Commodity structure of Russian exports. The structure of imports and exports of Russia. How the balance of foreign trade turnover is calculated

Both Russia and Belarus have a serious export potential for the growth of trade, and it is better to consider the formation of joint ventures, and the volume of trade can reach up to $ 90 billion. This is what the expert thinks Alexey Kuzmin.

The trade turnover between Russia and Belarus can be brought to the level of $ 50 billion. This was stated by the President Vladimir Putin at the Forum of Regions of the Two Countries.

“Half of all Belarusian export products are supplied to the Russian market. Last year, trade increased by almost a quarter and reached $ 32.4 billion. the level of $ 50 billion, "the Russian president said.

"The volume of Russian capital investments in Belarus exceeded $ 4 billion. Belarusian investments -716.8 million," he said.

BelNPP to help export

Aleksey Kuzmin, a leading expert of the International Institute for Humanitarian and Political Studies, is confident that it is more than possible to bring the trade turnover to the announced level.

"Belarus has a very good export potential, we also have something for export, besides oil and gas. By the way, an important element of the sharp growth of Belarusian exports may be switching our energy to the BelNPP as a guaranteed supplier," today".

Joint ventures

Kuzmin noted the not entirely hopeless situation in the Russian engineering industry, which can also send products to Belarus. At the same time, he stressed, to a greater extent, it is probably worth thinking not about trade turnover, but about joint ventures with their export.

“In Belarus, for example, there is very good X-ray equipment, and we have a couple of fresh technologies that have not been used anywhere except for the Large Hadron Collider. These technologies are quite cheap for the mass market, and the joint development of this business in relation to industrial X-ray equipment was would be beneficial for both sides. It is a laugh and a sin when we have German or American devices as X-ray security stations in Sheremetev. This is a technique that we know how to do it better than they do, but we have long ago ruined mass production, and the Belarusians have kept ", - said Alexey Kuzmin.

The markets for X-ray technology are large, with multibillion-dollar annual revenues, and renewal occurs on average every five to seven years. "This means the production of thousands of units of equipment, and it is not cheap," the expert said.

And fifty and ninety

If you look carefully in different directions, you can isolate other options.

“We are not very successful now, for example, we played in the project of electric buses for Moscow. But it’s not very difficult to bring it to mind, especially since the production of medium-heavy equipment is well established among Belarusians,” Aleksey Kuzmin noted.

With a desire and the right approach, the production of a large number of items can be quite competitive - both in Belarus and in Russia. "If we talk about figures, the trade turnover can be fifty billion or ninety. This is generally realistic," said the expert of the Economics Today FBA.

Priority industries, where both countries expect maximum economic effect, Vladimir Putin called import substitution, industrial cooperation, Agriculture, construction, pharmaceuticals and government purchases.

"Today, Russia and Belarus face many similar problems and challenges, as they say today. Ensuring long-term, sustainable growth, increasing competitiveness in foreign markets. Among the priority industries where we count on the maximum economic effect, I would like to mention import substitution, industrial cooperation, agriculture, construction, pharmaceuticals, government purchases, "the Russian president said.


This article examines the main directions of the development of foreign economic activity of Russia, including the participation of our state in the main international organizations and unions that regulate the exchange of goods between countries, as well as the structure of imports and exports of Russia.

  • Development of accounting for export-import transactions in modern economic conditions
  • Legal support and accounting of export operations
  • The main aspects of ensuring the foreign economic security of Russia

Taking into account the changes taking place in the global economy, and to facilitate entry into the foreign market, Russia is adjusting its foreign trade policy. The growth of foreign trade turnover indicates the building of mutually beneficial relations with foreign partners and the correctness of the chosen course of Russian foreign policy.

In this article, we will consider the main directions of the development of foreign economic activity of Russia, including the participation of our state in the main international organizations and unions that regulate the exchange of goods between countries, the structure of imports and exports.

The most striking manifestation of the economic part of globalization is international trade... Every year, the turnover of foreign sale and purchase of goods of various kinds only increases, and international unions and organizations are being created to expand the possibilities for exchanging products between countries and to simplify transactions. The largest and most influential world organizations are the World Trade Organization (WTO; English World Trade Organization (WTO), the European Union (European Union, EU), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and a relatively young association consisting of only three member countries - Customs Union The creation of such organizations greatly simplifies the process of interstate exchange of goods and services.Russia, as a participant, is not a member of only one global organization from the above - the EU, but this does not detract from trade turnover with the states that are members of the European Union. That is, half of the Russian turnover falls on the EU countries, and every year the total value of exports and imports is only growing.

To simplify the exchange of goods between Russia and Belarus, the Customs Union was created, which also includes Kazakhstan. There are many agreements between these three states concerning trade and exchange of services. The main document regulating relations regarding the movement of goods across the border of the Customs Union is the Customs Code of the Customs Union. This regulatory document is universal for the countries - members of the Customs Union and replaces national Customs Codes. The document was adopted in 2009 and since then some of its articles have been amended.

Clause 2 of Article 1 of the Customs Code provided that customs regulation in the Customs Union was carried out in accordance with the Customs Code of the Customs Union, and in the part not regulated by this code, in accordance with the customs legislation of the member countries. Since the introduction of amendments to this article, the part that is not regulated by the Customs Code of the Customs Union is also governed by the customs legislation of the State - a member of the Customs Union, but before the establishment of legal relations at the level of legislation of the Customs Union.

Also, in the fourth article, an addition was made to the definition of such a term as "release of goods". V new edition this concept is expanded and looks like this: release of goods is an action customs authorities allowing interested parties to use goods in accordance with the conditions of the declared customs procedure or in accordance with the conditions established for certain categories of goods that are not subject to customs procedures in accordance with the Customs Code.

Article 16 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union was amended to allow customs representatives to provide reports now and in in electronic format... In our opinion, this is an important change, and it will significantly simplify and speed up the procedures for submitting reports to the customs authorities.

According to the amendments to the Federal Law of December 21, 2013 No. 372-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Export Control "(the document came into force on June 22, 2014), the President of the Russian Federation will determine the list of foreign states and types of controlled goods, which can be exported from the territory of the Russian Federation without a license, and will also make a decision on the termination or suspension of this regime.

With the increase and expansion of international trade relations, and not only trade, there is a need for reforming, sometimes issuing new, regulations governing the foreign economic activity of the state. Russia keeps abreast of the changes taking place in the world trade arena and adjusts and adjusts its foreign trade policy to facilitate entry into the foreign market. All these actions are already bearing fruit and Russian turnovers, both imported and exported, are only increasing. The growth of foreign trade turnover indicates the building of mutually beneficial relations with foreign partners and the correctness of the chosen course of Russian foreign policy.

Since January 1, 2015, we have been living in a new reality, the name of which is the Eurasian Economic Union, the agreement on the creation of which Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan signed in May 2014 in Astana. Armenia signed an agreement on joining the Eurasian Economic Union in October 2014. The EAEU Customs Code is being developed. His project, in the development of which entrepreneurs from all member states of the union are actively involved, is already aimed at domestic approval.

Next, we will consider the structure of imports and exports of Russia. According to the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, turnover foreign trade Russia for the 1st quarter of 2014 amounted to 189,322 million US dollars. The foreign trade surplus amounted to USD 56 billion. The main trade partners of the Russian Federation were the countries of the European Union (EU), which provided 49.7% of the trade turnover, the second most important trade partners were the countries of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, which provided Russia with 25.6% of its trade turnover, the share of the CIS, the third largest the importance of the trading partner of the Russian Federation amounted to 12.7%.

Table 1 Main trading partners of Russia, USD million

If we consider countries outside the economic blocs, then the main trading partner of Russia is the People's Republic of China, whose trade turnover increased by 2.2% and in absolute terms amounted to USD 21,654 million (trade share 11.4%), while exports of Russian goods to China increased by 7.9%, but the trade balance with China remains negative - $ 2.8 billion. The second foreign trade partner of the Russian Federation is the Netherlands, with a turnover of 17,952 million US dollars (9.5% share), the third is Germany, with a turnover of 17 billion US dollars (9% share).

Table 2 Foreign trade of Russia by countries *, mln USD

Total turnover

Trade balance














* Shown only those countries with a quarterly turnover exceeding USD 1 billion.

It is noteworthy that despite sanctions from the United States of America, trade with this country increased by 13.5%, while exports grew by 26.6% and imports by 6.2%.

Table 3 Dynamics of Russia's foreign trade turnover, USD million

According to the results of the first quarter of 2014, the share of non-CIS countries in the structure of trade turnover of the Russian Federation amounted to 87.3%, the share of the CIS - 12.7%.

For the 1st quarter of 2014, Russia exported goods worth USD 122,690,273 thousand. The main export goods of Russia are energy resources [oil, gas, coal, etc.], which account for 72% in the structure of its export.

Table 4 Structure of Russian exports, thousand US dollars

Name of the commodity industry

Export share

Mineral products

Metals and metal products

Other goods

For the 1st quarter of 2014, Russia imported goods worth 66,632,659 thousand US dollars. The main goods imported (imported) into Russia are engineering products - cars, machines, machinery and vehicles, which account for 47% of the import structure. The second significant group of goods imported into the Russian Federation is the products of the chemical industry, which occupies 15% of the share of imports, the third significant group of goods is food, which also occupies 15%.

Table 5 Structure of imports of Russia, thousand US dollars

Name of the commodity industry

Far abroad

Export share

Food products and agricultural raw materials

Mineral products

Fuel and energy products

Chemical industry products, rubber

Raw hides, furs and products from them

Wood and pulp and paper products

Textiles, textile products and footwear

Precious stones, precious metals and products from them

Metals and metal products

Machinery, equipment and vehicles

Other goods

The Russian economy, the structure of its exports and sales markets certainly need diversification. The surplus of foreign trade, the inflow of foreign currency is provided exclusively through the sale of hydrocarbons. In the near future, developed and emerging markets, primarily the economies of China, the United States, Japan, Brazil, etc., will undoubtedly demonstrate an increase in demand for energy resources, but the economy of the Russian Federation has many competitive industries that have completely unrealized potential to this day. ... It is in realizing the potential of unrealized industries that the diversification and future power of the Russian economy lies.

Taking into account the latest trends in the development of the world economy in the context of the geopolitical crisis, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the priority measures of anti-crisis response in 2015. The key areas of action of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning the foreign economic activity of Russia in the coming months will include: support for import substitution and export of a wide range of non-raw materials, including high-tech goods; promoting the development of small and medium-sized businesses by reducing financial and administrative costs; creating opportunities for attracting circulating and investment resources with an acceptable cost in the most significant sectors of the economy.


  1. Customs Code of the Customs Union (Appendix to the agreement on the Customs Code of the Customs Union, adopted by Decision Of the EurAsEC Interstate Council at the level of heads of state of November 27, 2009 No. 17) (as amended on April 16, 2010).
  2. Federal Law of December 21, 2013 No. 372 - FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Export Control ".
  3. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2015 No. 98-r "On approval of a plan of priority measures to ensure sustainable economic development and social stability in 2015".

What does Hjccbz export? This question was asked to himself, probably, by every inhabitant of our country. Today, Russia is mainly engaged in the export of energy resources such as oil products, coal and gas. Steel products are also exported along with ferrous and non-ferrous metals and minerals. The largest share of Russian exports is formed by petroleum products. In addition, the leading export items include natural gas, mineral fertilizers, timber, vehicles, as well as weapons and various equipment.

Many are interested in the role of Yakut diamonds in the export of polished diamonds. More than three hundred million tons of oil, as well as about two hundred and fifty billion cubic meters of gas are exported to the countries of near and far abroad. We will tell you more about the exported products, the structure of Russian exports and trade partners in our article.

Foreign trade of Russia

The main trade partners of Russia today are such countries as China, Poland, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Switzerland, Great Britain, Finland and the USA.

Russia is engaged in meeting a significant part of the needs of the Commonwealth of Independent States in oil products and gas. What else is Russia exporting? Timber, machinery and various equipment. Therefore, for most countries, in particular the near abroad, Russia has been and remains an important trading partner.

In 2012 Russia became a member of the World Trade Organization. In addition, our country is a party to the agreement on a free trade zone of the CIS and a member of the customs, as well as the Eurasian Economic Union.

Since 2014, domestic foreign trade has been under significant negative pressure from the foreign trade policy of other countries, which is expressed in the form of economic sanctions imposed against Russia. Counter-sanctions from the outside also have an impact. Russian government in the field of foreign trade. Thus, due to the well-known political changes, the turnover in foreign trade in the country in 2014 decreased by seven percent compared to the previous year in 2013 and amounted to only eight hundred billion dollars.

As for the current stage, according to the Federal Customs Service, Russia's foreign trade turnover over the past year amounted to $ 470 billion. This figure is even lower compared to the values ​​of 2014 and 2015. If we compare the current trade turnover with previous years, the drop is more than eleven percent. Export from Russia to China is one of the important components of foreign trade policy.

The decisive role in the negative change in indicators was played by the devaluation of the ruble last year, which followed a large-scale drop in oil prices in early 2016. Then oil prices fell to below thirty dollars per barrel due to excess supply on the external market. The decline in demand for oil from one of the most important partners of Russia, China, also had an effect. And the dollar against the ruble against the background of all this has increased sharply.

Export records of recent years

At the end of last year, Russia's exports, in terms of value, decreased by seventeen percent, amounting to $ 280 billion.

A similar picture is formed due to the fact that Russia exports abroad mainly hydrocarbons (gas and oil exports). Of course, along with the fall in their value, the total export price also decreased. Along with this, exports in physical terms increased. Russia throughout the last year did not reduce, but, on the contrary, increased their supplies abroad, even in spite of low prices.

Thus, oil exports in 2016 increased by almost seven percent to two hundred million tons. But at the same time, income from it fell by eighteen percent to seventy billion dollars. The same thing happened in the export of other raw materials. Thus, in physical terms, the export of natural gas increased by thirteen percent, although in the first half of the year its cost dropped to $ 150 per thousand cubic meters.

Large raw material enterprises were engaged in increasing the volume of supplies in order to maintain their market share. In addition, in conditions of devaluation, they had the opportunity to receive a larger volume of export earnings in rubles.

The same has served as an incentive for companies in other industries. What does Russia export besides the above materials? So, our country managed to increase the supply of most food products to China, as well as to the countries of Asia and Europe. In terms of wheat supplies last spring, Russia came out on top in the world, thereby overtaking Canada and the United States.

In addition, the export volumes of butter, meat, milk, cottage cheese and cheeses increased. The supply of mechanical engineering goods, as well as timber and other products, increased. This was influenced by government support large enterprises, which was aimed at stimulating production and increasing exports. In addition, the devaluation of the ruble made it possible for Russian products to emerge victorious in the competition with other countries. Russian goods were often supplied to the world market for more than low prices but it should be noted that this did not result in large losses for exporters.

So, as has already been noted more than once, Russia exports mainly hydrocarbon raw materials, that is, oil, coal and gas, as well as chemical and metallurgical goods, along with machinery, equipment, weapons and food (grain exports, for example).

At the end of 2009, we were in second place in the world in terms of oil exports and were leaders in the supply of natural gas. In the same year, seventeen billion kilowatts of electricity worth eight hundred million dollars were exported.


Yakutia occupies a leading place in the Russian Federation in diamond mining. Some of the main importers of Yakut diamonds are the EU countries, Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

Arms export

Between 1995 and 2001, Russian arms exports amounted to approximately three billion annually. It later began to grow and in 2002 exceeded $ 4.5 billion. In 2006, this figure increased by another two billion dollars.

In 2007, on the basis of a presidential decree, Rosoboronexport became the sole state mediator in the field of military-technical cooperation. As for the arms manufacturers, they lost the right to export the final products of Russian arms. The share of our country in the world arms market in 2005-2009 was 23 percent, second only to the United States.

In 2009, Russia had military-technical cooperation with more than 80 countries, delivering products to 62 of them. The volume of domestic exports of military goods then exceeded two hundred and sixty billion rubles. The share of the export of combat aircraft at that time amounted to forty percent of the total export of the main types of weapons.

What is Russia exporting today?

Today Russia has multibillion-dollar arms supply contracts with countries such as India, China, Vietnam, Greece, Iran, Brazil, Syria, Malaysia, Indonesia and others.

Food export

At the beginning of 2010, we were in third place in the world in terms of grain exports, behind only the United States and the European Union. In terms of wheat exports, Russia was in fourth place. These are good indicators for exported agricultural products.

Food exports increased four percent last year, reaching an all-time high of $ 17 billion. Thus, in the structure of exports, the largest part of it falls on wheat, which is 27 percent of the total volume of food supplies, which allowed Russia to come out on top. Next comes frozen fish, sunflower oil and corn. By the way, according to the results of last year, the export of agricultural products and foodstuffs from Russia increased by 4%.

Export of machinery and equipment

In 2009, equipment and machinery worth eighteen billion dollars were exported from our country. From 1999 to 2009, the share of total exports of domestic machinery and equipment increased 2.5 times. In 2010, the volume of exports of machinery and equipment increased to $ 21 billion.

Export of cars

In 2009, Russia exported about 42 thousand cars and fifteen thousand trucks worth $ 630 million. A significant part of trucks exported from our country are delivered to the CIS.

Export of metallurgical products

According to 2007 data, Russia ranked third in the world right after Japan and China in terms of steel exports, which amounted to 27 billion tons per year. In 2008, we ranked first in the world in the export of nickel and aluminum.

Export software

In 2011, the total indicators of the volume of exports software and services for its development amounted to four billion dollars.

Export: trade partners of Russia

Now in the world media, as well as on the Internet, it is widely discussed that Russia allegedly does not have any serious foreign trade policy, and that the domestic trade turnover is very, very modest. But is it really so? According to statistics from the Federal Customs Service, last year the value of our total trade turnover was $ 280 billion. At the same time, the share of exports is equal to $ 170 billion. In any case, based on statistics, we can confidently say that we sell much more than we buy.

It should be noted, however, that the trade turnover decreased by eighteen percent. And it is difficult to do anything about it, given the unfavorable economic situation along with sanctions and constant foreign policy pressure. Of course, all this seriously harms the joint foreign trade business. It should be noted, however, that exports fell by twenty-five percent. And yet, who is Russia trading with today?

So, the main trading partners of our country, even despite all kinds of sanctions, are still the countries of the European Union, which is $ 124 billion a year. Trade turnover with representatives of the Eurasian Union at the moment is only nine billion, but here it must be emphasized that this is only for now.

Export to China from Russia is important aspects foreign trade policy. The trade turnover with this country is almost forty billion dollars. Germany is in second place today - it is twenty-four billion. The third position among the most promising trading partners for us belongs to the Netherlands. Therefore, it is more than profitable to trade with Russia, and in this regard, many countries have not reduced their trade with us, but rather, on the contrary, increased it. For example, states such as China, the Netherlands and France did it.

The table below shows the main partner countries with which Russia carries out foreign trade relations for exports today.

Partner country name

Exported goods

Ferrous metallurgy products, equipment and components, machinery

Petroleum products, precious metals

Military equipment and weapons

Hydrocarbons, military equipment and weapons, electricity, precious metals, unalloyed steel

Military equipment and weapons, cars

Hydrocarbons, mineral fuels, chemical products, metals, equipment and machinery


Mineral products, precious metals, hydrocarbons, chemical products, unalloyed steel


Mineral products, precious metals, energy carriers, hydrocarbons

What has changed in 2017?

After, one might say, the disastrous 2016, the situation in terms of the volume of Russian exports turned to growth again. The main incentives in the first half of the year were the stabilization of raw materials prices along with the strengthening of the ruble exchange rate and the pace of production growth.

In the first half of 2017, foreign trade turnover continued to increase. In six months, they reached $ 270 billion compared to the same time period last year in 2016. Thus, there was an increase of 28 percent.

In addition, the positive changes in foreign trade, which began in the second half of last year, continued in 2017. The decisive factor for this was the rise in oil prices, which happened after the agreements between the OPEC countries aimed at reducing the rate of extraction of black gold. As a result of all this, since the fall of 2016, oil prices began to increase and in February 2017 they managed to reach their maximum level: a barrel of oil exceeded $ 56. In May of this year, the oil producers extended the agreement for another nine months, that is, until the end of March next 2018. According to the forecasts of most experts, this agreement will support oil prices until the end of this year. At the same time, the volume of reduction remains at the level of 1.8 million barrels per day. According to the countries participating in the cartel, this will make it possible to eliminate surplus supply from the market and prevent prices from falling again.

It is important to note that along with oil prices, other commodities, such as ferrous and non-ferrous metals, as well as raw materials and gold, went up. By the way, do not forget about exporting grain to Asian countries. In addition, following the rise in prices, the ruble began to strengthen as well.

Economic processes in Russia are complex and ambiguous. In the first half of the nineties, the Russian economy experienced a deep recession caused by the consequences of a large-scale transition from a centralized economy to a market one, but at the same time significantly aggravated by a number of political factors. In terms of its foreign economic opportunities, Russia has lagged sharply behind many countries of the world community. In the second half of the nineties, a certain revival of the Russian economy began, but, unfortunately, it was caused not by the modernization of production, but by the use of international loans to organize production and export abroad. natural resources, for the purchase of consumer goods in other countries.

Only with the beginning of the 21st century did the Russian economy begin a real recovery, financial stabilization appeared, and the living standards of the population began to rise. However, the emergence of these positive results is largely due to the favorable conjuncture of world energy prices.

In such conditions, the political goals and objectives of the state become an especially important motive for all foreign economic activity. They significantly influence the choice of regional directions and specific partners in foreign economic relations, the nature and scale of relations with various countries, and the forms of using international cooperation in the interests of the socio-economic development of Russia. The study of these aspects of the interaction of politics and economics in the foreign activities of the Russian state is of current importance. It allows a deeper understanding of the interaction of the country's internal development with the possibilities of its international activity, to assess the effectiveness of foreign economic activity from the standpoint of national interests Russia.

On the whole, despite the continued tension in the world financial markets, the situation in Russia's foreign trade was characterized by positive trends. However, some unfavorable signs in macro indicators affected the foreign economic sphere. This is a rapid growth in imports mainly due to the growth in physical volumes.

According to the WTO rating, according to preliminary data, Russian Federation ranked 12th in the world in terms of the value of exports of goods - 355 billion dollars. At the same time, the nominal annual growth rate increased by 17%, and the real one - by less than 6%. The share of Russia in international export was 2.6%. In terms of the value of imports of goods ($ 223 billion, the growth rate is 35%), Russia moved up to 16th position, and its share in total imports reached 1.6%. As a result, in terms of the growth rate of imports, Russia took 1st place in the world among the leading trading powers.

Without taking into account intra-regional trade of the 27 EU countries and individual members of the group, Russia ranked 7th in merchandise exports and 10th in imports of goods in the world.

In the ranking of countries - suppliers of commercial services (38 billion dollars, growth rate - 25%), the Russian Federation again took 25th place, and its share was 1.2%. In the field of imports of commercial services ($ 44.3 billion, the growth rate is 15%), Russia rose to 16th position in the world, and its share was 1.9% (in 2006, respectively, 18th place and 1.7%).

Foreign economic relations of Russia with the countries of the European Union

The European Union occupies the most important place in the geographic structure of Russia's foreign trade. It accounted for 51.6% of the Russian trade turnover, and the CIS countries - 15.3%, which is higher than a year earlier. During this time, the share of APEC countries increased from 16.4% to 19.1%. The main foreign trade partners of Russia among the EU member states are Germany, the Netherlands and Italy, which account for almost half of Russia's foreign trade turnover with the EU or 28.7% of Russia's foreign trade turnover with far abroad. The main foreign trade partners of Russia among the APEC countries are China, Japan, the United States and the Republic of Korea, accounting for 87.7% of foreign trade turnover with this group of countries or 19.8% of foreign trade turnover with non-CIS countries. Among the CIS countries, the main foreign trade partners are Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, which account for 88.1% of foreign trade turnover with the CIS countries.

A significant predominance of Russian exports over imports is characteristic of trade with the Netherlands and Italy, where the share of exports in the turnover was 91.7% and 75.7%. The same proportions in Russian trade were typical for trade with Poland, Finland, India, Turkey, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Almost equal proportions between exports and imports have developed in trade between Russia and Germany and the United States.

The European Union is the largest trading partner of Russia and accounts for more than half of the volume of Russian foreign trade; investments, services, and cooperation ties play an increasingly important role in our relations. The numbers show a clear positive, but is everything so good here? Analysis of the situation of the upcoming update of the legal framework for economic cooperation between Russia and the EU indicates the presence of at least two vectors. One is building up the achieved results, removing dead ends and barriers, expanding opportunities, and further liberalizing economic relations. Another is the politicization of Russia-EU partnership issues. At the same time, the initiative for politicization belongs not to Russia, but to European countries, among which the new members of the European Union stand out. Talking about the evolution of Russia's foreign policy on economic issues in relation to the European Union as an organization as a whole. It should be noted that the development of economic dialogue cannot be imagined without taking into account the situation in the world. But if we consider the evolutionary changes in economic cooperation between Russia and the countries of the European Union, we will see a number of features.

Considering the economic dialogue between Russia and Italy, we can say that Italy is one of the leading trade partners of Russia among Western countries. V last years in Russian-Italian trade and economic relations, a steady upward trend continues.

The successful development of bilateral relations is based on a solid economic foundation. In terms of turnover, Italy ranks third among Russia's trade partners from among Western countries. Bilateral trade amounted to 23.465 billion US dollars, while Russian exports - 19.06 billion US dollars, imports - 4.40 billion US dollars. The main issues of bilateral trade and economic cooperation are considered by the Russian-Italian Council for Economic, Industrial and Monetary and Financial Cooperation. In recent years, high technologies and the space industry have become the priority areas of bilateral economic cooperation. The commodity structure of Russian-Italian trade has not changed significantly in recent years. Energy carriers traditionally play the main role in Russian exports to Italy. Natural gas continues to be the most important commodity in Russian exports to Italy. In the commodity composition of Russian imports from Italy, the predominant place is still held by consumer goods. Machine-technical goods remain the second most important group. The shares of all other product groups remained practically unchanged. Monetary and financial cooperation is moving to a new quality level. Its characteristic feature is the transition from the provision of loans against government guarantees to normal interbank interaction, involving the use of financial instruments that do not affect the external debt of Russia. The power industry is becoming one of the priority areas for attracting Italian capital. One of the priority areas of economic cooperation is cooperation in the field of high technologies.

If we look at Russian-German relations, we can say the following. Germany is the main economic partner of Russia in the world. Its share in the foreign trade of Russia is more than 10%, and that of Russia in the foreign trade of Germany is about 2.5%. Mutual trade has reached a record level of 32.9 billion US dollars The volume of trade between Russia and Germany increased by 30% and reached 30.9 billion US dollars. by the German companies E.ON Ruhrgas and BASF, as well as by the adoption of the Statement at the highest level on cooperation in the field of energy within the framework of the working visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Germany. Germany is the main creditor of Russia (it accounted for more than 40% of Russian debts through the Paris Club) and one of the largest investors. In Berlin, a final agreement was signed and implemented with Germany on the early repayment of the balance of Russia's external debt and the former USSR in the amount of 10.4 billion US dollars (8.14 billion euros). Germany is Russia's most important trading partner, accounting for 13.6 percent of all Russian foreign trade. Russia for Germany, based on absolute financial indicators, is the 10th most important trading partner and trade with it accounts for about 3 percent of the total. However, imports of Russian energy resources are strategic for Germany. Already today, Germany imports more than 30 percent of natural gas and 20 percent of oil from Russia and, according to experts, this share will increase even more in the future. Russia imports many engineering products from Germany.

Speaking about Russian-Belgian relations, a number of factors can be identified that determine the direction of economic cooperation between the two countries. The state and prospects of trade, economic, monetary, financial and investment cooperation of the two countries, relations with international economic organizations, interrelationships at the regional and sectoral level are discussed at the meetings of the Mixed Commission on Economic Cooperation between Russia and the Belgian-Luxembourg Economic Union.

Considering Russian-Greek relations in the context of evolutionary development, a number of factors can be noted. An upward trend is observed in the area of ​​mutual trade. According to Russian customs statistics, trade between Russia and Greece amounted to $ 1,429.2 million, including Russian exports - $ 1,262.2 million, imports - $ 167.0 million. , in particular, the implementation of the 1987 Agreement on the supply of Russian natural gas to Greece. Speaking about the development of Russian-Greek economic relations, we can say that their development is aimed at a long-term and stable perspective. The trade turnover is increasing from year to year, which indicates a fairly strong and promising cooperation.

Summarizing the results of this section, we have come to a number of conclusions. Talking about the evolution of Russia's foreign policy on economic issues in relation to the European Union as an organization as a whole. It should be noted that the development of economic dialogue cannot be imagined without taking into account the situation in the world. Cooperation between Russia and the countries of the European Union represents a long-term perspective. This type of cooperation is developing very dynamically. As for the evolutionary changes in economic cooperation, we can say that in the conditions of modern world trade, it has a fairly stable development.

Foreign economic relations of Russia with other countries

Considering Russian-American relations, we see that the structure of Russian exports to the United States is traditionally characterized by a raw material orientation. The share of machinery and equipment in it continues to remain insignificant. However, a study of the situation in the American market and an analysis of the capabilities of American companies show that Russia uses the United States as a supplier little and poorly. new technology and a partner in the development of new technologies. There are also real opportunities to expand Russian exports by increasing the supply of a range of highly processed goods and services. According to the Ministry of Economic Development, the export of goods from Russia to the United States is dominated by goods from the fuel and raw materials group, primarily oil and oil products (28.0%), which was primarily facilitated by the favorable price environment for these goods. The volume of supplies of oil and oil products in 2007 amounted to $ 2,252.7 million. Ferrous metals accounted for 17.0% of Russian exports to the United States ($ 1,367.0 million), aluminum and aluminum products - 15.4% ( $ 1239.6 million). The volume of supplies of inorganic chemistry products increased ($ 1121.1 million - 13.9% of all Russian exports to the United States), as well as precious and semiprecious stones, metals, natural and cultured pearls ($ 1027.4 million - 12, 7%). A significant share fell on fertilizers (201.0 million dollars), wood and wood products (132.0 million dollars), some products of the machine-building industry (244.3 million dollars).

Russian imports from the United States were dominated by general engineering products and vehicles (about 65%). Land transport vehicles and their parts - 19.1% (1802.1 million dollars), nuclear reactors, boilers, equipment and mechanical devices - 18.5% (1745.0 million dollars) took a significant share in imports. Little, but still imported pharmaceutical products ($ 360.8 million), plastics and plastic products, other chemical products ($ 337.3 million), perfumery, cosmetics, soap and detergents (280 , $ 0 million). A significant share in the products imported from the United States in the past year (more than 12%) was still accounted for by food products, primarily meat and meat by-products, the volume of imports of which amounted to 851.0 million dollars.

According to the US, the trade is hindered by the protectionist restrictions imposed by the Russian State Duma. For example, as noted in the annual report of the US Department of Commerce, Russia has slightly reduced tariffs on a number of food products. However, it is still unprofitable to import alcoholic beverages, medicines and communication devices into Russia due to additional fees and duties, as well as licensing and registration requirements. Huge customs duties and taxes on imported goods "virtually prevent Russian airlines from purchasing foreign aircraft," the report said. Duties and taxes are driving up the prices of American cars and SUVs by 70%.

If we consider Russian-Chinese relations, it is clearly seen that, in recent years, Russian-Chinese relations can be characterized as follows: cooperation between our countries in the political, trade, economic, humanitarian fields, as well as in the field of public diplomacy has received comprehensive and in-depth development. Sino-Russian relations have become one of the most active and vibrant relations between major powers modern world... The rapid development of the Sino-Russian partnership and strategic interaction not only brings real benefits, but also plays an important stimulating role in protecting peace and stability around the world. Bilateral trade and economic ties are also developing rapidly. Economic and investment cooperation has yielded encouraging results. China and Russia view the development of a partner as a favorable chance for their own development and are making every possible effort to expand technical and economic cooperation. For six years in a row, trade between China and Russia has maintained a rapid growth trend. By 2020, China's total investment in Russia will amount to $ 12 billion. China's investment volume in Russia has already reached about $ 2.2 billion.

Consider the trade and economic relations between Russia and the countries of Latin America. The intensification of relations with the Latin American world is an objective necessity. Moreover, the current situation in the countries of the continent opens up certain prospects for Russia. Diplomatic relations have been established with all 33 sovereign republics of the region. Ties are being restored or established in other areas, primarily in the field of trade and economic cooperation. True, the volume of the annual trade turnover barely exceeds $ 6 billion, which is far from meeting the capabilities of the parties. Russia today is not capable of claiming something serious in geopolitical terms in the Southern Hemisphere. But it can also cooperate and expand its niche in such areas as high technologies, peaceful use of atomic energy and space exploration, energy, oil and gas production, metallurgy, pharmaceuticals, fishing industry, agricultural and road engineering, agro-industrial complex. At least the leading countries of the Southern Cone see Russia as a promising partner.

Economic sanctions of the EU countries ??? Well ... then -

Now in the media and on the Internet, information is widely disseminated that Russia does not have serious trading partners and that our trade turnover is very modest. But is it? According to statistics from the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (FCS), from January to August 2016, our total turnover amounted to $ 288.5 billion, of which export - $ 176 billion and import is $ 112.5 billion... One way or another, we are selling more than we are buying.

It should be noted that the trade turnover nevertheless decreased by 18.2%. You can't do anything, an unfavorable economic situation, sanctions, foreign policy pressure - all this harms the joint business. At the same time, exports decreased by 25%, and imports - by 4.8%. So who is Russia trading with?

Main trade partners of Russia by region, January-August 2016

The main trading partners of Russia, despite the sanctions, are still the EU countries - $ 124.9 billion. Trade turnover with the countries of the Eurasian Union (EAEU) is still $ 9.4 billion, but this is still. However, if we consider in country terms, the main trading partner is China - almost $ 40.2 billion. In second place is Germany with $ 24.9 billion, and in third place is the Netherlands with $ 20.5 billion. So, it is profitable to trade with Russia and many countries not only did not reduce the volume of trade with us, but, on the contrary, increased it. For example, China, France and the Netherlands. Imports of their goods and services to Russia have only increased.

Main trade partners of Russia by country, January-August 2016