Production cooperative "artel of prospectors" dauria. Production cooperative "artel of prospectors" dauria Artel of prospectors pc as dauria

The annual plan, from which the company has never deviated, is 600 and more kilograms of extracted and sold precious sand.
Meanwhile, back in 1992, prospectors never dreamed of such success. We started modestly by today's standards - with 250 kilograms of gold, but after working out several washing seasons, we added another hundred to this figure. Such a serious leap forward instilled confidence in both the leadership of the artel and the team. When in 2005 "Dauria" reported about 599 precious kilograms produced, it became obvious even to outside observers: the artel has a great future.
Vladimir Mikhailovich Koreshkov, the permanent chairman of the cooperative, a veteran of the industry and holder of the gold badge "Honored Prospector of Russia", seems to have known about this from the very beginning. In 1992, he suggested that the artel workers form an independent enterprise on the basis of the then dilapidated Sredny Borzya mine in the village of Yavlenka, Nechinsko-Zavodskoy region. And the prospectors, without hesitation, agreed: such a professional as Vladimir Mikhailovich should not be trusted. In the same year, having taken over mountain areas, two 250-liter dredges and another farm, Dauria started mining. Work began to boil at the Sredne-Borzinskaya gold-bearing placer and the Atsa-Kunalei deposit, then the development of the Bolshoi Korui and Cherepanovka areas began. At the same time, the process of technical re-equipment of the enterprise was going on. For the needs of the artel, bulldozers, tractors, loaders, earthmoving equipment were purchased. In other words, the management did everything to systematically increase the volume of gold mining, while reducing the labor costs of miners, involving off-balance reserves in the development and introducing new technologies for the beneficiation of sands and processing of concentrates.
Of course, the Dauria PC did not come to today's stability and competitiveness right away. While the notorious perestroika one after another sent similar enterprises into oblivion, the brainchild of Vladimir Koreshkov tried not only to withstand, but also to emerge victorious from the economic storm. Both succeeded.
“The secret of the company's success is simple: first, you need to create the most comfortable conditions for employees and only after that require them to fulfill the plan,” says the first deputy chairman of the cooperative Sergey Koreshkov.
Indeed, worthy wage and comfortable working and recreation conditions for the artel workers are the pride of Dauria.
- The time of barracks and dugouts is long gone, - continues Sergey Vladimirovich. “Today, on each site operated by our enterprise, hotel-type dormitories, baths, and laundries have been built. Everywhere there are offices for the provision of the first medical care, dental services and physiotherapy. We also pay great attention to catering for workers. Moreover, the products - meat, milk, bread and vegetables - are of our own production.
By the way, the staff of the enterprise never complained about the salary: according to the results of the last season, it was the highest among the gold miners of the region. Dauria is out of the question for the payment of money to be delayed even by a day.
“I have been working at the dredge in Yavlenka for more than ten years, but I cannot remember a case when there was a reason to complain about anything,” admits the dredger Anatoly Morozov, one of the most experienced employees of the enterprise. - Conditions - you can't imagine better, that's why people hold on to their places.
Indeed, personnel changes are not typical for the artel. 400 staff positions last year, the same number this year. And in 2010, despite the crisis, no cuts are expected.
- We are not going to make adjustments for the crisis, we work as usual, - says the Deputy Chairman for Economics, Chief Accountant PC "Dauria" Lyubov Vladimirovna Zvereva. - Moreover, in the 2009 season we plan to even slightly overlap the result of the last season. We are focusing on a new milestone - 650 kilograms of currency metal.
There is no doubt about the calculations of Lyubov Vladimirovna: during the 12 years that she has been working under the leadership of Vladimir Koreshkov, she has never been wrong. It is not surprising that, having come to the company as an ordinary accountant, Lyubov Zvereva soon became the right hand of the chairman. Guild member professional accountants Russia, for many years conscientious work and for help in replenishing the revenue side of the budget, she was repeatedly noted with various letters.
Such highly qualified specialists as the current deputy for economics Vladimir Mikhailovich Koreshkov, and now the continuer of his life's work Sergei Koreshkov, can be seen from afar. They always try to encourage and keep the most hardworking and responsible people at the enterprise.
Evgeny Vikulov, for example, worked for 13 years as a KamAZ driver on a site in the village of Yavlenka. He came to Dauria immediately after leaving school, and after serving in the army, he again sat behind the wheel of an artel heavyweight. He knew firsthand how and how the enterprise lived, understood how much self-discipline and the ability to sacrifice personal time for the sake of a common cause were valued here. Since 2006, Evgeny Viktorovich has been the head of the Chita base of the Dauria Prospectors Artel: a professional driver has become an equally professional leader.
“The Chita base is a kind of transshipment point for the enterprise,” explains Evgeny Vikulov. - Equipment, spare parts, fuel - in a word, everything that is necessary for the normal life of the artel comes here. And already from Chita, the cargo is distributed among the sections in the regions of the region.
Control over the process of acceptance and shipment of equipment, and then drawing up reports is only one of the duties of Evgeny Viktorovich. Every day he has to solve a lot of other, as a rule, everyday issues. “All workers should be dressed, shod, washed and put to bed on time,” explains the head of the base. "Until at least one of the employees gets everything he / she is entitled to, my working day will not end."
Evgeny Vikulov, Anatoly Morozov, Sergei Koreshkov and the chairman of the artel Vladimir Koreshkov himself hails from the Nerchinsk-Zavodskoy district. It is not surprising that they are connected with the enterprise not only labor contract, but also the desire to make the life of fellow countrymen better. For the small village of Yavlenka, PK Dauria is, first of all, a guarantee of more than one hundred jobs, but for the region it is always a source of timely tax revenues.
However, the achievements of the enterprise are known not only at the regional level. Dauria is well known both in Russia and outside the country, as evidenced by the numerous awards of the artel. So, in 2002, this prospecting cooperative became a laureate of the "Russian National Olympus" prize, then - the owner of the national prize "Taxpayer of the Year - 2006" and the international prize "Leader economic development Russia "(2007). And last year the Trans-Baikal "Dauria" received the international award in the field of entrepreneurship "Elite of the National Economy".
The company is not afraid to look into the future and make plans. The next season, they say here, will be better than the previous one. “If you do not sit back and work with full dedication, then the result will not be long in coming. And the prospectors know how to work! " - sums up Sergey Koreshkov.

Name of organization PRODUCTION COOPERATIVE "ARTEL OF STARATERS" DAURIA "INN 7507000811 Type code economic activity on classifier OKVED 13.20.41 - Production of pile fabrics and chenille fabrics 384 - Thousand rubles Composition of reporting

Reporting for other years

For the convenience of reporting, zero lines are hidden

Balance sheet

Indicator name Line code At December 31, 2014 At December 31, 2013
I. Outside current assets
Intangible assets 1110 122 949 44
Fixed assets 1150 277 499 310 729
Financial investments 1170 715 715
Deferred tax assets 1180 41 41
Other noncurrent assets 1190 7 456 6 446
Total for Section I 1100 408 660 317 975
II. Current assets
Stocks 1210 136 787 113 594
Value added tax on acquired assets 1220 5 968 848
Accounts receivable 1230 108 120 138 279
Financial investments (excluding cash equivalents) 1240 87 000 0
Cash and cash equivalents 1250 7 606 36 695
Other current assets 1260 1 701 2 837
Total for Section II 1200 347 182 292 253
BALANCE 1600 755 842 610 228
III. Capital and reserves
Authorized capital(pooled capital, authorized capital, contributions of comrades) 1310 104 97
1370 410 749 457 762
Total for Section III 1300 410 853 457 859
Borrowed funds 1410 171 429 85 714
Deferred tax liabilities 1420 13 759 15 910
Total for Section IV 1400 185 188 101 624
Borrowed funds 1510 140 977 479
Accounts payable 1520 18 824 50 266
Total for Section V 1500 159 801 50 745
BALANCE 1700 755 842 610 228

Income statement

Indicator name Line code For 2014 For 2013
Revenue is shown net of value added tax and excise taxes.
2110 1 144 742 1 380 526
Cost of sales 2120 (1 049 498) (1 240 183)
Gross profit (loss) 2100 95 244 140 343
Administrative expenses 2220 (86 221) (86 624)
Profit (loss) from sales 2200 9 023 53 719
Income from participation in other organizations 2310 0 223
Interest receivable 2320 6 045 6 266
Percentage to be paid 2330 (21 135) (22 114)
Other income 2340 3 684 14 033
other expenses 2350 (46 489) (25 413)
Profit (loss) before tax 2300 -48 872 26 714
Current income tax 2410 (293) (3 921)
incl. permanent tax liabilities (assets) 2421 7 916 -132
Change in deferred tax liabilities 2430 -2 152 4 853
Change in deferred tax assets 2450 0 -169
Net income (loss) 2400 -47 013 17 771
Total financial results period 2500 0 0

Statement of changes in equity

1. Capital movement
Authorized capital Own shares purchased from shareholders Extra capital Reserve capital Retained earnings (uncovered loss) Total
97 (0) 0 0 457 762 457 859
(year 2014)
Capital increase - total: (3310)
10 0 0 0 0 10
net income (3,311)
0 0
property revaluation (3312) 0 0 0
income attributable directly to capital increases (3,313) 0 0 0
additional issue of shares (3314)
0 0 0 0
increase in par value of shares (3315)
0 0 0 0
reorganization legal entity (3316)
10 0 0 0 0 10
Decrease in capital - total: (3320)
(3) 0 (0) (0) (47 013) (47 016)
loss (3321)
(47 013) (47 013)
property revaluation (3322) (0) (0) (0)
expenses directly attributable to capital deductions (3,323) (0) (0) (0)
Decrease in par value of shares (3324)
(0) 0 0 0 (0)
decrease in the number of shares (3325)
(0) 0 0 0 (0)
reorganization of a legal entity (3326)
3 0 0 0 0 (3)
dividends (3327) (0) (0)
Changes in capital surplus (3330) 0 0 0
Changes in capital reserves (3,340) 0 0
Equity as at 31 December 2014 (3300)
104 (0) 0 0 410 749 410 853

Cash flow statement

Indicator name Line code For 2014
Cash flows from current operations
Income - total
4110 1 260 373
from the sale of products, goods, works and services 4111 1 127 574
lease payments, royalties, royalties, commissions and other similar payments 4112 196
from the resale of financial investments 4113 0
other supply 4119 132 603
Payments - total
4120 (1 440 982)
to suppliers (contractors) for raw materials, materials, work, services 4121 (799 657)
in connection with the remuneration of employees 4122 (351 455)
interest on debt obligations 4123 (20 503)
corporate income tax 4124 (2 113)
other payments 4129 (267 254)
Balance cash flows from current operations 4100 -180 609
Cash flows from investment operations
Income - total
4210 53 933
from the sale of non-current assets (except for financial investments) 4211 0
from the sale of shares of other organizations (participation interests) 4212 0
from the return of loans provided, from the sale of debt securities (rights of claim Money to other persons) 4213 47 888
dividends, interest on debt financial investments and similar proceeds from equity participation in other organizations 4214 6 045
other supply 4219 0
Payments - total
4220 (41 000)
in connection with the acquisition, creation, modernization, reconstruction and preparation for the use of non-current assets 4221 (0)
in connection with the acquisition of shares of other organizations (participation interests) 4222 (0)
in connection with the acquisition of debt securities (rights to claim funds against other persons), the provision of loans to other persons 4223 (41 000)
interest on debt liabilities included in the cost of an investment asset 4224 (0)
other payments 4229 (0)
Balance of cash flows from investment operations 4200 12 933
Cash flows from financial transactions
Income - total
4310 389 876
obtaining credits and loans 4311 389 866
monetary contributions of owners (participants) 4312 0
from the issue of shares, an increase in participation interests 4313 10
from the issue of bonds, bills and other debt securities, etc. 4314 0
other supply 4319 0
Payments - total
4320 (164 289)
to the owners (participants) in connection with the redemption of shares (participation interests) of the organization from them or their withdrawal from the list of participants 4321 (3)
for the payment of dividends and other payments for the distribution of profits in favor of the owners (participants) 4322 (0)
in connection with the redemption (redemption) of bills of exchange and other debt securities, repayment of loans and borrowings 4323 (164 286)
other payments 4329 (0)
Balance of cash flows from financial transactions 4300 225 587
Cash flow balance for reporting period 4400 57 911
Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the reporting period 4450 0
Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the reporting period 4500 0
The magnitude of the impact of changes in the exchange rate of foreign currency in relation to the ruble 4490 0

The information was formed from the set of open data "Accounting (financial) statements of enterprises and organizations for 2014" Federal Service state statistics (Rosstat)

Remoteness from cities and highways, harsh climate and hard work, despite the dangers and hardships, people have been mining gold for many centuries.

Prospectors' artels of the Trans-Baikal Territory

Previously, the location of the mine was determined as a result of an accidentally found nugget, and then a placer. Today, gold mining is the leading branch of the economy of some states. The modern Dauria mine in Yavlenka of the Trans-Baikal Territory is:

  • geological exploration;
  • site preparation;
  • direct mining;
  • restoration of ecological balance after extraction;
  • regular assembly work on equipment;
  • many permits and approvals;
  • legal support of activities.

V life cycle Hundreds of organizations and specialists of various profiles are involved in the extraction of precious metal.

But the leading role belongs to the workers of the artel.

Work in the Transbaikal artel

Before getting a job in the ZABAIKALYE artels, you need to postpone all plans for the coming spring, summer and autumn, because the gold mining season lasts from April to October. At the end of March, it is necessary to come to the enterprise of the artel in Yavlenka of the Trans-Baikal Territory, which will become a place of work and a home for the next six months. Upon arrival, you must sign a temporary employment contract and then start work.

But, before leaving, it is necessary to contact the personnel department of the Dauria artel in Yavlenka, Trans-Baikal Territory, in order to clarify what documents are required for employment and what medical certificates will be needed for admission to work. It is necessary to inquire in detail about the conditions for assessing and remuneration of labor, how wages are formed and what amounts the employer will deduct based on the results of work to compensate for prepaid travel to the shift place, room and board, or these costs are not advanced.

It is necessary to find out the working and living conditions - is there a hostel, how is the delivery to the mine and back. Is it possible to pay off earlier if health problems arise or family circumstances force you to leave the watch.

All questions can be answered by contacting a HR specialist via the Internet or by phone.

The leaders of the Transbaikalia artels are always glad to the workers of the traditional specialties for gold mining:

  • dredge driver;
  • excavator vacancies;
  • dump truck driver;
  • vacancies bulldozer.

We are glad to be in any artel.

There will always be vacancies for:

  • electric and gas welders
  • electricians
  • plumbers
  • mechanics repairmen of mechanical equipment
  • canteen workers
  • household staff.

When deciding to get a job in the gold mining artel of Transbaikalia, it is necessary to carefully weigh all the circumstances. Because management requires compliance with the law and discipline, and the most stringent sanctions are applied to violators - dismissal.

Chita | 2017-02-10

For the foreword: All gold prospectors are from the wretched past legacy of the correctional camps)
Dauria did not get around this) Well, let's take it in order 1. The report card is kept in violation, that is, it is closed earlier (October) and the prospectors leave the Camp in November - December), 2. It is very tense with overalls, 3. There are often no doctors in the camp This is especially true at the auxiliary bases in Bilbichan, Vorobievka) 4. Meals are scarce at the same bases) Dormitories are dirty everywhere, bare wires stick out, 5. Electricity supply is generally poor, 6. No sewage in dorms, 7 Tariff system for the report card) in the canteen, unsanitary conditions, 8. Lubricants of poor quality bulldozers get up several times a season! That's all).

PC a / s Dauria

Address: Russia Chita


Review of the Vertikal prospectors' artel At the Katanza site, Kirill Vladimirovich Bylkov is in charge. Himself a former military man and now the deputy chief of the MODE! He doesn’t know shit about organizing mining operations. Climbs into everything that does not concern him, trying to curry favor with Koreshkov. There is no tariff at all. Many have quit because of him. Upon dismissal, they will pay a maximum of 15 thousand per month. Technique on the site is rubbish from the 80s. No spare parts. There is no normal turner. Local whores cooks cook like pigs. There is no car on duty. The connection with the landfills is poor. Treating hard workers like slaves! There are no tools. Safety techniques are violated everywhere. The site has been fucked up by local pigs. The drilling squad has run away to work no one. Squealing is flourishing. Full of a former veterinarian in the place of a doctor. The head of the site changes five times a season. The organization is absent. The equipment is often left without fuels and lubricants. A lot of "friends" work who do not say a word against or they will be fired. If you are lucky and work the season to the end, they will pay as much as Koreshkov wants to pay!


So in order! A white-skinned contract is not concluded right away! Everyone can do it differently at the end of the season! The contracts are fake in that the cost of the workday is not indicated. Gentlemen, you are going to a prospector-like artel. So do not build illusions about Dauria. Cheating is real! Harmful and hazardous conditions labor in dredging production is not specified in the contracts. and this is a cant. Force to conclude contracts in a hundred workday or nighttime hours. as well as the usual contracts for dummies, the tariff rate is min 587 rubles to it, the regional coefficient is 20% and a surcharge of 30% and another field 700 rubles on this ALL Gentlemen !!! The class of working conditions is not specified, although it is beautifully written about special assessment working conditions. big request do not just stick in there. In 2018, everyone was paid for the money, although the plan was fulfilled. Do not play tricks with artels and other gold mining sharages in general.
