Write paid articles on the Internet. Earning money by writing articles. How to write for a magazine or newspaper

Do you want to earn money from articles with payment of $ 1000 per month? Yes? Then read on! Making money from articles is a great way to make money on the Internet, spending only a few hours a day on it. This work is suitable for everyone who has a desire to earn money, has a computer / laptop and access to the Internet. In addition, you should be able to write beautifully, or at least retell the text you read in your own words. Your sentences should be clear and well-formed, there should be no grammatical errors, and punctuation marks should be in place.

Many people looking for work think that in order to earn money from articles, they need to be some kind of writing genius, that is, have talent and specialized education. They are afraid that they will be asked about their education, how many texts they have already written, etc. This is what stops most people, although in reality these are only excuses and excuses of lazy people. Yes, of course, you need to fill out the minimum questionnaire, but it is very simple and does not require any specific knowledge.

If you studied well at school and know how to compose beautiful texts from words, then making money on articles is exactly what you need now! Do not waste time, as every day spent without printing takes money away from you, and every month spent without writing articles can cost you $ 1000. Yes, yes, that's right, selling articles can make you monthly richer by $ 1000... You can make that kind of money, but do not think that this is a ball. In fact, to get 1000 $ / month. You will have to work hard.

The first thing you need to do for is to register on one, or even better on all the resources listed below (article exchanges). Then you need to fill out your portfolio (if any) and start selling articles.

Below are some of the most popular and lucrative article exchanges.

The most profitable selling articles on sites:

This content exchange etxt.ru just perfect for making money on articles. Both word masters and copywriting novices can sell their texts here. This exchange monthly provides its writers with an average statistical level of earnings in the amount of 13000 RUR or 200 $... Making money on articles on this resource is very simple. That is why this exchange for newbie copywriters fits best.

Here are some of the most loyal moderators, easy site navigation and good article prices. Over time, your rating will grow, and this will bring even more money.

Calculation on this exchange is made in Russian rubles.

Start with a rewrite, that is, a simple retyping already finished text in your own words. In this case, be sure to respect the uniqueness of the texts. Yes, you, of course, can write from your head (come up with texts), but in this case, you must be able to properly understand the subject of the article.

To add your new article go to the "Add article" menu (left column), then paste the text in the field and fill in the required columns (article title, description, ending, etc.).

Now a little about the cost of articles. From the very beginning, you cannot set sky-high prices (no one will buy), even if you are a professional in writing articles. The point is that first you have to raise your rating. Start with 12-15 ridges per 1000 characters. Then, after every 3rd article sold, raise the cost by 1-2 rubles / 1000 symbols. At the same time, write 3-5 articles daily. As a result, in a month you will be selling your texts for at least 35-45 rubles / 1000 characters. Daily earnings under such conditions will be about 500-700 rubles.

Real word masters who know how to create beautiful and interesting articles can earn about 80-100 scars per 1000 characters on this exchange, that is, 1000-1200 rubles / day.

In addition to simply writing texts, here you can earn money by completing certain tasks. To do this, submit an offer in the "New Orders" section and after the appointment, start working.

The interesting thing here is that you can work under your account together with your friends. In this case, your rating will rise to the skies in the most short time... Or you can simply give your friends (or even strangers who want to earn) a job, indicating the price, for example, not 10 rubles per 1000 signs, but 8 rubles. That is, you will not only quickly raise your rating on the exchange, but also earn the difference.

Here you also have the opportunity to sell photos for 200 rubles / piece.

Earnings on articles- a real, affordable and, of course, a very interesting way to make money. Get started today, and in a month or two you will be glad that you decided to start copywriting instead of plowing for your uncle for a pittance!


Stock exchange text.ru in runet, it occupies the third position in popularity, but many at the same time believe that it provides an opportunity to earn money on articles no worse than Advego (second place).

Newbie copywriters and word masters can make money here. Your income here directly depends on your rating. The higher it is, the more chances you have of grabbing an expensive job or selling an article at a more expensive cost.

  • +100 - add a photo to your account
  • +100 - fill in all your data
  • +100 - inform through a special field how you got or what brought you to the exchange

Further success depends on the activity of the copywriter. For each completed order or sold article, the rating is increased by 50 or 100 points.

This exchange provides such earnings on the following articles:

  1. Earnings on orders. This resource has, as it were, two exchanges:
    • a copywriting exchange that is more suitable for experienced workers
    • rewriting exchange - just right for beginners.

      To make money on orders, just go to the copywriting / rewriting exchange, submit work orders and, after approval, proceed to the task.

  2. Writing articles with their subsequent sale - the simplest type of income. Write texts and implement them. To do this, print the article, go to the article store and put it up for sale. For novice copywriters, this is the most reliable way to make money. This will quickly raise your rating (you will receive points for each article) and you will earn good money. You can sell 1000 symbols here for 35 rubles.

The downside of this exchange is the moderators who check each article. Therefore, so that you are not banned and forced to reprint a hundred times, immediately print carefully and correct all errors before adding.


Advego- This is perhaps one of the most popular young exchanges. It is used by all copywriters - both beginners and professionals. It is noteworthy that the payment is made not in rubles or hryvnia, but in dollars.

The monthly average earnings on articles on this resource is $ 300-400. There is no such thing as a rating, so beginners and seasoned copywriters are almost on the same level here. You can sell articles here immediately from the price of 1 $ / 1000zn.

The advantage of the Advego content exchange is that to determine the length of the article, in addition to characters, spaces are also taken into account, and this makes the article longer and, accordingly, more expensive.

One more positive side of this exchange is that there is not only earnings on articles. With the help of Advego, you can earn money on comprehension (write posts on various forums) or on advertising on various blogs. This is done so that a person can test himself in as many types of work as possible, and only then decided what he likes the most.

Start your earnings on articles with registration, and then in the top menu of the resource, click the link "Work".

For work on orders there is a section "Job search". Go there and choose tasks. If there is a button "Take a job", then by pressing it, you will receive a task without any coordination at all. The link "Apply" means that you can start the task only after you have been approved as an executor.

For selling articles You must go to "Jobs" and then to "Sell Article". Fill out a short form and submit your masterpiece for sale.

Disadvantages of Advego content exchange- moderators who very closely monitor the quality of the text, especially for new copywriters. First of all, they look for spelling or punctuation errors. Therefore, articles put up for sale in Advego must be of high quality. Under such conditions, after a couple of months of work on this exchange, you will have regular customers, and earnings on articles will be at least $ 500-800 / month.

Go to Advego

Copilancer Is an ideal place for professional copywriters to make money on articles. Only people with the ability to print near-perfect articles get hired here.

There are several ways to make money on the copilancer exchange. The "Articles Store" section provides an opportunity to sell your texts at a high price. Each article here is only manually checked by moderators looking for not only common mistakes, but also stylistic inaccuracies. But imagine that after passing the moderation, you can sell an article at a price of $ 4 / 1000zn.

There are always many good orders on the copilancer service in the "Articles Exchange" section. They are usually not that expensive, but they are always available. To have access to high-value orders, the copywriter must have the status "Copywriter". To receive it, you need to make a request and pass a special test task. To be honest, not everyone can do it. But if you succeed, then access to expensive tasks (3-4 $ / 1000zn.) Will always be open for you.
There are also very expensive orders for the copilancer, which have a price of about $ 8 / 1000zn., But to gain access to them you must not only have the status of "Copywriter", but also pass the exam to obtain the status of "Professional copywriter".

Do you consider yourself a professional? So check yourself - register on a copilancer and earn $ 1000-3000 / month on articles.


TextSale or "Text Seller" - one of the most extensive resources for buying / selling articles. The settlement here takes place in dollars. Average price of texts - 1 $ / 1000zn.

TextSale, like many other exchanges, has a rating system. Points are awarded for all articles sold / bought. The popularity of articles directly depends on the rating of the copywriter, and therefore his earnings depend on it.

Newbies to the TextSale resource should keep yourself as follows. First, write articles and make free sales for 0.3 $ / 1000zn. At the initial stage, it is not recommended to take orders, since they will not bring a lot of money, and the brains will soar with requirements so that the desire to work will disappear completely. The price for articles should increase by about 0.04 $ / 1000zn. with every fourth sale. Try to write at least 2-5 articles a day. With such a rate, in a month your earnings on articles will amount to 1-1.5 $ / 1000zn, and after a couple of months of such work you will have such a reputation that you can set a cost of 2.5-3 $ / 1000zn.

By selling 3-4 articles per day, you can earn $ 350-450 monthly. But everything on TextSale, of course, is only in your hands. More robots - more earnings!


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Greetings, dear readers and visitors! In this article, you will learn what it is like to work at home as a typesetter and write articles for money for websites. If you are looking for a part-time job on the Internet, on which you will spend 3-4 hours, then writing texts and selling articles is the thing. It may seem to a novice user that this is not a difficult type of earnings, but in fact, everything turns out to be more complicated. Someone who has decided to make money by selling articles will face some difficulties associated with working in a new field, not knowing the specifics of the work and lack of experience.

Writing articles for money

First, let's look at what it is like to work on the Internet at home - typing. Where to start and what you need to learn in order to earn decent money. Earlier, and sometimes in our time, on the Internet you can find advertising "work from home typesetter". The scammers have created a scheme to defraud newcomers by offering them typing jobs that can be done at home. But in order to get a job, they demand to make a cash payment, supposedly for training materials or for checking test task... Having transferred money to fraudsters, the deceived people do not get any work. Now the profession of a typesetter is not in demand on the Internet. This previously required typing handwritten texts on a computer.

Every year the need for texts for websites only increases. It is relevant and profitable to work on the Internet to write an article to order. You can write both author's original articles and retell existing ones. A unique author's text is called a specific term, and a rewrite, rewritten in your own words, while maintaining the meaning of the content. A person who writes a unique text is called a copywriter, and the person who rewrites finished articles is called a rewriter. Writing articles for money on the Internet can bring not only additional, but also become the main source of income. Look at the article "" and make sure that there is nothing difficult in the rewriting profession.

How to get started selling texts and articles

No special education is required to get started. All went to school. True, not all are equally good. Essays were also written at school. The main requirements for someone who wants to work with texts via the Internet at home:

  • write competently in Russian;
  • possess the skills of typing on the keyboard (your earnings depend on the speed of typing an article).

Writing texts for a website is practically no different from writing essays at school. This is largely related to the work of a rewriter. Therefore, even schoolchildren and students will be able to write texts and articles on the topic proposed by the customer in compliance with simple requirements. It is easier for journalists, philologists or advertising specialists who have received specialized education to become specialists in copywriting.

Those who write with errors can make money writing comments for money on forums, in in social networks... Of course, if you make mistakes in every word and in elementary phrases, then no one will take you on a permanent job. Writing texts for websites can generate income for everyone.

Selling articles on the Internet is promising. Every year the number of created sites on the Internet is only increasing. If a person creates several sites to earn money, then he physically will not have time to write high-quality texts for each of the sites. Therefore, writing articles to order is an actual and demanded job. Site owners order on specialized exchanges or hire permanent copywriters to write articles for sites and the site is filled with texts almost automatically. Some site owners are ready to offer a content manager job to a copywriter, i.e. a person who not only writes articles, but also publishes them on the site, having formalized them accordingly.

At the beginning of 2016, the following minimum prices were established for 1000 test characters: rewriting: from 15 rubles, copyright from 30 rubles. On freelance exchanges, you can find offers with a lower price, but you can take up such offers to gain experience or if you cannot find a more expensive order anywhere. 1000 characters is not a lot, only half a page. How difficult it will be for you in the beginning depends solely on your personal skills. To some, work from home with texts will seem simple, but to others it will be difficult. A beginner in the first month will be able to earn $ 100-300. After a while, it is realistic to reach an income of at least $ 500.

Where to find a job writing articles for money?

For novice users, I do not recommend looking for a job as a typesetter on message boards. As I wrote above, if you are offered to pay first for something, and then you will be given a job, then this is a fraud. Also, you can be deceived by offering you high pay for work, which is several times higher than the market value.

  • Exchange ContentMonster... The selection of copywriters is strict, but the exchange has established minimum prices for rewriting for customers - 20 rubles, copyright - 30 rubles.
  • Dear friends and readers! Greetings on the pages of my project. Today we will find out where, how much and how you can earn on the Internet by writing custom texts. Already familiar with the sequence of actions?

    You can write articles on the Internet for money at home, choosing a convenient time for work on your own. Monthly earnings of 10-20 thousand rubles or more are quite real. However, let's not rush things and consider everything in order.

    I will immediately delight beginners who are not yet familiar with everyone. I recommend that you read the last article on teaching copywriting and rerating that you can.

    How much are paid for articles?

    In general, there are several types of texts with different payments. Simplistically, they are divided into the following categories:

    • Simple and SEO copywriting;
    • Regular and SEO rewriting;
    • Comments and reviews.

    If a beginner is working, then in any category I would not count on too high income. Let's say you need to write an article for 3-4 thousand characters under the order (approximately A4 sheet). How much can they pay for it?

    40-160 rubles - the real amount of earnings for a beginner, from 160 - for an experienced specialist, from 400 - for a professional.

    According to my observations, these incomes from paid articles are quite real, although there are deviations up or down. Want more details? He devoted a month to describing the potential earnings of copywriters, where he told about everything in detail.

    Place of work - copywriting exchanges

    I'll tell you right away about the most common option. You can write an article on the Internet for money. There are a lot of them. I like the following projects:

    • Etxt. There is a lot of work for beginners and professionals.
    • Textbroker. Suitable for experienced writers only.

    What is the best way to make money? In fact, the answer is individual. To whom, as it is convenient. In principle, you can work only on one, two, three, or at least on all exchanges at once, choosing the most interesting orders for yourself. Everyone decides for himself.

    It is advisable for beginners to immediately and clearly understand 1 important nuance. In the process of writing texts on the exchanges, the author's rating is formed. If it is good, then the road to growing income is open. If you spoil it badly, then you will most likely have to forget about paid articles with high pay.

    In some cases, when the contractor is badly letting customers down, access to orders on some exchanges may be limited. Therefore, write good texts, submit them on time, comply with the terms of reference, be polite during communication and everything should be fine with your reputation.

    Sequence of earnings

    On each exchange, the sequence of actions can be individual. I will not talk about all of them, so as not to turn one article into a whole book. As an example, I'll tell you about the main stages of making money on Etxt, from choosing to placing paid orders.

    Choice of order.

    We look through the tasks and select those in which everything suits.

    Filing an application.

    To start writing a paid article, just choosing a suitable assignment is not enough. It still needs to be obtained. To do this, we submit an application.

    Why do this? The fact is that several copywriters can apply for one order. It is up to the customer to choose the contractor. Therefore, I do not recommend making empty applications, as well as of the form "will do", "ready to fulfill" and the like. Why should the customer choose you? Why will your article be better than the rest? Here's an example of what should be reflected in a good application.

    Writing text.

    It is relatively simple here - you need to write a good article on terms of reference... By the way, do you plan to work in the direction of SEO copywriting? How SEO texts are written.

    Delivery of work.

    When a paid article is written, we send it for review. The customer checks. If something is wrong, then it sends it back for revision. Improvements need to be done. When all is well, the job is accepted and the balance can be replenished.

    I have described only the general sequence. There are many more different nuances. It is better to get acquainted with the details and capabilities directly on the exchange.

    Would you like to know more?

    More and more people are convinced from their own experience that there is money on the Internet and it is quite possible to earn it. It can be difficult, it can be easy. In any case, you need to work if you are interested in decent income.

    Interested in financial potential in the global network? Tired of penny earnings and want a normal pay for your work? You can find some interesting information on this blog. Its main topics are the financial world of the Internet and remote work... Stay in touch.

    In fact, writing custom articles and getting paid for them online is just one of the great prospects. For example, do you already know about the specifics of traffic arbitrage or network investment opportunities? In general, I plan to publish a lot of really useful and interesting information... Subscribe.

    When reading newspapers and magazines, have you ever got the feeling that you would definitely write a column better than the author? You have probably thought more than once that writing articles for money is a simple and well-paid job. Just sit with a laptop at home or in a cafe and write about what you know, while getting the average salary of an office worker ... Is this really so? Let's figure it out.

    There are only two main ways to make money:

    • Write articles to order.
    • Write articles on topics of interest to you and try to sell them.

    In the first case, you write on a given topic that the publisher needs and for which it is willing to pay. Even if the topic is “not yours” and is tough, the guaranteed fee may outweigh the inconvenience. At the same time, be prepared for endless edits and rewriting of the article from scratch at the request of the editor.

    In the second case, you write articles on inspiration, and it will be much more difficult to sell them, since they may turn out to be on a completely irrelevant topic or simply not in the format of a magazine. Tens of thousands of such articles for sale are full of shops on content exchanges, since they did not manage to sell them to magazines. Prices are usually from 20 to 200 rubles per 1000 characters.

    Features of earning money by writing articles for magazines

    Unlike copywriting exchanges, almost no magazine is without experience and portfolio. Therefore, you will first have to work at the exchanges for at least a month in order to get into the topic, master the terminology and basic skills, and create a portfolio.

    Also, be prepared for the fact that you will receive the first money in the best case in one or two months, or even later. This is how long the process takes with a freelance writer in Tinkoff-Magazine.

    Different magazines may have completely opposite requirements for the material: what in one edition will be called a wonderful work, in another they will be dubbed as trash and crazy delirium. It is important for an author looking for vacancies in classic magazines to have and know his style, his signature topics. At the same time, you need to be flexible and be able to copy someone else's style, which is now in trend.

    Where to find orders for articles for magazines?

    Those wishing to write articles for magazines for money can look for vacancies in the following ways:

    • Job sites (job.ru, hh.ru).
    • On the websites of publications in the section "Vacancies".
    • On, dedicated to journalism and copywriting.
    • To independently send letters with resumes to the editorial offices of any magazines in which you would like to work.

    Any of these methods can shoot, so it's best to use all four at once, without getting hung up on one thing.

    Pros and cons of cooperation with print media

    Benefits of working for magazines:

    • Your name is indicated in the article and becomes recognizable.
    • Publications in print media are still considered prestigious compared to online publications.
    • The fee for one article can be 10,000 rubles or more.

    • Part of the audience, especially the adult and wealthy generation, reads purely printed publications.
    • Journalists are periodically invited to social events, where they can make useful contacts.

    Disadvantages of working with logs:

    • You need to adapt to the format of the publication and write only on the required editions of the topic.
    • The work on an article can take several months. It may take a lot of rework, which will seem pointless.
    • The magazine can refuse even a finished article. You will have to try to sell it yourself to other publications.
    • Due to the bureaucratic delays, it can take several months to pay the article fee.

    • Getting regular orders is very difficult. Even if you liked your first article, you can order the second one only after six months or not order it at all.
    • Your article can be changed beyond recognition without your knowledge and so sent to print. In this case, your name will be left.
    • A specialized higher education is desirable.


    Writing an article in a magazine for money is a difficult task, but not impossible. Even if you do not have a writing talent, but you have unique knowledge and experience, you can offer to write an article for Tinkoff Magazine. If your topic is interesting, then in collaboration with the editor you will prepare an article in a few months. You will be paid 10,000 rubles for it.

    Be prepared for long-distance work and have a financial cushion for the first two months. It's one thing to agree on a topic and write an article for money, and it's another thing to get this money.

    [Total: 2 Average: 5/5]

    Description: there are a huge number of sites on the Internet and all of them need to be filled. The owners themselves cope with this task at first, until the site starts to bring good profits. Then they usually shift the writing of articles for sites to another person for money, so that there is time for other projects. The main thing is to find the sites you need, and I will tell you where you can find them and give specific links.
    Payment: from 20 to 100 rubles per 1000 characters.
    Requirements: literacy, good style

    Writing articles for websites for money

    In my opinion, writing articles is the easiest way to make money. This does not require any special skills and abilities - literacy is instilled in school, the ability to express your thoughts on paper comes with experience, but even beginners are able to retell someone else's text in their own words.

    That is why I recommend everyone to start with this, in order to understand that you can really make money on the Internet. But there are people who are closer to design or programming, but the soul does not lie in writing - there is nothing you can do about it. I love to write, so I take this job as a calling.

    How to get started?

    Starting in any field of activity is scary, so the advice of an experienced mentor does not hurt. She helped me a lot in her time - in it she talks about methods of writing articles, formatting texts, where and how to work. After several letters, I began to feel more confident and took the first order on the exchange. It was still scary, but I no longer felt like a kindergartener who happened to be on a student's bench.

    Over time, I improved my skills, honed my writing, learned to write keys naturally, etc. But the most important thing is to start.

    I distinguish three stages of work, and about each I have my own article on the site. There you can read in more detail the features and indicative prices for such work:

    1. Rewriter- take other people's texts and rewrite them in your own words to increase the uniqueness. No creative work, gathering information, or writing down keys - nothing complicated. Start with this, and then you can develop further.
    2. Web writer(copywriter) - we are not talking about selling texts, but about ordinary copyright informational articles. In this case, one source of information is not enough - you need to find at least 3-5 articles, read, identify the most important thing and, on the basis of the information received, "blind" your own article. Although it will be much better if you have personal experience on this topic and you can write an article "out of your head."
    3. Seo texts- this work assumes that you will enter keywords (keys) in the articles. The more naturally you can fit them into the text, the better your work will be. It is better to start with simple keys like “how to cook a cutlet in Kiev”, and then move on to “buy windows in Moscow”.

    I will not write about selling texts within the framework of this article, since this is a completely different level of complexity and, accordingly, higher prices.

    Professionals need to consider many nuances when writing an article: nausea, spaminess, water, stop words, keys, tails, etc. They design texts using html-code, select unique pictures / videos and use special services for verification.

    But all this is ahead, because first you need to learn the basic skills: write competently and uniquely. This is enough to enter the ranks of the authors of the articles.

    • Literacy- you do not need to have perfect literacy, because not everyone is able to pay for such a rare quality. It is enough to deal with the most popular mistakes in the style of "tsya / tsya", fix errors marked with a word or find a suitable service on the Internet.
    • Uniqueness- you can check it on the website text.ru or with the programs Advego Plagiatus, ETXT Antiplagiat. Sometimes customers specify a specific service to check for uniqueness. Upon receipt of the order, you immediately need to clarify the desired uniqueness, usually from 90 to 100%. I described in detail how to check and correct uniqueness in this article.

    Take some interesting text on the Internet and try to rewrite it in your own words. Check the uniqueness of your specified services and bring at least 90%. Let your friends read it or read it yourself the next day - how does it sound? If the eye doesn't catch and the text sounds natural, you can safely sell your first article.

    Where can you work?

    For beginners, it is a huge problem to find a customer. There is huge competition on popular exchanges, so it is very difficult to take the first order in your life. The portfolio is empty, there is still no knowledge of how to communicate with customers, so it is often impossible to even try yourself in writing articles - it is impossible to hire. But there is a way out.

    1. Specialized exchanges... It is better to start not with general exchanges, but those that are created specifically for the sale and purchase of articles: etxt.ru, TextSale.ru, text.ru. There is a wide range of prices - from 5 to 100 rubles per 1000 signs, so you can pick up some suitable order for yourself. Free registration, no restrictions and a real opportunity for beginners to try their hand. Log in, fill out the profile and respond to the project.
    2. Free sale... Write an article on interesting topic(ideas can be taken), set a reasonable price (for example, 30 rubles per 1000 characters) and put them in the Articles Store. There you can post your work and if someone is interested in the topic, they will buy it. I started with this, one of the buyers offered constant cooperation and my business went uphill.
    3. Websites buying articles. Without examples of work and experience, it is difficult to fight for orders on the exchanges, so you can try to work with the sites directly directly. Many of them have a dedicated Wanted Authors page, and often with good prices. I have compiled a small selection of sites known to me, where new articles are always welcome - a list of sites. Do not back down if you get multiple rejections at first, just clarify what needs to be fixed and improve your writing style. Over time, your articles will start to be accepted on the first try and at higher prices.

    In the future, you will find even more exchanges (), start offering your services to sites directly and look for customers in specialized forums. But first you need to get at least the first experience, get comfortable and get examples of work. The more articles you have under your belt, the more confident you will feel, and this is very important!

    Pay for work

    There is no sign where you can peep specific prices for your work. Also, you will not receive a notification after writing N articles "now you can write for 100 rubles" - you set the prices. The main thing is to find a customer for this money.

    I recommend starting with 30 rubles per 1000 symbols, if there is uncertainty in your abilities - at least 20. Never lower the price below this level, otherwise in pursuit of quantity characters you never raise quality articles.

    Typically, customers indicate payment for 1000 characters without a space (zbp). If you just specify "characters", you will most likely pay for the spaces as well.

    When you figure out the work and the articles will turn out better and better, learn how to enter the keys - this increases the number of potential orders tenfold. After that, the minimum price can be raised to 45 rubles per 1000 characters.

    Constantly improve your skills, study different types of articles, improve the design and thereby increase the price of your services.

    If you want to quickly increase your prices, take training from Julia Volkodav.

    Maybe you don't believe yet that writing articles for websites for money can generate good income, but over time, the prices will increase. In a year or two, you will be able to write just one article a day and be fully self-sufficient.