Paid and free crm systems: rating of the best. CRM systems for small businesses - an overview of the best free solutions Best crm

Hello! In this article we will talk about such a tool for working with clients as a CRM system.

Today you will learn:

  • How does a CRM system work?
  • How to implement a CRM system;
  • How to properly use a CRM system;
  • Examples of the best CRM systems for business and freelancing.

What is a CRM system and how does it work

It can be difficult to keep track of the day's activities in your head. In order not to forget anything, we start diaries. But what if you need to control the implementation of the projects of a company that employs more than a dozen people?

CRM-systems are capable of evenly distributing tasks by deadlines and among employees, and monitoring their implementation in real time.

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management, which in English means "customer relationship management". In fact, the concept of a CRM system is much broader, they are aimed not only at systematizing work with clients, but also at facilitating the process of managing an organization as a whole.

CRM systems - these are special computer programs that automate the work of a manager in distributing tasks among employees, planning project implementation, accounting for clients, monitoring deadlines and completing tasks.

To understand that you need a crm-system, consider the basic principles of its operation:

  • Information about the client, tasks, deadlines and performers will now be stored in the CRM system database. You received a call from a client to amend his order, you must immediately enter this information into the system. Nothing should be overlooked, everything must be recorded, otherwise the CRM system will bring you nothing but problems.
  • Each of your employees will have their own profile in the system. This profile will determine the amount of information that will be available to a particular employee. This allows employees to focus only on the tasks that they have to perform and avoid information leakage.
  • Information about the performance of a particular task when working in a CRM system is constantly updated. That is, the employee performs his work in stages, which is immediately recorded by the system.
  • The CRM system analyzes the entire process of completing tasks, highlighting problematic moments in the work.

If we summarize the principles of the CRM system, we can conclude that the CRM system is an accounting system, a kind of repository of information about the client and the history of interaction with him, tasks and performers, deadlines and the execution process, which allows analyzing all these processes for further improving the efficiency of the company.

It would seem that the CRM-system facilitates the tasks of the manager and complicates the life of an ordinary employee, but this is not so.

CRM systems are of particular importance for freelancers:

  • Remind you what you need to do first;
  • Allows you to always control the deadlines for the delivery of work, avoiding emergency work;
  • It will allow you to save all the clients with whom you worked, their contact details, preferences and comments on the work, which will be useful in further cooperation.

For the company and its employees, the CRM system performs the following tasks:

  • Distributes tasks among employees;
  • Reminds about the deadlines, prioritizes the tasks of the employee;
  • Records customer data;
  • Automates the creation of documents;
  • Concentrates all the necessary information on a specific task in one place;
  • Allows you to monitor the implementation of the tasks of each employee, highlight the most successful.

As you can see, the CRM system is multifunctional and useful both for freelancers and for companies and their employees. But still there are areas of business in which the use of CRM systems is simply necessary.

These include:

  • Any business providing services;
  • Activities in the field of trade. Especially if you sell goods through the Internet or telemarketing;
  • Financial - services here it is important to track the status of the client.

Functions of the CRM system

Summarizing those Benefits that the CRM system brings to freelancers and businesses, we can highlight the capabilities of CRM systems:

  • Formation and maintenance of the client base. At the same time, you decide what information it will contain: only contacts and upcoming tasks, or also completed projects and difficulties in their implementation, and so on. This allows not only not to “lose” a client, but also to track the effectiveness of each employee who has ever worked with him;
  • Action standardization. The CRM system has clear rules for working with it, which standardizes the actions of employees and eliminates confusion;
  • Fixing all contacts with the client. Any employee in contact with the client must enter the data about this contact into the system. This is the law!
  • Improving the efficiency of employees. The CRM-system allows you to track the performance of tasks by each employee, see the failure to meet deadlines and problem areas in working with the client. This encourages employees to work more efficiently;
  • Client classification. CRM-system allows you to mark regular customers and customers who applied for the first time, complex and loyal customers;
  • Recording and storing data about competitors;
  • Quick search for any information entered in the database.

You are probably already sure that you need a CRM system, but we haven't talked about it yet. shortcomings:

  • The high cost of a licensed CRM program. The average cost is 10-15 thousand rubles;
  • There is a possibility of information leakage. Sometimes programs crash;
  • The need to involve specialists to install and configure the program;
  • The need to train employees to work with the CRM system;
  • Elimination of possible indignations from employees.

Now we can go directly to the review of CRM systems in Russia.

We are sure that one of the CRM systems is already installed on your personal computer and you already know how to use it. This is the simplest CRM system Microsoft Excel.

Yes, this program does not have all the functions that it should have, but it meets the requirements of a customer relationship management organization. With the help of Microsoft Excel, you can capture the contact details of the client, the tasks for each of them and distribute them by deadlines.

This option is quite suitable for freelancers who do not want to overpay for unnecessary features and learn how to work with a real CRM system.

Rating and review of CRM systems for your business

For those who want to seriously approach the development of data accounting systems, we have prepared a rating of CRM systems with a description of their functions and preferences for use in various business areas.

But first, let's look at the types of CRM systems in Russia.

There are two types of CRM-systems, which differ from each other in the technologies of creation and use:

  • Saas- a cloud CRM system, a CRM system and its data are located on the server of the developer of this system itself. Setup and other processes lie on the shoulders of the developer;
  • stand-alone- involves the creation of your own server, all the information is with you, you set up the CRM system yourself.

Paid CRM systems


cloud product. It has a simple interface.


  • A large number of different filters;
  • Broad base of integration. Amo CRM can be integrated with social networks, phone, landing systems;
  • Possibility of building;
  • The minimum training period for a manager to work with this system;
  • There is a free trial period for 14 days.

This system is more focused on those companies where the sale does not occur immediately, where a sales funnel is needed. That is, first the client contacts the manager, consults, and only at the next requests makes a purchase.

In addition, Amo CRM allows you to work on two fronts: attract potential customers and serve existing ones.

Basically, Amo CRM-system is aimed at enterprises that operate in the B2B market.


  • The absence of a document block in the program itself, but it is possible to integrate with DropBox and attach documents to each client;
  • Inability to break tasks into subtasks;
  • Not designed to be implemented throughout the company.

The cost of Amo CRM is 500-3000 rubles per month.

"1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal"

"1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal" is a full-fledged software with much wider functionality than a conventional CRM system.


  • Maximum automation of routine tasks;
  • Integration with most computer programs, telephony, mailing list, website;
  • Ability to set access rights for each employee;
  • Project management.

This system will be useful for large companies with a large number of customers. For the rest, its wide functionality will be a waste of money. Please note that it is not intended for the sales department.


  • High price;
  • Difficulty setting;
  • The need for long-term employee training to work with the system;
  • Not intended for sale.

The cost is 300,000 rubles for installation.


Megaplan is an easy-to-use system for organizing business processes. Represents a cloud.

You can choose the functionality you need and pay only for it:

  • "Joint work" allows you to manage projects, form teamwork: distribute tasks among performers, set deadlines and monitor the completion of tasks by each employee. The cost per month of use is 290 rubles;
  • "CRM: clients and sales" includes fixing information about working with clients: contact details, orders, automation of the sales process, and more. The cost of a month of use is 490 rubles;
  • "Business Manager" combines the two previous functions. Cost per month: 690 rubles.
  • The free version has restrictions on the volume of transactions, documents, the number of clients, accounts.

Megaplan has no restrictions on the scope, everyone will choose the desired functionality for themselves.


  • Simple interface;
  • Low cost;
  • Possibility to choose functionality;
  • CRM system for sales.


  • Inability to integrate with the site;
  • Overloaded service design.

Bitrix 24

Cloud CRM system, unlike its older brother, has fewer features. Suitable for large and medium businesses.


  • Integrates with various systems;
  • It has the functions of working with clients, project management, teamwork.


  • Too many features, you can't just pay for the ones you need;
  • Complex interface;
  • Missing tags;
  • Not targeted at the sales department.

The cost of a month of using Bitrix24 is 9,000 rubles, it has a free option, but with limited functionality.


CRM-system, has a temporary free version. This is one of the best CRM systems for and in general for online trading.

Allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • Maintaining a client base;
  • Telephony connection;
  • Work with courier services;
  • Site integration.


Easy-to-use cloud-based CRM system. Suitable for medium and large businesses.


  • Work with clients - ip-telephony, work with leads, integration with mailing systems, process automation;
  • Work with projects - distribution of tasks, setting deadlines, control;
  • Working with a team - functions of a social network, distribution of tasks by performers.


  • Not designed for company-wide implementation;
  • There is no possibility to export and import data from the system and into the system.

The cost of the program is 2,000 rubles per month of use.


Cloud CRM system with a simple interface.

It carries the following functions:

  • Client management;
  • Working time management;
  • Workflow automation;
  • Optimization of communications within the company;


  • The ability to select the functionality that you need.


  • Not designed for the sales department.

The average cost of using the product is 5,000 rubles per year. There is no free version.


A complete software CRM system, most adapted to the business in the field of advertising and design.

Tasks of the CRM system:

  • Integration with various programs, mailing systems, website;
  • Organization of teamwork.

The cost of SugarTalk is 15,000 rubles.

Free CRM systems

Free CRM-systems are also software and cloud, the share of software systems in this case is greater.

Free CRM systems are more suitable for freelancers and small businesses (with no more than 5 employees), as they have a limit on the number of users.

SalesMan CRM

SalesMan CRM is a software CRM system available for download absolutely free. But it will be available only to one employee, connecting more employees requires payment.

SalesMan CRM has the following features:

  • Maintaining a client base with all the ensuing functions;
  • Organization of work in a team, distribution of tasks, setting deadlines.

On crm

Cloud CRM system, available free of charge, but only for one user.

Its functions are aimed at:

  • Work with clients - maintaining a client base, searching for information, saving the history of working with clients;
  • Organization of work in a team - the distribution of tasks between employees and by deadlines.


Cloud CRM-system, has no restrictions on the number of users or the number of clients.

Allows you to automate the following tasks:

  • Automation of work with the project - distribution of tasks, deadlines, clients.
  • Synchronization with other devices

Paid CRM systems

Free CRM systems

Maximum number of users

Maximum number of clients

Unlimited, the final cost depends on this parameter

Unlimited in most cases


The maximum possible functionality, can be limited if desired

Limited, only basic functions for each task are available. As a rule, there is no integration function with programs, devices and the site. No call recording feature

Who suits

Large and medium business

Small business, private entrepreneurs, freelancers

How to choose a CRM system

The most important thing in choosing a CRM system is to determine the features that you need. Please note that even a large company with several hundred employees may not need a complete package that includes client automation, teamwork coordination, and project work systematization.

The following points should influence your choice:

  • Number of customers and number of purchases;
  • Regularity of purchases;
  • The range of your company;
  • Number of stages in the buying process;
  • The number of employees who need to be connected to the CRM system;
  • Budget.

The most important parameter of any CRM system is the ability to synchronize with other programs, mailing systems, websites and devices. Pay special attention to the possibility of joint work of the CRM system with the phone in order to automatically record incoming calls from customers and initiate new ones. This will come in handy in any case.

The ability to set deadlines, priorities, set tasks and control are some of the most important functions that affect the choice of system. You and your employees will definitely want to plan the workflow, distribute tasks by deadlines and performers, and the manager must control the process of doing the work, otherwise there will be no positive results from process automation. This is the purpose of CRM systems, so without these functions the system will not be complete.

The ability to import data from a CRM system and export data to the system is essential in the process of work. You will often need to “pull” some data from the system or, conversely, upload a document into the system, for example, the terms of an agreement with a client. If this is not possible, then it is better to abandon such a CRM system.

The complexity of the interface and excessive functionality can lead to high costs for the period of implementation and staff training, sometimes this leads to a freeze in the implementation of the CRM system.

The cost of a CRM system and the cost of its maintenance. Pay special attention to the second point.

Features of using CRM

In order for a CRM system to bring you benefits, you must follow the following rules when implementing it:

  • Write down the business processes of your organization. Designate those responsible for each of them, this will help you distribute tasks by performers and deadlines;
  • Think over the system of incentives based on the data of the CRM system;
  • Record all contacts with clients in the system;
  • Control the execution of work;
  • Teach yourself and your employees not to push deadlines.

And always be prepared for the following “pitfalls” of implementing CRM systems:

  • It will take time to work with the CRM system;
  • Sometimes employees forget to enter data into the system or enter it incorrectly;
  • You will see the shortcomings of the work of each manager;
  • Irregular control leads to a decrease in the efficiency of working with the CRM system;
  • You will probably have to ask for help to set up a CRM system, train employees;
  • There will be those employees who will maintain the base "in their own way", do not allow this.

Much of the success of a CRM (customer relationship management system) is the result of choosing the right technology. Organizations will have to weigh costs, services and functionality, ability to sustain production, and much, much more. There are so many possible factors to consider that choosing a vendor and comparing CRM can become extremely difficult.

Introducing the aggregated rating of CRM systems of 2019 according to ISM, Nucleus Research, CRM Magazine. The systems included in the list are analyzed according to 179 criteria, but the greatest attention is paid to ergonomics and functionality.

The newcomer (RosBusinessSoft released it relatively recently) has already gained a strong reputation in the market: after all, this is the first service in Russia that allows you to maintain a customer base and complete warehouse accounting via the Internet online.

This CRM system will help improve customer relationship management and the sales process by automating organization management, communication between employees and customers, and teamwork. Includes a mobile version, which is convenient for frequent business travelers.

Zoho has been on the market for eleven years, and in honor of last year's anniversary, they made Zoho CRM free for up to 10 users. One of the distinguishing features of the program is integration with other company products, including mailing lists, mail, online office, and much more. Russian interface is present.

This CRM system has its own cloud PBX and can replace many separate programs (messengers, accounting, file hosting, etc.).

One of the most effective SaaS CRM systems on the market. The customer accesses the system via the Internet. There is a Russian interface.

The top 5 best CRM is opened by a program for a simple, but functional and convenient business. Allows you to maintain a common database with customizable access levels, keep track of customers and monitor employee performance.

This CRM system is integrated with Oktell telephony, which allows you to improve the process of calling customers. Even if the manager has gone on vacation, only Internet access is required to quickly monitor the activities of employees.


The main advantage of this program, which got into the best CRM systems for sales, is its simplicity. It does not require any installation or configuration, which saves the cost of technicians. All maintenance of system operation is undertaken by the company.

2. Bitrix24 is the best free CRM

A kind of social network at work, which allows employees to easily and conveniently communicate with each other - on the website, by mail, by video call, by mobile. It is also the best free CRM. The system has all the capabilities to control and analyze the sales process.

1. bpm'online sales

“Great results are always based on the right process” - this is the principle by which the best CRM systems work. The 2019 rating was topped by the bpm’online sales system, which was chosen by ISM, Nucleus Research and CRM Magazine as the best of the best. It allows you to manage the full sales cycle, from customer acquisition to order and beyond. With an intuitive interface, it is easy and pleasant to work both on a desktop and on a mobile device (smartphone, tablet).

In the process of business development, Internet entrepreneurs sooner or later face a serious problem: which CRM system to choose? This difficult choice is somewhat similar to finding a car - you are looking for a certain model, the right color and equipment, to achieve certain goals.

For example, to take children to school, you need a minivan, to travel - a crossover, to create an image - a presentable premium coupe. However, CRM is selected according to the same principle - depending on the goals pursued.

And to make it easier for you to decide, we have collected the best CRM systems for small businesses, as well as large and rapidly growing projects.

Popular CRM systems: overview of functionality

Customer Relationship Management is an indispensable assistant and digital brain of modern business. This is a customer relationship management system, which also allows you to streamline and optimize work processes within the company.

In fact, this is a program that automates all stages of sales, pulls up analytical data, controls customer service and the work of managers. That is, it makes business processes fully manageable and transparent.

How to choose a reliable, functional, advanced system? To do this, we made an overview of the best services presented on the Russian-speaking market.

AmoCRM is a functional system that is designed for sales. That is, to automate the interaction of the department with customers. In the ranking of CPM systems in 2016, this service has become one of the leaders in the Russian-speaking market.


ZohoCRM is the superman in the world of customer relationship management on 3 key levels: marketing, sales, support. The service allows you to control and automate the main business processes.


ZohoCRM allows you to collect all the important data in one place: customer contacts, their history, information about traffic sources, the number of sales, etc. And as a result - to improve ROI and increase sales.


Bitrix24 is a convenient, multifunctional, and also free system that has not lost its position in the CRM systems rating for several years. The main emphasis in the service is on the management of projects, tasks, documentation, reports, plans. At the same time, Bitrix24 does a good job of optimizing customer relationships.

Unlike the previous 2 systems, Bitrix is ​​designed to be implemented throughout the company, and not just in the sales department.

Main functions:

This service is similar to a company's internal working social network. It optimizes the interaction between different departments, automates workflows, performs all the main functions of sales control and analysis. In a review of CRM systems for small businesses, as well as for low-budget startups, Bitrix24 is the undisputed leader in the Russian-speaking space for at least one important reason - the service can be used for free if no more than 12 people are involved in it.

Salesforce Sales Cloud

Cloud system for planning, managing and controlling business processes (customer relations, marketing, budget, sales, analytics).

  • visitor targeting;
  • internal online chat for managers;
  • accounting / work with transactions, payments;
  • cloud data storage;
  • customer base management;
  • customer interaction reports;
  • automatic distribution of requests between managers;
  • integration with social networks, mail services;
  • access to the service from mobile devices;
  • assigning priority to applications;
  • lead capture and traffic source tracking;
  • sales control and analytics;
  • formation of work tasks, planning.

Despite the fact that BaseCRM is designed specifically for large businesses, it remains one of the simplest and most understandable systems on the market. Using this service, you can track sales, deals, their dynamics (decline/growth) at different stages of the funnel, predict future income, and compile comprehensive reports.

On the other hand, it is a powerful machine for increasing the productivity of company employees (planning, KPI, performance reports, setting goals / objectives). As well as multi-level control of data on the client base (contacts, transactions, letters, documents, touch history).

Service functionality:

  • support for Android and iOS mobile platforms;
  • end-to-end reports on the development of a specific transaction;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of employees;
  • sales funnel analytics;
  • forecasting sales dynamics;
  • customer information cards;
  • storing the history of interaction with customers;
  • tracking conversions, clicks, email opens;
  • built-in telephony;
  • work with documents, finances;
  • task setting, calendar.

So which one to choose? The mass of options is confusing, the variety of functions and software does not allow you to focus on the main thing - for what purposes do you need a CRM system? What are the top priorities for your business? Where do you plan to implement it (in the whole company or in certain departments)? And finally, what budget do you have?

The answers to these questions will help you shed light on the characteristics of a customer relationship management system that are important to you.

Comparative analysis of CRM systems in 2016-2017

We analyzed the most popular CRM systems in the domestic market, their rating, functionality, and features.

Write in the comments which CRMs have you already tested or are you using right now? What do you like about them, and what moments leave much to be desired?

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a customer relationship management system that allows you to put in order all the information related to them. In fact, this is a customer database. She can remind you when one of them has a birthday, tell you at what stage the signing of the contract is. This is necessary for companies that have many clients or many small tasks associated with one counterparty.

Most CRM systems allow you to analyze information about them and build sales funnels. The main problem with all such applications is that they require a very long installation: sometimes it can take six months. There are dozens of CRM systems in Russia. H&F chose the most comfortable ones.


Project management service "Megaplan" entered the market in 2008. Later, tools for automating sales, financial planning and customer interaction were added to it. CRM "Megaplan" allows you to store all customer information in a structured database and track events and tasks associated with them. You can create a guest login for a client, discuss a project with them, and issue invoices directly in the system.

Megaplan also allows you to set up a sales scheme of any complexity or use one of the ready-made schemes. With the help of the transaction management function, you can track the work of specific managers and the sales department as a whole, record income, expenses and cash transactions with each counterparty. Unfortunately, the system cannot be called simple and understandable. recognized the creators themselves. However, this is a problem with most CRMs.

"Megaplan" can be tested within a month. There is a free version - CRM Free. It has restrictions on the volume of documents, invoices, transactions and the number of users. The license of the paid version will cost 435 rubles per month. When paying for six months and a year, there are discounts of 10 and 15 percent, respectively.

We have been using this system for a year and a half now. We have a paid version, and five people are connected. It is not very convenient for us, since we are on a simplified system, and there everything is done for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs. That is, half of the functionality associated with accounts and acts is immediately removed. We maintain a customer database in it, it is very convenient to process meetings and calls there. A file is created for each client, where contact persons are added. There is also "Cases", in which you can pick up the client's file, set the status and status of the transaction. You can add bank details that will be automatically attached when invoicing. The good thing is that they are available at any time. You can store information on transactions: what was shipped, what was not shipped, who owes how much, what work was paid. You can collect reports. But we don't use a sales funnel.


"Bitrix24" - the development of the company "1C-Bitrix", launched in early 2012. CRM is provided as a package of services along with task and document management. The system serves to record potential and current customers, partners and even recipients of press releases. CRM can be integrated with an online store and process orders directly in the system. The system has a built-in catalog of goods and services. Integration with mail is also possible: data from the company's correspondence will be automatically entered into CRM. It is possible to set tasks for employees to process transactions.

The system allows you to trace the path from the so-called "lead" to the conclusion of the transaction. A lead can be any interest shown, a “hook”, an initial contact with a potential client. Data about him is entered into the system, and the responsible manager and status are assigned to him. Subsequently, it must be converted into "Contact", "Company", "Deal".

CRM captures all events and actions taken along the way. In addition, the system allows you to generate reports that analyze the effectiveness of these actions. For sales analysis, CRM contains eight standard reports. It is possible to test the system for free, after which the user can choose one of two paid tariffs. The first of them - "Team" - will cost 4,990 rubles per month and does not limit the number of users. The next one - "Company" - will cost 9,990 rubles per month. It added features such as time tracking, the creation of meetings, meetings, reports, and its own domain.

Firstly, the system is convenient in that it has the ability to quickly process transactions. It is very important for me to build reports on sales: you can immediately build a chart and see which deals are completed, for which the probability of closing is more than 50%. Secondly, unlike other systems, here you can manage not only transactions, but also integrate the system with an online store on the 1C-Bitrix platform. Then all applications will immediately go to the CRM system, and it will be possible to process them faster. You can add contacts, details to client files, immediately issue invoices without opening 1C Accounting, that is, it is quite convenient to conduct financial transactions. All company data, various information about employees, details can also be stored in the program.


Another customer accounting system, amoCRM, has been on the market since 2008. Its main difference is that the backbone in it is not the client file, but the transaction file. amoCRM allows the manager to monitor the work of managers: to see the number of calls made, scheduled and held meetings, the results of negotiations. All changes that occurred during the day are summarized in the "Events" report. The customer information database has a next contact reminder feature. An important advantage of amoCRM is the direct marketing feature. The system is integrated into services that make it possible to carry out mail and SMS mailings. It also allows you to build a sales funnel. amoCRM has a free version and four paid ones. Their cost ranges from 350 to 3,000 rubles per month. There is a special offer "Business Solution" for 49,000 rubles, which includes setting up and implementing CRM for a specific company and a three-month subscription to the maximum version of the tariff.

We have been using this system for two years now. It was originally chosen for its simplicity. Such systems are very long and difficult to choose, and it is not known whether employees will like it. Implementation is even more difficult. The main problem is that you need to either force people, or they themselves must want to use it. The first path is hopeless, and in the case of complex systems, you only have it, because people do not want to work with them. Managers liked working with this system, and that's it - the process has begun. We tried Megaplan, Bitrix24, some of the Western counterparts, but as a result we settled on amoCRM. We have five people working in it, sales managers. The basic structure of any CRM is the same, but this one has very good statistics and a sales funnel that can be viewed from each employee. In addition to primary accounting, this also allows you to predict. Many such systems need to be adapted for a specific company for a long time, but this one initially has nothing superfluous.


RosBusinessSoft is a Russian web-CRM system for small and medium businesses. Particularly suitable for trading companies. The system is accessed through a secure communication channel not only using a computer, but also through iPhone, iPad, Android mobile devices. The program can be integrated with 1C-Accounting, an online store, a corporate website, a bank client and a mail service. Thanks to integration with 1C, you can keep accounting records without leaving the system, see operational information about the receipt of goods at the warehouse, payment of invoices, updating prices. Orders of goods from the site automatically fall into the CRM.

Thanks to the "Warehouse accounting" and "Logistics" functions, managers in real time can control the degree of readiness of goods for shipment in the warehouse and see the delivery status. You can create working reports, in the basic version of the product there are 40 ready-made templates for them. To create charts, the graphic library of the Yandex.Metrica service is used. Like the three previous programs, RBS provides free access to its product: there is a 30-day demo version. The cost of a license for one seat is 5,000 rubles, with the purchase of more than five seats, discounts begin.

We installed this system a year ago, and it took us about six months to install. When choosing a program, we were primarily guided by the price, in addition, we were attracted by the possibility of fully adapting it to our needs. We mainly use the program for managing clients, controlling transactions and creating reports. I can say for sure that it is very convenient to create reports in it. We didn't have any problems during the year of working with her.

ManageEngine ServiceDesk

ManageEngine Service Desk Plus is a product of Zoho Corporation. It exists both as a web application and as a SaaS service. It was originally conceived as a tool for technical support workers, but can also be successfully used as a CRM system. Consists of several combined blocks, allows you to manage customers, process orders, track purchases and manage contracts. Communication with customers is carried out online through a web form or by e-mail. You can also create reports in the system using ready-made templates. Compatible with different versions of Windows and Linux. The program interface is available in both English and Russian. The company's website provides a 30-day demo version for free. The minimum cost of the program starts at $450.

Our ManageEngine system costs about four months. It took our sysadmin about a week to get the hang of it, and then he trained the rest of the staff. Now it is used by six people. So far, everything suits us, although we understand that we still do not use all the functionality and are in the process of learning. Now we use the system for correspondence with clients and for technical support. We also process orders there. This system is not connected to the site, so orders have to be entered manually. We issue a commercial offer, invoices not in it, but in the MySklad system. We have not yet taught her how to create final documents listing product positions.

Text: Anastasia Manuylova