Development of new standards revision of existing standards. The procedure for the development of state standards - abstract. State standard of the Russian Federation

The work of the technical committee begins with the collection applications for development standard. Applicants can be state bodies and organizations, public associations, scientific and technical societies, enterprises, firms, entrepreneurs who send applications to the TC in accordance with the objects of standardization assigned to them. The application must necessarily justify the need to develop a regulatory document, it is also possible to add to it a draft standard already developed by the applicant.

On the basis of applications, the State Standard of the Russian Federation (Gosstroy of the Russian Federation) forms an annual plan for the state standardization of Russia.

Further work is carried out on the basis of contracts for the development of a standard between the applicant and the relevant TC and the following stages: terms of reference(developer organization or TC), development of a draft standard, submission of the final version of the project to the standard of the Russian Federation (Gosstroy of the Russian Federation) for adoption, updating the standard, revision and cancellation of the standard.

Consider the content of the stages of development of the state standard.

AT terms of reference determine: the timing of each stage included in the content of the work as a whole, the content and structure of the future standard, and a list of requirements for the object of standardization; a list of interested potential consumers of this standard (government bodies, enterprises, firms, etc.). In the future, the draft standard will be sent to the organizations selected for the list for review or, if necessary, for approval; special or additional proposals of the customer of the normative document and other information related to the development procedure, the content of the standard, etc. can be highlighted.

The development of a draft standard is preceded by organizational work that the TC must do. This is due to the clear placement of tasks in subcommittees and working groups in accordance with the objects of standardization. In addition, at this stage, the TC seeks to more specifically identify the organizations from which it is advisable to receive feedback on the draft standard. For this, a brief information about the developed normative documents is published in a specialized publication of the State Standard of the Russian Federation (or Gosstroy of the Russian Federation) so that interested parties can declare their intentions.

Project development goes through two stages. The first edition is created first. The main requirements for the first edition relate to the compliance of the project with Russian legislation, international rules and regulations, as well as national standard m of foreign countries, subject to the progressiveness of these documents and a higher scientific and technical level. Important point at this stage - the determination of the patent purity of the object of standardization, which requires appropriate research and proper information support.

The draft in the first edition, drawn up by the subcommittee and the working group, must be considered by the members of the TC either at a special meeting or by correspondence in order to make sure that it complies with the terms of the agreement for the development of the standard, the requirements of Russian legislation and the provisions State system standardization. After that, the project is sent for review to the customers of the standard and previously identified interested organizations.

The second stage of development consists in analyzing the received feedback, compiling the final version of the draft normative document and preparing it for adoption. The final version should be considered by members of the TC, bodies state control and supervision of compliance with the mandatory requirements of the standard, research institutes of Gosstandart (Gosstroy). If at least two-thirds of the members of the TC agree with the final version of the draft, then the document is considered approved and is recommended for adoption. The draft standard must be sent to the State Standard of the Russian Federation (Gosstroy of the Russian Federation), as well as to the customer of the regulatory document.

Acceptance of the standard carried out by Gosstandart RF (Gosstroy RF). The acceptance procedure includes a mandatory analysis of the content of the project for compliance with Russian legislation, metrological rules and regulations, terminological standards, as well as GOST R 1.5-91 TSS. "General requirements for the construction, presentation, design and content of standards." The standard is adopted by consensus, after which the date of its entry into force is set. The term of validity of the “standard” is usually not determined.

All of the above functions are performed by the State Standard (Gosstroy RF) in the manner prescribed by it.

The standard should not be a brake on the development of the economy in accordance with the achievements of scientific and technological progress. But since its validity period is not set, the intermittent work of all members of the TC and interested parties, aimed at timely updating the regulatory document. According to the GSS of the Russian Federation, the standard is being updated in order to maintain its compliance with the needs of singing, the economy and the country's defense capability. The result of the analysis of the current standard may be to amend its content, or to revise or cancel the normative document.

In order to obtain information for updating standardization, technical committees are constantly working to maintain feedback from enterprises and organizations that adopt standards, and also analyze proposals received from TC members to amend the current regulatory documents. If necessary standard updates The TC develops a draft change, a draft revised standard or a proposal to cancel the current regulatory document and submits a proposal to the State Standard of the Russian Federation (Gosstroy of the Russian Federation). A change to a product standard usually involves more progressive product requirements. But they should not violate the interchangeability and compatibility of products manufactured according to the updated standard with those manufactured according to the current one.

revision The state standard is essentially the development of a new one to replace the current one. The need for revision arises if the changes being made are associated with a significant adjustment of the main indicators of product quality and affect its compatibility and interchangeability.

Cancellation of the standard can be carried out both with its replacement with a new one, and without replacement. The reason, as a rule, is the termination of production (provision of services), which was produced according to this regulatory document, or the adoption of a new standard.

The adoption of final decisions on amendments, revision and cancellation of state standards, as well as the corresponding publication in the Information Index of Standards, are under the jurisdiction of the State Standard of the Russian Federation (Gosstroy of the Russian Federation).

The decision to amend, revise or cancel the industry standard is made by the authority government controlled who approved this normative document. The abolition of the industry standard is usually associated either with the removal of products from production, or with the introduction of a state standard for the same standardization object with the same or higher requirements and norms.

Updating or canceling the enterprise standard is carried out by decision of the management of the subject itself economic activity that has adopted this standard.

Standards of scientific and technical societies, public associations are reviewed with the aim of introducing new results of scientific research or production achievements related to the introduction of inventions and scientific discoveries. Cancellation of this category of normative documents is connected with obsolescence of the object of standardization.

All business entities that are granted the right to develop, update and cancel standards are required to inform the State Standard of the Russian Federation about the work done and its results.

Scheme for the development of a national standard

The work of the technical committee begins with the collection of applications for the development of a standard. Applicants can be state bodies and organizations, public associations, scientific and technical societies, enterprises, firms, entrepreneurs, submitting applications to the Technical Committee (TC) according to the standardization objects assigned to them.

The application must necessarily justify the need to develop a regulatory document, it is also possible to add to it a draft standard already developed by the applicant.

Based on the applications of the State Standard of the Russian Federation (Gosstroy of the Russian Federation), it forms an annual plan for the state standardization of Russia.

Further work is carried out on the basis of an agreement for the development of a standard between the applicant and the relevant TC and includes the following steps:

  • preparation of technical specifications (by the developer organization or TC),
  • development of a draft standard,
  • submission of the final version of the project to the State Standard of the Russian Federation (Gosstroy of the Russian Federation) for adoption,
  • standard updates,
  • revision and cancellation of the standard.

1. Preparation of terms of reference (TOR)

The terms of reference define:

  • deadlines for each stage,
  • included in the content of the work as a whole;
  • the content and structure of the future standard, and a list of requirements for the object of standardization;
  • a list of interested potential consumers of this standard (government bodies, enterprises, firms, etc.).

2. Project development

The development of the project goes through two stages.

First stage

The first edition is created first. The main requirements for the first edition relate to the compliance of the project with Russian legislation, international rules and regulations, as well as the national standard of foreign countries, provided that these documents are progressive and have a higher scientific and technical level.

An important point at this stage is the determination of the patent purity of the object of standardization, which requires appropriate research and proper information support.

The draft in the first edition, drawn up by the subcommittee and the working group, must be considered by the members of the TC either at a special meeting or by correspondence in order to make sure that it complies with the terms of the agreement for the development of the standard, the requirements of Russian legislation and the provisions of the State Standardization System. After that, the project is sent for review to the customers of the standard and previously identified interested organizations.

Second stage

The second stage of development consists in analyzing the received feedback, compiling the final version of the draft normative document and preparing it for adoption. The final version should be reviewed by members of the TC, state control and supervision bodies for compliance with the mandatory requirements of the standard, research institutes of the State Standard (Gosstroy).

If at least two-thirds of the members of the TC agree with the final version of the draft, then the document is considered approved and is recommended for adoption. The draft standard must be sent to the State Standard of the Russian Federation (Gosstroy of the Russian Federation), as well as to the customer of the regulatory document.

3. Final adoption of the standard

The adoption of the standard is carried out by the State Standard of the Russian Federation on the basis of the Law and GOST R 1.5-91 “GSS. General requirements for the construction, presentation, design and content of standards. The standard is adopted by consensus, after which the date of its entry into force is set. The term of validity of the standard, as a rule, is not determined.

  • Further, the adopted standard is subject to registration, information about it is published in the monthly Information Index.
  • All of the above functions are performed by the State Standard of the Russian Federation (Gosstroy of the Russian Federation) in the manner prescribed by it.
  • According to the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, the standard is updated in order to maintain its compliance with the needs of the population, the economy and the country's defense capability.

4. Standard update

If it is necessary to update the standard, the TC develops a draft change, a draft revised standard or proposals for the abolition of the current regulatory document and submits a proposal to the State Standard of the Russian Federation (Gosstroy of the Russian Federation).

5. Revision of the new standard

The revision of the state standard is essentially the development of a new one to replace the current one. The need for revision arises if the changes introduced are associated with a significant adjustment of the main indicators of product quality and affect its compatibility and interchangeability.

6. Cancellation of the standard, reason

Cancellation of the standard can be carried out both with its replacement with a new one, and without replacement. The reason, as a rule, is the termination of production (provision of services), which was produced according to this regulatory document, or the adoption of a new standard.

Who decides to cancel, revise and change the standard?

The decision to amend, revise or cancel the industry standard is made by the government body that approved this regulatory document. The cancellation of an industry standard is usually associated either with the removal of products from production, or with the introduction of a state standard for the same standardization object with the same or higher requirements and norms.

Updating or canceling the enterprise standard is carried out by decision of the management of the business entity that has adopted this standard.

The standards of scientific and technical societies, public associations are reviewed in order to introduce new results of scientific research or production achievements related to the implementation of inventions and scientific discoveries. Cancellation of this category of normative documents is connected with obsolescence of the object of standardization.

This standard establishes requirements for the development, approval, adoption, state registration, publication, updating (change, revision) and cancellation of state standards of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as standards). The provisions of this standard are subject to application by technical committees for standardization, government authorities, enterprises, entrepreneurs, scientific and technical, engineering societies and other public associations.

Development of a standard. The development of state standards of the Russian Federation is carried out by technical committees for standardization (TC), as well as enterprises, public associations in accordance with the tasks of the state standardization plans of the Russian Federation, work programs of the TC and contracts for the development of standards or on an initiative basis. When developing standards, one should be guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, state standards of the state standardization system of the Russian Federation and other regulatory documents on standardization. When developing standards, they use the scientific and technical results of research, development, experimental and technological, design work, the results of patent research, international, regional standards, rules, norms and recommendations for standardization, progressive national standards of other countries and other information about modern achievements of domestic and foreign science, engineering and technology. The order of development of the standard: 1 stage - the organization of the development of the standard; Stage 2 - development of a draft standard (first edition); Stage 3 - development of a draft standard (final version) and its submission for adoption; Stage 4 - adoption and state registration of the standard; Stage 5 - publication of the standard.

Standard update. The standard is updated to maintain its compliance with the needs of the population, the economy and the country's defense capability. The TC analyzes and summarizes proposals for updating the standard received from enterprises - members of the TC, other enterprises, entrepreneurs, scientific and technical, engineering societies and other public associations, government bodies, including state control and supervision bodies. The proposal may be a draft change or a draft revised standard. Taking into account the proposals received, the TC develops and sends to the State Standard of Russia (Gosstroy of Russia) a draft amendment to the standard (proposals to revise the standard) or a proposal to cancel the standard, the decision on which is made by the State Standard of Russia (Gosstroy of Russia).

Revision of the standard. When a standard is revised, a new standard is developed to replace the current one. At the same time, the current standard is canceled, and the new standard indicates which standard it was developed to replace. The new standard is assigned the designation of the old standard with the replacement of the last two digits of the year of adoption. The revision of the product standard is carried out when new, more progressive requirements are established, if they lead to a violation of the interchangeability of new products with products manufactured according to the current standard, and (or) a change in the main indicators of product quality. When revising the standard for specific products (non-interchangeable according to the new and current standards), if it is necessary to manufacture spare parts and repair previously manufactured products that are in operation, the current standard is not canceled. In this case, the developer prepares a draft amendment to the current standard, in which he specifies the scope of its application: "This standard is used only for the manufacture of spare parts and the repair of products in operation." At the same time, the registration number of the standard to which such a change has been developed is retained. When revising the standard, they simultaneously prepare proposals for updating or canceling interrelated regulatory documents on standardization.

General requirements for the construction, presentation, design, content and designation of interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization and changes to them are established in GOST 1.5-2001 “Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. General requirements for the construction, presentation, design, content and designation "

The standard should contain: title page; foreword; content; introduction; Name; application area; Normative references; necessary definitions; designations and abbreviations used; requirements, norms, rules and characteristics; applications; bibliographic data.

The preface of the standard should contain information about the developer; about the industry standard; about the standard (International, regional or other country), which is the basis of the State; about the standard, the object of which is the licensed product; about the innovations used in the standard; about normative documents instead of which the standard is approved; on the legislative norms of the law, if any, are present in the standard.

The introduction substantiates the relevance and indicates the reasons for the approval of this standard.

The characteristics of the product, process or service to be standardized that are necessary for the classification of the standard are contained in the title.

The scope lists the objects covered by this standard.

Normative references should indicate the designations and names of the standards to which developers refer in this standard. The names must be in ascending order. registration numbers designations, the State Standards of the Russian Federation should be listed first, and then the industry standards.

The definitions should accurately and clearly define the concepts and terms used in the standard.

In designations and abbreviations, all designations and abbreviations used in this standard should be deciphered with the necessary explanations. Moreover, designations and abbreviations must be written in the order in which they are used in the standard.

Requirements can be approved in fundamental standards, standards for products (services), standards for control methods. The choice of standard depends on characteristic features and features of the object of standardization.

All additional material (for example, tables, graphs, calculations) is placed in the appendices.

Bibliographic data of the State Standards of the Russian Federation include: designation affixed by the State Standard of Russia; the code of the All-Russian classifier standards; classifier code of State standards; code of the All-Union classifier of standards and specifications.

The procedure for the development and approval of the standard

The development of a standard begins with applications for development. The following entities can apply for the development of a standard in accordance with the objects of standardization subordinate to them: State bodies and organizations; scientific, technical, engineering and other public associations and various enterprises.

In order for the State Standard of the Russian Federation to take into account the application when drawing up the annual standardization plan, it is necessary that the application clearly justifies the relevance of establishing such a standard. Moreover, applicants have the opportunity to propose their own version of this standard.

Then, an agreement is concluded between the applicant and the developer, which regulates the development of the standard in the following stages: writing the terms of reference; work on the draft standard; sending the developed version of the standard for consideration to the State Standard; changing the standard if necessary; revision and cancellation of the standard.

The terms of reference are the basis for all further work on the standard. It outlines the deadlines for each stage of development, outlines the standard being developed, forms a complete set of requirements, rules and norms for the standard, indicates the intended scope of the standard. When developing a standard, feedback on the standard from subjects in the scope of its application may be taken into account.

The development of the project includes two stages.

1. First edition. On the this stage should be checked whether the project has any contradictions with the current laws of the Russian Federation and whether it complies international standards. At this stage, the project is discussed by a special group, which must decide whether it satisfies the terms of the contract, the drafted terms of reference and the provisions of the State Standardization System. Then applicants and subjects from the scope of the standard should familiarize themselves with its first edition.

2. Second, or final, edition. At this stage, the received feedback is collected, adjustments are made on their basis, and the final version of the document is prepared. For a document to be recommended for adoption, it must be positively evaluated by at least two-thirds of the technical standardization committee that developed it. The final version of the document is sent to the State Standard of the Russian Federation and its customer.

The adoption of the standard occurs only after its mandatory verification, which should determine whether this draft contains contradictions with the current laws of the Russian Federation, established rules and regulations, and general requirements drawing up standards. After that, the standard can be adopted by the State Standard of the Russian Federation, indicating the date of its entry into force and, possibly (optionally), the validity period. The adopted standard must be registered and published in the Information Index.

For dynamic development and effective use of advanced achievements of science and technology, it is necessary that the adopted standards be updated in a timely manner. Updating of standards is also necessary in order for standardization objects to fully meet the needs of the population and the economy of the country. The updating and analysis of existing standards is carried out by technical committees for standardization with the assistance of interested parties.

If you need to update the standard, technical committee must submit a draft change, a draft updated standard for consideration to the State Standard, or propose to cancel this standard. The need to update standards is usually due to new achievements in scientific and technological progress. But the products that are produced under the updated standard must be compatible with the products that will be produced according to the updated standard.

A revision of the State Standard is necessary if the main indicators of product quality change significantly and the changes made relate to its compatibility and interchangeability. In this case, instead of the existing State standard, a new one should be developed.

The cancellation of the standard occurs, as a rule, if the object of standardization is no longer produced, or if a new standard with higher requirements and norms is approved. The canceled standard may not be replaced by a new one.

All decisions on the revision, updating and cancellation of standards are made by the State Standard of the Russian Federation. Information about decisions taken published in the Information Index.

If it is an industry standard, then these decisions are made by the State Administration that established the standard.

Enterprise standards are administered by the management of the enterprises. It can cancel and update the standards of the enterprise at its own discretion, but on condition that the changes in the standards do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and the mandatory requirements of the State Standards.

Changes in the standards of scientific, technical, engineering and other public associations are determined by new achievements in science and technical progress, the latest scientific discoveries.

The subjects of standardization must timely submit information about all changes and cancellation of standards to the State Standard of the Russian Federation.

Did you know, What is the falsity of the concept of "physical vacuum"?

physical vacuum - the concept of relativistic quantum physics, by which they understand the lowest (ground) energy state of a quantized field, which has zero momentum, angular momentum and other quantum numbers. Relativistic theorists call the physical vacuum a space completely devoid of matter, filled with an unmeasurable, and therefore only an imaginary field. Such a state, according to relativists, is not an absolute void, but a space filled with some phantom (virtual) particles. Relativistic quantum field theory claims that, in accordance with the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, virtual particles are constantly born and disappear in the physical vacuum, that is, apparent (seemingly to whom?), particles: the so-called zero-point oscillations of fields occur. The virtual particles of the physical vacuum, and therefore, itself, by definition, do not have a frame of reference, since otherwise Einstein's principle of relativity, on which the theory of relativity is based, would be violated (that is, an absolute measurement system with a reference from the particles of the physical vacuum would become possible, which, in turn, would unequivocally refute the principle of relativity, on which SRT is built). Thus, the physical vacuum and its particles are not elements of the physical world, but only elements of the theory of relativity that exist not in the real world, but only in relativistic formulas, violating the principle of causality (they arise and disappear without a reason), the principle of objectivity (virtual particles can be considered, depending on the desire of the theorist, either existing or non-existing), the principle of actual measurability (not observable, do not have their own ISO).

When one or another physicist uses the concept of "physical vacuum", he either does not understand the absurdity of this term, or is cunning, being a hidden or obvious adherent of the relativistic ideology.

It is easiest to understand the absurdity of this concept by referring to the origins of its occurrence. It was born by Paul Dirac in the 1930s, when it became clear that the negation of the ether in pure form, as the great mathematician did, but the mediocre physicist, is no longer possible. Too many facts contradict this.

To defend relativism, Paul Dirac introduced the aphysical and illogical concept of negative energy, and then the existence of a "sea" of two energies compensating each other in vacuum - positive and negative, as well as a "sea" of particles compensating each other - virtual (that is, apparent) electrons and positrons in a vacuum.