How to prove that a ripe apple contains aldehyde. Apples are a pantry of health. How to prove in court that the alimony has an unconfirmed income and increase the amount of alimony

how to prove empirically that a ripe apple contains glucose. and got the best answer

Answer from Boobzik [guru]
Qualitative reaction of glucose with copper (II) hydroxide
Glucose contains five hydroxyl groups and one aldehyde group. Therefore, it belongs to aldehyde alcohols. Its chemical properties are similar to those of polyhydric alcohols and aldehydes. The reaction with copper (II) hydroxide demonstrates the reducing properties of glucose. Let's add a few drops of copper (II) sulfate solution and an alkali solution to the glucose solution. No copper hydroxide precipitate is formed. The solution turns bright blue. In this case, glucose dissolves copper (II) hydroxide and behaves like a polyhydric alcohol. Let's heat the solution. The color of the solution begins to change. First, a yellow precipitate of Cu2O forms, which over time forms larger red CuO crystals. In this case, glucose is oxidized to gluconic acid.
СН2ОН - (СНОН) 4 - СОН + Сu (ОН) 2 = СН2ОН - (СНОН) 4 - СООН + Сu2О ↓ + Н2О

Answer from Fable[guru]
Cut out the core of the apple, crumple up some Glucose poster and stick it neatly inside the apple - 100% proof!

Answer from Yonsei_Vlad[guru]
Blood glucose test
Indicator strips for semi-quantitative determination of glucose in blood (0.0-55.5 mmol / l) "DIAGLYUK"

Answer from Monkey[active]
Give it to a rat - the rat will not eat sour, only with glucose

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how to prove empirically that a ripe apple contains glucose.

Now you won't surprise anyone with apples, they are on our table all year round. The varieties are very different, choose for every taste. RELEVANCE PROBLEM You always want to pick a ruddy apple straight from an apple tree branch, most often without waiting for it to ripen, because appearance is deceiving.

Prove that fruit ripening is a chemical process that converts starch into sugar. - prove the presence of starch in unripe apples. - to prove the presence of glucose in ripe apples. - prove that apples contain water. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES:

Unripe apples are tasteless because they have no sugar and are not juicy, because they have little water. WORKING HYPOTHESIS: We independently, in a school laboratory, proved the presence of glucose, water and starch in apples. PROPOSED NOVELTY: Equipment: scales, spirit lamp, alkali solution, copper sulfate solution, iodine, litmus, universal litmus paper, glycerin, glucose, ammonia solution of silver oxide. RESOURCE SUPPORT:

1. Theoretical part: search for information on the research topic. 2. The practical part: buying apples, carrying out experiments to prove the composition of apples. 3. Analysis of theoretical and practical material. Experiments underlying the research: a) Determination of the pH value of the medium of an aqueous solution of ripe and unripe apples; b) Detection of water in apples; c) Detection of starch and glucose in apples. 4.Creating a presentation. STAGES OF WORK:

HOW MUCH WATER IS IN APPLES? WHAT they did: - weighed an apple on the scales; - grated an apple; - the mass was placed in cheesecloth and squeezed out the juice. - The remaining mass was spread on a plate and allowed to evaporate in water. - weighed again Conclusion: After re-weighing, we were convinced that the weight of the apple became less by as much as the water evaporated from it weighed. The water content of an apple is 75 to 97%. And, although apples have a lot of water, they are nevertheless tasty and contain valuable substances necessary for our nutrition.

DEFINITION OF APPLE ACID WHAT YOU DID: took an apple, put a drop of juice on a universal piece of paper CONCLUSION: The paper changes its color. It turns pink. Therefore, apple juice contains weak malic acid. Universal indicator paper, litmus determine the change in the pH of the pH-value medium. If, when the solution is added, the color of the paper changes to red, this indicates the acidic environment of the solution. If the color of the paper turns blue, then the solution is alkaline.

What they did: They took a ripe apple and an unripe one. Cut into thin slices. A few drops of iodine were dropped on them. Conclusion: Blue color appears only on the cut of an unripe apple. There is no starch in a ripe apple. To make sure that there is starch in the apple, you need to drop a little iodine on the sample. A dark blue color should appear. DEFINITION OF STARCH

What they did: They took a ripe apple and an unripe one. Cut into thin slices. A few drops of iodine were dropped on them. Conclusion: Blue color appears only on the cut of an unripe apple. This means that there is no starch in a ripe apple. To make sure that there is starch in the apple, you need to drop a little iodine on the sample. A dark blue color should appear. DEFINITION OF STARCH

DETERMINATION OF GLUCOSE What you did: Pour apple juice into a test tube (3 cm in height of the test tube). The same amount of sodium hydroxide solution was added, and then a solution of copper sulfate was added dropwise. The solution turns a beautiful blue color. The resulting solution was heated in an alcohol lamp. Gradually the solution changes color: blue - green - yellow - red. CONCLUSION: The appearance of a red color (the color of tomato juice) indicates that apple juice contains glucose. Glucose is a type of sugar.

WHY DO APPLES ON A CUT DARKER? WHAT they did: 1. We took an apple and a lemon. Cut the apple in half, put it cut up on a saucer and squeeze some lemon juice into one of the halves. A few hours later, the "clean" half of the apple darkened, and the one that was "protected" by lemon juice remained the same white. 2. Grate the apple in 2 containers. Lemon juice was added to one of them. After a few hours, the "clean" portion of the applesauce darkened, while the portion "protected" by the lemon juice remained the same white.

Apples contain a lot of iron, and in compounds, iron is bivalent and trivalent. When the apple is intact, all the iron in it is bivalent, and its compounds are light green in color. When you bite the apple, oxygen from the air gradually penetrates into the apple and oxidizes the iron. It becomes trivalent, and ferric compounds have a brownish brown color. CONCLUSION: Darkening occurs due to the oxidation of iron contained in the apple, oxygen in the air. And ascorbic acid contained in lemon is a natural antioxidant that slows down oxidation processes. Apples contain many very useful substances, including iron. Of course, no matter how much you chew apples, you won't find pieces of iron that we are used to, but iron is still there in the form of very small particles that are not visible to the eye. When these tiny iron particles come into contact with air, more precisely, with atmospheric oxygen, they begin to darken. The lemon juice covered the cut with a protective film, and the oxygen could not reach the iron.

The pectin found in apples improves digestion and makes our skin healthier. - Natural glucose contained in apples relieves fatigue. The iron in apples raises the level of hemoglobin in the blood. - It is enough to eat apples a day to stock up on all the useful vitamins and minerals. - It is very important to eat apple seeds as well. Five eaten apple seeds contain the daily norm of iodine for an adult. - Apples also cleanse the body and remove old toxins. BIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF APPLES

1. Using a qualitative reaction, the presence of starch and glucose in apples was proved. 2. Determined water and acid in apples, as well as the presence of iron. 3. Thanks to the work done, we have proved that there is no starch in juicy ripe apples, but there is glucose. An unripe apple contains no sugar; but it contains a lot of starch. In a ripe apple with iodine solution, the absence of starch can be shown; and the sugar test is the presence of grape sugar. Fruit ripening is a chemical process that converts starch into sugar. CONCLUSIONS ON WORK:

How to prove that the husband did not support his grandmother?

Your question:

my husband died, I am one heir of the first stage, an apartment remained, which he also inherited at one time, now his grandmother has filed a lawsuit for recognition of her as a dependent (allegedly he has kept her for the last few years, although this is not so) and claims for 1/2 of the apartment How can I be in such a situation? allegedly he gave her 3000t.r once a month and bought food twice a month. What are her chances based on your practice?

Lawyer's answer:
grandmother filed a lawsuit to recognize her as a dependent
Once the grandmother filed such a claim, the burden of proving it lies with her. If your spouse did not actually support your grandmother, then she will not be able to justify the negotiable, because the court makes the decision on the basis of written evidence. In addition, if the grandmother receives a pension or has another income, then she cannot be recognized as a dependent, because from judicial practice it can be concluded that the dependent legislator understands that a person is fully supported by the breadwinner or receives such assistance from him, which is for him an unchanging and main source of livelihood.

How to prove that the apartment bought in marriage was purchased with the funds received from the sale of another apartment belonging to the parents of one of the spouses?

Your question:

My ex-husband more than 10 years ago, when we were married, took the money received from the sale of my mother's apartment to purchase an apartment and registered it for himself. I did not take receipts from him, I did not draw up any other documents, relying on his decency. He worked irregularly, did not pay taxes, i.e. cannot confirm the purchase of premises for their own funds.
Now he is threatening that with the division of housing, I still will not be able to either sell my share, or lease it, or use it, as he calls it "welcome to ownership on paper."
Question: How can one move away from the equal share division of this apartment when dividing property, or how to prove that he did not purchase this apartment with his own money and money from the family budget? I have a child, he also did not support and does not support a child.

Lawyer's answer:
In court, it is necessary to justify, and not in words of course, but in documents, that the funds for this apartment are specifically from the sale of the mother's apartment. Bring up the documents for the sale of that apartment. Where there were funds from e1 sales on a bank account, either at home or outright were transferred for the purchase of a new apartment. All this is being clarified in court.

How can I prove that I supported the child?

Your question: how to prove that a ripe apple contains glucose

Good evening! Can you please tell me, I gave money for the maintenance of our child to the common-law wife within 10 months from the moment of his birth. She is going to file for child support for the entire period from the birth of the child. How can I prove that for these 10 months I had a child and we had a common household with a common-law wife? Thanks.

Lawyer's answer:
In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 107 of the RF IC, alimony is awarded from the moment of appeal to the court. Alimony for the past period can be recovered within a 3-year period from the moment of appeal to the court, if the court established that, prior to the appeal to the court, measures were taken to receive funds for maintenance, but the alimony was not received due to the evasion of the person obliged to pay the alimony, from their payment.
In accordance with Art. 56 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, any party justifies those incidents to which it refers as grounds for its own claims and objections, unless otherwise provided by federal law.
Thus, you essentially do not need to substantiate anything. It is only required to refute the reasons of the plaintiff.

How to confirm that the husband does not support the child for 5 months

Your question:

Child 5 months. The husband insists on divorce, scandals every day. I want to move in with my mother, but does not allow me to live together. He is rude, rude, he may not come home, how he lives and what he does, I don’t know, he does not answer questions. Doesn't work officially. He does not give money for the maintenance of the child, he buys for the child at my request only with a scandal. He doesn't buy me anything at all, not even groceries. He said he was not obliged to support me. My mom transfers money to me for food. I live in St. Petersburg. Is there a chance to file for child support and myself with a fixed amount per month? How much can I expect? How can I prove that my husband is not helping me?

Lawyer's answer:
Hello, Natalia.
You have the right to count on maintenance payments in the amount of 1/4 of all your spouse's income. Submit your application. The court draws up the order. The accounting department of the organization where your spouse works holds the funds and transfers it to you.
You also have the right to seek child support for yourself. These amounts will be paid to you until your child reaches 3 years of age.
The documents are submitted to the world arbitrator.
Good luck to you.

Will I be able to prove that my daughter-in-law has slandered me

Your question:

My name is Maria Nikolaevna, 60 years old. I have an unpleasant family situation. A son got married three years ago. His wife did not work and does not work to this day. All this time, he fully supported his family. The son bought an apartment on a mortgage already married. This year their second child was born and in the process of registering maternity capital and others like him, problems began. The maternity capital was contributed to the mortgage debt, and the daughter-in-law hid the rest of the benefits from my son. But in fact, their financial affairs did not really interest me, but my daughter-in-law began to accuse me of the fact that, according to her, my son did not want to live with her, was cheating on her. For my part, I tried to reconcile them, but my attempts were unsuccessful. The son moved to live with us in the parental home and has been living with us for 2 months. And the daughter-in-law at this time slanders both him and me to all familiar and unfamiliar people, even if you do not go out into the street (our town is small, everyone knows each other). I have a bunch of diseases, including hypertension. All my ailments worsened due to nervousness.
Lawyer's answer:
Dear Maria Nikolaevna! Good evening! Were there any rude insults on social media?

How can a grandmother prove that her grandson supported her during the last year of her life?

Your question:

my husband died. I am one heir of the first stage. but my grandmother filed a lawsuit. allegedly he kept her for the last year of his life (I just didn’t live with him this year), but I know for sure that this is not so. how can she supposedly prove it and how can I prove that this is a lie?

Lawyer's answer:
Dear Olga!
Grandma wants to be recognized as a dependent, or what? Doesn't she receive a pension to the rabbi?
how can I prove that this is heresy?
You will be able to explain in court that your spouse did not support his grandmother because he did not have the means to do so. And the grandmother must prove that she received support from her grandson, and this content was the main source of her income.
a person who received from
who died more than a year before his death - regardless of similar
relations - full content or such periodic assistance, which was
for him an unchanging and main source of livelihood, regardless of
receiving their own earnings, pensions, scholarships and other payments. At
evaluating the evidence presented to prove the existence of a dependent,
the ratio of the assistance provided by the testator and other
income of the disabled person.

of May 29, 2012

How to properly draw up an appeal to the magistrate court for the appointment of alimony without divorce?

Your question:

Good evening. The husband has a child from his first marriage, pays alimony in the amount of 25% of his salary. Our daughter was born. I do not receive maternity leave, we live in a rented apartment and our child actually has less money left than the subsistence level.
I decided to file for alimony so that my child would not be disadvantaged compared to my husband's first child. Almost everything my child needs is bought by my parents. We only have money left for food.
Please tell me how to properly draw up an appeal to the magistrate's court to prove that the husband does not support the child?
My husband and I are registered in different living spaces.
If my husband and I are actually living together, will there be sufficient grounds for ordering child support?
I don't want to get a divorce for the sake of alimony.

Lawyer's answer:
Hello! File a claim with your spouse. The third person should be the first spouse of the spouse. Write that the spouse does not provide support for the child. Demand to collect 1/6 of the earnings and other income, which corresponds to Article 81 of the Home Code of the Russian Federation. There is no need to justify anything.

How to properly file a lawsuit against the actions of the contractor

Your question:

My salary card is under arrest, and it receives children's money every month. I had a fine of 5000. I could not pay it yet, because I alone support my family (myself, my child and my mother), the salary is small, 25,000, from which you have to pay rent, garden, food, dress my daughter. Of course they are not enough. There were about 500 rubles left on my card, when I went to check the balance it turned out to be minus 8000 rubles on the card. Sberbank told me that there was an arrest on the card and gave the name of the bailiff - Khegai Yu. A. Izmailovsky ROSP UFSPP.
The bailiff could not explain why minus 8000 on the card, said that he wanted to get only 4500. Why 4500 also did not explain. Refers to a bank error. At the bank they send me to the bailiff. I said that his actions were illegal, because the bailiff was only entitled to 50% of the amount on my card, but there was practically no money on the card. Besides, the child's allowance is not my money, but the child's. That is, when I receive an advance payment in the amount of 10,000 rubles, 8,000 rubles will be immediately removed from me and I will have nothing to feed the child.
Lawyer's answer:
You Liana need to submit to the court not a statement of claim, but a complaint against the acts of a bailiff, ask the court to cancel the arrest on a bank card, on the grounds set out by you above.
Please draw your attention to the fact that a complaint against the decision of an official of the bailiff service of his act (inaction) is filed within 10 days from the date of the issuance of the decision by the bailiff-executor, the commission of the act, the establishment of the fact of his inaction or refusal to challenge. A person who has not been notified of the time and place of the commission of actions, the complaint is filed within 10 days from the day when this person found out or should have found out about the issuance of a decision, the commission of actions (inaction).

How to prove in court that it was the second homeowner who actually inherited?

Your question:

The apartment was privatized in 1995 for 2 people - my mother and her nephew, both were registered in apt. In 2003, the nephew died, his wife and son were the heirs. Within the established timeframe, the wife filed an application for the acceptance of the inheritance, but the right of ownership has not yet been registered, although the son of the deceased nephew has long been an adult. All these years, the mother has been maintaining housing: she pays for the apartment in full, makes repairs, etc. Is it possible to establish in court that it was she who actually accepted the inheritance.

Lawyer's answer:
the fact that the right is not written down is one thing, perhaps they have a notary certificate in their hands

How to prove in court that the alimony has an unconfirmed income and increase the amount of alimony?

Your question:

Hello! I have such a situation, my ex-husband has two registered non-profit organizations in St. Petersburg (which, of course, is not forbidden to engage in commercial activities), but for many years he has been submitting only zero declarations on them. At the same time, he carries out commercial activities on a daily basis, stands in the park and sells his own souvenirs. Without a contract, renting a place, on bird's rights. He presents this as a showcase of his work, but in reality, the goal is, of course, to sell. I filed for him for alimony (there is one common child) in a fixed amount, no receipts, invoices, checks, etc. He does not lead, so I could not provide any evidence to the court, only printouts from the Internet of articles about him as an artist, a master of his craft, that he demonstrates his work with a photo to everyone in the park. He said that he was not selling anything, only demonstrating, he had no income, his eldest son supported him. He was awarded 1/2 of the living wage for a child in St. Petersburg. I filed an appeal, too, did not give anything, the court only requires invoices, contracts, checks, etc.
Lawyer's answer:
Good day!
The question is what can I do to record his illegal commercial activity, how to oblige him to register?
You can apply to the tax office on the fact of illegal business activity.
Article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Illegal entrepreneurship
1. Carrying out entrepreneurial activity without registration or without a license in cases where such a license is inevitable, if this act has caused great harm to citizens, organizations or the state, or is associated with the extraction of income in a large amount, - shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of up to three hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of salary or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to 2 years, or inevitable work for a period of up to four hundred and eighty hours, or arrest for a period of up to 6 months.
GARANT system:

How to prove that you did not drink alcohol in the workplace

Your question:

I have been suffering from heart disease for four years and every year I am in the hospital and this diagnosis is recorded in my card, while I use medications that contain alcohol-containing liquid. At the workplace, I felt bad and I drank the medicine, while I was accused of being at work in a state of alcoholic intoxication. How can I prove that I did not drink alcohol.

Lawyer's answer:
It was necessary to immediately donate blood for analysis (drugs will not show a large ppm), this is the first and provide a certificate from the doctor about the need to take drugs. Present all this management with an explanatory note. If they do not accept this and punish you, then you can challenge the punishment order in court.


In Biblical myths, an apple is a symbol of the beginning of life. Having tasted the fruit, Eve became the progenitor of all of us. In fairy tales and folk legends, this extraordinary fruit is often mentioned: "Rejuvenating apples ....", "Pouring apples ...." etc. Why is this fruit given so much attention? Is he really so useful and necessary for us in life. We tried to answer this question.

Goal and tasks:
Expand the range of knowledge about the apple;
To study the effect of the chemical composition of an apple on the human body;
Investigate the chemical composition of apples for the presence of vitamin C, malic acid, Fe 2+, Fe 3+ ions and iodine ions

Apple breeding

Among fruit plants, the apple tree ranks first in terms of plantation area. The Caucasus, Central Asia and China are considered the birthplace of the apple tree.

The cultivated varieties of apple trees belong to the same species - the domestic apple tree.
There are special varieties of ornamental apple trees. They are planted in parks, squares, the streets are greened with them not for the sake of fruit, but for decoration. One of the founders of the science of selection of fruit crops was the outstanding Russian scientist Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin. He created over 300 varieties of fruit plants. Its variety, Pepin saffron, adorns our gardens today.

Breeders are working on the creation of new varieties of apple trees for different climatic zones.

The work of breeders of the Saratov region

Having studied the special literature on the selection of apple trees in our region, we learned that the garden should consist of economically profitable and ecologically plastic (with high adaptive potential) varieties: drought-resistant, winter-hardy, resistant to scab and powdery mildew, productive, with high quality fruits. In 2000-2007. in various zones of gardening in the Middle Volga region, a variety study of 44 new varieties of apple trees obtained from different variants of crossing was carried out. Most of the studied varieties showed high adaptive potential under these conditions. The firstborn of Rtischeva (1995), Khvalynskoe and Paskhalnoe (2008) are included in the State Register for the Saratov Region. Firstborn Rtischeva and Sovkhoznoye are recommended for inclusion in the State Register for the Volgograd Region.

At the moment, in our region, the best apple varieties in terms of economic indicators are: Berkutovskoye, Pervenets Rtischeva (winter period of consumption), from the group of summer varieties on the market: Bagaevsky Malt.

The healing properties of apples

The apple is often used as a dietary and therapeutic agent. They are useful for people of mental labor and people leading a sedentary lifestyle.

An apple contains up to 80% water, the remaining 20% ​​contains a mass of nutrients: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, as well as vitamins A, B1, B6, PP, C, etc. The phytoncides of these fruits are destructive act on the causative agents of dysentery, influenza A virus. Vitamin C increases the body's immunity, has bactericidal properties.

It is best to use fresh fruits in their natural form or grated on a coarse grater. Fresh apples cause abundant secretion of gastric juice, so it is useful to eat an apple during lunch for those who are in a hurry and do not chew food very carefully.
Apples normalize the amount of cholesterol in the liver. In this case, it is enough to eat 2-3 apples a day. This effect of apples is explained by the fact that the pectins contained in them are favorably combined with other substances with a similar effect: ascorbic acid, fructose, magnesium.
For long-term treatment of atherosclerosis, it is recommended to eat 3-4 apples daily or drink 1 glass of apple juice. Reduce and regulate blood sugar 2 apples, eaten at night. They also have a beneficial effect on sleep and aid in digestion.
Fresh and baked apples are used to improve digestion and metabolism. Raw, boiled or baked apples are consumed on an empty stomach with sluggish digestion, gastrointestinal disorders, especially in children and with prolonged, so-called habitual constipation. Applesauce also has a positive effect.
The inclusion of 2-3 apples in the daily diet will prevent colds.
Fresh apples are recommended for headaches.
American dentists suggested that instead of toothpaste, use an apple after meals, and especially at night, and then rinse your mouth. Apples eliminate 96.7% of bacteria in the mouth.
Apples facilitate the absorption of calcium salts and act well on the skin.
Apples ripened in the sun contain more vitamins than apples grown in the shade.
Raw, baked and boiled apples are used as a diuretic for edema of both cardiovascular and renal origin.
Apples are recommended for treating kidney, bladder and kidney disease. Apples have the ability to remove oxalate urinary stones from the body.

experimental part

An apple is a storehouse of chemicals that humans need. To confirm these words, we carried out research work on the detection of chemicals in apples.

First, we got apple juice from various varieties of apples (from my summer cottage, variety - Antonovka, variety - Kortland and a purchased apple (variety - unknown)). Empirically, we want to prove the presence in different apple varieties of the presence of: vitamin C, malic acid, Fe 2+, Fe 3+ ions and iodine ions.

Proof of malic acid.

Everyone knows that apples are sour, sweet and sour and sweet. Is it possible to chemically determine which apple will have a more pronounced sweet taste?

Let's take a universal indicator and put it in apple juice. Experience shows that the indicator is colored in a different color, the more intense the color, the more malic acid in the apple, i.e. it tastes sour.

The result of the experiment showed:
Garden apple "Antonovka" has an acidic environment, pH is 3
Apple "Cortland" has a medium, pH is 5
Apple "Purchased" has a medium, pH is 4
It follows that the content of malic acid is in the Antonovka apple.

Evidence for the presence of ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

Ascorbic acid is a famous vitamin C that enhances human immunity. To determine ascorbic acid, we first poured a little starch paste into the apple juice, and then added iodine solution dropwise. At first, the solution did not turn blue, because ascorbic acid is easily oxidized by iodine, and as soon as iodine oxidized all the acid, our solution turned blue, because starch began to react with iodine.

Ascorbic acid is vitamin C over vitamin, the only one directly related to protein metabolism. There is a rule. Little ascorbic acid - you need a lot of protein. If you have a lot of vitamin C, you can get by with less protein.
Vitamin C increases not only immunity and performance, but also has a beneficial effect on the vascular system.

It is a complex of vitamin C, vitamin P and carotene.

By depriving the body of this triplet, we deduce the exchange to an unfavorable direction in the direction of greater body weight and increased nervousness. This complex also has a beneficial effect on the vascular system and serves as a prophylactic agent.
Vitamins C, P and carotene are most fully represented in vegetables, berries, fruits (see table).

100 grams of fruit contains vitamins:

Strawberries: C - 60 mg, R - 150g
- Orange: C - 60 mg, R - 500g
- Apples: C - 30 mg, R - 10-70g

Undoubtedly, strawberries and oranges contain more of this vitamin, but strawberries are present in our diet for a limited time, oranges are a rather expensive product, but apples are a cheap fruit that can and should be eaten all year round.

Proof of Fe +2 ions

Iron salts II and III valence can be determined using sodium hydroxide. Adding NaOH to solutions of iron (II) and (III) salts, we get different precipitates.
We conducted experiments with both a chemical reagent and a solution of apple juice.

Experience number 1

FeSO 4 + 2 NaOH = Fe (OH) 2 + NaSO 4
Fe 2+ + 2OH - = Fe (OH) 2 - White precipitate that turns green quickly in air.

Experience number 2

FeCl 3 + 3 NaOH = Fe (OH) 3 + 3 NaCl
Fe 3+ + 3OH - = Fe (OH) 3 - brown sediment

Fe 2+ ions are easily oxidized in air to Fe 3+ ions, therefore, the green precipitate Fe (OH) 2, after a while turns into brown - Fe (OH) 3.

Experience number 3

Apple juice + NaOH - a green precipitate of Fe (OH) 2 precipitates, this proves the presence of iron ions (2). After 30 minutes, our green sediment turned brown, i.e. iron passed into the state of iron (3). Therefore, we give advice, drink the juice immediately after making it.

The quantitative content of iron ions in apples.

We cut up the apples and left them in the air for two hours. More iron ions are contained in those apples that darken faster. In our case, these were apples grown in our country house.

The presence of iodine in apple seeds

Starch is a reagent for iodine. We poured starch paste to the crushed apple seeds, the solution turned blue.
Therefore, we give advice: two apples a day, eaten together with seeds, is enough for a daily dose of iodine per day.

Project activity is one of the sources of self-knowledge, self-development of every student. It is also for us to show our creativity, to know our own capabilities. In the course of the work done, we have expanded our knowledge in the field of biology and chemistry. While studying varieties of apple trees, we learned what varieties of apple trees are grown in our region. When performing the experimental part of the work, we learned that apples have a lot of iron, iodine, ascorbic acid and proved this.

Sources of information

1. Book for reading in botany: For students 5 - 6 cells. Comp. D.I.Traitak. - 2nd ed., Rev. - M.: Education, 1985 .-- 223 p., Ill.
2. Chemistry. Grade 9: textbook. for general education. institutions / OS. Gabrielyan. - 13th ed., Stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2008.
3. Chemistry. 10: textbook. for general education. institutions / Х46 О.S. Gabrielyan, F.N. Maskaev, S.Yu. Ponomarev, V.I. Terenin - 4th ed., Stereotype. - M. Dro-fa, 2003

biology teacher Grankina Lyudmila Vasilievna,
chemistry teacher Tatyana Vasilievna Nadobnykh,
geography teacher Natalya Nikolaevna Solenkova

how to prove empirically that a ripe apple contains glucose. and got the best answer

Answer from Boobzik [guru]
Qualitative reaction of glucose with copper (II) hydroxide
Glucose contains five hydroxyl groups and one aldehyde group. Therefore, it belongs to aldehyde alcohols. Its chemical properties are similar to those of polyhydric alcohols and aldehydes. The reaction with copper (II) hydroxide demonstrates the reducing properties of glucose. Let's add a few drops of copper (II) sulfate solution and an alkali solution to the glucose solution. No copper hydroxide precipitate is formed. The solution turns bright blue. In this case, glucose dissolves copper (II) hydroxide and behaves like a polyhydric alcohol. Let's heat the solution. The color of the solution begins to change. First, a yellow precipitate of Cu2O forms, which over time forms larger red CuO crystals. In this case, glucose is oxidized to gluconic acid.
СН2ОН - (СНОН) 4 - СОН + Сu (ОН) 2 = СН2ОН - (СНОН) 4 - СООН + Сu2О ↓ + Н2О

Answer from Fable[guru]
Cut out the core of the apple, crumple up some Glucose poster and stick it neatly inside the apple - 100% proof!

Answer from Yonsei_Vlad[guru]
Blood glucose test
Indicator strips for semi-quantitative determination of glucose in blood (0.0-55.5 mmol / l) "DIAGLYUK"

Answer from Monkey[active]
Give it to a rat - the rat will not eat sour, only with glucose

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how to prove empirically that a ripe apple contains glucose.