Job description of the head of the vocational education and training organization of a construction organization. Repair, design, furniture, construction, instructions Job description of the head of the technical department

1.1. Appointed and dismissed by the director of the organization on the recommendation of the Head of the Department.

1.2. Submits directly to the head of the Department.

1.3. In his work he is guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the organization and other internal documents.

  1. Job responsibilities

2.1. Organizes, plans and controls the activities of the department, its effective interaction with other divisions of the organization.

2.2. Organizes the design and modernization of computer and office equipment.

2.3. Provides the needs of departments with consumables.

2.4. Provides the installation of new jobs for employees of the organization.

2.5. Provides software and hardware interaction with developers, hardware and software suppliers.

2.6. Provides regular control over the inventory.

2.7. Interacts with other departments of the organization.

2.8. Coordinates the work of the branches of the organization on the acquisition, renewal of computer and office equipment.

2.9. Plans, organizes the educational process for the employees of the department.

2.10. Establishes a range of issues related to the competence of the department employees, distributes responsibilities among the department employees, develops and revises, if necessary, job descriptions.

2.11. Submits proposals to a higher-level manager on the selection and placement of personnel, on moral and material incentives for employees.

2.12. Creates the necessary conditions for productive work, takes measures to improve the level and efficiency of the department, improve the professional level of employees.

2.13. Consults subordinate employees on all arising production issues and employees of related divisions of the organization on the technical operation of office equipment.

2.14. Ensures that the employees of the department comply with the internal labor regulations.

2.15. He is constantly improving his professional level.

2.16. Responsible:

  • for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the duties assigned to him;
  • for actions or inaction leading to a violation of the interests of the organization, undermining the image as a reliable business partner, disclosure of commercial secrets that became known to him in connection with the performance of official duties;
  • for the safety of the material values ​​assigned to him.
  1. Official powers

3.1. Has the right to represent the organization in other organizations on issues within his competence.

3.2. Conduct correspondence with third-party organizations, enterprises, institutions, clients of the organization.

3.3. Make suggestions for improving the work of the technical support department and the work of the organization as a whole.

3.4. Attend meetings called by management.

  1. Should know and be able to

4.1. Technical and operational characteristics of computer technology and other modern office equipment.

4.2. Modern operating systems, areas of their preferential use.

4.3. Telecommunication software and hardware.

4.4. Perform routine maintenance related to the installation, replacement, repair and operation of the Equipment.

4.5. Scientific developments in the direction of the department, business etiquette, forms and methods of working with the media.

4.6. Must be able to work with people.

  1. Qualification Requirements

5.1. Must have higher professional education.

5.2. Must have at least three years of work experience or at least two years of work experience in the specialty.

5.3. Must have professional and business qualities, organizational skills.

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Job description of the head of the technical department

I. General Provisions:

  1. The head of the technical department belongs to the category of managers.
  2. Appointed, relocated and dismissed by the order of the General Director on the proposal of the Chief Engineer.
  3. The official salary for the head of the technical department is established according to the staffing table.
  4. The head of the technical department reports directly to the chief engineer.
  5. The head of the technical department must undergo training and knowledge testing on the rules for the design and safe operation of cranes, as the person responsible for the good condition of the cranes (floating craft KPL-111 and GPP-4), safety rules for gas supply systems in Ukraine, and the rules for the safe operation of vessels operating under pressure - once every three years in training centers.
  6. For the period of absence of the head of the technical department (vacation, business trip, illness, etc.), the performance of his duties is assigned, according to the order, to another official of the appropriate qualifications.
  7. In his work he is guided by:

The current legislation of Ukraine, regulations and other documents;

Occupational health, safety and fire safety regulations in river ports;

By orders of the general director and orders of the chief engineer;

The Charter of OJSC _____________;

Safety rules for gas supply systems in Ukraine;

Rules for the Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels;

Rules for the construction and safe operation of cranes;

These Instructions.

II. Tasks and responsibilities:

  1. It organizes the technical preparation of production or other types of the main activities of the enterprise, provides an improvement in the quality of products, works (services) and increases its competitiveness, reduces material and labor costs for the manufacture of products, production of works (services).
  2. Coordinates the work of the enterprise on testing new technical means, creating and mastering new types of products, complex automation and mechanization of production, planning the introduction of scientific and technological achievements, new technology and progressive technology.
  3. Manages the current and long-term planning of the technical development of the enterprise, its production base.
  4. Supervises the drafting of technical specifications for the design of newly built industries, structures, technical means, expansion, development and reconstruction of existing ones, for the introduction of automation and mechanization.
  5. Examines and approves design documentation for the modernization of equipment and rationalization of workplaces.
  6. Carries out control over the conclusion and execution of contracts related to the introduction of new technology, as well as over the financing and correctness of calculations of the economic efficiency of measures for the development of new equipment and technology, new types of raw materials and finished products.
  7. Participates in the development and implementation in production of resource-saving technologies, progressive consumption rates of the main types of raw materials and materials, in the study of the causes of marriage, in the development of measures to improve the quality of products (works, services) and more efficient use of production facilities.
  8. Directs the activities of the divisions dealing with the issues of product standardization, scientific and technical information, as well as the organization of patent and inventive work.
  9. Supervises the employees of the department, coordinates and directs the activities of the divisions of the enterprise, providing technical preparation of production.
  10. Develops technological processes for parts and units of one-time orders, taking into account the latest processing methods.
  11. Develops tasks for the design of special equipment (tools and devices).
  12. Development and execution of technical specifications for the manufacture of non-standard equipment.
  13. Carries out control over the supervision of the timely conduct of inspections and submission for certification of lifting mechanisms, ships, boilers operating under pressure, ventilation systems.
  14. Supervises the observance of technological discipline at production and repair sites.
  15. Provides the preparation of initial data for calculating the rates of consumption of materials for products and rates of labor intensity.
  16. Participates in the development and implementation of measures to create safe working conditions.
  17. Responsible for the port's gas facilities.
  18. Carries out the duties of the person responsible for instrumentation.
  19. He is the person responsible for the good condition of the floating craft GPP-4 and KPL-111.
  20. Ensures compliance with labor protection, safety and fire safety rules at production and repair sites.

III. Obligations of the employee to comply with the requirements

regulatory legal acts on labor protection:

  1. He must take care of personal safety and health, as well as the safety and health of people around him in the process of performing any work or during their stay on the territory of the enterprise.
  2. Know and fulfill the requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection, rules for handling machines, mechanisms, equipment and other means of production, use collective and individual protective equipment.
  3. Undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations in accordance with the procedure established by law.

IV. Must know

  1. Regulatory and methodological materials for technical preparation of production.
  2. Profile, specialization and features of the organizational and technological structure of the enterprise, the prospects for its development.
  3. Manufacturing technology of the company's products.
  4. Production capacity and operating mode of equipment, rules for its operation.
  5. Methods for identifying and using production reserves.
  6. Technical requirements for raw materials, materials and finished products.
  7. Requirements for the rational organization of labor in the design of technological processes and equipment.
  8. Organization of technical preparation for production.
  9. The procedure for accepting equipment into operation.

10. Methods for determining the economic efficiency of the introduction of new equipment and technology, labor organization, rationalization proposals and inventions.

11. Experience of leading domestic and foreign enterprises in the field of technical preparation of production, labor organization and management.

12. Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management.

13. Fundamentals of labor legislation.

14. Requirements for labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety.

15. Internal labor regulations.

V. Rights:

The head of the technical department has the right to:

  1. To give subordinate employees and services assignments, assignments on a range of issues included in his functional duties.
  2. Request and receive the necessary information from the heads of the structural divisions of the enterprise and specialists.
  3. Participate in the preparation of draft orders, instructions, instructions, as well as estimates, contracts and other documents related to the activities of the department.
  4. Monitor the implementation of planned tasks and work, the timely execution of individual orders and tasks of the services subordinate to him.
  5. Enter into relationships with subdivisions of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities that fall within the competence of the head of the technical department.
  6. To represent the interests of the enterprise in third-party organizations on issues related to the production activities of the enterprise, on issues within the competence of the head of the technical department.

Vi. A responsibility:

The head of the technical department is personally responsible for:

  1. Inconsistency of his decisions with the current legislation of Ukraine.
  2. Improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this instruction - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.
  3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation
  4. Giving inaccurate information about the status of work.
  5. Violations of the requirements of laws and other legal acts on labor protection.

Vii. Relationship:

In order to fulfill his duties, in the process of work he interacts with the employees of his division, with the immediate supervisor, as well as with other heads of divisions and the port personnel.

VIII. Qualification requirements:

A person with a higher technical education and at least 3 years of experience as a process engineer is appointed to the position of the head of the technical department.

Head of the structural unit _______________________ __ __________

(signature, full name)


Legal Counsel ____________________________ __ __________

(signature, full name)

Occupational safety engineer ____________________________ __ __________

(signature, full name)

I have read the instructions: ___________________________ __ __________

(signature, full name)

Download job description
head of technical department
(.doc, 65KB)

I. General Provisions

  1. The head of the technical department belongs to the category of managers.
  2. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in technical preparation of production in engineering and managerial positions for at least 5 years is appointed to the position of the head of the technical department.
  3. Appointment to the position of the head of the technical department and exemption from
  4. The head of the technical department should know:
    1. 4.1. Regulatory and methodological materials for technical preparation of production.
    2. 4.2. Directions and prospects for the development of the economic sector and enterprise.
    3. 4.3. Production capacities and operating modes of equipment, rules for its operation.
    4. 4.4. Methods for identifying and using production reserves.
    5. 4.5. Technical requirements for raw materials, materials and finished products.
    6. 4.6. Requirements for the rational organization of labor in the design of technological processes and equipment.
    7. 4.7. Organization of technical preparation for production.
    8. 4.8. The procedure for accepting equipment into operation.
    9. 4.9. Methods for determining the economic efficiency of the introduction of new equipment and technology, labor organization, rationalization proposals and inventions.
    10. 4.10. Experience of leading domestic and foreign enterprises in the field of technical preparation of production, labor organization and management.
    11. 4.11. Fundamentals of Labor Law.
    12. 4.12. Labor protection rules and regulations.
  5. The head of the technical department reports directly to the chief engineer (technical director).
  6. During the absence of the head of the technical department (business trip, vacation, illness), his duties are performed by a deputy (in the absence of such, a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure), who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for their proper execution.

II. Job responsibilities

Head of the technical department:

  1. It organizes the technical preparation of production or other types of the main activities of the enterprise, provides an improvement in the quality of products, works (services) and increases its competitiveness, reduces material and labor costs for the manufacture of products, production of works (services).
  2. Coordinates the work of the technical services of the enterprise on testing new technical means, creating and mastering new types of products, complex automation and mechanization of production, planning the introduction of scientific and technological achievements, new equipment and progressive technology.
  3. Manages the current and long-term planning of the technical development of the enterprise, its production base.
  4. Supervises the drafting of technical specifications for the design of newly built industries, structures, technical means, expansion, development and reconstruction of existing ones, for the introduction of automation and mechanization.
  5. Examines and approves design documentation for the modernization of equipment and rationalization of workplaces.
  6. Carries out control over the conclusion and execution of contracts related to the introduction of new technology, as well as over the financing and correctness of calculations of the economic efficiency of measures for the development of new equipment and technologies, new types of raw materials and finished products.
  7. Participates in the development and implementation in production of resource-saving technologies, progressive consumption rates of the main types of raw materials and materials, in the study of the causes of marriage and the release of products of reduced grades, in the development of measures to improve the quality of products (works, services) and more efficient use of production facilities.
  8. Performs, in the absence of independent design and technological departments, the functions of their leaders.
  9. Directs the activities of the divisions dealing with the issues of product standardization, scientific and technical information, as well as the organization of patent and inventive work.
  10. Supervises the employees of the department, coordinates and directs the activities of the divisions of the enterprise, providing technical preparation of production.

III. Rights

The head of the technical department has the right to:

  1. To act on behalf of the department, to represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with other structural divisions of the enterprise, organizations on technical preparation of production and other types of the main activities of the enterprise.
  2. Request and receive the necessary information from the heads of the structural divisions of the enterprise and specialists.
  3. Check the activities of the structural units of the enterprise in the field of technical preparation of production.
  4. Participate in the preparation of draft orders, instructions, instructions, as well as estimates, contracts and other documents related to the technical preparation of production.
  5. Interact with the heads of all structural divisions on the production activities of the enterprise.
  6. To give the heads of the structural divisions of the enterprise instructions on the technical preparation of production.
  7. Sign and endorse documents within the limits of their competence; to issue, with his signature, orders for the enterprise on the issues of technical preparation of production.
  8. To independently carry out correspondence with the structural divisions of the enterprise as well as other organizations on issues within its competence.
  9. Submit proposals to the director of the enterprise on bringing officials to financial and disciplinary responsibility based on the results of inspections.

IV. A responsibility

The head of the technical department is responsible for:

  1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Posted On 03.06.2018

Job descriptions

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I. General Provisions

1. The head of the technical department belongs to the category of managers.

2. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in technical preparation of production in engineering and management positions for at least 5 years is appointed to the position of the head of the technical department.

3. Appointment of the head of the technical department and exemption from

4. The head of the technical department should know:

5. The head of the technical department reports directly to the chief engineer (technical director).

6. During the absence of the head of the technical department (business trip, vacation, illness), his duties are performed by a deputy (in the absence of such, a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure), who acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for their proper execution.

II. Job responsibilities

1. Organizes the technical preparation of production or other types of the main activities of the enterprise, ensures the improvement of the quality of products, works (services) and increases its competitiveness, reducing material and labor costs for the manufacture of products, production of works (services).

2. Coordinates the work of the technical services of the enterprise on testing new technical means, creating and mastering new types of products, complex automation and mechanization of production, planning the introduction of scientific and technological achievements, new technology and progressive technology.

3. Manages the current and long-term planning of the technical development of the enterprise, its production base.

4. Supervises the drafting of technical specifications for the design of newly built industries, structures, technical means, expansion, development and reconstruction of existing ones, for the introduction of automation and mechanization.

5. Examines and approves design documentation for the modernization of equipment and rationalization of workplaces.

6. Carries out control over the conclusion and execution of contracts related to the introduction of new technology, as well as over the financing and correctness of calculations of the economic efficiency of measures to master new equipment and technologies, new types of raw materials and finished products.

7. Participates in the development and implementation of resource-saving technologies in production, progressive consumption rates for the main types of raw materials and materials, in the study of the causes of marriage and the release of products of reduced grades, in the development of measures to improve the quality of products (works, services) and more efficient use of production facilities.

8. Performs, in the absence of independent design and technological departments, the functions of their leaders.

9. Directs the activities of the divisions dealing with the issues of product standardization, scientific and technical information, as well as the organization of patent and inventive work.

10. Supervises the employees of the department, coordinates and directs the activities of the divisions of the enterprise, providing technical preparation of production.

III. Rights

1. To act on behalf of the department, to represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with other structural divisions of the enterprise, organizations on technical preparation of production and other types of the main activities of the enterprise.

2. Request and receive the necessary information from the heads of the structural divisions of the enterprise and specialists.

3. Check the activities of the structural units of the enterprise in the field of technical preparation of production.

4. Participate in the preparation of draft orders, instructions, instructions, as well as estimates, contracts and other documents related to the technical preparation of production.

5. Interact with the heads of all structural divisions on the production activities of the enterprise.

6. Give the heads of the structural divisions of the enterprise instructions on the technical preparation of production.

7. Sign and endorse documents within the limits of their competence; to issue, with his signature, orders for the enterprise on the issues of technical preparation of production.

8. To independently carry out correspondence with the structural divisions of the enterprise and other organizations on issues within its competence.

9. Submit proposals to the director of the enterprise on bringing officials to financial and disciplinary responsibility based on the results of inspections.

IV. A responsibility

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the Head of the Technical Department.

1.2. The head of the technical department is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise.

1.3. The head of the technical department reports directly to _______________.

1.4. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in technical preparation of production in engineering and management positions is appointed to the position of the Head of the Technical Department.

1.5. The head of the technical department should know:

Normative and methodological materials for technical preparation of production; directions and prospects for the development of the industry and the enterprise; production technology of the company's products; production capacity and operating mode of equipment, rules for its operation; methods of identifying and using production reserves; technical requirements for raw materials, materials and finished products; requirements for the rational organization of labor in the design of technological processes and equipment; organization of technical preparation of production; the procedure for accepting equipment into operation; methods for determining the economic efficiency of the introduction of new equipment and technology, labor organization, rationalization proposals and inventions; experience of leading domestic and foreign enterprises in the field of technical preparation of production, labor organization and management; fundamentals of labor legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection.

During the temporary absence of the Head of the Technical Department, his duties are assigned to ___________________________.


Note. The functional responsibilities of the Head of the Technical Department are determined on the basis and in the scope of the qualification characteristics for the position of the Head of the Technical Department and can be supplemented, clarified when preparing the job description, based on specific circumstances.

Head of the technical department:

2.1. It organizes the technical preparation of production or other types of the main activities of the enterprise, provides an improvement in the quality of products, works (services) and increases its competitiveness, reduces material and labor costs for the manufacture of products, production of works (services).

2.2. Coordinates the work of the technical services of the enterprise on testing new technical means, creating and mastering new types of products, complex automation and mechanization of production, planning the introduction of scientific and technological achievements, new equipment and progressive technology.

2.3. Manages the current and long-term planning of the technical development of the enterprise, its production base.

2.4. Supervises the drafting of technical specifications for the design of newly built industries, structures, technical means, expansion, development and reconstruction of existing ones, for the introduction of automation and mechanization.

2.5. Examines and approves design documentation for the modernization of equipment and rationalization of workplaces.

2.6. Carries out control over the conclusion and execution of contracts related to the introduction of new technology, as well as over the financing and correctness of calculations of the economic efficiency of measures for the development of new equipment and technology, new types of raw materials and finished products.

2.7. Participates in the development and implementation in production of resource-saving technologies, progressive consumption rates of the main types of raw materials and materials, in the study of the causes of marriage and the release of products of reduced grades, in the development of measures to improve the quality of products (works, services) and more efficient use of production facilities. Performs, in the absence of independent design and technological departments, the functions of their leaders.

2.8. Directs the activities of the divisions dealing with the issues of product standardization, scientific and technical information, as well as the organization of patent and inventive work.

2.9. Supervises the employees of the department, coordinates and directs the activities of the divisions of the enterprise, providing technical preparation of production.


The head of the technical department has the right to:

3.1. To give subordinate employees and services assignments, assignments on a range of issues included in his functional duties.

3.2. Monitor the implementation of planned tasks and work, the timely execution of individual orders and tasks of the services subordinate to him.

3.3. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the Head of the Technical Department, subordinate services.

3.4. Enter into relationships with subdivisions of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities within the competence of the Head of the Technical Department.

3.5. Represent the interests of the enterprise in third-party organizations on issues related to the production activities of the enterprise, on issues within the competence of the Head of the technical department.


The head of the technical department is responsible for:

4.1. Results and efficiency of production activities of the department.

Job description of the head of the technical department

Failure to ensure the fulfillment of their functional duties, as well as the work of subordinate services on production activities.

4.3. Inaccurate information about the status of implementation of work plans of subordinate services and department.

4.4. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the director of the enterprise.

4.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise, its employees.

4.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor and performance discipline by employees of subordinate services and personnel subordinate to the Head of the Technical Department.


5.1. The working hours of the Head of the Technical Department are determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.

5.2. Due to operational needs, the Head of the Technical Department can go on business trips (including local ones).

5.3. To resolve operational issues to ensure production activities, the head of the technical department may be assigned official vehicles.


6.1. The exclusive area of ​​activity of the Head of the Technical Department is to ensure the planning and organization of production activities of the department and subordinate services.

6.2. To ensure his activities, the head of the technical department is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues that are part of his functional duties.

Other instructions in the section:
- Head of the economic department: job description;
- Job description of an art editor (editorial and publishing department);
- Job description of a specialist of the 1st category of the legal department.

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Job description of the head of the technical department

Download job description
head of technical department (.doc, 65KB)

I. General Provisions

  1. The head of the technical department belongs to the category of managers.
  2. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in technical preparation of production in engineering and managerial positions for at least 5 years is appointed to the position of the head of the technical department.
  3. Appointment to the position of the head of the technical department and exemption from
  4. The head of the technical department should know:
    1. 4.1. Regulatory and methodological materials for technical preparation of production.
    2. 4.2.

      Job description of the head of the technological support department

      Directions and prospects for the development of the economic sector and enterprise.

    3. 4.3. Production capacities and operating modes of equipment, rules for its operation.
    4. 4.4. Methods for identifying and using production reserves.
    5. 4.5. Technical requirements for raw materials, materials and finished products.
    6. 4.6. Requirements for the rational organization of labor in the design of technological processes and equipment.
    7. 4.7. Organization of technical preparation for production.
    8. 4.8. The procedure for accepting equipment into operation.
    9. 4.9. Methods for determining the economic efficiency of the introduction of new equipment and technology, labor organization, rationalization proposals and inventions.
    10. 4.10. Experience of leading domestic and foreign enterprises in the field of technical preparation of production, labor organization and management.
    11. 4.11. Fundamentals of Labor Law.
    12. 4.12. Labor protection rules and regulations.
  5. The head of the technical department reports directly to the chief engineer (technical director).
  6. During the absence of the head of the technical department (business trip, vacation, illness), his duties are performed by a deputy (in the absence of such, a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure), who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for their proper execution.

II. Job responsibilities

Head of the technical department:

  1. It organizes the technical preparation of production or other types of the main activities of the enterprise, provides an improvement in the quality of products, works (services) and increases its competitiveness, reduces material and labor costs for the manufacture of products, production of works (services).
  2. Coordinates the work of the technical services of the enterprise on testing new technical means, creating and mastering new types of products, complex automation and mechanization of production, planning the introduction of scientific and technological achievements, new equipment and progressive technology.
  3. Manages the current and long-term planning of the technical development of the enterprise, its production base.
  4. Supervises the drafting of technical specifications for the design of newly built industries, structures, technical means, expansion, development and reconstruction of existing ones, for the introduction of automation and mechanization.
  5. Examines and approves design documentation for the modernization of equipment and rationalization of workplaces.
  6. Carries out control over the conclusion and execution of contracts related to the introduction of new technology, as well as over the financing and correctness of calculations of the economic efficiency of measures for the development of new equipment and technologies, new types of raw materials and finished products.
  7. Participates in the development and implementation in production of resource-saving technologies, progressive consumption rates of the main types of raw materials and materials, in the study of the causes of marriage and the release of products of reduced grades, in the development of measures to improve the quality of products (works, services) and more efficient use of production facilities.
  8. Performs, in the absence of independent design and technological departments, the functions of their leaders.
  9. Directs the activities of the divisions dealing with the issues of product standardization, scientific and technical information, as well as the organization of patent and inventive work.
  10. Supervises the employees of the department, coordinates and directs the activities of the divisions of the enterprise, providing technical preparation of production.

III. Rights

The head of the technical department has the right to:

  1. To act on behalf of the department, to represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with other structural divisions of the enterprise, organizations on issues of technical preparation of production and other types of the main activities of the enterprise.
  2. Request and receive the necessary information from the heads of the structural divisions of the enterprise and specialists.
  3. Check the activities of the structural units of the enterprise in the field of technical preparation of production.
  4. Participate in the preparation of draft orders, instructions, instructions, as well as estimates, contracts and other documents related to the technical preparation of production.
  5. Interact with the heads of all structural divisions on the production activities of the enterprise.
  6. To give the heads of the structural divisions of the enterprise instructions on the technical preparation of production.
  7. Sign and endorse documents within the limits of their competence; to issue, with his signature, orders for the enterprise on the issues of technical preparation of production.
  8. To independently carry out correspondence with the structural divisions of the enterprise as well as other organizations on issues within its competence.
  9. Submit proposals to the director of the enterprise on bringing officials to financial and disciplinary responsibility based on the results of inspections.

IV. A responsibility

The head of the technical department is responsible for:

  1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Supervises the activities of the technological department, monitors the results of their work, the state of labor and production discipline.

Carries out control of calculations of planned recipes, their compliance with quality indicators and planned prices received from the head of the PEO and the implementation plan received from the head of the sales department.

Checks the calculations of production recipes, their compliance with planned recipes, the possibilities of technological implementation by production.

Organizes work on the use of new, non-traditional types of raw materials for the production of animal feed.

Organizes work on the optimization of the recipe.

Receives information from zootechnicians on the quality of feed shipment and their impact on the final product of farms, changes in the technology of keeping animals and birds.

Studies professional literature.

Provides a constant increase in the level of professional training of employees of the technological department.

The head of the technological department in his work is guided by the internal labor regulations, orders and orders of the commercial director and his direct supervisors.



Legal address: 115516, building 2

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Quality Management System


This standard establishes the procedure and rules for the development, coordination, approval, introduction of job descriptions of employees of the Limited Liability Company "433 Military Construction Department" (hereinafter 433 APU "), clause 5.1. section 5 and clause 6.2. section 6 GOST ISO and STP SMK B 4-01-03.

1.1. The head of the production and technical department (PTO) belongs to the category of managers, is hired and dismissed by order of the head of the enterprise.

1.2. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in technical preparation of production in engineering and technical and managerial positions for at least 5 years is appointed to the position of the head of the VET.

1.3. The head of the VET is directly subordinate to the chief engineer of the enterprise and functionally to the head of the enterprise.

1.4. In his activities, the head of the VET is guided by:

- regulatory documents on the work performed;

- methodological materials related to the technical preparation of construction production;

- orders, orders of the head of the enterprise;

- internal labor regulations;

- this job description.

1.5. The head of the VET should know:

- normative and methodological materials for the technical preparation of construction production;

- technology and organization of construction production;

- order and methods of technical and economic and current production planning;

- methods of identifying and using the reserves of construction production;

- technical requirements for building materials;

- the procedure for accepting completed construction projects into operation;

- methods for determining the economic efficiency of construction production, labor organization;

1.6. During the absence of the head of the VET, his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by an appointed deputy, who is fully responsible for their proper execution.

The following functions are assigned to the head of the VET:

2.1. Control over the completeness and quality of the working and design documentation received from the customer.

2.2. Manufacturing quality control of construction and installation works.

2.3. Implementation of constant control and determination of the planned cost of costs.

3. Job responsibilities

To perform the functions assigned to him, the head of the VET of the enterprise is obliged to:

3.1. To organize the technical preparation of construction production, to ensure the improvement of the quality of construction, and the reduction of material and labor costs.

3.2. Coordinate the work of technical services for the automation and mechanization of construction production, the introduction of scientific and technical achievements, progressive technology.

3.3. Carry out work to improve the organization of construction work, prevent marriage, improve the quality of construction work, save all types of resources, certify jobs, use reserves to increase labor productivity and reduce production costs.

3.4. Ensure compliance with the technological sequence of construction and installation works.

3.5. Control the completeness and quality of working and design documentation received from the customer, bringing it to the heads of construction sites, processing and maintaining technological documentation at the facilities.

3.6. Demand from the heads of construction sites all the necessary documents for accounting and reporting within a strictly specified time frame.

3.7. Timely, in a strictly established timeframe, submit reports to the accounting department of the enterprise.

3.8. Regularly carry out production quality control of construction and installation works.

3.9. Determine the planned cost of building materials and work performed for all cost items.

3.10. Supervise the activities of the production and technical department, monitor the state of labor and production discipline of VET workers.

3.11. Carry out other duties and instructions on the verbal or written order of the head of the enterprise.

The head of the VET has the right:

4.1. To represent the interests of the VET of the enterprise in relations with other structural divisions of the enterprise, other organizations and government bodies.

4.2. Submit to the management of the enterprise proposals for improving the activities of the department and the enterprise as a whole.

4.3. Submit for the consideration of the head of the enterprise ideas about the promotion or imposition of penalties.

4.4. Sign and endorse documents within their competence, issue orders, signed by the company, on production activities.

4.5. To interact with the heads of departments and services on issues within his competence.

4.6. Receive from the heads of the structural divisions of the enterprise and specialists the information and documents necessary for the performance of their official duties.

4.8. Participate in the preparation of orders, instructions, instructions, estimates, contracts and other documents related to the production activities of the enterprise.

4.9. Require the head of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

The head of the VET is responsible for:

5.1. For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their official duties, provided for by this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

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Job description of the head of the production and technical department

name of organization, enterprise]

[position, signature, full name of the head or other

an official authorized to approve

[day month Year]

Job description of the head of the production and technical department [name of organization, enterprise]

This job description was developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of April 23, 2008 N 188 "On approval of the Unified qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and employees, section" Qualification characteristics of positions of managers and specialists in architecture and urban planning ”and other legal acts governing labor relations.

- development prospects of the construction organization;

- production capacity of a construction organization and its production base;

- specialization of subdivisions of a construction organization and production relations between them;

- the range of manufactured construction products, types of work (services) performed;

- the basics of construction production technology;

- organization of production planning;

- the procedure for the development of production programs and construction schedules;

- organization of operational accounting of the progress of construction production;

- organization of storage facilities, transport and loading and unloading operations in a construction organization;

- computer facilities, communications and communications;

- fundamentals of economics; organization of construction production, labor and management;

- fundamentals of labor legislation;

- rules for labor protection.

1.5. Professionally important qualities: [list qualities].

1.6. The duties of the head of the VET in his absence are fulfilled by [write in what is needed].

2. Job responsibilities

The head of the VET is assigned the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Implementation of technical management of construction.

2.2. Supervising the conduct of research and experimental work in the field of construction, drawing up title lists, preparing and executing contracts with customers and subcontractors.

2.3. Ensuring a high technical level of construction, linking the technological sequence and timing of work by contractors and subcontractors.

2.4. Control over the timely provision of construction projects with design and estimate documentation, compliance with technical regulations, building codes and regulations, commissioning of facilities in a timely manner.

2.5. Management of work on operational regulation, using computer technology, communications and communications, the course of construction production, ensuring the rhythmic release of construction products in accordance with the production plan and supply contracts.

2.6. Management of the development of production programs and construction schedules, their adjustment during the planning period, the development and implementation of standards for operational production planning.

2.7. Organization of operational control over the progress of construction, over the provision of production with technical documentation, equipment, tools, materials, components, transport, handling facilities, etc.

2.8. Ensuring daily operational accounting of the progress of production, the fulfillment of daily construction tasks, control over the condition and completeness of construction in progress, compliance with the established reserve standards in warehouses and workplaces, the rationality of the use of vehicles and the timeliness of loading and unloading operations.

2.9. Coordination of the work of the organization's divisions, taking measures to ensure the rhythm of the implementation of production schedules, preventing and eliminating violations of the production process.

2.10. Ensuring the timely execution, accounting and regulation of the execution of orders for cooperation and inter-sector services.

2.11. Monitoring the fulfillment of mutual requirements and claims of subdivisions of a construction organization, analyzing the results of their activities for the previous planning period in order to identify opportunities for a more complete and even load of capacities, equipment and production areas, reducing the production cycle; carrying out work to identify and master technical innovations, scientific discoveries and inventions, advanced experience that contribute to the improvement of technology, the organization of production and the growth of labor productivity.

2.12. Management of the work of industrial warehouses, ensuring the participation of the department in the inventory of construction in progress.

2.13. Organization of the development of measures to improve operational planning, current accounting of production and mechanization of the dispatch service, the introduction of modern computer technology, communications and communications.

2.14. Implementation of methodological management of the work of production and dispatching divisions [organization, enterprise].

2.15. Management of department employees.

3. Employee rights

The head of the VET has the right:

3.1. Request and receive the necessary information and documents related to the issues of its activities.

3.2. Make suggestions to the immediate supervisor to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.

3.3. Interact with the heads of all structural divisions [organizations, enterprises].

3.4. Participate in conferences and meetings where issues related to its work are considered.

3.5. Give orders to subordinate employees and monitor their implementation.

3.6. Introduce to the management the idea of ​​rewarding or punishing employees under his control.

3.7. Require management to assist in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights.

3.8. For all social guarantees provided by law.

3.9. Other rights provided for by labor legislation.

4. Employee responsibility

The head of the VET is responsible for:

4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their duties as provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

HR Manager [initials, surname]

[day month Year]

Head of Legal Department [initials, surname]

[day month Year]

I have read the instructions: [initials, surname]

Job description of the head of the VET. Head of VET: duties, instructions

The construction of any facility, especially a large one, is a complex process that requires organization and preparation at all stages. Design documentation, raw materials and materials, labor and energy resources should be used in the required quantities at different periods in accordance with the construction schedule. The main task of the production and technical department is to ensure the preparation of production in construction at all its stages.

What is the production and technical department

The production and technical department (PTO) is the fundamental structural unit of the construction organization. Processing of primary information about the planned construction object, acceptance of design estimates from the customer, registration of permits for the production of work - all this is done by the PTO even before the start of construction.

The work of the department at the facility after the completion of the construction is accompanied by the preparation of documents for commissioning and the transfer of the facility to the customer.

VET specialists carry out engineering preparation of construction: analyze the compliance of applications with normative and design technical documentation, draw up and place applications for raw materials and materials, decipher labor costs.

In the course of activity in the VET, the volumes of work performed and used material and labor resources, their compliance with the estimate are checked. PTO data are used in management accounting when drawing up acts of work performed and documents for wages.

A responsibility

In compliance with the norms of labor, administrative, civil and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation, the responsibility, and not only the official one, of the head of the VET for improper performance of the duties stipulated by the job description, for offenses and causing material damage is the same as that of any employee. The head of the VET, in addition, bears responsibility for non-compliance with commercial secrets and violation of labor regulations and fire safety.

The complexity and variety of tasks that the production and technical department has to solve every day, headed by the chief, control and coordination of the timing of work, supplies and use of resources, the state of unfinished construction, are respected by everyone who understands the specifics of the process. It is not for nothing that VET is considered the technical brain of any construction organization.

Job description of a VET engineer of a construction organization

It is no secret that during the construction and operation of any construction site, a huge number of instructions and rules must be followed. Despite the availability of these requirements, their simultaneous consideration is not an easy task.

This function is performed by a special service. For control purposes, in the structure of construction organizations, the position of a VET engineer is usually provided (for "engineer of the production and technical department"). The functions of a VET engineer are very diverse and require not only high professionalism, organizational skills, but also, often, firmness of character and even courage.

Naturally, the variety of production facilities and their operating conditions determines the different responsibilities of such workers. In this article, we will consider the typical content of the job description of a VET engineer of a construction organization.

General Provisions

Construction is almost always characterized by considerable complexity and variety of work performed, sometimes under extreme conditions. Decisions must be made quickly, and mistakes must be corrected immediately. The production and technical department at large construction sites is a large structural unit, which is headed, as a rule, by a specialist with extensive experience in various construction sites. However, the backbone of the department is made up of rank-and-file engineers.

It is important to understand who a VET engineer is. Many graduates of civil engineering universities begin their careers as a VET engineer. Having met with such a vacancy, sometimes young specialists do not know what they will be doing on a construction site. Therefore, first consider, a VET engineer, what is it?

The answer to this question is contained in the "general requirements" section of the job description for an engineer in the production and technical department. A complete, but not exhaustive, list of these requirements is given below in an example of such an instruction. The main one is specialized or at least technical education.