Tourism infrastructure presentation. Presentations about “Recreation and Tourism. hiking

TYPES OF TOURISM and their features

The law "On the Basics of Tourist Activities in the Russian Federation" defines certain types of tourism:

domestic tourism - travel of persons within the country of permanent residence;

outbound tourism - travel of persons to another country;

social tourism - travel, subsidized from funds allocated by the state for social needs;

amateur tourism - travel using active modes of transportation, organized by tourists on their own.

By goals tourism can be distinguished two main types of tourism:

recreational tourism - classic look tourism, which includes: health, educational and sports types;

business tourism - its scope includes business tours, congress tours, shopping tours.

Sports tourism -

a sport of overcoming a long stretch of the earth's surface, called a route. In this case, the "earth's surface" means not only the stony surface of the Earth, but also the water, and located under the surface of the day (caves). During the passage of the route, various specific natural obstacles are overcome.

The types of movement are:

* hiking;

* ski tourism;

* mountain tourism;

* water tourism;

* speleotourism;

* sailing tourism;

* cycling tourism; * auto tourism; * equestrian tourism; * combined tourism.

By age and social basis, sports tourism is divided into:

* children's tourism * youth tourism * adult tourism * family tourism.

Depending on the difficulty of the obstacles to be overcome, the area of ​​the hike, autonomy, novelty, the length of the route and a number of its other factors characteristic of different types of sports tourism, according to the increasing complexity, the hikes are divided into:

* weekend hikes; * hiking 1 - 3 degrees difficulties; * categorical hikes.

Hiking - type of sports tourism. The main goal is to overcome the route by the group on slightly rough terrain. from point A to point B for the specified period of time.

Mountain tourism - a type of sports tourism, which consists in the movement of a group along a route of a certain complexity, laid in a mountainous area. The complexity of the route is mainly determined by the complexity (categorization) of the passes included in it.

Water tourism - a type of sports tourism, which consists in making rafting on rivers, lakes and reservoirs on tourist ships.

Speleotourism - a kind of sports tourism, consists in traveling through natural underground cavities (caves) and overcoming various obstacles in them using special equipment.

Cycling tourism - one of the types of sports tourism, which consists of cycling routes, containing general tourism and cycling-specific obstacles.

Features of cycling tourism:

  • long routes,
  • group movement,
  • maintenance and repair of bicycles,
  • movement on trails and off-road,
  • inclusion of categorized obstacles in the routes,
  • special equipment.

Ski tourism - one of the types of sports tourism, which consists in skiing routes. The complexity of the route is determined by its length and the complexity of the obstacles included in it.

Equestrian tourism - one of the types of sports tourism, which consists in passing on horse routes, containing specific for equestrian tourism obstacles.

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Tourism - "School of Survival"
"Travel and tourism - the ancient call of the soul" Completed Gordeeva Lyudmila Vladimirovna - educator of the Karaul Children's Home Togo named after G.V. Chicherina
"Tourism, like nothing else, satisfies the desire for novelty, unusualness, search, romance." G.Ya. Ryzhavsky.

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Is tourism a multifaceted practice of life, communication and learning?
Is tourism a means of educating young citizens? Is it possible to improve the health of children by going in for tourism?
Fundamental question:
Problematic issues:

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At present, the social development of the country requires from us, teachers, the preparation of active, independent, creative individuals, adapted to the conditions of modern life. The school, on the other hand, focuses on teaching, not development and education; it does not teach us how to make vital decisions and take real responsibility for them. And tourist activity, with proper organization, can become developmental and educational, since it organizes the activities of children, which ensures the development personal qualities pupils in conditions and situations that make it possible to express themselves in a variety of roles and qualities. Tourism is the most widespread form of active recreation, one of the important means of educating young citizens. During the hike, tourists get acquainted with the past and present of our Motherland, its natural resources, cultural monuments, do socially useful work, and observe nature.

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This helps to increase the spiritual, moral and physical potential of children, to meet the needs for self-expression, creativity, communication with people and nature, children grow up not only physically but also spiritually. Tourism is a successful form of work for educating a team, it has a complex impact on the individual and the team, since any activity is in demand in tourism. The experience of teamwork allows children to express themselves in the future.

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The essence of the project is that for last years the way of life of the children coming to us is very far from being evaluated as healthy. Recently, more children of senior school age are admitted to the orphanage. Most often, these children study in classes that do not correspond to their age (15-year-olds study in grades 6-7), have pedagogical neglect, have negative life experiences or a criminal past (they are registered with the PDN; conditionally convicted.) Among the unfavorable tendencies, a special place they have physical inactivity, addiction to computer games and bad habits.

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The use of alcohol, smoking, substance abuse, and sometimes drug addiction, which pose a great threat to health and the rate of spread of which, among children and adolescents, is growing catastrophically, therefore, there is a problem of adaptation of children to the conditions of an orphanage, social rehabilitation of these children. In the process of raising children in my group, I do a lot of work to strengthen the physical, mental and moral health of children, to quickly adapt pupils to living conditions in orphanage... I organize the life and activities of a growing person, as a morally oriented patriotic personality, by means of attracting them to tourism activities. On the example of tourist gatherings, hikes, military-patriotic games "Slavyanka" and "Russian Knight".

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A special role during tourist trips, military - patriotic games is played by situations of increased physical, moral, emotional stress experienced by children. The difficulties of a camping life - obstacles on the way (forest heaps, river fords), adverse weather events (rain, hurricane, hail), the absence of ordinary living conditions, constant physical labor - require the children to concentrate their strength, will, courage and patience.

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It is in such extreme situations that many of my children have a fundamental opportunity to test themselves, to show themselves, to prove to themselves that they can do something in this life and are worth something. Therefore, when planning the route of the hike, I do not try to make it convenient for passing, but on the contrary I select a sufficient number of difficult sections for passing. I try not to make the trip an easy walk, but a real school of physical and moral conditioning.

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Tourism is the joy of big and small, but for its creation several conditions are necessary:
● Creation of a favorable moral climate, which is manifested in benevolence, willingness to forgive, understand, the desire to come to the rescue. Close sincere friendship of children, teachers. Communication is a great power that helps to understand the child's train of thought and determine the tendency to negative actions in order to prevent them in time. In such test situations, I help children find answers to pressing questions: "What do I really am?" can?".

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Therefore, the topic proposed in this project is relevant today and is necessary for the development of the child's personality in the process of collective activities in the field of tourism. It aims to broaden the teenagers' perception of tourism as the most affordable form of recreation and active recreation.

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Didactic goal
Development of the child's personality in the process of collective activity in the field of tourism, for his successful living in a team and "survival" in nature Methodological tasks To reveal the individual capabilities of children and ensure their development in the process of collective activity; To educate a creative, independent, active, responsible person; Satisfy the students' need for direct knowledge of the world, their land; Healthier children;

Tourism. Documents for a Schengen visa. Tourism development. Tourism in Russia. Tourism and local history. “Educational tourism. Medical tourism. The basics of tourism. World tourism. Autotourism. Types of tourism. History of tourism. Development of international tourism. Literature on tourism. Ecological tourism. Geography of tourism. Economic geography and regional studies.

Tourism statistics. Rural tourism development. Hospitality business in Moscow. Tourism as a kind of activity. Development of tourism in the world. Animation technologies. Domestic tourism tour operator. Excursion project. Excursion work. Museum tourism. Geography of international tourism. Training of personnel in the field of tourism. Types of tourism.

World ecological tourism. Information and excursion activities at tourism enterprises. Electronic systems reservations in tourism. Features of ski tourism. Catalonia Tourism for everyone. Development of tourism in the Irkutsk region. Exhibition activities in tourism. Theory and practice of information activities.

Project: "World Tourism". Problems and prospects for the development of rural tourism. State and prospects for the development of tourism in Russia. Organization commercial activities in the field of tourism. Tourism in Aldan. The development of tourism in the XIX - early XX centuries. Cluster initiatives in tourism. Marketing and promotion at tourism enterprises.

MAOU DOD "Station for children and youth tourism and excursions". Rural tourism as a tool for the development of territories. Virtual excursion maps. Contractual activity in tourism. Excursion programs from Washington. Committee for Culture and Tourism of the Administration of the city of Podolsk.

Presentations about "Leisure and Tourism"

In this section of the site "" are collected presentations about recreation and tourism - download and use them for your pleasure.

A new profession, good knowledge, communication with people - the main task when studying presentations about tourism. Tourism involves the temporary travel of people to different countries or places. During such trips, the tourist needs to get maximum pleasure. This is usually done for health, sports, educational, entertainment, religious, guest and other purposes. In order to navigate well in tourism, you need to know geography well enough. It is necessary to navigate in the historical background, to know tourist sites, as well as culture. You need to be balanced and sociable.

Many tourists wonder what is being studied in presentations about recreation and tourism. Such presentations are mastered by managers of the tourist business, who have to know everything about various attractions, and also need to navigate the legal peculiarities of the tourist business. In presentations about tourism, the specifics of strategic management are presented, as well as its participants are discussed. The main feature of the presentations is considered to be the correct presentation of information about domestic tourism, as well as its features.

Outbound tourism is considered an important direction of presentations. Therefore, sufficient time is allocated to these topics in the presentations. Today the manager needs to know a lot about visa support as well as customs formalities. Already in the first presentations, it is necessary to submit information about the variety of tourist programs: green, group, children, cruises, exotic tours. The program of presentations includes the practical development of the program of any excursion tour. To do this, you need to select a country and plan attractions that a tourist could see in a certain time. Such a tour program, developed individually, requires oral defense and explanations about the course of the excursions.

Leisure and tourism presentations provide information on the relationship with the client, as well as on the protection of the rights of the tourist. To work in a travel agency, you need to know the rules for booking air tickets, as well as the features of hotel service. All objects of the tourist destination of each country are unique. This is the statement that tourists should know when buying travel packages. Tourist presentations provide information on catering for tourists. Any work travel agency a computer is used, therefore, the courses mention the features of studying computer presentations.

In our country, many types of tourism are widespread: hiking, skiing, cycling, water, mountain, etc. The most popular is hiking. It has a high healing and hardening effect, develops important physical qualities (endurance, strength, dexterity), and also fosters courage, perseverance, the ability to navigate the terrain and other valuable applied skills. Hiking is available to people of different ages and physical fitness.

In planned (excursion) tourism, participants travel by buses, airplanes, motor ships, trains on pre-planned routes, stay in hotels or tourist centers, where they are provided with accommodation, meals, and excursion services. In amateur tourism, travel is based in whole or in part on self-service. Here tourists themselves plan the route and method of travel, provide themselves with food, lodging and resting places, outline objects for inspection. They themselves have to set up campsites, prepare fuel for fires, prepare food, overcome various obstacles on the way, arrange crossings, clear obstructions, etc.

Tourism is a set of relationships, connections of phenomena that accompany a trip and stay of people in places that are not places of their permanent or long-term residence and are not related to their daily activities. It is not only an important branch of the economy, but also an important part of people's lives. It covers the relationship of a person with his external environment.

Business travel travel related to fulfillment professional responsibilities... In connection with the overall integration and the establishment of business contacts, business tourism is gaining more and more importance from year to year. Trips are made for the purpose of visiting objects that belong to the company or are of particular interest to it; for negotiations, business meetings.

Hikes can be one-day, two-day and three-day. These hikes are sometimes referred to as weekend hikes. Travel is a multi-day hike, usually carried out during the holidays. Hikes and travels can be near and far, that is, their routes can pass through the territory of their native land (near) or go beyond its borders, pass through other regions of the republics of the country (distant). Sports travel is divided into six categories of difficulty (pedestrian five). Their complexity is determined by the length of the route, the number and nature of obstacles, as well as other factors characteristic of this type of tourism.

Preparation for a camping trip is carried out by the head of the group together with the medical staff and is carried out according to a plan that takes into account the tasks of the trip, the composition of the groups, the route and calendar of the trip, the necessary equipment, clothing and footwear, catering, etc. Properly carried out preparatory work makes the trip interesting, safe and effective event. The document giving the right to conduct a weekend hike is a route sheet; for hikes and travels on routes of all categories of complexity, a route book of the established form must be drawn up.

Preparation plan For better preparation for the hike, a detailed plan... It is very important to provide for the participation in the preparatory work of the entire composition of the group, the even distribution of tasks. The route of the hike should be interesting and informative, promote health and improve the physical development of tourists. For day hikes, it is important that you can quickly reach the targeted area and also easily return from the last point of the hike.

The preliminary training plan for tourists includes general physical and special training. General physical fitness includes: daily UGG (preferably in the fresh air), the use of various means of hardening the body, special training sessions for tourism. In such classes, tourists learn to overcome obstacles, swim in a tracksuit and in everyday clothes, jump long, climb a rope and trees, pull themselves up, carry a backpack with a load, carry an injured person using improvised means, etc.

Special training includes: mastering special skills of a certain type of tourism (cycling, water, etc.), using a map and a compass, orienteering different ways and in different conditions, breaking up a bivouac, providing first aid to the victim, etc. In the process of special physical training, the technique of movement is improved, special equipment is studied and mastered.

When selecting a group, the age composition, the level of physical fitness and the state of health of tourists are taken into account. The route of the hike is developed depending on the tasks and duration of the hike, the composition of the group and local conditions. The leaders of the campaign should receive information from the health authorities about the sanitary and epidemiological situation along the route. V calendar plan of the trip, it is planned at what time and where the tourists will be.

Even before obtaining a permit for a hike, it is necessary to determine the composition of the marching group and distribute responsibilities among the participants. In practice, responsibilities are usually assigned as follows; hike leader, deputy head, caretaker, treasurer, sanitary instructor, responsible for the diary, photographer, artist, responsible for the repair of equipment, cooks, campfires, water carriers, etc. The size of the tourist group taking part in the weekend hike is not limited, but optimal is group into person. Tourist groups traveling on routes of 1 III categories of difficulty must consist of at least 4 people, and on routes IV and V of categories of difficulty of at least 6 people.

Equipment includes items that tourists take with them in order to create conditions for maximum safety during the passage of the route, optimal comfort on the hike and the ability to successfully complete their tasks. The equipment should be light and durable, allowing the possibility of its use in cold, heat, high humidity conditions and its quantity is minimal. Equipment is subdivided into personal and group. Personal is used by the participant of the hike and serves for his personal needs. Group equipment serves the needs of the group as a whole. Group equipment is distributed equally among the participants.

The list of group equipment includes: food, tents, plastic wrap, ax, saw, buckets, pots, flasks, tools, nails, wire, first aid kit, sports equipment, lantern, candles, signal whistle, rope for crossings, map, waterproof bags and bags for groceries, tarpaulin gloves and other items necessary for the hike. For convenience and accounting, all group equipment is assigned to certain participants according to the list. Documents, money, map-scheme should be packed in polyethylene bags. Kindles and emergency matches should also be stored in a moisture-proof container.

Personal equipment includes: shoes, clothing, personal hygiene items, a hat, dishes (preferably metal), a backpack, a cape or raincoat, a sleeping bag or blanket, a camera, repair equipment, matches, an electric flashlight, a compass, safety glasses, personal medical a set, a plastic bag for documents, a mosquito net, a thin strong rope, etc. On damp, windy and cool days it is necessary to wear or take with you woolen underwear, socks, a hat. Shoes should be worn before the hike.

Difficulties and even dangers can be encountered on the hiking trail. Some of them arise when overcoming obstacles: descents and ascents, rivers, swamps, rubble. Others arise from ignorance or non-observance of the rules of conduct by tourists, neglect of safety precautions. "The rules for organizing and conducting amateur tourist trips and travels on the territory of Russia" determine the responsibilities of the participants in the campaign or travel. Here is some of them.

Each participant in a hike or trip is obliged to: follow the instructions of the group leader; undergo comprehensive training before starting the hike; get acquainted with the rules and instructions on law and order, compliance with environmental laws, with the rules fire safety, methods of extinguishing forest fires, with safety rules on the water, preventing injuries and providing the first medical care; in preparation for traveling on routes higher categories difficulties to pass a special medical checkup, and, if necessary, make preventive vaccinations;

During the campaign, strictly observe the sanitary and hygienic rules, the rules of personal hygiene, promptly inform the group leader about the deteriorating health condition; immediately and under any conditions provide assistance to comrades in distress; behave tactfully and with respect towards the local population;

Take good care of nature, historical and cultural monuments; upon detection of a forest fire, take measures to extinguish it and inform the local authorities about it; take an active part in the preparation of the report on the perfect trip. All participants in a camping trip should be well aware of and strictly follow these rules. For tourists who violate them, measures of influence are applied.

TIPS FOR BEGINNING TOURISTS AND SOME SAFETY MEASURES ON THE HIKE Non-observance of these rules, disorganization and low discipline of the participants of the hike often cause injuries: bruises, sprains, injuries, dislocations, fractures. on the march, axes, saws, knives should be worn only with sheathed covers; on halts, put sharp tools in one place, without sticking them into trees, especially at a height of human growth; hide sharp objects under the tent when sleeping; work with an ax and a saw in mittens; chopping off branches from a lying tree, be on the other side of the trunk, etc.

REASONS CAUSING ACCIDENTS ON THE HIKE During the hike, it is necessary to anticipate and minimize the negative consequences of accidents. There are four main causes of accidents: poor discipline in the group; insufficient tourist training and experience; the complexity of natural obstacles; unexpected weather change; The most dangerous of these reasons is the lack of discipline in the group.

ORGANIZATION OF BIVAC ON THE HIKE Organization of a bivouac. A tourist bivouac is a place for a tourist group to stay for the night or for a long rest. a) the presence of clean running water. b) flat terrain c) it is not recommended to stay overnight near settlements, next to the roads. d) no camp is allowed in the fields or gardens. e) tents should not be set up close to large rivers, on small islands. f) the proximity of firewood

When lighting a fire without organizing a pit, the following rules are observed: The place for a fire on the halts is chosen so that the fire does not spoil trees and bushes, and does not cause a fire. It is strictly forbidden to light fires in young coniferous stands, in areas with dry reeds, reeds, moss, grass, in clearings where fires used to be, on peat bogs, in a forest on rocky placers. 1. Clean the area of ​​the fire from debris, stones, dry twigs and leaves. 2. Clear the area of ​​the fire pit within a radius of at least one to two meters from dry branches and leaves. 3. Do not light fires near trees, on peat bogs, places where a large amount of dry grass accumulates (in swamps among reeds, in fields and glades overgrown with dry grass).

IN ANY CASE ON BIVAKE THE FOLLOWING RULES MUST BE OBSERVED: 1. There must be order in and around the tents, to maintain this order, camp attendants are appointed. Items of personal and group equipment should lie neatly in backpacks, the backpacks themselves should be either in tents, or next to them covered with film. 2. Dishes (including personal ones) should be kept in one place, clean and covered, for example, with polyethylene. Therefore, in any tourist camp, a special place is always allocated for the "kitchen" - a place where dishes are stored, food is prepared, where only the attendant and the caretaker are allowed to enter. Good way to store the mugs, a dry strong high branch (up to 1.5 m) with a large number of small branches is cut down, on which mugs (and sometimes bowls) are hung 3. There must be a pit or garbage bags in the camp. Things that can be burned are burned, those that cannot be taken away or buried.

4. Firewood should not be scattered throughout the camp, a woodpile is built for them. 5. For cutting firewood, there must be a special log (stump) into which axes are stuck. 6. The tents should be placed at such a distance from each other that it would be possible to walk between them without fear of being caught on the stretch marks. It is advisable that the stretch marks themselves be marked (for example, attach sheets of white paper to them) so that they are clearly visible in the dark. 7. Group equipment should always be at hand (especially for technical and medical first aid kits).