Game for boys February 23 elementary school. Relay for the strong

We congratulate you warmly

Happy Army and Navy Day,

May there be joy

That someone honors and loves.

And let a smile flicker

And let the wrinkles be smoothed out

And let spring sing in my soul

Today is your holiday, men.

Leading. Girls will be the captains of the teams today. (Teams choose their captains and come up with a name. The host announces the first competition.)

First competition

One representative from each team is invited. Competitors peel potatoes. The essence of the competition is that the peel tape is not interrupted and who will peel it faster.

(The jury gives marks to the teams on a 5-point system. The presenter announces the next competition.)

Second competition

5 chairs are placed in a row. Team members should recognize their blindfolded captains. 2 participants from each team are invited. All the girls sit on the chairs, except for the presenters. Competitors must find their captain by touch on the arm. The other 2 team representatives should recognize their captains by their ears, too, by touch. The girls put on their hats, and when the contestants are blindfolded, the girls change their hats. There should be no prompts during the competition.

(The jury will give the marks.)

Third competition

The next competition will require 2 participants from each team. Everyone sits on chairs with their backs to the audience. On the backs of the chairs they hang prepared signs ("Kremlin", "Theater", "School", "Buffet" ...). The moderators ask the participants questions: What are you doing now? Do you often go there? What do you see from the window? Do you like being there? Etc.

Fourth competition

Leading ... This competition is for boys. Men should be able to find a way out even in the most extreme situations. This is what our boys will demonstrate to us now.

One participant from each team is invited. Swaddling dolls for time and quality.

Fifth competition

Leading. Men should be able to cope with all the hardships of life, be strong, courageous, enduring. Now we will check how ready our boys are to become real men.

1 participant from each team is invited. They weave girls' braids for speed and accuracy.

Sixth competition

Leading ... For the next competition, 1 participant is required from each team. In this competition, the strongest spirit will be determined.

Participants sit at the table opposite each other. A balloon is placed in the middle of the table. Participants blow on the ball, who is stronger. The contestants are blindfolded. After blindfolding, the ball is replaced with a plate of flour.

(The jury gives marks for the contests.)

Seventh competition

Leading. For the next competition, 1 representative from each team is invited.

Participants must draw a blindfolded tank.

Eighth competition

Leading. And now the captains competition. The captains should please us with a dance.

A newspaper is spreading on the floor. The girls dance on it, then the newspaper must be folded in half, the dance continues, then another half, and so on - until one of the girls leaves the newspaper.

(The jury gives marks.)

Leading. Competition "Come on, boys!" dedicated to the Day defenders of the Fatherland is coming to an end. I ask the distinguished jury to sum up the results.

(Prizes will be awarded to the winners and participants of the competition.)

February 23rd at elementary school. Scenario

Part I

(The hall is festively decorated. Music is playing. The presenter comes out.)


Today all moms and girls know

That they congratulate dads and boys,

The February holiday is always for men.

There are many reasons for this holiday.

Helmets their congratulations to the defenders,

Let them become our pride.


We wish men strength in everything

After all, they need to protect the house from all troubles.

To raise brave, reliable fighters,

We put boys in the example of their fathers.

Of course, we are all crazy about dads,

We want to say simple words to them.

Dear dads! You are the very best ... And which ones? You will hear from your children.

(The teacher suggests paying attention to the poster with the tin soldiers. Each of them has its own distinctive qualities. With the help of the teacher's hints, the children give the correct answers.)

So that they remain so

Never changed

So that you all love children

And they were always praised for everything,

We are in a hurry to give you

An interesting thread

Which is here for you

Everyone has something in store.

(Children give their dads their crafts, fastened with a long thread.)

And boys on this day

Congratulations to all of us are not too lazy.

Even though they are not babies

But such rascals

Mischievous tomboy

As in childhood, their fathers.

They all look like dads,

Much younger than them.

It means that they will grow up,

Standing up for the defense of the country.

To accumulate strength for them,

We must give gifts.

We give everyone a carrot

So that you jump deftly,

They ran like bunnies

Help yourself, boys!

(They treat all the boys with carrots cut into pieces.)

Here's an orange for all of you,

So that there is one for everyone,

Well, all for one,

Then no one is afraid of you!

(They are treated to an orange.)

To be friends with girls

Protect them and love them

Eat a gummy

You will be all right.

(They treat everyone with marmalade.)

We want to tell mothers

That we will give them the floor soon.

Each mother has its own son,

Like a little ball

Delicate, soft and lively

In a word, golden.

May each of the mothers

Wish sons

What is more important to them now.

Be, mothers, bolder!

Pass the ball to each other,

He will go around everyone in a circle.

(Moms, passing the ball, say their wishes to their sons.)

No wonder today in this hall

Congratulations sounded.

Let's all say together: "Hurray!"

After all, it's time to start the holiday.

Everything. Hooray!

(Music. Children move to another room.)

Part II

Leading. We continue our festive program dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day. And in honor of this event, we are conducting demonstration exercises, in which young soldiers - our boys - will take part. Let's welcome them!

(Applause. The host gives the boys berets.)

Leading. Considering that women serve in the army, we invite girls to our ranks. We hope that they, like the boys, will demonstrate their physical fitness. Let's support them with friendly applause!

(Applause. The girls are given caps.)

Leading. The exercises will be overseen by generals, in the role of which will be the popes. After all, each of them was once a soldier. Applause from the jury!

(Applause. Dads put on their caps.)

Leading... As you know, an ordinary day of a soldier in the army begins with a rise. I invite 6 people to each team to the first competition.

Contest "Rise". At the signal of the pipe "Rise!" the commander wakes up first, runs to the chair, runs around it and returns to the team, tries to wake up the soldier (takes his hand), the two of them run to the chair and back, wake up the second soldier (take him by the hand), etc., until all the team, holding hands, will not reach the chair and return to their place.

(Music. Competition.)

Leading... Now the soldier needs to get dressed. And you need to do this in 45 seconds. But how long it will take our young fighters to cope, we will now find out.

Competition "Military uniform of a soldier" ... 2 teams of 6 people participate. During the relay, one of the team members "dresses". Participants take turns bringing him boots, a raincoat, a cap, a duffel bag, a machine gun.

(Music. Competition.)

Leading... The most difficult thing for a young soldier in the first months of service is to learn how to wrap footcloths. I invite our soldiers to show their skills in this matter. Who can do it?

Competition "Footcloths" ... Participates 2 people. When checking the assignment, dads show the correct winding of footcloths.

Leading. Well, our fighters are already ready. We invite them to the parade ground to do their morning exercises.

Push-up competition ... 4 people from each team participate. The fighters of both teams are offered to sit in parallel and simultaneously push up 5 times.

(Music. Spectators count to five in chorus. Participants do push-ups.)

Leading... Now, according to the strict soldier's schedule, it's time for breakfast.

Competition "Soldier's Porridge". 2 teams of 5 people participate.

Leading. Here are 2 pots with soldier's porridge and 10 spoons. We hope that you will have a delicious meal! But whose bowler hat will be cleaner, we will find out at the end of this competition.

(Music. Competition.)

Leading... After breakfast, the soldiers have training and drill. We are now inviting our soldiers to it.

Competition "Crawl on your bellies". 4 people from each team participate.

Contest "Hit the Target". 5 people from each team. The participants must knock down the pins with the ball.

Contest "Drill Training" ... There are 2 teams in full.

Leading. I suggest that the soldiers march to the music in a circle.

(Music. Competition.)

Leading. Our demonstration exercise is over. We ask the generals to announce the results.

(Summing up. Rewarding.)

Leading... I join in congratulating the generals and hope that these boys and girls are a worthy replacement for the older generation.

Once again, I congratulate everyone on today's holiday and invite all the guests, led by the winners, to march for tea.

(The text of the converted song sounds to a well-known tune:

Aty-bats, soldiers were walking

With a song to the parade

To congratulate on this day

Dad and all the guys.

Left, right

Left, right

The boys are coming

Your service is not easy

They are in the army.

All guests march through the circle of honor and go to the tea party.)

Part III. Tea drinking.


1. A poster with a picture of soldiers.

2. A thread with crafts.

3. Carrots.

4. Orange.

5. Fruit jelly.

6. Tangle.

1. Berets, garrison caps, caps.

2. Chairs.

3. Boots, raincoat, garrison caps, duffel bags, toy machines.

4. Footcloths.

5. Pots with porridge, spoons.

"Come on, boys!" Scenario for younger students

(The girls enter the classroom in formation and sing the song "A soldier is walking through the city" (verse 1). They stop and recite poetry.)

Although you do not wear a uniform,

But we know that in a difficult hour

You are just like all soldiers,

Save the Motherland and us.

Yes, there are men in the Fatherland,

And the courageous spirit has not died out!

We are a good reason

We consider to congratulate you.

We wish you good luck in everything,

Let it be good

All the daily tasks

May your home be happy.

A man is a gift from God for the weaker sex,

The man is the protector, the man is the support!

And there are many more reasons

So that women glorify men today!

We congratulate you warmly

Happy Army and Navy Day,

May there be joy

That someone honors and loves.

And let a smile flicker

And let the wrinkles be smoothed out

And let spring sing in my soul

Today is your holiday, men.

Congratulations to you today

We wish you with all our hearts

Happy days and tender caress

Sweet princess from a fairy tale,

A difficult victory in the fight -

Let everything be yours!

May trouble not meet you

Well, if you meet failure on the way,

Then fate is the villainess surrender

You can find it.

Winning and in trouble

And in his great work,

Destroying all obstacles

Never discouraged

The stronger sex is always forward

Suitable for a clear goal.

Do not forget the weaker sex

Love us, respect!

It will be difficult to live without us

Uncomfortable, boring, scarce.

After all, your ancestor Adam

I could not live in paradise without ladies!

(The girls give the boys gifts and balloons. The presenters divide the boys into 2 teams according to the color of the balloons.)

Leading. Girls will be the captains of the teams today. (Teams choose their captains and come up with a name. The host announces the first competition.)

First competition

One representative from each team is invited. Competitors peel potatoes. The essence of the competition is that the peel tape is not interrupted and who will peel it faster.

(The jury gives marks to the teams on a 5-point system. The presenter announces the next competition.)

Second competition

5 chairs are placed in a row. Team members should recognize their blindfolded captains. 2 participants from each team are invited. All the girls sit on the chairs, except for the presenters. Competitors must find their captain by touch on the arm. The other 2 team representatives should recognize their captains by their ears, too, by touch. The girls put on their hats, and when the contestants are blindfolded, the girls change their hats. There should be no prompts during the competition.

(The jury will give the marks.)

Third competition

The next competition will require 2 participants from each team. Everyone sits on chairs with their backs to the audience. On the backs of the chairs they hang prepared signs ("Kremlin", "Theater", "School", "Buffet" ...). The moderators ask the participants questions: What are you doing now? Do you often go there? What do you see from the window? Do you like being there? Etc.

Fourth competition

Leading... This competition is for boys. Men should be able to find a way out even in the most extreme situations. This is what our boys will demonstrate to us now.

One participant from each team is invited. Swaddling dolls for time and quality.

Fifth competition

Leading. Men should be able to cope with all the hardships of life, be strong, courageous, enduring. Now we will check how ready our boys are to become real men.

1 participant from each team is invited. They weave girls' braids for speed and accuracy.

Sixth competition

Leading... For the next competition, 1 participant is required from each team. In this competition, the strongest spirit will be determined.

Participants sit at the table opposite each other. A balloon is placed in the middle of the table. Participants blow on the ball, who is stronger. The contestants are blindfolded. After blindfolding, the ball is replaced with a plate of flour.

(The jury gives marks for the contests.)

Seventh competition

Leading. For the next competition, 1 representative from each team is invited.

Participants must draw a blindfolded tank.

Eighth competition

Leading. And now the captains competition. The captains should please us with a dance.

A newspaper is spreading on the floor. The girls dance on it, then the newspaper must be folded in half, the dance continues, then another half, and so on - until one of the girls leaves the newspaper.

(The jury gives marks.)

Leading. The competition "Come on, boys!", Dedicated to the Defenders of the Fatherland Day, is coming to an end. I ask the distinguished jury to sum up the results.

(Prizes will be awarded to the winners and participants of the competition.)

Team matches and elimination games at the February 23rd Primary School event will bring children together and help develop healthy boys rivalry. Not complicated interesting contests and quizzes will entertain the little defenders. Outdoor games will delight fidgets.

    Game "Ah, the guards get up early"

    The whole class participates in the game. 2 boys play the role of guards. All other participants are hostages. They need to tie their hands in the back with scarves. For the competition, you need to draw a large circle on the floor with chalk. All children who have received the role of captives become in this circle.

    The task of the guards is not to let the hostages out of the circle. Since there are so many more hostages than guards, it becomes more difficult for the captives to escape. Prisoners must jump over the circle line on one leg. The prisoners try to jump out of the circle to the cheerful music, but the guards do not allow them to do this. The competition will take 5 minutes.

    After the lapse of time, the winners are those children who managed to get out of the circle.

    2 teams of boys participate in the competition. For its implementation, it is necessary to prepare in advance imaginary bombs of 2 colors. You need to take a newspaper or an ordinary sheet of colored paper and crumple it into a ball. There must be at least 20 such bombs. The classroom is divided into 2 sections. A border line is drawn with chalk. On the side of the defenders of the territory, you need to put 3 baskets.

    Bombers from their side of the class, without leaving the line, must throw as many bombs as possible into the baskets of competitors. The defenders are allowed to shoot down the flying paper balls, but the baskets cannot be moved away. The competition lasts 4 minutes, after which the number of bombs in the baskets is counted. Then the participants change places. After 4 minutes, the bombs are counted again.

    The winners are the players of the team with fewer bombs in their baskets. They receive the title of the best defenders of the Fatherland.

    Duel game

    The game involves boy-boy pairs. Participants stand opposite each other at a distance of 2 meters. Each pair of contestants will be given 2 gloves. The task of each player is to throw the glove as close to the feet of their opponent as possible. When throwing, each participant must shout: "Challenge to a duel!"

    The player who throws a glove or mitten closer to his opponent becomes the winner and receives the honorary title of "Best Duelist".

    Game "Power of the Wind"

    Boys are invited to participate in the competition, who want to show all their strength and power. For the competition, you will need a large number of candy wrappers or napkins cut into 4 parts. A table is placed in front of each participant, on which several candy wrappers or napkins are placed on one level.

    On command, the players begin to blow candy wrappers. The winner is the participant whose napkin or candy wrapper lands farther than everyone else.

    The whole class participates in the competition. The boys are divided equally into 2 teams. One team is called "The Musketeers", the other - "Villains". The girls in full force are sent to the team to the musketeers. The boys run the girls in a circle and join hands.

What holiday can do without contests? Probably a sad and not a cheerful holiday. And February 23 is such a holiday that you can't be sad, but you need to have fun. We invite you to look at the contests for boys on February 23, which you can hold in elementary school. Watch contests, play them and congratulate your young boys - defenders of the fatherland.

And so, for a start, a little warm-up. Each boy must make five paper airplanes. And not just make, but also beautifully paint them in your colors. After the airplanes are made, the girls and teachers watch them and choose the best ones. Based on the results, the boys can be awarded a commemorative diploma for the best airplane.
And when all the airplanes are ready to take off, then you need to make markings on the floor, three meters from the children. It is on this marking that our airplanes will have to land. Each boy lets out five of his planes. And whoever, according to the results of flights, has more airplanes in the zone that was specially marked, is recognized as the best airplane manager.

After the first competition, it is imperative to congratulate the boys. And this can be done very simply. Here is such a wrapper for holiday chocolate on February 23rd.

You have the wrapper, you just need to download and print it. And then buy any chocolate, unfold it and wrap it in your holiday packaging. And a sweet gift for your boys is ready!

Got a sweet gift? Then let's move on. The second competition will show how strong your boys are. For this competition, you will need juice in packages of at least 1 liter. Each boy takes one pack of juice in each hand. And spreads his arms in different directions. So they need to stand for at least 20 seconds. Whoever succeeds goes to the next round. In the next round, you need to keep the juice in this way for 25 seconds. And so on, until there is only one winner left.

Now to game program you can connect girls. We divide all boys and girls into pairs. And in pairs they will compete. But first, you need to cook something. You need to make paper or cardboard fish. Each pair has 8 such fish. You also need a basin for each pair and a 2 meter long scarf. The boy moves away from the girl at a distance of 1.5 meters. There is a basin near the girl, and there are 8 fish in it. The boy throws the scarf so that it hits the basin. At the same time, he holds one end in his hand. When the other end of the scarf is in the basin, the girl attaches 4 fish to it. You can attach them with paper clips. The fish are attached, the boy takes out the scarf to himself. He takes off his catch and throws back the scarf. When he hit the basin again, the girl hooks up the remaining fish. And the boy takes them out and takes them off. As soon as he took off the fish, it wins the competition.

And one more competition, in which both boys and girls will participate. Only now the team consists of two boys and two girls. You need to make a small track on which to put the pins so that you can go around them with a snake. And we also need balloons. The first boy squeezes the balloon between his legs and, holding it like that, passes the route. At the end of the track there is a table, on the table he takes a packet of cookies and comes back. As soon as the first boy returned, the second boy takes the balloon from him and goes the entire route in the same way. When he reaches the table, he takes a carton of milk and goes back to the girls. When he returned, the girls begin to eat cookies and wash them down with milk. Which team is the first to eat cookies and drink milk wins.
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