Scenario of the holiday for Mother's Day “Party in a cafe for mom. Sergievsky rural house of culture Holding mother's day in the village club

"You are the best in the world"

Time 18:00

1 leader - Good evening, dear mothers, grandmothers!

2leader - Hello dear guests!

We are glad to welcome you to the brightest, gentlest and kindest holiday, Mother's Day.

1 -Every year in last days November we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Mother's Day. On this day, we remember with special warmth the closest people - our mothers, grandmothers, thanks to whom we exist and live!

2 - There are a lot of good words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and more important than all:

Of two syllables, simple: "MA-MA"

And there are no words more precious than it.

No. 1 "I'm having a dream" Gordeeva Lisa and Sonya

Leading. Each of us has the best, kindest, most beautiful mother. Most most!

How much torment she had with us
But she doesn't need awards.
Moms dream about one thing -
About the love of your children.

The floor is given to the head of the Sergievsky rural settlement Ivan Fedorovich Ivashina.

(Speech by I. F. Ivashina)

presenter . No matter how adults children grow up, for us mothers, they will always remain children. And children, scattered from their parental nest, sometimes have no time to call, write, come. And a mother's heart hurts. I want to appeal to everyone in this hall, appreciate your mothers, give them moments of joy, be caring and always remember that we are indebted to them. Now we will show you what secret weapon every mom has.

No. 2 Scene "The passage of time"

Mothers always see us as children.

Mothers are faithful to fairy tales, lullabies.

Moms are masters of raising people.

Moms make our world magical.

If life brings problems

Ile illness in a pastel mows down for a long time.

Mom will take care of everything.

Happiness will ask you to come into the house as soon as possible.

Take care of your mothers

Save their hearts from wounds.

Love them as hot as possible.

Say "Thank you" and "I'm sorry" more often.

No. 3 "Mom's heart" Sasha

Leading. Yes, the role of women in modern world very responsible. Women have mastered many professions, work in almost all industries, share all responsibilities with a man. And they are good at it. And children always love their mothers and are proud of them.
No. 4 Scene “We need different mothers”

Leading. And today we congratulate the dearest, dearest and most beloved mothers, enjoy communication with each other, and our artists will try to create a good mood for you.

No. 5 "Barber" Krotkova Tanya

Leading. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. The happiness of the mother is the happiness of the children. She is strict because she understands her great responsibility for her son or daughter, she wishes them well. Mother is the first teacher and friend of the child, and the closest and most faithful. The children's dance group "Rosinki" is on stage.

No. 6 Dance "Girlfriends"

Leading. Today, on this holiday - Mother's Day, the day of the dearest person, we congratulate all women who have such a happy and difficult fate at the same time - to be a mother.

And we congratulate all other people on the fact that they also had the great happiness of being someone's children, being born on this earth and knowing loving tender hands. Today we would like to give pleasant moments of joy to mothers and grandmothers sitting in the hall. It is to them that all songs and poems are dedicated today.

No. 7 "We are little children" Lado

presenter. Mother's Day is a worthy, good holiday,
Which is the sun in the family.
And it's not nice, is every mother,
When she is rightfully honored.

Dear mothers, meet, the dance group "Zorenka" performs for you

No. 8 Dance "I'll go out into the street"

Leading. Mothers love us for who we are, but mother's most cherished desire is to see us healthy, kind and smart. And we want to see them always young, cheerful and cheerful. And this wonderful song for you dear mothers, performed by the children's vocal ensemble "Lado"

No. 9 "Chest little men" Lado

Leading. Mom is a huge window to the world. It helps the child to understand the beauty of the forest and the sky, the moon and the sun, clouds and stars... Mom's lessons are for life. The life of each of us in childhood is made up of small, sometimes imperceptible grains of mother's tenderness and care.

And this wonderful dance is for you, the charming half of humanity.

No. 10Dance "Swallow"

No. 11 Poem "If I were a girl" Ivashina Denis

"Moms love to eat jam" Timur

№ 12 Flashmob


Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Happy is he who from childhood knows maternal love, affection, care ... With respect and gratitude, we treat those people who reverently pronounce the name of the mother to gray hair, protect her old age.

No. 13 Final "Mom - the first word" Gordeeva E. G.
Our holiday has come to an end. We thank all participants of the concert program for the pleasure and festive mood. We were very pleased to see the kind and gentle smiles of mothers, the happy eyes of their children. We thank you, dear mothers, for coming to us for the holiday and for the fact that you are always with us, for the fact that you are the best, the best and kindest. Thank you, see you soon!

November is coming up very soon. It will fly by quickly, and we will not have time to look back, as winter will come. But before winter comes, there will be another holiday - Mother's Day. The script for the mother's day concert that we offer you can be held in the house of culture. The script is simple, but interesting and touching, cheerful and affectionate. In general, see for yourself, and arrange the most the best holiday in a year!


Our dear mothers! Today is not just a holiday, today is the most wonderful, touching and affectionate holiday. After all, it is thanks to you, mothers, that we have a future.
You do not just give birth to children, you take care of them, raise them kind, polite and caring, just like you yourself.
The word MAMA in all languages ​​of the world sounds about the same. And this is not surprising, because MAMA it remains a mother in any country!
Let's applaud each other. Let's applaud all the mothers who have experienced this wonderful feeling of motherhood! And let's start our festive concert with you!

Children come on stage and sing a song altered to the motive of the song - “a small country”.

And which of the mothers sitting in the hall wants to participate in the competition? Get on stage.

Wishing mothers come out. Each mother is given a pen and a sheet of paper. Their task in one minute is to write on their sheet as many affectionate words as possible for their child. After one minute, the facilitator takes the sheets from the mothers and reads them one by one. Whoever has more words wins.

You see, with what only words mothers do not call their children. And they are all touching, kind and gentle!
Do you know that children help their mothers in all household chores? Didn't notice? Then watch a short scene with the participation of children who are always ready to help their mother.

A scene called - I help my mother.

And now I need moms again for the contest. Which mom loves to sew and sew up socks? Please on stage!

Wishing mothers take the stage. Each of them is given a thread, a needle and beads. The task of mothers in one minute is to put on a thread with a needle as many beads as possible. Whoever has more of it, she wins.

That's what moms are great for. So deftly everyone coped with a needle and thread. Looks like they have to darn a lot for their children.
There are families in the world where three mothers live at once: grandmother, mother and daughter. Want to see how they live? Then look.

A scene called - three mothers.

And again I need mothers on stage. Come out.

Moms come out.

Now you will sing ditties! You don't know ditties? It doesn't matter, we will distribute the texts to you. So learn them for now, and then sing them.

Mothers sing ditties. Whoever sang more artistically wins a prize.


The stage is decorated with balloons.

Before the start of the concert, pleasant music sounds in the hall.

The hall is festively decorated. Slideshow.

Behind the scenes, against the background of gentle music, the presenters read a verse.

Presenter 1: The rain beats on the window like a frozen bird.
But she will not fall asleep, continuing to wait for us.
Today I want to bow from the bottom of my heart
The one who gave us life in agony,
The one that sometimes did not sleep with us at night,
Her warm hands were pressed to her chest,
And she prayed for us to all the holy images.
The one who asked God for happiness
For the health of their daughters and sons.
Each new step for her was like a holiday,
And she was sicker from the pain of children.
We fly from our native nest like birds,
We want to become adults as soon as possible.
Today I want to bow to the ground
Our Russian woman named MOTHER!

(Chorus "Expanse"Russian village"

Choir "Expanse""Oh, the soul of a Cossack")

The hosts take the stage.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon dear friends! There are words in this world that we call holy. And one of these holy, warm, affectionate words is the word "mother".

Host 2: Because this word carries warmth in itself - the warmth of mother's hands, mother's soul, mother's word. And what is more valuable and desirable for a person than the warmth and light of the eyes of a loved one?

Presenter 1: Today, on this festive day, we congratulate all women who have such a happy and difficult fate at the same time - to be a mother!
Host 2: And we congratulate all the others sitting in this hall on the fact that they also had great happiness - to be someone's children, to be born on this earth and to know loving tender hands.

Presenter 1: The floor for congratulations is given to the head of the administration of the Ilek-Penkovsky rural settlement, Lyudmila Ivanovna Vyzhunova.

(head speech)

Host 2: I think that our frequent and welcome guest, rector of the Church of the Holy Great Martyr Barbara, Father Andrei, will find many kind words for you.

(Speech by Father Andrey)

Host 2: Motherhood is a small feat. There is nothing stronger than a mother's love. There is nothing more important than a mother's heart. There is nothing more precious than motherly warmth. The most gentle and caring hands. Infinite patience, bestowal, love, tenderness, wisdom.

Presenter 1: The poem “Today was the last day” is read by Elizaveta Taran.

Presenter 1: On this Day, I would like to wish all mothers eternal youth and unearthly beauty, real happiness, long life, excellent, good health, understanding and devotion in the family. Our most basic wealth is not money and power, but a strong joyful family with charming smiles of our children.

Irina Nezhibetskaya sings for you. ("To my mom")

Host 2:"MOTHER". This word contains love and hope, strength and inspiration, it contains light, warmth and comfort. Immensely happy is the person whom caring motherly hands and kind words support not only in childhood. Maternal love makes us stronger, helps us overcome adversity and believe in success.
(Children's choir "We are little stars")

Presenter 1:"Mom" is only two syllables. But what a lot of meaning in this simple, short and easy-to-pronounce word! It contains not just a meaning - it contains a special energy called "love". And this love is never unrequited .

(Lyudmila Vanina and Tatyana Dorina "Man and Woman").

Host 2: They say love rules the world. We love, we are loved ... Sometimes mutually, sometimes unrequitedly. But there is love in the world that is not subject to anything: neither time, nor gossip, nor oblivion. This is mother's love. She accompanies us from the very first moment on this earth. We grow up, we leave home. But even at the end of the earth, we remember that somewhere far away warm mother's hands and gentle eyes are waiting for us.

In execution Ksenia Rudeva's song "Far from Mom" ​​sounds.

Presenter 1: Traditionally, Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of autumn. It would seem that there can be beauty in a fading nature. But after that, it will bloom again. In the meantime, we will be able to enjoy the delightful statements about the golden age in the song "Autumn has come to us again" performed by the youngest participants in our concert.
(kindergarten "Autumn")

Host 2: In the mother's heart of tenderness without edge,
Mom's eyes are the sun in the sky.
Do not be sad that we have frost, dear,
Silver gray in hair.
Don't count wrinkles on your face.
Are your hands rough? Do not Cry!
And wrinkles are cobwebs
From your and our failures.

Presenter 1: Take pity and give good advice -
Is there a kinder mother?
Motherhood is not an easy burden.
There is joy and sorrow in it.
Obeying the command of the heart.
I'll look into the eyes, my dear, I'll look ...
I'll gently fall on my knees
And I'll tell you: "Thank you ..."

Host 2: Alena Ivashina will perform the song "Mom's Heart".

Presenter 1: Life is Beautiful and amazing! And it goes its own way. Children are born, and each new life- these are new dreams, hopes of mothers for their happy future. The dance with umbrellas will be shown to you by the smallest participants of our holiday.

(Dance with umbrellas.)

Presenter 1: The firmaments are burning with myriads of stars,

And in this burning - the greatness of heaven ...

But the greatest creation of nature

A woman appears - a miracle of miracles.

Host 2: I believe that a woman is a miracle,

What can not be found in the Milky Way,

And if "beloved" is a holy word,

That is thrice sacred - “mother woman”.

Presenter 1: Men congratulate all those present on this holiday.

("A woman is air"

"Good evening")

Presenter 1: The kindest…
Host 2: The wisest...
Presenter 1: The most beloved…
Host 2: The most beautiful mothers in the world are congratulated by Evgeny Gorbenko and Ksenia Trubacheva with the song "Seeds".

Presenter 1: Dear mothers! We wish that the joy of motherhood brings lightness to the soul, and harmony to the heart! You are guardian angels, advisers and the dearest in the world for millions of children! May your hands always be warm, shoulders wrapped in care and love. Good luck, love and happiness!

Irina Nezhibetskaya on stage.

Host 2: No matter how many worries
All the same: in need, in abundance, -
If a woman sings, then everything is in order in the house!

Listen to the song "Cossacks drove home."

Host 2: Dance is live music

And no wonder people say:

Peace and harmony reign in the dance

Tatyana Kurilova and Dmitry Maksimenko are dancing for you.

Presenter 1: Two feelings save us in life - love and humor. If you have one of the two, you are a lucky person. If you have both, you are invincible. Invincible people have gathered in this hall, and Nikolai Kravchenko is speaking for you.


Presenter 1: Who said - ditties, like,

Is it out of fashion these days?

Yes, and it's only in fashion,

If people love them?

Ditties sound for you .

Host 2: Mom means tenderness
This is kindness, kindness,
Mom is serenity
This is joy, beauty!

Presenter 1: Mom is a bedtime story
It's morning dawn
Mom - a hint in difficult times,
This is wisdom and advice!

Host 2: Mom is the green of summer
It's snow, autumn leaf,
Mom is a ray of light
Mom means LIFE!

(Scene "Gift to Mom" ​​Grade 8)

Presenter 1: A deep bow to you and the most sincere words of gratitude, our dear mothers and grandmothers. Be happy! Peace and goodness to you, family well-being and good health! And let your children, to whom you give the best, only please you.

Host 2: On stage, the folk amateur group choir "Razdolie", leader Ekaterina Kukulevskaya.

(“Stoves - benches”, “Wish”) The choir remains on the stage, the presenters come out.

Presenter 1: Our concert is over.

Host 2: We say see you again.

Materials for Mother's Day (skits and miniatures)

Presenter 1: Well, now we bring to your attention the weather forecast. Chinarev Danila will tell you about the weather for today.

Today, November 30, in all cities and villages, especially in the village of Novopolevodino, clear cloudless weather is expected, sunny from smiles, hot from tender congratulations, flowery congratulatory warm winds are blowing. By the middle of the day, outbursts of joyful moods and applause are expected, warm short-term tears are possible and a front is expected. Have a good mood and love. The hydrometeorological center congratulates everyone on the holiday - Happy Mother's Day and gives you this scene.

Mother and children participate in the scene. The mother comes home after work.
Well, I'm finally home! Children! How was the day? What did you do?

– Mom, we wanted to help you so much that we decided to redo all the housework! I washed the dishes!

- What a fine fellow you are, what a caring!

- Mom, mom, I'm also great, I wiped all the dishes!

- And you, Nikita, are also smart!
She turns to Dima:
- And you, Dima, what did you do all day?

Third child:
- And I swept up all the fragments from the broken dishes and took them to the trash!

Mom “faints”; the children give her ammonia, put her on a chair, then mom comes to her senses and says:
- All the same, you are the best in the world and the most caring children! I love you very much, my sons, you are precious!

Leading. On the eve of the holiday, we conducted a sociological survey among the children of our school and found out what qualities our dear mothers have. 71 students from grades 1 to 10 were interviewed and these are the qualities that any mother possesses: Kindness Attentiveness Kindness Love
Wisdom Generosity Responsiveness Caring Diligence Tenderness
Mom means tenderness, affection, kindness! Mom is serenity, joy, beauty! Mom is a fairy tale for the night, this is the morning dawn! Mom is a hint in difficult times, it is wisdom and advice! Mom is the greenery of summer, this is the first snow, autumn leaf! Mom is a ray of light, mom is life!

Thumbnail "Advice to Mom!"

The son is sitting on the couch eating chips, all on the phone, watching TV. Mom enters, carrying heavy bags in her hands.

Son: - I can’t even find words!
Well, how can you, mom,
Carry gravity in purses
Ten kilos?
I look, a little light has come again
Are you from the supermarket...

Mom, wiping sweat from her forehead:
– So what to do? Give advice.
Son: - Go twice, mom!

Mom: Yes, I would gladly take your advice, son! Son: And you can go to the store, Time two and three, it's easier! -

Mom goes to the kitchen, puts on an apron, is going to cook dinner.

So will we have dinner or not, answer me soon, mom ?!

We’ll have dinner, I’ll just rest and cook dumplings, Kolka!

But how long can you wait and rest, and groan, and sigh! I give you advice: In hands - phone and order, here it is! Pizza and rolls at the address urgently, I pay for delivery - ahead of schedule! Give me a card and meet dinner on the doorstep! That's the whole secret and no problems!

Scene"household chores" . Mom comes home! - Hurray, mommy, our dear has come! - Our favorite! - Our wise one! - Our glorious!

Oh, guys, I forgot to buy bread (everyone quickly scatters)

Sasha, son, take the money and go get some bread.

And why should I go for bread, huh? Why am I! What am I to you a servant in bast shoes! So let Leshka come down. I swept the floor yesterday. And I have, oh, my stomach is seized, it's just sick.

And Lyoshka, why, why am I red-haired or what?

I swept the floor yesterday. And my stomach, oh, my stomach hurts, no urine, I didn’t sleep all night.

And my hand 5 minutes ago was so sick, I can’t carry a loaf of bread! There, let Seryozhka go! What am I extreme or what?!

Slightly that immediately Seryozhka! Smart what! I took out the trash yesterday!

So what, endured, did not break?

I twisted my leg so much, I'm still limping! I can't get to the store! Oh, oh, it hurts, it hurts so much, there is no strength! And let Tolka go, for sure!

And this is why it is Tolka. Why am I bald? My head is spinning, I can't see white light. When I go to you, I won’t find the store! Go and go yourself!

I won't go! Did I feed the dog yesterday, did I feed it? Oh, my tummy, oh, oh! Poor him!

Did I wash the dishes yesterday? My leg, my knee is spinning, oh, help me get to the chair! It hurts so much. pulls!

Did I wash the floor yesterday? Oh, my hand, my little hand, how hard it hit, it hurts, such a bruise ...

Mom gets up, takes a bag, a wallet. - What should I do! You, my poor things, are treated, lie down, sit down. You have to go to the store yourself!

After dinner, mom goes to the kitchen, and the son shouts after her:

Mom, where are you?

Yes, son, you have to wash the dishes!
“Mommy, dear, I don’t want you to wash the dishes on Mother’s Day.” It is not right!

What a caring son I have!

Leave it for tomorrow! Mom, tomorrow you will wash, where will she go!

The son asks his mother:
- Mom, what is it like to have the best son in the world?
Mom: - I don’t know, dear, ask your grandmother.

- Mom, did you have a computer as a child?
- No, it was not.
- How so? Blimey! And the game console?
- Not!
- Horrible! A cellular telephone or smartphone?
- Not.
- Poor thing, what a difficult childhood you had! How I sympathize with you!

Miniature "My son!"

Mom: Get up, son. The alarm clock is ringing, you'll be late for school!

Son: I don't. Again, Petrov will start pestering everyone ... he will start a fight!

Mom: If you don't get up, you'll be late for the first lesson.

Son: Okay. Watch how Ivanov will throw rags again? Mom: Still, it's not good to be late. Son: So be it! Is it good when Sidorov shoots at people with a slingshot?

Mom: Son, get up, you only have half an hour left, won't you have time to get ready for school?

Son: I don't want to! Again Afonin will run away from the lessons and will smoke in the toilet! Mom: Son, you can’t be so lazy and ill-mannered, you can’t just not go to school, because you are ... a director, son! (son gets up and goes to get ready for school)

Mom asks her son:- Son, well, how I corrected my deuces in the magazine!

- How can I fix them, mom, if the teacher does not let go of the magazine!

Leading.The teacher says to Vovochka:
- Who did you draw?
- Dad.
What, does your dad have green hair?
_ Not.
Why did you make them green?
- And what, do you have bald paint?
2.- Dad, why is the moon bigger than the stars?
- Who knows.
- Dad, why is the sun so bright?
- Who knows.
- And why is there a polar night?
- Who knows?!
- Dad, maybe you're tired of answering?
- No, no, son, ask! Who else, besides your father, will explain everything to you.

Scene: What kind of children are these days, right?

Boy - I'm thinking, guessing
Why are children born?
So, do you guys mind?
Let's weigh the pros and cons!

Dgirl - Why do you need all this?

Mplchik- For a specific answer!
Getting ready for adulthood...

Dgirl - You thought of it cleverly!

Boy - Yes, I feel sorry for my mother,
From the problems of life is not visible.

Dgirl - Yes ... we have a lot of problems ...
Not an easy position - mom.
How would it be easier for her
Without children like us.

D - Fu! What nonsense!
She'll be bored then!
Yes, and in old age compote
Who will bring in a glass?
Imagine now
Mom without kids!

Misha - At home - quiet ... cleanliness ... Beauty!

Diana - And emptiness! The house is cozy, but empty!
Without children, he is not alive!

Misha- But, I'll tell you straight,
Mom is having a good rest.
She won't have to again
Check all lessons
Solving problems for children
writing essay,
For various tricks
Then scold, then punish,
Kitchen, dinner, laundry,
Collect toys again.
Not sparing nerve cells,
Get the kids in bed!

Diana- And to hear, falling asleep, ....
You are so beautiful
Honestly, honestly,
Mom, I love you so much!...

Misha- nice...
What about such a prospect? -"
Just raised kids...
Got married soon...
Do you want to rest now?
Here are your grandchildren! Get it!

Katya - So what? Play again.
Respond to grandma
Sit down, get up, run
Collected the toys again
stove workout,
Carriage of household vanity,

DimaWhy do they need such a life?

Katya - Aerobics is solid!
Hurry up to get it all done.
Even no time to grow old

Dima - Not! I still doubt
So many nerves and worries!
I'm more and more convinced
Children are troublesome people.
It takes a long time to grow them
And educate, teach,
Don't sleep at night
Do not sleep day and night
Survive day and night
Get sick to heal
Guilted - to beat,
And help with studies
And feed and decorate ...

Katya - What is the difficulty? I do not understand!
I dress up dolls!

Dima- Well, compared! In - gives!

Nastya - Children are troublesome people!
But for mom
All the more important, I'll tell you straight.
To mothers - in children continuation.
And honor and respect!
And great love.

Vova - And care again and again ...

Nastya- So, my friend, calm down!
Caring is fun!
While you are raising children
You won't get bored for a moment.

Vova- Yes, yes, I got the answer -
The meaning of life is seen in this.

Nastya - The meaning of life is seen in
So that the kids are full of house!
Every mother has a child!
All - Well, it's better to have two at once!

Vova- So that mommy is bored Didn't have a headache.

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Scenario for Mother's Day.

Target: maintaining the traditions of caring for a woman, strengthening family foundations, and celebrating the importance of the main person in our life - the mother.


  • the formation of a respectful attitude of children to their parents and parents to their children; cultural traditions in communication between adults and children;
  • awaken in adults and children the desire to be friendly and trusting to each other;
  • contribute to the creation of warm relationships in the family;
  • creating a positive emotional sphere.

Characters: 1, 2 - leading; readers; dancers; singers.

Props: background screen savers, "Mammoth Song", Song "Mother's Heart" (Jasmine); A Teens - Mamma Mia, Taisiya Povali's song "Mama Mommy" (minus); song "Mommy" - Natasha Koroleva (minus).

FNG: leading exit.

Presenter 1:

I sing of what is eternally new,
And although I don’t sing a hymn at all,
But in the soul the word born
Gets his music...
This word will never offend,
There is a life being hidden in it,
It is the source of everything, it has no end.
I pronounce it: MOM

Lead 2: - Good afternoon, dear mothers, hello, dear women! Let me congratulate you on the tender family holiday, Mother's Day, filled with bright colors of autumn, aromas of greenery and fruits collected in gardens.

Presenter 1: We would very much like today's meeting to bring you joy, tearing you away from everyday worries at least for a while, so that you feel how children love you, how dear your attention is to them.

Lead 2:

We are glad to congratulate now
Women of all who are with us!
But congratulations
Our grandmothers and mothers!
And with love we dedicate our concert today to you.

FNG: Mammoth song remix (dance).

Presenter 1: The word mom is a special word. It is born with us, accompanies us in the years of growing up and maturity. Mom is no more precious than a word, mom is the whole world ...

FNG:(reader) With silence:


In the old Strauss waltz for the first time
We heard your silent call
Since then, all living things are alien to us
And the quick chime of the clock is gratifying.

We, like you, welcome the sunsets
Reveling in the nearness of the end.
All that we are rich on the best evening,
You put us in our hearts.

Tirelessly leaning towards children's dreams,
(Without you, only a month looked at them!)
You led your little ones by
Bitter life of thoughts and deeds.

From an early age, who is sad is close to us,
Laughter is boring and homemade is alien ...
Our ship is not sent off in a good moment
And floats at the behest of all winds!

All paler azure island - childhood,
We are alone on deck.
Apparently sadness left a legacy
You, O mother, to your girls!

(Marina Tsvetaeva)

Host 2: Mother's Day celebration began in Ancient Rome when people praised the goddess of the earth and fertility. In Christianity, this holiday is associated with the celebration of the Protection of the Mother of God.

Presenter 1: Since 1998, in Russia, on the last Sunday of November, Mother's Day, the Keeper of the Hearth, has been celebrated. This is a kind of Thanksgiving, an expression of love and respect for mothers. They gave us life, affection and care, warmed us with love. The words "mother", "mother" are among the most ancient on Earth and sound almost the same in the languages ​​of different peoples. This suggests that all people revere and love mothers. Many countries celebrate Mother's Day. People congratulate their mothers, come to visit them, give gifts, arrange a holiday for them.

Lead 2: And now we invite you to play.

The game: Name the songs where the word “mother” occurs. (Answers moms.)

Presenter 1: So you did a great job, and now I'm inviting 4 moms for the next one. Competition: It's called "Musical"

Task: It is necessary to sing a children's song “Let them run clumsily” as they would sing it:

  • cat camp;
  • a group of little pigs;
  • ensemble of stray dogs;
  • chicken vocal group; (The host puts the participants in their place. And our holiday continues.)

FNG: reading a poem.

Mothers have a holy office in the world

Mothers have a holy position in the world -
Pray for gifted children.
And day and night in the invisible ether
Our mothers are praying.

One falls silent, the other echoes.
Night will change day and night will come again
But mothers' prayers do not stop
For a dear son or daughter.

The Lord hears the prayers of mothers,
He loves them more than we love.
Mother will never stop praying
About the children that have not yet been saved.

There is a time for everything, but as long as we are alive,
We must pray, cry out to God.
There is an unearthly power hidden in prayer,
When their mother whispers them with tears.

How quiet. The birds in the yard fell silent,
Everyone has already gone to bed.
In front of the window I bowed to pray
My own loving mother.

Host 2: mother, mother. How much warmth this magic word conceals. Maternal love warms us for many years. Mom's warmth is always there, even if she is far away, mother's love and warmth is always in our hearts...

FNG: Song about mother's heart (Jasmine).

Presenter 1: Oh, how beautiful is the word mother! Everything on earth is from mother's hands! They do not know boredom, always in business, always in the cares of their mother's gentle hands ...

Presenter 1: And I invite 1 mother for the next contest: "Guess the son (daughter)"

Conditions: Two or three mothers are blindfolded and placed in front of a line of children. Participants must find their child by touch. To complicate the task, only the male part of the group is assigned to the mothers of the boys. With girls it is easier - parents can focus on hairstyles, bows and hairpins when they touch the child's head. Therefore, the teacher can bring intrigue to the competition by removing the most outstanding details of outfits from little fashionistas.

Host 2: At the heart of worthy human relationships is love, the first love is love for the mother. She loves wisely and patiently, she is the basis of happiness.

FNG: Mama Mia (Dance).

Presenter 1:

We live easy and simple
Because with its warmth
Our grandmothers, our mothers
Warm up our sweet home.
The world is ready to protect us
Any mother with a good heart.


three moms

Tanyusha came from a walk in the evening
And the doll asked:
How are you, daughter?
Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?
Did you sit all day without lunch again?
It's just trouble with these daughters,

Come to dinner, spinner,
Cheesecake for lunch today.

Tanya's mother came home from work
And Tanya asked:
How are you, daughter?
Played again, probably in the garden,
Managed to forget about food again?
Lunch! Grandma screamed a hundred times
And you answered:
Now! Yes now!

Soon you will be as thin as a match!
Come to dinner, spinner,
Cheesecake for lunch today.

Here grandmother, mother's mother, came
And she asked her mother:
How are you, daughter?
Probably in the hospital for a whole day
Again, I didn’t find food for a minute,
And in the evening I put it in my mouth
Dry sandwich?
You can't sit all day without eating!
She has become a doctor, but everything is a fidget!
These girls are just in trouble.
Soon you will be as thin as a match!
Come to dinner, spinner,
Cheesecake for lunch today.

Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,
Three mothers look at their daughters.
What to do with daughters stubborn?
Oh, how not easy it is to be mothers!

Serov. E.

Host 2:

You can travel all over Russia
Spend many days on the road
You won't meet anyone prettier
You won't meet anyone.

And, indeed, there is no one better than mothers in the world.

A wife, a mother is a cheerful gentle sun in the sky of a home hostel, it is a source of affection, compassion and comfort. All of you, dear mothers, daily fulfill the role of a big mistress of a small state. You are a teacher, a psychologist, an economist, a diplomat, a doctor and a baker, an actress and a playwright, and a director of family scenes, a leader and a subordinate at the same time.

But forget about everything for a while. We have a holiday today.

FNG: Song Mom Mommy.

Presenter 1: Now let's play the game "Mommy". I will ask questions, and you answer in chorus: "Mommy."

Who came to me in the morning?

Who said it's time to get up?

Who managed to cook the porridge?

Did you pour me a cup of tea?

Who braided my hair?

Who kissed me?

Who childish loves laughter?

Who is the best in the world?

For you, dear mothers and grandmothers, another musical gift was prepared by students of the specialty Pedagogy of additional education.

FNG: (dance with candles).

Host 2:

So that life does not burn you through the years,
So as not to cry from repentance,
Forever, nowhere and never make your mother cry

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,
Brightly marked for centuries!
The most beautiful of women - a woman with a baby in her arms
May the sun applaud her forever,
And so it will live for centuries,
The most beautiful of women
A woman with a child in her arms
Well, we continue our holiday

We play the game: And my mom is the best!

Anyone can take part. Participants sit in a circle. Now the task of everyone is to tell about their mother with a phrase that begins with “And my mother is the most...” (for example, “And my mother is the kindest”, “And my mother cooks the most delicious shortbread”) A participant who could not remember in in turn, mother's talents are eliminated from the game, and the one who remains wins.

Presenter 1: We are all in eternal, unrequited debt to our mother, whose love accompanies us all our lives. Therefore, love tenderly, respect, take care of mothers, do not hurt them with words and deeds, because only mother's love is more precious than anything in the world, only mother will always understand, always forgive, always stand up for her child, whether he is at least 3 years old, at least several decades . Appreciate the love of your mothers, it is very important to understand your mother's care and attention in time, appreciate the time while your mother is with you ...

FNG: (Song) Mommy Natasha Koroleva.

Presenter 1. We bow to you, mothers, for your great maternal feat!

Lead 2. We bow low to you, a woman whose name is Mom!

Presenter 1.Live long, dear mothers!

Lead 2. Be happy!

Presenter 1: See you soon.

FNG:(departure of all)