Basic information about an advertising agency. Advertising agency: structure and list of services. The process of creating an ad in an advertising agency

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Advertising is a complex concept, and it takes more than one year to comprehend the intricacies of it. Any merchant needs advertising to gain visibility and expand their business. In order for the advertising activities of the company to be effective and to be successful, it is better to contact specialized companies, which are called advertising agencies. These firms will be able to deal with the organization of high-quality advertising and at the same time will help to spend on it as little money as possible. What is an advertising agency?

The main functions of advertising agencies

Accordingly, each step means performing some important function of the firm. Here are the main ones:

- the stage of drawing up plans implies the study of various goods, as well as the market situation regarding competitiveness, the study of the market system as a whole in the required volumes, methods of selling goods, existing advertising means, as well as drawing up a plan according to which the advertising company will work;

- the stage of direct preparation of advertising includes the creation of advertising products, as well as complex advertising campaigns. Also, the staff of such agencies cooperates with various external specialists, studios, printing houses;

- the stage of advertising placement is carried out by specialists at a "frantic" pace and implies the purchase of advertising media services, the transmission of the original message, control of the placement of this message, the creation of mailing lists, holding exhibitions, fairs, as well as carrying out all kinds of settlements, both with advertisers and with the mass media information;

Classification of advertising agencies

There is a special classification of companies depending on what types of advertising agency activities are implied:

1) agencies specialized in the provision of services:

  • full cycle - large companies that are able to produce serious advertising campaigns, collaborating with other firms dealing with marketing, personnel advertising and so on. Also, these agencies may have their own branches.
  • incomplete cycle - small firms engaged in relatively modest projects. They might even be independent artists, designers or copywriters who prefer to work alone.
  • industrial advertising agencies - companies that advertise products in the field of industry and technology. Such advertising has its distribution mainly with print media.

2) media agencies with the status of independent work–Special agencies that play a significant role in all advertising agencies, as this type has a lot of placement channels. Among this type, there are those companies that are engaged in placing advertisements only on radio air, or only on television, and there are large companies that are capable of placing advertisements on all channels. The quality of the work of these firms is determined by the quality of the compiled media plans and related programs.

3) agency of one-time orders or agencies "alacarte" - mostly creative companies that are engaged, for example, in the introduction of new products or promotion of already recommended among consumers.

  • creative agencies- are engaged in the development of themes or events for advertising campaigns, and then create a product for the media. So, for example, their work can be considered to be the creation of characters or music from advertisements. This subtype is a kind of addition to media agencies.
  • agencies specializing in attracting product development c - according to the agencies of this type themselves, they are the best, since their work begins at the very first stages of the appearance of a product. They should be involved in the creation of its name, pricing, sales issues and so on. And in fact, the main pride of these agencies can be considered a large number of effective campaigns, since at the moment very many products fail in marketing at the very first steps.
  • specialization in contact advertising- these companies are engaged in advertising of those companies that distribute their goods using postal services. In addition, their duties include advertising of all kinds of subscriptions to print publications, as well as advertising on the spreads of color weeklies. Effectiveness of advertising agencies a this type can be considered more than successful, as mail-order advertising is very popular.

3) sponsor-type agencies- these companies create all sorts of programs and offer ideas for announcing sponsors. The decisions of the teams of such agencies can be seen in the news feed when a television program is shown or during a commercial break on the air.

Advertising agency personnel

Advertising agencies that are relatively large in size most often unite specialists competent in a particular field of activity into departments, the main goal of which, of course, is to create advertising. Usually, advertising agency personnel management does not fall on one person, since each department performs its own functions:

- work with distribution channels;

- preparation of the entire workflow related to accounting;

If we consider the standard staff of an advertising agency, we get the following list:

  • director responsible for the specifics of working with the client base... His responsibilities include communicating with customers, as well as drawing up reports on the relative profitability of the work done;
  • manager working with customers of this advertising agency a, which is an intermediary between the latter. This mediation cannot be called simple, since this specialist must be well versed in the preferences of the client, his activities, and also be able to convey all this to his company. In a word, the main task of the manager is the overwhelming work to retain customers, as well as the talent of working with all employees of the advertising company, aimed at uniting the efforts of the staff in favor of meeting the needs of the buyer;
  • marketing manager... This person is obliged to conduct various marketing research, as well as ordering the same research from other organizations that are engaged in independent work;
  • decorator or designer creating layouts of the future advertising product. It is worth noting here that the main work is the creation of original layouts, which are compiled with all the metric rules. Today all this work can be carried out on a computer, which significantly increases the speed of work;
  • media buyer... A specialist who deals with working with the media regarding where, how and at what time an advertisement will be placed. The quality of the advertising space, as well as the profitability of the prices at which this space is purchased, depends on the efficiency of the work of this personnel.
  • media planner... A staff member who deals with the use of advertising media. The most basic task of a media planner is to establish a correspondence between the media and the target audience. Thus, the specialist is looking for a suitable target audience, and then he is already engaged in the selection of advertising distribution media. Further, the media planner recommends to the client any media that is most suitable for this audience. If we talk about small agencies, these specialists are also buyers of advertising distribution media, while in large agencies, a whole staff of employees is engaged in this.
  • art director p, which has a subordinate department consisting of visualizers, artists, and so on. In small organizations, this specialist is both the director and the executor of all creative work.
  • copywriter... The person who is responsible for all verbal aspects of the promotional product. The writing style of a copywriter should be eminently unique, as it should put forward topics and ideas that will attract customers, as well as be able to put forward such arguments that can be wrapped in favor of the promoted product.
  • visualizer... A copy of the copywriter in matters of creativity, as well as the embodiment of the copywriter's ideas visually. Basically, these two professionals work together. The renderer must create several sketches, which are not yet complete and can be shown to the client for approval.
  • print manager or editor... It is the responsibility of this staff member to format the texts so that they can be easily understood. Having received all the necessary materials, the manager must select the best fonts. Also, this employee must calculate the number of words, phrases and determine what place is suitable for this ad in size in the general layout system.
  • TV producer of advertising campaigns... An employee who develops advertising campaigns on television. In addition, the tasks of the producer are the selection of actors, music, an organization that will perform actions in this area.
  • production moments manager... The person who is involved in the control of work in an advertising agency, namely the timing of their completion. If an advertising company requires contacting a printing house, then the manager's responsibilities also include placing orders there, as well as delivering ad layouts there.
  • OIRP manager... This abbreviation stands for the executive in charge of the advertising project. This employee is responsible for the entire production process as a whole. basically also "lies on his shoulders." This manager must, as it were, distribute project assignments to managers and heads of all departments, distribute and send financial resources, then collect materials from all participants in the production process and, finally, provide all materials to the financial director.

In a word, OIRP can be called an ordinary manager who has grown in his position. The knowledge of such personnel should be no less than that of an ordinary manager, but it should cover a wider range of information about advertising. Also, the OIRP must provide such a workflow that corresponds to the level of a financial director, and besides, this manager has much more rights to make independent decisions, including financial ones.

So, taking into account all of the above, you can make a list of the rules and responsibilities that the OIRP must adhere to.:

- constant search for new products, technologies related to a particular area;

- constant work with partners, aimed at establishing optimal relations;

- protecting the interests of your company in front of partners and clients (within the permissible framework);

- exceptional knowledge of workflow;

- drawing up price lists of the presented products, as well as updating them at the right time;

- search for orders using all the tools and capabilities available to the OIRP;

- control of the work of other managers, as well as the possibility of solving problems that may arise in them during the production process;

- ambition and absence of conflicts on the part of the PIU;

  • advertising manager... The list of duties of this employee contains the following items:

- organization of work on the sale of promoted goods on the market by advertising them, delivering reliable information to consumers about the quality of products, their differences and advantages in relation to other goods;

- control, planning, coordination of work directly related to advertising campaigns;

- development of all kinds of plans and schemes of events related to advertising a product or service, as well as calculating the costs necessary for this;

- direct work on the choice of advertising methods and its form, colors, text and music;

- research of all kinds of moments in the product sales market in order to choose the best conditions for advertising, its scale, selection of the target audience depending on age, profession, gender, ability to make purchases;

- control over the correctness of the preparation of contracts for the advertising of goods and services;

- organizing effective relations with internal and external partners, collecting information aimed at expanding these relations;

- analysis of factors motivating buyers to purchase certain goods, research of buyers' needs;

- organizing relations with other structural institutions and organizations and their support, attracting all kinds of consultants and experts to the advertising campaign;

- leadership over other participants in the production process;

  • print advertising manager e. An employee who prepares an advertisement for printing, communicates with typesetters, printers, and so on.
  • publicity manager... The employee who provides customers with popularity, provides communication with the press and mediates between the customer and the public;
  • product manager... The responsibilities of these personnel include organizational issues related to the sale of certain products or brands, as well as commercial issues and advertising.

Recently, advertising agencies have had a difficult time in terms of competition, as more and more such companies appear every day. Today's consumers are not so easy to surprise, so you need to look for as many unique ideas as possible.

I love to learn everything new, interesting and unusual. And also - wrap yourself up in a warm blanket, take hot cocoa and tell you about the latest developments in the financial market, hot stories from the offices of bank consultants and other interesting things.

Our research was devoted to the study of the technology of an advertising agency when creating an advertising product. This problem is quite well disclosed in the specialized literature, however, the fragmentation and scattering of information sources about the individual components of this process does not allow one to form a holistic idea of ​​the process of creating an advertising product.

The purpose of our research was to study the theoretical foundations of an advertising agency and identify the technology of an advertising agency when creating an advertising product.

The object of the study was an advertising agency as an organization that provides a package of services for the creation and promotion of an advertising product.

The hypothesis of our research was the assumption that an advertising agency is a complex organization, which is a specially structured team that professionally develops advertising and promotes it on the market, followed by an analysis of the effectiveness of its own activities.

The objectives of our study included:

  • definition of the content of the concept "advertising agency",

  • study of the species diversity and structure of advertising agencies,

  • identifying the type of agency that provides a full package of services,

  • consideration of the technology of the advertising agency, that is, the complex of works carried out by various specialists at each stage of the creation of an advertising product.
In order to solve the tasks set before us, the appropriate research methods were selected.

To solve the assigned tasks, research methods:

  • study of special literature on the stated topic,

  • study of Internet resources and publications in periodicals.
As a result of our work, it was revealed that there is a huge variety of advertising agencies, which can be classified according to the following parameters: by goals (tasks in the market), by functions, by specialization, by coverage, by the range of services, by forms of work with clients, by region of work, by the line of business in which they specialize, by marketing policy and by the number of personnel.

It was determined that highly specialized advertising agencies cannot provide the client with the maximum range of services - at the same time develop an advertising product and carry out a full-fledged advertising campaign, which includes stages from negotiations to marketing research. Such agencies, which provide the most complete package of services for the creation and promotion of an advertising product on the market, are only full-cycle agencies. They include various departments that carry out quality work in their field. In particular:

  • the client department determines the client's requests and requirements for the content and the main goal of the advertising campaign, the information received is communicated to all employees of the advertising agency;

  • the analytical department carries out marketing research; analysis of the markets for advertised goods and the market for advertising services; the collection of information about the client company and its products is organized; the effectiveness of advertising campaigns is monitored;

  • the creative department generates ideas for advertising messages and finds the right means of their implementation;

  • the media planning department enters, on behalf of the client, into contractual obligations with the media or intermediaries (sellers) regarding the placement of advertisements (or other communication messages) in various media carriers;

  • the production department is engaged in the production of advertising media and unites the production departments necessary for the process;

  • the legal department carries out legal relationships with clients, employees and government agencies;

  • the financial and economic department of the agency carries out internal financial and economic activities, ensures the effective management of auxiliary services.
Also, our research has shown that the technology of an advertising agency when creating an advertising product is a complex and multifaceted process that takes place in several stages. In the course of each stage, different goals are realized:

  • at the first stage, the conformity of the properties of the advertised product to the properties of the market and the capabilities of the agency itself is determined, the approximate terms and schedule of the advertising campaign are determined;

  • at the second stage, the main ideas that should form the basis of the advertising campaign are developed, the means of advertising distribution are chosen, the accentuated characterological properties of the advertised product and the general meaning of the advertising message for the target audience are determined;

  • at stage III, strategic goals, timing, duration, cyclicality, schedules, media carriers, sequence, degree of importance and priorities of advertising activities are determined, the size of the advertising campaign budget is specified, that is, a media strategy and media plan are developed;

  • at stage IV, strategic plans are transformed into concrete implementation, individual stages of the advertising process are drawn up and launched, the advertising being audited and the success of the advertising agency are assessed.
Thus, our research, devoted to the study of the technology of the advertising agency when creating an advertising product, allowed us to solve the tasks and confirm our hypothesis.


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Annex 1
Glossary of terms
b2b (business to business) targeted advertising agencies- focused on the provision of advertising services to legal entities.

b2c (business to consumer) targeted advertising agencies- focused on the provision of advertising services to individuals.

BTL agencies- (from English below the line) - agencies organizing special events and promotions to promote goods, for example, promotions with prizes for consumers.

Event-event(from the English event - an event) - a planned advertising event that can become news: presentation, opening ceremony, laying the first stone; festival, fair, exhibition, tasting; meeting, round table, conference, symposium; anniversary, anniversary; open day, a tour of the company, etc.
Face2Face(Face-to-Face) - an advertising agency that works face-to-face with clients who are not in the office, but who have made a step towards the client, wherever they are closer to him, for example, located in shopping centers or foyers of office buildings, and not necessarily in in a separate, closed room, but in an open group, for example, at the reception desk.

PR agencies- Agencies specializing in organizing PR companies for a client, contribute to the development of a positive public attitude towards the company and improve its reputation.

Buyer agency- a legal structure specializing in the wholesale purchase of advertising space in the means of advertising distribution, and the subsequent resale of this space in parts.

Seller agency- a legal structure specializing in the sale of advertising space on behalf of and on behalf of mass media owners, on certain exclusive terms.

Brief- see. Creative brief.
Virtual agencies- recently a certain phenomenon of an agency has emerged, working like a group of people in the liberal professions. In this type of agency, the concept of a familiar office is lost, and the concept of a "virtual office" appears. In such an agency, employees do not have permanent offices - they work from home, in cars, or in the offices of their clients.

Client advertising agency- a legal structure that, together with the advertiser and at his request, performs creative, executive and control functions for the production and placement of advertising materials.

Marketing research companies- provide services for marketing and advertising research and market analysis.

Copywriter- a creative person who is able to compose original texts, musical screensavers and larger works of different styles, characters and lengths. Also, the copywriter participates in the development of the company's image, including the name, slogan, advertising materials.
Creative(from the English creative - creative, constructive) - the creative component of the process.
Creative agency- design studio - develops the concept of an advertising campaign. Including its individual components: advertising style, ideas for print, video and audio advertising, design elements, etc.

Creative brief- task for the creative department.
Large- more than 200 employees.
Local advertising agency- has 1 office.
Small agency- 5-20 employees.
Media buying agency(media agency) - an agency that acts as an intermediary between the advertiser and the media, or the owner of advertising media. At the same time, it can provide services for planning advertising campaigns, drawing up media plans, etc.
International advertising agency- a large organization with branches in several countries.

Local advertising agency- a company doing business in a specific region. Not having representative offices in other regions, it can place advertisements in other regions, for example, through the website. As a rule, he knows better the conjunction of the local advertising market.

Mini-agency- up to 5 employees.

Full cycle advertising agency- a legal structure specializing in the development of strategy and tactics for an advertising campaign, creation of advertising products, production and placement of advertising, creative services, planning and purchasing media, research for order fulfillment, as well as attracting subcontractors.
Consumer Advertising Agency Is an agency that focuses on the consumer advertising segment, i.e. at companies that manufacture goods and services that are primarily purchased by consumers, such as soap, cereals, cars, pet food and toiletries.

Advertising agency of industrial advertising- represents the interests of firms that manufacture products for sale to other enterprises. Examples of such products include hardware and software, smelting furnaces, locomotives, and information meters.

Direct Selling Advertising Agency- works with clients mainly on the client's territory, visiting him, for example, a system of work through advertising agents.
Internet advertising agency- provides services in the field of website development, internet marketing and internet advertising: website development, planning advertising campaigns on the internet.
Advertiser- an advertising agency that carries out full or partial reduction of advertising information to a form ready for distribution.
Advertising distributor- an advertising agency that carries out the placement and (or) distribution of advertising information by providing and (or) using property, including technical means of radio and television broadcasting, as well as communication channels, airtime, newspaper or magazine spaces and in other ways.
Network advertising agency- has a network of branches.
Synthesized Advertising Agency- works with clients in all the above ways.

Specialized advertising agency- specializes either in specific functions (for example, creative or procurement of advertising delivery vehicles), or in specific audiences (national groups or youth) or industries (for example, healthcare, computers, agriculture or business communication). In addition, there are specialized agencies in different areas of marketing such as direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations, social and sporting events marketing, packaging design, corporate identity design, etc.
Medium agencies- 20-50 employees.

Medium agencies- 50-200 employees.

Traditional advertising agency- works with clients mainly in his office (on the territory of the agency).
Havehighly specialized advertising agency- specializes in any specific forms of advertising, for example, from outdoor advertising it deals only with banners or from advertising in the press - only modular advertising (does not place line ads).
One-stop advertising agency- deals with all forms of advertising and advertisements, for example, if an advertising agency specializes in advertising in the media, then it places all forms and types of advertisements and advertisements in all media; if it is outdoor advertising, then it deals with all its forms (signs, pillars, streamers, etc.).
Federal advertising agency- large-scale advertising campaigns that are needed by firms doing business at the federal level.

Appendix 2

Dear advertisers.

In order to answer all your questions and correctly plan your advertising campaign, we would like to get to know better your products and the types of services that you offer your customers. This is what a questionnaire is for. Please fill it out and send it to us. We guarantee prompt response and competent recommendations.


Official reference data


The name of the organization and the address of the manufacturer (seller) of the advertised products


Contact means of communication: tel.



Person in charge of advertising


The main goals of the upcoming advertising activities


Commercial advertising


Public relations campaign


Another goal


Combined target

(If there are several tasks solved by the ordered advertising campaign, specify their relative importance. This is necessary for a competent distribution of the advertising budget.


Full name of the advertised product

(Products are understood as all types of goods and services, research and development and other creative developments produced by the advertising customer and / or sold by it to consumers.)


Scope of products


Unique application area

(The area of ​​unique application is where the specified products are difficult to replace)


Optimal application area

(The area of ​​optimal use is where the products bring the maximum profit)


Possible application area

(The area of ​​possible application is where the advertised products are used only with partial realization of their capabilities or where the useful use of the product is possible in an unplanned quality).


The main functional properties of the advertised products


Advantages of the advertised products over Russian and (or) foreign counterparts


* Disadvantages of the advertised products in comparison with domestic and (or) foreign counterparts


Economic (or other) positive effect received by consumers from the purchase of advertised products

( in p.p. 5-8, it is desirable to show the benefits of purchasing a product by a consumer from different market segments)

* - confidential information


Presence and security of corporate identity elements


Availability of illustrative and exhibition materials

(This refers to slides, color and black-and-white photographs, pictures, drawings, diagrams, exhibition stands, etc. Please note the quality of the illustrative material)


* Results of marketing research

(Measurements of demand in various market segments, positioning of goods, especially in terms of quality and cost, identification of target groups of influence. Indicate the time and method of conducting research and, if this is not the first research, the dynamics of changes in these parameters.)


* Results of previously conducted advertising activities


Estimated advertising budget






By month


Estimated timing of the advertising campaign

* - confidential information

Advertising agency is a professional organization that provides its clients with a full or limited amount of services for planning and conducting advertising, as well as its individual means, for example, preparation or placement, or one or the other together, orders in the media - in the press, on the radio and television, orders for the production and rental of advertising films, video clips, video clips, etc.

An advertising agency is an independent organization of creative people and business people that specializes in the development and preparation of promotional plans, advertisements and other promotional materials. The agency also acquires or hires subcontractors to purchase advertising space and time in various media. This is all done on behalf of various advertisers or sellers, who are referred to as customers, in order to find buyers for their products and services.

This definition reveals several reasons why such a significant number of advertisers use the services of advertising agencies. First of all, the definition states that the agency is independent. This means that it is not owned by the advertiser, the media or the service providers. This independence allows them to bring an extraneous objective point of view into the advertiser's business. Their day-to-day experience with a wide range of marketing situations and challenges gives agencies the knowledge, qualifications and expertise to serve the needs of different clients. For some clients, these needs may be immeasurable.

The agency employs both creative people and business people who specialize in applying the multifaceted art and science of advertising to solving business problems. These include writers, artists, market and media analysts, researchers, and a variety of professionals who use all their skill and talent to help their clients succeed. They are in day-to-day contact with specialists and suppliers outside of the agency who illustrate advertisements, take photographs, typesetting, retouching, filming commercials and recording soundtracks - all the work required to obtain a quality product. They keep abreast of the latest technological developments, the most recent price fluctuations and current production problems.

By purchasing and hiring subcontractors to purchase airtime, newspaper and magazine space, agencies provide another service to the client. First, it provides the customer with cost savings. Most media outlets allow agencies to keep 15% of the amount received by a given media organization. These commissions received by the agency reduce the amount that the advertiser would otherwise have to pay to the agency for its services.

For these commissions, agencies must constantly monitor the position of the media that offer their services to advertisers. And this is not such an easy task.

Finally, agencies work for a range of sellers to find buyers for their products and services. Agencies work for their clients, not for the media and / or service providers. Their moral, ethical, financial and sometimes legal obligations to their clients are to find the best prices for them, provide them with the highest quality work and contribute to their growth and prosperity.

For the same reason that a well-run business looks to professional lawyers, economists, bankers and management professionals for help, advertisers turn to agencies because they are usually better equipped to create more effective advertising and better targeting of the media than advertisers themselves can do this. Virtually all significant advertisers these days rely on qualified, unbiased ad agency advice and rely on their unique creative resources.

Despite this, the agency often changes annually. Moreover, many advertisers believe it is in their best interest to do without agency services altogether. Why is this so when agencies focus on the impartiality, skill, experience, and talent we just talked about?

First, the obvious problem of personal conflict and lack of communication, which is often present in human relationships. Second, not every agency has the independence, skill, experience and talent that it should have.

In practice, some advertisers outgrow their agencies and require more services than what only large firms can offer. Further, having achieved outstanding results in one case for one type of client, the agency may be completely unable to understand the problem or work out the necessary solution for another type of client. Finally, many agencies simply lack the toughness to be truly independent. Some clients, and this is a fairly common occurrence, do not notice the qualified services offered to them and seek to exert pressure to get “usual” but inexpressive advertising from the agencies. In their constant quest to please their clients, agencies too often succumb to such pressures. The widespread excuse for this behavior is quite simple: "This is the client's money."

The flip side of this problem is the arrogant behavior of the agencies. Some agencies simply refuse to listen to the client and instead try to impose unacceptable artistic choices.

The advertiser is the employer - the client who pays the bills. The agency works to meet the needs of the client - it is hired solely in order to obtain benefits for the client's enterprise, and its services can be refused at any time. These tensions are sometimes healthy and contribute to more active effort and high-quality work on the part of the agency. But if the wrong approach is chosen in a relationship or they are abused, then this can lead to a very sad result.

When choosing an agency, you must be guided by the following criteria:

1. Time of creation of the agency.

2. Availability of specialists.

3. The level of specialization.

4. Interest for services.

Time of agency creation, work experience. As a rule, a reputable agency is always ready to provide the time of creation and the list of firms with which it worked, as well as examples of this or that work performed earlier.

Availability of specialists in the area of ​​interest to you. It often happens that while seriously engaged in one or two areas of advertising, the agency nevertheless takes on any advertising direction, entrusting it to the one who is least busy at this time, but does not always have sufficient professional experience in this direction.

The level of specialization of the agency in the direction you are interested in. If an agency is purposefully engaged in an area of ​​interest to you, then it, as a rule, has extensive connections and can significantly help you in the placement or production of your advertisement.

Percentage for the services provided. When choosing an agency, be sure to ask about the terms of payment for services (unlike most developed countries, we have adopted a form of 100 percent prepayment for advertising services). The percentage of remuneration for work on completing your order can fluctuate greatly (depending on the agency). But do not be fooled by low prices, this is an important, but not the main selection criterion. Remember, good work has always come at a premium.

As for the creation of an advertising service, it is probably impossible to answer unequivocally - it all depends on the amount of work, the proposed directions and the amounts allocated for advertising purposes. One thing is certain: you can't do without advertising agencies. There are jobs related to advertising, where the experience of professionals in a specific advertising area is required, or special equipment, for example, the production of radio and television commercials, billboards, signboards, etc.

Even in large firms, a situation arises that requires the immediate placement of an advertisement in a prestigious newspaper. Often attempts to buy advertising space in such a newspaper in 2-3 days end in failure, since the space was purchased 2 months in advance, or even earlier. For the publication of urgent announcements, the editors will require a large premium for urgency from you. But by turning to the services of advertising agencies, you will most likely find the space you need for your advertising, at a reasonable price and within a time frame that suits you.

Representative offices of international advertising agencies Young & Rubicam, Ogilvy & Mather and DMB & B(now- D "Arcy) appeared in Moscow in the late 1980s - early 1990s, i.e. at the same time when their clients came to the Russian market - Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Mars and Johnson & Johnson.

Gradually, large Russian agencies, wishing to join Western technologies, have joined international networks not yet represented in Russia. For example, RA separated from the "Partner" agency Navigator entered the network DDB Needham, and the agency "Advent", which came out of the same "Partner", joined the network Lowe Lintas.

A similar situation took place in the markets of Eastern Europe. Whereas in Poland, the Czech Republic or Bulgaria the local offices of network agencies have been controlling local advertising markets since their inception and until now, in Russia there have always been strong positions of local agencies, primarily due to the fact that advertising on television was sold by large companies of Russian origin. - Video International (RTR, NTV) and Premier SV (ORT, TV-6). This position of local companies was similar to the situation in Japan, where Western communication holdings are significantly inferior to local advertising corporations, for example Dentsu(about 25% of the market) and Hakuhodo.

Recently, it is clear that the Russian market cannot restrain the expansion of the world's largest companies: the share of media budgets of network (representing international networks) agencies on television is more than 60%, and according to experts, it may increase to 85%. The growing influence of network agencies in the Russian market is mainly due to the strengthening of the positions of their main clients - the world's largest companies.

Currently in Russia there are the following trends in the development of advertising agencies.

  • 1. A successful Russian company, gaining experience and earning some money, changes its tasks, and at the same time the advertisers working with it, giving preference to Western network agencies. Basically, the selection of advertising agencies is carried out by tender, and only network companies are allowed to participate in a serious tender. Participation (even formal) of a small Russian company in international advertising networks can become a gateway to the world of large advertising budgets.
  • 2. Active participation of international network advertising agencies in the Russian market independently, and not through local partners. For many Western agencies, working in Russia on their own, according to experts, will be quite difficult, since without a strong Russian partner it is difficult to become a leader in the Russian advertising market and specialization in creativity is currently not the most profitable strategy in this market.


  • highly qualified employees:
  • developed personnel training system;
  • the ability to build relationships with a client at all levels;
  • ample opportunities to promote goods thanks to networks;
  • creativity (creativity);
  • strategic planning skills - bringing a brand to the market, its repositioning.

Assessing the activities of international network advertising agencies in Russia, the following can be distinguished limitations:

  • expensive services;
  • inconsistency in the work of departments, each of which is fighting for its own part of the advertising budget;
  • low quality of work of subsidiaries;
  • questionable effectiveness of global advertising campaigns;
  • the level of human and professional attention is directly proportional to the size of the budget.
  • flexibility, efficiency and availability of even top officials in working with a client;
  • the ratio "price - quality", i.e. cheapness. So, if network agencies work for 15–20% of commissions, then earnings of Russian agencies are about 5%;
  • willingness to take risks;
  • creativity (creativity);
  • knowledge of the "peculiarities of national advertising";
  • the value of each customer.
  • relatively low qualifications of employees;
  • weak personnel training system;
  • weak technical base (for example, when presenting projects);
  • frequent change of subcontractors, which leads to unexpected price changes;
  • mandatory conditions for full prepayment;
  • limited opportunities to promote goods (for example, do not have the opportunity to work in international markets);
  • insufficient experience in strategic planning.

In the future, Western advertising agencies in Russia will not be limited to serving their network clients, which will inevitably lead to increased competition for advertisers between all agencies in the Russian advertising market. The expansion of advertisers into the regions is likely to begin soon, and a combination of network and Russian companies is possible here. The possibility of the emergence of new alliances will improve the situation in the Russian advertising market and create further prospects for its growth. In addition, according to experts, Russian advertising agencies can be saved by a narrow specialization, for example, agencies that create creative advertising.

The growth of the Russian advertising market leads to its clearer segmentation. Large Western and Russian advertisers give preference to international network agencies; and a sufficient number of advertisers with medium and small budgets give preference to the segment in which Russian agencies operate. Russian agencies need to position themselves more clearly in this market, determine the circle of their potential clients and make the most of their advantages. Experts believe that Russian agencies have a much richer practice of surviving and working in crisis situations: they are more persistent and less fearful.