Landscape places. Landscape photography: how to find the best locations. Red Beach, Panjin, China

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Landscape photography can be divided into several components, the main of which are landscape photography and cityscape. The first part of our tutorial will focus on landscape photography.

Shooting landscapes is one of the most difficult and problematic areas of photography. I will say that for me, an experienced photographer, landscape photography still causes difficulties. It's not that difficult from a technical point of view - just have a tripod, a wide-angle lens and pay more attention to exposure. So what makes this kind of photography so challenging?

First of all, you need to be creative when shooting a landscape in order to be able to capture the mood and convey it to the viewer. If the technical side of the issue can be described, then regarding the creative component of photography can only be advised - you need to develop your vision of truly unique photographs.


Let's start with the simplest. Which lens should you choose? While great photographs can be obtained with any lens, it is preferable to use wide-angle lenses. They allow you to capture the space of the landscape, emphasizing perspective, which adds depth to the image. If you are using a DSLR camera with an APS-C sensor, then pay attention to the wide-angle 10-20mm AF; for full-frame cameras there is a choice of lenses with 12-24 mm, 16-35 mm, 17-40 mm FR. The zoom lens is comfortable to operate, however the best quality will provide fixed focal length lenses. In the range of EGF 12-24, a wide viewing angle is provided, while 16-35 and 17-40 provide a much smaller viewing angle, but they provide less optical distortion, especially at the corners of the image. Using ultra wide-angle lenses and a " fish eye»Will make pictures more expressive and original. But it will not be interesting to shoot all the frames only with “fishy”, so it is good as an addition to the main lens.

When shooting landscapes, small apertures are almost always used to obtain a large depth of field: usually f / 11 - f / 16. It is recommended to avoid very small apertures such as f / 32 as this will degrade image quality due to diffraction (an effect that reduces image sharpness and contrast).

When photographing landscapes, only manual focus should be used, especially when photographing objects in the foreground close to the camera.

ISO sensitivity must be set to the lowest that the camera allows, usually ISO 100-200. It is not recommended to use the ISO 50 extension, which is available as an option on some cameras, due to the reduced dynamic range. Shooting at ISO 100, the image will be virtually noise-free, with a wide dynamic range and excellent image quality that can be sharpened during processing without the fear of loud noise. Shutter speed: As you can imagine, the combination of a small aperture and low ISO values ​​will give a long shutter speed. Depending on the lighting conditions, the shutter speed can be from a fraction of a second (1/250 or 1/500) to several seconds or even minutes.

If you are seriously interested in landscape photography, then you must understand the need to use a tripod. A tripod is a key element for delivering sharp, detailed shots, especially at long exposures. Moreover, the tripod allows you to carefully choose and think over the composition. Using a tripod, it is possible to use a special technique that allows you to take stunning pictures: at sunrise or sunset, take a couple of shots of the same scene - the first exposure to the sky, the second to the foreground, then combine them - you get an original shot with the widest dynamic range. When shooting handheld, it will be impossible to shoot two absolutely identical shots.

When shooting landscape, we recommend using filters - polarizing, and. UV filters and safety filters are useless as they can reduce image quality, reduce sharpness, and increase the likelihood of glare. When choosing filters, it is important to take into account that their use on ultra-wide-angle lenses (18 mm or less) can lead to the undesirable effect of uneven illumination of the frame and vignetting.

Preparing to shoot

Much of the success of your photography depends on how well you prepare for it. You need to think carefully about what might interfere with filming or make you return. The more possible nuances you consider, the more likely you are to focus entirely on shooting. Solve organizational issues: how will you get to the shooting location, where you will stop. If you are not planning to stay overnight, you still need to consider the option of overnight stay - you may not calculate the time, circumstances may change.

Dress in a way that your clothes and shoes are comfortable. Take an umbrella or hooded jacket with you. Consider protecting your vehicle in case of heavy rainfall. A flashlight should be at hand. However, try to get out of the forest or mountains before dark, since spending the night there is not the best the best way... Get a map of the area, be guided by it and by objects that cannot be confused. It's a good idea to have a compass at your disposal.

Don't forget to bring food and water with you. It is better not to go to distant and desolate places alone. Make sure that the account mobile phone had money and his battery was fully charged. If you go by car, check the "spare", fill the tank with gasoline, do not leave in a faulty car. Tell friends, relatives exactly where you are going (going) and orienteering time when you will return.

Check the camera settings, battery charge, and memory card space before shooting. It's best to shoot in RAW by setting the white balance setting to auto, then you will find the desired balance in the converter. By using different white balance settings, you can provide more attractive color reproduction.


Light is an essential element in landscape photography. The right light can transform even a nondescript subject, while the wrong light can ruin even the best scene. Interestingly, many aspiring photographers believe that a clear sunny day and clear sky are great conditions for shooting - but this is not the case - these are the worst conditions you can imagine for shooting landscapes. The best light is not the bright midday light, but the soft light of sunrise or sunset. Shadows are crisp, colors are warm, rich and pleasing to the eye. Experienced photographers call this time.

It is necessary to get up early and go to bed later to capture the landscape in this light, but the result is worth it. Sometimes, fantastic pictures can be taken even before the sun rises - it is quite possible to take beautiful landscape pictures even at night. Whenever possible, capture the moon to make it more interesting.

If you don't have the ability or desire to wait for dusk or dawn, shoot at noon is another strategy for getting better lighting. If the sky is cloudless, try to exclude it from the frame as much as possible and, conversely, if the clouds form an intricate pattern, be sure to make the sky part of the composition. A polarizing filter in this case will help to emphasize the contrast between clouds and sky and make colors more saturated.

Another opportunity to get great shot- black and white frame. Even in low light, a photo can be captured perfectly by converting it to black and white, but not all images will benefit from “discoloration”. In black-and-white mode, frames saturated with textures, edges and other contrasting elements clearly benefit, while others can look "flat". In any case, do not hesitate to experiment with contrast when post-processing in a graphics editor (not in-camera!).

Shooting midday, sunset or sunrise is not the only time a photographer can get a good shot. Even when the sky is overcast or in a pouring rain, you can get a great shot. Clouds and stormy skies will add the appropriate mood to the photo, allow you to give landscapes an unusual look.


The same places can look very different. The weather, time of day and many other factors affect the environment - it is never the same.

The two pictures show the same waterfall. The first picture was taken in summer, on a sunny day - the waterfall is almost invisible, and the light is not very pleasant. In short, this is a typical photo taken by a typical tourist. The second photo was taken on a day when no one would have thought to visit this waterfall. A cold autumn day, fog and rainy weather, which intensified the waterfall, filled the picture with mood - it is mesmerizing.

Do not be afraid to shoot in the rain or snow - professional lenses and cameras are dust and moisture resistant (you can find out from the description of your photographic equipment), and even if not, you can get 100% protection from moisture by purchasing a special plastic or polyethylene casing.

Use a gradient filter to reduce the brightness of the cloudy, colorless sky and the appearance of the cloud texture. This will add extra dimension to your shot. When you turn on the blue sky fragments in the break of the clouds, the effect of the gradient filter on them will be equivalent to the action of the polarizing filter.


Each season gives the photographer its own gifts, so don't postpone shooting the landscape just for your summer vacation.

When photographing rain, it is necessary to strongly aperture the lens in order to shoot at a slow shutter speed. In this case, the raindrops will appear as stripes, which will give the impression of rainy weather in the picture. You just need to be careful not to get rain drops on the lens. Drops will result in blurred images.

You can shoot spectacular landscapes in foggy weather. The foggy impression can be enhanced by placing a rare silk mesh in front of the lens. To convey the depth of space, some dark object must be placed in the foreground in the frame.

On bright, sunny days, the contrast of the landscape is very high, which is caused by the combination of dazzling highlights in the snow and, say, dark trees, especially conifers.

It is better to photograph a winter landscape in the morning or in the evening, when the oblique rays of the sun create elongated shadows - this enlivens the composition and well emphasizes the texture of the snow.

The snow in the winter shot should be well defined. Therefore, when photographing a landscape in which snow takes up most of the frame, the exposure is determined by measuring the brightness of the snow. If the snow and dark objects in the subject are of equal visual quality, the exposure is determined by their average brightness, but taking into account the greater elaboration of details in the snow compared to dark objects.


1. Rule of thirds

Good composition is an essential part of landscape photography, but it is also the most difficult task. There are a few "rules" to help you improve your composition, but you must constantly develop your "creative" eye to get decent shots.

The most common mistake aspiring photographers are placing the horizon line in the center of the frame - resulting in a static and unbalanced image. The first step in improving composition is shooting the landscape according to the rule of thirds. We have already considered it in our previous tutorials on composition, but it will not be superfluous to remind. It's very simple - mentally divide the frame into three parts horizontally. And shoot in 1/3 foreground, 2/3 sky or vice versa - 2/3 foreground, and 1/3 sky. In other words, create an asymmetrical composition.

Naturally, the rule of thirds will not be a panacea for all photographs, but you need to remember about it.

2. Foreground and perspective

One of the most effective ways to create a strong composition is to use a wide angle of view and place an object (flower, stone, etc.) in the foreground.This object, combined with the perspective enhanced by the wide-angle lens, will give a sense of depth.

The depth of field must be able to accommodate all objects. Therefore, it is recommended to set the aperture values ​​to f / 11 or f / 16.

3. Other elements of the composition

There are many elements in nature that help create an expressive composition - the diagonals are the most influential of these. Use diagonal lines to draw the viewer's attention to the subject. If you take a closer look, you will see that everything around is subordinated to some guides. Look for guidelines and try to fit them into the composition.

Patterns (repeating shapes) and textures are other elements in the composition. It is not easy to see natural patterns in nature, but various textures are common: small particles of sand, tree bark, stones and many more interesting objects will help make the picture more interesting.

The main thing in the frame

Determine what will be the main thing in the frame. It can be a lonely tree, rock, mountain, picturesque forest, slope, road. Using the composition grid on the LCD monitor (in the viewfinder), divide the frame into thirds and position the main subject at the intersection of the vertical and horizontal grid lines.

Try to make sure that there are three shots in the picture: foreground, middle and far - this will make the landscape look more voluminous, and the space will be better conveyed. The foreground should be drawn clearly, in detail, the background may well be blurred, hidden by atmospheric haze.

Try not to make the landscape "empty". It is better to fill the empty space, if possible. In the sky, this filler can be clouds. In the foreground are shrubs, tall grass, stones, leaves, branches, animals.

Do not try to place everything that you see in one frame at once, get rid of the random and monotonous space that inexpressively fills most of the frame - water, sky, foliage. Leave only the most important, beautiful and interesting. Look for open spaces in the forest.

Too dense foliage, branches create variegation, small glare and very thick shadows that look like "black dips" in the photograph - such pictures look worse than a carefully thought-out composition.

If you can't find the fill, crop the image to highlight the more interesting part of the landscape. You can walk a little and take different pictures - straight or at an angle, from the bottom point. Climb a hill, a slide, any structure - from there you can take a multi-dimensional spatial panoramic photo.
When choosing a plot, look for main element the landscape that will be accentuated, and the way in which the environment will accentuate and complement it. When composing your shot, make sure that the subject fits harmoniously with the subject. For example, a tree should not grow from the bottom of the frame - leave some space at the bottom; don't cut the mountain off the top, leave some "air".

When photographing a landscape, always pay attention to the fragments, because it is not at all necessary to shoot only general shots. A close look can highlight an interesting part of the landscape, beautiful and expressive details. But do not get carried away with strong zooming - here you need to preserve the integrity of the fragment, otherwise the image will end up with an abstract piece torn from the general plan, devoid of meaning.


Finally, practice taking panoramas. Several rules should be followed here. All future shots of your panorama should have the same scale of the subject, so do not focus closer or further away from it. The aperture value should be kept constant. The frames need to be done with some overlap. Otherwise, due to the lack of information at the edges of the frames, the program for stitching panoramas will not be able to collect the final image.

You can use the bracketing function in your camera to avoid exposure errors.

Shooting water

If it is necessary to photograph water covered with ripples or a small wave, then it is removed with counter-lateral illumination at an angle of 35-45 ° to the optical axis of the lens.

Water against the light is photographed when rays from the sun, hidden by a cloud, strike the water, creating expressive shiny stripes. But care must be taken to keep the sun out of the field of view of the lens.

It is better to shoot the sea from a high point. Then the water space takes up a significant part of the frame, the photo is more expressive.

Surf is usually photographed from a low point with a shutter speed of at least 1/1000 s.

It is better to shoot flowing water with a short shutter speed. In this case, there is a slight blurring of the image, which creates the impression of water movement.

Mountain landscape

In the mountains, it is best to shoot early in the morning. During these hours, the air is transmitted most effectively. Cloudy weather also contributes to more expressive pictures.

On sunny days, the subject should be chosen with a dark foreground, the brightness of which determines the exposure. In this case, the distance will be somewhat overexposed and will appear on the print lighter than the foreground, which will emphasize the depth of space, fill the landscape with a feeling of air and spaciousness.

Side lighting is considered the best, since it emphasizes the shape of the mountains, and the haze illuminated by oblique rays creates the impression of depth. When the sun is behind the camera, the image becomes flat. When - from the front, the picture is very contrasty, details, especially in the foreground, disappear.

Photographing a mountain landscape during the day with a high sun position brings out details in the image without sufficient contrast.

When determining the exposure, it is necessary to take into account that the intensity of solar illumination increases with altitude in the mountains, and it acquires a different character than on the plain. With height, there is a decrease in the brightness of the shadows and an increase in the brightness of the light areas of the landscape. Therefore, when shooting distance without a foreground, the shutter speed is reduced compared to shooting on flat terrain: at an altitude of 500 m by 1/4, 1000 m - by 1/2, 2000 m - by 3/4, 3000 m - by half.

To get glare on the surface of the glacier, you should photograph in backlight.

The main question of the topic: how to learn to see beautiful landscapes?

A beautiful landscape is based on the fact that the plot unites everything in the frame and subordinates the environment to a common idea - the author's thought, creating a certain mood, emotions, conclusions in the viewer.

I wish you success and everything photographic!

by Sophie Ouch

For many beginners, learning photography begins with mastering landscape photography. Perhaps this is due to the silence and slowness, which disposes to better mastering the technique, understanding the exposure in photography and mastering the photography lessons on how to photograph correctly - the same landscape.

Photography lessons are varied, tips can be found for all tastes and backgrounds. But it has long been known that information is never enough, it is never superfluous for neophytes, and "repetition is the mother of learning", so we remember the important thing!

Landscaping Tips, or How to Capture Nature Properly

1. Making the most of the depth of field

Marc adamus

Although photographers sometimes want to try more creative approaches and experiment with shallow depth of field, it is nevertheless considered a classic in landscape photography to have most of the image in focus. The easiest way to get large DOF is to use the lowest aperture number available for your compact or lens. The smaller the aperture, the deeper the depth of field of the image.

Keep in mind, however, that a smaller aperture opening takes longer or a higher ISO. And sometimes both at the same time.

2. Use a tripod

Leif erik smith

An obligatory attribute in the arsenal of a landscape photographer is. You may need slow shutter speeds to compensate for the small aperture you choose, and thus additional camera stabilization. Not every shutter speed, when shooting hand-held, you can get technically perfect shots. Moreover, a tripod will be useful in the case when the photographer uses remote control to release the shutter.

3. Look for the semantic center of the composition

Mitchell Krog

Any photograph needs a visual center of composition. Landscape shots are no exception, because when shooting nature, the absence of a semantic point results in a boring and rather empty shot, in which, as they say, "the eye has nothing to catch on."


The focus can be anything - a building or structure, an interesting tree, a boulder or a mountain peak. Do not forget to only monitor not only focus, but also where you have a significant object. The reference rule of thirds, although violated periodically, has not yet been canceled!

4. Think foreground

Daniel Řeřicha

One of the elements that helps your landscape take place is a well-formed foreground. Place your meaning points on the front of the shot and you can convey the depth of the image.

5. Don't forget to turn on the sky

Trevor cole

Another almost inseparable element of the answer to the question of how to shoot a landscape is the sky and its reflection in the water. The secret to landscape photography in most cases is that the sky or foreground dominates the image. Look at your images, if they are not, then most likely they are considered boring and of little interest.

Ryan Dyar

If during your photo session the sky turned out to be uninteresting, do not let it prevail - move the horizon line to the upper third of the picture, just make sure that the photo does not lose even more from this.

Andrei Baciu

But when the sky is full of dramatic clouds or tinged with odd hues, airspace can be your ally. Give it plenty of room in your photo and see how beneficial such a deviation from the rules can be.

Remember filters. Using polarizers can add color and contrast to a photograph.

6. Operate the lines!


The most important question that landscape photographers usually ask themselves is: "Will the viewer see the picture in full, as I see it?"

There are many ways to capture the natural beauty of nature using static image capture. To do this, there is a technique with which active lines are included in the composition of the picture. At their expense, the photographer can redirect the viewer's gaze from one point of the frame to another, rather than create a kind of confinement of space, "looping".

The use of lines gives a certain algorithm and adds scale and volume to the photographic image. The lines themselves can be a point of interest and create your own "patterns" in the photograph.

Danskie dijamco

7. Record the movement!

Most people think of landscape photography as a calm and passive picture. However, the landscape differs from the landscape, and you can convey motion (of the same water, for example), which will fill the picture with dynamics and create a mood that is interesting to many viewers who will enjoy admiring not only relaxing landscapes, but also looking at the riot of the elements and the fury of nature.

Andrea Pozzi

For example, try to "catch" the wind blowing in the trees, the movement of waves on the beach, the movement of the water flowing under the waterfall, to record the dynamics of flying birds and floating clouds overhead.

Carol dorion

“Fix” means that the photographer must use slower shutter speeds (sometimes on the order of a few seconds). Of course, high exposures will provoke more light to enter the photosensitive element of the camera, but for the correct use of this fact you have options: choose the aperture value or take photos at the beginning of the day or in the evening, when, in principle, there is less light outside.

8. Work in tandem with weather and time

The golden rule of landscape photography is: "A scene can change dramatically at any given time, depending on the weather."

Andrei Baciu

Many aspiring photographers tend to take a photo walk on a sunny day, because they think this is the best time to create photo masterpieces. In fact, a cloudy day, or even a rainy and thunderstorm, besides the possibility of getting your camera wet and your feet wet, gives you the broadest opportunity to get great photos filled with mood and ominous overtones.

Bill church

How do you shoot a landscape in this weather? Look for storms, winds, fog, dramatic clouds, the sun through the clouds in a dark-dark sky, rainbows, sunsets and sunrises and work with these changes in the weather and under these conditions, rather than wait for the next sunny day with a dull blue sky.

Greg Gibbs

And one more wonderful piece of advice from a professional landscape photographer: "Never shoot during the day. There can be no more boring photographs. Your golden time is at dawn or dusk. There is no better light when landscapes come to life."

9. Dithyrambs to the horizon

Christian bothner

The oldest advice, but it is good because it does not lose its relevance today. Check the horizon before you press the shutter release completely.

It should not divide the frame clearly in half, it should not be tilted, it should not be completely absent from a landscape shot. Of course, the rules are there to be broken, but in the case of the horizon, the rule of thirds works more clearly than ever.


10. Change your point of view!

Even when the vastness of unprecedented beauty is spreading before your eyes and it seems that you just need to raise the camera and a beautiful image will appear in it by itself ... stop. And think about it. Look at the terrain through the lens, turn in one direction and the other, change the angle, shift the horizon line, or try to include additional elements in the composition.

Auttapon Nunti

Do not rush to press the shutter button, you will always have time to do this when photographing the landscape!

The concept of a landscape as the basis for the composition of a park or garden. Types of landscapes: simple, complex, panoramic. The degree of closeness and dissection of space.

LANDSCAPE- space as a separate element of the landscape, limited by the limits and conditions of visual perception. The landscape evokes a feeling and mood, perceived similarly to the artist's canvas. According to the spatial principle, landscapes are divided into open, half-open, half-closed and closed. A closed landscape is characterized by the predominance of volumetric elements (woody plants) with insignificant planar, horizontal ones, which limits the possibilities of a wide and free view of the space, these so-called "shadow areas" exclude visual connections between the components of the landscape. In regular parks, an example of a closed landscape can be a bosquet, in landscape parks - massifs and groves. Open landscapes are distinguished by the predominance of planar elements, "areas of light", and close visual connections between the elements of the landscape. Glades, lawns, large flower beds can be cited as examples.

When thinking of creating beautiful landscapes in your garden, you must always remember that in nature and in the garden they exist according to the same laws as picturesque paintings, enclosed in a frame and hanging on the wall. And the composition of landscapes is determined by the same factors, the most important of which is - composite node .

Landscapes are visually perceived in space in different ways, depending on their complexity:

Simple landscapes usually have one subject with only one

compositional knot;

Complex landscapes are usually two-, three-subject, they are combined

are not based on one idea and form a single whole, for example, a view of

Temple of Friendship in Pavlovsk, opening from old Sylvia,

includes three compositional nodes: the building of the temple itself, the bridge

Rossi and the Slavyanka river (fig. 75);

Panoramic landscapes encompass a circular pattern with many

composition nodes and consist of several simple pei

frozen pictures.

LANDSCAPE PAINTING- a part of the park (garden) space, visually separated from the general park (garden) space and conditionally enclosed in a "frame" that limits the field of vision, and has a certain compositional structure. Unlike a painting, a landscape painting is three-dimensional and can be perceived by an observer from several points.

Landscapecomponent landscape, which can be perceived as an artistically whole space. The predominance or presence of natural components is an obligatory feature of a landscape.

Composition node- this is the center where the main subjects of the image are located. Note in parentheses that it does not have to be in the geometric center of the image. And anything can serve them. For example, several trees or one standing alone (specimen), the plane of a lawn or a bright spotted flower, the surface of a pond, a waterfall, a stream, a gazebo entwined with climbing roses, etc. etc. Things to consider:

First, the distance from the observer to the picture. But since our landscape, in contrast to the picturesque one, is not flat, but three-dimensional, then depending on the depth of space you can be guided by the distance either to the compositional center of the picture, or to its foreground, or, more rarely, to the background (background). Let's say that it is good to admire a small flower garden from a distance of several meters, and a tapeworm or a group of trees of the first size (lindens, oaks, pines) - from a distance of several hundred meters. Secondly, the width of the picture. This is the distance between the objects that are the "frame" of our painting. Let the line connecting them be drawn only conditionally.

Third, the height of the painting. This value is determined by the height of the landscape elements. But, like any artist, the designer must take into account the "air", including the sky and the plane of the earth (water) in the composition. And finally, the horizontal angle of perception of the landscape. The full circle - 360 ° - is seen only by visitors to man-made circular panoramas and climbers standing on the peak of the mountain. Typically, the viewing angle ranges from 15 to 60 °, and its optimal value is 23-28 °. The 28 ° angle is used by landscape designers as a reference gauge for the perceived landscape.

Open and closed landscapes.

In a closed landscape volumetric elements (woody vegetation) prevail with insignificant planar, horizontal ones, which determines the limited view of the space. In the overall composition of the park, closed and shaded landscapes form areas of shadow.

In an open landscape the dominant role is played by horizontal surfaces - meadows, reservoirs, which leads to significant visibility in the distance and in breadth. \ open landscapes form the brightest parts of the overall composition of the park.

In the construction of spatial plans of landscape paintings, the following forming elements are used:

Frame- the purpose of which is to limit the side and upper parts of the first plan in order to isolate from the general space of the park the area where it is desirable to justify the viewer's attention.

Backstage- side curtains or screens, which are an element of constructing the second spatial plan of landscape paintings.

Dominant paintings or compositional focus is the most expressive part of a landscape painting, concentrating the main attention of the viewer on itself.

In the formation of a landscape, an infinite variety of compositions with different spatial plans and dominant objects can be created, the choice of the solution of which is determined by both the natural situation and the artistic concept.

When organizing a landscape, the rule of "saving attention" of the observer should be observed, excluding from the field of view all unnecessary elements that can disturb or divert attention from the main thing. The parks are characterized by the versatility of the construction of the landscape and the periodic change of pictures, which is revealed by the visitor during a walk.

Composition of open spaces of the park. Parterres, glades, water surfaces. Plane structures.

Forest-park, park and garden landscapes are areas with a functional-shaped characteristic; having their own physical, biological and emotional appearance. This is the environment that surrounds a person. Landscape is a visual, contemplative concept, the perception of the area is similar to a painting.

Water and aquatic devices are essential components of the natural environment. Water lowers the temperature of the air, increases its humidity, significantly affects the microclimate. Depending on the regime of the supplying surface runoff, water bodies are flowing, endless and with slow runoff. Rivers, streams, reservoirs on rivers, ponds on small rivers belong to flowing water bodies. Ponds arranged in ravines, ravines, depressions of the terrain, as well as digging ponds on level ground, are classified as closed water bodies. Reservoirs are supplied with water by rain, snow, glaciers, and underground. Rivers are usually fed with mixed water.

The most common aquatic devices in the park are ponds and lakes.

The shape of reservoirs is compact, curved, elongated, and complex.

Glades, lawn. Almost all landscaped objects require open spaces of greater or lesser size, on which grass grows densely. Grassy coverings are divided into lawns and meadows (glades, lawns. Decorative lawns are divided into parterre and ordinary. Parterre lawns are placed on the most important, ceremonial places. They should always seem to be smooth green carpets. A meadow lawn is no longer a lawn, but a meadow. It is picturesque park meadows of free planning, a natural meadow with wildflowers. Compositions of meadows should be given special attention when designing large gardens and parks. The ratio between them and wood massifs determines the artistic appearance of individual sites and the park as a whole. It is considered that the width is the greatest landscape advantages have glades with an average width of 80-120 m.

The size of the fields depends on their purpose and the size of the landscaped object.

The glade should reveal the space of the park. The perception of the landscape of the meadow is largely dependent on the tracing of the paths. (the path leads directly to it, rests against it. The path is tangential) The decorativeness of its edges plays a huge role in the perception of the glade. Park glades have an aesthetic purpose - to bring space, light and warmth into landscapes.

Glades in the landscape of the city park are of great compositional and functional importance. They are necessary in the composition as open spaces, contrasting with the massifs of plantings, and are used for walks, games and sports.

Depending on the use, the glades have a lawn cover of different composition.

Parterres. Parterre is a decorative composition located on a horizontal plane, made of plants, inert materials and water. The parterre can consist of one, two, four or more elements.

From the windows of buildings, the parterre should be perceived as a whole. The main requirement for a parterre is a one-time and complete visual perception.

In the drawing of the parterre, plant motifs are used: stylized branches, leaves, plant flowers, arranged in various combinations. The background for the picture in most cases is sand, crushed stone of various inert materials.

The drawing of the classic parterres quite evenly fills the area allotted to it, leaving no large free gaps.

An integral part of the parterres are perimeter ridges (stripes), which perform not only a protective, but also a decorative role.


Date of publication: 10.07.2015

There is a stereotype that for good landscape photos you need to go somewhere far away, to the mountains or exotic countries. And therefore, they say, landscape photography is a genre that only avid travelers can shoot in.

In this article I will try to show that great shots can be taken even in the backyard of your summer cottage. It is enough to be more attentive to the surrounding nature.

Often photographers have the illusion that somewhere in distant countries with a different nature, different landscapes and people, photographing is more interesting and easier than at home. Having gone on a trip a couple of times, you will be convinced that everything is not so simple. Any environment (country, type of landscape) has its own difficulties in shooting, which you will not know about until you arrive there.

Observe nature. Visit the countryside more often. Anywhere in the world, there are times when nature is especially beautiful. According to my personal observations, for Central Russia it is June and September-October. June landscapes are decorated with many flowers, at this time you can often see beautiful fogs. The autumn months are decorated with yellow foliage.

Observe the nature of your region. Surely she has her own characteristics that can be effectively conveyed in photographs.

Explore. Having got out on a suburban walk, do not rush to take decisive pictures in the next few minutes. Find some beautiful places, vantage points, think over the angle. It may even be a meadow or river bank closest to your summer cottage, a place with a slight elevation difference, or a forest edge. Think about what time of day and what weather this place will look best.

In clear weather, you can take great shots, but the sky can be "flat". It is most boring to photograph on cloudy days, but on days when the sunlight peeks out from behind the clouds, expressive pictures can be obtained.

Regular time. The most advantageous lighting is during working hours: early in the morning or late in the evening. If you choose the correct shooting point, angle and time, you can effectively capture the moment of sunrise or sunset in the frame. It is worth noting that such shots require very precise exposure and the ability to fit into or expand the dynamic range of the camera.

Tripod and wide angle lens... These are the things without which serious landscape photography is inconceivable. With a wide-angle lens, you can capture the entire landscape, not just parts of it.

For Nikon cameras with APS-C sensor, we can recommend Nikon lens AF-S 10-24mm f / 3.5-4.5G ED DX Nikkor. For full-frame cameras, Nikon AF-S 18-35mm f / 3.5-4.5G ED Nikkor and Nikon AF-S 16-35mm f / 4G ED VR Nikkor are optimal.

A tripod will allow you to take sharp shots at long exposures. And long exposures will have to be used if you will be photographing during working hours.

Oddly enough, with landscape photography telephoto lenses can also be used. They allow you to "snatch" the distant details of the landscape, in a different way to express the perspective in the frame. This image was taken with a Nikon 70-200mm f / 4G ED AF-S VR Nikkor telephoto lens.

Don't be afraid to include "traces of civilization" in your shot... Practice shows that such objects can fit well into the surrounding landscape: village houses, bridges ... You may be able to find a windmill or windmill for shooting.

For example, in this frame, I included a building of an abandoned current and a mobile tower:

Look for secluded spots... You don't have to look for incredible landscapes and panoramas. You can find tiny, cozy corners. Perhaps only you will know about them. The edge of a forest, a shady alley, a river bank - these places are also interesting to shoot!

... All the frames for this article were shot in the Moscow region and nearby regions. As you can see, in the native land there are many picturesque places that can be beautifully captured in pictures. The main thing is the desire to find something unusual nearby!