in the 1C ZUP program;
  • Automatic check of personnel documents for compliance with the staffing table- it is recommended to check this box so that each document of the employee's reception or transfer is checked before recording it: is there vacant place in the staffing table;
  • The history of staffing changes is kept- when the checkbox is checked, the organization can restore the staffing table in 1C ZUP at any time, and, on the contrary, if the checkbox is absent, the history of personnel placement changes will not be kept or will be lost if the checkbox was first checked and then unchecked;
  • The "fork" of salaries and allowances is used- if minimum and maximum boundaries are used when setting salaries, you must check this box:

In the position of the staffing table, ranks and categories are used- in order not to enter positions in the directory, for example, "Locksmith 4 categories", but only "Locksmith", and set the category in the description of the position of the staffing table:

How to change the salary in the staffing table 1C ZUP

Access to the staffing table in the 1C ZUP 8.3 program is carried out: Main -> Staffing, you can also from the section Personnel -> Staffing.

Without keeping staffing history

If the history of the staffing table is disabled in the staffing table settings, then:

  • Staffing units are added to the staffing directory itself.

  • The change in the staffing unit is made in the position of the staffing table, the old value is not saved anywhere:

  • The position is closed in the staffing record. To close the position of the staffing table, you must select the Closed and no longer used check box, and also specify the date from which the position of the staffing table ceases to operate:

When maintaining staffing history

In the case of maintaining the history of the staffing table in 1C ZUP 8.3, all changes can be made out only with the help of documents:

  • The entry of the staffing table in 1C ZUP is carried out by the document Approval of the staffing table:

Changes in the staffing table are recorded in the document Change in the staffing table. The positions of the staffing table are indicated in different colors:

  • When you press the Add position button, a new position is entered into the staffing table, which is highlighted in green.
  • The Change position button is intended for editing the existing position of the staffing table. After editing, the position of the staffing table is highlighted in blue.
  • A position is closed using the Close Position button. Closed positions of the staffing table are highlighted in red:

In order to return to the old staffing table, you just need to cancel the document that fixes the changes according to the staffing table.

What to do if the personnel document is not carried out due to inconsistency with the staffing table of 1C ZUP is discussed in our video tutorial:

In 1C ZUP 8.3 it is possible to print the staffing table. By clicking the Print button in the form of a staffing table, a drop-down list of print forms opens:

  • Staff schedule for signature - a report with display customization options:

  • Staffing analysis:

More details on how to change the staffing table in 1C 8.3 ZUP can also be studied in our video:

When you open any 1C program for the first time, the Start Assistant starts automatically: the user can immediately make the initial setup information base by simply checking the appropriate boxes. We are interested in how to activate, configure and enter a new staffing table.

ZUP version 3.1 provides three ways to maintain it:

  • It is not kept, therefore, the “Positions” reference book is used in personnel records. This is how small commercial firms can keep records, but at the same time they have to generate reports to statistics bodies manually *;
  • In personnel records, an appropriate reference book is used to form a printed copy, which eliminates the need to check the compliance of employees with the "staff".
  • One or several employees are “tied” to the position of the staffing table. This is the best option for large companies and government agencies.

* In this case, the checkbox "Use ..." is not checked, but the following options require it.

Department settings

We form the divisions of the organization in the section "Settings / Divisions".

Consider the window for displaying subdivisions.

The "Organization" field is displayed in its upper part. If you check the box and select the organization you are interested in, then only its departments will be included in the list. For convenience, the list of subdivisions can be set to three viewing modes by clicking "More":

  • "Hierarchical list" will display not all departments, but only the selected ones and those that are higher in the hierarchy.
  • "List" will display all departments in a row, without showing nesting in higher levels;
  • The most convenient option is "Tree", showing all the departments, and where they are nested.

Setting up posts

To create a new position, press "Create" and the positions are entered. Entering their names manually is a simple method, but not optimal.

It is more correct to enter positions through the "Selection from OKPDTR" by selecting them from the list of positions.

If a position is selected, then in the list it becomes gray, inactive.

Closing OKPDTR, we will see that the new position is highlighted in bold. That is, the program warns us that this is a new, not yet valid record.

To be able to use the position for work, you need to open it and enable "Position approved" (from January 1 of the current year). Since version 3.1.5 of the ZUP program, the line "Data for filling out reports" has been added to the position card:

  • OKPDTR code
  • Check number
  • Category*.

* They are needed when filling out the 57-T statistics form, so if you enter a new position simply by clicking the Create button, reporting will have to be generated manually.

To create a schedule, we "linked" to each other "Department" and "Position" (they can be entered in advance or simultaneously with the creation of elements of our "staff").

History of maintenance

There are two options for scheduling:

  • Without history *;
  • With history of changes **.

* View without history of changes:

** View with change history, with change documents:

Let us consider in more detail the option with the history through the activation "Approve the staffing table with a special document and keep the history of its changes."

After our actions, changes in the schedule are possible only with the help of special approval documents * and changes, therefore it will not work just to open a staff unit and change its content.

* If there are multiple documents in the Approvals list, the previous document can be opened for viewing only, but cannot be edited. For such an opportunity to appear, you must first disable the changes in the later document, to do this, cancel the document posting.

Working with positions in the ZUP program

You can enter a new position with the option of maintaining a "staff" without history by checking the "Position entered in the staffing table" checkbox and the date from which the position is valid (when the position expires, the "Position excluded ..." checkbox and the date are checked).

When working with a position (option of maintaining the history of changes), the dates of introduction and exclusion of the position from the staffing table are not active and are highlighted in faint color, so it is impossible to check the box. The date and checkbox are put down automatically after the document "Approval" (which was mentioned earlier) is posted.

The position itself, introduced in the "With history of changes ..." mode, looks like this:

In conclusion, I would like to note that without a history of changes in the staffing table, it is easier to create and edit it, but you cannot display printed form or generate a report as of any date. If, for example, your sales department had two full-time managerial units on February 28, and from March 1 you will have one more position, that is, there will be only three of them. You enter a new position in the same department, but it will already be a different position, which will result in a second line. That is, the first line will contain two manager positions, and the second will contain another similar position. This suggests that without keeping the history of changes in the "staff" edit the staff position Beautiful will not work.