How to get rid of unnecessary things in the apartment. How to sort out trash in a shed or garage

1. Hopelessly damaged things. Stained shirts, stretchy T-shirts, and moth-eaten sweaters don't belong in your closet. Why keep something that you are unlikely to wear at least once?

2. Clothes that don't fit you. The reason, I think, is clear.

3. Old shoes. If it can be brought into a divine form, do it. Couples that are not recoverable are sent to the trash.

4. Worn underwear. When the bra is no longer able to support the chest properly, it's time to replace it with a new one. It's embarrassing to talk about torn underpants - put them in the trash, that's all.

5. Stockings and tights with puffs or holes. Yes, yes, they can still be sewn up and worn under jeans or trousers. Either sew it up at last, or get rid of obviously useless things.

6. Leaky socks. It's the same as in the previous paragraph: sew it up or throw it away - it's up to you, so long as the socks do not continue to lie idle.

7. Jewelry that has lost its former appearance. With jewelry, everything is clear: a broken lock, a torn chain or a dropped rhinestone are quite good reasons to throw away a bracelet or necklace. Jewelry should not be scattered, it is better to give them for repair.

8. Old holiday dresses. Do you think there is a good chance that you will someday wear the outfit that you shone in at high school prom? If the dress is in good condition, try to sell it. If not, well, even with such things one must be able to say goodbye.

9. Shabby bags. And there are wallets. Agree, the chance that you will one day decide to go out with a worn out bag is zero.

10. Old bathing suits and swimming trunks. Say goodbye without regret to all stretched and faded pieces.

11. Spare buttons for clothes you no longer wear. After all, what are you going to do with a set of completely different buttons?

Cosmetics and personal care

12. Old cosmetics. First, since you haven't used it yet, it's unlikely that you'll ever need this eye shadow, lip gloss, or foundation. Second, they have an expiration date. When it came to an end, it's time to say goodbye to the product.

13. Dried nail polish. Even if you dilute it with a special liquid, it still cannot be compared with fresh. Throw away without hesitation.

14. Eau de toilette samples. Why save them if you don't like the scent?

15. Samplers of cosmetics. Either use it or throw it away, there is no middle ground.

16. Old toiletries. A bald toothbrush and a cracked soap dish are not something that should be carefully stored for many years.

17. Stretched hair ties. Here is good news for connoisseurs of rubber bands-telephone wires: bathe the rubber bands in boiling water, they will be as good as new.

18. Invisible hairpins. Shake out the drawer with cosmetics or the box where you store jewelry, you will surely find a few hairpins there. Since you do not use them, then there is no point in storing them.

19. Almost finished cosmetics and household chemicals. There is a little money left on the bottom, it seems like it’s time to throw it away, but the toad is strangling. Give the toad a fitting rebuff and send almost empty bottles and jars to the trash can.

Food and kitchen utensils

20. Spoiled products. Will you eat them? So no one will, so feel free to send the old-timers of your refrigerator to the trash can.

21. Old spices and seasonings. Like other products, they have . When it comes to an end, it's time for the spices to leave your kitchen cabinet.

22. Unnecessary circles. Throw away those with cracks and chips, and take the whole ones that you don’t use for some reason to work. They will definitely come in handy there.

23. Old sponges for washing dishes. By the way, they should be changed regularly, and this should be done before the sponge starts to smell.

24. Pots and pans with scratched non-stick coatings. What's the point of this cover when only one name is left of it?

25. Empty jars and jars. Why keep them at all is not clear. Apparently, in the hope that someday all this will come in handy. Let's be honest, did it come in handy at least once? If not, goodbye, jars!

26. Kitchen utensils you don't use. Give a completely new one to friends, throw out the used one.

27. Food containers you don't use. And at the same time, those that have lost their former appearance - the lid cracked, for example.

28. Assorted dishes. Once upon a time there was a tea couple, then the cup broke, but the saucer survived - or vice versa. It seems nothing terrible, but using such dishes is not very pleasant. So it's time to send her to rest.

29. Broken kitchen utensils. And again: you can use them, but not very pleasant. So why keep it?


30. Old towels with stains or holes. It is frankly unpleasant to wipe yourself with them, so throw them away without hesitation.

31. Worn bed linen. If it just faded, that's all right, but torn sheets and duvet covers are a direct road to a landfill.

32. Shabby rugs from the bathroom and hallway. Their life was already not easy, why prolong suffering?

33. Old pillows. Still, they are no longer as plump and soft as before.

34. Extra hangers. Leave as much as you need to hang clothes and the rest in the trash.

35. Unnecessary flower vases. Give away, sell or dispose of them in any other way.

36. Trinkets. A figurine of a pig, presented to you on the occasion of the onset of the year of this animal, is appropriate once every 12 years. Release the pig to freedom, do not torture. Souvenirs from travels and fridge magnets will make her an excellent company.

37. Christmas decorations that do not please. A garland where several light bulbs do not burn, a glass ball that, instead of a factory fixture, is held on a cunningly curved wire - do not turn the Christmas tree into an exhibition of junk.

38. Broken electronics and Appliances. If you still haven't fixed it, then you don't really need it.

39. Spare parts for furniture. Gather up all those parts and screws that seem to multiply by fission and throw them straight into the trash can.

waste paper

40. Old checks and bills. Since the warranty period has ended, it means that there is no point in saving the check. And here are the receipts utilities worth keeping at least.

41. School and university textbooks. You probably won't need them. Give them to the library, so there will be at least some use from the books. And you can throw out the notes with a clear conscience.

42. Postcards and invitations to weddings. If they are dear to you as a memory, leave them, but it makes no sense to keep a stack of postcards with on-duty wishes for happiness and health.

43. Newspapers and magazines. Including those that you wrote out at school for lessons foreign language. You never know, suddenly you still keep them.

44. Discount cards for stores you don't go to. It is logical: if you don’t go, then you don’t use cards.

45. Discount coupons that have expired. They won't give you a discount anyway.

46. ​​Junk from the mailbox. Catalogs of amazing products, flyers with discounts from the nearest store, and similar printed materials should be stored where they belong: in the trash can.

47. Instructions for assembling furniture. It is unlikely that you regularly disassemble and reassemble a closet or chest of drawers.

48. Guides. Why hoard paper brochures when you can use electronic versions guides?

49. Children's drawings. Whether it's your creations or your children's drawings, it's hard to let go. Pull yourself together and leave only those that you like the most.

50. Duplicate photos. In case you do not trust cloud storage and prefer to store printed pictures in photo albums. And with the clouds you are in vain, they are much more convenient.

51. Old diaries. Since they lie dead weight with you, throw them out already - and that's it.

Miscellaneous little things

52. Boxes from household appliances. The very ones that are kept by thrifty citizens on cabinets. When the warranty period ends, the boxes should be sent to the trash can.

53. Expired drugs. It is unlikely that any comments are needed here.

54. Old mobile phones. Is your nostalgia for bygone times so strong that you can still keep it, which are unlikely to ever turn on?

55. Unnecessary smartphone accessories. Sooner or later you still have to get rid of them, so why put it off until later?

56. Dried flowers. Get rid of sentimentality and throw out those dustbins.

57. Old stationery. Stickers, dry markers and pens, folders for papers, and all that.

58. Wires are unknown from what. Everything is simple here: if you know exactly why this cable is needed, and at least sometimes use it for its intended purpose, let it live. The rest should disappear from your house.

59. Old CDs and DVDs. Music you don't listen to anymore computer programs, which you are unlikely to ever use, films that you have watched more than once ... Why do you need all this?

60. Souvenirs from promotions. Suppose they handed you a T-shirt, where the logo of a milk producer flaunts across the chest. Will you wear it? No, right?

61. Gifts you don't use. Or the ones you just don't like. Give them to people who will appreciate the gifts at their true worth.

62. Used batteries. Hand them over for recycling, there is probably a collection point for batteries and accumulators in your city.

63. Toys for animals. Of course, those to which your pet is indifferent. It is unlikely that he will ever change his mind and decide that a mouse on wheels or a squeaky rubber chicken is the dream of his life.

64. Board games where details are missing. They won't be able to play well.

65. Wrinkled bows and ribbons for gift wrapping. Since they have lost their former appearance, then it is not worth decorating a gift with them.

66. Small coins. However, you can not throw them away, but put them in a piggy bank. A decent amount will be typed - exchange it at the bank.

Order in the house is order in the head, so make it a rule to arrange such cleaning from time to time. By the way, what would you add to this list?

For those who haven't done their big summer cleaning yet, here are practical tips on how to get rid of the trash from The Life Creative portal editor and interior stylist Chris Carroll.

Throw all the rubbish out of the house... - easier said than done. According to my observations, this activity causes a storm of emotions and sentimental memories, and getting rid of old things and memories is, to put it mildly, not easy. Meanwhile, the benefits of a clean home are endless. Many do not even realize what effect a cluttered house can have on the mood. The feeling of being caught in a trap, the feeling of being overwhelmed are sure symptoms that the amount of things has exceeded reasonable limits.

Pull it all out

Choose the room you want to start with and take everything out of the closets, chests of drawers, baskets and tables that are located there. It's important to take everything out, even recent purchases, so you can appreciate how much you actually have. I would suggest doing it early in the morning and maybe even call friends or family for help. You have a lot of work to do (you can break it down into a couple of days).

You may have to use the floor of the corridor or the next room, because the next thing you need to do is sort all the things, and the space of the room in which they were stored may not be enough.

Divide all things into three piles: "throw away", "leave" and "give away". You can add another category: "incomprehensible", things from which you will sort out at the very end, when the sentimentality in you decreases, and the determination to get rid of things gets stronger.

What to throw away and what to keep?

Remember that the more junk you throw away, the calmer your life will be. It will be hard at first, but as you sort things out, keep your goal in mind and try to manage your emotions.

With piles of "throw away" and "give away" everything is simple, but what to do with things that fall into the category of "incomprehensible"? Ask yourself why did you keep them? And, more importantly, when was the last time you used them, and why are they really dear to you? If you haven't used something for more than six months and haven't even remembered that you have this thing (and you don't have a compelling reason to leave it), it's time to say goodbye to it.

The approach to memorabilia, of course, should be different. Drawings of children, souvenirs brought by loved ones and other cute little things can and should be left. Just find a suitable place for them so that they do not scatter around the house and litter it.

Souvenirs on cabinet shelves

Inspect Furniture

Dismantling the things that you store in the closet and under the bed is half the battle. In addition, you will need to take a critical look at the furniture itself: how do you use it, does it help you live better, or clutter up the space even more?

Ask yourself which pieces of furniture do you actually use and which ones are just for beauty and take up space that could be put to better use? Often we buy armchairs where nobody sits or bookshelves for volumes that will never be read. If you haven't used something in months, maybe you shouldn't keep it at home anymore? Of course, this rule applies primarily to small houses, where every centimeter of space must be used wisely.

If you have a large house, and an armchair that no one ever sits on, but serves as the visual center of the room, I would not advise you to throw it away. Here it will be more important to look at the interior as a whole and understand what role things play in it, than to proceed only from their functionality.

How to store what is left?

I noticed that often it's not that we have too many things, but that we don't know how to store them properly. What we cannot find suitable place, accumulates on tables, in cupboards, in the bottom drawers of chests of drawers and creates a feeling of clutter.

Now that there are no unnecessary things and furniture standing in our way, I recommend thinking about storage systems that will best suit your home and your needs. The choice in each case will be individual, but most likely you will need cabinets with glass doors for memorable and beautiful gizmos and ordinary closed shelves for storing everything else.

Shelving with wicker baskets - good decision for children's or common rooms, and hanging shelves will look neater if some of the things laid out on them are transferred to signed cardboard boxes.

Showcase for beautiful little things in

I hope these ideas help you clear some space in your home, and I believe you'll feel better about tidying up your rooms and making room for positive energy!


If your house is getting crowded from the rubbish filling it, then it's time to get rid of it as soon as possible! We ourselves do not notice that superfluous things create a mess not only in the apartment, but also in life, they are a projection of our internal state. So maybe in order to improve your personal life, improve your health, change jobs, change your lifestyle, you should start by getting rid of unnecessary things in our house?

What is rubbish and where does it come from

Rubbish is not only frankly old and worn out things, but also all that unnecessary that has not been used for years and does not bring aesthetic pleasure, but continues to be stored in the far corners of cabinets, in closets and mezzanines. Such things not only take up precious space, but also attract new trash.

After many years of total shortages, it is very difficult for us to change our mentality, to learn how to rationally approach household items. We do not know how to easily part with unnecessary things, accumulating them in the bowels of our house.

Banal laziness also becomes the cause of clutter - at first you can’t force yourself to keep the house in order every day, and then, when the trash grows into an unthinkable pile, you don’t have the strength to fight it at all.

In addition, human values ​​change over time, and already what made us happy just a year ago has no value today or even interferes with it.

How to force yourself to get rid of unnecessary things

Of course, it is not so easy to take and throw away all the unnecessary accumulated over the years. Firstly, we have already become related to all these useless things, we do not notice their unattractiveness. To take off your rose-colored glasses, try looking at your home through the eyes of a stranger. Or take pictures of the rooms from several angles and imagine that these photos are placed in a magazine - all the flaws will immediately catch your eye.

Thus, in a few months your apartment will turn from a warehouse into a comfortable and cozy place.

Secondly, getting rid of trash is not such a quick and easy thing, it cannot be done in one go. Therefore, if you are determined to end the mess once and for all, plan this action. For example, decide that you spend one day off a month on sorting out one corner and mercilessly getting rid of everything that is superfluous. Thus, in a few months your apartment will turn from a warehouse into a comfortable and cozy place. If you want to get the mess out of the way quickly, do some trash removal every weekend for a month, or even for a couple of weeks in the evenings. The main thing here is not to stray from the intended course and to bring the matter to the end.

A different approach helps someone - walk around the apartment, quickly collect and throw away 15, 30, 50 unnecessary things. In this way, of course, you cannot get rid of all the rubbish, but you can part with some part of it. In addition, this method is good to use as a warm-up to reconcile yourself with getting rid of excess.

What are the best things to get rid of?

Even when you are determined to say goodbye to the trash, you will be tormented by the question: what to throw out after all, and what to leave? The simplest criterion is to imagine that you are moving into a new apartment and determine what things you might need in your new life and which are best left in your old one.

Get rid of any clothes that are worn out, out of style, out of size or tired of you have not worn for the past couple of years and are not going to wear. Some strong and comfortable things can be sent to the country or left in case of cleaning or repair, but the rest is better to throw away or give away.

The simplest criterion is to imagine that you are moving into a new apartment and determine what things you might need in your new life and which are best left in your old one.

Broken or damaged items that can no longer be repaired and used for their intended purpose should also be thrown away. An exception may be items that can be given a second life right now (for example, plant a flower in a cracked but pretty mug). Look, maybe it's time to update the frying pan, tablecloth or bedding?

When traveling, it is very difficult to resist buying some kind of souvenir, and acquaintances strive to bring a memorable gift. Before you have time to look back, these cute little things have already occupied all the free surfaces and attract a lot of dust. Remove all knick-knacks from shelves and cabinets - this will save the apartment from unnecessary "noise", and you will save a few precious minutes during cleaning.

Get one place in the house (bedside table, closet, basket) where you will put trash - everything that should be thrown away, but it's a pity. Once every three months, get rid of the contents of this place.

Valuable junk

Do not overdo it in an effort to get rid of everything superfluous! If you are going to throw out this or that thing, ask your household members if it is worth doing it. It may turn out that in your opinion a useless item will be valuable for a husband or child.

There are also things that there is no power to part with - for example, a prom dress, a gift from a beloved but long-dead grandmother, a grandfather's notebook, clothes sewn by one's own hands, a daughter's first drawing, a page from a son's diary, old letters from mom , a newspaper with a note about dad ...

In order not to torment yourself, organize a place where all this could be really carefully stored, so that later you can show it to your children and grandchildren. Let it become your "grandmother's chest" - after all, for some really memorable and valuable things, it is very important that they remain safe as long as possible and be passed on from generation to generation.

Getting rid of the trash or putting it in order, you will feel a surge of strength and a desire to change something in your life. A house free from unnecessary things attracts positive vital energy, and its inhabitants are ready to let something new and beautiful into their lives.

If your house is getting crowded from the rubbish filling it, then it's time to get rid of it as soon as possible!

One day there comes a moment when you realize that it's time to get rid of the trash, because organizing the space around you is the first step towards change.

But it is worth taking a close look around, as determination is immediately replaced by painful hesitation - all things suddenly turn out to be “extremely necessary”, and a lot of ideas for their application arise in the head. Will they come true? Hardly. Therefore, it is better to show restraint and rid the apartment of what is popularly called junk.

So, our instruction on how to get rid of trash and unnecessary things in an apartment or house and start a new life.

Why is rubbish "dangerous"?

You can ignore useless items, but sooner or later they will draw attention to themselves - filling shelves and cabinets with themselves.

Chaos in the house. Often the reasons for the disorder lie in the fact that there are much more things in the house than drawers and niches for storing them. Surplus accumulates, and sometimes, trying to find a free place for a new thing, you squeeze it anywhere, just to fit. What is the risk? A heap of objects, the general untidiness of the dwelling and the deterioration in the quality of cleaning, which takes more effort and energy.

Stagnation in business. The tendency to clutter simultaneously manifests itself in several areas: emotional, labor, household, communication. Have you noticed that you no longer have time to do the work on time due to endless blockages? Everywhere you encounter small obstacles and obstacles literally out of the blue? Don't have time to meet family and friends otherwise than "on the run"? Are you tense and increasingly upset over trifles? So, it's time for you to streamline your life, and you should start, according to psychologists, with organizing your own space.

Loss of time. To find the right thing, sometimes you have to rummage through the contents of all the shelves in the closet - and it, as a rule, is found "at the very bottom." Such hitches take up precious time and are terribly unnerving in a situation of haste during training.

What has become junk in your apartment for a long time?

Get rid of any clothes that are worn out, out of style, out of size, or boring.

To get started, decide what from everyday items has passed into the category of unused trash.

    Damaged items with cracks, chips, deformations.

    Things that have been unclaimed for a long time (1-2 years).

    Any funds with a limited shelf life, after its expiration.

    Broken equipment, to fix which "there is no way to fix it."

    Garbage (empty bottles, boxes, bottles, crumpled bags).

    Old toys that have not become a collection item or a family heirloom.

    Worn out clothes and shoes.

    Read magazines and books that have no artistic or scientific value.

Most of the above will go to the trash can, with the exception of well-preserved clothes and shoes, which can be taken to the humanitarian aid collection point. Give magazines and books to the library, and toys to the orphanage.

How to quickly get rid of trash in the house? Video tips:

How to properly disassemble the "blockages"?

If you want to do away with the mess, clear out the rubble every weekend.

Do not try to do everything in one day if you want the revision to be of high quality. Break the event into stages and plan separate days for a bedroom with a living room, a kitchen with a pantry, a closet with a mezzanine, an entrance hall and a bathroom - it will take 2-3 hours or more to carefully sort through things, if we are talking about a wardrobe.

Turn cleaning into a game! Connect your family to it: prepare a bright package and announce that you need to throw exactly 27 unnecessary items into it. Promise a prize to whoever collects the most junk and enjoy an exciting competition.

Clothing . Examine every item. How long have you been wearing it? If a couple of years old, but it is still in excellent condition, put it in a humanitarian aid bag. If the thing has faded, stretched out, rolled up or has long gone out of fashion - throw it in a trash bag. For clothes that you wear only on holidays, this rule does not apply, with the exception of hopelessly outdated wardrobe items. Check socks, stockings and tights for integrity and find a pair for each.

Cosmetics and perfumery. Rarely used lipsticks, shadows, perfumes, blushes, creams and lotions spoil before they run out - check the expiration dates and send them to the trash bag, everything that has already "died" or will do so soon. Empty bottles of toilet water and beautiful jars of creams, carefully stored on the shelf, throw away without regrets - if you did not find a use for them before, you will not find them now. What was donated, but not useful - perfumes with an "inappropriate" aroma, cosmetic kits, styling products - distribute to colleagues and friends.

Stationery. Notebooks and notepads should be clean, pens and markers should be writing, rulers should be intact, and pencils should be sharpened. Anything that doesn't meet these criteria goes into the trash bag. Drafts yellowed from time to print on the printer are also there, along with old receipts and checks, which are not necessary to store. Say goodbye to worn mouse pads, dirty and cracked CD cases and obsolete gadgets.

Kitchenware . Chips, cracks, deformations, peeling coating are good reasons to get rid of worn-out dishes. Chopped cutting boards, empty tea tins, uncomfortable vegetable cutters and devices that have not found a use for themselves are thrown away. Check the contents of grocery cabinets for expired cereals, spices, and baking ingredients.

Jewelry, gifts and souvenirs. Alas, most of what is customary to give to each other has to be furtively thrown away after: figurines, symbols of the year, figured candles, trinkets, coasters and other trifles that litter the shelves and collect dust. Together with them, put in the wastebasket and greeting cards, leaving only significant ones for yourself.

Sort through the available medicines, throw away all expired jars and packaging.

First aid kit. Check medicines in the first aid kit for expiration dates and names. Everything that is overdue or difficult to determine (not to make out the names, numbers are erased, etc.) is subject to destruction.

Prepare 3-4 compact boxes and, after signing each, put the medicines there: one for colds and flu, another for vitamins and supplements, the third for the gastrointestinal tract, etc. You can use a box with internal compartments - this division will help you quickly find the right medicine and keep order in the first aid kit.

Consistently dismantling the contents of the shelves, you simultaneously put things in order in the cabinets. Now it's time to inspect things that are lying anywhere. Find the appropriate storage location for each. If you find it difficult to identify it, ask yourself - is this a trash can?

Having laid out everything in the way that suits you, wipe the freed surfaces with a damp cloth, and give your word to continue to maintain order and get rid of useless items in time.

How to train yourself not to litter the apartment

After a general cleaning, learning to do this is easy. Now you know which items you definitely won’t need, and next time your hand will not tremble to throw out junk or a trinket.

The main rule is to do it on time.

    Throw away empty vials, boxes and containers as soon as their contents are finished - do not put it off for later, and do not think about what can be put there.

    Make it a rule every evening to inspect the premises for 10-15 minutes in search of trash.

    Donate what you don't need - maybe someone really needs it?

    Get a big beautiful basket or chest and put there things on which the hand still “trembled” - perhaps you really want to make something from them. Sort through the contents of the basket every month, and each time get rid of half of the stocked items.

    Do not buy under the influence of emotions at sales that will later be unclaimed.

How to sort out trash in a shed or garage?

The garage often turns into a real dump.

The utility rooms store gardening equipment, tools and household chemicals, including poisonous and flammable substances, so the audit must be carried out regularly and carefully.

    Examine bottles of household chemicals. Send half-empty jars with the remnants of funds, thickened solutions and paints to the trash can. Check the tags, reread the names - if you find it difficult to understand the contents of the package, then it is better to throw it away.

    Remove the tools from the drawers and collect what is lying around "in the corners". Throw away broken inventory that cannot be repaired immediately, and put what else can be repaired in a separate box. If in the next couple of weeks your hands don’t reach the repair, feel free to throw it away.

    If there are boards, beams, metal sheets in the shed or garage, check for bark beetles, rot, or corrosion in them. What is damaged will go to the landfill, and the rest can be left, but only if you need them on the farm.

    Rags torn or rotten from dampness will no longer be useful to you - it is better to make new ones.

    Parts and broken spare parts that are “just in case” should be sorted out, leaving only those that may be really needed. Put everything in a separate box.

    Remember: in the barn, what is considered trash is that you do not use for more than two years.

Trash fighting is a gamble. If at first it is a pity to throw out even a useless trifle, then in the process of cleaning you get so carried away that you want to collect as many different junk as possible. It is important not to overdo it, so that later you do not regret your own recklessness, looking for an old, but still beloved jumper.

And, keep in mind that only its owner can throw away trash, which means that the husband’s boxes with tools, screws and spare parts should not be touched without asking.

How to sort out the trash in the garage? Video instruction:

Ecology of consumption. Life hack: Today you would call me the buzzword "minimalist". Even though things were different just a few years ago...

I long for liberation. I am freeing myself from everything superfluous in my life.

Today you would call me the buzzword "minimalist". Although just a few years ago things were different. My house was bursting at the seams from an endless number of new clothes, cosmetics and perfumes, some interior stuff.

But life has taught me a lot. My parents' house burned down, I divorced myself and spent a lot of time moving, renting an apartment and providing for myself, refusing clothes and travel. There was no closet and vacuum cleaner in the rented apartment, and I learned to mop the floor regularly, that is, to do what I don’t like from deep childhood, and I arranged clothes in boxes on the floor. And nothing - it was even comfortable.

1. Regularly get rid of unnecessary and / or old things

Moving from apartment to apartment, I appreciated that the less extra things I have, the easier it is to live. The main thing is that what travels with me should be necessary for this stage and right for my lifestyle.

Life is unpredictable. And if you completely surrender and emotionally invest in things, it can be very difficult if you suddenly have to part with them.

A dozen sentimental bears from the past, clothes that don't fit anymore or just don't like it, but don't seem to be old yet - it's a pity to throw it away, - All this takes up a lot of space and draws energy. And here we are not talking about esotericism - you have to spend energy on ironing, vacuuming, dry cleaning and doing many more manipulations with things no longer suitable for us. Elementary, excesses in the wardrobe complicate the choice of clothes. By the time you dig through the whole closet, you can forget about a new blouse under a pile of old dresses.


Once a season, I review my entire wardrobe. I get rid of what I don’t like, it doesn’t fit well, what I have never worn and I can’t even imagine a situation when I will put it on. I make an exception only for very expensive and high-quality things, jewelry. Who knows, maybe in ten years they will become a valuable rarity? Or will they finally fit me again?

With everything else, I do this: I wash cheap clothes or those that are not in very good condition, put them in order and take them to a thrift store or, in the end, I leave them next to a garbage dump in the city center or in a residential area. Usually the homeless pick it up right away.

The one that is better, I sell. I often use Avito. I just sold a wool scarf with a Guess cap today. The hat was prickly for me, and I didn’t like it at all, so it lay for two seasons almost untouched. And sometimes, we team up with friends and arrange parties with fitting and exchange of such clothes. A great opportunity to meet up and have a great time. Cocktails included!

If there is something left that I don’t dare to sell or give away yet, I put it off for half a year and see if my attitude towards this thing has changed.

Why did I decide to clean my wardrobe every three months? Yes, because it is insanely tiring to sell and give everything away when the closet has not been thoroughly reviewed for a couple of years. Despite the fact that for the past two years I have periodically got rid of everything, now for the second week I have been putting my wardrobe in order.

Unnecessary/outdated appliances and gadgets

Oh, these surprise gifts and all that we receive "on duty" or from those who do not know us well. Then there are always extra coffee grinders, multicookers, smart alarm clocks and other things that seem to be necessary, but not for us. They lie and wait in the wings, or rather the moment when they are already obsolete and will be sent, at best, to the country.

If the thing is in the package and has not yet been used, I sell it or set it aside as a gift to someone who really needs it. Among my friends and acquaintances there are lovers of fresh coffee and those who need a keychain-flashlight for keys.

Sometimes it also happens that you choose some super fashionable gadget for yourself, you walk around with it for a month and you realize that, that’s all, you’ve played enough. So I had, for example, with a smart "bracelet" Jawbone Up24. I myself chose it as a birthday present for myself and prescribed it to my friends in the wish list. I thought he would help me wake up with my biorhythms and eat only the right food. As a result, after a month he got tired of me, and I adjusted my biorhythms myself.

I did not throw it in a box with unnecessary items and decided to sell it. By the way, this is where my acquaintance with Avito began. I dropped the price 4 times, and the buyer was immediately found. Yes, it’s a pity to give away a good thing at such a price, but for myself I decided that it would be better for me to go to a restaurant twice with this money than to fill the box with a thing I don’t need.

And so in everything. Now I boldly sell extra juicers and food processors left over from family life, I can’t wait to find a family again and squeeze juice for my children and husband. Perhaps my future husband lives in another country and every day the juice is squeezed out for him by a personal chef!

2. Choose things according to their expediency.

I used to often buy clothes and perfumes for my mood. Hence the extra clothes, and the money thrown away. But life, as they say, taught me the ruble. Renting an apartment is not cheap. And I slowly began to save money. And most importantly, she returned the very joy that arises when you look for some thing for a long time and find it.

Let me tell you about spirits. I used to have about ten different ones, and I used them depending on my mood. Therefore, they did not end for a long time and insanely bothered me for several years. It's a pity to throw it away, but I don't want to use it.

Now everything is different. I have one day perfume, one for evening and one for seduction. Something like this. And now I choose perfumes for several months. I go shopping, I sniff - mine or not. And I take only those that made me remember their smell.

And how nice it is to buy a thing not just like that, but to make a mini-holiday out of it! For example, I decide that I will dedicate Saturday exclusively to myself. I wake up in the morning, have a delicious breakfast, go shopping, buy a dress, then have lunch in a new place, and at the end of the day - a movie or a spa. This is a whole ritual that gives much more pleasure than a blouse or mascara bought in a hurry and in a fit of longing.

If you are just sad and want to cheer yourself up, it is better to go for a massage or to the theater. Spending money in delirium is not the best story.

This is about clothes, but what about large purchases? household appliances, cars and so on? Again, the principle of expediency. Why buy TV in every room if I only watch it in the living room, and even then on holidays? Or what's the point of a food processor if there's nowhere to put it. It will be stored in the pantry or under the bed, and, accordingly, hardly used.

3. Keeping family heirlooms and your own trophies is necessary, but not all.

Over the years of life, a lot of memorable little things usually accumulate in one place, which over time can absorb the entire apartment if they are not regularly cleaned. For myself, I choose only what I am ready to spend my space on, I attach everything else for its intended purpose. I keep old photos on removable hard drives, I give away the disks, leaving only the most memorable ones for myself.

It is always very difficult to part with the things of beloved relatives after their death. But you can’t take everything with you and carry it for the rest of your life. I would really hate to get rid of my grandfather's military uniform with orders and his notes or some of my grandmother's jewelry and photographs. But, for example, I would give some of the books to those who really need them: friends, small cafes, orphanages. Memories from this will not become less, but I will have more space.

Or another example, I have a memory box where I used to put old concert tickets, Love letters and other nice little things. Although it takes up a lot of space, until now I did not dare to throw it away and steadfastly carried it with me during all the moves. But now I am already mentally mature in order to part with it, if life requires it. After all, all the memories are in our heads!

4. Plan your living space consciously.

In the living space, everything should be convenient and at hand. I, for one, love to cook and put everything in the right order for me. It is important for me that everything is nearby, and not lying in a pantry or closet. When I had a large kitchen, I could afford to put all the kitchen appliances on various tables and kitchen islands and use them regularly. As soon as I put something in the drawer, I forgot about it. So, the blender could stand idle for months. When I moved into a rented apartment with a small kitchen, I took only the most basic things - a couple of frying pans, pots and other small utensils. I was no longer up to double boilers and food processors.

The same applies to extra shelves, boxes and little things. When planning a kitchen and an apartment (it’s strange, but I’ve already done this many times in my life), I try to minimize unnecessary rooms and objects that are then not clear how and with what frequency they will be used. Everything that does not carry real functionality only interferes and clutters up your apartment.

I arrange cosmetics so that in the morning only my permanent set is at hand, and not a whole cosmetic bag. Shadows and lipsticks, tonal creams, which I use less often, lie separately. So I save a lot of time, because I don’t have to look for anything.

In addition, I have several drawers and compartments that contain the contents of the most frequently used outdoor items. For example, in autumn there is an umbrella, keys, documents, gloves, a couple of bags, a sponge for shoes or credit cards. And in the summer - sunglasses, adhesive plasters, napkins.

Such I place functional sets in those zones where I find the fastest access to them at the right time. And again, I regularly get rid of everything that I do not need and does not work. In a sense, it does not work for me and for my current life situation.

5. Don't buy extra food if you don't have time to cook it.

My heart bleeds every time I see my parents making extra jams, sauces, mushrooms and cucumbers! Year after year, the situation does not change, and only half of everything that was done so diligently and with soul is eaten.

I always try to use the principle of expediency. For example, I'm a fan of fresh berries - so at the end of the summer I can devote time to picking or buying and processing them for storage in the freezer. But I sincerely do not understand those who do it "by inertia" - there is no need to be a "fraer", who was ruined by greed. So life only becomes more complicated, because we lose precious minutes that could be spent on something really important.

I myself am not a fan of jam and canned vegetables and fruits, so I do not strive to make such preparations. Being married, she made several jars - just enough to last the winter. I don't like it when food is thrown away. The same goes for shopping. I prefer to go several times a week for perishable products, such as milk, meat or fish, than to buy for a few weeks in advance and store it all in the freezer.

Again, all products that have undergone heat treatment, whether cold or warm, no longer carry as much benefit as fresh ones. For myself, I decided to buy seasonal vegetables and use a grain germinator.

There is always a solution if you really want to find it.

6. Periodically assess whether all those expensive things that we use are really needed.

Now we will talk about apartments, cars, cottages, yachts ... A car is good, but how much time and money does it take to maintain. It is comparable in cost to daily taxi rides. And then there are traffic jams, time to warm up the engine (especially in winter), problems with parking, and so on. Yes, still the car makes us walk less. Times so in a hundred less walk. And to be in shape, you then need to go to the gym, or you could just walk five to ten kilometers every day. And it is quite real.

I'll tell you on own example. As soon as I got a car, I started to drive it almost constantly. With the change of work and housing last year, I simply did not get out of it. And what is the result? Gained a couple of extra pounds, despite the sport. And then I decided to reconsider my attitude to the car, to assess whether I really need it every day. Having abandoned the usual pattern that a car is convenience and comfort, I rediscovered walks, minibuses, subways and even electric trains. And she was satisfied. Now I often do this: in the morning I come to work by car, and in the evening I leave home without it. I go out a couple of metro stations earlier from home to walk and do some shopping. So, I walk more and manage to do my business in parallel.

Apartments, cottages and other real estate. I am sincerely convinced that these things should work for the owner. Either they live there regularly, or they are obliged to bring money. My choice is simple. I don't want to spend time maintaining houses I won't live in, buying furniture, cleaning, insurance, and so on. Indeed, forces and energy flow into this hole, why give it to something that you practically do not use. Guided by the principle of expediency, if possible, I will rent something, I will sell something, and where my heart is, I will live. about published

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