Word games for March 8 for preschoolers. Who will inflate the balloon faster


As you know, mothers often dress their babies, but what will happen if you change places?

For this competition, you need to prepare a bag or basket with things. The funnier things are, the more interesting - T-shirts with funny pictures, huge pants, ridiculous hats, scarves, holey socks and so on.

Several couples are called - mothers with children. The children need, while the music is playing, to pick up items of clothing from the bag and put them on their mother, who does not help in this process in any way. Moms can be blindfolded so that they are not frightened ahead of time. Then other mothers with children choose the most “stylish” mother.


What happens if mom suddenly refuses to eat herself? We'll have to feed her. And to make it fun to watch, you need to blindfold the children. Yes, yes, mothers have plates of porridge in their hands, and children have spoons and blindfolds. The team that has less porridge smeared across the face wins.


Our mothers have many talents, and, of course, they can draw beautifully. Mothers are given inflated balloons and felt-tip pens. For a certain time, mothers must draw their favorite sons or daughters on the balls. The jury selects the most similar portrait.


Mothers can do everything, and let them prove it. For this competition you need to prepare a pair of boxing gloves. In them, mom must unfold the candy. If one mother does not succeed, another mother comes to her aid. And if you prepare several pairs of gloves, you can run a speed competition.


A light big ball or balloon is placed in the middle of the hall. Children, in turn, blindfolded, walk a few steps forward and hit the ball.


Children are divided into pairs - a boy-girl, portraying dad and mom. On several tables, educators place dolls, doll clothes and combs in advance. The winner is the couple that manages to "collect the baby" in the kindergarten faster than others - to dress and comb their hair.


For this competition, handbags, mirrors, lipsticks, beads, scarves and clips are laid out on the tables. At the signal, the girls should put on makeup, put on jewelry and, putting everything in their purse, run to "work".


The presenters hide all the mothers behind a screen. Mothers' children are shown only hands, by which they should be guessed.


And now this is the case:
Need to hang handkerchiefs
To dry up to night.
Therefore, to help you
Let's call mom soon.

2 teams. Each team has 1 mom and 2 girls. Mothers hold a long rope, one girl wears 1 handkerchief of a certain color from a common basin, the other attaches it to the rope with a clothespin. The other team does the same, but the girls hang handkerchiefs in a different color. The first team to hang the handkerchiefs wins).

Merry broom

2 teams take part in the game - 4 grandmothers and 4 children. Between the set pins, you need to hold a balloon with a broom. Whoever is faster is the winner.


Children stand in a circle and quickly pass a ball, a broom to each other. We decorated the broom, hung a bow on it.

You roll a merry ball (broom)
Fast - fast from hand to hand,
Who has a funny ball (broom),
He will dance with mom for us

The child who has a broom invites his mother to dance.


Number of players: any. Optional: cups and saucers by the number of players, matches, peas

On the table in front of the mothers there are cups and saucers, next to each cup there are 2 matches. There are 12 peas on each saucer. Mothers should use matches to transfer the peas from the saucer to the cup.


Easels are brought out to the accompaniment of music. They have paper attached to them. Children, as quickly as possible, draw their mothers with markers. Then the drawings are presented to mothers and grandmothers.


A table is placed in the center, to the legs of which ropes with a stick at the end are tied. There is candy on the table. Players on command begin to wind the string around the stick. The winner is the one who got to the candy faster.


The game involves 2 girls. They sweep with paper “dusters” “garbage” - balloons scattered around the hall, each in its own hoop.


Props: four small multi-colored balls of thick woolen threads with a tail of 5 meters.

There are four chairs in the hall, on which lie balls of thread with tails 5 meters long. Two grandmothers and two grandchildren (granddaughters) are called. Two (grandmother and granddaughter) sit on chairs on one side of the hall, two other participants in the game sit on the other side of the hall. The participants in the game take balls from the chairs. At the signal, the participants in the game begin to wind a tail of thread around their balls. The winner is the team whose members are the first to wind the threads on the balls. The game is played 2 times.


For playing 3 yoghurt, 3 spoons, 3 napkins, 3 bibs. Who will feed the grandmother faster.


Blindfolded, put on clothes for the child - a hat, coat, scarf, mittens, boots.


There are 5 multi-colored flowers on the floor, children collect petals of the same color to the music.


Children are divided into two teams: boys - "Gingerbread", girls - "Sweets", stand in two ranks, near each team there is a bucket of water. Music sounds. The child scoops water from the bucket with a wooden spoon and, trying not to spill it, carefully carries the water into a transparent plastic cup, then returns and passes the spoon to the next player. With the end of the music, see who has more water in the glass?


The children invite their parents and they all stand in a circle. The presenter says a gentle word about mom and hands the balloon to the one standing next to him. He says a gentle word and passes the ball on. Whoever has not named the word is out of the game. The remaining 2-3 people win, they are awarded with balls.


First the girls play with their mothers, then the boys. Children are the inner circle, mothers are the outer. To the music, everyone goes in a circle (mothers in one direction, children in the other), at the end - the children are looking for their mother. 1 time - children are looking for mothers, then mothers are looking for children.


Number of players: 2-4. Optional: balloons by the number of participants.

Each is given a balloon. At the signal, the children begin to inflate them. The player who inflates the ball faster wins.


Various decorations, cosmetics, a mirror are laid out on the tables in front of the girls. The task is to portray your mothers.


Mothers sing a children's song to the soundtrack, the sound is periodically turned off. The task is not to lose the tempo and keep singing. Moms are awarded the Most Musical medals.


Mothers often have to go shopping, shop. And sometimes there are a lot of purchases. But our guys are happy to help their mothers. Let's see how they do it.


A rope is attached between two chairs, balls are tied to the rope by strings. You need to tie handkerchiefs to these balls. Whoever gets it faster, he won. You can complicate the game by issuing mittens.


Two teams are selected, each with seven people and two dads are called. Dads are seated on a chair from each team, and children who are faster dress dads.
1 - socks
2 - bonnet
3 - bib
4 - feeds with porridge
5 - drinks from a bottle
6 - gives a dummy
7 - rattle


There are 2 teams of 5 people each. They line up one after the other. Each participant holds some part of the flower - core, stalk, 3 petals. On the other side there are glade hoops. At the signal, the children take turns running to their meadow, spreading a snowdrop. Whose will bloom faster? It is possible to organize 3 teams.


We mark the time by the hourglass; during this time, dad has to write a recipe for borscht. Then the dads take turns reading. At the end, the presenter says: "The mothers won. How will you cook soup without water?"


2 teams of dads are called. They take turns singing lines from songs in which a woman's name sounds. The last team to perform the song will be the winner.


The teacher in advance, in secret from the children, collects beads, a watch, a handkerchief, etc. During the game, he asks: Whose mother's thing?


Moms stand up in a circle. Children are scattered in the center of the circle. Music plays - children dance. With the end of the music, the children squat down and close their eyes with their palms. At this time, mothers change places. At the signal, the children open their eyes and ... "Who will find and hug their mother faster?"

Tie the bows

Before the holiday, tie 14 ribbons on a 6-7 meter long rope so that two ends hang. Tie the 15th ribbon in the center of the rope with a bow. They call 2 dads who stand to the right and left of the rope. On command, each dad begins to tie the bows, moving to the center of the rope, where the bow is tied. The winner is the one who quickly ties the fluffy bows and gets to the center.


Who will sew buttons faster and better. The difficulty is that the buttons are cut from cardboard and have a diameter of 20 cm


Mothers are invited to visit a beauty salon, where young hairdressers will make them extraordinary hairstyles. Mothers (any number) sit on the chairs and hold in their hands a sheet of vatmat of size A-3, in which a hole for the face is cut out, and the contour of the neck is drawn. Children use a marker to draw hairstyles. Then there will be a fashion show of hairstyles.


Mothers sit on high chairs with a basket in their lap. The presenter scatters fake sweets around the hall. Children should bring their mother one candy, for each candy the child kisses the mother on the cheek. Whoever brings more faster and more won!


Two moms have to put clothespins on their kids and take them off blindfolded, who's faster. Children are quietly swapped, mothers remove clothespins from someone else's child.


Two are called: a pair of mother and child. Mothers and children stand at opposite ends of the hall. Mom is blindfolded. Children shout "Mom, I'm here." Mothers need to find their child by voice.


Boys are invited, they are future men, they can already help their mother hammer nails. (The hammer is small. The nail is already slightly nailed on the piece of wood). It is important to pay attention not to the clogging speed, but to the accuracy, thoroughness and care. The teacher insures the child. There is a desire to help mom, and a desire to do the job efficiently, without haste.

We treat grandma

2 grandmothers, 2 grandchildren are called.

There are medical supplies on the table: thermometers, pills, warm scarves, jars of honey, jam, medicinal herbs. As well as distracting objects: any (baby pacifier, toys, etc.). The granddaughter must choose those items with which you can cure your sick grandmother.


For this competition, you need blanks: pictures cut from magazines with eyes, noses, mouths, hair, ears, and so on.

Several boys are called (the number depends on how many cut parts are prepared). On a sheet of paper you need to "assemble" a portrait of your mother (or a beautiful lady) with the help of details and glue. The parts can be distributed equally at once, or you can, by turning on the element of competition, leave them on one tray - let them find them at speed.


Every mother knows her child very well - this is a fact. But this fact needs to be checked once again. Two mothers with children are called. Moms come out and they are blindfolded. In children, something changes in their appearance - the button is unbuttoned, the belt is taken out, the hair is combed in a different way, and so on. Then moms have to find what has changed. The mother who finds all the changes faster wins.


Competition for moms or girls. One or more toy babies are on the table. You need to dress the doll in a blouse, pants and a hat, and then swaddle it. An important condition of the competition: you need to do everything with one hand!

Laundry detergents

Two teams are organized: mothers and daughters. You need to prepare a rope, clothespins and a few rags. The first team members are blindfolded, given a clothespin and a cloth. They go to look for a rope in order to hang a rag on it. The rest of the players tell you how to get to the rope. Having found the rope, you need to attach a cloth with a clothespin, remove the bandage and return to the team. Then the second team players hang the rag and so on.


On the rope, on strings, there are pieces of paper on which the names of different products are written (as inappropriate as possible to each other - for example, on one physalis, on the other - herring, on the third - bagels, and so on). Each mother in turn is blindfolded, untwisted and released - she must reach the rope and cut off three pieces of paper. Then, after removing the bandage, mom must quickly come up with and tell what kind of dish she can cook from these products and what she will call it.


Two teams are selected, the first players are given scissors. The chairs are covered with multi-colored napkins. On command, the players run to chairs and cut a flower out of a napkin, then using glue or plasticine, the flower is attached to a large Whatman paper. All players in turn do the same. After that, the most beautiful bouquet is selected by March 8 in kindergarten.

2 teams. Each team has 1 mom and 2 girls. mothers hold a long rope, one girl wears 1 handkerchief of a certain color from a common basin, the other attaches it to the rope with a clothespin.
The other team does the same, but the girls hang out handkerchiefs of a different color.
The first team to hang their handkerchiefs wins.

2. "GAME WITH CLOTHESPINS" (for mothers)
Two mothers have to hang clothespins on their children with their eyes open, and take off blindfolded whichever is faster.
But - children are quietly swapped, mothers remove clothespins from someone else's child.

3. "JOYOUS BROOM" (moms, dads)
The attraction is attended by 4 adults and 4 children. The task - between the set pins, you need to hold a balloon with a broom. Whoever is faster won.

4. "FUNNY BALL" (mothers)
Children and mothers stand in a common circle and pass the ball to each other

You roll a funny ball

quickly, quickly from hand to hand,

Who has a funny ball

He will dance with mom for us.

The child or mother who has a ball at the end of the words, invite their couple and go out to dance.

Option: thus choose 3.4 pairs of children and mothers (they step aside), and then all the rest sit in their places, and the selected couples dance.

5. "FIND YOUR BABY"(mothers)

A blindfolded mother, feeling the hands of the participants' children, is looking for her child.

After the mother was blindfolded at all the children, put on hats, masks, ears and rearrange them.

Mothers sing a well-known children's song to the soundtrack, while the sound is periodically turned off. Mom's task is to sing the song without stopping.

7. "NEEDLEMAN" (mothers)

Participants are invited to put as many beads on a thread with a needle as possible in 1 minute. Whoever has the longest chain will win.


by the hourglass we timed the time for which dad has to write the borscht recipe. Then the dads take turns reading out their recipes. At the end, the presenter says "Well done, but mothers won! How will you cook borsch without water?" - usually no one enters water into the recipe.

9. "TIE THE BANTS" (dads)

before the holiday, tie 14 ribbons to a string 6-7 meters long so that two ends hang. Tie 15 ribbon in the center of the rope with a bow.

call 2 dads who stand to the right and left of the rope. On command, each dad begins to tie the bows, moving to the center of the rope, where the bow is tied. The winner is the one who quickly ties the fluffy bows and gets to the center.


grandmothers sit on chairs with a basket in their lap. The presenter scatters fake sweets around the hall. children should bring their grandmother one candy, for each candy grandmother kisses the child on the cheek. Whoever brings the fastest and more is the one who won.

mother and child are at opposite ends of the hall. The child has cardboard cutouts
Throwing one track on the floor, stepping on them one by one, you need to get to mom.

Female characters at the end of the holiday, when they have already become kind and good (Kikimora, Baba Yaga, Shapoklyak, Freken Bok ..) dads draw a "portrait" for memory with markers on balloons.

13. "MAKE IT ORDER"(moms, dads)
Guests are invited to put things in order in the house, it is reported that a spider has wound up in the house and weaved a web, you need to remove it. A child is assigned - a spider, to put on a hat, he holds a large hoop, on which synthetic multi-colored laces are tied, at the ends of the stick. Challenge the participants by the number of laces. The task is to wind your lace on a stick in a fast heat, to the hoop, who is faster.
Note: the spider is in the center of the hoop, holding it at the waist level.

14. "GAME WITH SCARS"(junior gr)
All children are given one handkerchief of 3-4 colors. Under 1 part of the music, children easily run around the hall, waving handkerchiefs, 2 part - they gather in stars according to colors in different parts of the hall.

Children and mothers stand in a common circle. They lead a round dance to the music, as the music changes, the round dance stops, the children run to the center, squat down and cover their palms with their hands, and mothers easily run in a circle. With the end of the music, the mothers stop, the children get up and look for their mother, hug her.

16. "WHOSE CIRCLE WILL COME FASTER"(mothers and children)
4 mothers are chosen, they are given hats of different colors.

17. "COLLECT BEADS" (dads)

    The competition is attended by 5 mothers with their child. Each participant is given a set of newspapers, scotch tape, colored paper, scissors, threads. The task of the contestants is to make a beautiful outfit for the carnival ball for their child: pants, T-shirt, dress, hat, shoes and come up with the name of the costume or the image of the baby. The task is given 5 minutes. The winner is the creator of the most original outfit, according to the audience.

    Game "Rhinos"

    A minimum of 10 people are required to participate in the game. Each mother has a balloon tied around her waist. Using a pushpin, a hole is made in the adhesive plaster. Then the adhesive plaster, together with the button, is glued to the participant's forehead (with the tip outward). The task of the participants is to pierce the ball of other contestants with their button without using their hands. They hide their hands back or hold them in front of the chest. You can tie them. The game continues until there is only one mother with the surviving ball. She becomes a winner.

    The competition is attended by 2 participants, as many as possible. The host gives them fighting gloves and wrapped candy, preferably sucking candy (it is harder to unfold). The task of the contestants is to unfold the candy in fighting gloves. In this case, you must not take off your gloves and use your teeth. The winner is the participant who completes the task the fastest.

    Moms are divided into 2 teams. They have to cope with several tasks. 2 participants (one from each team) take turns performing the same task. You need to start at the same time. The representative of whose team copes with the task faster, gets 1 point. After the participation of all the contestants, the points are calculated. The team with the most points wins.

    Examples of tasks:

    • Tie a Tie
    • thread a needle and tie a knot at the end of the thread
    • sew a button to a piece of fabric
    • hammer a nail
    • peel potatoes
    • swaddle and dress the doll
    • sew a small pillowcase
    • sew up a torn sock.
  • Game "Preparing for school"

    The game involves 3 mothers. In front of each participant on the desk is a certain (identical) set of books, notebooks and school supplies. Each mom draws out a sheet of paper with a specific day of the week and a lesson schedule. The task of the participants is to put down the necessary books, notebooks, pens, pencils and rulers.

    Schedule example:


    1. Human Security Fundamentals
    2. Algebra
    3. Russian literature
    4. Proceedings
    1. Foreign language
    2. Physical training
    3. Natural Science
    4. Drawing circle
    1. Geography
    2. Russian language
    3. Drawing
    4. Class hour

    The winner is the mother who does the job correctly in less time.

    The competition is attended by up to 5 people. The assistants hold on both sides a stretched elastic band on which the laundry weighs. The mothers take turns starting to collect the laundry. You need to unclench the clothespins so that it falls into the basin. The basin must not be picked up or lifted. He must be on the floor throughout the competition. You can only move it with your legs. To complicate the competition, it is better to hang clothes of different sizes: T-shirts, pants, dress, panties. The winner is the mother who collects more laundry in a basin in less time. Laundry that has fallen past the basin will not be counted. For each linen that falls past the basin, the participant receives a penalty of 5 seconds.

I bring to your attention a selection of fun games on the 8th of March in kindergarten with mothers, grandmothers and children.


As you know, mothers often dress their babies, but what happens if you change places? For this competition, you need to prepare a bag or basket with things. The funnier things are, the more interesting - T-shirts with funny drawings, huge pants, ridiculous hats, scarves, holey socks and so on.

Several couples are called - mothers with children. The children need, while the music is playing, to pick up items of clothing from the bag and put them on their mother, who does not help in this process in any way. Moms can be blindfolded so that they are not frightened ahead of time. Then other mothers with children choose the most “stylish” mother.


What happens if mom suddenly refuses to eat herself? We'll have to feed her. And to make it fun to watch, you need to blindfold the children. Yes, yes, mothers have plates of porridge in their hands, and children have spoons and blindfolds. The team that has less porridge smeared across the face wins.


Our mothers have many talents, and, of course, they can draw beautifully. Mothers are given inflated balloons and felt-tip pens. For a certain time, mothers must draw their favorite sons or daughters on the balls. The jury selects the most similar portrait.


Mothers can do everything, and let them prove it. For this competition you need to prepare a pair of boxing gloves. In them, mom must unfold the candy. If one mother does not succeed, another mother comes to her aid. And if you prepare several pairs of gloves, you can run a speed competition.


A light big ball or balloon is placed in the middle of the hall. Children, in turn, blindfolded, walk a few steps forward and hit the ball.


Children are divided into pairs - a boy-girl, portraying dad and mom. On several tables, educators place dolls, doll clothes and combs in advance. The winner is the couple that manages to "collect the baby" in the kindergarten faster than others - to dress and comb their hair.


For this competition, handbags, mirrors, lipsticks, beads, scarves and clips are laid out on the tables. At the signal, the girls should put on makeup, put on jewelry and, putting everything in their purse, run to "work".


The presenters hide all the mothers behind a screen. Mothers' children are shown only hands, by which they should be guessed.


And now this is the case:
Need to hang handkerchiefs
To dry up to night.
Therefore, to help you
Let's call mom soon.

2 teams. Each team has 1 mom and 2 girls. Mothers hold a long rope, one girl wears 1 handkerchief of a certain color from a common basin, the other attaches it to the rope with a clothespin. The other team does the same, but the girls hang handkerchiefs in a different color. The first team to hang the handkerchiefs wins).

Merry broom

2 teams take part in the game - 4 grandmothers and 4 children. Between the set pins, you need to hold a balloon with a broom. Whoever is faster is the winner.


Children stand in a circle and quickly pass a ball, a broom to each other. We decorated the broom, hung a bow on it.

You roll a merry ball (broom)
Fast - fast from hand to hand,
Who has a funny ball (broom),
He will dance with mom for us

The child who has a broom invites his mother to dance.


Number of players: any. Optional: cups and saucers by the number of players, matches, peas

On the table in front of the mothers there are cups and saucers, next to each cup there are 2 matches. There are 12 peas on each saucer. Mothers should use matches to transfer the peas from the saucer to the cup.


Easels are brought out to the accompaniment of music. They have paper attached to them. Children, as quickly as possible, draw their mothers with markers. Then the drawings are presented to mothers and grandmothers.


A table is placed in the center, to the legs of which ropes with a stick at the end are tied. There is candy on the table. Players on command begin to wind the string around the stick. The winner is the one who got to the candy faster.


The game involves 2 girls. They sweep with paper “dusters” “garbage” - balloons scattered around the hall, each in its own hoop.


Props: four small multi-colored balls of thick woolen threads with a tail of 5 meters.

There are four chairs in the hall, on which lie balls of thread with tails 5 meters long. Two grandmothers and two grandchildren (granddaughters) are called. Two (grandmother and granddaughter) sit on chairs on one side of the hall, two other participants in the game sit on the other side of the hall. The participants in the game take balls from the chairs. At the signal, the participants in the game begin to wind a tail of thread around their balls. The winner is the team whose members are the first to wind the threads on the balls. The game is played 2 times.


For playing 3 yoghurt, 3 spoons, 3 napkins, 3 bibs. Who will feed the grandmother faster.


Blindfolded, put on clothes for the child - a hat, coat, scarf, mittens, boots.


There are 5 multi-colored flowers on the floor, children collect petals of the same color to the music.


Children are divided into two teams: boys - "Gingerbread", girls - "Sweets", stand in two ranks, near each team there is a bucket of water. Music sounds. The child scoops water from the bucket with a wooden spoon and, trying not to spill it, carefully carries the water into a transparent plastic cup, then returns and passes the spoon to the next player. With the end of the music, see who has more water in the glass?


The children invite their parents and they all stand in a circle. The presenter says a gentle word about mom and hands the balloon to the one standing next to him. He says a gentle word and passes the ball on. Whoever has not named the word is out of the game. The remaining 2-3 people win, they are awarded with balls.


First the girls play with their mothers, then the boys. Children are the inner circle, mothers are the outer. To the music, everyone goes in a circle (mothers in one direction, children in the other), at the end - the children are looking for their mother. 1 time - children are looking for mothers, then mothers are looking for children.


Number of players: 2-4. Optional: balloons by the number of participants.

Each is given a balloon. At the signal, the children begin to inflate them. The player who inflates the ball faster wins.


Various decorations, cosmetics, a mirror are laid out on the tables in front of the girls. The task is to portray your mothers.


Mothers sing a children's song to the soundtrack, the sound is periodically turned off. The task is not to lose the tempo and keep singing. Moms are awarded the Most Musical medals.


Mothers often have to go shopping, shop. And sometimes there are a lot of purchases. But our guys are happy to help their mothers. Let's see how they do it.


A rope is attached between two chairs, balls are tied to the rope by strings. You need to tie handkerchiefs to these balls. Whoever gets it faster, he won. You can complicate the game by issuing mittens.


Two teams are selected, each with seven people and two dads are called. Dads are seated on a chair from each team, and children who are faster dress dads.

1 - socks
2 - bonnet
3 - bib
4 - feeds with porridge
5 - drinks from a bottle
6 - gives a dummy
7 - rattle


2 teams of 5 people participate. They are being built one after another. Each participant holds some part of the flower - core, stalk, 3 petals. On the other side there are glade hoops. At the signal, the children take turns running to their meadow, spreading a snowdrop. Whose will bloom faster? It is possible to organize 3 teams.


We mark the time by the hourglass; during this time, dad has to write a recipe for borscht. Then the dads take turns reading. At the end, the presenter says: "The mothers won. How will you cook soup without water?"


2 teams of dads are called. They take turns singing lines from songs in which a woman's name sounds. The last team to perform the song will be the winner.


The teacher in advance, in secret from the children, collects beads, a watch, a handkerchief, etc. During the game, he asks: Whose mother's thing?


Moms stand up in a circle. Children are scattered in the center of the circle. Music plays - children dance. With the end of the music, the children squat down and close their eyes with their palms. At this time, mothers change places. At the signal, the children open their eyes and ... "Who will find and hug their mother faster?"

Tie the bows

Before the holiday, tie 14 ribbons on a 6-7 meter long rope so that two ends hang. Tie the 15th ribbon in the center of the rope with a bow. They call 2 dads who stand to the right and left of the rope. On command, each dad begins to tie the bows, moving to the center of the rope, where the bow is tied. The winner is the one who quickly ties the fluffy bows and gets to the center.


Who will sew buttons faster and better. The difficulty is that the buttons are cut from cardboard and have a diameter of 20 cm


Mothers are invited to visit a beauty salon, where young hairdressers will make them extraordinary hairstyles. Mothers (any number) sit on the chairs and hold in their hands a sheet of vatmat of size A-3, in which a hole for the face is cut out, and the contour of the neck is drawn. Children use a marker to draw hairstyles. Then there will be a fashion show of hairstyles.


Mothers sit on high chairs with a basket in their lap. The presenter scatters fake sweets around the hall. Children should bring their mother one candy, for each candy the child kisses the mother on the cheek. Whoever brings more faster and more won!


Two moms have to put clothespins on their kids and take them off blindfolded, who's faster. Children are quietly swapped, mothers remove clothespins from someone else's child.


Two are called: a pair of mother and child. Mothers and children stand at opposite ends of the hall. Mom is blindfolded. Children shout "Mom, I'm here." Mothers need to find their child by voice.


Boys are invited, they are future men, they can already help their mother hammer nails. (The hammer is small. The nail is already slightly nailed on the piece of wood). It is important to pay attention not to the clogging speed, but to the accuracy, thoroughness and care. The teacher insures the child. There is a desire to help mom, and a desire to do the job efficiently, without haste.

We treat grandma

2 grandmothers, 2 grandchildren are called.

There are medical supplies on the table: thermometers, pills, warm scarves, jars of honey, jam, medicinal herbs. As well as distracting objects: any (baby pacifier, toys, etc.). The granddaughter must choose those items with which you can cure your sick grandmother.


For this competition, you need blanks: pictures cut from magazines with eyes, noses, mouths, hair, ears, and so on.

Several boys are called (the number depends on how many cut parts are prepared). On a sheet of paper you need to "assemble" a portrait of your mother (or a beautiful lady) with the help of details and glue. The parts can be distributed equally at once, or you can, by turning on the element of competition, leave them on one tray - let them find them at speed.


Every mother knows her child very well - this is a fact. But this fact needs to be checked once again. Two mothers with children are called. Moms come out and they are blindfolded. In children, something changes in their appearance - the button is unbuttoned, the belt is taken out, the hair is combed in a different way, and so on. Then moms have to find what has changed. The mother who finds all the changes faster wins.


Competition for moms or girls. One or more toy babies are on the table. You need to dress the doll in a blouse, pants and a hat, and then swaddle it. An important condition of the competition: you need to do everything with one hand!

Laundry detergents

Two teams are organized: mothers and daughters. You need to prepare a rope, clothespins and a few rags. The first team members are blindfolded, given a clothespin and a cloth. They go to look for a rope in order to hang a rag on it. The rest of the players tell you how to get to the rope. Having found the rope, you need to attach a cloth with a clothespin, remove the bandage and return to the team. Then the second team players hang the rag and so on.


On the rope, on strings, there are pieces of paper on which the names of different products are written (as inappropriate as possible to each other - for example, on one physalis, on the other - herring, on the third - bagels, and so on). Each mother in turn is blindfolded, untwisted and released - she must reach the rope and cut off three pieces of paper. Then, after removing the bandage, mom must quickly come up with and tell what kind of dish she can cook from these products and what she will call it.


Two teams are selected, the first players are given scissors. The chairs are covered with multi-colored napkins. On command, the players run to chairs and cut a flower out of a napkin, then using glue or plasticine, the flower is attached to a large Whatman paper. All players do the same in turn. After that, the most beautiful bouquet is chosen for March 8 in kindergarten.

Mysterious walk

The "Mysterious Walk" competition will be able to entertain the children. Its essence lies in the fact that children are given the task of expressing the mood that the presenter will offer with their own gait. For example, the presenter asks to demonstrate the gait of a tired person, then a happy, frightened, naughty, proud, etc. If the host runs out of options, then the children themselves can suggest them. After 10-15 minutes of such a game, the presenter can change the task: one of the children will have to come up with and demonstrate what he would like to express with his gait, and everyone else will have to guess it.


Children are always happy to imitate animals. After playing the game "Voices of Animals", you will fully satisfy this need for them. At the beginning of the game, the presenter calls the animals, and the children must imitate his voice. The winner is the one who does it right and fastest.


In this game, you can check the identity of children. 2 volunteers are called for the Game. They stand against each other and carefully study appearance rival. Their task is to remember everything to the smallest detail. Then they turn their backs to each other, and the presenter changes something in the appearance of each, for example, takes off an earring, unfastens a button, etc. When the children turn again to face each other, they will have to guess what exactly has changed in the appearance of the opponent.


The game helps to develop logical thinking in children. 2 people are called to play. They stand facing all the guys, but one is located behind the other. The latter writes a word on a piece of paper and pricks it to the others. Another child, with the help of the children, must guess what is written on the paper. At the same time, the guys can indirectly describe the hidden word to him. For example, you asked the word "shop". Explanations can be as follows: "This is where people buy products", "Different things are sold there", etc. The more difficult the task, the more interesting.


Since no holiday is complete without balloons, March 8 is no exception. You can have a ballooning competition. If adults also participate in competitions with children, they should get a bigger ball.


Inflatable balloons can also be used in the next competition. To do this, you need to define the start and finish lines. The one whose ball reaches the finish line the fastest will win the competition. Balloons can also be used as a blank canvas on which you can depict all kinds of shapes. The one who comes up with the most original and wins. With the help of balls, you can arrange fun running competitions.


It will be funny because every runner must squeeze a balloon between his legs and in this position try to reach the finish line as quickly as possible. The competition can be made more difficult by inviting the participants to hold the balls under their arms as well. With your hands clenched under your armpits, you can also compete in eating ice cream or some other dish.


The more diverse the games and contests are, the more children have more possibilities show your dignity. Live facial expressions of a child can be useful to him in this competition. With the help of, for example, jam, one of the participants is sculpted with a birdie on the face. The task is to get rid of the match without help: hands, using only facial expressions.


It will be quite interesting for children to compete with adults in short-distance running. Do not think that the outcome of the competition is a foregone conclusion. There is one condition: adults and children must change their shoes. But what kind of footwear - tight or spacious - is the most comfortable to run in, the results of the competition will be shown.


If there are boxing gloves in the house, then the girls can be given the task to try to unfold the candy in them. If there are no boxing gloves, then ordinary mittens can replace them.


Girls are very fond of looking into their future. You can invite them to find out what awaits them this year. To do this, take an opaque bag and fill it with various objects and small toys. Then invite each child to get something out of the bag. If someone has a car in their hands, it means that he will have an exciting journey, a toy dog ​​- to a new girlfriend, friend, a pen, pencil - to the news, etc. It is necessary to come up with the meanings of objects in advance, they should be announced by the presenter.


Children will be able to show their acting skills in the "Visiting a Fairy Tale" competition. To carry it out, you will need pre-prepared leaflets with inscriptions of famous fairy tales, for example, "Cinderella", "Puss in Boots", "Turnip", "Frost", "Ryaba Chicken", "Kolobok", etc. The leaves are placed in a hat or a bag, from where the participants take them out in turn. The task of the children is to show the children the name of which fairy tale is written on his piece of paper with facial expressions, without words.


Any girl played dolls, so surely each of them will cope with our competition. To carry it out, you will need children's things - caps, undershirts, diapers, etc. of course dolls. The task of the girls is to quickly and neatly dressed and swaddled the doll, but there is a small condition - this must be done with one hand. The winner is the one who is the best to cope with the proposed task.


In the next competition, children will be able to test their artistic abilities. On the far wall of the room, 2 large sheets of Whatman paper are well attached. Children are divided into teams. Each team receives several envelopes (but the number of participants), in which the task is to draw something, for example, some fairytale hero. Envelopes are laid out in front of each team, in turn, each team member pulls out a piece of paper from the envelope, reads what is written on it (and that part of the body that the child should draw is indicated there), and runs to the drawing paper to draw his task. Everything must be done quickly, since the competition is held on time. The winner is the team that will complete the task faster and better.

Children perceive the competition very cheerfully, in which they need to determine, with their eyes closed, which object is in the hands of the presenter. For the competition, it is advisable to choose ordinary objects, but of an intricate shape. For example, a very voluminous handle that barely fits in the palm of your hand, or a huge wristwatch that looks more like an alarm clock, etc. It is advisable to play the game in teams. The winner is the team whose members give the most correct answers.


Children are divided into 2 teams. Each team receives a plate of grapes and a spoon for each participant. An empty plate is placed at the same distance from each team. The task of each participant is to take a spoon in her mouth, put a grape in it and take it to an empty plate. If a participant drops a grape, she must return for a new one. The result of the competition will also be influenced by the number of grapes in the new plate. The competition can be complicated by adding a condition: girls must also put grapes in a spoon without using their hands. Only then should the plate containing the grapes be filled with water, this will facilitate the girls' task.

If the company is exclusively girly, then the charming heroes of the occasion will surely enjoy the contest for the best hairstyle and makeup. It will require mom's cosmetics and all kinds of hairpins, hairpins, bows, fairies, etc. If boys are present at the holiday, they can successfully make up the jury. The program of the evening can also include a competition for the best performance of a song. If there is a karaoke in the house, it will facilitate the conditions of the competition. In addition, girls can agree to perform different songs. The best vocalist wins the competition.

For each victory in any competition or game, it is imperative to present the winner with a gift. Children will be simply happy if they still have some souvenir in memory of the holiday.

The competitive and playful part of the holiday can be ended with tea, this will somewhat calm down the children and prepare them to go home. You can also end the evening by watching a life-affirming film for children. It can be either a fairy tale, for example, a modern Cinderella story, or an adventure film that tells stories about love, friendship, and devotion.


  1. What was the name of the prince from "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" by Alexander Pushkin? (Elisha)
  2. What is the name of the tale in which the heroine defeats the enemy by throwing her shoe at him? (Nutcracker)
  3. Name a fairy tale in which the heroine travels on a swallow. (Thumbelina)
  4. What is the name of the beginning of the river? (Source)
  5. What is the name of the place where the river flows into the sea? (Mouth)
  6. What was the name of the ruler in Ancient Egypt? (Pharaoh)
  7. Name the dwelling of a primitive man. (Cave)
  8. What animals saved Rome? (Geese)
  9. What animal is called the ship of the desert? (Camel.)

As musical questions, you can offer to listen to an excerpt of the phonogram of a popular song and determine the artist. If a fragment of a classical work is offered for listening, then you can ask to name its author.

Break your head

  1. Once the master asked the peasant the task of transporting a wolf, a goat and a cabbage to the opposite bank of the river in a two-seater boat. "How to be, - thought the old man. - If I leave the wolf with the goat, the wolf will eat it, and if I leave the goat with the cabbage, then the goat will eat the cabbage." How can a peasant transport a load across the river? (Since the wolf does not eat cabbage, they can be left together on the shore, and the goat must be transported to the other side. Then the peasant must return and pick up the cabbage. Having transported the cabbage to the other side, the peasant must take the goat from there. Having landed the goat, the peasant must take the wolf and ferry it across the river. After the wolf is delivered to the opposite bank, the peasant can transport the goat. The task is completed.)
  2. Kittens were born to Pasha's cat. Classmates found out about this, and they wondered how many kittens a cat has. They asked Pasha about this, and he answers them: "A little, three quarters of their number, and even two parts of one kitten." The guys thought. How many kittens does a cat have? (Three)


Each team receives a chef's set consisting of a cap (or headscarf), an apron. At the opposite end of the room on the tables are 2 cups (one with water and the other empty) and spoons. The task of the players of each team is to put on a cap, tie an apron, run to the table, scoop up water with a spoon and pour it into an empty cup. You will have 5 minutes to complete this task. The team that pours more water into an empty cup wins. (The amount of water poured into a cup during the competition is determined using a measuring cup.)


Each team receives a skein of yarn to roll into a ball. The grandmother is the first to start winding the thread at the signal of the presenter, then also, at the signal, the grandmother passes the ball to the mother and then to the daughter. Whoever reels the whole ball first will be the winner of the competition.


  1. There were 90 acorns growing on a pine tree. A strong wind blew and 10 acorns fell. How much is left? (It may come as a surprise to some to learn that acorns do not grow on pine trees.)
  2. The man was walking down the street, the lanterns were off, there was no magnifying glass either. A black cat ran across his path. How did he see what color it was? (Inattentive listeners will start guessing, and the smartest ones will probably answer that it was day, so the man saw the color of the cat.)
  3. What do I do when I see with my eyes closed? (Sleeping)
  4. What can be tasteless even if it is cooked very well? (Lessons)

Source: "Big Book of Holidays for Kids" N.V. Grishechkina