Cabbage get-togethers script of the game program. "Cabbage evening", Scenario for holding folk gatherings The most cheerful adult skit

Zhigailova Zoya Vasilievna
Position: music director
Educational institution: Branch of MAOU Secondary School No. 2 of Khvoinaya settlement in the village of Ostakhnovo
Locality: Khvoininsky district, Ostakhnovo village
Material name: Methodical development
Theme: Scenario "Cabbage - the first lady in the village"
Date of publication: 25.05.2016
Chapter: preschool education



History and traditions of the cabbage festival.
Peasant life, its everyday life and holidays from time immemorial are subordinated to nature, are determined by the season and constitute a definite, once and for all established cycle of the work order. So, in late autumn, cabbage heads filled with earthly juices are taken from the fields. On this, before the onset of spring, the field work is completed, the land-nurse goes to sleep ... Perhaps no vegetable has attracted such close attention of researchers of all times and peoples as cabbage. Philosophers and historians, doctors and chefs have left us numerous instructions on its magical, medicinal and culinary properties. According to one of the legends, the thunderer Jupiter, while working to clarify two contradictory sayings, was sweating from a terrible overexertion. Several large drops rolled down from the forehead of the father of the gods to the ground. It is from these drops that the cabbage grew. The story, of course, is uncomplicated, but in it you can feel the respectful attitude of the Romans to the ancient vegetable. Apparently, the very word "cabbage" is somehow connected with this legend, because it came from the ancient Roman "kaputum", which translated into Russian means "head". Even the ancient Greeks and Romans attributed to cabbage the ability to soothe headaches, cure deafness, relieve insomnia and various internal diseases. Our ancestors also knew a lot about the healing properties of cabbage. So, in the old Russian medical books we read: "Crushed cabbage, mixed with egg white and then applied to any burn and so their ulcers heal." One of the first Russian sources in which cabbage is mentioned is Svyatoslav's Izbornik dating from 1073. In the old days in Russia a vegetable garden where cabbage was grown was called a "cabbage". It was the most beloved vegetable in Russia, it was not for nothing that she was called “the first lady in the village”. From the Exaltation (September 27), they began to chop cabbage in the villages. The villagers said: "Dare, woman, about cabbage on the Exaltation day", "At the good man's on the Exaltation day and a pie with cabbage." Winter supplies were not considered pounds and kilograms, but buckets and barrels. Such large supplies are difficult to make alone. Therefore, women chopped and salted cabbage together for the whole village, moving from house to house. On this day, fortune-telling and beliefs were carried out, which are associated with matchmaking, therefore, the traditions were observed most often by families in which there was a marriageable daughter. Today the Cabbage Festival resumes its traditions and is held in some Russian cities and villages.


- Development in children of a cognitive interest in the history of our Motherland, in folk wisdom; - Instilling in children a love for folk culture; - Acquaintance of children with oral, play and musical folk art; - Raising a culture of communication in children. - Formation of some practical skills and abilities.
The hostess, who is dressed in a Russian folk sundress, an apron.
Girls are dressed in Russian sundresses, boys are dressed in trousers and shirts.
Keg for chopping cabbage, cleaver knives (special knives). OWNER: Cabbage evenings came to us On horses, sables, foxes, ermines. Oh, you gossips, my friends, you will come to work for me. Help me chop the cabbage, Help me salt it! (A knock is heard. The girls enter.) CHILDREN: Hello, hostess! Here come to help you, Yes, chop the cabbage. Hostess: Dear guests, make yourself at home. Everyone can see our coziness at home: In the cramped conditions, perhaps, but not offended! After all, any hut, you know yourself, Not red at the corners, red with pies! Everyone who is rich is so happy. First - business, then - pies and fun. Come on, girls, put on aprons so that your outfits don't get dirty, and get to work. (The hostess shows how to chop cabbage in a wooden keg with knives - cleavers). Hostess: Together with chopped cabbage, whole white heads of cabbage were fermented, as well as cucumbers of the last harvest and apples. There were general rules, customs and signs. For example, cabbage harvested in October is sweeter than the one harvested in September, and it is better to chop cabbage in the "young month", then it will be stronger and tastier. Our ancestors, the Slavs, have been growing cabbage since the 9th century and were the first to invent a method of fermenting it. Cabbage was fermented with whole heads of cabbage, chopped, chopped. Distinguished between white and gray sauerkraut. The first was prepared from white cabbage according to recipes that have practically not changed to this day. The second - gray - was obtained from the same raw materials, but the cabbage layer was poured with rye flour together with salt. In this case, if there was little juice under pressure, rye kvass was added to the barrel to improve fermentation.
Perhaps this was the oldest, original method that gave the cabbage the name "sauerkraut", that is, "seasoned with kvass". Hostess
From an early age, villagers know how to ferment cabbage correctly. 1 CHILD: I clean, I cut the cabbage, And then I rub the carrots. Salt it a little, and put it in a barrel. 2 CHILD: Mom will put the chopsticks, Dad will press. And when she wanders, Let's pierce with a stick. 3 CHILD: She wandered for a couple of days - We must take it to the cellar, Or else the Goats will have to feed it all, then feed it. OWNER: Let's remember what proverbs the people put together about cabbage. CHILDREN: Bread and cabbage will not be allowed. Without potatoes, bread and cabbage - what kind of food. OWNER: Well done! Do you know the riddles about cabbage? CHILDREN: 1. Matryoshka stands on one leg, wrapped up, entangled. 2. Shred on a shred - Green patches, All day on the belly Lying on the garden bed. 3. Ermoshka stands on one leg, on him a hundred clothes are not sewn, not cut, but all are scarred. 4. Costing Filat, one hundred lats on him. 5. There was a child - he did not know the diapers, he became an old man - a hundred diapers on him. 6. The patch is on the patch, but the needle was missing. 7. One hundred clothes and all without fasteners.
Oh, enough, enough! I see that you really know the cabbage riddles. CHILDREN: And we know fables! 1 CHILD: The village was driving past the peasant, Suddenly the gates were barking from under the dog Roofs were frightened They sat on a raven The horse was driving the Peasant with a whip. 2 BABY: The bear came to the ford ... Dump into the water! Already he is mok, mok, mok. Already he is a pussycat, a pussycat, a pussycat ... Wasted, vykis, got out, dried up, He stood on the deck ... Dumped into the water! CHILDREN
And we know not only proverbs, fables and riddles about cabbage. Now we will sing ditties about her. 1 CHILD: Put your ears on top of your head, Listen carefully, We are cabbage ditties We will sing wonderfully. 2 CHILD: I tried the whole summer, I got dressed, got dressed. And as autumn approached, I gave away all the outfits. 3 CHILD The lady is sitting in the garden bed, Dressed in noisy silks. We prepare tubs for her, Half a bag of coarse salt. 4 CHILD I was ugly ugly - Head is white, curly. And who loves cabbage soup very much -
So always look for me. 5 CHILD Dressed up Alena In her green sarafan, Curled up the frills thickly, Do you recognize her? Cabbage! 6 CHILD In order for the stove to flare up, It is necessary to give in to the heat, So that the ditty could be sung easier, It is necessary to help with the dance. (The boys are dancing (the girls are starting to work again) HOSTESS: While the conversation was going on, and the work was done. Thank you for your help, dear guests. No wonder they say: the master's work is afraid. The cabbage was chopped, salted and folded. It's time for fun. how about a round dance about cabbage, so that next year it grows bigger and rounder! CHORUS: “Hang, hang, my cabbage.” Hang, hang, my cabbage, Hang, hang, my white! How can I not curl cabbage, White Vilo Evolve you, cabbage, Evolve you, Viloy kocheshok. Veisya, veisya, my cabbage, Veisya, veisya, my white! HOSTESS: It's time, fun is an hour. Who wants to play now?. "CHILDREN READ POEMS ABOUT THE USE OF CABBAGE: 1 CHILD: Without cabbage, the house is empty, Living without cabbage is not tasty. The guys and I love all kinds of salads.
We love borschiki for the first time And not only we, I guess. And, of course, we love vegetables for the second Stew. 2 CHILD: Cabbage has a secret - There is simply no cabbage without: Golubtsov, stew, borscht. Eat more vegetables. You will be all right: Do not get better guys. You will become stronger, slimmer And most importantly - smarter! Hostess
And they salted the cabbage, and sang, and danced, played very merrily. Yes, you will not be full only with games and dances. While you were having fun, my pies are ripe and the samovar is ready! I invite you all to the cabbage pies! (Children and adults drink tea and cakes). Compiled by: Zhigailova Zoya Vasilievna - musical director of the branch of the MAOU "Secondary school No. 2, Khvoynaya village" in the village of Ostakhnovo

The scene is framed in the style of a Russian hut. In the "hut" - the owners.
Leading: Oh, and there were many holidays in Russia before! The happiest and most generous holidays were in autumn, when the peasants, having harvested their crops, made preparations for the winter. One of the autumn holidays - Exaltation (September 27). People remarked: "Lifting the caftan from the shoulders will move, pulling the sheepskin coat." From Exaltation, they began to chop cabbage. "Dare, woman, about cabbage on the Exaltation day", "At the good man on the Exaltation day and a pie with cabbage." On Exaltation, the beginning of skits, cabbage evenings.
October 14 is the most important autumn holiday - the Intercession. He will cover the ground with snow, where with a leaf.
The owners invited the girls to parties - to help chop cabbage for the winter. And the guys came by themselves, without an invitation. They brought with them an accordion, balalaikas and entertained everyone with jokes. Here and there, cheerful laughter was heard in the houses. So we will go to one of these evenings, and museum exhibits that carefully preserve our history will help us.
Hostess: Oh, grandpa, cabbage evenings have come, it's time for us to prepare cabbage for the winter.
Master: Yes, it seems the time has come.
There is a knock on the door - guests enter.
1 guest: Hello hostess, we have come to help you.
2nd guest: We heard that you are going to chop cabbage, so we came to your party.
Hostess: Come in, dear guests, for a dear guest the gates are wide open, a good guest - always just right. Oh, you gossips, my friends, come and work for me, help me chop the cabbage, help me salt it.
Guests: We will not refuse to chop the cabbage, we will not refuse it and salt it.
Hostess: Wash your white little hands, but take ripe heads of cabbage! Whoever loves to eat pies has a job here: who has heads of cabbage, who can cut them, and who should salt. Who should crush them, but push them into the barrel.
The hostess talks about the objects with which to cut the cabbage.
1 guest: Rest, hostess, we will salt the cabbage without you. And jokes are good for work.
2nd guest: Yes, funny jokes.
Master: Well, let's see who remembers more.


- Fedul, that pouted his lips?
- The caftan burned through.
- Can be sewn up
- Yes, there is no needle.
- Is the hole big?
- One gate remained.
- Thomas, why aren't you coming out of the forest?
- Yes, I caught a bear!
- So bring me here!
- He's not coming.
- So go yourself!
- He won't let me in.
- Thomas, is your house warm?
- It's warm, you can keep warm on the stove in a fur coat.
- What are your girls doing?
- They sew and sing.
- And mothers?
- They flog, but they cry.
- Sonny, go to the river for some water!
- The belly hurts!
- Son, go eat porridge!
“Well, since my mother tells me, we must go.

Questions for the audience: "What jokes do you know?"

Hostess: Well, while the jokes were telling, the work was done, it is not for nothing that they say that the work of the master is afraid. Finished business - walk boldly. Start, little girls, a round dance about cabbage, so that it continues to be richly born.
1 guest: Curl, curl, cabbage, curl, white.
As cabbage does not curl, white - green does not break.
2nd guest: The rain is pouring, it is pouring, it breaks the white-green,
The round dance is gaining.
Master: And where are your good fellows, well, come out and lead a round dance.

Children from the audience are invited and guests lead a round dance to folk music.

Hostess: In the old days, the first head of cabbage was covered with large cast iron, and cast iron - with a white tablecloth so that the cabbage forks were large and tight.
Now we invite everyone to play.

Games are held: "Pegs", "Cabbage", "Cabbage in a cap",

"Drag the bast shoe", "Hit the cast iron."
Games in Putyatineky District

The girls choose a pair of boys and stand in a circle. The boys ("chicks") squat down, and the girls stand behind them. The driver walks in the center of the circle, approaches one of the couples and says:
- Kuma, godfather, sell the pegs.
- Buy.
-What's worth?
- A head of cabbage, and a broom, and a ruble of money.
- Well, from hand to hand, but to the bathhouse.
They hit on the hands and run around the "pegs" -young in different directions. Whoever comes running first stands at the "peg". The loser becomes

Everyone is in a circle. The driver says:
- What a creak, what a crunch?
What is this bush?
How to be without crunch
If I…
And he points to one of the players, he must say: "Cabbage" and run in a circle. The driver is catching up. If the “cabbage” managed to get into place after one circle, the driver loses and starts the game over. If the driver catches up with "cabbage", then he himself becomes a "cabbage". Another starts driving.

"Cabbage in a cap"

A large head of cabbage is placed in the cast iron, on which a cap is put on. It is necessary to knock down the cap from a distance of 5-6 steps with bast shoes. Whoever knocked it down won.

"Drag the bast shoe"
Two participants are playing. A long rope is tied to the bast shoe. A bast shoe is placed at a distance from the participants, and the free end of the rope is given to the players. Put a mug of kvass (water) in the bast shoe. The task of the participants with the help of a rope is to pull the bast shoe with a mug to themselves, without spilling the contents of the mug. Whoever is faster and more accurate - he won.

"Hit the cast iron"
Cast iron is placed upside down on the floor or bench. The participant is blindfolded
unwind him, after which he must try to hit the cast iron with a stick.
Host: Maybe you will sing ditties for us? Guests: Let's sing.
Singing ditties.
Oh, stamp your foot
Do not feel sorry for the boot
Tyatka will sew new ones Or these will fit.
Take a walk, Matvey,
Do not be sorry for bast shoes:
Tyatka will put on the bast - he will sew new bast shoes.
Whether in the garden or in the garden Our Matvey the raven counted.
And what does he care
That he took away the cabbage.
Katya walks between the ridges,
Selects everything:
Where is the cabbage, where is the weed - She will not understand in any way.
My brother prowls the kitchen,
He is looking for forks of cabbage,
Well, what business is it to me?
I ate it a long time ago.
I can sour cabbage,
I am not sad from idleness.
Come visit me
I'll treat everyone to cabbage.
Guests: Songs sang and danced, why the owners are tired. God grant to the one who is in this house. Give birth to wheat and cabbage with lentils! There is always a pie on the table, easy ones are always dear to you.
First guest: Where are the pies? The hut is not red with the corners, but red with pies.
Hostess (enters with pies): While you were dancing and singing, my pies were ripe. I invite everyone to tea with pies (treats everyone with pies).
Leading: The grateful guests said thanks to both the hosts and the holiday itself.
Guests: And now let's say in unison: "Father Pokrov, cover our hut with warmth, and the owner with good."
The guests say goodbye, the owners see them off.
This is where the holiday ends.

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Announcement on the door of the study:

Attention! Attention! Attention!
A fun party is opening!
Hurry, honest people,
"Cabbage" is calling you ...

We clap our hands 5 times
And we stamp our feet 5 times.
We'll invite cabbage for a visit
And we will begin our "Skit".

Everything you need for cutting and pickling cabbage is prepared on the tables. At the end of the "working" part of the evening, tables are covered with tablecloths and served for tea drinking. Everyone who came to the gatherings can take part in the common work: chop cabbage and talk about it. And the Host with the Hostess, using the exhibition material, conduct a conversation.


Autumn I am, and pour gold over the edge,
Gathered a rich harvest in the fields.
Brought the best fruits in a basket,
You will see one of them now.

Pulls cabbage out of the basket.

Do not judge cabbage harshly
That she's wearing a lot of clothes.

- Word cabbage comes from the ancient Roman ka putum, which translated into Russian means head.


Everyone knows: no cabbage
Your pot is empty.
If you forget the cabbage,
You won't eat borscht and cabbage soup.

- On the menu of Russians, cabbage has always been in one of the first places among other vegetables. It has been widely used and used to prepare a variety of snacks, soups, and main courses. Cabbage juice is also very useful. As an independent dish, cabbage is stewed, fried, baked, stuffed with various fillings.
Here on the table are various cabbage dishes prepared by your mothers and grandmothers. Thank you all very much!
Basically, the national Russian cuisine includes dishes from white cabbage, although recipes from other types of cabbage are not alien to it: cauliflower, kohlrabi, red, Brussels sprouts, etc.

Exhibition of varieties of cabbage "That's what I am!"

Exhibition of books about cabbage "If you want to know more about me, you need to read these books!"

Master. Perhaps not a single vegetable has attracted such close attention of researchers of all times and peoples as cabbage. Philosophers and historians, doctors and chefs have left us numerous instructions on its magical, medicinal and culinary properties.
Even the ancient Greeks and Romans attributed to cabbage the ability to soothe headaches, cure deafness, relieve insomnia and various internal diseases.
Our ancestors also knew a lot about the healing properties of cabbage. So, in old Russian medical books we read: “crushed cabbage, mixed with egg white and then applied to any burn, and that“ their ulcers heal ”.

Cabbage. In folk medicine, I am used for various diseases. Fresh leaves are applied to purulent abscesses, wounds, used for burns. Fresh juice is recommended for tuberculosis (together with honey), for diseases of the liver, stomach, and toothache. My juice needs to be drunk immediately, because the vitamins it contains are rapidly destroyed. To strengthen the hair, rub in a mixture of fresh cabbage, spinach and lemon juices.

The hostess. More than four thousand years ago, man began to grow cabbage. The ancestor of cultivated varieties of cabbage is wild cabbage, which grew and still grows along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. For many centuries man cultivated wild cabbage, looked after it and selected plants with large leaves for seeds; this is how a valuable vegetable crop was obtained.

Cabbage. In the old days in Russia they called the vegetable garden where they grew me up. It was the most favorite vegetable in Russia, it was not for nothing that I was called “the first lady in the village”. Vegetable gardens with cabbage everywhere surrounded Russian settlements. The abundance of cabbage in Russia amazed even seasoned foreigners. So, in the XIII century, a certain Cornelius de Bouin wrote: "In Muscovy grows ordinary white cabbage, which the Russians store large supplies and which the commoners eat 2 times a day."

Teacher additions. The foreigner is right - in Russia, cabbage has long been treated with almost religious adoration. The Day of the Feast of the Exaltation was almost universally considered the date of the beginning of the cabbage harvest. It was fermented, salted, and various dishes were prepared from it on this fast day. About sauerkraut, a process that has become almost a popular custom in our country, is remarkably written by I.S. Shmelev, an emigrant writer:

“And here is another joy: we chop the cabbage! After the Exaltation, tubs for cabbage began to soar ... Vasil-Vasilich runs one trough, the other - I and Gorkin. Twenty wagons of cabbage, the whole yard is littered with: a white-green mountain, chop - not chop ... A trough of thick boards, huge, ten saws from each side are chopping, it is fun to listen to the tapping - how they dance! In that trough they chop gray cabbage, and in ours - white. They take away green leaves there, hand over green leaves from ours, and throw white, "milk" leaves into our trough. They call it “the master's trough”. I whisper to Gorkin: "Why should they green?" He grins at me: “I know what you think ... There is no offense here, iris. Yours will be sweeter, but we love you stronger, with bitterness, much tastier ... and how it ferments, pierce her spirit ... our most famous cabbage, little sery ... Cheerful - this cabbage! "

1 student. Harvesting of cabbage for the winter in Russia took place in late autumn, when at the first mild frosts the cabbage forks “curl up more” and become harder. There were general rules, customs and signs. For example, cabbage harvested in October is sweeter than the one harvested in September, and it is better to chop cabbage in a “young month”, then it will be stronger and tastier.
From the Exaltation (September 27), they began to chop cabbage in the villages. The villagers said: "Dare, woman, cabbage on the Exaltation day", or "At the good man's on the Exaltation day and a pie with cabbage."

2 student. Winter supplies were not considered pounds and kilograms, but buckets and barrels. Such large stocks are difficult to make alone. Therefore, women chopped and salted cabbage together for the whole village, moving from one house to another. An invitation to cabbage parties was a sign of affection.

3 student. At all times in Russia it was customary to harvest cabbage for future use in the fall, so that it would last until summer. Cabbage, juicy, white cabbage was brought to houses directly from the beds. Then they chopped and put them in barrels, crumpled, added seasoning and, after waiting for the due date, put them on the table - to enjoy this wonderful gift of mother earth. Potatoes and sauerkraut are the first dish for the villagers and the townspeople. It is no coincidence that the national holiday "Cabbage" was celebrated so solemnly and merrily in different parts of Russia.

The hostess. Our ancestors, the Slavs, have been growing cabbage since the 9th century and were the first to invent a method of fermenting it. Cabbage was fermented with whole heads of cabbage, chopped, chopped. Distinguished between white and gray sauerkraut. The first was prepared from white cabbage according to recipes that have practically not changed to this day.
The second - gray - was obtained from the same raw materials, but the cabbage layer was poured with rye flour together with salt. In this case, if there was little juice under pressure, rye kvass was added to the barrel to improve fermentation.
Perhaps this was the oldest, original method that gave the cabbage the name “sauerkraut”, that is. “Seasoned with kvass”.

4 student. It was with the Exaltation in the villages that girlish cabbage parties began. They lasted two weeks. The young people were looking forward to the cabbages. They were fun, with conversations, jokes, jokes. The girls went with songs from house to house to chop cabbage. Tubs in all families were filled to the brim with cabbage. Tables with snacks were set in every house. Entering the house, guests congratulated the owners on a good harvest. The girls dressed up as cabbages and tried to show their industriousness, and the hostesses looked closely at which bride is daring.

The hostess.

Come out, girls are red, show your skill
Not with a handsome face, but with golden hands.
After all, without cabbage and cabbage soup, it will not be thick!

5 student. An acquaintance with the owner's son could have started on cabbage evenings, and there, you see, and a wedding. A growing child will ask a young mother: "Where did they take me?" She will remember the funny preparations, smile and answer the kid: "Found in the cabbage."

Cabbage. Let's open the curtain and look at the picturesque picture that a Russian village represented when salting cabbage.

The hostess.

Cabbage evenings came to us
On horses, on sables, on foxes, ermines.
Already you, gossips, my friends,
You will come to work for me.
Benefits "those for me to chop the cabbage,
Help me salt it!

A knock is heard and the girls enter.

Girls (with a bow)... Hello, the Host with the Hostess!

Here come to help you,
Yes, chop the cabbage.

Master. For dear guests and wide gates!

The hostess.

Dear guests, make yourself at home.
Everyone can see our coziness at home:
In cramped quarters, perhaps, but not offended!
After all, any hut, you know yourself,
Not red at the corners, red with pies!
Everyone who is rich is so happy.

Master. First - business, then - pies and fun. Come on, girls, put on aprons so that your outfits don't get dirty, and get to work.

Three adults - mothers and grandmothers and "girls" - the students stand near the table and begin to chop and salt cabbage: mothers chop, and the students demonstrate the utensils and talk along the way, spectators - other children and parents - watch the cabbage pickling process. Quiet music sounds, against the background of which the story of the girls and the hostess is conducted.

Girl 1. This trough and this chopping ... For cutting cabbage in every house there was a special trough, which was not used for anything else. Here's another fixture - shredder - a special machine for shredding, i.e. slicing cabbage in the form of shavings, but this is wooden pestle .

Adults and girls start chopping cabbage.

The hostess. Cabbage chopping was a real treat for the village boys. After all, it is known that children are very fond of gnawing stumps. During the cabbage felling, the children did not leave their mothers for whole days.
First, the heads of cabbage must be washed and cleaned of spoiled and limp leaves. Having cut out the stump, the heads of cabbage need to be chopped up or chopped on a special shredder.
Thoroughly mix the chopped cabbage with salt and shredded carrots in a wooden or enamel container.

Girl 2. Place the prepared cabbage in a tub, barrel or glass jar, ramming each new portion with a wooden pestle or other blunt object until abundant juice comes out.

Girl 3. Cabbage was fermented with caraway seeds, celery, dill, juniper berries. If desired, spices, allspice, bay leaves, cranberries could be added to the cabbage. Together with chopped cabbage, whole white heads of cabbage were fermented, as well as cucumbers of the last harvest and apples.

Girl 4. Place green cabbage leaves on the bottom of the barrel and on top of the cabbage. Cover the cabbage with a white cotton cloth, and put a wooden circle with oppression on it, under the press. For oppression, it is better to pick up large rounded stones, which are found along the banks of rivers.

Girl 1. After a while, under the weight of oppression, the cabbage will settle and be covered with brine. If the brine does not come out, the load should be increased. The fermentation process takes about a week at a temperature of 18–20 °.

Girl 5. As soon as foaming bubbles begin to appear on the surface, the cabbage must be pierced in several places with a sharp long stick - a sharp birch stake (to the bottom). Fermentation gases will escape through these punctures. After a couple of days, new punctures need to be made. When the cabbage turns white (and this usually happens a week after salting), it should be transferred from a warm room to the cellar, and glass jars - to the refrigerator. On this, the process of cooking cabbage can be considered complete.

Master. Let's remember what proverbs people have folded about cabbage.


  • Bread and cabbage dashing will not be allowed (healthy food).
  • Without potatoes, bread and cabbage - what kind of food.
  • Do not poke your nose into the cabbage until they are poached.
  • To plant cabbage - to annoy the back.
  • Why fence a garden, if you don't plant cabbage.
  • Not a single mouth can live without cabbage.
  • Cabbage is not empty "- it flies itself into the mouth."
  • September smelled like apples, and October smelled like cabbage.
  • Eat cabbage soup - the neck will be white, the head will be curly.
  • Cabbage soup is good, but delicious with salt.
  • Cabbage loves water and good weather.
  • Cabbage saves heads of cabbage.
  • Good cabbage will curl in the head of cabbage, and bad cabbage will rot in the leaves.

Master. Well done! Do you know the riddles about cabbage?


  • Matryoshka stands on one leg, wrapped up, tangled up.
  • Ermoshka stands on one leg, on him a hundred clothes are not sewn, not cut, but all are scarred.
  • There was a child - he did not know the diapers, he became an old man - a hundred diapers on him.
  • The patch was on the patch, but the needle was gone.
  • Not a book, but with leaves.
  • She is fat, forced, she put on three hundred shirts, and one leg.
  • Patch on patch - green patches
  • Standing on one leg, basking in the garden bed.

Master. Oh, enough, enough! I see that you really know the cabbage riddles.

Girls. And we know not only proverbs and riddles about cabbage. Now we will sing ditties about cabbage.

Ditties about cabbage

Put your ears on top of your head, listen carefully,
We will sing cabbage ditties wonderfully.

Katya walks between the ridges, tearing out everything:
Where is the cabbage, where is the weed - she will not understand in any way.

I tried a whole summer, dressed, dressed,
And as autumn approached, I gave away all the outfits.

I can sour cabbage, I am not sad from idleness.
Come to visit me - I'll treat everyone to cabbage.

I was born wonderfully well - my head is white, curly,
And who is very fond of cabbage soup - always look for me there.

Alena dressed up in her green sarafan,
Curled up the frills thickly. Do you recognize her? Cabbage!

In order for the stove to light up, you need to give in the heat,
To make the ditty easier to sing, you need to help dance.


Master. From an early age, villagers know how to ferment cabbage correctly.


I clean, I cut the cabbage, and then I rub the carrots.
Salt it a little and put it in a barrel.
Mom will put down the chopsticks, dad will press.
And when she wanders, we will pierce with a stick.
She wandered for a couple of days - she had to take it to the cellar,
Otherwise, the goats will have to feed it all later.

The hostess. While the conversation was underway, the work was done. Thank you for your help, dear guests.

Master. No wonder they say: the master's work is afraid. A full tub of fermented milk means it's time for fun.

6 student. Young men appeared with gifts for the owners and their assistants. The hostess baked cabbage pie and treated the guests.

The hostess brings the cake to the girls-assistants.

7 student. After a friendly teamwork, felling heads of cabbage, red girls went out into the street and started dancing and dancing until dawn. Often, villages flourished from their outfits, resounding with the sounds of songs and folk instruments: accordions, balalaikas, pipes, rattles ... Boys, pullets, as well as elderly people joined the girls, and the work was crowned with a general holiday.


Pegs game

Pairs of players stand in a circle. One person in each pair sits down - this is a "peg". The other is behind him. The driver walks in the center of the circle, approaches any pair.

- Kuma, godfather, sell the peg.
- Buy.
- And what a hundred "it?
- A head of cabbage and a broom, and a ruble of money.
- Well, from hand to hand, but to the bathhouse.

They shake hands and run around the pegs in different directions. Whoever comes running first stands at the "peg". The loser becomes the driver.

Game "Grab the treat"

- Imagine that you are a bunny. And they love rabbits ...

There are stumps on the floor. There are one less of them than the rabbits. Everyone starts to run to the music. As soon as the music stops, you need to grab the stump. Whoever does not get it is eliminated from the game. The last hare with a stump is the winner. He gets a juicy prize.

Cabbage. Now it's my turn to give you tests:

  • Which butterfly am I most afraid of?
  • What pet crawls into the garden to feast on me?
  • What about a wild animal?
  • What dishes can be made from cabbage?

Host and hostess. You will not be full of games and dances.

The hosts invite guests to tea with cabbage pies. At parting, all wish each other good health, who needs help - they invite fellow villagers to their home for "cabbage". In conclusion, the students, at will, recount the poems they have found and learned about cabbage.

Poems about cabbage

Summer rain

Summer rain with a soft foot
Ironing vegetables in the garden.
He only touches the cabbage
How the cabbage starts up:
The leaves are white and juicy
Curls into heads of cabbage.

Once upon a time there was a cabbage

Once upon a time there was a cabbage
White cabbage,
White cabbage
She was a desperate braggart.

Look for such cabbage!
The hostess crumbled it into cabbage soup.
One stump remained -
And that little son got it!

Vladimir Suslov

Sad cabbage

The field is being cleaned, the garden is empty,
Only behind the barn is cabbage shriveling.
They haven't been taken away from the garden for two weeks,
Even from the frost the veins turned blue.
Crisp cabbage is looking out of the fence ...
Not a blade of grass nearby - that's why it's sad.

Kayum Tangrykuliev


- Tied your head, are you sick, cabbage?
Are you cold in summer too? Wrapped up, cabbage?
- From the sun I wear a turban,
I don't need heat at all!

Vasily Katanov

Heads of cabbage in the garden
Of this magnitude
Are poured.
Santa Claus put on a sheepskin coat,
To the heads of cabbage stupas-crunch
Picked up.
I wanted to freeze them,
All turned white with anger,
It didn't work out.
Heads of cabbage in the night lie
Like polar bears
And they growl almost audibly.

M. Maltseva


The cabbage has risen,
It is important to look around,
She quickly dressed in warm blouses.
Covers his nose with a green cloak:
- I am not afraid of rain and frost now!

Tanasienko Lyudmila Vladimirovna - Musical director of the MDOU Kindergarten №255, Volgograd

Date of submission of work to the competition: 11/21/2016.

"Cabbage gatherings"

(autumn scenario for older children)

Hostess: Attention! Attention! Attention!

A fun party is opening!

Hurry, honest people,

"Cabbage" is calling you!

Children enter the hall to a cheerful Russian folk melody. Stand up in a semicircle.

Children: 1.While we were going to the hut to you

Found a lot of leaves

From poplars, birches and maples

Red, yellow and green.

2. The autumn forest meets us

By the red flame of aspens.

Gold birches and maples,

Bunches of rowan berries.

3. Into the dark dense forest

Autumn came in.

How many fresh cones

At the green pines.

4. How many red berries

And forest mountain ash,

The waves have grown

Right on the path.

5. And among the lingonberries,

On a green bump

The mushroom mushroom came out

In a red handkerchief.

6. But where is she, the hostess of the ball?

Where is the autumn queen?

Let's get her here

We'll ask you to come here

We will call her a song

We will sing a song about autumn.

Song about autumn

(Children sit down in their seats autumn sets)

Autumn:I am golden autumn!

Bow to you, my friends.

I've been dreaming for a long time

I’m talking about meeting you.

Beautiful in the little basket

She brought the leaves.

Take a leaf with them together, you will dance.

(Autumn music sounds and educators distribute leaflets)

Dance with leaves

(At the end of the dance, the children fall off the leaves and sit down)

Hostess:Here is what a beautiful leaf fall.

Game "Collect the leaves"

( Autumn offers to stay with the guys)

Hostess: In ancient times, there was such a custom among the Russian people. As the work was finished and the harvest was gathered, we whiled away the autumn evenings together, arranged gatherings.

1 child:What are get-togethers?

These are not trinkets at all:

This is creativity and work,

This is friendship and comfort

This is the song, this is the laugh

This is a joy for all of us!

2 child:On the heaps, in the light

Or on some logs,

Gathered gatherings

Elderly and young.

Our leisure is sometimes shallow

And what is there to say:

It's boring to live without gatherings,

They should be revived!

Hostess: There were many holidays in Russia, but the most generous, the most joyful were in the fall. One of these holidays was popularly called skits. He's about walked in the fall on the day of the Exaltation, when the first frosts appeared and massive felling and salting of cabbage began. The hostesses invited neighbors and girlfriends to help them chop cabbage for the winter. To refuse an invitation was considered a sign of disrespect for the owners. So smart girls went from house to house with songs, jokes, jokes, helping each other in harvesting cabbage. After work, the boys and girls danced in round dances, so now we will sing a song, we will start a round dance!

The song "" Guests have come to us "

(Children sit on chairs after singing, only one girl remains)

1 Girl:Cabbage evenings came to us

On horses, on sables, on foxes, ermines.

Already you, gossips, my friends,

You will come to work for me.

Help me chop the cabbage,

Help me salt it!

More girls run out.

The song "About cabbage" on the river the melody "Oh, you canopy!"

1 Girl:I want to tell you about cabbage in the garden,

As everyone knows, it's easy to collect.

2 Girl:But it is more difficult to grow it, you need to water a lot,

Weeds must be pulled out more courageously without mercy.

3 Girl:Well this is our favorite product! It is boiled and salted.

An indispensable component for girls and guys.

4 Girl:Pies, I will say, with cabbage are very good!

Cabbage cabbage cabbage soup is pleasant to everyone's soul.

5 Girl:There are vitamins A, B, C and even E in cabbage!

They awaken clever pictures in the head.

Hostess: The guys didn’t help chopping cabbage, but came for fun. And it's better to choose a bride at work. Now we will see which of our red girls will be able to cook borscht and choose the vegetables you need for this.


The game involves two teams. In front of each team there is a table with vegetables and fruits. On the opposite side is a table and a saucepan. The task of the players on a team leading to the music, in turn, correctly put all the components for the borscht in the pan.

3 Child:Who said - ditties seem to be out of fashion these days?

And is it really a matter of fashion, if people love them! And now cabbage ditties!

Boys are singing ditties about cabbage.

  1. 1. Put your ears on top of your head, listen carefully,

We will sing cabbage ditties wonderfully.


  1. 2. Katya walks between the ridges, tearing out everything:

Where is the cabbage, where is the weed - she will not understand in any way.

Chorus:Oh, my cabbage, you are all white!

  1. 3. I tried a whole summer, dressed, dressed,

And as autumn approached, I gave away all the outfits.

Chorus:Oh, my cabbage, you are all white!

  1. 4. I can sour cabbage, I am not sad from idleness.

Come to visit me - I'll treat everyone to cabbage.

Chorus:Oh, my cabbage, you are all white!

  1. 5. He let a goat into the garden to guard the cabbage.

The unconscious goat ate the cabbage and left.

Chorus:Oh, my cabbage, you are all white!

  1. 6. We fought for cabbage every day and every hour.

Only the caterpillars still managed to defeat us.

Chorus:Oh, my cabbage, you are all white!

  1. 7. I'll put all the cabbage in the tub as soon as possible.

I will sing to her ditties, so that it crunches more fun.

Chorus:Oh, my cabbage, you are all white!

  1. 8. The lady is sitting in the garden bed, dressed in noisy silks,

We prepare tubs for her, half a bag of coarse salt.

Chorus:Oh, my cabbage, you are all white!

Hostess: Salted cabbage in Russia with carrots, cranberries, and lingonberries. The cabbage turned out to be both tasty and beautiful, nice to serve on the table! She often rescued people during a famine, which is why the Russian people put together a saying about her: "Bread and cabbage will not be allowed dashing."

Let's show our guests how we learned how to salt cabbage!

You also help us and repeat after us!

Free dance "Cabbage"


We chop cabbage, chop,

We are three, three carrots,

We salt the cabbage, we salt it,

We are squeezing cabbage, squeezing.

Hostess:The cabbage lingers. The holiday has begun, but she's still gone. Let us invite her with applause.

(children clap, cabbage comes out)

Hostess:And here is Cabbage-kuma itself!

Well godfather, are you late?

Cabbage:I tried on outfits!

After all, I have a hundred clothes and all without fasteners.

I can’t resist, I love to dress up!

No wonder I am a gardener, I am called a great fashionista!

(showing off his outfit)

Hostess:Oh, and you are a lot to admire yourself! We, too, would not mind dancing, showing off.

Dance "Steam room"

Cabbage:All the same, I am the loveliest, and rounder and whiter!

Hostess:You, godfather, honor and honor, but there are many others, different vegetables - green, yellow, red.

Scene "Dispute of vegetables"

Vegetables:Which of us, from vegetables, is more necessary and tastier?

Carrot:I am a beautiful carrot.

You gnaw me dexterously.

Potato:I am a crumbly potato.

You recognized me in profile.

A tomato:And I am a juicy tomato, delicious and red.

In the morning I put on a satin suit.

Onion:They say I am bitter, they say I am sweet.

With the green arrow, I grow in the garden.

I am a helpful Sami in that I give my word.

Eat green onions, be healthy!

Beet:I am round, I am strong

Dark red sides

The beets are young, so sweet!

I'm good for lunch and borscht and vinaigrette!

Hostess:Full, vegetables, make noise,

Isn't it time to sing a song!

Round dance "Veysya, veysya cabbage"

(after the cabbage curls, the goat comes out)

Goat:That's the cabbage, that's the head of cabbage! Standing, pouring, waiting for me.

I'll eat you now!

(Children scatter to their places, the goat catches up with them)

Hostess:Rather, build a fence to keep the Goat out of the garden.

The wattle game

Goat:You are saving cabbage from me, and they have been eating it for a long time.

Hostess: Who?

Goat: Caterpillar!

Hostess:Oh, really, the caterpillar is the first enemy of cabbage. We're going to catch her now.

Goat: But where are you without me. So be it I will help.

Caterpillar game

(Children get up one after another with a train, the goat is the first to get up, which must catch the tail of the caterpillar)

Hostess:What a fine fellow you are, you have caught everything, so the caterpillar, stay with us.

(Cabbage comes out with a tray covered with a napkin)

Cabbage: Everyone in the world loves cabbage: hares, adults and children!

I can be useful to everyone!

This will make me proud!

Vitamins in me - the sea!

I am good for soup, and for the second!

(Takes off the napkin containing the cabbage with a surprise)

Hostess: Eat on both cheeks

Remember the cabbage!

Holiday "Cabbage".

The song about Autumn sounds.

Leading: Hello guys! Hello dear guests!

We are glad to welcome you to our unusual holiday. And what kind of holiday it is and why it is called that, we will now find out.

(Children read poems)

****** (Margarita)

It was in the garden, too empty (Nikita)
We planted cabbage .
One two Three,
Now look!
Lady, what is it
Got here over the summer!
As if she returned from a ball, (Dima)
I wore so many dresses!
And a cabbage stump,
Both girls and boys
They love to crunch very much -
Look for a sight!

"Thank you" we say boldly, (Semyon)

For you, white cabbage

You washed your face with the rains

I dressed in three hundred dresses,

We will eat and praise.

Yes "thank you" to say!

Host: (G.AN.) Our guest is Arina, the nursery. She will tell us why we devote the whole holiday to only one vegetable.

Arina the seedling: Today we have gathered for a holiday that was celebrated in Russia in October, when all the cabbage was harvested.

Therefore, the holiday got its unusual name "Cabbage".

In the old days in Russia, a vegetable garden where cabbage was grown was called "cabbage".

Leading: Guys, let's name the months from October to May in chorus ...

(children call).


I pull the pegs

I am a vegetable garden,

I plant cabbage.

I plant a little white


And white and vila,

And it’s even with the tynom.

(walking around)

Don't be ankle, be belly.

Don't be empty, be tight.

Do not be small be great.

In the old days, the first head of cabbage was covered with a large cast iron,

And the cast-iron - with a white tablecloth so that the forks of the cabbage are large and tight. And now you need to curl the cabbage, for this leaves gather in a round dance-cabbage.


Veisya, veisya, cabbage, (Egor)

Curl white.

How cabbage does not curl,

White-green not to break?

The rain is pouring down

It breaks the green and white.

The round dance is gaining. Dmitry has cabbage, (Ilya)

Yes, Yakovlevich is white,

There is frequent rain on her

It is pouring pouring rain.

And he walks in a round dance,

The round dance is gaining.

(Verse by Lisa Cr., Diana)

I do not intend to play hide and seek with you.
I grow like an ordinary vegetable in the garden.
I've been getting fat all summer. How else? -
I need to be round like a ball by the fall!
Clothes on me, if you undress, a pack,
But I honestly admit that I am not a frostbite.
The more clothes I have, the more valuable I will be -
So people said, but people know better.
And in cabbage soup, and in borscht, you will not find a replacement for me,
The filling in the pie, stuffed cabbage - delicious!
And they ferment and stew, raw - no worse,
I am good for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
You can't chew without a wonderful crunch.
It has long been clear to everyone, I am called cabbage !

Arina: And the cabbage kept growing, so it came to visit us ..

Cabbage: Hello dear guests. Glad to see you at my holiday. Cabbage is the most beloved vegetable in Russia, it is not for nothing that it was called the first lady in the village.

Our garden is empty:
Almost harvested.
But all remained cabbage
She's supposed to grow.
Under a wide, dense sheet,
As if under a fur coat, heads of cabbage.
They are foggy and hazy cold,
and frosts are not terrible.
White-sided, tight.
I can hardly raise a head of cabbage!
It is not known how others -
I'm looking forward to the day
When will their grandmother be
Shred, put in salting.
For me, a holiday among everyday life -
Juicy sweet stumps.

Cabbage: --- And how many riddles have been invented about cabbage.

Here's a listen:
Chubby face, white face

Likes to drink plenty of water.

She has leaves with a crunch

And her name is (cabbage).

Riddles about cabbage. (Anton M.)

What a creak, what a crunch?

What is this bush?

How to be without crunch

If I ... (cabbage).

Ermoshka stands

On one leg

He has a hundred clothes on,

Not sewn, not cut,

All in scars. (Cabbage.)

Like a disheveled ram -

White marble head of cabbage.

The leaves are so thick

The beauty ... (cabbage).

BBW Matryoshka

Round little white-legged

They got up to the garden, wrapped seventy shawls on their heads -

All without knots.

Matryoshka stands on one leg, wrapped up, tangled up.

Antoshka stands low, he has seventy-seven rizoks.

Ermoshka stands on one leg, on him a hundred clothes are not sewn or cut, but all are scarred.

Filat stands on it one hundred lats.

There was a child who did not know diapers, but became an old man with a hundred diapers on him.

The patch was on the patch, but the needle was gone.

Leading: Here are how many wonderful riddles we have listened to. About cabbage, not only poems, but riddles are folded.

Before the spread of potatoes in Russia, cabbage was the second food product after bread in every peasant family. Proverbs speak about it.

Listen to proverbs and sayings:

1. Cabbage - neither empty nor thick.

2. Bread and cabbage dashing will not be allowed.

3. Cabbage is better empty: even if it is not empty in the belly.

4. Wisdom is in cabbage, all power is in cabbage.

5. Without potatoes, bread, and cabbage, what kind of food.

Host: And now let's listen to the ditties. What do you think they are about? Correctly about cabbage.


Come out soon, girlfriend

We will shine in public

And perky ditties

Let's drink about cabbage.

My cabbage is good

Well, what's wrong with me?

Now I'm sitting in the garden,

I'm waiting for the groom.

I let a goat into the garden,

To guard the cabbage,

The irresponsible goat:

I ate the cabbage and left.

We fought for cabbage

Every day and every hour

Only caterpillars yet

They managed to defeat us.

Sonya walks between the ridges,

Selects everything:

Where is the cabbage, where is the weed,

She will not find it in any way.

I'm a neighbor boy

I'll quickly add to myself:

Every day on a stump

I wear it on a date.

My brother prowls the kitchen,

He is looking for forks of cabbage.

Well, what business is it to me?

I ate it a long time ago.

I can sour cabbage, (Anton S.)

I am not sad from idleness.

Come visit me

I'll treat everyone to cabbage.

I'll report it to the tub (Ira)

All the cabbage quickly.

I will sing ditties to her,

To crunch more fun.

Cabbage: Thank you for the funny ditties. Did you know that in ancient times Cabbage was considered a medicine and used for insomnia, for poisoning, headache, stomach diseases.

In ancient Egypt, boiled cabbage was served at the end of a meal as a sweet dish. Where do we use cabbage?

(children's answers)

We studied art (Anton S.)
Sour fresh cabbage ,
It turned out in this case,
We didn’t know how to do many things.
Peeling heads of cabbage together,
What do you need to do with it next?
How to cut is unknown
We thought together for a long time.
And the question is, to be honest,
We decided in vain
And the combine into the tank literally
Chopped up instantly.
Then they cut carrots,
The experience was, they coped deftly.
The cabbage in the beginning
We cut, crushed.
And after finishing the preparation,
They added carrots to the tank,
We mixed everything in it,
For a very long time they crumpled, crumpled,
Salted and under the press,
That's it, the process is over! (song-game "we sour cabbage")

We ran skipping (Zhenya)
Tear cabbage stump.
Only on top of the stump
There were too many leaves.
Let's take the cabbage to mom -
The leaves will become stuffed cabbage.

Grew cabbage heads of cabbage. (Savely)
They are about to ripen
They must be cut down in time.
And - salt, cut the salad,
Or keep it fresh.
Cabbage is a very necessary vegetable:
Any of us is always ready
For breakfast, lunch, dinner
Eat cabbage pies!

Cabbage : Here are what dishes can be made from cabbage, and who else knows about cabbage?

Ira: I also know the little bit!

I clean vegetables for cabbage soup.

How many vegetables do you need?

Three potatoes, two carrots,

Onion one and a half heads,

Yes parsley root

Yes, a cabbage calf.

Make room for you, cabbage,

You're thick in the pot!

One two Three! The fire is on

Stump, get out!

Arina the rassadnitsa: And when are they counted? That's right, before any game. Here we are going to play with you now.

(game "Cabbage")

Leading: How many interesting things we learned about cabbage today.

Listen to another poem.

Every evening our Ignat
On the cabbage patch
Watering everything
Doesn't play hide and seek.
Children are inviting:
- Hey, Ignat, it's time to play!
Ignat answers them:
- I would be glad to play with you,
Only with me, friends,
There are more important things to do!
I will carry water
I will pour under the cabbage,
Let it grow big
Juicy, fresh and tight.
Friends are surprised:
- Why do you need it?
- Mom promised me
A month later, in September,
Find your sister or brother.
And the cabbage is too small!
I water the cabbage
I only dream of one thing:
Let it grow faster -
Together with her brother or sister.
Mom will go to the garden -
And he will find someone!

Cabbage: And now it's my turn to give you tests.


1.What butterfly am I most afraid of?

2. What varieties of cabbage do you know?

3. On what day according to the national calendar do they start chopping cabbage?

4. What kind of pet goes into the garden to feast on cabbage?

5. What dishes can be made from cabbage?

Arina and cabbage say goodbye to the guys and treat them to. (Apples)

Song about Autumn

Autumn is very good

Good, good!

Autumn walks slowly

He walks slowly.

Autumn has an outfit

Gold, gold!

Surprises everyone

Autumn beauty.

Chorus: (2x)

Autumn is sweet, rustling

Leaves around.

Do not rush to see off

Crane to the South!

Autumn is not sad for a long time

Not sad, not sad.

Even if the snow is flying

Snow and rain are flying.

Her outfit became wet

It has become thinner than it was.

They still burn with fire

Rowan berries!

Chorus: (2x)