What do advertisers do? Key Responsibilities of an Advertising Manager Contextual advertising training

Fragment of material from the portal www.sostav.ru
By the way, based on the results of the discussion of this article, my acquaintances, advertisers and PR specialists, and I came to the conclusion that in order to study as an advertiser (as well as for many other professions, by the way), a couple of years would be quite enough for a normal person. Bring back the colleges!

What skills should an advertising manager have to be in demand in the labor market? I must say right away that this person does not have to be an advanced creative at all, but he must know a little about everything in advertising, simple tasks must be able to decide independently, and for complex ones - to hire qualified performers. Such a specialist should have a good understanding of the entire advertising process in general, to be able to competently order advertising and, accordingly, sell it, as well as competently evaluate the cost and quality of an advertising product. Of course, he must understand the technology of its production, learn how to build relationships with creative workers and be able to explain to a non-specialist - a client or his boss - why it is more reasonable to make this or that decision.

So, I will try to compile a list of skills that an ordinary advertising manager should have (one would like to say “an ordinary advertising service”):

  1. Know marketing theory in general and be able to use the whole set of marketing and advertising terms: target group, USP, 4P, GRP, CPP, CPT, and so on and so forth. It is achieved by reading Kotler and a couple of other books.
  2. Be able to develop a plan and budget for a standard advertising campaign for the B2B and B2C market.
  3. Know how to create a media plan.
  4. Be able to draw up a clear, consistent brief for the main advertising products and services: script development, video production, BTL promotions, printing products, signage, etc.
  5. Be able to draw up a rough estimate for all the products and services listed in the previous paragraph.
  6. Imagine the process of creating creative products, producing video advertising, photo images, printing products, organizing BTL promotions, corporate holidays and the role of the manager in these activities.
  7. Be able to evaluate the quality of an advertising product, have samples for comparison.
  8. Know the basics of office work, be able to prepare primary accounting documents, know the basics of taxation.
  9. Present in general terms the main provisions of copyright, trademark law, advertising law.
  10. Be proficient in basic graphic programs and elementary layout skills: business card, letterhead, newspaper layout.
  11. Be able to write correctly in Russian or check what is written in accessible ways.
  12. Be able to write a press release, news, simple advertising text.
  13. Be able to take pictures with amateur photographic equipment and do elementary sorting and processing of images.
  14. Have the skills to maintain a corporate website or blog.
  15. Have communication skills with customers (management), be able to prepare proposals and presentations, be able to present the project and explain its details.
  16. Have the skills to communicate with creative workers.
  17. have a general idea of marketing research and applicability of their results in practice.
  18. Possess the skills of collecting marketing information and conducting desk research.

Perhaps I did not remember everything or did not state it accurately enough, but in general the picture is emerging. An efficient graduate who owns this simple set of skills will be torn off by any firm or agency with his hands.

Once again, I'm talking about advertising managers only. They should NOT be able to develop scripts for commercials, print ad ideas, new product names. They will NOT serve as qualified designers, directors, cameramen or photographers. Do not confuse managers with creative workers and try to train both of them within the same educational process. It is impossible to embrace the immensity by chasing two hares. Manager training is a relatively simple process, but if you want to train employees creative professions, this will require much higher costs and incomparably more stringent selection at the entrance.

The full version of the article is here: http://www.sostav.ru/sotka/columns/opinion/2010/stat8/

Advertising Manager- This is a specialist who is responsible for the effective promotion of goods and services. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in economics, social studies and psychology. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in economics and psychology (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Short description

An advertising manager is one of the most popular professions in the modern personnel market. It plays a key role in the promotion of various business proposals, as well as in the formation of a loyal target audience. Advertising refers to marketing communications, so the manager develops strategies and creates products that will definitely attract the attention of potential buyers and will interest new customers.

The advertising manager has a strong stock of knowledge regarding market economics, marketing, pricing principles, administration, and other disciplines. The work is creative, but the activity is closely related to economic and strategic planning.

Features of the profession

An advertising manager is needed in any company - from public institution to the online store. He knows how to find strengths in the weakest product, considering it from the point of view of commerce. The Advertising Manager is responsible for the following:

  • in-depth analysis of the product or service that needs to be promoted on the market;
  • analysis of the target audience and competitive environment;
  • preparation marketing plan and its implementation: team coordination, planning, budgeting and expedient spending of funds;
  • selection of appropriate methods and channels for advertising. The manager takes part in the design development: color, texts, sound, video and graphic design;
  • control over the process of creating advertising printing: banners, posters, signs, price tags and other types of products;
  • conclusion of advertising deals with business partners, interaction with SMM specialists, representatives of the media and other marketing channels;
  • studying the needs of customers and their response to advertising campaign, analysis of the causes of failures.

Often the manager does not perform the listed work himself, but turns to specialized agencies. In this case, it is agency employees who develop plans, analyze, form concepts and look for platforms for their implementation. However, the advertising manager, being a representative of the client company, controls their activities, approving the best solutions and pointing out mistakes.

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. An advertising manager is one of the most popular specialists in the labor market, because without advertising it is impossible to sell goods and services.
  2. Sufficiently high wages, in some cases, the advertising manager may qualify for bonuses and even a percentage of sales (depending on the terms of the contract).
  3. The profession is creative, it is simply created for active communicators.
  4. Employment prospects in respectable domestic companies.
  5. Opportunity to make interesting and useful acquaintances.
  6. Work in a creative team.
  7. The profession is prestigious, it opens the way to career heights and a stable income.


  1. The advertising manager has a large amount of responsibilities and obligations.
  2. The developed advertising concept is not always of interest to buyers.
  3. High competition requires the constant generation of new ideas, which can be morally draining and even lead to professional burnout.

Important Personal Qualities

The advertising manager is a real pro who always brings the job he has started to the end! He has a high level of communication skills, competence, activity, perseverance, responsibility. This person tends to be both precise and humanities, it is also dominated by a strong creative beginning. The primary role in the character of an advertising manager is played by creativity, the ability to think outside the box and lead a large team, and a developed imagination.

advertising manager training

To work in the field of advertising marketing, you need to get an education at a university or college, although the first option is more preferable. The priority direction, if you make a choice in favor of the university, is "Advertising and Public Relations" (code: 42.03.01), which is extremely popular among applicants. In Moscow universities, the competition exceeds 13 people per place, so you need to prepare very well for the entrance campaign. Please note that for this specialty the profile subject is social science, you also need to take 2-3 more exams (depending on the university): literature, computer science, history, foreign language. In colleges, worthy areas of training are open, in particular, these are the profiles "Advertisement" and "Advertising Agent". You can enter the university after the 11th grade, in the secondary school - after the 9th and 11th.

Best Universities for an Advertising Manager

  1. NRU HSE.
  2. RUDN.
  3. MSGU.
  4. REU them. G. V. Plekhanov.
  5. Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov.
  6. MGIMO.
  7. SPbPU.
  8. SamGU.
  9. IKBFU I. Kant.

Top Colleges

  1. THTK.
  2. College of Moscow State University.
  3. College MU them. S. Yu. Witte.
  4. UGK them. Polzunov.
  5. NKPiIT.

Place of work

Advertising managers can find work in private companies engaged in the production and sale of products, distribution of various services. They are also in demand in the media, advertising agencies, marketing departments of government and educational institutions. It is not uncommon for advertising managers to be recruited by individuals such as movie stars, politicians, and others.


Salary depends on where you live professional qualities, company and contract terms. Companies are happy to hire advertising managers who have a customer base, established contacts with the media - such employees are most highly valued. Advertising managers who have work experience confirmed by at least 1-2 successful projects, applies for the average salary. Having completed several high-quality works, the manager will receive a steady stream of orders and offers from potential employers.

Salary as of 12/12/2019

Russia 20000—100000 ₽

Moscow 40000—100000 ₽

Professional knowledge

  1. Fundamentals of budgeting, social psychology and economics.
  2. Media planning.
  3. Confident use of a PC: office programs, graphic editors, sound, color, video editors.
  4. Social Media Marketing.
  5. Foreign language.

To compete with numerous competitors, advertising and a competent presentation of their products and services in the media are becoming increasingly important. Therefore, the profession of an advertising manager not only does not lose its relevance, but is also gaining popularity, exposing applicants to more and more serious requirements.


In principle, special education may not exist. However, the competition in the labor market today is so high that most companies want to hire a specialist with a higher education.

If you already have a specialized education, then additional related education and various courses in the field of PR will be a big plus.

Advertising Manager Job Responsibilities

  • interact with the media;
  • participate in thematic seminars and conferences;
  • organize work on advertising and promotion of goods and services; inform potential customers about company news, discounts, promotions, etc.;
  • maintain contact with the accumulated customer base;
  • keep in touch with others structural divisions enterprises and provide them with all the necessary information;
  • summarize and report to the authorities all important information;
  • planning and coordinating the work of advertising campaigns;
  • develop plans for an advertising campaign for each specific product and calculate advertising costs;
  • study the market and form an effective advertising strategy;
  • choose forms and methods of advertising;
  • build a dialogue with designers, artists, musicians, actors, radio and television workers, journalists, etc.;
  • create advertising texts, slogans, form the concept of an advertising campaign designed for the consumer;
  • study the market in order to determine the most appropriate scale and timing of an advertising campaign, study the target audience from which you can get the most return;
  • determine specific advertising distribution channels (Internet, newspapers, magazines, radio, television, advertising posters in the city, etc.);
  • develop advertising booklets, catalogs, leaflets, brochures, posters, work with publishing houses and printing houses;
  • exercise control over compliance with the principles of competition;
  • develop contracts related to the advertising of products, and monitor their thorough implementation;
  • manage the content of the company's website;
  • organize relationships with partners;
  • organize a system for collecting the necessary information;
  • analyze the activities of competitors;
  • analyze the motivation of demand for various groups of goods and services, study the impact of advertising campaigns on increasing demand;
  • supervise subordinate employees.

Knowledge, skills and abilities

  • creativity;
  • ability to negotiate, communication skills;
  • knowledge of psychology, philology, design, marketing, journalism, branding, politics, one or more foreign languages;
  • good connections in the media, business environment, government agencies;
  • thorough knowledge of the specifics of the company's activities;
  • knowledge of the specifics of the activities of competitors and the market;
  • ability to work effectively with a minimum budget.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

It is clear that for each social environment you need to find your own language and manner of communication. Advertising managers always have to be charming, to be able to "read" any person, to adapt to him.

Many of the creative people that advertising managers work with are not always organized enough, which will contribute to wasting time.

If the manager works in an agency, then there may be a problem of misunderstanding the needs of customers and insufficient insight. The pluses include the fact that, working in an agency, an advertising manager will have the opportunity to get acquainted with different areas of activity. This work will broaden your horizons and provide invaluable practical experience, which can later be transferred to any other area.

To the shortcomings of the profession can be attributed to a fairly high degree of responsibility. Any wrongly chosen word can push potential customers away from the product and cross out a huge amount of work done.

Undeniable advantage of the profession will be that the work will be full of creativity and communication with new interesting people.

Career prospects

Responsibilities of a Sales Manager

Like any sales manager, an advertising sales manager will have the following responsibilities (regardless of the specific job):

  • interaction with existing customers and search for new ones;
  • keeping records of work;
  • advice on the services provided.

At an advertising agency

AT advertising agency the advertising sales manager finds out the needs and tasks of the client, and then sells him custom-made or existing advertising texts, printing products, images to fill the site, commercials, etc.

If the agency is engaged not only in the creation of advertising products, but also in the implementation of it in the media, then the advertising sales manager, together with the PR manager, can participate in building a dialogue with various media.

in the newspaper

On radio / TV

In radio and television, an advertising sales manager sells airtime, helps recruit radio and television actors, and creates the final audio or video product.

Useful video: what to look for those who apply for the position of advertising manager

Specialist in contextual advertising- one of the most sought-after digital professions, as businessmen are interested in people who know how to attract leads from the Internet. Is it worth it to spend time learning a new specialty? Definitely, yes, because this profession is unlikely to go out of fashion.

In this article, you will learn who PPC specialists are and what their responsibilities are. In addition, I will give a list of requirements that employers make and show the average salaries for this profession.

Read about similar professions:

A contextual advertising specialist is a person who sets up and manages campaigns in Google Adwords, Yandex.Direct and other advertising systems. His job has nothing to do with what outdoor and print advertising managers do. That is why entrusting the context to such specialists is at least unreasonable.

Sometimes employers use the term "PPC Specialist" in a job posting. It was formed thanks to one of the types of advertising model - pay per click, or "pay per click". There is no difference in the duties of such specialists.

A good PPC specialist knows how to attract potential customers to the site from search engines. To do this, it performs a huge array of tasks that are easy to overlook from the outside:

  • selects key phrases by which people can search for goods and services;
  • defines negative keywords that filter out "garbage" traffic;
  • chooses the optimal strategy for an advertising campaign;
  • creates several options for creatives - pictures, headlines, ad texts;
  • analyzes the performance of campaigns, ad groups and ads, constantly working to increase conversions.

In addition, most PPC specialists can perform some of the duties of marketers. For example, to make portraits of the target audience, to segment it in order to attract the maximum number of customers within the given advertising budget.

The work of a contextual advertising specialist is a constant analysis and search best solution tasks to increase the number of sales.

Context specialists can work in the state, sitting in the office, outsourcing or freelancing. In the first two cases, they have one customer and, more often, one project. They promote the services and products of only one company on the Internet. They have a fixed salary and bonuses.

Freelance contextualists can run multiple campaigns at once while sitting at home or in a co-working space. They often charge fixed amounts for services rendered, such as setting up a campaign, maintaining it, or auditing it. Prices depend on the experience and ambitions of the specialist.

  • selection of keywords;
  • competitor analysis;
  • creation and management of advertising campaigns;
  • work with web analytics services;
  • development of advertising optimization strategies;
  • preparation of analytical reports;
  • making proposals taking into account the advertiser's business objectives.

Ideally, businessmen want to find a person who will quickly understand the specifics of the business, offer effective ways to advertise goods and services, and set up an advertising campaign that will bring visible results in the form of leads within a week. At the same time, it does not matter what services and tools the specialist will use - traffic and applications are above all.

Services for work

  • and - to set up and maintain contextual advertising;
  • and - for web analytics and campaign optimization;
  • eLama, Garpun, etc. - for advertising automation.

In addition, PPC specialists can use other working tools - services for collecting and backing keywords, creating graphics, generating UTM tags, and analyzing competitors. They make it easier to work with contextual advertising and save a lot of time.

Most of the services are paid. Freelancers include the cost of paying for subscriptions in the cost of their services. Outsourcers and in-house employees will tell you what services are needed in the work and how much you have to pay for them.

In most vacancies, contextual advertising specialists put forward standard requirements:

  • Analytical mind;
  • campaign experience;
  • ability to use the tools of advertising systems;
  • higher education;
  • sociability.

Ideally, if the specialist is "multi-armed" - he will make graphics and write texts for advertisements, launch a campaign, analyze its effectiveness, and find flaws on the site that affect conversion. This is not a sin to pay decent money.

However, some employers are ready to assign a bunch of other responsibilities to specialists - from copywriting to direct sales of services to clients. See what requirements and responsibilities appear in vacancies on the hh.ru website so you don't panic while looking for a job.

A list of requirements and responsibilities in a vacancy with a 5/2 schedule from 10:00 to 18:00 and a salary of 25,000–30,000 rubles.

The company not only puts forward a number of serious requirements, but is also ready to train employees from scratch in all the intricacies of the profession:

This employer knows what PPC specialist they need:

Blurred list of requirements and scope of work. Most likely, a bunch of left-handed duties are hung on a contextual advertising specialist, including layout:

As you can see, every company different requirements to experts in context. In order not to do the work of other employees, clarify the list of duties at the negotiation stage. Otherwise, you risk subscribing to slave labor, a ton of responsibility and a meager salary.

Contextual advertising training

There are many online courses available on the internet to help you as soon as possible to master the profession of a specialist in contextual advertising.

Customers adequately pay for the work of specialists who know how to set up contextual advertising. Level wages depends on the experience of the employee, the size of the company and the region of its presence. For example, a full-time contextologist from a provincial town will most likely be paid less than a specialist in a large Moscow company. I will give the average figures in different regions for comparison.

Salaries for vacancies with a full load. Prices are in rubles before deduction of personal income tax

Specialists who set up advertising for Internet users from the CIS, Europe and the USA are also needed. However, in this area there are other prices and features of promotion. It will not work to rebuild in a few weeks on the bourgeoisie, having little experience in Runet. It will take, at a minimum, knowledge of the language, mentality, laws on advertising. Otherwise, you will have to answer to the customer for the leaked budget and the company's participation in litigation.