Presentation "public holidays of the Russian Federation". Presentation on the topic: "Public holidays" presentation for the lesson (preparatory group) on the topic How I celebrate public holidays presentation

FINE ARTS Folk Holidays Grade 4 Lesson 7

Teacher primary grades

MBOU SOSH № 33 Simferopol

  • Goals: explain the role of the holiday in the life of the people; to acquaint with the variety of Russian holidays; to conduct an aesthetic assessment of the holiday in life and in the artistic image; develop the skills of collective creative work; introduce the terms "crowding", "accent".
  • Kind of activity: mixed media work: drawing, paper applique. Creation of teamwork.

  • What kind of work did you do in the last lesson (Sewing a festive women's folk costume)
  • What details of the women's folk costume do you know?
  • In which portrait did you study the details of a female festive peasant costume?
  • What are the characteristics that distinguish a festive costume from an everyday one?
  • What signs of the holiday do you know?
  • By what signs can you guess that today is a holiday?
  • The author of the portrait Ivan Argunov

  • It was not in vain that our conversation touched upon festive signs, because today you will not only remember the signs of the holiday. But also depict them on their panels. For most of us, a holiday is fun and a pleasant time. The holiday is associated with the fact that most often on this day people do not work, they rest. A real holiday is distinguished by its own atmosphere, special fullness and depth of experience, so it differs from other days also in that people put on their best outfits, put refreshments on the table, and often give each other gifts.

  • What panel have you already made in one of the previous lessons?
  • What was depicted in this panel?
  • Was this work collective or individual?
  • What does teamwork mean?

  • You worked in teams of several people. After all, it’s much easier to work this way, and during the lesson you created a large panel, on which there were several different images at once, resulting in a whole village street. Today you will continue to work on this panel, you will decorate them, make them brighter and more elegant. In a word, it is necessary to come up with such details by which it would be immediately obvious that a holiday has begun in the village.
  • Let this be a common harvest festival for all of you, " Autumn fair».

  • As with the work on the panel "Village Street", you will work on the panel "Autumn Fair" collectively, in teams.
  • What does the word "fair" mean? (Big bargaining, market, bazaar.)
  • What does the name "Autumn Fair" mean?
  • What will be the first to trade on such a blot? Probably the gifts of autumn - vegetables and fruits. But, in addition to trade, the fair is sure to arrange entertainment.

  • Name the types of work you did in class today. (Application, drawing.)
  • What accessories do you need?
  • What kind of artwork did you create?
  • - What is a panel?
  • - Where can you see him?
  • What panel did you make in the previous lessons?
  • What is the name of the panel that you made today?
  • What is the topic of today's lesson called?
  • With the help of what details in the picture can you convey the feeling of a peasant holiday?
  • Which artist's paintings convey the moments of Russian national holidays?
  • What details of clothing distinguish peasants who are engaged in work from people on a holiday in B. Kustodiev's paintings?
  • What details did you use to create the panel?

Creative moment

  • syncwine composition

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Russian public holidays presentation New Year Christmas Day of Defender of the Fatherland International Women's Day Spring and Labor Day Victory Day Russia Day National Unity Day

New Year Since 1700, by decree of Peter I, the New Year in Russia is celebrated, as in other European countries, on January 1 (according to the Julian calendar). According to tradition, a New Year tree is installed in the house. When celebrating the New Year, loved ones gather at the table. On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus comes and gives the children gifts that he brings in a bag behind his back. What other New Year traditions can you name? Christmas Day of Defender of the Fatherland International Women's Day Spring and Labor Day Victory Day Russia Day National Unity Day

Nativity Nativity of Christ is one of the main Christian holidays established in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ. The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas on January 7th. In many countries, Christmas is a public holiday or is declared a day off. Defender of the Fatherland Day International Women's Day Spring and Labor Day Victory Day Russia Day National Unity Day

Defender of the Fatherland Day Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday celebrated on February 23. February 23 is a non-working day in Russia. Today, February 23 in Russia is an informal folk holiday for men. On this day, women are also congratulated - veterans of the Great Patriotic War, women - military personnel. International Women's Day Spring and Labor Day Victory Day Russia Day National Unity Day

International Women's Day International Women's Day is a holiday celebrated annually on March 8 in a number of countries as "Women's Day". The United Nations celebrates annually as International Day for Women's Rights and international peace... On March 8 in Russia, women are given flowers and gifts. Spring and Labor Day Victory Day Russia Day National Unity Day

Holiday of Spring and Labor Holiday of Spring and Labor (in the Russian Federation), Day of International Workers' Solidarity - is celebrated in 142 countries and territories of the world on May 1 or on the first Monday of May. The first of May is closely related to the emergence of T-shirts. This is a gathering of the whole family or company for a picnic. Picnics are held on May 1st or 2nd. Victory Day Russia Day National Unity Day

Victory Day Victory Day is the main holiday of the year. Celebrated on May 9. We have in our hearts gratitude to people thanks to whom we have a peaceful sky above our heads. On June 24, 1945, the Victory Parade took place on Red Square. Rokossovsky commanded the parade, Zhukov received the parade. Every year on May 9, the Victory Parade is held in Russian cities. Day of Russia Day of National Unity

Day of Russia Day of Russia has been celebrated annually since 1992 on the day of the adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR - June 12. National Unity Day

National Unity Day is a Russian state holiday. Celebrated on November 4 since 2005. The last holiday (non-working) day of the year in Russia. On October 22, 1612, soldiers of the people's militia led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky took Kitay-Gorod by storm, the garrison of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth retreated to the Kremlin. Prince Pozharsky entered Kitai-Gorod with the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and vowed to build a temple in memory of this victory.

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The beginning of the year from January 1 was established by the Roman ruler Julius Caesar in 46 BC. NS. Until the 15th century in Russia, the new year began on March 1 according to the Julian calendar or on the day of the winter solstice. From the 15th century, the new year began on September 1. Since 1700, by decree of Peter I, the New Year in Russia is celebrated, as in other European countries, on January 1. From 1930 to 1947, January 1 in the USSR was an ordinary working day. On December 23, 1947, by the decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces, January 1 became a holiday and a day off. According to the law of September 25, 1992 in the Russian Federation, January 2 became a day off. Since 2005, New Year holidays have been established in Russia from January 1 to January 5

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The first reports of the emergence of a separate holiday of Christmas and its celebration date back to the middle of the 4th century. The holiday was associated with many folk customs, but they were forgotten after the celebration of Christmas was banned in 1918. Only in 1935, the Soviet government again allowed to put up and decorate Christmas trees - however, not Christmas trees, but New Year ones. And the stars at the top of the spruce became five-pointed in the Soviet way. And earlier the stars were seven-pointed and symbolized the star, which, according to the Gospel, led to the newly born infant Christ of the Magi. "Nativity of Christ", icon of Andrei Rublev

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It was established in the USSR in 1922 as the Day of the Red Army and Navy. From 1949 to 1993 it was called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Since 2002 by decision State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation February 23 in Russia is a non-working day. Today, February 23 in Russia is an informal folk holiday for men, which is celebrated both by work colleagues in their teams and in families, and is massive. On this day, women - veterans of the Great Patriotic War, women - military personnel are also congratulated.

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Historically, the holiday appeared as a day of solidarity of working women in the struggle for equality of rights and emancipation. Clara Zetkin, a German politician and activist for women's rights, is considered the author of the idea for International Women's Day. For the first time, the "day of March 8" in Russia was celebrated in 1913 in St. Petersburg, as a popular event in Western society.

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May Day in its modern form arose at the end of the 19th century in the labor movement, which put forward the demand for the introduction of an eight-hour working day. In the Russian Empire, May Day as a day of international solidarity was first celebrated in 1890 in Warsaw with a strike of 10 thousand workers. Since 1897, May Day celebrations have become political in nature. May Day demonstrations of workers in 1901 in St. Petersburg and other cities were accompanied by slogans: "Down with the autocracy!", "Long live the republic!" After the October Revolution of 1917, the holiday became official. In 1992 it was renamed into the "Holiday of Spring and Labor".

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Introduced in 1945, since 1948 it has been a working day. It was first widely celebrated in the USSR only two decades later under Brezhnev. During the existence of the USSR, military parades on Red Square on May 9 were in the anniversary years of 1965, 1975, 1985 and 1990. After the collapse of the USSR, the May 9 parades on Red Square were not held until the anniversary year 1995. Then two parades were held in Moscow: on Red Square (on foot) and on Poklonnaya Gora (with the participation of troops and military equipment). Since then, parades on Red Square have been held annually - but without military equipment. Since 2008, the parade was again held with the participation of military equipment, including military aviation.

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On June 12, 1990, the I Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR adopted the "Declaration on the State Sovereignty of the RSFSR." June 12 has become a festive date since 1992, by the decision of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation as the "Day of the adoption of the declaration on the state sovereignty of Russia." In the autumn of the same year, amendments were made to the Labor Code, securing the introduction of the holiday. On June 12, 1998, Boris N. Yeltsin, in his televised address, proposed to rename the holiday “Day of Russia”. Officially, this name was assigned with the adoption of a new Labor Code February 1, 2002

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The Day of Peter and Fevronia is an Orthodox holiday, since 2008 it has been restored in Russia at the official level as the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Peter and Fevronia are Orthodox patrons of family and marriage, whose marital union is considered a model of Christian marriage. One of the main initiators of the revival and popularization of this holiday is Dmitry Medvedev's wife Svetlana. She also owns the idea of ​​chamomile as a symbol of the holiday.

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In 1649, by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, October 22 (according to the Julian calendar), was declared a public holiday, which was celebrated for three centuries until 1917. The idea of ​​making November 4 a holiday as National Unity Day was put forward by the Interreligious Council of Russia in September 2004.

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In the USSR, until 1977, it was celebrated on December 5, the day of the adoption of the USSR Constitution of 1936. Then the holiday was postponed to October 7 (the day of the adoption of the new Constitution of the USSR - "The Constitution of Developed Socialism"). On December 12, 1993, the Constitution was adopted by popular vote Russian Federation, and since 1994, by decrees of the President of Russia, December 12 has been declared a public holiday.

Tatyana's day - a holiday for students

January 25 (12), according to the Orthodox Church calendar, is dedicated to the memory of the holy Martyr Tatiana, who was executed, like many early Christians, for her faith. Here, in Russia, it is a noisy and cheerful holiday for all students. Indeed, on January 25, 1755, on Tatiana's day, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree on the establishment of Moscow University and a gymnasium. The university church was consecrated in the name of Tatiana; this is how Tatiana the Martyr Tatiana Universitetskaya became for everyone. Subsequently, all universities in Russia (with the exception of Yuryevsky (Tartu) and Helsingforgsky (Helsinki) universities) were founded with the participation of Moscow University and its graduates. Therefore, Saint Tatiana began to be revered as the patroness of all Russian students and professors. And what about Saint Tatiana? She was born in the first half of the 3rd century after the birth of Christ into a noble Roman family; three times her father was elected consul. He was a secret Christian and raised his daughter in piety and fear of God. When Tatiana reached adulthood, she did not marry, but devoted herself to the church - she served God in fasting and prayer, caring for the sick and helping those in need.

Tatyana's Day! Acquaintances, cousins ​​- I am obliged to go around everyone, even if I cry. To the barber first, to the shops Plyushchinsky reckless driver carries me. Everywhere - noise, everywhere - name days, Here and there the sleigh rushes at a gallop, And in honor of the academic goddess The sun shines, the frost is silvery ...