Business plan for the removal of household waste. Initial development of the garbage collection business. Garbage business: how to make money "out of nothing"

Make money from household waste? It is possible! Try to start a garbage collection business and you can make a profit without any special knowledge or skills. the main task- think over all the nuances of your work, and then clients will be happy to use your services.

How to make money on garbage?

Disposal of waste is generally quite simple. The most difficult stage is preparation for this work and obtaining the necessary permits and approvals. You should create an enterprise that will be responsible for garbage collection in certain areas, after which you will need:

  • license for your activity - it is issued by Rostekhnadzor
  • permission of the sanitary and epidemiological station (it must check how and where you will dispose of waste)
  • permission from local authorities

As a rule, it takes about six months to get all the documents. As soon as you have the entire package in your hands, all you have to do is purchase a special vehicle (in order to save money, it is better to choose a used one), as well as find customers. The latter can cause certain difficulties, because there are already many companies working with waste on the market in any city, and it will be difficult to compete with them. Given this, do not immediately expect to build a business on garbage disposal, concluding contracts with offices serving the housing stock. Most likely, certain companies already cooperate with them, which, moreover, are under the patronage of the state. Aim immediately at offices - small and large, - catering establishments, various enterprises... Among them, it is much more realistic to find those who are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs and are looking for a replacement for a company that works with waste.

Also, those who are wondering how to make money on garbage, from the very first days of their activity, should aim at the subsequent creation of their own recycling enterprise. This will expand the scope of activities, and if it suddenly turns out that you have not "fit" into the current market, you can quickly retrain.

How much does a garbage collection business cost?

Before talking about profit, it is worth learning about the investment that the business will require. And they may seem big enough. You will need to spend:

  • from 15 thousand dollars - for the purchase of a used car (for example, a ZIL or a garbage truck with a press), which will take out all the waste (a new car will cost more - about 1 million rubles)
  • 4 thousand dollars - for the purchase of a press, which will allow you to sort and dispose of waste
  • 700 dollars - for wages your employees (there can be from 2 to 5 - employees can act as drivers, waste sorters)

Separate expenses are needed to obtain a license - its official cost is 200 thousand rubles. You will also have to set aside certain sums for the lease of the landfill and premises if you decide to recycle them. In the case of a landfill, you can save money by choosing garbage trucks with a press: they will help to compress waste, significantly reducing its volume, and therefore the area of ​​their subsequent placement. The cost of such a rental may vary.

How much can you earn from garbage collection?

As a rule, you will work at night. Your main customers may be cafes and restaurants, but they are unlikely to want you to come during the day, so it is not necessary to purchase new technique- all the same it will not be visible.

At the same time, you can make good money on garbage collection: a garbage truck can go around 6-10 objects per night, earning an average of $ 200 per shift. To increase revenues, you can make flights more frequent and find businesses that need to collect waste during the day. For example, you can also take out construction waste, and one shift in this case also costs $ 300-400 - working with such waste is more expensive. The removal of industrial waste brings even more funds, and if there are large factories and factories in your region, you should definitely try to establish cooperation with them.

In general, an investment in a garbage collection business pays off in about a year. This period can be shortened if you work with only one machine and rent a small landfill (or pay for the opportunity to store garbage in a ready-made landfill). And in any case, if you do not stop at the achieved number of clients, you will definitely be able to significantly increase your income even in the area where you will have a lot of competitors.

Until recently, only state-owned enterprises were responsible for garbage collection. However, in last years entrepreneurial people are increasingly coming up with the idea of ​​opening in this field of activity own business and they hope to make good money in the future.

Wherein highest effect will be achieved if the closed loop is observed. In other words, it is not enough just to take out the waste. Waste disposal should also be carried out. Taking into account all the subtleties and peculiarities of this industry, you can achieve good results. And in many respects, a properly drafted garbage disposal business plan will help budding entrepreneurs.

Where to begin?

Today there are a sufficient number of such companies, but only a few survive in the market for such services. The main reason for this trend is a frivolous attitude towards the very process of organizing a business. Indeed, for the successful functioning of an enterprise, a correctly and high-quality business plan is required. Garbage collection is no exception.

Some novice businessmen think that it is enough to agree with transport organizations on the removal of waste and their storage at an appropriate landfill. However, organizing your own business involves the implementation of certain stages, which will be discussed in more detail below.

Stages of business organization

The first step is to formulate the very idea of ​​engaging in a specific case. Discussing it with friends and specialists in various fields of activity.

The second stage is the registration of a legal entity. it necessary procedure, since on behalf of such an enterprise, the conclusion of various contracts will be carried out.

The third stage is the registration of a specific package permits... We are talking about the settlement of all controversial issues with the SES, Rospotrebnadzor and the fire service. All official fees and charges must be included in the business plan.

Garbage collection: do you need an office?

Despite the fact that this service sector is associated with the constant movement of specialized vehicles, office space is still needed. After all, you need to place somewhere administrative staff, accounting and dispatchers? It can be a small room equipped with appropriate furniture, communications and computer equipment.

If within the framework of the company's activities it is planned to receive waste paper and scrap metal, then this will require an additional warehouse-type room.

When organizing the disposal of the collected waste, additional space may be required, where the corresponding mini-plant will be located.


The opening of any business is always accompanied by certain initial costs for the corresponding equipment, which can either be purchased or leased or leased.

Firstly, you need to have vehicles (garbage trucks). These are specialized machines that can only be used in this field of activity.

At the initial stage, it is not at all necessary to buy new cars. Garbage trucks with a built-in press are very profitable to ensure efficiency.

This equipment contributes to a decrease in the number of flights, and accordingly, fuel costs are reduced. There may also be a need for large-sized trucks if it is also planned to remove construction waste.

As mentioned above, if the reception of waste paper or plastic containers is planned, then a special press may be required.

And of course, to get high economic efficiency business must be provided with garbage disposal. To do this, you will need to purchase (or rent) a special mechanized line for its processing.

Yes, there are additional costs involved. However, when interacting with local authorities, you can imagine your business as a waste disposal project. And if it is approved by the authorities, it is possible to receive some state subsidies.

Waste removal and disposal

First of all, it is necessary to organize a special landfill where all the garbage will be dumped. At the same time, you can additionally earn money by sorting it. To do this, you can make appropriate proposals to local authorities on the installation of separate containers for of various kinds garbage (separately food and household waste). This will greatly simplify the work of the waste disposal company and will allow you to effectively use the waste or dispose of it at other landfills in the future.

In any case, when organizing a business, a business plan must be drawn up, according to which garbage collection will be carried out within a certain time frame.

Staff recruitment

Such an enterprise will employ specialists of various classifications. So, in mandatory it is recommended to select a high-quality administrative apparatus. The presence of professionals in their field is necessary in the accounting department, since the emergence of risks of additional charges and the application of penalties by the regulatory authorities directly depends on their knowledge and skills.

Drivers working on garbage trucks and other trucks must also be qualified. If there are more than 10 vehicles, it makes sense to have a mechanic and at least one car mechanic on staff to quickly eliminate minor breakdowns.

As for the workers involved in waste paper or scrap metal collection points, as well as involved in waste disposal, no special qualifications are required here. The only condition is their compliance with all the necessary safety rules and the presence of decency. But the coordinating role of the administrative staff will help a lot here.

The expansion of the customer base

The main clients of enterprises of this type of activity are cafes, restaurants and other organizations. Catering.

With skillful organization, entrepreneurs have an excellent opportunity to conclude appropriate agreements with utilities (this, by the way, is the largest segment of the services market under consideration), which will allow them to remove garbage from the residential sector. The main interest in cooperation with residential buildings is due to the large volumes. Despite the fact that the tariff rate in this case is slightly lower than for garbage removal from the commercial sector, the enterprise can make good money due to the volumes.

Arseny Sheromanov has owned a waste disposal company for five years. What is needed to start a business? How to make your first money? Where to get the initial capital? What qualities are priority for a businessman? How to enter the first position on the market? A businessman with extensive experience will answer about this and many other things.

  • Start date of activity- year 2012;
  • Primary occupation- recycling;
  • Initial investment- 4 million rubles;
  • What did you do before starting entrepreneurship- restaurant director;
  • The first serious earnings as a businessman- 130,000 rubles;
  • Company development plans- to become a leader in this industry;
  • What are the most important qualities for a businessman- openness, modesty, sense of humor.

How did the waste disposal business start and how did it develop?

I was born into a family of scientists. My father was a physicist, and my mother worked in medicine. As you can imagine, I had two options with what to connect my life. After school I went to study at the medical academy, but in the second year I was expelled for academic failure.

At that time I was twenty years old, I was taken into the army. After two years of service, I went to work as a waiter. For eight years of work in restaurant business I have grown in this position from a waiter to a director. But there was not enough money, so I decided to drastically change my life.

At that time, most of my friends went into business. I was jealous and uncomfortable. I thought: why am I worse? The matter remained "small". It was necessary to choose a niche. There were several options:

I rejected the first option, since I was very tired of this sphere. "Salesmen" were always annoying, so I could not go against myself. The field of waste disposal and recycling seemed tempting and interesting, so I settled on it.

To carry out activities, it was necessary to register a legal entity, obtain numerous permits. It took a lot of time and effort to receive the papers - six months.

The garbage disposal industry requires a lot of start-up capital. The initial investment amounted to four million rubles. I took a part of the amount on credit from the bank, which I did not regret. It seems to me that the loan is the best way to find money.

Material in the topic: Loan as a way to attract initial capital.

For the aforementioned amount, I purchased two lines of equipment, which made it possible to start working in two directions:

  1. Waste recycling.
  2. Waste sorting.

If we talk about the premises, there were no problems with it. From the late father inherited the area in the industrial zone, which was used as a warehouse. The area was so large that I used only half of it, I rented the rest. This allowed not to think about the loan repayment.

The waste disposal business is not automated. At first, forty workers worked at my enterprise. I saved a lot on their labor, since all the workers were from Central Asia.

As for special vehicles, at first I rented garbage trucks, and there were also several drivers in the state. Now everything has changed, we are cooperating with a company specializing in the transportation of waste. We are losing large sums, however, got rid of a lot of problems.

Photo 1. Non-recycled waste

Photo 2. Transportation of bulky waste

Remember the first serious earnings not as an employee, but as an entrepreneur?

Of course, this is impossible to forget. The company began to earn money from the first month, I did not see money for the first six months. They went to pay workers, buy equipment, pay off debts to the bank.

Six or seven months later, I saw the first money - 130,000 rubles, for which I flew to Dubai with my wife.

What helped in times of crisis, when everything collapsed and enterprises were closed?

My business is not prone to crisis, as the company is supported by the state. We were not affected by the crisis of 2008 and 2012. This does not mean that there were no difficult periods.

It is interesting: State support for small business: how to get it and get it out of the water.

Two years after the start of activities, a check from migration service Russian Federation... As I said earlier, I saved a lot on workers' labor, which I later regretted. Forty people were immigrants from Tajikistan, of course, they did not have any documents.

Photo 3. Workers sorting garbage

I have lost an enormous amount of money.

Garbage collection - as a business, how much you can earn

After this incident, only citizens of the Russian Federation work at my enterprise.

During this period, the support of close people helped, my ingenuity and professional competence.

Why don't you leave for the capital, any Russian metropolis, abroad? What holds in the province?

Samara is a megalopolis with a population of over a million people. I have repeatedly thought about moving to the capital. You must understand, my business is atypical. We have not captured the entire market of the Samara region, here we have many competitors.

As you can imagine, there are even more competitors in Moscow. To cover the megalopolis, colossal funds are needed, which are not available now. I believe that you should first capture the market in one city, after which you should look at the second, third.

If we talk about abroad, this is impossible. It is unrealistic to organize such a business abroad. Abroad, of course, attracts me. But if you go abroad to build a business, then the field of activity should not relate to my profile. But this is my personal opinion, I could be wrong.

What sources did the start-up capital come from? How much money did it take initially? What did you have to spend money on?

I have already argued that the business of recycling and recycling of waste requires a colossal investment. The amount was four million rubles. The money was spent:

  1. for renting specialized vehicles;
  2. for the salary of an accountant, workers;
  3. for registration of a legal entity and payment of other state duties;
  4. for the purchase of equipment for sorting and processing waste.

Photo 4. Waste sorting line

It's good that I had free space at my disposal. For long-term rent at that time was an expensive luxury for me.

I took out three million rubles on credit, five hundred thousand were invested by a familiar entrepreneur, last part invested from a personal budget.

How did you scale up the activity? Did you use the support of the state?

The business started with a loan. The first six months the company worked at zero, as I invested the money I earned back into the business. A businessman friend invested in my company and now has a small stake.

If we talk about state support from a material point of view, I did not resort to such help. However, you must understand that in my business there is nowhere without the support of the state. The state's support is that it helps in obtaining permits.

How was the activity legalized?

The company is legally registered. At the beginning of my activity, I opened a company with limited liability... We work under a simplified taxation system.

At the beginning of the activity, several business permits were obtained.

What is the relationship with the inspection authorities?

Checks are routine. The equipment is checked for operability once a year. The IRS last checked it three years ago, and everything went well. The company was checked once by the migration service.

Is there seasonality in your business?

Seasonality? Of course not. There is always waste, so the process of recycling, sorting and recycling of waste is always active. This is one of the main advantages of this niche.

What services do you offer?

Initially, the company specialized only in waste sorting. However, three years later he saved up money and started recycling.

I thought for a long time whether it was worth getting into the garbage disposal niche. Since this is an expensive process and not always profitable, it is rarely possible to carry out correct incineration according to all standards. But I took a chance, and now we specialize in this process as well. He brings twenty percent of all profits.

Material in the topic: How much can you earn on waste recycling.

Interacting with the Internet?

We do not have a website. I do not get the point of it. The company does not need to interact with customers. We are looking for all personnel via the Internet. It seems to me that this is the most convenient way.

Is your business automated? What is your role?

If you mean by the concept of "automation" the work of an enterprise without my participation, then no. No decisions are made in the company without my knowledge. I think that the enterprise could not have been successfully operating for six years without my participation. I am at work from morning until late at night, which I do not regret. I enjoy doing this activity. Younger entrepreneurs have been advising to outsource half of the processes for a long time, but I don't want to risk it. And I can’t imagine what I would do in my free time.

Do you plan to develop in a different direction?

I like the construction niche. You can make big money there. To begin with, you need start-up capital, which is not there. Now I am looking for an experienced entrepreneur in this field who can become a partner.

Are you familiar with the concept of "franchise"? How do you feel about such a business?

Sign. I will say more, I acquired a coffee shop franchise, things did not go uphill. This is my mistake, because I have not fully studied and calculated the niche.

A franchise is an interesting type of business. It must be remembered that when buying a franchise, you still have to plow a lot to make money.

What should be a successful entrepreneur?

Most importantly, a businessman must calculate the situation ten steps ahead. It seems to me that an entrepreneur should be humble. Don't show how much money you make.

What advice can you give to people who dream of starting their own business?

A person who believes in himself and his business can achieve success in business. A person must believe his product is the best.

A young entrepreneur must understand that there are many refusals to be heard. They should not affect a person's intentions.

Questions and answers on the topic

No questions have been asked about the material yet, you have the opportunity to do it first

Garbage removal

Many owners of plots in garden non-commercial plots ask questions about how to remove garbage from the territory of the village. Let us analyze the general scheme of organizing the process of garbage collection from SNF.

Based on the current legislation, the board of the garden non-profit partnership (SNT) is obliged to organize on a regular basis a centralized garbage collection with preliminary cleaning of the SNT territory. Companies that have a license of the established form for the right to carry out this type of activity are allowed to work in such a territory.

SNT board is developing a garbage collection scheme

The scheme "SNT garbage disposal" may look like this:

The horticultural areas are visited by specialized vehicles once a week, or a garbage container is installed on a specially organized site

Scheme of collection and removal of household waste without the organization of specials.

Waste business: who needs our waste?

sites and installations of the garbage bin:

1. at the expense of the gardener;

2. The container is installed by the gardener near the site.

3. Garbage is loaded into the container in plastic bags.

4. Once a week, garbage is removed from containers by going around the gardening area with specialized vehicles.

Scheme of collection and disposal of solid waste with the installation of a garbage bin:

1. Garbage collection container order at the expense of the gardener;

2. The container is installed on a specialized site

3. Garbage is loaded into a waste container in plastic bags.

4. Once a week (approximate container filling time) containers with garbage are removed by specialized transport.

SNT garbage disposal is an important process, since every owner of his own home wants to feel at one with nature, and not among waste, which, in addition to littering the territory, form a pungent and extremely unpleasant odor.

The MosMusorovoz company quickly and professionally removes garbage from any territory, has all the necessary permits and licenses to carry out garbage collection in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Garbage collection: Price

Garbage container rental 27 m3 From 13,000 rubles.

Garbage container rental 20 m3 From 12,000 rubles.

Garbage container rental 8 m3 From 5000 rub.

Order garbage collection

Ready to order your garbage collection? Do you need a consultation or a quote? Leave your contacts and our specialist will contact you

When can you take out the trash

The Mosmusorovoz company works around the clock and seven days a week. You can carry out garbage collection at any time.

To order a container for garbage, you just need to make a call, or leave a request on the website, and our specialists will contact you as soon as possible.

Garbage collection business plan

Establishment of a garbage disposal company

We bring to your attention ready-made business plan for the project "Creation of a garbage disposal company" This business plan developed by highly qualified specialists for a "live" business project, complies with all international and Russian standards (UNIDO, TACIS, EBRD, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture, etc.) and will be successfully tested not only in Russian and international banks, but also in government agencies at all levels.

The volume of investments in the project is 6 802 172 rubles, the payback period is 24 months. The number of pages in the business plan is 62 pcs., The number of tables is 22 pcs., The number of graphs is 20 pcs.

For a small additional fee, our specialists are ready to make changes and adjust any financial parameters and the descriptive part of the business plan so that it fully corresponds to your project. But you can do it yourself, because by purchasing a ready-made business plan from us, you will receive all the source materials and working financial model! Below you can find a brief summary, content and list of figures and tables.

1.1 Goals and objectives of the project

Purpose of the project: creation of a garbage disposal company in XXXX.
The average volume of garbage collection in XXXX in XXXX was 120 thousand cubic meters. m.

In order to implement the project, it is planned to purchase 4 garbage trucks manufactured by JSC "XXXX". The company will employ 19 people.

To achieve the set goals, it is required to solve the following tasks:

  • purchase of harvesting machines;
  • equipment of the office of the management company;
  • obtaining the necessary approvals and permits, concluding contracts;
  • the beginning of the enterprise.

1.2 Project financing

Need in financial resources and funding structure

The need for financial resources for the project is 6 802.2 thousand rubles.

It is planned that the financing of this project will be carried out:

  • at the expense of own funds;
  • at the expense of attracted funds.

Own funds will amount to 1,360.4 thousand rubles (20%).

The need for additional Money ah is 5,441.7 thousand rubles.

Conditions for attracting borrowed funds

To draw up this business plan, the following conditions for raising funds were adopted: the loan is provided for 36 months (3 years), for the period: January XXXX - December XXXX, the interest rate on the loan will be 15% per annum.

The loan is attracted in stages, within 4 months (0.34 years: January XXXX - April XXXX), in accordance with schedule schedule financing investments.

Terms of repayment of borrowed funds

It is planned to use 52% of the free cash flow to repay the loan after payment of operating expenses, taxes and interest on the loan, the repayment period of the loan body will be about 32 months (2.67 years: May XXXX - December XXXX).

Repayment of the loan is planned from the 5th month of the project, in tranches on average 170.1 thousand rubles.

Repayment of interest on a loan

During the entire period of the project, interest is calculated and paid on the funds used.

Interest accrued for the past period is paid at the beginning of the next period.

The amount of accrued interest for the period of using the loan will reach 1,151.9 thousand rubles.

1.3 Project indicators

The economic efficiency of the project was confirmed by calculating traditional financial indicators used in design analysis.

The project calculation horizon is 36 months (3 years).

Indicator name Indicator value
1 Project calculation horizon, years 3
2 Project calculation horizon, months 36
3 The amount of capital invested in the project (LDC), rubles 6 802 172
4 Revenue for the project period (SP), rubles 55 387 500
5 Net average oper. income per quarter (NAOR), rubles 328 449
6 Average cash balance. funds per quarter (ADB), rubles 2 431 049
7 Net profit for the project period, rubles 3 945 394
8 Net income (cash balance (NV)), rubles 3 945 394
9 Average profitability for the project period 7,1%
10 Discount rate (DR),% 9,5%
11 Net present value (NPV), rubles 2 340 408
12 Average rate of return on investment (ARR) 19,3%
13 Return on Investment (ROI) 58,0%
14 Profitability Index (PI) 1,35
15 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 59,6%
16 Modified ext. rate of return (MIRR) 39,8%
17 Payback period (PBP), months 24
18 Payback period (PBP), years 2,0
19 Discounted payback period (DPBP), months 26
20 Discounted payback period (DPBP), years 2,2


1.1 List of tables

Table 1. Financial and investment indicators of the project
Table 2. Volumes of solid waste generation (results of estimating the volume of solid waste in XXXX in the territory of one municipal formation XXXX of the region)
Table 3. Rates of waste accumulation
Table 4. Technical and operational indicators of incineration plants operating in the Russian Federation
Table 5. Technical and operational indicators of waste processing plants operating in the Russian Federation
Table 6. Typification of areas of the district by the intensity of solid waste generation
Table 7. Morphological and physicochemical composition of solid waste for different climatic zones,% by weight
Table 8. Current and predicted compositions of MSW in XXXX and Russia
Table 9. Comparative characteristics incinerators and gasifiers
Table 10. Investment budget
Table 11. Calendar and financial plan
Table 12. Staffing table with salaries
Table 13. The structure of income by areas of activity for the project period
Table 14.

Idea # 315: Where to start your own garbage collection business?

Fixed costs
Table 15. Variable costs
Table 16. Taxes
Table 17. Analysis of the cost structure (in relation to revenue)
Table 18. Distribution of tax payments by budget levels
Table 19. Schedule for obtaining and repaying a loan
Table 20. Financial and investment indicators of the project
Table 21. Impact of changes in individual parameters on project performance indicators
Table 22. Analysis of the sensitivity of the project

1.2 List of figures

Figure 1. Structure of investment costs
Figure 2. Schedule of financing investment costs, rubles
Figure 3. Schedule of financing investment costs, rubles
Figure 4. Exit to the planned garbage collection
Figure 5. Growth in the removal of solid waste
Figure 6. Dynamics of revenue, rubles
Figure 7. Revenue structure
Figure 8. The structure of fixed costs (to the total amount of fixed costs)
Figure 9. Structure variable costs(to the total volume of variable costs)
Figure 10. Structure of tax payments (for the project period)
Figure 11. The ratio of fixed and variable costs
Figure 12. The structure of distribution of proceeds from sales to costs and profits
Figure 13. Break-even point excluding the tax component, rubles
Figure 14. Break-even point, taking into account the tax component, rubles
Figure 15. Break-even point of the project as a whole, rubles
Figure 16. The structure of tax revenues of budgets of all levels (for the project period)
Figure 17. Cash flows for attracting and repaying credit funds, rubles
Figure 18. Payment of interest accrued in the current month, rubles
Figure 19. Cash flows for the project, rubles
Figure 20. Payback of the project, rubles

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There are several stages of development, without taking into account which a garbage collection business may turn out to be unprofitable or simply will not recoup the investment.

Naturally, you need to start with the registration of all required documents, as well as obtaining a license to work with hazardous types of waste materials, if in the future there is an opportunity to earn money on their transportation. In the case of a license, it is necessary to purchase the necessary equipment in advance and hire trained personnel.

In all other cases, you need to be based on the following points:

At first, you need to understand the difference in the price range of services, for ordinary residents of houses in neighborhoods or settlements and construction sites, organizations, etc. In the first case, the provision of services will cost significantly less, but will require lower costs.

Secondly, the main fact to which you should pay attention is the availability of transport. After all, the initial profit will directly depend on its tonnage and capacity for overall solid waste that can be loaded onto it.

As an example, you can consider the next option with the purchase of a new dump truck, for a fairly large amount. Such a car will be very useful for the removal of construction waste and oversized products.

If the field of activity will only partially affect such sites, and the main source will be residential buildings in the private sector, then such a car will be completely unprofitable, since the income will not cover the cost of fuel and personnel, let alone profit.

For working with household waste, there will be a more suitable Gazelle type machine, it will have such advantages as:

  • fuel economy;
  • high speed of transportation, and, therefore, more completed orders;
  • lower repair costs;
  • less tax;
  • and, most importantly, the purchase price is much lower.
  • From this it follows that it is necessary to draw up a business plan for garbage collection by choosing a suitable car for a certain area of ​​work.

Like any other business, this type of activity requires an initial investment. Of course, you can have tens of millions, but the example will include the minimum amount for the initial development of the case.
The initial budget should be not less than 400,000 rubles.

Since this amount will be allocated funds for the purchase of a car, as well as for all subsequent expenses, you can count on the following vehicles:

  • Second-hand gazelle - 200,000 rubles;
  • Second-hand ZIL - 100,000 rubles;
  • Used Kamaz - from 250,000 rubles.

This type of transport must necessarily be either a dump truck or onboard, since the booth will complicate the loading and unloading procedure.
Further, there will be waste in the amount 20,000-40,000 RUB... for a diagnostic check and preparation of a garbage truck.

Even if you independently take part in the work, you still need to hire one or two employees, although ideally, there should be at least three people per car, one driver and two loaders. For the salary of each, you need to take away at least another 15,000 r.

For rapid development, you need to invest in advertising, with a newspaper, radio and distribution of leaflets, you still need about 20,000 RUR.

Weekly you will need to allocate more RUB 25,000... this amount will include the cost of fuel and other petty waste.

As a result, the first week of work will cost 250,000-300,000 rubles.... and, therefore, you need to start actively looking for a client base so as not to go bankrupt and to provide hired employees with a salary in the first month.

Garbage collection price

If you start from construction sites, then the removal of the container is located in the area 6,000 - 10,000 rubles / month... This amount can be influenced by the weight and hazard level of the waste.

Garbage collection price from 8 m 3 RUB 6000 up to 40 m 3 14500 rub.

Residential complexes are not so profitable, but they do not require large expenses, the price fluctuates around 3000 rub / month... All detailed nuances, for example, the time when the brigade will arrive, is negotiated in advance.

Perhaps the most profitable type of waste is hazardous waste, of course, if working with them does not require a special permit and license, then the cost will be 15,000-30,000 rubles. the difference is influenced by the complexity of the task.

Eventually, if you collect up to 50 orders and, on average, pick up containers or tanks in each of them 3 times a month, at a minimum cost of 3,000 rubles, then 150,000 rubles comes out. From which salaries and car maintenance costs are deducted, and 50,000 rubles remain clean. from one garbage truck. And over time, you can purchase a whole fleet of vehicles.

Additional earnings for recyclable materials

A garbage collection business idea is not uploaded, this material contains 100%:

  • PET containers 40%;
  • waste paper - 20%;
  • glass containers - 10%;
  • scrap metal - 5%
  • textiles - 5%;

The rest will have to be taken to landfills for burial. But, nevertheless, such an amount of secondary material will provide a starting organization with a pretty good additional income.
It is necessary to start by finding a suitable warehouse and site where it will be possible to sort the recycled materials.

Assembled dimensional products, like plastic bottles or cardboard boxes themselves are very light, but dimensional, so you need to buy a press for them so that in the future they can take up a minimum of space and load as much as possible for delivery to collection points.

It also requires expenses, about 100,000 rubles... on a standard press and from 50 000 rub... on the rent for the room. In addition, you will also need three to four people to perform direct sorting and loading the press with recyclable materials. Salary is negotiated individually, but this is at least 15,000 - 20,000 rubles / month.

Further, you can even open your own recycling plant, the raw materials for its work will be provided by previously purchased garbage trucks, in the future, such a business can make not only its owner quite well-to-do, but also make a huge contribution to the cleaning of the ecological system of the natural environment. Company carries out according to the above described scheme.

Watch the video: Business Idea Garbage Removal