What are the goals of business communication. Types and purposes of business communication. Social foundations of business communications

Communication can be different - personal, formal, business, ritual. All of them have certain differences from each other in terms of the attitudes of the participants, goals and forms of behavior. Business communication is a special type of communication. It is based on the interaction of people who pursue the goal of exchanging information in the course of their activities. In addition, business communication has a specific result, which is a product obtained as a result of joint activities. It can be power, career, information, as well as emotional experiences and intellectual analysis.

Definition of the concept

Business communication, like any other, has a historical character. Its manifestation takes place at all levels social system, and in a variety of forms. When studying theoretical foundations business communication it becomes clear that it arises in connection with a certain type of activity taking place, the result of which is the release of a product or the receipt of one or another effect. Each of the parties entering into such relationships with each other must adhere to the standards and norms of human behavior, including ethical ones.

The basics of business communication are the processes that allow the exchange of work experience and specific information. In a market economy, this allows you to get the maximum profit. What else is at the heart of business communication? Such interaction is impossible without physical and psychological contacts, as well as the exchange of emotions. That is why it is so important to be able to build relationships with people and find an approach to a specific person.

On the one hand, it may seem that business communication is not all that difficult. After all, from early childhood, people begin to get acquainted with communicative connections. Nevertheless, business communication, like any other that exists in society, is quite multifaceted. It has various types, has many directions and functions. Certain aspects of it are studied by various sciences, including ethology, sociology, philosophy and psychology.

Consider the basics of business communication, its types, principles, and also features.

What it is?

Business communication is an interaction, each participant of which has its own status. So, he can be a boss, subordinate, colleague or partner. In the case when people who are on different rungs of the career ladder communicate with each other (for example, a manager and an employee), we can talk about a vertical in the relationship. In other words, such communication is subordinate. Business communication can take place with equal cooperation. Such relationships are considered horizontal.

Business communication takes place constantly in official institutions, in schools, universities and at work. This is a dialogue between subordinates and bosses, students with teachers, competitors and partners. And the achievement of the goal depends on how familiar the interlocutors are with the basics of business communication, its methods, forms and rules.


Business communication differs from all other types of communication in that it has:

  1. Regularity. The basics of business communication are established rules to restrict communication. They are determined by the type of interaction, its tasks and goals, the degree of formality, as well as cultural and national traditions. At the same time, business etiquette, as the basis of modern business communication, serves as the main tool for organizing the process of business relations.
  2. Strict adherence to their role role by all communication participants. It must meet the requirements of a specific situation. Also, all participants in business communication need to fulfill their specific role (partner, subordinate, boss, etc.).
  3. Severity regarding the use of speech means. Each of the participants in business communication must be proficient in a professional language and know the necessary terminology. The speech should not contain colloquial expressions and words, dialectisms and abuse.
  4. High responsibility for the result obtained. All participants in business communication must be punctual, organized, true to their word and obligatory. In addition, they should unswervingly observe the moral and ethical standards of communication.


In a production environment, business communication allows each person to satisfy their need for communication, exchange experiences, learn something new, evaluate their own professional quality... The importance of such communications in negotiations is great. Knowledge of the psychological foundations of business communication allows you to maintain your reputation and image, as well as achieve success in business.

Among the main functions of this kind of communications, the following are distinguished:

  1. Instrumental. This feature considers communication as a control mechanism.
  2. Interactive. In this case, communication is a means of bringing together colleagues, business partners, professionals, etc.
  3. Self-expression. Conducted business communication allows a person to assert himself and demonstrate his psychological, personal and intellectual potential.
  4. Socialization. Carrying out communications, a person develops the skills of his business etiquette and communication.
  5. Expressive. It is expressed in emotional experiences and demonstrations of understanding.

All of the above functions are closely related to each other. Moreover, through their implementation, they constitute the essence of business communication itself.


In order for the negotiations to be as successful as possible, a certain atmosphere must be created. The goal can be achieved only when the partners, communicating with each other, will feel as comfortable as possible. And knowledge of the principles of the psychological foundations of business communication will help in this. These include:

  1. Controlling emotions. This point is quite important. The fact is that the surging emotions literally in a matter of seconds can destroy those relationships that have been built over the years. After all, they will show a person with clearly negative side... And even in the case when the interlocutor allows himself unrestrained behavior, you should not react to this. Each person should realize that emotions and work are incompatible things.
  2. Desire to understand the interlocutor. Adhering to the fundamentals of the psychology of business communication, the parties need to be attentive to each other's opinions. Indeed, in the case when one of the negotiators will only talk about their own interests, without listening to the other side, this will not allow coming to a common agreement and getting positive results from the meeting.
  3. Concentration of attention. Business communication is often a monotonous process. This leads to the fact that a person is able to miss some fundamental moments of the negotiations. That is why during a conversation it is necessary to focus the attention of partners on the topic, when it becomes obvious that they have ceased to concentrate their attention on really important things.
  4. The truthfulness of the conversation. The success of a business is largely determined by a relationship of trust. Of course, opponents can under-say something or deliberately dissemble a little in order to raise their own dignity. Nevertheless, with regard to the fundamental points, here it is necessary that things are said that correspond to reality. This is how businessmen earn their reputation.
  5. Ability not to express subjective opinions. The fundamentals of ethics and psychology of business communication imply the ability to separate the interlocutor from the object of negotiations. In other words, a personal relationship to a person should never have an impact on working moments. This is the main difference between personal and business communication. It often happens that an opponent who is extremely unpleasant to the interlocutor can be very useful for the cause. In this case, you should not miss the benefit. After all, it often happens that very pleasant and good people turn out to be untenable in the business sense.

The principles listed above must be taken into account by every person who wants to acquire the skill of correct negotiation and earn money. good reputation business partner.

Moral foundations

In what case is it likely to achieve a positive decision during negotiations? To do this, a businessman needs to know the moral foundations of business communication. Communication between people, pursuing themselves commercial purposes must comply with the following principles:

  1. The basis of business communication should be the interests of the business, and not their own ambitions and desires. Despite its obviousness, people violate this principle most often. After all, not every person is able to find the strength to sacrifice personal interests that are in conflict with the benefits that will be received for the cause. This is especially evident in those moments when something can be done with impunity, and the only judge in this case will be your own conscience.
  2. Decency. What is the basis of business communication? The organic inability of a person to commit a dishonorable act. Decency is always based on such moral qualities as a heightened sense of conscience, when there is an awareness that silence or inaction will become dishonorable, as well as a constant striving to preserve one's honor in the form of nobility, incorruptibility and assertion of one's own dignity.
  3. The ability to behave in the same way with any person, regardless of his social or official status.
  4. Integrity. A person should not only have strong convictions, but also actively strive for their realization and implementation. This is manifested in the fact that he will never give up his own principles, even with a threat and the presence of obstacles to personal well-being.
  5. Goodwill. This principle lies in the organic need to do good to people, which is the main category of ethics. Any professional activity is aimed at meeting the social needs of a person. And in this sense, he produces something useful, that is, he does good. Adhering to this principle, a professional does not only what is in his duties, but also does much beyond that, receiving emotional satisfaction and appreciation in return.
  6. Respect for human dignity. Such a principle is able to be realized thanks to such moral qualities brought up in a person as delicacy and politeness, solicitude, courtesy and tact. Moreover, all this should be combined with poise, endurance and correctness. Here the ethical foundations of business communication are in close contact with morality. The same should be the case in statutory relationships, which in no way allow the dignity of the subordinate to be humiliated by the leader. Respect for a person, which underlies the ethics of business communication, allows people not to experience mutual resentment, irritation and discontent. It protects against nervous shocks, stress and others negative consequences communications. A person's ignorance of the fundamentals of business ethics or the inability to apply them in practice can negatively affect the opinions of others about him.
  7. Feasibility and reasonableness. This principle underlies all ethical rules and regulations. Moreover, it is especially necessary in those forms of human communication in which it is very important to adhere to etiquette. With the observance of expediency and rationality in the service team, a favorable moral and psychological atmosphere is created, which greatly increases the efficiency of employees' work.

The norms of the culture of behavior

Let's consider briefly communication. Knowledge of the rules and norms of behavior, and, of course, their observance, brings pleasure and benefit to their owner. A person, if he is well brought up, will feel confident everywhere, easily overcoming the psychological barriers of communication, without experiencing an inferiority complex and getting the opportunity to constantly expand the circle of communication.

The rules of etiquette, which are the foundations of effective business communication, are a set of norms necessary to deal with people politely. In service communications, in this case, compliance is considered appearance, manners, gestures, speech, posture, posture, facial expressions, clothing and tone, as well as the social role that is inherent in a person and his social and business status. Such requirements become especially important during participation in any highly regulated event that requires adherence to rigidly established boundaries. Failure to comply with the rules of etiquette in this case will be considered an insult to the dignity of the communication participants, which will cause their disapproval.

But it is worth noting that even with a thorough knowledge of the basics of professional business communication, it is not always possible to avoid some mistakes. After all, etiquette should not be applied mechanically. For each specific situation, they are subject to some adjustment. And professional tact will allow you to do this. Only he will protect the employee from errors.

Consider how the head of the company should behave during a business conversation. When greeting its participants, it is necessary to politely greet them by shaking hands with each of them (while not squeezing it too tightly). Before starting the conversation itself, you should offer the interlocutors tea or coffee. A similar tradition appeared not so long ago. Nevertheless, today almost everyone adheres to it. A cup of aromatic drink will allow a person to get rid of some stress and positively tune in to the conversation.

Knowing the basics of business ethics will help prevent an unpleasant situation. If an oversight occurs in the negotiation process, you should apologize to the interlocutors for the inconvenience caused to them. And only after that the conversation can be continued.

Compliance with the ethical foundations of business communication implies that when discussing business issues with partners, you need to try to answer all their questions. In cases where, for one reason or another, it is impossible to do this directly during the conversation, you should apologize and ask for time to think, indicating a specific date.

When negotiating, you must keep a notebook with a pen with you, writing down all the most important voiced information. You should not raise your voice. You need to speak clearly and clearly. The style of clothing must be business-like.

Types of business communication

The main task of official communications is always to achieve a specific goal.

At the same time, working issues can be resolved using various types of business communication. Among them:

  1. Business correspondence. This type of official communication is considered in absentia. When using it, all information is conveyed to the opponent in writing. No personal meeting is scheduled. Despite the fact that a lot of people are engaged in correspondence every day, composing business letters is a rather difficult task, because they must be drawn up taking into account all the necessary requirements and sent out on time. When presenting information in such a letter, it is important to adhere to the foundations of the psychology of business communication and its ethical standards. The concreteness of the text and its brevity are appreciated. It should be borne in mind that the conduct of such correspondence allows partners to draw some conclusions about each other.
  2. Business conversation. It is this type of communication that is the most common form of official communication. Leaders of all companies are required to conduct interviews with staff. Such conversations should have a positive impact on the team and business development. This kind of business communication allows you to clarify some of the work points, which makes it easier to accomplish the tasks facing the company.
  3. Business meeting. This type of service communications allows you to improve the performance of the company. At the meetings, urgent issues are resolved, the most effective interaction between employees or partners is achieved. Sometimes meetings are not held with the boss and his subordinates. Gathering together to discuss pressing problems, sometimes only one department or organization heads.
  4. Public speaking. This type of business communication is necessary to convey to the audience any information that has a presentation or informational character. And here special requirements are imposed on the speaker. It is imperative for him to understand the subject of his report. The text he pronounces must be logical and clear. Self-confidence is equally important.
  5. Business meeting. This type of communication is considered an integral part of doing business. Negotiations allow short time eliminate any problems that have arisen, set goals and objectives, take into account the opinions of the interlocutors and draw the right conclusions. They are usually held between leaders various enterprises... Each of them demonstrates his position during business negotiations. At the same time, the parties must come to a common decision in order to satisfy the interests of all partners.

Social foundations of business communications

Business communication that takes place between people is a derivative of their activities. It fixes the content and social orientation of various types of industrial relations, the importance of communication for the life of the whole society, as well as for its individual social groups and individuals.

Business communication between people is a rather universal process and at the same time quite diverse. It arises in the most varied spheres of activity and at all its levels. This must be taken into account when mastering the social foundations of business communication, the knowledge of which will allow a deeper understanding of the conditions in which the interaction between partners will take place.

One of the main features of such communications is that the spiritual qualities of people are manifested in them. All interconnected partners are subjects of interpersonal business relationships. They represent people of different ages with different moral, physiological, psychological and intellectual properties. Each of them has its own strong-willed and emotional attitude, worldview, value orientations and ideological attitudes. The manifestation of any of these properties allows, to a certain extent, to reveal the partner's spiritual world and acts as an element of the content of interpersonal spiritual interaction.

Communication of professionals

Being tolerant towards each other is not easy. Nevertheless, each of us must perfectly understand that all people are different, and it is necessary to perceive another person as he is.

This is also indicated by the moral and psychological foundations of the professional and business communication of the teacher, who, when contacting his student, must, first of all, show tolerance. The essence of such communication comes down to the application in the learning process of such principles that allow you to create optimal preconditions for the formation of personal self-expression in children and for teaching a culture of dignity, while eliminating the factor of fear of an erroneous answer. Tolerance in the 21st century is one of the ways to create harmonious relationships that allow a person to integrate more easily in society.

Pedagogical communication with students should, above all, be productive. Its main goal is the spiritual enrichment of both sides. That is, both the teacher and his pupil. But getting positive results is possible only if the teacher shows:

  • respect for the spiritual world of the child;
  • interest in what the student considers valuable for himself;
  • respect for the individuality of the pupil with all the qualities inherent in his personality.

Business communication of a teacher must adhere to the following principles:

  • non-violence (giving the student the right to be what he is);
  • respect for the work of the child's cognition;
  • respect for the pupil's tears and failures;
  • unconditional love for the child;
  • respect for the identity of the student;
  • compromise;
  • reliance on the positive character traits of the child.

Healthcare sector

As an example of professional communications, consider the basics of business communication in the work of a medical registrar. This person has to communicate with people who seek help. That is why it is so important that this specialist works as competently as possible. He should remember that any negotiation is a dialogue. When they switch to a monologue (from one side or the other), there can be no talk of any productive cooperation. And for this medical registrar it requires listening skills and asking the right questions at the right time. They should not divert the conversation aside and will make it possible to clarify the topic under discussion as much as possible.

In order to start effectively listening to the visitor, the medical registrar will need:

  1. Stop talking. After all, making a speech and listening at the same time is simply impossible. The speaker should be helped to relax so that the person has a feeling of freedom.
  2. Show the visitor your willingness to listen to him. In this case, you need to act with maximum interest. Listening to a person, you need to try to understand him, and not try to look for reasons for objection.
  3. Eliminate annoying moments. To do this, you will need to stop tapping on the table, shifting papers, and not being distracted by phone calls.
  4. Empathize with the speaker and try to get into his position.
  5. Be patient. At the same time, you do not need to try to save time and interrupt the person.
  6. Restrain your own emotions. If the person is angry, they will most likely start giving the words the wrong meaning.
  7. Avoid criticism and controversy. Otherwise, the speaker will become defensive and will simply shut up.
  8. To ask questions. They will allow you to cheer up the visitor, since he will understand that he is being listened to. Moreover, it is necessary to ask questions during 30% of the conversation.

As you can see, the nature and content of business communication in each area of ​​activity have their own characteristics. All of them are researched by specialists working in the fields of philosophy, ethics, sociology and psychology. It is no coincidence that a discipline has appeared in the program for university students, which is called “Business Communication”. It allows you to consider the ethical and psychological, and to be more precise, the organizational and moral problems of official communications. There are also textbooks on this discipline. One of them was written by A.S. Kovalchuk. This tutorial covers the basics of business communication in a very accessible way.

The book identifies the conditions and factors of optimal work aimed at creating a charming image. Also in this work, which is called "Fundamentals of Imageology and Business Communication", the author considers the possibilities of using the results of such activities. In addition to university students, such a manual may well interest people who are looking for a path to self-expression, as well as representatives of professions whose success depends on the implementation of creative abilities.

Reading time: 2 minutes

Communication goals. All people are aware of the basic human needs - water, food, sleep, safety, they attach great importance. The listed needs are a source of normal biological life for mankind. But also people have a responsibility to take care of psychological health. Communication is of great importance in the psychohygiene of an individual. It has long been proven that if a person is created conditions of complete isolation from the outside world, and is not given the opportunity to communicate, he will gradually become mentally unbalanced. Therefore, you need to give due importance to the quality of your communications. Thanks to them, people become social beings, not just biological ones. Interaction in communication makes it possible to achieve some personal goal.

The purpose of communication between people is often that they know exactly why they need to communicate with this particular person.

The content of the goal and the means of communication fill the meaning of the communication process itself. That is, psychology explains the content of the goal and means of communication as follows: this is what people come into contact for and how it happens. With the help, people learn to understand how socio-economic, market relations work. People who are in business communication, who are in a hierarchical structure, being at a certain level of it, obeying someone one, or giving orders to someone else, are well aware of how complex social relationships are, and this contributes to their socialization in society. Company employees gain experience in knowledge of all coordination processes in society, they can see how to change conditions in order to achieve greater success with the help of these changes, to achieve all set goals.

Goals and objectives of communication

People in one way or another, constantly, set themselves certain goals. The goal in work, in studies, in competitions, there is also the goal of communication between people. Due to the fact that a person is a creature tuned in a collectivist way, it happens that he just needs a dialogue, he wants to talk heart to heart, for no obvious reason, and he truly believes that in this way he has no goal, then there is no final result from the conversation. But in fact, even the usual desire to just talk is also a goal, or rather an end in itself, communication for the sake of communication (with relatives, friends). Probably, such a simple reason is very important, because here a person does not use another person to achieve a certain goal of his own, but enjoys the process itself.

What are the goals of communication? Other goals are also realized in communication, in general there are just a lot of them, perhaps it is impossible to just name all of them, you can only generalize, since the goal is a specific idea that guides a person in his actions, deeds, thoughts.

Psychology divides the main goals of communication into personal and group, social, aesthetic, cognitive, biological.

In the process of personal communication, a person shares his problems, views, experiences and giving all this - in response, he expects support, acceptance, understanding, it is this reaction that will be the goal of this communication for him. There are people who communicate with others to validate their individuality, superiority, and dominance. They deliberately behave defiantly, and as soon as they notice that the interlocutor is reacting in the way they need (he is surprised, frightened, becomes silent, lost), they rejoice, because they have achieved their goal. Many are looking for salvation, help and protection in communication with another person, while some, on the contrary, see it as their goal to help everyone disinterestedly (altruism).

The purpose of communication may be acquaintance, the desire to establish contacts with a person because of sympathy or benefit. When looking for a partner to play, people are also required to make contact.

A group goal is also possible, for example, in a work team, where employees are connected by business communication, and they have a specific goal for the work plan. A group of students or schoolchildren also have a common goal related to scientific activity. For a sports team, communication goals are team cohesion and victory in competitions.

The microcosm of each person is a temple of all his thoughts, creates the autonomy and uniqueness of each subject. Therefore, being in communication with people, it is impossible to deny the fact that the characterological characteristics of a person affect the communication process. If the interlocutors cannot perceive each other normally and adequately, through personal mutual hostility, it will be very difficult for them to achieve some common goal. But when, overcoming their own prejudices, stepping over their own ego, they still support the communication channel, they have the opportunity to create extraordinary power together. The energy of two people merges and becomes one and strong, and if it is a group, then the accumulation of all their energy forms a huge force. Thanks to such a process as communication, people learned to live together, evolve and survive in the wild, so the goals of the group were achieved, and the needs of each individual person were satisfied.

The goals of communication directly depend on the type of relationship between the subjects: pedagogical - communication between a student and a teacher, in this regard, the goal is to teach and learn, a managerial goal (subordinate and boss), entrepreneurial - a seller who has a product and a consumer, goals that will bring them mutual benefit, curative - a healer who gave help and a patient who received it and many others.

Depending on the characteristics of the conversation, there may be different goals and. If the contact between people occurs directly, they use speech, facial expressions, improvised objects to improve the visualization of what was said. If indirectly, they communicate through telephone conversations, SMS, letters.

The functions and goals of communication psychology in this regard claims that they are definitely dependent on each other, in this vein the following functions are distinguished: social adaptation (the formation of a person as a social being), transmission of information, regulation of relations with each other, the expressive function is displayed in exchange emotions and experiences.

Thus, the functions and goals of communication complement each other, and having fulfilled some function of communication, a certain goal is satisfied.

The purpose of business communication

There is business communication, which differs from ordinary communication in that it has a certain framework, it is limited by the fact that the subjects here are people, the subject of communication of which will always be an object associated with their work activities (solving organizational, managerial, productive tasks).

In business communication, the purpose of communication takes the form of negotiations.

The goals and means of communication in business communication are related to the subject of common work. For example, when a company needs to generate ideas, they use brainstorming techniques.

When labor issues are resolved, their solution becomes the goal of the entire team, and for this each employee, being an object of communication, must make his own efforts. Therefore, it is very important that all participants in the communication are people of the same level in order to minimize the risk of misunderstandings between them. The circle of professionals solving business issues will be able to bring the company to the highest level. If in this circle, somehow, a person who does not understand practically anything about the company's activities enters, he will not set a group goal to improve the organization and move it to a new level of capabilities, thus, he himself will be able to undermine the reputation of the company and confuse employees.

Individual employees and the company as a whole are faced with the main goals of communication - to provide optimal conditions for productive decisions and to organize joint object activities. These goals are described in a very generalized way, there are also more specific ones, such communication goals are - creating a corporate culture, motivating employees, creating products, creating new services, developing ideas, forming a workforce, recruiting personnel, teaching personnel, trainings and many others. And, of course, during all these processes there is a mutual influence of partners, therefore another important goal should be to create a friendly atmosphere and prevent the emergence of conflicts.

Even if the organization has a well and tightly formed team, if everyone knows that they act for the common good of the company, all the same, every employee, no matter how it may be, is a person with individual views and attitudes. The individual views that are part of an employee's life are reflected in his attitude towards work and in labor activity... That is, being an element of a group, a person is also an individual, therefore, he can pursue personal goals.

Each employee wants to be protected, especially if his work is associated with a risk to his life (miner, soldier, employee of the Ministry of Emergencies), in such cases, conducting a business conversation, he may ask for additional protection.

In communication with superiors, a subordinate can, guided by the goal of improving financial situation and quality of life, ask for an increase wages... A better chance of achieving such a goal will give certain actions for the good of the organization, which will be regarded as a reason for a salary increase or the issuance of a bonus. Along with the increase in wages, the employee is often set with the goal of raising his official level, raising him to a new level, expanding his powers and reducing hierarchical pressure. When a person has achieved the goal of increasing the position and salary, he at the same time secures new status and prestige, seeks to increase his authority.

Each employee acts, making certain decisions, which will be the best result for the company and the least outcome of their own efforts and costs in connection with these actions. A person learns to combine personal and impersonal interests, adapting to the behavior of other colleagues, observing the norms of the company. Basically, these rules are property rights. Such rights are shared by who owns and what is. Relying on them, people act in a certain way, and make their choice, observing this and other rights.

Even following the rules and traditions formed in the company to a certain type interaction in communication, each employee will do things based on their own interests and benefits. This most often happens when an employee is insecure about his company and is not afraid of losing his position.

In the process of business communication, there is a continuous mutual influence, adaptation to each other and to changes in the very benefits, as the participants in the communication give their rivals the opportunity to choose, while acting in their personal interests. When the nature of the benefit changes, the attitude of the parties also changes, they change their behavior, so that they turn out to be consistent with other employees. Here, in fact, the mechanism of business communication of employees is concluded - their own goals are achieved using minimal means. The main thing in this process is a rational approach, then personal and group goals will be satisfied. A person, having learned from his own mistakes, will rely on the experience gained, and it will be better to evaluate the pros and cons of options for solving problems.

When formal issues that require a vote or a decision are discussed at a meeting, the participants in the business negotiations will be guided by the rationality and consistency of the put forward thoughts. Qualities such as creativity and intuition are not taken into account, as are the social qualities of a leader.

In business relationships, it also happens that people at higher levels help lower ones, wanting to tighten them up and make the company more successful. But there are also those who pretend that they want better, but in fact they harm their employees and try to get them out of the company, sometimes to take away their position, sometimes for personal reasons.

To achieve the goals of business communication in the organization, conditions must be created, thanks to which the creative potential of the employee's personality, his professional knowledge is revealed, having this, the company's management will be able to relate much more easily to the requirements of subordinates and coordinate their personal interests and goals with the goals of the company.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

The purpose of human communication became the object of close psychological research only in the last century. It turned out that communication, like the desire for self-improvement, is a fundamental need for homo. It was then that communicans, that is, communicating, was added to the scientific definitions of a person - sapiens (reasonable) and habilis (skillful).

Communication between people is not just the exchange of various kinds of information. This is the foundation of human existence. Establishing interpersonal contacts helps individual individuals to fully develop, reach the heights of personal growth, maintain physical and mental health, get to know themselves, understand others, influence others and interact with them.

The information transmitted in the process of communication - it is its content - is divided into several types:

  • material - products and tools of labor;
  • cognitive - scientific and empirical information;
  • active - manipulations, skills and abilities;
  • conditioned - bodily and mental states;
  • incentive - interests, needs, motives.

The goals of human communication are very diverse, since they depend on one or another human need. Among them are:

  • social - strengthening ties between members of a group or society;
  • cultural - mutual enrichment with cultural achievements;
  • epistemological - the exchange of scientific knowledge;
  • creative - the transfer of author's, qualitatively new developments;
  • aesthetic - the interaction of means, forms and techniques of art;
  • ethical - the exchange of moral values;
  • intellectual - familiarizing with experience that helps to reach a new level of consciousness;
  • biological - the acquisition of access to means of survival: food, housing, medicines;
  • personal - the exchange of experiences, thoughts and experiences with an interesting interlocutor, receiving pleasure from contact with him.

The goals of communication between people as a unique biostimulator of their spiritual and industrial activities are inextricably linked with communicative tasks. Let's name the main ones:

Affective- regulation of the emotional sphere of communication participants: mutual reinforcement emotional states or attenuation, convergence or polarization.

Information- the formation of the image of feelings and thoughts of the interlocutors.

Regulatory- coordination and correction of motives, interests and actions of interacting people, their mutual stimulation.

The number of people whose professional career directly depends on the ability to establish contacts, is constantly growing. The first dollar millionaire John Rockefeller, who had a good understanding of the goals and objectives of communication in modern world, expressed a willingness to pay a higher price for communication skills than for any product.

Business communication goals

Streamlining and improving activities - commercial, scientific, social, industrial - the achievement of a beneficial result for all its participants is the main goal of business communication. It can be disciplinary or informative in content.

At the same time, each of the negotiators sets himself the following tasks:

  • strengthening cooperation with partners, smoothing or avoiding disagreements between them;
  • increasing trust and mutual understanding;
  • achieving full-fledged interaction, its coordination and harmonization;
  • distribution of fronts of work or spheres of influence;
  • compliance with the "code of honor", that is, the norms of behavior adopted in this environment.

Productive business communication is not only a condition for the effective development of an enterprise. It is also the basis for the success of an individual. In the process of business communication, such valuable personal qualities are formed:

  • the ability to speak convincingly and listen carefully to the interlocutor;
  • persistence and delicacy;
  • the ability to subordinate and yield for the sake of the interests of the firm.

To achieve the goal of business communication, its participants must fulfill a number of specific requirements:

  • follow necessary instructions, internal regulations, legal and social norms;
  • not to deviate from the ethics of business contact within the framework of job roles that provide for a regulated range of responsibilities and rights;
  • interact equally with partners, regardless of their own preferences;
  • to record important information in writing or by means of a sound recording device during the meeting;
  • motivate and encourage participants in the negotiation process to achieve a productive result;
  • avoid conflicts both between the parties to the negotiations and intrapersonal;
  • condemn actions, not their performers;
  • evaluate the compatibility of partners to solve the range of tasks;
  • work not so much for their reputation as for the image of the organization.

It is not easy to master all of these competencies. Therefore, many enterprises value employees who have comprehended the wisdom of business communication.

Today they are especially in demand in those areas where the culture of communication is reduced, where norms are violated. ethical behavior where profits are extorted in the form of gifts, bribes, "left" payments. Such incidents are unacceptable in a business world based on mutually beneficial deals.

Each person, entering even the closest contacts, retains his identity, spiritual autonomy. Therefore, achieving the goals of communication is impossible without overcoming disagreements and other difficulties arising in the interaction of people. But it is in such difficult communications that a real chance appears to achieve success in personal growth and self-development.

Business conversation


Business communication goals

Business communication values

As soon as a person was not named: and homo sapiens (a reasonable person), and homo fuber (a person who produces), and homo ludens (a person who plays). It seems that with no less reason it can be called homo communicans - a communicating person.

Russian thinker Pyotr Chaadaev (1794-1856) wittily remarked: "Deprived of communication with other creatures, we would nibble the grass, and not reflect on our nature." And he was right, because the natural way of a person's existence is his connection with other people, and a person himself becomes a person only in communication.

The need for communication, according to psychologists, is one of the basic (basic) human needs. The importance of communication as a basic need is determined by the fact that "it dictates the behavior of people with no less authority than, for example, the so-called vital needs." Communication is a necessary condition for the normal development of a person as a member of society and as a person, a condition for his spiritual and physical health.

Being a powerful consumer of human energy, communication at the same time is an invaluable biostimulator of his life and spiritual aspirations.

In psychology, communication is defined as the interaction of two or more people, consisting in the exchange of information between them of a cognitive or emotional-evaluative nature. Depending on the communication technique used and its goals, the following types can be distinguished:

H "Contact of masks", that is, formal communication, in which there is no desire to understand and take into account the personality traits of the interlocutor.

H Formal-role communication, in which both the content and the means of communication are regulated by social roles and communication.

Social communication is formal, and its participants say what is supposed to be said in such cases.

H Manipulative communication. It is aimed at obtaining one-sided benefits from an interview using a manipulative technique of influencing the opponent in communication, depending on his characteristics as a person.

Material, i.e. exchange of products or items of activity;

Cognitive, i.e. knowledge Exchange;

Active, i.e. exchange of actions, skills, skills.

Cognitive and actionable communication occurs, for example, in the learning process.

Conditioned, i.e. exchange of mental or physiological states (smile to raise your spirits, make you angry with a grimace);

Motivational, i.e. exchange of motives, goals, needs, attitudes (come on, come on!).

Business communications are used to organize and optimize a particular type of activity (professional, industrial, scientific, commercial, political, etc.). And since communication is a subject-oriented activity, the content of each communicative form (lecture, report, discussion, conversation) depends on the communicative intention and the expected result. So, if the purpose of communication is to clarify something, then the content and form of information presentation will be instructive (instruction), narrative (consultation) or reasoning (comment). If it is necessary to refute someone's arguments, then proofs, critical remarks will be used.

In addition, the peculiarities of the current situation and personal qualities partner. For example, to transfer information, you wanted to use the deduction method (from general to specific), but in the course of communication you made sure that the induction method is more appropriate for a given business partner (from special cases, examples to generalization and conclusions).

Business communications

By means of business communications are methods of encoding, transmitting and decoding (decrypting) information.

Coding is a way of transferring information from one person to another. Encoding is done using symbols and signs (letters, schemes, sounds, gestures).

The transmission of encoded information occurs through channels. The channels can be broadcast, wires, paper.

Business communication tasks

Business communication is the basis for the successful development of not only the enterprise as a whole, but also the individual. It is an important type of relationship between people, supported by norms and rules.

Communication is subdivided into:

  • communicative, implying the exchange of information;
  • interactive, consisting in interaction between participants;
  • perceptual, meaning the establishment of a relationship between partners.

All three types are based on a system of ethical values, where the most important criteria are - evil, good, good, justice, duty, responsibility, etc. Business relationships should lead to the harmonization and coordination of interests.

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The tasks of the ethics of business communication are to form the principles of communication that would be aimed not only at full-fledged and non-conflict interaction of the parties, but would also not contradict the moral behavior of people. The goal is subordinate to a specific production, scientific or commercial task. A the main task of business communication consists in productive cooperation and improving relations with partners, interaction with which is determined by the exchange of information and is of an informational or disciplinary nature, aimed at achieving a joint result.

Such joint activity implies the observance of common goals, motives, the relationship of the participants labor process, as well as the distribution of individual functions between them. The basic rule of communication is: "Treat others the way you would like to be treated." Interaction imposes some specific requirements for participants:

  1. Compliance with social, legal regulations, instructions, house rules, etc.
  2. Compliance with the ethics of business communication in accordance with official roles, rights and responsibilities.
  3. Contacting between participants, regardless of dislikes and likes. The same measurements for all employees.
  4. Written recording of decisions, orders, orders and their execution to improve the efficiency of interaction.
  5. Encouragement and motivation in achieving the final result with the avoidance of conflict, both intrapersonal and interpersonal.
  6. Team compatibility for joint activities also allows you to solve a wide range of tasks.
  7. Criticism of actions, not a person.
  8. The principle of greater reward for great service works well.

The ability and ability to find the right version of the relationship is the art of business communication, to which every enterprise that values ​​its reputation aspires. The values ​​of ethical behavior are declining today, which is reflected in the behavior of firms and managers who, in violation of ethical standards, offer or extort bribes, gifts and other illegal payments. According to statistics, about 70% of profitable deals were lost by our country due to cultural blindness in the business world, therefore the goals and objectives of business communication are also manifested in raising the culture of modern society.

1.2. Business communication, its types and structure

Business communication takes a significant place in the lives of many people, because constantly have to discuss issues related to the organization of production, with the life of the work collective, the performance of job and official duties, the conclusion of various kinds of transactions, contracts, decision-making, paperwork, etc. It acquires special significance for people involved in management. As research in the field of management shows, 80% of the working time of managers at all levels is spent on communication.

Business conversation Is a process of interrelation and interaction, in which there is an exchange of activities, information and experience, presupposing the achievement of a certain result, the solution of a specific problem or the realization of a certain goal [ 13 , c. 118]. Business communication should have a concrete result - the product of joint activities, information, career, power, as well as the accompanying intellectual analysis and emotional experiences.

Business communication can be roughly divided into direct(direct contact) and indirect(there is a space-time distance between partners). Direct business communication is more effective, the power of emotional impact and suggestion than indirect.

In general, business communication differs from ordinary (informal) communication in that in its process a goal and specific tasks are set that require their solution. In business communication, we cannot stop interacting with a partner (at least without loss for both parties). In ordinary friendly communication, most often specific tasks are not set, specific goals are not pursued. Such communication can be terminated (at the request of the participants) at any time.

There are two types of business communication: verbal and non-verbal. Verbal communication (from Lat. "verbalis" - verbal) is carried out with the help of words. At non-verbal communication means of transmitting information are poses, gestures, facial expressions, intonation, views, territorial location, etc.

The subject of business communication is a common cause. Content of business communication constitutes a socially significant joint activity of people, which implies coordination of actions, understanding and acceptance by each of its participants of the goals, objectives and specifics of this activity, their role and their capabilities for its implementation.

The purpose business communication is the organization and optimization of a certain type of joint substantive activity. In addition to the general goal of business communication, it can also include personal goals that are realized by the participants in the communication:

1) the pursuit of personal safety in the process social activities, which often manifests itself in avoiding responsibility;

2) striving to improve their living standards;

3) the desire for power, i.e. the desire to expand the scope of their powers, move up the career ladder, get rid of the burden of hierarchical control;

4) the desire to increase their prestige, which is often combined with the desire to strengthen the prestige of the position held and the organization itself [ 11 , c. eleven].

In addition to the main goals, business communication has and psychological functions:

Binding - I and You. For example, we are writing a scientific article together.

Formative - I am like YOU. For example, I learn from you to write a scientific article.

Confirming - I am like that. For example, I realized that I can write a scientific article.

Emotionally organizing - We. For example, how nice it is to work together.

Distinctive features of the circumstances of business communication:

1. Community of goals, or motives, or activities.

2. The presence of a common social space-time: organization, group, team.

3. The interconnectedness of the participants - the system of social roles and the hierarchy of communication.

4. Regulation of forms of communication.

The concept of "business communication" emphasizes the feasibility and possibility of breeding subjective desires and objective conditions in the process of personal interaction.

In the case of business communication, the desire to communicate is secondary to the need. Compulsion is the main feature that distinguishes business communication from ritual and interpersonal.

The formal context of business communication is the organization.

Organization- a form of uniting people with functions and structure given by the external environment, existing independently of the specific people interacting in it.

Considering the socio-psychological structure of business communication, we highlight:

1) system of social roles- bosses, colleagues, subordinates, partners, clients, in which the subjects of business communication act.

Boss- a person who has the right to dispose in a given social and professional space-time due to external circumstances and the presence of special properties. The role of a boss requires the ability to decide, organize, command, control, reward, and punish.

Colleague- a person who is with another in the same professional community and close social and service status. This role presupposes a relationship of equality, professional interaction, professional loyalty and ethics.

Subordinate- This role requires the ability to perform, follow the rules and obey. The boss and the subordinate must keep their distance from each other.

Partnerships- this is a relationship in which there is 1) awareness of the mutually beneficial cooperation, 2) the presence of a common gender of activity in a certain space - time ("we cannot live without each other"), 3) development of a strategy of behavior that allows you to preserve the relationship and "face" of each partner ...

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Relationship "Firm - Client" emphasize the need and interest of one subject in maintaining relationships with another.

2) system of psychological roles of different levels and content - creators and performers, leaders and conformists, choleric and melancholic, who determine the peculiarities of the psychological reactions and behavioral style of the participants in communication;

3) system of conditions for the implementation of business communication:

communication chronotope - from the first contact to the end of communication,

social space of communication,

barriers and communication disruptions.

Motives of participants in business communication boil down to three main groups:

1) achieving a specific result;

2) obtaining social and psychological benefits - money, power, fame;

3) realization in the process of joint activity of personal relationships - friendship, love, envy, revenge.

Roles, combined with the motivation of participants in business communication, allow you to define and consolidate the languages ​​and forms in which the relationship between them is realized.

Business communication takes place in a certain communication space, the limits or boundaries of which can be represented as follows:

I communicate with you only for the sake of business or I communicate with you because you are pleasant to me... At one pole, communication is determined by its goal, at the other, by the pleasure received from communication, regardless of the specific goal.

I do this with you because you are pleasant to me or because there is no other way... In some situations of business communication we have the opportunity to choose a partner for ourselves, in others we are doomed to work with him. As a rule, we choose an activity or place of work, not bosses, colleagues and subordinates.

We follow generally accepted norms of behavior, or the norms of our circle, or our personal forms of communication.

Communication barriers in business communication:

1. An inferiority complex: professional, psychological, administrative. (“I can't” or “I can't do it”) They are not obvious to the partner. They can hide with the help of aggression, isolation, shyness.

2. The compulsion of communication, that is, the need to communicate with unpleasant people.

3. The complexity and secrecy of the goals and motives of the participants.

4. The specifics of the organizational context - the presence of a corporate culture and corporate ethics [7 , with. 17-23].

Exists special rituals of business communication... These are business conversations of various types, business correspondence, business etiquette, attributes of business communication, verbal and non-verbal signs and symbols of relationships, barriers, defenses and conflicts. For example, in a business conversation, it is customary to address each other formally, regardless of the nature of the relationship of partners outside of work. In addition, there may be forms of greeting or seating at the table that are characteristic of this particular working group and symbolize the nature and hierarchy of relationships in it. With the help of ritual forms: addresses, greetings, compliments, we can strengthen or weaken the effectiveness of the activity. But in general, in business communication, the goal and motivation is joint activity, and therefore it cannot be reduced to external forms. Business communication includes a ritual level, but is not limited to it.

Thus, business communication is one of the types of communication in which there is a role, interpersonal and ritual aspect. Business communication differs in that it is determined by external goals. Business communication is communication for the sake of something outside the communication itself. Business communication is compulsory. Business communication - communication according to strict rules, knowledge of which is required. Business communication is formally impersonal, therefore, in business communication, the interests and motives of the participants may be hidden and need to be deciphered.

In business communication, the possibilities of choosing and changing one's role, forms of communication and partner are significantly narrower in comparison with interpersonal or ritual communication. Business communication takes place in a certain social space-time. Business communication is realized in predetermined forms: conversation, conversation, negotiations, joint activities. Business communication problems: difficulties, violations, barriers, conflicts, have their own specifics and their own ways of resolving.

Business communication goals

Back to Business Communication

Business communication is of paramount importance for people who are involved in management. As studies in the field of management show, on communication and communication, according to averaged data, about 80-90% of the working time of managers of all known levels is spent.

Business communication plays an important role in different types professional activity determines their success. It acquires special significance for people involved in management. Thus, managers - managers spend 80% of their working time on communication. And this is no coincidence: after all, the purpose of business communication is to organize fruitful cooperation.

In the scientific and methodological literature, there are many definitions of the concept of "business communication". Here is one of them, which emphasizes the goal. Business conversation- this is interpersonal communication with the aim of organizing and optimizing one or another type of substantive activity: industrial, scientific, commercial, managerial, etc.

Business communication is a complex phenomenon. Its character is influenced by both vertical and horizontal communications in the process of interaction. Business people constantly have to communicate with persons standing at different levels of the hierarchical ladder (vertically), as well as with colleagues, employees of the same level (horizontally). In the first case, these are subordinate relations, in the second, partnerships.

Subordinate relations are determined by the social status of the interlocutors and administrative and legal norms (for example, a manager is a subordinate).

These relations are characterized by the strict subordination of the junior in rank or position to the senior, the observance of the rules of official discipline. The leader makes decisions that are binding on the subordinate. How often a leader who prefers a subordinate type of relationship adheres to an authoritarian style of communication, he chooses a closed strategy of monologue. For him, the interlocutor is an object that can be manipulated. The main thing for him is not to listen to the interlocutor, but to speak himself. He sharply, categorically expresses his opinion. It is characterized by phrases like: I'm interested in this and that; I consider that; even though you do not know this; no, you're wrong.

This kind of relationship cannot be conducive to the success of the business. They shackle initiative, suppress feedback, kill interest in the case.

Partnerships are of a different nature. They are guided by a strategy of cooperation and mutual understanding, taking into account the common interests and needs of the participants. Such relations correspond to the Russian rhetorical ideal of the Socratic type, Plato's dialogues.

“It is no coincidence that in business life there is a shift from strict subordinate relations to partnerships, to the establishment of vertical subordinate - partnership relations. This increases the business and creative activity of people, is important factor technological production process "(5, 40).

What is typical for business communication? We will analyze this question in the next section.

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GOUVPO "Norilsk Industrial Institute"

Department of Philosophical-Historical and Socio-Economic Sciences


by discipline "Fundamentals of corporate culture and business communication»

Theme: "Goals and values ​​of business communication»





Business conversation

Business communication goals

Business communication values




As soon as a person was not named: and homo sapiens (a reasonable person), and homo fuber (a person who produces), and homo ludens (a person who plays). It seems that with no less reason it can be called homo communicans - a communicating person.

Russian thinker Pyotr Chaadaev (1794-1856) wittily remarked: "Deprived of communication with other creatures, we would nibble the grass, and not reflect on our nature." And he was right, because the natural way of a person's existence is his connection with other people, and a person himself becomes a person only in communication.

The need for communication, according to psychologists, is one of the basic (basic) human needs. The importance of communication as a basic need is determined by the fact that "it dictates the behavior of people with no less authority than, for example, the so-called vital needs." Communication is a necessary condition for the normal development of a person as a member of society and as a person, a condition for his spiritual and physical health.

Being a powerful consumer of human energy, communication at the same time is an invaluable biostimulator of his life and spiritual aspirations.

In psychology, communication is defined as the interaction of two or more people, consisting in the exchange of information between them of a cognitive or emotional-evaluative nature. Depending on the communication technique used and its goals, the following types can be distinguished:

H "Contact masks", that is, formal communication, in which there is no desire to understand and take into account the personality characteristics of the interlocutor.

H Formal role communication, in which both the content and the means of communication are regulated by social roles and communication.

H Secular communication is formal, and its participants say what is supposed to be said in such cases.

H Manipulative communication. It is aimed at obtaining one-sided benefits from an interview using a manipulative technique of influencing the opponent in communication, depending on his characteristics as a person.

H Spiritual interpersonal communication between people, in which the deep structures of the personality are revealed.

H Business conversation is aimed at harmonizing and uniting the efforts of people in order to establish an attitude and achieve a common result.

Both an individual and a group can act as subjects of communication. If we consider why and for what people communicate, it turns out that there can be 4 goals:

The purpose of communication is outside the very interaction of subjects;

The purpose of communication is in himself;

The purpose of communication is to familiarize the partner with the experience and values ​​of the initiator of communication;

The purpose of communication is to familiarize him (the initiator) with the values ​​of the partner.

Further, we will be interested only in business communication - communication that has a goal outside itself and serves as a way of organizing and optimizing one or another type of objective activity: industrial, scientific, commercial, etc.

Business conversation

Any common cause involves communication and interaction of participants as a necessary means of ensuring its effectiveness. Activity can neither arise nor be carried out without intense communication.

Business communication is a special form of interaction between people in the process of a certain type of work activity, which contributes to the establishment of a normal moral and psychological atmosphere of work and partnership relations between managers and subordinates, between colleagues, creates conditions for productive cooperation of people in achieving significant goals, ensuring the success of a common cause ...

Business communication is a complex multidimensional process of developing contacts between people in the service sphere. Its members act in official statuses and are focused on achieving goals, specific tasks. The specificity is the regulation - subordinate to the established restrictions, certain national and cultural traditions, professional ethical principles.

By the way of information exchange, the types of business communication are divided into oral and written. Oral types, in turn, are subdivided into monological and dialogical. Monologue types of speech include a welcome speech, trade (advertising), informational, report (at a meeting, meeting).

Dialogue types of speech:

Business conversation (short-term contact, mainly on one topic);

Business conversation (exchange of information, accompanied by decision-making);

Negotiations (discussion with the aim of concluding an agreement on any issue);

H interview (conversation with a journalist intended for print, radio, television);


Meeting (meeting);

Press conference, contact business conversation (direct, "live" dialogue);

H telephone conversation.

V direct contact and direct conversation, verbal and non-verbal communication are of the greatest importance. Conversation or sending messages over the phone are the most common forms of communication, they are distinguished by direct contact and a wide variety of methods of communication, which allows you to combine the business (formal) and personal (informal) parts of any message.

Written types of business communication are official documents: business letter, protocol, report, certificate, report and explanatory letter, act, statement, agreement, charter, position, instruction, decision, order, instruction, order, power of attorney, etc.

Material - exchange of objects and products of activity;

C cognitive - knowledge exchange;

Motivational - exchange of motives, goals, interests, motives, needs;

Activity - exchange of actions, operations, abilities, skills.

By means of communication:

Direct, which is carried out with the help of hands, head, torso, vocal cords, etc.;

H mediated - associated with the use of special means and tools (letters, fax, etc.);

Direct - personal contacts and direct perception of people with each other in the very act of communication (telephone conversation, live broadcast, etc.);

W indirect - carried out through intermediaries (other people).

The subject of business communication is the business in which people are engaged in the process of activity, and not the problems affecting their inner world:

Business communication goals

Business communication is of paramount importance for people who are involved in management. As studies in the field of management show, on communication and communication, according to averaged data, about 80-90% of the working time of managers of all known levels is spent.

The main goal of business communication is the organization of fruitful cooperation, as well as the creation of optimal conditions for the successful solution of the problems facing the organization and its individual employees.

In other words, the purpose of business communication can be called the organization and optimization of a certain type of joint activity.

However, in addition to the general goal, it can also be divided into personal goals, to one degree or another realized by the direct participants in communication:

• striving for personal safety in the process of social activity, in the course of fulfilling one's professional duties, which is often manifested in avoiding the responsibility assigned to the employee;

The desire for power, that is, the desire to expand the scope of existing powers, to move only up the career ladder, to get rid of the burdensome burden of hierarchical control;

The desire to increase their prestige, which is often combined with the desire to strengthen the prestige of the position held and the organization itself.

But in order for the goal of business communication to be successfully realized, in modern psychological science there are two main ethical and psychological principles of business communication, which include:

The principle of creating conditions for the identification of creativity and professional knowledge personality, on the basis of which it is possible to harmonize the personal goals of the employee with the general goals of the organization;

The principle of authority and responsibility, which regulates business communication within the framework of official rights and duties in accordance with the official status of an employee, its assessment business qualities and using his direct qualifications and experience.

Business communication values

Studying any form of business communication, we are faced with its general laws. Let us present a diagram of the relationship between interaction and development. The main elements of this scheme: a system of mutual influence and a person. A person's ideal is what a person is and what he does, i.e. the embodiment of what he can become. These are the best tendencies that, being embodied in a model, become an incentive and regulator of its development. The system of mutual influence contributes to the development of a conscious personality.

In the process of business communication, the originality of the operation of the laws of interpersonal relations is studied, specific patterns are revealed. Business communication involves the regulation of production and non-production relations in the working environment.

In business communication, the mutual development of the subjects of communication is carried out. The essence of such a process is expressed in the degree of consciousness and activity of the person participating in it. The purpose of business communication is to develop cooperation. Business communication is a condition for the development of the technique of thinking and behavior, helping the one who owns it to come to the right conclusions.

The dependence on coordination and mutual influence is much broader than is usually implied when talking about communication. If there were no effective procedures and techniques, we would not be able to enjoy any of the fruits of civilization.

The behavior of participants in business communication should be imbued with purity and nobility. The development of business communication consists in the improvement of its subjects, in the superiority of their soul and heart, in the inner beauty and high degree of morality. In communication, it is important to use reasoning, correct and comprehensive commentary on information obtained from the press, radio, television and other sources, selection and generalization of necessary facts and events, creation and formulation of your own information of interest to the interlocutor. In business communication, a competition of minds, programs, projects, regulations is realized.

Knowledge, its breadth and depth, horizons, erudition provide flexibility and self-activity of thinking. Business communication determines the organization of mental activity, forces its participants to reflect on a particular problem, to form their views and attitudes, to determine their place and purpose in production activities. The system of mutual influence encourages the subjects of business communication to perform that set of interrelated actions, as a result of which the goods and services necessary for society are produced. As a result, the mechanism of positive cooperation and coordination in the work collective is developing and improving.

In business communication, participants take those actions that, in their opinion, will bring them the most benefit (i.e., benefit minus all possible costs or losses associated with these actions). Everyone acts in accordance with their personal interests, in accordance with the formulated rules, depending on the interaction in business communication. Highly developed people experience tremendous satisfaction in helping others. There are, unfortunately, some - probably not many - who get satisfaction by harming their employees. However, a developed personality manages to correctly predict the actions of complete strangers. This is useful in cases where you want to influence the behavior of other people.

Acting in their own interests, participants in business communication create opportunities for choice for their opponents. Mutual influence is a process of continuous mutual adaptation to changes in benefits arising from their interaction with each other. These actions alter the relative costs and benefits of the opportunities presented to other people. Changes in costs and benefits can induce participants to change their behavior so that it is more consistent with the actions of others. This is the main mechanism of cooperation between participants in business communication, which allows them to ensure that their needs are satisfied using available means. Thus, in the interaction of personal and personal interests and needs, a rational choice is made in business communication.

Having previously weighed the expected pros and cons of the available options, a person learns from his mistakes and, therefore, tries not to repeat them. People, pursuing their interests, adapt to each other's behavior, although they observe the norms and rules accepted in society. This is how the personal and public interests of business communication participants are combined. An important part of the rules governing these interactions are property rights, which delineate what belongs to whom. Property rights and other rules and regulations ultimately determine exactly what choices are made by business entities in pursuit of their interests.

If participation in the discussion and solution of production problems is formal, then it is not the social qualities of the leader's personality that dominate, but the qualities of the performer, i.e. reasonable natural essence of man. In this case, the rules of business communication are only an external requirement, and not the internal essence of its subjects.


As you can see from the abstract, business communication is a very important and necessary process aimed at uniting efforts and agreeing people in order to establish a relationship between them and achieve some common result.

Business communication serves as a way to organize and optimize a certain type of substantive activity. It can be industrial, scientific, commercial, etc. In the process of this labor activity, interacting, people establish a normal moral and psychological atmosphere of work and partnership relations between managers and subordinates, between colleagues, create conditions for their productive cooperation in achieving significant goals, ensuring the success of a common cause.

The most significant goal of business communication can be called the organization of cooperation that bears fruit, it can also be the creation of optimal conditions for the successful solution of those tasks that face both the organization and its individual employees.

Among other things, personal goals are also distinguished in business communication:

The pursuit of personal safety;

The desire to improve their living standards, improve their financial situation;

The desire for power;

The desire to increase your prestige.

Acting in their own interests, participants in business communication create opportunities for choice for their opponents. Mutual influence is a process of continuous mutual adaptation to changes in benefits arising from their interaction with each other. These goals are realized, if not by every person, then by the majority of those people who are directly involved in business communication.

But, studying business communication, we can distinguish not only its general or particular goals, but also general laws. In general, this process represents a diagram of the relationship of interaction and development. The main elements of this scheme: a system of mutual influence and a person. A person's ideal is what a person is and what he does, i.e. the embodiment of what he can become. These are the best tendencies that, being embodied in a model, become an incentive and regulator of its development.

In business communication, the mutual development of the subjects of communication is carried out. The essence of this process is expressed in the degree of consciousness and activity of the person participating in it. Business communication, conditioning the organization of mental activity, forces its participants to reflect on some problem, to form their views and attitudes, to determine their place and purpose in production activities. In business communication, a competition of minds, programs, projects, regulations is realized.

Business communication allows you to better understand what market, new socio-economic relations require, to see a wide range of complex social relationships. It is able to explain the processes of coordination in society and identify the prerequisites that allow them to develop successfully.


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5. Fundamentals of business communication: a tutorial / L.G. Pavlova / ed. L.A. Vedenskaya. - Ed. 2nd. Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2009 .-- 311 p. - (Higher education).

6. Language of business communication: easy and competent / А.А. Indzhiev. - Rostov n / a .: Phoenix, 2007 .-- 248 p. - (No problem).

7. Psychology of business communication: Textbook / Borozdia G.V. - 2nd ed. - M .: INFRA-M, 2008 .-- 295 p. - (Higher education).

8. Fundamentals of socio-psychological theory / BD Parygin. - M .: Nauka, 1987 .-- P. 178.

9. The culture of business communication: Textbook. / Braim I.N. - Minsk: FE "Ecoperspektiva", 2000. - 174 p.

10. Public service: culture of behavior and business etiquette. - M .: RAGS, 1998 .-- P. 160.