Work in estonia without intermediaries. Jobs and vacancies in estonia. Obtaining a work visa

In 2020, the citizens of the European Union are still facing an acute personnel issue - a good, stable job “worth its weight in gold”, the situation in Estonia is no exception: according to statistics, in February about 6% of the population were not employed. Therefore, for a foreigner to find a decent position in this country is something from the realm of fantasy. Nevertheless, this is a rather popular destination for Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians who dream of changing their environment and moving to a more developed state.

Estonian kroon, replaced by Euro in 2010

The easiest way to find a place for yourself is to turn to special agencies for help. All possible difficulties will be taken over by professionals. A positive feature of Estonian intermediaries is the fact that in most cases the costs are borne by the employer. Thus, the applicant is free from additional financial expenses.

You can do without intermediaries if you constantly browse the Internet sites dedicated to employment. It makes sense to place your resume on one of them. Perhaps you will interest a potential boss with your personal and professional qualities... Vacancies are advertised in Estonian newspapers. The most famous are EestiEkspress, EestiPaevaleht and Postimees.

Searching for ads in newspapers is an up-to-date way to find a job in Estonia

Finally, you can purposefully look for a place in one of the companies that attracts you personally. Firms often publish information about the specialists they need. It is better not only to send a resume, but even to call back in person, demonstrating your interest.

Requirements for applicants

Work in Estonia for Russians is available only for those who speak Estonian. Although most of the population is still fluent in Russian, especially older people, all documentation and business conversation in principle are conducted in the national language. In this Baltic country, they are very sensitive to the issue of the Soviet occupation (this is how they call the period from 1940 to 1990, when Estonia was part of the USSR), therefore, they are doing their best to protect their national identity. Nevertheless, there is no negative attitude towards foreigners, even towards visitors from Russia, despite widespread rumors about the hostility of Estonians towards Russian-speaking citizens.

In order to get a job in a specialty, you need a diploma that meets European standards. Ideally, the applicant should have completed one of the higher educational institutions European Union, USA or Canada. Residents of the post-Soviet space have the opportunity to confirm their diploma by passing certification from a special commission. For most positions, a master's degree is preferable, but bachelors also have a good chance.

The next important nuance is the presence of experience, at least two or three years. Without it, it is impossible even to start building a career, since top managers are not interested in training employees. Currently, the competition is such that there are enough applicants with a sufficient level of qualifications and skills, so spending time on explaining responsibilities and educating staff does not make sense.


Migrants can do without a permit if they plan to spend no more than 6 months on the territory of the state. Another feature that allows this is. In all other situations, you will definitely need to draw up a document. You can carry out this procedure both outside the country and while on its territory. In the first case, it is necessary to contact the consulate, and in the second, to the state structure called the "Police and Border Guard Department".

Before you start labor activity, the foreigner must register his permit with the police immediately upon entry. In addition, it is prohibited to change the place of work. This paper is valid for 1 year, after which it is possible to extend it for a longer period by presenting a work contract and a passport.

As in the entire European Union, the employer has the right to invite a foreigner to the position only when none of the local citizens meet the requirements. These measures are to combat the mass migration of residents of less prosperous countries, as well as to protect their own population from the loss of jobs and unfair competition on the part of newcomers.

For the same reason, based on numerous reviews, obtaining a work visa (category D) is not an easy task. It is almost impossible to obtain this document without first signing a contract with an Estonian company. You will need to fill out and print a questionnaire on the embassy's website, pay the fee and consular fee, provide information on the availability of funds in the bank account.

A work visa to Estonia looks like a tourist visa, but the category indicates D instead of C

Vacancies for Russians

Estonia is the first post-Soviet state to introduce an e-democracy system. Currently, voting, as well as most of the bureaucratic procedures, are carried out via the Internet. That is why IT specialists are in great demand: programmers, system administrators, website developers. The salaries are very decent: from 1000 to 2000 euros and even more in individual cases... Along with IT specialists, finance specialists are in demand: bank employees, insurance agents, and so on. Mostly this is work in Tallinn.

Statistics of average salaries in Estonia, Euro per month

Seasonal labor in agriculture involves short-term employment in Estonia. Couples willingly take here, mainly harvesting in the fields. Without experience, you can also get a job as a nurse or nanny in a family with a child or elderly relative.

Cranberry picking

There are vacancies available for metallurgists, shipbuilders, equipment and machine tool operators. Highly skilled workers will also not sit idle. However, all this is possible only in a situation where Estonians do not apply for these positions, otherwise the foreigner will not take a vacant place.

And finally, a high-quality motivating video about working in Estonia (in English):

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Nikolay Egorov, 30 years old, was born in Ukraine, received a higher technical education and a job in Kharkov, where he lived for 9 years, then moved to Tallinn in 2014: Three days ago was the last day of my employment contract with the company, thanks to which I moved to Estonia. The company began to go down, get rid of staff, the company has halved in a year. I was notified and laid off in one day (everything is in accordance with the law, with the payment of salaries for the period during which I must be warned about the layoff). But it seems like they got fired one day

Nikolay Egorov / Photo:

Now I am looking for a job to stay in Estonia - I need to find one in the near future (within a month).

What are the opportunities for laid-off employees in Estonia? Immediately from work, I went to the Eesti Töötukassa (Unemployment Insurance Fund), where my employer paid the unemployment insurance tax, and met there still reduced colleagues. Since I have more than 12 months of experience in an Estonian company, I have the right to receive compensation of 50% of my average salary for 2 months and further payments less than 9 months during the search for work. Also, I am entered in the register of unemployed and Toetukassa will also look for a job for me, meetings with a consultant will be held. But of course, when looking for a job, I rely more on myself, since there is very little left until the completion of my residence permit (which I received on the basis of an employment contract), just over a month (I will be notified of the exact date by mail).

Earlier in Ukraine I completed labor Relations on my own initiative and quite quickly (in 1-2 months) found new job with the best conditions. It's harder for me in Estonia - I've been looking for a job (not too actively, though, there was only one interview) for the last six months, but I haven't really found anything - the main reason I see is an unacceptably low level of knowledge of the Estonian language (I didn't learn it much, focusing on English). And most vacancies require:
- knowledge of the Estonian language (simple vacancies, including blue-collar jobs)
- knowledge of Estonian and English (office staff)
- knowledge of Estonian, English, Russian (international manufacturing companies)
- knowledge of Estonian, English, Finnish, Swedish and so on (managers in international companies)

So, thinking about life in Estonia - immediately learn Estonian, my dears

It is customary to call Estonia an electronic state, as regards services on the Internet related to the search for real estate, work, services and certificates of various ministries, departments and bodies - everything is at a high level that I have tried.

There are only two portals in Estonia, owned by private companies, that post offers from employers and resume of job seekers. This is very good, because in Ukraine and Russia there is a darkness of such sites and tracking all vacancies on all sites simply reboots the brain.

Now about the work of non-residents in Estonia (who have no grounds for permanent residence in Estonia). The procedure for hiring a non-resident in Estonia is broadly as follows:
- the employer announces a competition for a vacancy (that is, places it on the very two sites)
- at the end of the competition (interviews, etc.), the non-resident must win and the employer submits an application to the Unemployment Insurance Fund (Insurance Fund) that he has not found a suitable candidate among the residents and wants to arrange a non-resident. There are special requirements for the position and salary of a non-resident, the Employer is obliged to pay you wages, the size of which is equal to the average annual salary of Estonia published recently by the Statistics Estonia and the multiplication of the coefficient 1.24 (something around 1,300 euros gross). A company that suits a non-resident must be registered at least 1 year ago.
- The insurance fund examines the employer's application and, if approved, issues a certificate with a validity of 6 months - for the employment of a non-resident with this employer. Based on this certificate and employment contract a non-resident applies for a temporary residence permit for work, given for a period of 2 years with an open-ended employment contract, if the employment contract is for a shorter period, then for the duration of this employment contract.

More details can be found on the pages of the Police and Border Guard Department (in Russian)
Residence permit for work
Important information about the residence permit for work

There are exceptions when the consent of the Insurance Fund is not needed - you can also read the links, but these are not frequent cases.

There is also the EU Blue Card program in Estonia (aka Blue Card). It is similar to the procedure for obtaining a residence permit for work, but has some advantages. I did not understand them in detail, but I suggest you read the links (in Russian):
Main site of the Blue Card program

Good luck with your job search in Estonia!

Fresh vacancies in 2020 abroad for men and women

Currently, a large number of people get a job not only in their own country, but also in neighboring states. Working abroad allows you to find a place with high wages and quickly build a career. Estonia is one of the countries popular with our compatriots. Our site presents a huge number of the most fresh vacancies from employers from this country who are constantly updated. If necessary, the job seeker can immediately contact the employer directly, without having to pay commissions.

It should be noted that such specialties as a programmer, cook, nurse, nurse, electrician, handyman. Vacancies are always available for both women and men. For successful employment, you need to have all the necessary documents for traveling abroad, as well as a correctly written resume. You can write it based on the example on our website.

Vacancies in Europe in 2020 allow you to find a position, both with knowledge of the language and without it. Having education and experience is an additional advantage, however, even without them, you can get a good job with the opportunity to realize your potential.

After 2008, finding a job in Estonia was problematic due to the global financial crisis. However, Western investment and loans allowed the Estonian economy to develop in positive side... The unemployment rate has decreased, in 2018 it is no more than 5%. Moreover, in some industries there is a shortage of employees, so work in Estonia in 2018 is available for both highly qualified employees and those without qualifications.

Despite the large share of Russian speakers in the country (over 30%), in order to quickly adapt to new conditions, we recommend that you prepare and learn either the national or English... As in other EU countries, it is possible to get a job in Estonia legally and from direct employers only if no Estonian applies for it, so you can count on a good job with education, knowledge and experience.

It is logical that the country is interested in the employment of its citizens. Nevertheless, the economy is developing, and young professionals tend to leave for other countries, where they pay more. Therefore, it is not problematic for Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians to find work in Estonia. The main thing is to start with the official "path", especially since after 5 years of permanent residence there is every chance of obtaining citizenship of one of the EU countries.

Average salary - from 1,000 euros monthly. This is higher than in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece. Since 2013, there has been an increase in this indicator. A prerequisite for obtaining a residence permit - after employment in Estonia, the salary must not be lower than the average level.

The largest number of places is in Tallinn. In other cities, it all depends on the season and population. Vacancies in Estonia are in demand in tourism... Here employees need to know English and Russian. In agriculture, seasonal work is available in Estonia for women, men and students.

In search of earnings, residents of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus often turn their eyes to the EU countries. Their attention is attracted by the former neighbors in the USSR from the Baltic states. Working in Estonia for foreign citizens has its own difficulties, but decent wages continue to attract those who want to earn money.

The Estonian economy is developing, and the average wage is growing every year. So, its amount before taxes was 1242 € in 2017.

Almost a third of the population is concentrated in the capital, Tallinn, and in two other large cities, Tartu and Narva. The unemployment rate is just over 5%, which is lower than in the neighboring Baltic countries. The labor market is ready to accept Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians for various positions in areas such as high-tech production, information technology, manufacturing, cargo transportation, and agriculture.

The advantages of this country include:

  • low population density;
  • the introduction of electronic technologies in various spheres of life;
  • inexpensive food;
  • the majority of the population speaks Russian;
  • developed foreign economic relations, providing for both transit trade and foreign investment.
  • knowledge of the Estonian language is required to obtain a highly paid position;
  • expensive real estate and high cost of utilities;
  • high tax deductions.

The most demanded professions in 2019

Currently required:

  • programmers;
  • truck drivers;
  • crop pickers;
  • CNC machine operators;
  • nannies;
  • sellers;
  • guides;
  • doctors;
  • electricians;
  • welders;
  • builders;
  • financial workers.

The salary will differ depending on the county. But with a full-day device, they cannot pay less than the established minimum - 470 euros per month before taxes. Specialists in the field information technologies can count on 1700-2000 €, truck drivers - 1300-1500 €, a specialist in production - 1000-1100 €.

The level of wages per month by profession

Profession Net minimum wage (EUR / month) Average net salary (EUR / month)
doctor1100 1400
driver400 771
taxi driver680 1070
Cook345 614
guide640 985
dentist1050 1844
salesman301 437
electrician560 824
builder760 980
welder870 1080
foreman920 1100
student490 520
for women470 760
nanny550 640
work from home400 480
at the factory530 1050
at the Embassy780 995
on the farm490 840

Search without intermediaries

Popular job search sites

For a general acquaintance with the labor market and understanding how demanded this or that specialty is, one should turn to the stock exchanges. There are concentrated ads for the search for employees, and there is an opportunity to publish your resume.

These sites are:

Disadvantage self-search there will be difficulty in identifying an unscrupulous employer.

Specialized resources, agencies

Specialized agencies eliminate this problem by independently checking the proposed vacancies. Placing a resume in such an agency increases the chances of avoiding the scammers' attention, but limits the range of searches by the clients of this agency.

Examples are agencies such as:

Employment types

In addition to full-time employment, full-time employers offer other options for cooperation. For some positions, they are ready to accept candidates without knowledge of the language. The summer and fall months bring a spike in offers of unskilled work in agriculture.

Without knowing the language

Only a third of the vacancies will be available to a non-Estonian-speaking job seeker. Most of them are suitable for unskilled workers. IT specialists are a pleasant exception - for them English remains more important, and a high level of professional skills makes employers come to terms with insufficient knowledge of Estonian.

Provided more often in agriculture, can last no more than 6 months. Requirements for work experience and language skills are low. In agriculture, there is a large proportion of Russian-speaking workers, so the problem of communication is usually solved.

Temporary employment

Construction companies regularly recruit personnel for specific projects. Service personnel are also temporarily required - as in the field Catering and in families. Housekeeping, nanny, and governess positions usually include living with the employer's family. There are vacancies for students in the field of tourism and catering, but knowledge of the language will be required.

Other options

This way of organizing work is preferable in the field of cargo transportation, manufacturing industry, construction. It requires truck drivers, construction equipment operators, welders. The watch is convenient with a clear time frame and is usually accompanied by the provision of accommodation, and sometimes food.

Official employment procedure

For official permanent employment in Estonia, you need to contact the nearest consulate.

Priority of actions

The procedure should be as follows:

  1. Issue a foreign passport, if you already have one, then check its validity period. It must expire no earlier than three months after the expiry of the requested visa.
  2. Find an employer in Estonia who is ready to apply with a request to hire a foreign employee and conclude a contract with him.
  3. Apply for a work visa or residence permit based on employment at an Estonian consulate.
  4. Obtain a work permit upon request from the employer.

Types of work permits

A short-term permit is issued by the Police and Border Guard Board. It indicates the approved period and characteristics of the place of employment. The basis for obtaining it is the appeal of an employer who cannot find on this position Estonian or EU citizen.

Categories that do not require permission

  • persons holding a long-term residence permit from an EU country;
  • accredited journalists;
  • employees of Estonian universities, including those leading research activities;
  • workers of culture and sports;
  • persons educated in Estonia;
  • management personnel of foreign companies operating in Estonia;
  • agricultural workers on a short-term contract.
Application for a residence permit in Estonia

List of main documents

To submit an application, you must submit the following documents:

  • a foreign passport with a validity period exceeding the validity of the requested visa by 3 months;
  • questionnaire ();

  • 4 photographs 35 × 45 mm that meet the requirements for photographs for documents;
  • a health insurance policy with an insurance liability of at least EUR 30,000;
  • a document confirming the registration of a short-term work of a foreigner;
  • an invitation from the employer, which indicates the salary and place of residence;
  • receipt of payment of state duty (except for citizens of Belarus and Ukraine).

Registration of a work visa

This is a document confirming the right to stay in the country in connection with the conclusion of an employment contract with the employer. It is necessary to obtain it if the expected term of cooperation exceeds 6 months. The processing time should not exceed 2 months from the date of submission of documents.

Selection Criteria for Applicants for a Work Visa

Selection criteria include requirements for:

  • qualifications;
  • the level of knowledge of the language;
  • state of health.

The employer undertakes to pay at least average wages, which protects the rights of local workers.

Extension of a visa

It can be extended without leaving Estonia if there are grounds for this, for example, the extension of an employment contract. To do this, you should apply with an application in advance.

Business immigration

Starting a business or buying an existing company in Estonia presupposes obtaining a long-term visa and allows you to obtain a residence permit. The state does not put forward special requirements for enterprises owned by foreigners, but in order to obtain a residence permit it is necessary that authorized capital the company to be created was at least 75,000 €.

It is also advisable to declare the intention to create jobs, but a prerequisite it is not. But to confirm the non-fictitious nature of the enterprise, it is necessary to provide evidence of its activities and profit.

Features of internship in the country

Favorable conditions have been created for the internship of students.

Popular areas of internship:

  • economics and finance;
  • information Technology;
  • tourism.

You can find a company that is ready to accept a future specialist for an internship through specialized sites. For example Studentweb (

Consequences for attempting illegal employment

Registration of all required documents may seem like a long and unnecessary process. But the Estonian authorities carefully monitor violations in this area, and the system of fines and punishments makes attempts to evade compliance with formal requirements unprofitable.

Fines will be imposed both on the employer, who pays 1,500 euros, and on the employee himself, in the amount of up to 1,700 euros. The foreigner will be expelled from the country with an entry ban in the coming years (the maximum ban period is 10 years).

The Estonian labor market is in need of skilled workers, programmers and seasonal agricultural workers. For employment, you will need to conclude an agreement with an employer, obtain a work visa and a work permit. Seasonal work involves a lightweight option for preparing documents.