Four easy ways to create stunning Flash presentations. Creating a flash presentation How to create an interactive flash presentation

Many marketers use desktop applications such as PowerPoint to create videos and presentations. However, they do not like to experiment with animation and prefer to do everything the old fashioned way.

Perhaps this is due to the likelihood of technical problems. However, animated presentations are much more engaging than classic ones, making it easier to convey complex concepts. Another plus is that they are better remembered.

You don't need to master professional software such as 3D Studio Max, Maya or Adobe After Effects to create animated videos and presentations. It is much easier to use straightforward online services.

The presentations created in them are easy to share online, they can also be downloaded as a video file that can be played without problems on any computers and mobile devices.

How to make your video presentation fun and effective, we talk about in the article ““.

Below, we highlight the 5 best online services for creating animated presentations.


It doesn't matter if you are confident using your computer or are still getting lost at the sight of the Windows navigation menu. If you know how to use a mouse and keyboard, then easily create a professional animated presentation in GoAnimate.

This service allows you to create videos using ready-made templates, background music and animated characters.

GoAnimate is a lot like PowerPoint. The tool can be used to create short videos, marketing demos, YouTube videos, and of course animated presentations with interesting characters and branding elements.

Finished projects can be downloaded, uploaded to YouTube or to another program for preparing presentations. To use GoAnimate, you need to subscribe to a paid subscription for at least a month. A free demo version for 14 days is also available.



The topic of creating educational presentations using Flash technologies is very relevant.

Pedagogical Benefits of Using Flash Presentations - in professional standards Of the 3rd generation, the number of training hours allocated for educational and industrial practice has been significantly reduced, a lot of pressure is being placed on independent work. Therefore, in order for students to master programs professional modules using Flash presentations will be very useful, because any educational and methodical material on a particular topic of the program can be easily turned into a convenient, compact, portable and platform-independent format, which makes it possible to make the process of self-training of students more efficient. Educational and methodological material, presented in such an interactive Flash-format, increases the visibility of its presentation, promotes the activation of educational and cognitive activities of students and a more solid assimilation of the material.

Understanding Flash Tutorial Presentations

Flash presentation is a striking representative of products based on one of the most advanced software solutions from Adobe.

Flash presentation implies the ability to add:

  • Sections, subsections, pages
  • · Product Catalog
  • Photographs, graphs, diagrams and other images
  • · video
  • Animation and special effects (including character animation)
  • Animation of characters, logos and other elements
  • Various interactive elements
  • · Sound effects, t to music and other support voice
  • Various software solutions (modules)
  • · slide show
  • Etc.

Just twenty years ago, the process of presenting educational materials by a teacher in a lesson was mainly reduced to writing calculations and diagrams on a blackboard. Of course, even then educational films, TV lessons, slides, graphic materials were used. However, all these visual and even animated diagrams were the finished product - the same for everyone, and the author's material, creatively revised by the teacher, was displayed mainly on the blackboard. This situation began to change with the introduction of computer and projection technology. Teachers began to actively use presentation design tools, primarily PowerPoint, to create their own visual materials... At the same time, educational multimedia materials on CD-ROMs were introduced, which were complex (including three-dimensional) animations, video, and sound. Still, ready-made multimedia CD-ROMs created by professionals were superior in quality to presentations created by teachers who did not own the means of developing animated multimedia content.

It will not be a special exaggeration to say that a radical change in the state of affairs has occurred in connection with the growing popularity in the educational environment of such a tool as Macromedia Flash. As a result, the possibilities for creating animated visual content by the forces of professionals and the forces of ordinary teachers, students and even schoolchildren, are practically equal.

Flash provides for creating visual teaching aids the following possibilities:

  • · A unique combination of a graphic editor and a simple tool for creating voiced animation;
  • · Creation of automatic animation of movement and shaping without frame-by-frame drawing and programming;
  • · The presence of a visual editor for creating simple animations in combination with a powerful object-oriented programming language (ActionScript) for creating complex projects;
  • · Creation of Web-content and multimedia presentations, training CD-ROMs, etc.

All this stimulates users to study this toolkit and use it in a variety of projects. The spread of Flash not only turned static Web pages into animated, not only spawned a wave of Flash advertising, created a new kind of subculture in the form of amateur Flash animation, and also made it possible to actively use Flash in educational process precisely by the forces of teachers, lecturers, graduate students, etc. Many of them mastered Flash and began to create original presentations. The first advantage is that the FLASH presentation is based on the latest developments in the field of multimedia: Flash Shockwave technology and 3D graphics. She can use various methods of working with graphics and sound. An even more striking argument why a FLASH presentation is much stronger than a video presentation is that the latter can easily include various video fragments, but not vice versa. This combination different ways presentation of information (video, graphics, sound) allows you to maximize the impact on the viewer - a potential client.

The second advantage is the possible interactivity of the FLASH presentation when shown on the Internet. In other words, it contains interactive elements, acting on which the viewer can change the display scenario. He can pause playback and examine the object of interest from different angles, or even "climb" inside! And such a FLASH presentation video can be easily inserted into a business card site, corporate site or online store.

The third advantage is the faster loading of the Flash movie compared to the video.

In fact, a FLASH presentation is a colorful cartoon that tells about a company or a product. It can be inserted into the site or used as a standalone product by burning it to a CD, DVD disc or a flash drive. But it will be especially spectacular, however, and the most laborious, when using 3D technology. But on the other hand, the effect of such a presentation will more than pay back the money spent. In addition, FLASH-presentations using 3D technology will remain relevant for a long time, since so far nothing fundamentally new in this area is foreseen.

There are the following types of FLASH presentation:

Gift Edition - a video created for partners, visitors, bosses, etc. and telling about the activities of the company. Usually it is created for some kind of anniversary - as a visual, concentrated display of successes and achievements.

The catalog of goods and services is a multimedia, colorful display of the company's goods and services with the necessary comments, accents, etc. It has a much stronger effect than showing a standard printed product catalog. Used by staff when working with clients.

Exhibition catalog - a multimedia display of exhibits and the benefits of their use, a story to manufacturing companies, etc.

Electronic report? Flash movie about any event, report on the work of the company, etc. It can be used either as an accompaniment to the report or independently.

An electronic business card is in many ways similar to a gift publication about a company. It is a multimedia presentation of the company.

program presentation educational technological

Create slides

Creating slides where images (photos) simply replace each other after a certain period of time is the easiest thing to create in Adobe Flash.

Example 1:

Let's create a new project.
Let's apply the Time-lapse animation method.
Import the 1st photo (menu File - Import).
When setting a photo on a stage, a keyframe is automatically created in 1st frame.
We will set aside 30 frames (approximately 1 sec) for each photo to be demonstrated.
Select the 30th frame, transform it into a keyframe - at the 30th frame we should have a new photo.
Import the 2nd photo, set it up on stage.
Similarly, after 30 frames we place the appearance of the 3rd and 4th photos.

The timeline (Timeline) will look like:

It can be seen that when creating simple slides, one layer is involved.

Example 2:

Let's create more complex slides using multiple layers.

1. Let's create a new project.

2. Import and paste the 1st photo onto the stage.
A keyframe is automatically created in the 1st frame.
Let's transform the photo into a graphic symbol (see Symbols).
Select the photo on the scene, select "Create Motion Tween" from the context menu.
Let's make the photo fade out (see Animating color and transparency). Set the animation duration to 50 frames.

Note: you can simultaneously import several photos at once and distribute them into separate layers using the context menu command of any photo Distribute to Layers (Distribute to layers).

3. Create a new layer.
Import and paste the second photo on this layer (outside the scene - on cardboard).
Let's transform the photo into a graphic symbol. Create a motion tween - the photo appears from behind the curtains on the stage (see tweening in a straight line)

4. Create a new layer
Import and paste in the third photo (to the left of the scene).
Convert the photo into a clip symbol, create a motion tween - three-dimensional rotation (see. Animation of 3D rotation and movement)
You can add objects to your photography, such as text. To do this, create a new layer "Text" and paste your text. The text can also be animated (see Text).

5. Create a new layer
Import and paste the fourth photo into the scene.
Let's add an animated object (symbol) to the photo. Previously, we created an animation of a butterfly flapping its wings (see. Resize animation).
Paste a similar butterfly into the fourth photo by creating a new layer "Butterfly".

Thus, 6 layers have been created, each with 50 frames.

Now we need to put things in order in the order of the appearance of the photos, their duration, and also to agree on the appearance of the text and the butterfly on the corresponding photos.

All ordering operations are performed by dragging keyframes and frame ranges (see. Work with personnel).

Adding sound to slides

If you want, you can include background sound (music) in the slide show.

Import the sound file into the Library (see Import).

Note: Adobe Flash Professional comes with its own stock of sounds - from the Window menu choose Shared Libraries(Common Libraries)> Sounds.

Create a new layer. In the 1st frame of this layer, create a keyframe. Select the keyframe.

Click on the Name menu, click on the selected sound file to place that sound in the selected keyframe.

Open the Sync option menu and make sure the Event option is selected (the default option).

By default, every new sound added to the Timeline is set to Repeat and set to 1.

Press Ctrl + Enter (Windows) or Command + Return (Mac OS) to preview the animation in Flash Player.

Additional reference materials:

Last updated: December 2014

Creation of flash presentations at a price of 30,000 rubles, like any other advertising campaign is ultimately created to inform its potential customers about the services provided by the company and to make a profit. It directly depends on costs. Traditional advertising is a very expensive and costly pleasure without a guarantee of efficiency, therefore today electronic or computer visualizations take an increasingly important place in traditional marketing.

Inexpensive multimedia development produces the most effective results. Compared to the traditional one posted on information platforms, it is a very democratic way to promote your product on the market, since it is available to almost everyone. It is a very beneficial and easy to use form; and at the same time, professionally performed work - for example, slide show design - can become a decisive argument in the competition for a leading position in the market. She works for the image of the company and the promotion of its brand. This happens when successful developments become the hallmark of an organization or a project, as well as when it decorates the customer's participation in exhibitions, giving additional opportunities to persuade customers.

This is a fascinating creative process in which, as noted above, the client himself can actively participate, however, in order for its production to end with the birth of a successful product, the help of a professional is needed. To convince you of this, we invite you to take a look at our portfolio, which will allow you to see examples developed by our team members.

Multimedia 3D renderings and slideshows

Creating an interactive flash presentation is a complex technological process, but that's why they are good Computer techologies that at a relatively low cost they give great opportunities for slide show. In the past, making advertising albums was expensive with very limited abilities. V last years 3d visualization has become a serious help.

The main arguments in its favor:

  • This is an important and crucial moment in promoting your product or service on the market.
  • A slideshow promoting your company, product or service brings you closer to your potential partner or customer.
  • Allows you to be modern and progressive.
  • You can make it one day, and then transform it into a company record on which its history will be based.

For examples of works made by our studio, see the Portfolio.

1. Flash presentations look more attractive than regular presentations. People pay more attention to flash presentations due to their dynamic elements.

2. You can add animation, interactive photo gallery, video, music, etc. to a flash presentation. Instead of just showing an image of the product, the presentation can be voiced and the required information can be easily explained. Flash also makes it easy to control volume and other interactive presentation functions.

3. When you need to convince potential customers, a picture of the product is clearly not enough. With the help of a flash presentation, you can communicate effectively with target audience showing her all the details of your company: infrastructure, goals, catalogs, details of a product or service, etc.

4. Flash presentation can be easily added to the company website, as well as place it on media platforms and in social networks where potential consumers can see them.

5. A flash presentation will help clients choose what to learn first. Watching traditional presentation, they will have to spend valuable time to watch it in full, without a chance to miss information that is not interesting to him. Therefore, there is a possibility that they simply will not watch it to the end. By ordering a flash presentation, you will avoid this risk.

Areas of using flash-presentations

There are many areas in which flash presentations are used.

1. Flash presentation will help to demonstrate to clients the goods or services of the company. With the help of a flash presentation, you can show in detail the USP (unique selling proposition) of a product or service and convince potential buyers of it.

2. Flash presentation will help train staff. If the company is large enough, when recruiting new employees, it conducts special trainings or films training lessons to teach them all aspects of the work. But why waste valuable human resources or shoot an expensive video course if you can just order a flash presentation? It is affordable and handy tool to train new employees.

3. Flash-presentation will help to present the company or its product at various exhibitions, seminars, etc. A flash presentation will not only complement and enhance the effect of the words of a company representative, but can also completely replace it.

4. Flash presentation will help to convince partners or clients in business negotiations. Unlike the usual boring arguments, an effective professional presentation can help you take control of the situation.

5. Flash presentation will help present a new product / service on the market. The release of a new product can be accompanied by a visual demo explaining all its details and benefits.

Why you need to make a flash presentation for your business

Flash presentations play an important role in modern business... Sometimes the success (or vice versa - failure) of the whole deal depends on how well the presentation is made. A professional corporate presentation will help you impress a large and varied audience - from partners to clients. Attracting potential customers is essential in every business industry. The higher its quality, the more likely it is to improve sales or brand image, so it is better to entrust its creation to professionals. After all, it is better to spend a ruble, which will pay off a hundredfold, than not to spend anything, but not get anything in return.

You can order a flash presentation in Kiev in the studio KINESKO... Do it now!