On the aviation collegium under the government of the Russian Federation. What is the Aviation Collegium and what does it do? Aviation Collegium under the Government of the Russian Federation

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on. The corresponding document was published The document was published on the government website on December 30.

"In order to improve the coordination of the activities of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and organizations in the field of development, production, operation and promotion of Russian aircraft to the aviation markets, the Government of the Russian Federation decides: to create an Aviation Collegium under the Government of the Russian Federation," in the decree.

The Aviation Collegium is a permanent coordinating body created for the development of the domestic aviation industry. Its main tasks are:

  • coordination of the activities of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and organizations related to: overcoming departmental disunity on certain issues of state regulation of aviation development and the formation of a consolidated approach to their solution when planning the development, production and procurement of Russian aviation equipment
  • stimulating the demand of Russian and foreign airlines for new Russian aircraft by increasing their technical and operational characteristics to a level that meets international requirements;
  • development of the scientific and technical potential of the country's aircraft building complex to meet the needs of the Russian Federation in aviation technology and eliminate the critical dependence of Russian airlines on the use of foreign-made aircraft;
  • the formation of a stable sales market due to the development of a wide range of products for various sectors of the economy by organizations of the aviation industry, as well as for use in state aviation;
  • implementation of state and federal targeted programs in the field of creation, production, modernization and repair of aviation equipment;
  • solving issues of improving the training of qualified personnel for organizations of the aviation industry;
  • determines the priority directions of development of the aviation industry of the Russian Federation and its needs for resource provision;
  • considers proposals and prepares recommendations on the following issues: development of research, testing and production base of organizations of the aviation industry; determination of the required volumes and sources of financing for measures to develop the aviation industry of the Russian Federation;
  • development of draft regulatory legal acts aimed at the development of production, implementation and support of the operation of Russian aircraft;
  • formation and implementation of the state armament program and the state defense order, state and federal target programs in the development of the Russian aviation industry and the creation of advanced aviation technology.

Aviation Collegium composition

The composition of the new board is not yet known. It will be approved by a separate government decree. According to the draft law of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, published in November, the head of the board will be appointed by the government of the Russian Federation, and the members of the board may be representatives of federal government bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, scientific and other organizations.

How often will the Aviation Board meet?

According to the decree, the meetings Aviation Collegium will be held as needed, but at least once every six months. Any constituent entity of the Russian Federation can become the venue for meetings.

The Aviation Collegium under the Government of the Russian Federation was established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1408 dated December 21, 2016. A well-known aircraft designer, Lenin Prize laureate, Honored Designer of the Russian Federation, in 1975-2011, ponders about some proposals for her activities. - chief designer of the Tu-154 aircraft Alexander Shengardt.

Relatively recently (in July 2014), the author of this article read a report by Academician Prince Boris Borisovich Golitsyn, presented on December 13, 1909 at the Academy of Sciences in the presence of members The State Duma and the State Council. Its theme: "On general directives for the correct formulation of aeronautics in Russia."

The report is extensive - 39 pages. Its main provisions, acutely striking, in my opinion, sound very modern. "It seems to me that the most correct solution to the question of the general formulation of the aeronautics business in Russia is to make this business non-departmental. The Main Air Navigation Committee should be formed."

And one more thing: "The issues of aeronautics are now so ripe that the Government has every reason to become itself at the head of the movement."

And what are the words of B. Golitsyn about the situation more than a century ago in comparison with today: "Faith was lost, and inactivity replaced the previous creativity."

However, time is inexorably moving forward (sorry for the "hackneyedness") and, apparently, the long-awaited changes are coming. I hope there will be an Aviation Collegium!

I'll start with the latter. Life has confirmed the viciousness, especially in market conditions, of the practice of supporting the operation from two sides - the aviation industry and the consumer. First of all, this concerns periodic and unscheduled repairs, when the manufacturer of aircraft equipment is forced to create and maintain significant production facilities, and the consumer is sometimes very costly repair plants.

Now, in connection with the gradual transition to maintenance-free operation in our country, the time has come for a noticeable reduction in the aforementioned production capacities, especially for the consumer, leaving behind him the current regulatory support, and all the main labor-intensive work, with the obligatory preservation of the airworthiness of aviation equipment, should be left to the manufacturer ... (We should not forget about the world practice, when a manufacturer, having sold aviation equipment for a certain price, leaving behind its support in operation, returns from the consumer the same two or even three prices for the entire period of operation).

Now about the main thing. In the conditions of a far from free aviation market with tough (or even fierce) competition, in an effort to conquer a certain part of the international aviation market, you can forget about your internal needs. Therefore, it would probably be reasonable to inform the developers of aviation technology in advance about plans for the development of Russia for 30-40 years ahead (after all, the life of an example of modern aviation technology, especially labor-intensive, is akin to this period). And if so, the developer needs to know in advance what the Country and the People expect from him, so as not to waste time and people's money.

Correctly setting a task for the developer is one of the main tasks facing the Aviation Collegium. In addition, having received the appropriate proposals from the developers before making a decision on implementation, it is necessary to evaluate them and select the most optimal ones. After all, research and development and development work are very expensive, not to mention production and all types of tests. Therefore, the Aviation Collegium must have an "instrument" capable of OBJECTIVELY performing this assessment in terms of aerodynamic, weight, fuel and economic perfection.

In addition to such an assessment, since we are talking about competition (competitiveness) and market conquest, we cannot do without analyzing this market - both internal and external. That is, good marketing is needed. Today both of these tasks should be entrusted to the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation (GosNII GA) and the Foreign Trade Association (V / O) Aviaexport. At the same time, the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation will be able to study the proposals of the developers in advance and, if they are accepted (not all, of course, there is still competition), to implement the entire range of flight tests faster and at lower costs and, of course, taking into account resource and other ground research, issue a certificate of airworthiness for new aircraft.

The conclusion suggests itself - to attract specialists from the Aviation Register of the Russian Federation and the Aviation Register of the IAC to this group.

Combining them (and these are first-class specialists in all the above-mentioned structures) "under one roof" very quickly and at the lowest cost will bring tangible results and would, in my opinion, be timely.

But this is not enough. It is necessary, and I am firmly convinced of this, to ensure direct communication of the specified group of specialists with the Aviation Collegium DIRECTLY, bypassing any departmental structures, about which B. Golitsyn warned in due time. And of course, not to allow various intermediary corporations into this connection, which are able to instantly fill themselves with commercial content, noticeably, at the same time, increase the price of the latest domestic developments and, thereby, reduce their competitiveness.

And the last thing. Since the desire to unite the developer and the manufacturer into one common structure - the company - is gradually being implemented, it should not be led by a council, a group of shareholders or something like that, but a RESPONSIBLE person, creative in its inner content and endowed with organizational skills. And not any, maybe, and having past merits general manager, but a really RESPONSIBLE LEADER IS THE GENERAL DESIGNER. And therefore, in my opinion, he should be appointed at the appropriate level on the proposal of the Aviation Collegium (perhaps by the Government or even by the President of the Russian Federation himself, and not by the ministry). The same is with the Chief Designers, who are obliged to ensure the birth and the entire life cycle new aviation technology. It is nonsense when the Chief Designer is appointed by the General Director, subordinating him at the same time to his one (or even several) deputy, who sometimes does not always know the issues related to the creation of new aviation technology. Probably, here, too, the final word should remain with the Aviation Collegium under the Government of the Russian Federation.

After reading the report by B.B. Golitsyn, I confess, could not resist and wrote on the cover: "After all, there were bright minds! What kind of people were ...".

After all, he then warned: "If we continue to doze, then we may be given such a surprise, the consequences of which will be difficult for us to cope with for a long time."



On the Aviation Collegium under the Government of the Russian Federation

Document with changes made:
(Official Internet portal of legal information www.pravo.gov.ru, 16.03.2018, N 0001201803160020).

In order to improve the coordination of the activities of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and organizations in the field of development, production, operation and promotion of Russian aircraft on the aviation markets, the Government of the Russian Federation


1. Create an Aviation Collegium under the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. To approve the attached Regulations on the Aviation Collegium under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Prime Minister
Russian Federation
D. Medvedev

Regulations on the Aviation Collegium under the Government of the Russian Federation

government decree
Russian Federation
dated December 21, 2016 N 1408

1. The Aviation Collegium under the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Aviation Collegium) is a permanent coordinating body that ensures the coordination of actions of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and organizations to create favorable conditions for the development of science and technology in aircraft construction, development, production, support for the sales of Russian aircraft and increase the competitiveness of air transport in the Russian Federation.

2. The objectives of the Aviation Board are to ensure the implementation of the Fundamentals of the State Policy of the Russian Federation in the field of aviation activities for the period up to 2020 in terms of the development of aircraft construction and related industries in order to strengthen the country's defense capability, to ensure the implementation of the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 in in the field of air transport, meeting the needs of the economy and the population in air transportation and solving the problems of providing national security, scientific, technological and socio-economic development of the Russian Federation.

3. The Chairman of the Aviation Board is the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation in charge of the development of the aviation industry.

The Chairman of the Aviation Collegium has deputies.

Members of the Aviation Collegium are representatives of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the Russian Federation and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, scientific and other organizations associated with the creation and operation of aviation technology.
(The paragraph as amended, entered into force on March 24, 2018 by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 15, 2018 N 258.

The composition of the Aviation Collegium is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

4. The main tasks of the Aviation Collegium are:

a) coordination of the activities of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and organizations related to:

overcoming departmental disunity on certain issues of state regulation of aviation development and the formation of a consolidated approach to their solution when planning the development, production and procurement of Russian aviation equipment;

improving the regulatory legal framework of the Russian Federation in order to develop effective measures to support developers, manufacturers and operators of Russian aircraft;

stimulating the demand of Russian and foreign airlines for new Russian aircraft by increasing their technical and operational characteristics to a level that meets international requirements;

the formation of a stable sales market due to the development of a wide range of products for various sectors of the economy by organizations of the aviation industry, as well as for use in state aviation;

implementation of the state interests of the Russian Federation in the formation of a promising scientific and technical reserve, the development of research, design and production potential of organizations of the aviation industry in order to increase its technological independence;

increasing the competitiveness of Russian aviation technology and strengthening the position of the Russian Federation in the aviation markets;

analysis of the state, development trends and practice of using the aircraft building potential of leading foreign countries;

implementation of state and federal targeted programs in the field of creation, production, modernization and repair of aviation equipment;

development of the scientific and technical potential of the country's aircraft building complex to meet the needs of the Russian Federation in aviation technology and eliminate the critical dependence of Russian airlines on the use of foreign-made aircraft;

ensuring the mobilization readiness of organizations of the aviation industry and civil aviation;

solving the issues of improving the training of qualified personnel for organizations of the aviation industry;

preparation and implementation of international agreements on cooperation in the development, production and market promotion of aviation equipment, taking into account the interests of the Russian Federation;

lighting by means mass media issues of creation and operation of Russian aviation equipment;

meeting the needs of the population and sectors of the economy in air transportation and aviation work;

b) clarification of the goals and objectives of the development of aircraft construction based on other areas of the national policy of the Russian Federation and relevant international obligations.

5. The Aviation Collegium in order to solve the tasks assigned to it:

a) coordinates and coordinates the actions of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences and interested organizations in the field of aviation activities, including in the field of forecasting the development of the aviation equipment market, development and production of new aircraft, as well as the creation their service systems, taking into account the requirements of air carriers;

b) determines the priority directions of development of the aviation industry of the Russian Federation and its needs for resource provision;

c) considers proposals and prepares recommendations on the following issues:

development of research, testing and production base of aviation industry organizations;

determination of the required volumes and sources of financing for measures to develop the aviation industry of the Russian Federation;

creating conditions for the accelerated transfer of research and development results into market products, the exchange of knowledge and technologies between organizations of defense and civilian industries in the interests of the development and application of dual-use technologies;

improving the system of training, retraining and retaining personnel for Russian organizations the aviation industry, increasing their social security;

development of cooperation in the field of aviation technology and the implementation of relevant international treaties;

development of draft regulatory legal acts aimed at the development of production, implementation and support of the operation of Russian aircraft;

formation and implementation of the state armament program and the state defense order, state and federal targeted programs in the development of the Russian aviation industry and the creation of advanced aviation technology;

d) coordinates the actions of federal executive bodies and aviation organizations to implement the decisions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, aimed at the development of aircraft construction in the Russian Federation;

e) analyzes the implementation of aviation activities and, if necessary, organizes the preparation of proposals for the support and development of the Russian scientific and technical potential in the field of aviation, taking into account foreign policy, military-technical, economic and other factors;

g) promotes the development of military-technical cooperation of the Russian Federation with foreign states in the field of aircraft construction, as well as the adoption of measures to support the export of civil aircraft;

h) coordinates the activities of interdepartmental commissions (councils, working groups) on the development, production and operation of aviation equipment.

6. The Aviation Collegium has the right:

a) hear at their meetings the heads of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and organizations on issues within the competence of the Aviation Collegium;

b) request information from federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and organizations on issues within the competence of the Aviation Collegium;

c) use information bases data of the Administration of the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies and executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, representatives of which are included in its composition;

d) involve representatives of federal executive bodies and executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, scientific organizations, scientists and specialists in the field of aviation activities;

e) create interdepartmental commissions (working groups) for the operational preparation of materials and draft decisions on issues related to the competence of the Aviation Collegium, including on issues of cross-sectoral importance, and coordinate their activities;

f) send to federal bodies executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation recommendations for improving aviation activities, including education in established order interdepartmental commissions (working groups) to solve problems or consider issues of cross-sectoral importance.

7. The Aviation Collegium carries out its activities in accordance with the plan, which is annually considered at a meeting of the Aviation Collegium and approved by the Chairman of the Aviation Collegium.

Meetings of the Aviation Board are held as needed, but at least once every six months.

Meetings of the Aviation Collegium can be held with a visit to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

8. Decisions of the Aviation Collegium are adopted by a majority of votes of the members of the Aviation Collegium present at the meeting and are drawn up in protocols signed by the Chairman of the Aviation Collegium, and, if necessary, in the form of draft acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, which are submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with the established procedure.

When discussing issues in certain areas in the field of aircraft construction, the presence of a member of the Aviation Collegium representing the relevant executive authority is mandatory.

9. For expert study of issues submitted for consideration by the Aviation Collegium, a scientific and expert council of the Aviation Collegium is created, headed by a member of the Aviation Collegium - the chairman of the Scientific and Expert Council of the Aviation Collegium. The structure and composition of the Scientific and Expert Council of the Aviation Collegium are approved by its chairman.

Scientific, analytical and information support of the activities of the Aviation Collegium is assigned by its decision to the federal executive authorities and the Russian Academy of Sciences, whose representatives are members of the Aviation Collegium.

10. The Aviation Collegium interacts with the state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences and other organizations on issues within the competence of the Aviation Collegium.

11. The organizational and technical support for the activities of the Aviation Collegium is carried out by the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation.

12. To ensure the activities of the Aviation Collegium, the Secretariat of the Aviation Collegium is created.

13. Executive Secretary of the Aviation Board:

a) monitors the implementation of the decisions of the Aviation Board;

b) summarizes proposals on the activity plan of the Aviation Collegium and sends them to the authorized deputy chairman of the Aviation Collegium for consideration;

c) provides preparation and preliminary approval of materials for the meetings of the Aviation Collegium, as well as preparation, execution and distribution of the minutes of the Aviation Collegium meetings;

d) informs the chairman of the Aviation Collegium about the results of the implementation of the decisions of the Aviation Collegium;

e) summarizes the proposals of the federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the activities of the Aviation Collegium and organizes the sending of relevant materials to the members of the Aviation Collegium;

f) prepares inquiries to federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and organizations on issues within the competence of the Aviation Collegium;

g) promotes the activities of interdepartmental commissions (working groups);

h) keeps in touch with public organizations and mass media in the interests of the Aviation Collegium.

14. Interdepartmental commissions (working groups) are headed, as a rule, by members of the Aviation Collegium.

15. Support for the activities of interdepartmental commissions (working groups) in certain areas is assigned, as a rule, to bodies or organizations whose representatives are members of the Aviation Collegium and head interdepartmental commissions (working groups).

The head of the interdepartmental commission (working group) determines the topics and frequency of work of the interdepartmental commission (working group), approves its composition and annually reports to the Aviation Board on the solution of the tasks assigned to it.

Document revision taking into account
changes and additions prepared
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