Marketing business. What is marketing in the simplest words. The main objectives of marketing

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There are many definitions of marketing in the literature:

Most researchers agree that marketing is a process. It starts with researching the target market segment for which the company is going to work. Marketers determine potential demand and its size (market segment capacity), that is, they identify buyers whose needs are not sufficiently satisfied or who have an implicit interest in certain goods or services. The market is segmented and those parts are selected that the company is able to serve in the best way. Plans are being developed to create and bring products to the consumer, as well as a marketing mix strategy (eng. marketing mix) the impact on demand through the product, price, distribution channels and methods of product promotion. They create a marketing audit system that will allow assessing the results of the activities and the degree of their impact on consumers.

Marketing principles

In marketing, adherence to the following five basic principles is accepted:

  1. the production and sale of goods must correspond to the needs of buyers, the market situation and the capabilities of the company;
  2. full satisfaction of customer needs and compliance with the modern technical and artistic level;
  3. presence on the market at the time of the most efficiently possible sale of products;
  4. constant updating of manufactured or sold products;
  5. unity of strategy and tactics to quickly respond to changing demand.

Functions, concepts and goals of marketing

Usually the content of marketing is equated with sales and its promotion, advertising. However, in fact, sales are one of the marketing functions and often not the most essential. If a firm has done a good job on such marketing areas as identifying consumer needs, developing suitable products and setting the appropriate price for them, establishing a distribution system and effective incentives, then such products will no longer have problems with sales, unless the firm operates in a highly competitive market. ... According to the classics of management theory, ideally, the purpose of marketing is as follows:

"One of the leading management theorists, Peter Drucker, puts it this way: “The goal of marketing is to make sales efforts unnecessary. Its goal is to get to know and understand the client so well that the product or service will exactly fit the latter and sell itself ".

- "Fundamentals of Marketing", Philip Kotler.

All of this does not mean that sales and promotion efforts are losing value. These functions become part of a broader marketing mix, a set of marketing tools that need to be harmoniously aligned to maximize market impact. In general, marketing is a human activity that is somehow related to the market.

Marketing functions form the following concepts: need, needs, demand, commodity, exchange, transaction and market.

The basic idea behind marketing is the idea of ​​human needs.

Need- a feeling of lack of something. The needs of people are diverse and complex, but in general their number is finite, in contrast to needs. Here are the basic physiological needs for food, clothing, warmth and safety; and social needs for spiritual closeness, influence and affection; personal needs for knowledge and self-expression. Most of these needs are determined by the original constituents of human nature. If the need is not satisfied, the person feels dissatisfied and seeks either to find an object that can satisfy the need, or to try to drown it out.

The second original marketing idea is the idea of ​​human needs.

It is not difficult to enumerate the demands of a particular society at a particular moment in time, while the society could plan the volume of production for the next year, based on the totality of the demands of the previous one. This is approximately what happened with the planning of production in the USSR. However, requests are an unstable indicator. People get bored with the things that are in use right now, and they look for variety for the sake of variety. In the 90s, down jackets came into fashion, for the sake of which people abandoned previously used clothes, then they also abandoned down jackets.

Changes in choice may also be the result of changes in prices or income levels. A person usually chooses a product, the combination of properties of which provides him with the greatest satisfaction for a given price, taking into account his specific needs and resources.

see also

cm. also other audio articles

cm. also other audio articles

  • Content marketing
  • Marketing ideas
  • Product marketing
  • Territory marketing
  • Personal Marketing
  • Marketing organizations
  • Marketing activities
  • Neuromarketing

Believe it or not, until recently, most businesses did not have marketing departments. In the United States and other Western countries, marketing departments have grown out of sales departments. At many Russian firms, the positions of “head of the marketing and advertising department” are still found, that is, a fashionable word was simply introduced into the name of a long-existing unit.

Marketing departments evolve so rapidly that they often become larger in staffing and / or in cost than sales departments - the main breadwinners of the company.

Having faced marketing for the first time and starting to apply it in professional activities, it is difficult then to imagine how it was possible to do without it before. For example, a company wants to create a new product. Research is being conducted that answers the question: "Does the customer need this product?" Next, you need to find out the real and potential market share of this product, the price situation, the number and characteristics of competitors. Finally, a positive decision was made. Now the question arises about the appearance of the product, its name, packaging, type of packaging, etc. etc. For each of the points, a market research of potential buyers is carried out. The next step is to advertise the product. We came up with an advertising move - we studied its perception by the buyer. We released the goods on the market - we studied the opinion of wholesalers, the reaction of buyers, the distribution of goods in the market, etc., etc., etc. To exaggerate, before making any decision, it is necessary to conduct a study that will show the current state of the market, the prospects for its development and give recommendations on how to act to achieve the set goals.

Today in Russia there are not only marketing departments at enterprises, but also independent research companies that offer their services for market research. For many managers, the question is still relevant: which is better: to have their own marketing department or to periodically order research from outside organizations.

The main arguments that advocates of carrying out research only by their own employees give

Marketing company
- the competence of employees in this area (who can better know the specifics of the enterprise and its customers) - incompetence of universal marketers
- the availability of confidential in-house information (the most valuable information is never taken out of the company) - inaccessibility of confidential intra-company information
- observance of confidentiality by employees (an employee depends on the company, he is already verified and trustworthy) - the possibility of resale of research results to competitors
- the objectivity of their employees (the employee is interested in the prosperity of the enterprise) - the possibility of juggling the results
- low final cost of the research (after completing the research, employees can be transferred to another area of ​​work) - high research cost

Key arguments advanced by advocates of doing research only in specialized marketing companies

Marketing company Internal marketing department of the enterprise
- high professionalism of marketers in research and analysis (for a successful research it is necessary not so much to know the technological process as to own the sources of information and methods of its processing and analysis) - insufficient professionalism of employees, often busy with other things
- observance of confidentiality by the company (even suspicion of a double game will exclude the company from the market forever) - the possibility of resale of research results to competitors (you can go to another company with a promotion)
- objectivity of marketers (they do not know customer expectations) - high likelihood of falsification of results (influenced by "corporate opinion" - general expectations, attitude, beliefs)
- low final cost of the research (the work is done quickly, there is no need to pay salaries all year round) - the high cost of research (the salary of the department must be paid all year round, as well as rent, taxes, etc.)

The same arguments are used by opposing parties with equal success.

A small survey conducted by N.V. Dolgopolova, head of the marketing department of the State Unitary Enterprise "State Laser Center" Raduga "among fellow marketers of" problem "state unitary enterprises, showed that the proposal to attract external consultants is most often perceived by the management as a manifestation of the incompetence of their own specialists. A priori, it is believed that in-house specialists should carry out any research faster, cheaper and of better quality than hired ones. As a result, it is a widespread practice of own analytical reports based on incomplete or inaccurate information, but consistent with corporate views.

In December 2001, there was a discussion about the functions of the marketing department in the enterprise. In the table, we present the opinions of real specialists - heads of marketing departments of enterprises and employees of marketing companies (34 specialists from Moscow, Omsk, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Kazan, St. Petersburg, Kiev participated in the discussion).

There was no objection that every modern enterprise should have at least one marketing specialist on its staff. The main controversy was caused by the question whether the specialists of the enterprise should conduct the entire volume of research on their own, or their role is only to control the activities of external performers. And the entire range of research work - from collecting primary data to analysis - should be outsourced to specialized marketing agencies. As usual, there is no definite recipe.

When making a decision, one must remember the central role of the marketing department at the enterprise and the entire range of issues that its employees deal with. The marketing department develops a strategy for the production and sales of products, prepares information for management about the market situation for decision-making, coordinates the actions of all other departments (production, sales, finance, etc.), and provides support to the sales department to promote products.

Most of the marketers of enterprises admitted that they spend no more than 15-20% of their working time directly on market research, the rest is taken up by other tasks, including sales and advertising. This means that the agency will complete the research at least 5 times faster than an in-house specialist! And this is a very important indicator for any market where the situation is changing rapidly.

There are three main criteria for determining how to organize marketing research - in-house or with the help of research companies: the ratio of work volume and human resources, cost-benefit ratio and the competence of research companies.

Here is an approximate, far from complete, list of research activities: development of a research program; identification of sources of information and acquisition of statistics; recruitment of interviewers, their training and development of questionnaires; operational management of information collection: the need to constantly communicate with a large number of counterparties; processing of the received data; analytical report writing; design and presentation of the report.

It is very difficult for a person who has other responsibilities to do the above amount of work at the proper level of quality and within a given time frame. Thus, to conduct the research, it is necessary to take a special person, and, most likely, for this time, release him from other duties. If such a person can be found and occupied while the research is over, then the question of the volume of work is not decisive for the company when deciding whether to do the research on its own or to transfer it to other companies.

Regarding the cost-benefit ratio. Let's say we're doing research for an architecture and construction company. Getting one client for such a firm can recoup all the research costs. On the other hand, this one client may come to this company anyway. But what if it doesn't come, but current clients leave? Can a research company guarantee a result? The answer is no, maybe you are doing everything right anyway. Can you guarantee yourself that you are doing everything right?

In almost all investment projects, money should not be spared for research. Typically investments in equipment, real estate, hiring people, etc. an order of magnitude more than the cost of marketing research. At the same time, even if you have a person who can conduct market research, do not be lazy, go to several research companies, maybe they will seem more competent to you. The cost of incompetence may be too high.

Of course, employees in a firm know much better the specifics of their activities (at least, this is what is commonly believed). But do you really think that it is absolutely impossible for an outside person to understand it at the level that would allow him to correctly pose the questions? In addition, the customer approves the research program, which includes a list of results and the methods by which these results will be obtained.

There are organizational issues that the research company will most likely be able to solve better: faster and more convenient work with interviewers, streamlined work control, a convenient questionnaire, a convenient and strict structure for presenting data in the final analytical report, etc. This is due to the availability of ready-made forms that make the work faster and better. And this is only because the research company regularly “stuffs itself with it” and improves its work. There is another important point that determines competence: a marketer in a research company works with statistics from different markets. This develops an outlook that is difficult to acquire by working for the same company; and this allows a very sober view of things from the outside (which is one of the main arguments in favor of conducting research “by someone else's hands”).

For marketing research, two principles should apply: 1) the cost of information should not exceed the benefits obtained from its use, 2) the quality of information should correspond to the purpose and objectives of the research.


Every company should have its own marketer, but only a few very large companies can afford to maintain a department to carry out the full range of work, including research. The main function of the marketing department of a medium-sized company is setting research goals and objectives, implementing the company's marketing strategy, collecting and processing current information. The main function of a marketer of a small company is setting goals and objectives of the study, implementing the marketing strategy of the enterprise.

The size of a marketing department is highly dependent on the size and scope of the business itself. The more assortment you have, the more competitors, the more advertising plays a role, the more numerous the internal marketing department should be. It makes sense for every company to use the services of external analysts. Any investment project requires the collaboration of internal and external analysts.

In this article, we will analyze what marketing is in simple words, and what is the difference between marketing and sales. We will also look at how to properly organize marketing so that it works for the good of the business, and not against it.

And let's start with the main question - what is the difference between marketing and sales?

What is marketing in simplest terms?

I recently noticed that many entrepreneurs do not understand what marketing really is (even if they have been in business for a very long time).

They often confuse marketing with “sales”. As a result, they work ineffectively with both. They force salespeople to do marketing, and vice versa - they hire a marketing director and try to get him to increase sales.

In many ways, business textbooks are to blame for this situation, which for some reason consider it their duty to write “marketing and sales” on every second book - as if it’s exactly the same thing. Yes, and it is difficult for residents of the post-Soviet space to understand the difference between two such subtle entities.

Speaking specifically about marketing, our entrepreneurs' understanding of this section of business is often limited to “marketing research” - collecting focus groups, organizing calls to the target audience with stupid questions (like “will you buy our product or not”).

In fact, the difference between marketing and sales is the same as between opera and operetta. I will try to explain this difference with a simple example.

Apples or potatoes?

Imagine this situation. You have a red apple and you want to make money selling it. To do this, you go up to people on the street and offer them to buy your apple. At first, these people cannot understand in any way - why do they need your apple. And you begin to describe to them how useful this fruit is. There is a lot of iron and other health benefits. Moreover, this apple is delicious, sweet and juicy.

Thus, you are trying in every possible way to convince passers-by who came to your hand to buy your apple. This is sales.

Now let's imagine a different situation. You still walk the streets and pester people, but this time you do not have an apple. You approach passers-by and ask them a simple question - what would they like to buy? Maybe they want apples? Or maybe bananas? Or maybe potatoes in general? Based on their answers, you choose what exactly to offer these people.

That is, you will not have to convince them that your product is necessary and useful. They themselves will want to buy it, and all you have to do is supply it in the required quantity. This is marketing.

I think now the difference is clear to you. And the question arises - what is more important for business - marketing or sales?

What's more important - marketing or sales?

There are two answers to this question. The first is quick, that marketing and sales are like an egg and a chicken. And you cannot say which is more and which is less important. But there is another, longer answer. It will help you determine which direction you need to pay more attention to in your particular situation.

Why do salespeople and marketers hate each other?

If we go back to the "classical" organization of the work of sales and marketing departments in Russian businesses, then these two departments often turn into a swan, a crayfish and a pike. Each of them pulls the business in their own direction.

Traditionally, salespeople hate marketers and vice versa. And those and others can be understood. Imagine yourself as a sales manager. You need to call customers every day and offer them your company's products. And every day you get rejections.

They say to you - “We don’t need this” or “it is too expensive”, or “we are not satisfied with the conditions”. And you cannot offer them another product, or reduce the price, or change the terms of delivery - because you are limited by the conditions that marketers have set you.

And you think - why do we offer people what they don't need? This is something marketers misunderstood. Or another thought - “Now, if our product was cheaper, it would be much easier to sell it. And these greedy marketers and directors still won't get drunk! "

By the way, it may easily turn out that there are no “marketers” in the company at all. And then all the anger of the salespeople is directed at the one who formally performs the functions of the marketing director - at the owner or head of the business. After all, it is he who makes the decision - what, at what price and to whom to sell? So he is a marketer.

And this attitude, of course, is not good for business.

Circular diagram of marketing and sales

Let me draw a small diagram to make it clearer how marketing and sales interact (or how they should in theory interact). But first - a little explanation to the diagram.

Working with our potential and real clients goes in circles.

Circle # 1 - the largest circle is people who are just about us know... Either they have heard the name of our company somewhere, or they have seen an advertisement where we offer certain products.

This is the largest part of our audience.

Circle # 2 -(the smaller circle) are those who not only know about us, but also trust us. They heard from friends that our products are of high quality. Someone recommended us to them, or they read our materials about the product, and they themselves came to the conclusion that we are experts in the market and can be trusted.

Next comes an even narrower Circle # 3- these are people who have already paid us something. Moreover, it is not always about money. If a person left us his email in the subscription, or his phone number, or subscribed to our public on the social network, he also became part of a narrower circle. But in the classical sense - yes, this circle is already associated with money and primary sales.

Here we are already dealing with the so-called “core” of our target audience. That is, these are people who are already very loyal to us, and we have the opportunity to touch them again and again.

The smallest Circle # 4 - this is the "core of the kernel". That is, these are people who not only bought something from us once, but made repeated purchases. Thus, they have become our regular customers. This is how it looks in the diagram.

Thus, marketing is in the first two circles, and sales in the other two. The money of any business is always in the "core" (in those circles where people paid us the first and subsequent times). And the larger this core, the more money your business and you personally will have.

But the size of the core directly depends on the size of the outer circles (that is, on the reach of the potential audience).

When sales are useless

If we compare business with military operations, then I would call salesmen soldiers, and marketers - generals (sorry miles, if you are a salesman). It is the marketers who are (ideally should be) strategically planning, expanding market reach, and creating the ideal offering for the target audience.

Accordingly, in my opinion, marketing is more important than sales. But there is more responsibility for them. And you can understand the sellers who make claims to marketers. Of course, salespeople will never be happy, because they will always be dealing with rejection and unhappy customers (no matter what the perfect offer the upline marketing geniuses come up with).

And if you are in business, then if I were you, I would spend about 80% of my time on marketing tasks:

  • Content creation to attract new audiences;
  • Working closely with existing clients to improve their commercial offer;
  • Social Marketing to Build Brand Awareness;
  • etc…

I even wrote a separate article explaining (opens in a new tab). I recommend reading.

When marketing is powerless

Notwithstanding all of the above, marketers should listen very carefully to the opinions of sellers. You can build as many beautiful marketing strategies and theories as you like, but only sales can give a true answer to the question - will you buy a product or not.

As well as generals are completely helpless without their soldiers, so are marketers helpless without their salespeople (miles sorry if you are a marketer). It would be a big mistake to think that it is enough to create a name for yourself through content marketing and people will rush to you to buy all your products and services.

Proper marketing can only facilitate the subsequent sales phase, not replace it. For example, I have detailed what constitutes a universal sales formula and what role content plays in it. Read it, and a lot will become clearer to you.

If you are a sales marketer ...

It often happens that one person performs the functions of both a salesperson and a marketer. That is, he first comes up with what and to whom he will sell, and how he will attract these people, and then he actually catches these people and begins to persuade them to buy his product.

And here two situations may arise, each of which is bad in its own way.

All people from business can be divided into two large groups. Let us conditionally call the first "Saviors", and the second - "Terminators". The first ones are sure that it is necessary "to work efficiently, and people will come to you by themselves." They also believe that “a good product does not need advertising,” and they like to boast that they don’t promote themselves at all, and the clients “come from somewhere themselves, probably they all recommend me to each other avidly”.

The latter approach the issue of business in a more practical way. They sell like jackhammers, sparing neither women nor children, and at all regardless of whether their product is needed by those to whom they sell it. They are not at all picky about their means. Their main task is to buy it now, and then at least not grow the grass.

Accordingly, the former sit without money for a very long time, and often “die” in poverty, never waiting for their word of mouth to reach a sufficient number of clients. And the latter first earn, but quickly run out of money in the future, when bad rumor begins to go about them due to the fact that they sold to people what they do not need.

Extreme cases are rare, and most people simply have some bias in one direction or another (personally, I have a clear bias in the direction of "salvation"). But it is still incredibly difficult for one person to organically combine a savior-marketer and a terminator-seller.

This is why marketing and sales should ideally be done by different people. And people must be selected correctly. Otherwise, the marketer will suffer, gently offering people something to buy from him (so gently that most will not even understand that they were offered to buy something). And the salesperson will burn out, doing what, in his opinion, does not promote the business at all and does not lead to money.

As a result, I would like to advise you not to try to choose which is more important - marketing or sales, but to do both, but in the right order and with the help of the right people.

Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (extract from personal experience for 10 years =)

See you later!

Your Dmitry Novosyolov

Marketing Is the art of transforming the needs of people and organizations for goods and services of a certain type into consumer demand. By and large, he solves the same problems as business, he is the soul of business. Like any other art, marketing requires mastering certain techniques. Without this, any business is sooner or later doomed to failure.

What Marketing Studies

Marketing studies the state of affairs in the market, the availability of supply and demand for a particular product, pricing policy and, of course, ways to increase demand for the goods and services offered by the company. Marketing is needed not only in order to sell a product, but also in order to satisfy the needs of consumers, to create such products that people want to see on the shelves.

Marketing tasks

In business, with the help of marketing, you can solve the following tasks:

  • clarification of the needs of consumers in the field of activity of the company;
  • development of new products in accordance with these needs;
  • market research and forecasting its development, taking into account the actions of competing companies;
  • formation of the optimal assortment and prices for products;
  • creation, preservation and increase of demand for the company's products, successful marketing of these products.

Types of marketing

Currently, there are about twenty types of marketing, each of which has its own arsenal of methods and means.

  1. Direct marketing. Its very name implies the use of a direct, overt offer to buy a specific product or use a specific service. In other words, direct marketing this is an open offer addressed to potential buyers. It can be carried out using mailing lists of catalogs, price lists, offers for the purchase of goods. Such proposals can also be voiced over the phone. If the catalogs are not distributed by mail, but by courier or otherwise, this is also considered direct marketing. The most aggressive direct marketing technique is direct sales through salespeople.
  2. A good alternative to the directory is marketing kit. This is a collection of materials about a manufacturing company or a selling company. A marketing kit can contain the history of the company, ideally a legend about it, a story about the team that is working on the creation of the product and about the product itself, its features and benefits, areas of application and methods of use, as well as other information that can interest potential partners or clients. Of course, it must include information about the address of the company, its management and other official data. It's a good idea to add here information about awards, certificates and other documents that positively characterize the organization as a socially responsible company. By the way, the marketing kit may contain the product catalog itself. All this can be collected in one brochure, it can be issued as separate booklets and leaflets, putting everything in a beautiful folder decorated with a corporate label.
  3. Strategic marketing- This is a higher level marketing based on long-term planning focused on the creation of such goods or services that have a high consumer value. It is based on forecasts based on market research materials. A good marketer not only sells, he comes up with what people want to buy. Therefore, the marketing department is engaged not only in sales, but also in market research, forecasting and planning. His tasks include defining the company's mission, creating a strategy, forming a portfolio of goods and services that are in higher demand than existing competitors.
  4. Personnel Marketing - this is a specific area of ​​marketing, which is usually done by HR departments. You cannot write off the most important resource, without which there can be no production, sales, profit. This resource is human, the most complex and unpredictable. Cadres are decisive in a market economy as well. The successful selection of personnel, "infecting" them with a common idea, the mission of the company, stimulating their work play a significant role in shaping the image of the organization, increasing labor productivity, and in the successful implementation of the strategy. Personnel marketing allows you to meet the company's need for human resources and the needs of the employees themselves.
  5. Direct marketing Is a broader concept of direct marketing. It also involves direct work with the target audience to expand sales markets, but the boundaries of interaction in this case expand, including not only the end customer, but also distributors. Direct marketing and direct marketing are often combined into one type of marketing. As already mentioned, it is carried out through personal sales, offers of goods and services by phone or in mailing lists, distribution of catalogs. Direct offers of goods and services through social networks or “shops on the couch” also refer to direct marketing. For greater efficiency, a sequential series of measures of direct influence on the client is used: first, an offer is sent to him by mail, then they call by phone to find out an opinion about the offered goods and conditions of purchase, and only then the seller pays a personal visit to the buyer in order to show and sell the products that interested the client. ...
  6. Marketing complex (marketing mix) Is a set of techniques and tools typical for different types of marketing, which are used in combination. It is often referred to as blended marketing. The combination of various tools (development of products that are interesting to the consumer, pricing, ways of selling and promoting goods) allows you to build a flexible strategy and quickly adapt to changes in the market. The marketing mix is ​​often called the “4p” complex: product, price, place, promotion.
  7. Many probably had to, when purchasing a product in a store for a certain amount, receive a discount coupon or a gift to another store. This is an example cross marketing, which is based on a one-time or long-term merger of two non-competing companies: a bank and an electronics store, and an enterprise for the production of building and finishing materials, a grocery store and an organization that sells cosmetics or household chemicals. It is beneficial for the client to purchase one product and receive a related product at a discount. Organizations also benefit from such a combination: since a client has used the goods or services of one of the two cooperating companies, then the likelihood that he will purchase another product he needs at a discount in another partner company.
  8. Conversion Marketing used in cases where the demand for a product is below zero. That is, when potential consumers not only do not purchase a product or service, but they themselves are ready to pay in order not to receive them. An example is the services of a dentist. Many people, especially if they had to visit this doctor in Soviet times, agree to courageously endure a toothache so as not to end up in a dental chair. Conversion marketing was able to break this prejudice by convincing potential clients that dentistry doesn't hurt, and that healthy teeth are beautiful and prestigious. Conversion marketing is about turning negative demand into positive one.
  9. Viral marketing Is a collective name for promotion technologies that can quickly increase the number of people covered by advertising. Thanks to the desire of people to share interesting information, the audience that has watched a video, launched a game, listened to or read a message about a product or service, grows like a snowball. The spread of information on social networks on the principle of word of mouth is reminiscent of an epidemic, hence the name of the type of marketing. An example of viral marketing is inviting friends to a game in order to get some bonuses in it. By posting on our page a message that we have made a good purchase in an online store, by "like" under a picture containing hidden advertising, by sending a link to a funny ad video to a friend, we become participants in viral marketing. So a creative video posted on YouTube is inexpensive, but it can attract a huge number of customers. The most difficult thing here is to generate an idea, the rest will be done by users of social networks for free and with pleasure.
  10. Social marketing Is not the promotion of goods or services, but of any social values ​​or behavior patterns. Call your Parents TV ads and roadside outdoor ads urging the driver to slow down to avoid hitting a child are typical examples of social marketing.
  11. Differentiated Marketing Is a type of marketing aimed at narrow segments of the target audience with specific needs. They can only be interested in specially developed products that will not be in demand from other consumers. Differentiated marketing is more expensive than conventional marketing, but the payoff is higher. An example of such marketing is the release of shampoos for different hair colors in different colors, but made in the same style of packaging: specially for red hair, especially for light hair, especially for dark hair.
  12. Incentive Marketing- This is marketing, which is used in the absence of demand for a product or service for the purpose of its appearance. First of all, they find out the reasons why the product is not in demand. Perhaps the consumer does not know about him or does not know enough. Other reasons may be a high price, unattractive packaging, the availability of a more convenient or multifunctional similar product from competitors. The challenge for incentive marketing is to eliminate these causes. This can be done by sharply reducing prices, increasing advertising, raising people's awareness of the product, improving packaging and other methods.
  13. With the development of information technology, it has gained considerable popularity digital marketing. It's email marketing that works in two ways: push and pull. The pushing process results in spamming. You can "pull" to yourself in different ways: by placing a banner on a popular resource on the Internet, by publishing news on the company's page with keywords that are often typed in search engines.
  14. Guerrilla marketing Is one of the cheapest and most common types of marketing. Its essence is to tell about yourself and the product, to make the brand recognizable without investing in expensive advertising. The use of cheap or even free channels for transmitting information (attaching a price list to a parcel with an ordered product, pasting advertisements in shop windows, distributing promotional business cards at the checkout) is one of the ways of guerrilla marketing. Placing a bright, memorable label of the company on the packaging, donating calendars with the image of this label to customers will also help make products recognizable at a minimum cost. Participation of a company in the organization of public events indicating its name on a poster with the names of partner firms, holding contests and lotteries, tastings, consultations and other local events will also allow the company to gain wide popularity and reduce advertising costs. The publication of an article about the company in the press can also be of great benefit.
  15. Event Marketing- the main direction of guerrilla marketing, when a company creates an event (presentation, exhibition, drawing of prizes among buyers) or participates in a large event of a district, city or regional scale.
  16. Counter-marketing- these are actions aimed at eliminating the demand for one or another product that is usually harmful to health. An example of this is the placement of scary pictures and warning labels on cigarette packs.
  17. Targeted marketing - it is marketing activity aimed at one or more market segments, excluding others. In other words, efforts are concentrated at one point. There may be a concept "Concentrated marketing", it's just another name for targeted marketing.
  18. Bulk Marketing- is the release of products for a wide range of consumers, suitable for almost everyone. It is contrasted with differentiated and targeted marketing. The product is positioned as universal. The most common mass marketing tools are TV ads and radio ads. This helps to sell the product in large quantities, but, as a rule, at a low price.
  19. Internal marketing Is an integral part of personnel marketing. His tools include the creation of a corporate style, corporate etiquette, the formation of intracorporate traditions.
  20. Trade Marketing Is one of the most common types of marketing. It is aimed at promoting goods in the retail network. Trade marketing tools include promotions with gifts to the first customers or those who made a purchase for a certain amount, prize draws among buyers of goods, presentations, tastings, and distribution of flyers before entering the store. Trade marketing is often called trade marketing, but in reality, trade marketing has a broader field of activity. It involves working not only with the end customer, but with all participants in the trade chain.

How marketing should work (video)

Marketing strategy

It is necessary to solve marketing problems in a complex, using several types of marketing at once, skillfully combining various tools. Moreover, this should be done not haphazardly, but rationally, having a good idea of ​​why one or another type of marketing is chosen, why one or another tool is preferred. A marketing strategy will help streamline the marketing process and act purposefully.

Marketing strategy is the basis of all marketing activities, a set of activities and directions of marketing activities, developed on the basis of studying market conditions and predicting the actions of competitors, based on the capabilities of the company and other important parameters. It is she who should become the starting point in the work of any enterprise.

Four basic coordinates are laid down in the popular marketing theory: product, price, distribution, promotion (product, price, place, promotion). In English, all four words begin with the letter P. It is from here that the name of this concept arose - 4p marketing, or 4p marketing mix. One of the parents of the 4pi concept is Theodore Levitt. He is the author of Marketing Myopia, which was published in 1960.

Formation principles

The 4p theory, based on the analysis of four parameters of the company's activity, is able to identify weaknesses, direct the company's marketing policy in the right direction. The main components of the 4p concept:
Product - a range of services or goods, their characteristics, properties, design.
Promotion - sales promotion, promotions, company PR.
Distribution - employee assessment, distribution channels, location.
Price - cost, discounts, markdowns, markups.

Below are the features, characteristics of each "coordinate" of the 4pi marketing technology.


The product range must be balanced. It is important to understand: whether the products of the enterprise are really needed by consumers, whether they fully satisfy the needs. Will help solve these problems - the first "pi" of the marketing concept - product.

Functionality, warranty, design, brand name, reliability are indicators that need to be analyzed. Support and related services are also important. Conventionally, goods are divided into several types:
generate income now;
profit will be tomorrow;
needs improvements;
in developing;
income was in the past;
unsuccessful products;
critical facts.

Companies seeking stable sales should choose a product policy that cuts out the last three.


The price of the promoted product consists of three parts: production costs, the amount of planned profits, factors of psychology. In this case, you should consider the pricing policy of the company or the chosen pricing strategy. There are several options: the company stops at mid-market prices, chooses the premium segment, makes it cheaper than the leading suppliers, or sets the lowest cost. The last path is the road to nowhere. It is necessary to choose a middle ground: the company should make a profit, the consumer should be interested and profitable to purchase products.

An enterprise can afford to change its value, but only taking into account the elasticity of demand. If price fluctuations do not lead to major changes, then demand is inelastic. It is easy to analyze this indicator: you need to conduct a survey among buyers in advance about how many services or goods they are ready to purchase at different cost levels.


A competent marketing policy is the basis for successful promotion, delivery of goods / services to consumers. Buyers should be able to receive the company's product in a convenient place at a convenient time. The organization is obliged to take care of providing additional data, after-sales service.

The choice of optimal sales channels will help to reduce the costs of organizing sales. By answering the following questions, the company will be able to do this. Will the trade be conducted through intermediaries or independently? How many channels do you need to use at the same time? Having made the right decision about the place of distribution of goods / services, the company will receive the key to further success. Even a change in the shelf location of a product in a supermarket can dispose the consumer to buy, change the attitude towards the offered products.


Tell, push sales, demonstrate a product or service to potential buyers can use the fourth "coordinate" of the marketing tool 4p - promotion. Using a variety of ways to convey information, the company will solve the main problem - the emergence of the consumer's desire to buy products.

There are many methods of promotion: special offers, tastings, promotions, sales and others. The main result is the satisfied customer, the income received by the organization.

The golden mean is the choice of professionals

All components of the 4p marketing mix are of great importance for the effective operation of any company. The effective use of this technology is able to balance the product range, the promotion system, product sales, and help to establish optimal prices. By making a product or service desirable for customers, the company will receive maximum benefits, prosperity, recognition, and profit. A holistic view of the business is the end result of this well-known marketing technology.