Skits scenario “Matching the best. Scenario of the holiday "cabbage get-togethers dedicated to mother's day" Scenario of the cabbage pose

The scene is framed in the style of a Russian hut. In the "hut" - the owners.
Leading: Oh, and there were many holidays in Russia before! The happiest and most generous holidays were in autumn, when the peasants, having harvested their crops, made preparations for the winter. One of the autumn holidays - Exaltation (September 27). People remarked: "Lifting the caftan from the shoulders will move, pulling the sheepskin coat." From Exaltation, they began to chop cabbage. "Dare, woman, about cabbage on the Exaltation day", "At the good man on the Exaltation day and a pie with cabbage." On Exaltation, the beginning of skits, cabbage evenings.
October 14 is the most important autumn holiday - the Intercession. He will cover the ground with snow, where with a leaf.
The owners invited the girls to parties - to help chop cabbage for the winter. And the guys came by themselves, without an invitation. They brought with them an accordion, balalaikas and entertained everyone with jokes. Here and there, cheerful laughter was heard in the houses. So we will go to one of these evenings, and museum exhibits that carefully preserve our history will help us.
Hostess: Oh, grandpa, cabbage evenings have come, it's time for us to prepare cabbage for the winter.
Master: Yes, it seems the time has come.
There is a knock on the door - guests enter.
1 guest: Hello hostess, we have come to help you.
2nd guest: We heard that you are going to chop cabbage, so we came to your party.
Hostess: Come in, dear guests, for a dear guest the gates are wide open, a good guest - always just right. Oh, you gossips, my friends, come and work for me, help me chop the cabbage, help me salt it.
Guests: We will not refuse to chop the cabbage, we will not refuse it and salt it.
Hostess: Wash your white little hands, but take ripe heads of cabbage! Whoever loves to eat pies has a job here: who has heads of cabbage, who can cut them, and who should salt. Who should crush them, but push them into the barrel.
The hostess talks about the objects with which to cut the cabbage.
1 guest: Rest, hostess, we will salt the cabbage without you. And jokes are good for work.
2nd guest: Yes, funny jokes.
Master: Well, let's see who remembers more.


- Fedul, that pouted his lips?
- The caftan burned through.
- Can be sewn up
- Yes, there is no needle.
- Is the hole big?
- One gate remained.
- Thomas, why aren't you coming out of the forest?
- Yes, I caught a bear!
- So bring me here!
- He's not coming.
- So go yourself!
- He won't let me in.
- Thomas, is your house warm?
- It's warm, you can keep warm on the stove in a fur coat.
- What are your girls doing?
- They sew and sing.
- And mothers?
- They flog, but they cry.
- Sonny, go to the river for some water!
- The belly hurts!
- Son, go eat porridge!
“Well, since my mother tells me, we must go.

Questions for the audience: "What jokes do you know?"

Hostess: Well, while the jokes were telling, the work was done, it is not for nothing that they say that the work of the master is afraid. Finished business - walk boldly. Start, little girls, a round dance about cabbage, so that it continues to be richly born.
1 guest: Curl, curl, cabbage, curl, white.
As cabbage does not curl, white - green does not break.
2nd guest: The rain is pouring, it is pouring, it breaks the white-green,
The round dance is gaining.
Master: And where are your good fellows, well, come out and lead a round dance.

Children from the audience are invited and guests lead a round dance to folk music.

Hostess: In the old days, the first head of cabbage was covered with large cast iron, and cast iron - with a white tablecloth so that the cabbage forks were large and tight.
Now we invite everyone to play.

Games are held: "Pegs", "Cabbage", "Cabbage in a cap",

"Drag the bast shoe", "Hit the cast iron."
Games in Putyatineky District

The girls choose a pair of boys and stand in a circle. The boys ("chicks") squat down, and the girls stand behind them. The driver walks in the center of the circle, approaches one of the couples and says:
- Kuma, godfather, sell the pegs.
- Buy.
-What's worth?
- A head of cabbage, and a broom, and a ruble of money.
- Well, from hand to hand, but to the bathhouse.
They hit on the hands and run around the "pegs" -young in different directions. Whoever comes running first stands at the "peg". The loser becomes

Everyone is in a circle. The driver says:
- What a creak, what a crunch?
What is this bush?
How to be without crunch
If I…
And he points to one of the players, he must say: "Cabbage" and run in a circle. The driver is catching up. If the “cabbage” managed to get into place after one circle, the driver loses and starts the game over. If the driver catches up with "cabbage", then he himself becomes a "cabbage". Another starts driving.

"Cabbage in a cap"

A large head of cabbage is placed in the cast iron, on which a cap is put on. It is necessary to knock down the cap from a distance of 5-6 steps with bast shoes. Whoever knocked it down won.

"Drag the bast shoe"
Two participants are playing. A long rope is tied to the bast shoe. A bast shoe is placed at a distance from the participants, and the free end of the rope is given to the players. Put a mug of kvass (water) in the bast shoe. The task of the participants with the help of a rope is to pull the bast shoe with a mug to themselves, without spilling the contents of the mug. Whoever is faster and more accurate - he won.

"Hit the cast iron"
Cast iron is placed upside down on the floor or bench. The participant is blindfolded
unwind him, after which he must try to hit the cast iron with a stick.
Host: Maybe you will sing ditties for us? Guests: Let's sing.
Singing ditties.
Oh, stamp your foot
Do not feel sorry for the boot
Tyatka will sew new ones Or these will fit.
Take a walk, Matvey,
Do not be sorry for bast shoes:
Tyatka will put on the bast - he will sew new bast shoes.
Whether in the garden or in the garden Our Matvey the raven counted.
And what does he care
That he took away the cabbage.
Katya walks between the ridges,
Selects everything:
Where is the cabbage, where is the weed - She will not understand in any way.
My brother prowls the kitchen,
He is looking for forks of cabbage,
Well, what business is it to me?
I ate it a long time ago.
I can sour cabbage,
I am not sad from idleness.
Come visit me
I'll treat everyone to cabbage.
Guests: Songs sang and danced, why the owners are tired. God grant to the one who is in this house. Give birth to wheat and cabbage with lentils! There is always a pie on the table, easy ones are always dear to you.
First guest: Where are the pies? The hut is not red with the corners, but red with pies.
Hostess (enters with pies): While you were dancing and singing, my pies were ripe. I invite everyone to tea with pies (treats everyone with pies).
Leading: The grateful guests said thanks to both the hosts and the holiday itself.
Guests: And now let's say in unison: "Father Pokrov, cover our hut with warmth, and the owner with good."
The guests say goodbye, the owners see them off.
This is where the holiday ends.

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Scenario "Teachers' Gatherings"

Teachers' gatherings "Living healthy"

The march sounds:

Lead 1: Good evening, country!

Lead 2 : Yes, indeed, we have a wonderful, good evening. Look how kind and cheerful everyone is sitting.

Lead 1: What is this march there?

Lead 2: Yes, it’s our teachers who decided to relax and have fun together at the end of the year.

Lead 1: Class!

Exit teachers: MO primary school

Commander: Detachment! Stop! Equalization to the hall!

1.It grows in years,

I turned seventeen.

Where do I work then

What should I do?

2. Get up, go, the dial tone called,
and we come to the bazaar,

trade, do not sleep, communicate,

Get rich quick!

3.The shuttle is good,

And the broker is better

I would go to brokers

Let them teach me.

Making money is tricky

First you take the log.

And we buy and sell!

We row money with a shovel!

4.Broker is good,

A racketeer is better.

I would go to the mafia

Let them teach me!

I have a cool haircut

And I'm dressed according to the firm

Pumped up muscles of steel

And no one is afraid of me!

5.The racketeer is good,

And the model is better!

I would go in a model

Let them teach me!

I don't have to strain

To know only one thing is to smile

Keep your waist in shape

6. Being a model is good

And striptease is better

Can climb poles

Will the physical education teacher teach me?

I'll spin around the stage

Maybe I'll get rich!

7.Well, striptease is good

And the deputy is better!

I would go to parliament

Let them teach me.

I will sit in the Duma
and pass laws,

I will live in a new dacha

Drive around in a Mercedes!

8.A deputy is good,

And a teacher is better

I would go as a teacher

Let them teach me.

Get up, go, the bell is calling

Fun, you won't cry

And you are always in the circle of children

They just pay little.

Lead 2: Dear colleagues, today we will talk about school both jokingly and seriously.

Lead 1: Our hotline received the following information:

Additional subjects will be added to the curriculum in the new millennium:

    chemistry is not organically digestible;

    soft body physics;

    history of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in jokes;

    English with sign language translation;

    future broker - algebra on the fingers.

Lead 2: All of these subjects will be included in the midterm and final attestation of puberty.

Leading l-th: It is not a secret for anyone that without a school teacher there would be no students. And vice versa: what would the unfortunate children, with their eyes burning with thirst for knowledge, do if there was no one to teach them?

Leading 2nd: So, we cannot do without each other, we are all one whole, but each of us has his own, unique face.

Leading l-th: Listen to the statistics department data from the school - no. 46.

(Teacher and student come out) MO russk yaz

Teachers about students:

If you take one hundred percent of schoolchildren, and then divide them specifically, then:

15 out of 100 are hooligans and another 25 are indifferent;

10 is stable - dummies; 5 - capable, but selfish;

28 are lazy; 5 - deceivers and scoundrels.

10 - not meat or fish at all: you have already come to the lesson, so thanks ...

5% comes out in the balance - that's why it's hard at school.

Students about teachers:

If all teachers on earth are judged fairly and strictly, then:

We count 15 percent - very nervous and psychopaths, and another 18 - fans: they would only dig in notebooks.

19% are corporals, they build us better than recruits, and another 25 are gotten.

Well, 8 - so simple - are honored teachers.

Plus 15 - neither meat nor fish: you have already come to the lesson - so thanks.

Nothing comes out in the remainder - that's why it's hard at school.

Leading l-th: Yes, there are many problems in the modern school. It is not so easy to maintain a favorable psychological climate there.

Leading 2nd: The director, head teachers, in a word - the administration sometimes has to “sweat”.


Hello Hello!-That's the punishment!-You are worried about the city council.You are a plan for self-educationShould have passed it to us a long time ago!

I'm waiting for directions again,
And to hell with personal affairs!
It has a hundred pages and diagrams
And all the training programs
For the rest, high bosses,
Everything is good, everything is good!

Hello, hello, did I get there?
The sanitation station is calling, tell me
You report back on magazines,
Have you been instructed?

It's okay, I wrote it down
About ulcers, flu, cholera, AIDS
I'm sorry, what? Again? Is it really not enough?
Then let's add hepatitis!
Don't hesitate, it's okay
We even do our exercises
After all, our motto is in a healthy body
And a healthy spirit must be!

Be equal, at attention! This is urgent!
Police Major Calls
You must say very precisely,
Who is still awake at this hour!

Everything is fine, it will hardly be better
I tried my best
Someday people will say "Thank you"!
Dispersed everyone to their homes!
I went around all the discos-
Mine are not there. I know for sure!
But I want to go home - there is a husband and children! -
Otherwise, everything is fine!

It's good that you are awake!
And we are conducting a poll
Well how was your day, tell me
Answer the question directly

Well, here, again, I have no rest!
And you itching to, I see
Nightmare, but what is it ?!
Although if you please, I will tell

From knowledge I go into ecstasy
And I'm getting smarter a hundred times
-I haven't slept for three nights,
And to hell with personal affairs!
-What you need - you tell me,
I will give briefings
-I tried my best
Dispersed everyone to their homes
_-OMON will not help here either
There will be no assault, so there will be a shmon!
-And tomorrow is the day, and it is no better,
Otherwise, everything is fine!

Lead 2 But, despite their efforts, many teachers suffer for a whole year.

Leading l-th: Yes, it sometimes gives them pleasure to suffer - there would be a reason. At school number 46, they suffer in pairs, in groups, singly. And even as a whole collective - what to do - after all, the overwhelming majority of teachers are women, and this is their element.

"Teacher suffering." MO mathematicians


I do not know what to do,

How much can you suffer.

I want to teach children

They don't study.

I dictated the dictation,

I was in a hurry

How did I read the work,

So I shed a tear.

I go to the lesson boldly,

I'm not afraid of students.

If I give up this case -

There will be more fools.

There is a pine tree on the mountain

Cherry under the mountain.

Our school is good!

And left the facade.

Tryn-grass in front of the school,

Flowers do not grow

Though they are sown every year

At this trendy point.

I come to school in the morning

Fresh, sleek.

I'm leaving school

Blue green!

In the morning I go to school:

Curls and curl!

I'll take seven lessons -

The legs do not bend!

The head teacher walks, the head teacher walks,

He walks, smiles.

Oh, I'm afraid it's not good:

Thrashing is planned.

I received a salary.

I planned a hundred purchases

Brought her home

There is no purchase, not a single one.

Eight troubles - one answer!

I'll go to the teachers' council!

Let everyone scold me there,

I have not known fear for a long time!

We fill in reports

From morning to evening.

Well, and more in our school

It seems there is nothing to do.

Oh, you are our teachers!

Well, they are stubborn people!

No illness, no misfortune -

Nothing takes us

Lead 2 Teacher! To live without nerves
Looking at childish pranks
You may not be with a salary,
But he is obliged to be friends with humor.

Lead 1: We conducted research on the topic "Am I normal?" and tried to answer the question why I work at school. And, here's what we got.

    I have three reasons why I love my job ...
    - June July August...

    Am I normal?

    The school year, like pregnancy, lasts 9 months, and starts to feel sick from the 2nd week ...

    Am I normal?

    I ask the director to send me to the salary increase courses.

    Am I normal?

    Council of the Minister of Education to Teachers:
    - Want to double your salary? Put your money in front of the mirror!

    Am I normal?

    And, the last question of the research: - Who is the sponsor of your school?

And the sponsor of our school is enthusiasm!

    Am I normal?

Lead 2

A diagnostic study showed that in the field of education, 99.9% of teachers need the help of a psychologist. Live healthy! A healthy life is even better!

Lead 1

A school psychologist will share his thoughts on this. So,Psychologist's advice. MOEst Sciences

Our conversation today will convince you: if you want to be healthy, go to work at school! The modern school is a real forge of health, both for teachers and teachers, and even for teachers.
The main wellness procedure at school is the lesson. Just one lesson will help you forget about all your troubles, will make you feel natural human joy from the fact that after it you remained alive and, possibly, unharmed. And if a day you have not one, but, say, five or six lessons, then the feeling of joy will simply turn into happiness!
The more time you spend at school, the less opportunities you have to eat, which, on the one hand, helps you maintain your figure, and, on the other hand, is a medical procedure that maintains your health at the modern scientific level. The absence of a teacher's toilet will develop in you endurance and unpretentiousness, and bags with notebooks, which are recommended to be carried daily, will help to keep in good shape.
Perhaps, only one piece of advice could be given for further strengthening the health of the teaching staff: soar your feet during recess after the frost will pass over your skin from the students' answers!
So, take care of your health! Go to work at school! Live healthy!

Lead 2

So, according to the advice of a psychologist, we must take care of health, so each teacher should have his own personal set. Live great friends

MO history

Scene Teacher's working set.

Several teachers take part in the enacted scene. 1 teacher (stands in a shockproof helmet):
I love children, friends, always,

But knowing their jokes,

I defend myself sometimes

And I cover my head.

After all, they will come in handy more than once

Teachers are brains

And so I enter my class

I, in spite of fear!

2 teacher (standing, hugging a gas mask):
This is my gas mask

Only with him can I go to class!

I've been doing chemistry for a hundred years,

But all the same - there is no peace!

They'll blow it up here, then blow it up there,

And it won't be five minutes!

I'm sitting in a gas mask

And I lead the children in it!
3 teacher (holding a bag of sweets):
I raised the image of a good-natured person.

After all, I always knew for sure

That kids love chocolate

And I am the favorites of the guys

I feed not only knowledge,

After all, I love children with all my heart.

To someone who has learned a lesson

I always put candy in my mouth!
4 teacher (holding a soccer ball):
On physical education, without difficulty,

The order will be forever!

Fell down, wrung out a hundred times

Then crawl to your dusty classroom!
5 teacher (keeps a cool journal):
And my answer is simple,

The headmaster is in front of you!

And if only I want to

I'll be expelled from school in no time

Children read together

All the books assigned at school!

Lead 1 Yes, it's not easy to find an approach
This is how we live the whole school year:

Who could have shouted and made

And who could not put a cola

Lead 2 But you need to remember that guys
Still, of course, too small,

To be kinder, to have patience,

And we can handle it, no doubt!

Lead 1

Oh, how nice we sat here today!
We drank tea and sang songs.

Lead 2
Indeed, how much trouble we have with you:
Notebooks, assignments, checks. Worries - mouth full.

Lead 1
Yes, we are all proud of our profession,
And we know we will come in handy for them someday!

Lead 2

But today flipping through famous volumes
we learned to speak beautifully
in the words of Pushkin Makarenko Dumas
but is this only our strength?

Lead 1
And every hour and every minute
eternal concern for someone's fate
give a piece of heart to someone
such a brother you and I have a job

Lead 2
Sometimes they know more than us
philosophers at 13 and a half
dreaming they forget everything at the hour
squatting back against the warm fireplace

Lead 1
And if the issue is not resolved
they rush to you looking for help
arrange life interrogation
even though you and I, old man, are not Gods

Closing song.

When with a simple and gentle gaze

Students look at us
An extraordinary color pattern
Suddenly the sky and flowers bloom

The hour of fun and the pain of parting
Today we, friends, share.
Let's shake hands
And on a long journey for many years.

Let them love us and no words are needed,
To do it all again.
And our tenderness and our friendship
We'll carry it through the years like love.

The hour of fun and the pain of partingToday we, friends, share.Let's shake handsAnd on a long journey for many years

It is on this optimistic note that we will end our meeting. How can it be “Life is great”, no matter what!

Kocherga Galina Nikolaevna, teacher of mathematics, MBOU Secondary School No. 46, Khabarovsk. Page 11

Kargalskaya Nadezhda Konstantinovna

Musical director

FGBDOU Child Development Center

Kindergarten №1387 UDP RF

Folklore Autumn Festival Scenario

"Cabbage get-togethers".

Characters: Mistress, grandfather, goat.

To the music, the Hostess enters the hall and addresses the audience.


Hello good people! Dear guests!

Glad to see you at my place.

In his upper room, a Russian house!

There will be games, there will be dances, there will be good songs,

After all, once gatherings were a celebration of the soul.

Guests come to me for a walk.

Let's sing and joke and chop cabbage !!!

To the song "Autumn" (the hostess sings), the children come out of the music room, start a round dance, sing along to the hostess)

HOSTESS Hello, dear guests! Please go to the hut!

Red guest - red place ( offers to sit on the benches)... Have a seat. Where it is tighter, there is more fun!

In the old days in Russia there was a custom among the Russian people, how the field work ended and the harvest was harvested, they arranged gatherings. So today I decided to invite you to cabbage gatherings. And the cabbage was a success this year.


On a skit, on a skit,

I invite all the people!

Let it dance and spin

Our merry round dance!

Come out more fun, dance for the guests!

Dance "Lady"

HOSTESS I'll sit side by side on a bench, I'll sit with you, ask you riddles, who's smarter to see (In the hands of the hostess a basket of vegetables)


Grandmother sits in the beds

She's all in patches

And you will tear off the patch-

You will cry and leave. (Onion)

They dug it out of the ground

Baked, fried, boiled

And then they ate everything

And they were always praised. (Potato)

There is a yellow ball in the garden.

He will not just gallop,

Like a full moon ...

It has delicious seeds. (Pumpkin)

Green pigs grew up in my garden

To the sun - sideways, crocheted their tails.

My piglets play with me in strands. (Cucumbers)

For a curly tuft

He dragged the fox out of the mink.

You touch - smooth

Eat - sweet. (Carrot)

Lady - madam

In white lace

Kvashena and varena,

Will be in cabbage soon! (Cabbage)

Hostess What clever riddles you all know!

We have fun ahead, friends and their girlfriends will sing ditties to you now.


Children sing ditties and each one accompanies himself!

1.A girl comes out (plays the ratchet)

Come out soon, girlfriend

We will shine in public

And perky ditties

Let's drink about cabbage.

2. A girl comes out (plays on a fan of spoons)

My cabbage is good

Well, what's wrong with me?

Now I'm sitting in the garden,

I'm waiting for the groom

3. A boy comes out (plays the bells)

I let a goat into the garden,

To guard the cabbage.

Irresponsible goat

I ate the cabbage and left.

7(The Mistress comes out with a basket on her elbow, and a ruble in her hands)

I'll put it in a tub

All the cabbage quickly.

We performed ditties

So that it crunches more fun!

OWNER: And now it's time to chop cabbage!

Hold your hands tightly in a round dance, all become.

Round dance We chop cabbage.

(Grandfather comes out to the music)

GRANDFATHER: Why are you making noise here, a? As soon as I warmed up on the stove, and here you woke me up with your songs, dances and games, prevent me from resting, Here I am you, mischievous people! Come on now, stop the noise and din, run to the corners!

HOSTESS Grandfather, you better not get angry!

And play with the children!

GRANDFATHER: Okay, okay! I will remember my youth !!! I remember I loved one game where the Russian fellows competed with strength. The guys sat down opposite each other, their feet rested against each other, they held a stick with their hands, and each pulled it towards himself. Whoever pulls the stick to his side is stronger. Let us, and we will measure ourselves with a brave force.

Playing with the boys "Tug of the stick"

OWNER: And I am also a grandfather, I know a fun game, which they loved to play in Russia!

Get up, we red girls will play cabbage in a round dance!

Game for girls "Cabbage"

(The girls pass the cabbage hat in a circle to the music, with the end of the music, whoever has cabbage in his hands, she goes to the middle and dances to a different music)

OWNER: Thank you, beauties and good fellows!

GRANDFATHER: Eh old, head with a hole! I remembered one more fun in which we will all play together.

Get up in a big round dance, we will twist a head of cabbage!

OWNER: We will all go in a circle,

let’s make some cabbage!

Yes, one that would be enough for the entire kindergarten! Hold on tight to your hands!

Under the river n. p. "VEYSYA KABUSHKA"

children go in a circle curling "cabbage"

Goat appears to the music (adult)

GOAT: That's so cabbage!

That's a head of cabbage!

It's worth pouring

Waiting for me!

I'll eat you now!

GRANDFATHER Look what honest people are doing, this is my goat!

Run away kids

The goat came out of the yard.

Children scatter, the goat catches up with them.

GOAT: Oh, you grandfather, you save cabbage from me, and they have been eating it for a long time !!!


GOAT: Caterpillar!

Grandfather: Oh, really, the caterpillar is the first enemy of cabbage. We're going to catch her now.

GOAT: But where are you without me! So be it, I will help.

The game "Caterpillar" is being held

Children get up one after another "train" And take each other by the belt, the first is the Goat. The goat must catch the tail of the caterpillar, which dodges all the time. At the end of the game, the Goat catches its tail.

OWNER: That's good, we caught the caterpillar, but now what to do?

CHILDREN: Grandma, grandma, bake pancakes!

Dance "Grandma, bake pancakes"

Hostess And I will bake you better meat pies and cabbage! I'm going to put the dough! And you, grandfather, continue the holiday! (Sits on a bench by the table, takes a saucepan and interferes with a large spoon)


Go, go hostess, I also still have things to do.

The harvest must be collected

Scatter on baskets!

Help me guys

Join a friendly round dance!

We will harvest

Let's sing a song to help!

The song "Harvest"


This is how the songs are sung!

They raise the mood !!!

Once they lifted the mood

There will be dances without a doubt!


Go around the whole world

There is no better Russian dance!


Balalaika and accordion

Light a fire in me!

Dance of the grandfather and the goat

(the Goat has a balalaika in the hands of the Grandfather the whistle)

(At this time, the hostess distributes spoons to the children, seeing how the grandfather is "butting" with the goat, runs up and speaks)

OWNER. My dear fellows, good people, what is being done !!! It is necessary to separate them!

(Grandfather and the goat shake hands and go to the sides)

OWNER: That's okay !!!

While the songs sang and danced, my dough rose on the pie.

Pies with cabbage with meat are very fond of children.

So it's time for all of us to sing a song about this!

Children go out on spoons


1Oh, dashing spoonfuls appear in front of you

Our spoons play from dawn to dawn.

2Wood, carved, painted for display!

Go around the whole of Russia, and these are only ours.

3 Spoons play deftly, loudly knocking spoons,

Everything Oh, annual cabbage, how we love you!

Spoon game "Cabbage Pies"

(to the hostess to collect spoons)


The gatherings were a success!

We are with the guests for fun.

Don't you forget me

Visit my hut!

I am very glad to have guests!

Come back to us!


So goat and I have to go!

Goodbye friends!

HUNDRY And you also need guys

Take a picture as a keepsake!

An announcement is posted in advance:

"Come have fun,

Play and frolic.

You on Saturday at exactly five

He will be waiting for the skit.

Those who are less years old

We are waiting for Sunday, lunchtime. "

The script can be used as a variant of autumn gatherings. Then the hall is decorated with leaves, flowers, gifts of autumn, autumn dishes, etc. The presenters come out. The scene is decorated with "portraits" of the hero of the occasion - cabbage.

1st presenter... For many centuries BC, people used cabbage, including as a medicine. Man began to cultivate cabbage during the Stone and Bronze Ages.

2nd presenter... Cabbage was brought to the territory of Russia from abroad by Russian merchants. In Russia, cabbage was chopped, salted, parties were held in honor of this event, where they danced, sang, and played. Such evenings were called skits. 1st presenter. So we invite everyone to our holiday!

Girls and boys in Russian folk costumes come out, sing a Russian folk song. Then a young man runs out.

Young man.

Come have fun

Play and frolic.

You on Saturday at exactly five

We will wait for the skit.

Those who are less years old

We are waiting for Sunday, lunchtime.

On the stage, the decoration of the Russian hut: a table with cabbage heads, knives, a trough for chopping cabbage. Girls and boys come in, sing a song.

- What a harvest!

- Yes, the cabbage was born wonderfully well!

- The work is endless!

(Set to work.)

- Yes, how tough!

- But guess the riddle.

The child grew up - did not know the diapers,

Became an old man - a hundred diapers on him?


- And I have another riddle.

What's growing in the garden?

Cucumbers, sweet peas,

Tomatoes and dill

For seasoning and for samples.

There are radishes and salad.

Our garden is just a treasure ...

If you listened carefully

I remembered it for sure.

Answer in order

As for Kapustin's name day

We cut a head of cabbage.

Such a height

Here is such a low

Here are the dinners

That's the width.

Stump, stump,

Catch me with a jump!

"Grandfather planted cabbage."

Each of the children pulls out a capsule (a kinder surprise egg) from the lottery drum, inside which is a picture that determines the role of the players: grandfather with a stick, grandmother with knitting needles, granddaughter with a bow, shaggy bug, mustachioed cat, tailed mouse. Thus, the participants in six competitions are determined. The winners of each of these competitions participate in the final - this will be the first team to harvest cabbage. Then the auction follows, and its winners make up the second team, also of 6 players. It's like the "cabbage" itself. And the finale is an old Russian game: tug-of-war.

1st presenter... First, we will form the teams, then we will hold the final competition. The cabbage harvesting team wins, which means they pulled out the cabbage, and the cabbage team wins, which means that our gardeners did not cope: such a record harvest turned out to be.

2nd leader. So, let's get down to the game itself. Grandfather planted cabbage. (Children repeat the words of the fairy tale in chorus.) A big, big cabbage has grown. The grandfathers are the first to enter the game.

Those participants who got the corresponding pictures come out.

1st presenter... Girls can also be "grandfathers" - this is our rule. Now attention! I must say that our grandfather is a real gardener, it is not for nothing that his cabbage grew the size of a barrel. He, probably, has time to do everything: to dig the earth, to grow seedlings, and to protect the harvest. Therefore, our first competition is called "Scarecrow". Imagine that you need to guard vegetables so that sparrows and crows do not eat them. Stand side by side, arms out to the sides. Each depicts a scarecrow. Here are your hats. Now listen, I will call the birds: "sparrow" - you wave your hands, "crow" - you clap your hands, as if driving away the thieves. If I say "tit" or "starling" - take off your hat to greet the guests, because these birds are the first assistants to the gardener. They eat harmful boogers. Look, don't mix it up. The one who turns out to be the most attentive will win. He will be the "grandfather" in our game. So here we go!

2nd presenter... Our second competition is attended by "grandmothers". Whatever you say, grandmother knows how to do everything: clean the house, cook borscht, and bake a delicious pie. And on long winter evenings, grandmother knits mittens and socks for her grandchildren. Let's help the grandmothers rewind the balls of yarn.

Participants who received pictures with a picture of their grandmother rewind small balls of yarn at speed, the winner joins the grandfather's company.

1st presenter... “Granddaughters” are invited to participate in the third competition. This competition is very simple. Grandfather and grandmother love to drink tea from a samovar. A samovar is not an electric kettle, so that the water boils, you first need to put coals in it, and then inflate them red-hot. It was then that the granddaughter helps out. To test how you can blow, we will hold a competition. Everyone gets a balloon. We count in chorus to 15, whoever has the larger ball gets the role of a granddaughter.

Participants inflate balloons.

2nd presenter... The following participants enter the fight. They will fight for the right to become a "bug". Our competition is called Smuggler. The most important thing in dogs is their scent. At the border, dogs often help border guards find prohibited goods. You have to do the same using your nose.

Before the start of this competition, participants go out the door. The host distributes capsules to the remaining players. One capsule is filled with a "filling" - a piece of foam rubber abundantly moistened with cologne or other odorous liquid. The task of the players: to find the capsule with the filling. Beforehand, all participants get acquainted with this smell.

1st presenter... "Murki" are taking part in the new competition. It is not often that the cat gets something tasty. But sometimes it happens. Either grandfather will give a fish tail, then granddaughter - a piece of pie. The mustache does not yawn - grab its prey in the teeth and run to a secluded place to feast on its heart. Such is her habit. And now the Contest "Hide Faster".

Contestants must move clothespins from one place to another, using only their teeth. You can take only one clothespin at a time.

2nd presenter... The game is played by "mice". The tail of the mouse is very mobile. And we invite our "mice" to participate in a competition called "Catch the mouse by the tail."

Participants must put a pencil tied at the back on a string into the bottle. Whoever does it faster without using hands wins.

1st presenter... Finally, the whole family is assembled: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse (the participants are dressed up accordingly). Only cabbage is not available yet. And we will have a whole team of "cabbage". And in order to get into it, you need to know well the relatives of our cabbage. Your task is to name the types of cabbage (white cabbage, Peking cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, red, kohlrabi).

Those who called go out to the side and make up the "cabbage" team.

2nd presenter... Well done! The participants in the final part of our fabulous performance have been determined - the team of "cabbage" is assembled and the team of "gardeners" is also in place. The last competition is “Pull - Pull”.

The competition "Tug-of-war" is being held. Then the final result is summed up, and everyone proceeds to the funniest part of the skit - eating cabbage pie, which is carefully prepared in advance.


- tokens with pictures are distributed equally;

- the leader needs to have assistants to work accurately with the props;

- each competition begins with a choral recitation of a fairy tale, it is interrupted by the hero who will take part in the competition.