Analysis of the company's strategy on the example of Interprof. An example of a strategic analysis Strategic analysis example

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The relevance of such a topic as " Strategic Management' is undoubtedly great. It is of great importance because it is a relatively young, promising and necessary direction in business, actively used in Western countries as a basis for conducting management processes in an organization in market conditions. This direction, gradually introduced in Russia, has received recognition throughout the business world. And this means that by studying it, managers will be able to work better in the market, correctly assessing the situation and taking the steps necessary for the organization.

The term "strategic management" was introduced into use at the turn of the 60-70s. in order to reflect the difference between management at the highest level and current management at the production level. The need to make this distinction was primarily due to the changes in business conditions discussed earlier.

As a leading idea, reflecting the essence of the transition to strategic management from operational management, was the idea of ​​the need to shift the focus of top management to the environment in order to respond appropriately and in a timely manner to the changes taking place in it, in a timely manner to respond to the challenge thrown by the external environment.

Although strategic management is the most important factor in successfully surviving in an increasingly complex competitive struggle, nevertheless, one can constantly observe a lack of strategicness in the actions of organizations, which often leads them to defeat in the market struggle.

The object of the study is public relations related to the development of strategic management in the organization JSC "Agrocomplex".

The subject of the study is the organization JSC "Agrocomplex"

In connection with the importance of this problem, the purpose of the work is to develop directions for improving the strategic management of the activities of JSC "Agrocomplex".

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are defined:

    consider theoretical basis strategic management of the organization;

    analyze economic activity organizations of JSC "Agrocomplex";

    consider the state of strategic management at JSC "Agrocomplex";

    make proposals for improving the strategic management at Agrocomplex OJSC.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the work are the concepts, theoretical provisions presented in the classical and modern domestic literature devoted to the problems of the development of strategic management of organizations in the raw material sector of the agricultural industry.

This study is based on a general scientific methodology that involves the use of methods of unity of historical and logical, systemic and structural approaches, systemic-functional, comparative analysis, synthesis and statistical method.

When writing the work, the literature of such authors as Vikhansky O.S., Fatkhutdinov R.A., Schekhovtseva L.S., I. Ansoff and V.D. was widely used. Markov, S.A. Kuznetsov on the problem of research, as well as reporting on the production and financial activities of JSC "Agrocomplex".

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

The first chapter is "Strategic management as the basis for the development of an enterprise." It deals with the theoretical aspects of strategic management.

The second chapter "Development of strategic management in the organization of OJSC "Agrocomplex". This chapter highlights the characteristics of the organization, the direction of strategic management, proposals for improving one of the areas of strategic management in the organization and the calculation of economic efficiency.

The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that its main conclusions and proposals can be used in managing the activities of the organization.


      Theoretical foundations of strategic management

Strategic management can be defined as the management of an organization that relies on human potential as the basis of the organization, orients production activities to the needs of consumers, implements flexible regulation and timely changes in the organization that meet the challenge from the environment and allow achieving competitive advantages, which together allows the organization survive and achieve your goal in the long term 1 .

Determination of the purpose and main goals of the company's business,

Analysis of the external environment of the company,

Analysis of its interior

Selection and development of strategy at the firm level,

Portfolio analysis of a diversified firm,

Designing its organizational structure,

Choice of degree of integration and control systems,

Management of the complex "strategy - structure - control",

Determination of standards of conduct and policies of the company in certain areas of its activity,

Providing feedback on company results and strategy,
- improvement of strategy, structure, management (Fig. 1).

The lack of strategic management is manifested primarily in the following two forms.

First, organizations plan their activities on the basis that the environment will either not change at all, or there will be no qualitative changes in it. In non-strategic management, a plan of specific actions is drawn up, both in the present and in the future, a priori based on the fact that the final state is clearly known and that the environment will not actually change. Drawing up long-term plans that prescribe what to do and when and looking for decisions in the initial period for many years to come, the desire to build "for centuries" or to acquire "for many years" - all these are signs of non-strategic management.

Long-term vision is a very important component of management. However, this should in no way mean an extrapolation of current practice and the current state of the environment for many years to come.

In the case of strategic management, at any given moment, it is fixed what the organization must do now in order to achieve the desired goals in the future, based on the fact that the environment and living conditions of the organization will change, i.e. in strategic management, as it were, a look from the future into the present is carried out. The actions of the organization now that provide it with a certain future are determined and carried out, and not a plan or description of what the organization will have to do in the future is developed. At the same time, it is typical for strategic management that not only the desired future state of the organization is fixed, but this is also the most important task of strategic management, the ability to respond to changes in the environment is developed to achieve the desired goals in the future.

Secondly, with non-strategic management, the development of a program of action begins with an analysis of the internal capabilities and resources of the organization. With this approach, all that an organization can determine on the basis of an analysis of its internal capabilities is how much product it can produce and what costs it can incur in doing so. The volume of production and the value of costs do not answer the question of how much the product created by the company will be accepted by the market - how much will be bought and at what price, the market will determine.

Along with the obvious advantages, strategic management has a number of disadvantages and limitations in its use, which indicate that this type of management, like all others, does not have universal application in any situation to solve any problems 1 .

First, strategic management, by virtue of its essence, does not, and indeed cannot, give an accurate and detailed picture of the future. The future desired state of the organization formed in strategic management is not a detailed description of its internal and external position, but rather a qualitative wish for the state in which the organization should be in the future. What position to take in the market and in business, what organizational culture to have, what business groups to enter, etc. At the same time, all this together should be what will determine whether the organization will survive or not in the future in the competitive struggle.

Secondly, strategic management cannot be reduced to a set of routine procedures and schemes. He does not have a descriptive theory that prescribes what and how to do when solving certain tasks or in specific situations. Strategic management is rather a certain philosophy or ideology of business and management. Each individual manager understands and implements it largely in his own way. Of course, there are a number of recommendations, rules and logic diagrams for problem analysis and strategy selection, as well as the implementation of strategic planning and practical implementation of the strategy. However, in general, strategic management is a symbiosis of intuition and the art of top management to lead the organization to strategic goals, high professionalism and creativity of employees, providing a link between the organization and the environment. Renewal of the organization and its products, as well as the implementation of current plans and, finally, the active involvement of all employees in the implementation of the organization's tasks, in the search for the best ways to achieve its goals.

Thirdly, huge efforts and large investments of time and resources are required in order for the organization to begin the process of strategic management. It is necessary to create and implement strategic planning, which is fundamentally different from the development of long-term plans, to the implementation of mandatory ones in any conditions. The strategic plan must be flexible, it must respond to changes inside and outside the organization, and this requires a lot of effort and a lot of money. It is also necessary to create services that monitor the environment and include the organization in the environment.

Fourth, the negative consequences of mistakes in strategic foresight are sharply increasing. In conditions when completely new products are created in a short time, when directions of investments change dramatically in a short time, when new business opportunities suddenly appear and opportunities that have existed for many years disappear before our eyes, the price of retribution for incorrect foresight and, accordingly, for mistakes in strategic choice becomes often fatal to the organization. Especially tragic are the consequences of an incorrect forecast for organizations that carry out an uncontested way of functioning or that implement a strategy that cannot be fundamentally corrected.

Fifth, in the implementation of strategic management, the main emphasis is often placed on strategic planning. In fact, the most important component of strategic management is the implementation strategic plan. This implies, first of all, the creation of an organizational culture that allows the implementation of the strategy, the creation of systems for motivating and organizing work, the creation of a certain flexibility in the organization, etc. one

At the same time, in strategic management, the execution process has an active feedback effect on planning, which further enhances the significance of the execution phase. Therefore, an organization, in principle, will not be able to move to strategic management if it has a strategic planning subsystem, even if it is very good.

      Perspective Foundations of Strategic Management

In a transitional economy, when there is an accelerating process of the formation of market institutions and market relations, the leaders of most domestic firms have realized the need to focus on developing a long-term strategy of activity.

The development of promising foundations for the strategic management of organizations is due to a number of external objective reasons.

The main of which are the following 1:

    the development of a global communications network with the help of the Internet, which leads to the globalization of the world economy and the involvement of national economies in ever closer bilateral and multilateral business contacts;

    penetration into the national markets of TNCs (transnational corporations), MNCs (international corporations), FIGs (financial and industrial groups), large concerns, which significantly affects the activities of business entities;

    the formation of euroregions and free economic zones, as well as a single customs and economic space on the territory of the CIS countries, which leads to the acceleration of competition processes, the movement of all types of resources, capital and work force;

    reduction of time cycles for the development of the scientific and technological revolution, which leads to a rapid change in technologies, which means the emergence of threats associated with the disappearance of old business areas, goods, services and the rapid growth of the demands and needs of an increasing number of different social groups population; doubling of scientific information in the world every 18 months, and in general of all information circulating in the market in 8-9 months, which creates a high degree of uncertainty in the external environment of organizations and requires quick managerial responses;

    intellectualization of most spheres of human activity, when 60% of all goods and services in the world are informational and become the main resource of organizations, which requires long-term planning of their development, taking into account these realities;

    moving competition into the sphere of management of the main resources of organizations, the main of which are time, people, information, finance, which means the need to include their optimal ratio in the strategic development plans of the organization;

    the increasing openness of the national economy and its orientation towards active participation in the international division of labor, which leads to increased competition in the domestic market;

    deterioration of the environmental situation and a sharp reduction in a significant number of natural natural resources, which, in the context of tightening national and international environmental legislation, requires the greening of production as part of long-term planning for the activities of organizations;

    the growing global trend of transformation of the economy that produces goods into an economy that produces services, which is already expressed in the dominance of the share of those who work in the service sector among the employed population of economically employed countries.

This requires organizations to develop an adequate strategy for behavior in a dynamic market of goods and services in the framework of diversification (running several lines of business in parallel) of their activities.

In addition to the listed external objective reasons that force organizations to attach increasing importance to strategic management issues, intra-organizational factors are no less important. Among them, the most significant are the following 1 .

Approximately 80% of all threats to organizations come from the external environment. To identify them and take the necessary measures to manage risks in order to minimize them is the task of managers and all working personnel. Only they are able to adequately respond to external threats. Consequently, the strategy of managing people in organizations comes to the fore today.

With a significant lag from other countries, but at an ever faster pace, economic entities of the national economy are moving to the organization of a modular principle for organizing their activities, when the key processes - supply, processing, management, marketing, sales - are dispersed in space, being interconnected into a single whole modern means of communication. This implies the need to flexibly plan the placement and development of its structural divisions and personnel in them within the framework of strategic management.

The transition from highly specialized operations to an organic synthesis of work focused on the entire process as a whole required a revision of key business processes in the organization, which led to fundamental changes in the structure of technological cycles, staff employment, and training, and necessitated more and more frequent adjustments to the strategy of organizations.

The need for high intra-organizational dynamics as an adequate response to rapid changes in the external environment necessitates the development of a corporate culture development strategy as the most important condition for the implementation of all organization plans.

The internal mobility of organizations today is the ability of their personnel to constantly improve their skills, to master new specialties and professions at intervals of 3-5 years as part of the strategy for managing the service and professional careers of employees.

Increasing the competitiveness of organizations is a consequence of their greater usefulness to customers, partners, and the social environment as a whole. Therefore, the strategy of improving and developing corporate culture in the framework of optimizing the system of business and interpersonal communications is an important condition for their effective operation.

Taking into account all these factors, we can talk about the ever-increasing importance of strategic management in organizations. With the transition of the national economy from industrial to post-industrial (information stage of development 1).

Strategic management is a system process that can be represented as a dynamic relationship of five management processes that are the structural elements of this system.

Analysis of the environment is the starting point of strategic management, providing the necessary information base for determining the mission of the company's goals, as well as for developing a strategy for action in the studied markets.

The analysis of the macro environment involves the study of the current and future (building a predictive model) of the state of the economy of the country or region in which the organization operates, the specifics of legal regulation, the features of political processes affecting business, the state of the natural environment and resources, as well as the cultural environment of scientific and technical, technological development, market infrastructure development, etc.

An analysis of the immediate environment is a study of the behavior and purchasing power of various social groups of the population, the availability and opportunities for activities in the markets of interest to us, suppliers, partners, competitors, as well as the characteristics of labor markets in the business areas of interest.

Rice. 2. Structure of strategic management 1

The analysis of the internal environment is aimed at studying the internal capabilities, as well as the prospective potential of the organization and is carried out in the following main areas:

personnel of the company - their interests, needs, qualifications, potential;

specifics of the organization of management and the system of business communications;

availability and potential of the marketing system;

level of corporate culture development;

the main components of the technology within the framework of ergonomic requirements for the organization and equipment of workplaces;

finances of the organization (existing and those that can be attracted) that ensure the implementation of future projects.

The definition of the mission and goals is an integral element of strategic management and includes the development of the mission, i.e. the ultimate meaning of the existence (purpose) of the organization, as well as the definition of long-term, medium-term and short-term goals that make it possible to understand what it is striving for. And this, in turn, is the basis for choosing a strategy of behavior in the market.

Analysis and choice of strategy is a key moment of strategic management, carried out with the help of special techniques and procedures.

The implementation of strategy 1 is a critical moment in strategic management, when it becomes clear whether the organization is able, using all its resources, to realize its plans.

The considered sequence of actions in the field of long-term strategic management is an ideal scheme, a kind of technological landmark in the process of developing an organization's strategy. Often in business practice, especially with regard to the activities of small and medium-sized firms, the chief manager forms a strategy based on intuition, and only then does an analysis in the areas considered or part of it, for example, financial analysis. After that, the strategy for the future is specified, taking into account possible restrictions in the external environment that can significantly affect the implementation of the plans. Despite the fact that every 6 out of 10 effective management decisions (according to current American statistics) are made on the basis of intuition, in most of these cases, managers are well aware of the environment in which they work, have extensive experience in their business area and a fairly high professional level. preparation. Therefore, strategic planning, project management, strategic management as a whole is a necessary condition for the activities of organizations and contribute to their stability in the market for a long time 1 .


2.1. Organization characteristics

In this term paper the object of research is public relations associated with the development of strategic management in the organization of JSC "Agrocomplex".

The organization is located in the Votkinsk district of the village of Gavrilovka, Udmurt Republic.

Agrocomplex OJSC has existed since March 2003. Until that moment, the organization was called MUP Agrokombinat "Mir".

The founder was the Municipal Formation "Votkinsky District" Department of Agriculture.

The authorized capital of the organization determines the minimum amount of property that guarantees the interests of its creditors, and amounts to 90,000,000 (ninety million) rubles. The authorized capital is divided at the time of establishment into ordinary registered shares in the amount of 90,000 (ninety thousand) pieces with a par value of 1,000 (one thousand) rubles each.

The shareholder is provided with a real opportunity to exercise his rights related to participation in the Organization.

The Auditor of the Company is the audit firm CJSC Izh-Balt-Audit-Expert, Izhevsk, which was approved by the annual general meeting of shareholders on June 23, 2006.

The organization annually publishes for general information the annual report, balance sheet, profit and loss statement.

The organization is a legal entity and organizes its activities on the basis of the Charter and current legislation Russian Federation, has a round seal with its name, brand name, settlement and other accounts in rubles and foreign currency in banking institutions.

In modern economic conditions, the main objectives of the Organization are:

Increasing the competitiveness of manufactured products;

Expansion of the market for goods and services;

Getting profit and its most effective use.

The tasks of JSC "Agrocomplex" are:

Increase in the range of products;

Improving product quality;

Improving the qualifications of staff;

The transition from small-scale production to mass production, which leads to

to reduce the cost of production;

Development of new technologies and productions;

Search for new partners for the production and marketing of products;

Search for new consumers and suppliers;

Attracting investments to develop a new promising

and high-tech products;

Maintaining the business reputation of the enterprise.

Entrepreneurial activity of JSC "Agrocomplex" is regulated by the federal law on joint-stock companies, civil, labor, tax code, collective agreement, which is developed and approved once every two years, as well as other laws and legislative acts that are binding on the enterprise.

2.1.1. Organizational structure management

The organizational structure of the organization's management is understood as the composition, subordination, interaction and distribution of work among departments and management bodies, between which certain relations are established.

When building an organizational structure, the following basic principles should be observed:

The organizational structure should reflect the organizational goals and objectives and correspond to the conditions of the external environment;

Optimal division of labor by hierarchy levels;

The presence of perfect vertical and horizontal connections.

The organizational structure should maximally correspond to the modern requirements of a market economy, depending on which the optimal level of centralization and decentralization, the degree of distribution of rights and responsibilities, the scale of control and the degree of independence are established.

JSC "Agrocomplex" has its own management structure, which is aimed at establishing clear relationships between individual divisions. The management structure is given in Annex 1.

According to the given management structure, the supreme governing body of a joint-stock company is the general meeting of shareholders. The competence of the general meeting is determined by the Federal Law "On joint-stock companies"and the Charter.

To competence General Assembly shareholders include the following issues: introduction of amendments and additions to the Articles of Association; reorganization and liquidation of the Organization; determining the number of members of the Board of Directors; determination of the number, par value of shares; increase in the authorized capital of the company, etc.

In the interval between general meetings of shareholders, the general management of the organization's activities is carried out by the Board of Directors, with the exception of issues referred by law and the charter to the exclusive competence of the general meeting of shareholders.

The competence of the Board of Directors of the Organization includes the following issues:

Identification of priority areas of activity;

Convocation of amendments and additions to the Charter related to the creation of branches, opening of representative offices and their liquidation;

Approval of the agenda of the General Meeting of Shareholders;

Determining the price of property, the price of placement and redemption of emissive securities;

Use of the reserve and other funds of the company, etc.

The board of directors of the organization is elected by the annual general meeting of shareholders.

Management of current activities is carried out general manager. He is the sole executive body of the Organization and is elected by the General Meeting of Shareholders for a term of 5 years.

General manager:

Carries out operational management of current activities;

Is the main executive person and exercises overall management and control over all operations;

Ensures the implementation of decisions of the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Board of Directors of the Organization;

Issues orders, gives instructions;

Approves staffing, etc.

The organizational structure of the organization includes 13 departments of the main production, 15 departments of the administration of JSC "Agrocomplex".

Branches are managed by branch managers.

The chief engineer is responsible for production and technical work, who:

Determines the technical policy and direction of the technical development of the organization;

Provides the necessary level of technical preparation of production and its constant growth, increasing production efficiency and labor productivity;

In accordance with the approved business plans of the enterprise for the medium and long term, manages the development of measures for the reconstruction and modernization of the organization;

Organizes the development and implementation of plans for the introduction of new equipment and technology, the implementation of organizational and technical measures;

Provides technical operation, repair and modernization of equipment and machinery;

Supervises production and technical work;

Ensures timely preparation of technical documentation.

As for the head of the personnel department, the following functions can be distinguished:

Leads the work on the formation of personnel policy;

Participates in the development of business plans for the organization in terms of providing it with labor resources;

Carries out work on the formation and preparation of a reserve of personnel for promotion to leadership positions;

Organizes and coordinates the development of a set of measures to increase the labor motivation of employees of all categories;

Determines the directions of work on managing social processes in the organization, creating a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team, stimulating and developing forms of employee participation in production management;

Monitors compliance with labor laws in work with personnel;

Provides methodological guidance and coordination of the activities of the structural divisions of the enterprise, providing personnel management;

Organizes the necessary accounting and reporting.

The Deputy General Director for Production is responsible for the quality of the manufactured products, he:

Organizes work on quality control of products manufactured by the enterprise;

Organizes the development of measures to improve product quality;

Provides verification of incoming to the organization material resources;

Manages the activities to improve the quality of products, preparing them for state attestation and certification;

Provides control and execution of documents certifying the quality of products;

Manages department employees.

The work in the field of financial management is carried out by the Deputy General Director for Finance, he is entrusted with the following job responsibilities:

Determines the financial policy of the organization;

Carries out interaction with credit organizations;

Manages the preparation of long-term and current financial plans and cash budgets;

Carries out control over the state, movement and targeted use of financial resources;

Takes measures to ensure the solvency and increase the profit of the organization;

Ensures the provision of necessary financial information to internal and external users;

Organizes work on the analysis and evaluation of the financial performance of the organization;

Manages the activities of the financial departments of the organization.

The activities of all divisions are regulated by regulations on structural divisions, the development and adjustment of which is carried out by employees of the labor and wages department. Interaction between departments complies with the quality management standard according to ISO 9001.

The leaders of the organization are taking measures to constantly improve the efficiency of the organizational structure, its adaptation to changes in the external environment of JSC "Agrocomplex".

2.1.2. Activities

According to the charter of JSC "Agrocomplex" carries out the following main activities:

    production of livestock and crop production;

    provision of services for processing and marketing of livestock and crop products;

    processing of agricultural products;

    production of meat products;

    production of vegetable and fruit and berry products;

    sale of agricultural products;

    storage of agricultural products;

    product sorting;

    packaging and packaging of products;

    product transportation;

    market research;

    provision of consulting services in the field of agricultural production;

    wholesale and retail trade;

    trade and purchasing activities;

    implementation of other activities that do not contradict the current legislation, if this is ultimately aimed at the development of the main types of activities and the achievement of the goal for which the organization was created.

The assortment and structure of production and sales of products have a great influence on the results of economic activity. It is necessary to dwell on the assortment and structure marketable products most detailed.

A product line is a collection of all product lines produced by an organization. The product range is characterized by breadth, depth, saturation in all product groups.

So, at JSC "Agrocomplex" all products can be divided into four product groups:

Livestock products

crop production;

Vegetable products;

Fruit and berry products.

It should be noted that for the analyzed periods the organization fully fulfilled the plan for the production and marketing of products, from the implementation of this activity a profit was received in the amount of 334,739.3 thousand rubles. in 2007, and 349486.6 thousand rubles. in 2008.

The volume of sold marketable products of JSC "Agrocomplex" is presented in table 1.

Table 1

Products of JSC "Agrocomplex"

Product types

livestock products

crop production

vegetable products

fruit and berry products

Total products

As can be seen from Table 1, the increase occurred in such product groups as livestock and crop production, along with this, the volume of vegetable products and fruit and berry products decreased.

2.2. The main directions of strategic management and their analysis

An organization as an object of strategic management can be studied in different directions: economic and legal, systemic, organizational, process and others 1 . Let's consider some of them.

Financial management.

The financial activity of OJSC "Agrocomplex" is carried out in the conditions of competition in the market and in the conditions of economic exacerbations in the whole country. This requires the organization of any form of ownership to trace the dynamics of the main technical and economic indicators (table 2).

table 2

Indicators of financial and economic activity of JSC "Agrocomplex"


deviation, %

The volume of marketable products, thousand rubles.

The cost of commercial products, thousand rubles.

Costs per 1 rub. TP, rub.

Number of total, pers.

Labor productivity, thousand rubles/person

Payroll total, thousand rubles

Average annual salary of one worker, rub.

Average monthly salary of one worker, rub.

Sales proceeds, thousand rubles

Profit from sales, thousand rubles

Profit before taxation, thousand rubles

Net profit, thousand rubles

The average annual cost of fixed assets, thousand rubles.

Profitability of production, %

As can be seen from Table 2, there are both positive and negative aspects in the activities of Agrocomplex OJSC, which are manifested in:

    increase in net profit by 7.10%;

    growth of average annual and average monthly wages by 43.26%;

    decrease in the level of profitability of production by 35.96%;

    wage growth ahead of labor productivity;

It is also necessary to consider some economic indicators of the activities of JSC "Agrocomplex", indicating the size of production (table 3).

Table 3

Production dimensions

One of the main tasks of OJSC "Agrocomplex" is the fulfillment of such indicators as turnover, production volume and product sales.

The structure of the volume of marketable products is presented in table 9.

From tables 3 and 4 it follows that Agrocomplex JSC is a large enterprise specializing in the production of livestock and crop products. An analysis of the volume of livestock production showed that in 2008 the volume of production in terms of value decreased, although the production of capacitors in kind increased, and in connection with this, the consumption of electricity decreased.

Table 4

The structure of the volume of marketable products


Livestock products, tons

Livestock products, thousand rubles

Crop production, tons

Crop production, thousand rubles

The following factors influence the change in the volume of marketable products:

    pricing policy of the organization, product quality, competitiveness of manufactured products, increase in orders for manufactured products;

    the use of labor resources, by creating additional jobs, reducing the loss of working time, increasing the level of labor productivity;

    the use of raw materials and materials, due to the additional purchase of raw materials and materials, the reduction of excess waste of raw materials and materials, the reduction in the consumption of raw materials and materials per unit of production - a decrease in the material consumption of products;

    the use of fixed assets through the acquisition of additional machinery and equipment, a more complete use of their working time fund, an increase in the intensity of the use of machinery and equipment, and other factors.

In market conditions, when the economic activity of an organization, its development is carried out at the expense of self-financing, and in case of insufficiency of its own financial resources, at the expense of borrowed money, an important analytical characteristic is financial stability.

Financial stability is a certain state of the organization's accounts, guaranteeing its constant solvency.

As a result of any business transaction, the financial condition of the organization may remain unchanged, or improve or worsen.

The flow of business transactions is the disturber of a certain state of financial stability, the reason for the transition from one type to another. Knowing the limits of change in sources of funds to cover capital investment in fixed assets or inventories allows you to generate such flows of business transactions that lead to an improvement in the financial condition of the organization, to increase its sustainability.

Performance appraisal is of great importance. Therefore, the company needs to calculate all possible indicators characterizing the financial condition of the organization.

The main criteria for assessing the financial condition of the organization are indicators of financial stability and solvency.

So the company uses the following indicators that characterize the activities of the organization, and the effectiveness of its work.

1. Indicators of solvency. They determine the organization's ability to pay its short-term obligations during the year.

In order to determine solvency, the following coefficients are calculated:

Net working capital;

Current liquidity ratio.

For the convenience of calculations, the available data should be presented in Table 5.

Table 5

Initial data

Having received the necessary data, you can begin to calculate these indicators. Net working capital is calculated by the formula:

H obsr \u003d O s - K o, (1),

where N obsr - net current assets;

About with - working capital, thousand rubles;

K o - short-term liabilities, thousand rubles.

Net working capital 2007 = 165839 - 69110 = 96729;

Net working capital 2008 = 209759 - 56437 = 153322.

Current liquidity ratio - characterizes the general security of the enterprise with working capital for conducting economic activities and timely repayment of urgent obligations of the enterprise for 2-3 months in advance.

The current liquidity ratio is calculated by the formula:

Current liquidity ratio = working capital /

current liabilities (2),

Current liquidity ratio 2007 = 165839/69110 = 2.4;

Current liquidity ratio 2008 = 209759/56437 = 3.7.

According to generally accepted standards, it is believed that this coefficient should be in the range from 1 to 2-3. The lower limit is due to the fact that working capital must be at least enough to pay off short-term liabilities, otherwise the company will be at risk of bankruptcy. Excess working capital over short-term more than 3 times may indicate an irrational capital structure.

Having calculated the liquidity ratio in all analyzed periods, it can be seen that the organization is liquid and is able to repay its obligations 2-3 months in advance.

So, the obtained values ​​of liquidity ratios indicate that the organization is successfully functioning, however, it should be noted that high values ​​of these ratios sometimes indicate inefficient management of working capital (excess inventory, overdue receivables).

2. Indicator of financial stability. Financial stability is a characteristic that indicates a stable excess of income over expenses, free maneuvering in cash enterprises and their effective use in the uninterrupted process of production and sale of products. Financial stability is formed in the process of all production and economic activities and is the main component of the overall sustainability of the enterprise.

The analysis of financial stability consists of absolute and relative indicators and involves determining the ability of an enterprise to ensure its reserves and costs at the expense of its own working capital, as well as with the help of long-term and short-term borrowed funds equivalent to them.

Absolute indicators are expressed in determining the surplus or shortage of own working capital to ensure stocks and cover costs in kind.

To calculate the above indicators, it is necessary to provide the initial data (Table 6).

Having given the initial data in Table 6, you can proceed to the calculation of indicators.

Table 6

Initial data

1) Surplus (+) or deficiency (-) SOS characterizes the availability of stocks and costs with own working capital.

K 1 \u003d SOS - ZZ, (3),

where SOS - the amount of own working capital of the enterprise;

ZZ - stocks and costs.

2007 - 70729 - 130557 = - 59828 rubles.

2008 - 135522 - 164952 = - 29430 rubles.

2) Excess (+) or shortage (-) of SOS and DZS equated to them - characterizes the provision of reserves and costs with own and borrowed funds equated to them.

K 2 \u003d SOS dz - ZZ, (4),

where SOS dz is the sum of own and equivalent long-term borrowed funds.

2007 - 96729 - 130557 \u003d - 33828 rubles.

2008 - 153322 - 164952 = - 11630 rubles.

3) Surplus (+) or deficiency (-) of the total value of the main sources of formation - characterizes the availability of reserves and costs by all sources of their formation (own and borrowed funds).

K 3 \u003d SOS dzk - ZZ, (5),

where SOS dzk is the sum of own, long-term and short-term borrowed funds.

2005 - 165839 - 130557 = + 35282 rubles;

2006 - 209759 - 164952 = + 44807 rubles.

Thus, we can conclude that in the first two periods, the organization has a lack of funds to ensure stocks and cover costs. Only in the third period, the organization JSC "Agrocomplex" has a surplus to ensure stocks and cover costs.

Relative indicators show the surplus or shortage of own working capital as a percentage.

1) Provision of AP with own sources of formation (K 4) characterizes the security of working capital with its own sources of their formation.

K 4 \u003d SOS / ZZ (6)

2007 - 70729/130557 = 0.54.

2008 - 135522/164952 = 0.82.

2) Provision of PP with own and equivalent long-term borrowed funds (K 5) - shows the share of reserves formed at the expense of own and equivalent long-term borrowed funds.

K 5 \u003d SOS dz / ZZ (7)

2007 – 96729/130557 = 0.74.

2008 - 153322/164952 = 0.92.

3) Provision of the ZZ with own and borrowed funds (K 6) .

K 6 \u003d SOS dzk / ZZ (8)

2007 - 165839/130557 = 1.27 rubles;

2008 - 209759/164952 = 1.27 rubles.

Thus, we can conclude that the organization as a whole is unstable, as it is not able to provide reserves and cover costs on its own (own funds).

3. Indicator of business activity. The business activity of the organization is manifested in the dynamism of its development, the achievement of its goals, the effective use of the economic potential, and the expansion of markets for its products.

Analysis of business activity characterizes the effectiveness of the organization's use of its own funds. This group includes various indicators of turnover, since the turnover rate, i.e. transformation into a monetary form, funds has a direct impact on the solvency of the organization.

The turnover ratio is calculated using the following formula:

K about \u003d V p / OS cf, (9)

where B p - revenue;

OS cf - the sum of the average value of working capital in the form of cash reserves, receivables and other working capital.

Turnover ratio 2007 = 321555\165839 = 1.9;

Turnover ratio 2008 = 330378\209759 = 1.6.

Thus, in 2007 working capital turned over 1.9 times, and in 2008 - 1.6 times.

4. Profitability indicator. In the broad sense of the word, the concept of profitability means profitability, profitability. An organization is considered profitable if the income from the sale of products (works, services) covers the costs of production (circulation) and, in addition, form an amount of profit sufficient for the normal functioning of the organization.

The economic essence of profitability can be disclosed only through the characteristics of the system of indicators. Their general meaning is to determine the amount of profit from one ruble of invested capital.

Profitability is calculated by the formula:

Profitability \u003d received profit / costs × 100 (10)

Profitability 2007 = 110762/209518 × 100 = 52.86;

Profitability 2008 = 106617/221654 × 100 = 48.1.

Thus, the financial indicators obtained above indicate that over the past year the indicators of profitability and solvency have decreased.

Personnel Management.

Let's give an analysis of one of the directions of the strategic management of the organization JSC "Agrocomplex" - the personnel management system. Work with the personnel at OJSC "Agrocomplex" is carried out under the leadership of the General Director, the Human Resources Department, the Department of Labor Organization and Wages.

The main task of the personnel department is to meet the needs of JSC "Agrocomplex" in personnel, improve the skills of personnel, constantly and purposefully work with the employees of the organization to create a team with high development potential, capable of successfully solving all complex tasks to achieve the goals of the organization.

The main functions performed by the HR department of JSC "Agrocomplex" are:

1. Forecasting the current and future needs for personnel and sources of its provision, concluding agreements with educational institutions for the training of specialists, developing and implementing measures to stabilize the workforce.

2. Planning and regulation of the movement and professional and qualification growth of personnel, the processes of their release and redistribution.

3. Planning and ensuring continuous training and retraining of personnel, taking into account the needs of production.

4. Making managerial decisions on labor, personnel and social development based on an analysis of the socio-economic situation, studying the needs and interests of various categories of workers.

5. Organization of work on the professional orientation of young people, the adaptation of young specialists and workers in production, the study of the causes of turnover, the dynamics of changes in the workforce.

6. Use of all forms of material and moral incentives for employees in accordance with their labor contribution.

7. Creation of such conditions under which the interests of employees are identified with the interests of the organization.

8. Work to study the business and personal qualities of employees.

Work personnel service and management is inevitably linked to the need to search and select personnel. The selection of personnel is one of the purposeful functions of management, since it is people who ensure the effective use of any type of resources available to the organization, and it is from people that, ultimately, its economic performance and competitiveness depend.

Thus, the recruitment of personnel at JSC "Agrocomplex" is reduced to the creation of a necessary reserve of candidates for all positions and specialties, from which the organization selects the most suitable workers for it. This work is carried out literally in all specialties. The amount of recruitment work required is largely determined by the difference between the available labor force and the future need for it. This takes into account factors such as retirement, turnover, layoffs due to the expiration of the contract of employment.

The organization recruits from both external and internal sources. However, this organization prefers to conduct selection mainly within its organization, since promotion of its employees is cheaper. In addition, it increases their interest, improves morale and strengthens the attachment of employees to the organization.

If the organization nevertheless decides to resort to recruiting workers from outside, in this case an advertisement is published in newspapers and professional magazines. Sometimes the management of OJSC "Agrocomplex" apply to employment agencies.

The selection of candidates for a vacancy at JSC "Agrocomplex" is carried out according to the completed questionnaires. The questionnaire is presented in Appendix 2.

After studying the questionnaires, an interview is held. And according to the results of the interview, the manager makes a decision in favor of one or another candidate.

The results of personnel selection are presented in table 7.

Table 7

Personnel selection

As can be seen from Table 7, the number of vacancies is increasing every year, which provides more citizens with the opportunity to get a good job. In 2008, there is a positive trend in the recruitment of personnel from the outside, this is due to the fact that new specialties are being opened, and the organization does not have the necessary reserve of personnel to occupy these positions.

It should also be noted that the organization is constantly working on the development of personnel, which involves periodic training of employees.

Training at OJSC "Agrocomplex" is focused on the present and is designed to solve momentary business problems, its goal is to instill in an employee the specific skills that employees need.

Training is provided both on a compulsory and voluntary basis. All training is carried out in five stages.

    Analysis of training needs.

    Planning and designing training.

    Development of a training program.

    Conducting training.

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of training.

Strict observance of all stages is carried out, since if you skip at least one stage, the quality of training will noticeably decrease.

Personnel training in this organization is carried out in the following cases:

With the introduction of new work standards;

When there are requirements to improve work efficiency;

With the advent of new technologies;

When the demands of clients or customers increase;

When transferring employees to new positions;

With the introduction of new information systems;

With the introduction of new accounting standards;

With the introduction of other innovations.

The need for training is determined by the line manager, who organizes the training process for his subordinates.

Staff development at this organization is carried out in accordance with the standard approved by the chief manager.

The main task of advanced training for managers, specialists and workers is to increase the level of qualification of all personnel, in order to form professionalism among employees.

Thus, in 2007, 867 people improved their qualifications at JSC Agrocomplex, in 2008 - 895 people.

Data on the number of people trained are presented in Table 8.

Table 8

Training and advanced training of personnel, people

Currently, work is underway to train new workers with technical schools and technical schools of the city and region. Work has intensified with higher educational institutions to attract specialists to the organization who are trained in the universities of Udmurtia.

The organization of training and advanced training requires certain costs.

The dynamics of funds spent on training is shown in Table 9.

Table 9

Dynamics of funds for education

As can be seen from the table, there is a positive trend in the number of people trained, but training costs have also increased, this is due not only to an increase in the number of trained personnel, but also to an increase in training costs.

After training, an assessment is carried out, which involves:

Assessment of the level of professional knowledge of an employee;

Evaluation of the employee's production activities;

Evaluation of the personal qualities of an employee based on the requirements of the workplace.

The assessment is carried out according to the following criteria (indicators) at 5 levels (on a 5-point scale). Evaluation criteria may change, but their structure remains unchanged. The performance evaluation criteria include:

    Results (efficiency) of activities:

For managers: personal contribution to the implementation of the organization's plans; no disruption of planned and contractual obligations; personal contribution to the implementation new technology and technology, improving the organization of labor in the new economic conditions, financial stability; favorable social and psychological climate;

For specialists: full and proactive performance of official duties; no disruption of planned targets; observance of labor discipline; personal contribution to the introduction of new equipment and technology.

The head of the employee makes an analysis of his activities and makes a generalized assessment according to this criterion.

    Quality of work.

For managers: skillful combination of management styles; the ability to choose promising strategies for the development of production;

For specialists: delivery of labor from the first presentation; no errors when performing tasks; mastery of related specialties; high culture of assignments, etc.

3. Professionalism is assessed based on the experience or category of the employee, the quality of work, the absence of professional errors, independence in decision-making, the validity of the risk, etc.

4. An assessment of the personal, that is, individually - psychological qualities of an employee, is carried out in order to determine the compliance of these qualities with the requirements of the workplace.

Evaluation of the performance of employees is carried out by the immediate supervisor or an invited expert.

When evaluating the employees of this organization according to this methodology, a sheet for assessing the activities and characteristics of the personal qualities of the employee is compiled (table 10).

In this sheet, a “+” sign is put down in the corresponding column of the assessment. Then the average score is calculated. The sheet is signed by the certified specialist.

Thus, according to the given example of evaluation, the average score was 3.7.

Table 10

Evaluation of the activities and personal qualities of an employee

It should be noted that in the current economic conditions, the assessment should be objective and competent, since the ability of employees to cope with the tasks and responsibilities that are assigned to them in the process of activity largely depends on its result.

If we talk about the professional growth of employees working in the organization under study, we can note the following. OJSC "Agrocomplex" draws up a standard individual plan for the professional growth of an employee enlisted in the reserve for managerial positions. Such a plan is presented in Appendix 3.

Now it is necessary to note about the main incentives acting on JSC "Agrocomplex".

As noted above, wages are the main incentive in work, but I would like to dwell on other types of motivation used at the plant. These include the following:

1. Medical care and social insurance. Medical care is provided once a year. It also concludes life and health insurance contracts for employees against accidents at work and occupational diseases.

2. Financial assistance, it is issued once a year in extreme cases in the amount of the spirit of the minimum wages established in the Russian Federation:

For treatment on the basis of a medical report;

For funeral services - in the amount of up to 5 minimum wages.

In 2008, 7% of all employees received financial assistance. In addition, 150 thousand rubles were allocated for financial assistance to former employees of the organization - pensioners.

3. Benefits for workers with harmful working conditions. For workers employed in a hazardous area of ​​work, milk or equivalent pectin-containing food products are annually issued.

Employees of the organization who have achieved the highest results in the implementation of tasks and plans are encouraged. The types of incentives used in this organization are shown in table 11.

Incentives apply in the following cases:

1. For impeccable work, in connection with the 25th anniversary of continuous labor activity at the enterprise, employees are encouraged with monetary rewards (50%, 70%, 100% of the average salary for the enterprise);

2. Encouragement of employees in connection with their 50th anniversary, with work experience in the organization:

Up to 10 years - a declaration of gratitude with the payment of a monetary reward in the amount of 20% of the average salary;

10 years and more - awarding a Certificate of Honor with payment of a monetary reward in the amount of 30% of the average salary;

Encouragement of employees in connection with the achievement of the right to retire who have worked in the organization;

At least 10 years - awarding a Certificate of Honor with payment of a monetary reward in the amount of 30% of the average salary;

20 years and more - awarding a Certificate of Honor, a cash reward in the amount of 50% of the average salary;

Those who have the title of "Honored Veteran of Labor of the Organization" - awarding a certificate of honor, a monetary reward in the amount of the average salary for the organization.

According to 2007 data, 479 people received various types of incentives, and in 2006, 495 employees.

The results are presented in table 11.

Table 11

Staff incentive results

Types of incentives

Number of people, 2007

Number of people, 2008

Thanks Announcement

Awarding an honorary diploma

Enrollment on the board of honor

Entry in the book of honor

Submission to higher authorities for awarding, conferring honorary titles

Obtaining a badge "For active work"

Receiving an award for achieving high economic performance

Incentive awards are issued according to the orders of the CEO of the organization.

Also, in the organization, as part of the analysis of labor productivity, an analysis of labor potential is carried out. During the analysis, as a rule, 11 most characteristic components are identified that have the maximum impact on ultimate goals enterprises. Among these components are the following: “education”, “work experience”, “entrepreneurial ability”, “experience”, “health”, “creativity”, “job satisfaction”, “morality”. Components are logically distinguished: “age”, linked to production, and therefore directly to the results of activity; “professionalism”, linked to the tariff coefficient, characterizing the degree of qualification of workers, “labor profitability”, characterizing the percentage of profit from production costs associated with labor costs.

The components “education”, “entrepreneurial ability” and “work experience in the organization” have an indirect meaning, but to a large extent characterize the profit received.

Knowing the priorities and goals of the organization, you should pay close attention to those components on which success depends in each case. Thus, the goal of “profit maximization” is most determined by the components “education”, “labor profitability”, “health”, “experience”, “age”, “professionalism”, “entrepreneurial abilities”. The goal is “improving the efficiency of using labor potential” - the components “education”, “professionalism”, “experience”, “job satisfaction”, “health”. Thus, it can be concluded that based on the analysis of the dynamics of labor potential indicators, depending on the goals of the organization, it is possible to monitor the change in priority components and take timely measures to resolve or prevent situations undesirable for the organization, which will affect the growth of labor productivity of the organization's personnel, mainly managerial employees.

After analyzing the personnel management system in the organization "Agrocomplex", we can draw the following conclusion.

This organization does not have a very good personnel selection system, as noted above, the management prefers to recruit, as a rule, among its employees. On the one hand, this has a positive effect on the business career of employees and their interest in the results of labor, on the other hand, new talented people do not come to the organization, with new ideas, modern views. Also, the placement of personnel is not carried out effectively, while the personal qualities of employees are not taken into account, in connection with which conflicts arise in teams. The personnel adaptation procedure has not been thought out, new types of training, such as trainings and coaching, are not used. These shortcomings significantly affect the efficiency of the organization, so it is necessary to develop a number of proposals to improve the personnel management system.

      Proposals for improving strategic management at JSC "Agrocomplex"

Strategic management assumes that the organization determines its key positions for the future, depending on the priority of goals.

Having chosen a certain strategic alternative, the management of JSC "Agrocomplex" must turn to a specific strategy. The main goal is to select a strategic alternative that will maximize the long-term effectiveness of the organization. To do this, managers must have a clear, shared vision of the enterprise and its future. The commitment to a particular choice often limits the future strategy, so the decision must be subject to careful research and evaluation. A variety of factors influence the strategic choice: risk (a factor in the life of the company); knowledge of past strategies; the reaction of equity holders, which often limits the flexibility of management in choosing a strategy; time factor, depending on the choice of the right moment.

In general, the company's strategy can be formulated as: "Working with the client, constantly expanding the range of goods and services, promotion on the market."

Having studied the directions of strategic management at JSC "Agrocomplex", it can be noted that there is a need to improve the personnel management system.

Thus, in the course of the analysis, it was possible to identify the following priority areas: improving the personnel adaptation procedure; improving the organization of staff placement; improvement of motivation and stimulation of labor; introduction of more effective teaching methods; organization of personnel certification; organization of control over the activities of employees; organization of personnel needs planning and development of a methodology for selecting applicants for vacant positions; awareness of the employees of the organization. The listed directions must be depicted graphically in the form of a figure.

Each of the proposed directions involves the development of a specific set of measures that need to be considered in more detail.

1. Improving the personnel adaptation procedure. Here it can be noted that before assigning a certain mentor to a new employee, it is necessary to study his business and personal qualities, determine the compatibility of the mentor and the new employee. And only after receiving the result, finally fix the right person. This will have a positive effect on the atmosphere between employees, will contribute to better assimilation of the material, and the acquisition of the necessary practical skills.

2. Improving the organization of staff placement, for this we can suggest using the profile method. The basis of the profile method is a catalog of characteristics - the requirements for an employee depending on the work he performs, as well as taking into account the quantitative characteristics of jobs. This method involves assessing the level of qualifications, business qualities, performance, methods and style of work, analytical abilities, discipline, psychological compatibility. The definition of these characteristics will determine how employees correspond to their jobs, and jobs to employees. Based on the results obtained, it is necessary to carry out an appropriate placement of personnel.

3. Improvement of motivation and stimulation of labor. As it was revealed in the previous paragraph of the course work, only a system of material incentives operates in the organization, along with this there is no place for moral incentives, which include: creating a favorable - psychological climate in the team, recognition and approval of work results, professional growth, flexible schedule work.

Here you can offer a variety of cultural events:

Celebration of birthdays of employees of the team;

Departure to nature;

Carrying out sports events;

Carrying out competitions "Best Worker", "Best Team".

4. Introduction of more effective teaching methods such as trainings. Training is a form of education that is based on the following principles: the student must be interested in learning; what has been learned must be backed up with practice; the material must be comprehended by the student; theory should be brought closer to the specific working environment.

The use of training will allow:

Increase the quality and quantity of products;

Reduce the number and losses from incidents;

Reduce turnover, absenteeism, increase job satisfaction;

Prevent "obsolescence" of workers.

5. Organization of personnel certification. Organizations need to conduct periodic reviews. For workers once every three years, for managers and specialists once every five years.

6. Organization of control over the activities of employees here it is possible to offer a tightening of discipline in order to reduce the loss of working time.

7. To organize the correct planning of personnel needs and the methodology for selecting applicants for vacant positions.

8. Raise awareness of the organization's employees.

To implement these activities, it is necessary:

First, to clearly distribute the functions and official duties between employees of the personnel department, the department of labor and wages, so that each of them knows the list of his work, and is personally responsible for the results of his activities.

Secondly, to accept a methodologist who will develop methods for personnel management, namely:

Staff training methodology;

Methodology for assessing and attesting personnel;

Methodology for the selection and placement of personnel;

Methods of managing labor conflicts, etc.

To do this, it will be necessary to provide this person with a workplace and all the basic tools and auxiliary materials necessary for work, bring this person up to date, and set tasks that need to be solved.

For the position of a methodologist, it is most advisable to take a person from the outside who already had experience in this field, this will avoid the cost of his training.

The methodologist should first be entrusted with the development of methods for the most problematic areas, and as it was revealed above, there are problems in the field of personnel management at Agrocomplex OJSC.

      Calculation of the economic efficiency of measures

To solve these problems, the organization needs to carry out the following material costs (table 12).

Table 12

Material costs of OJSC "Agrocomplex" for the improvement of personnel management

Naming of expenditures

The amount of costs

Capital expenditures

Finding and hiring a methodologist

Employee cost per month

Job creation costs

Purchase of a computer - 20 thousand rubles, installation costs -10% of the cost of equipment

Expenses for replenishment of working capital (acquisition of new forms of documentation tools, consumables, etc.)

5% of equipment cost

Current expenses

Salary with deductions for the year

Based on salary = 10200 rubles.

Office and printing expenses

Based on 200 rubles. per month

Consumables for computers

2% of equipment cost

As a result of the implementation of activities, the following results will be obtained (Table 13).

Table 13

Results of the implementation of measures

Thus, as can be seen from Table 23, the proceeds from the sale of products and services will increase by 52,423 thousand rubles. If we subtract the costs associated with the implementation of the project from this amount, then the effect will be (52423 - 39570) 12853 thousand rubles.

In addition, a social effect will be achieved. Social efficiency is considered as the fact of achieving goals for more people in a shorter time with a smaller number of employees, with lower financial costs. Social Goals fulfill human needs.

So the social effectiveness of the proposed activities can be determined by the following points:

Employees will receive satisfaction from the work performed;

There will be a desire to achieve higher results;

The psychological climate in the team will improve.


Strategic management can be defined as the management of an organization that relies on human potential as the basis of the organization, orients production activities to the needs of consumers, implements flexible regulation and timely changes in the organization that meet the challenge from the environment and allow achieving competitive advantages, which together allows the organization survive and achieve your goal in the long run.

Having examined the tasks set, we see that strategic management in the organization of Agrocomplex OJSC was not entirely effective in the field of personnel management. After making some proposals, we saw that the proceeds from the sale of products and services increased by 52,423 thousand rubles. The result of all the activities carried out will be the final result of the work.

The goals set must have the status of law for the organization, for all its divisions and for all members. However, their eternity and immutability do not follow from the requirement that goals are mandatory, since goals can change due to the dynamism of the environment. It seems that it is necessary to approach the problem of changing goals in the following way: goals are adjusted whenever circumstances require it. In this case, the process of changing goals is purely situational.


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1 Ilyin A.I. Planning at the enterprise: Proc. allowance for students. universities, education by economy special and e.g. / A. I. Ilyin. - 2nd ed., revised. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2006. -

1 Ilyin A.I. Planning at the enterprise: Proc. allowance for students. universities, education by economy special and e.g. / A. I. Ilyin. - 2nd ed., revised. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2006. - 635 p.

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1 Ilyin A.I. Planning at the enterprise: Proc. allowance for students. universities, education by economy special and e.g. / A. I. Ilyin. - 2nd ed., revised. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2006. -.

1Ilyin A.I. Planning at the enterprise: Proc. allowance for students. universities, education by economy special and e.g. / A. I. Ilyin. - 2nd ed., revised. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2006. -:

example enterprises MONCAF Coursework >> Marketing

Management COURSE WORK CONTROL COMPETITIVENESS ENTERPRISES (on the example enterprises"MON CAF... Control competitiveness enterprises (on the example enterprises"Mon cafe)" is very relevant at the present time, since the meaning strategic ...

  • strategic control (16)

    Abstract >> Management
  • Control financial risks on the example LLP "Forpost-Karaganda"

    Thesis >> Financial sciences On the example enterprises OAO Khimprom, Volgograd (diploma) CONTENTS... to make and implement management decisions, realize strategic the need to act in accordance with the principles of rationality ...
  • 1. Analysis of the external environment of the organization ............................................... ...................3

    1.1. Analysis of the general environment .............................................................. ...............................3

    1.2. Analysis of the immediate environment .......................................................... .......................4

    1.2.1. Industry analysis and competition analysis .............................................................. .....4

    1.2.2. Analysis of contact persons and organizations............................................... ........10

    1.2.3. Major strategic segments of the organization...............................................15

    2. Analysis of the internal environment of the organization ............................................... ..............23

    2.1. Functional analysis .................................................................. ...............................23

    2.2. Value analysis .............................................................................. ...................25

    2.3. Key points, competitive advantages and key capabilities of the organization’s potential .............................................................. .......................28

    3. Formulation of problems............................................................... ......................................32

    4. Development of the mission and goals of the organization ............................................... .............45

    5.Formulation of strategic alternatives and their evaluation .............................................54

    6. Implementation of the strategy.................................................... .........................................64

    7. Strategic control .......................................................... ...................................71

    Bibliography................................................ ...............................................73

    1. Analysis of the external environment of the organization

    1.1. Analysis of the general environment

    JSC "Rostec" (Ulyanovsk branch).

    Address: 432063, Ulyanovsk, Minaeva, 44.


    Supply and implementation:


    Computers and accessories,

    office equipment,

    Computer accessories.

    Network equipment, office pass automatic telephone exchanges.

    Repair and service:




    Monitors and electrical equipment.

    Refueling of all types of cartridges.

    Installation, configuration, maintenance:

    computer networks,

    Office telephone exchanges

    Electrical equipment.

    JSC "Rostec" is the official dealer of the companies "MV" (office equipment) and "Print Rite".

    Commercial offer:

    We offer office equipment, computers, accessories and Consumables companies such as INTEL, AMD, PANASONIC, EPSON, CANON, HP, SAMSUNG, MB, PRINT-RITE, PROFILINE.

    Repairing and servicing office equipment and electrical equipment, we guarantee the quality of our services. During the work we use only high-quality materials and spare parts. We invite those who wish to save on the maintenance of office equipment and electrical equipment without losing quality.

    A new direction for the maintenance of electrical equipment has been opened.

    Since 2007, as part of the housing and communal services reform, an electrical workshop has been rented. The main tasks of the energy service of the enterprise "Consumables" are as follows:

    Ensure reliable, uninterrupted and safe supply of all types of energy.

    Repair of power equipment and current operation.

    Manufacturing of spare parts.

    Modernization of power equipment.

    Works related to the implementation of energy saving measures

    Rendering services to the population within the framework of the housing and communal services reform.

    1.2. Analysis of the immediate environment

    1.2.1. Industry and competition analysis

    The study of the immediate environment is carried out through the analysis of competitors, consumers, suppliers, trade unions and contact audiences (banks, insurance companies) that have direct business contacts with the firm. In fact, this section examines the trends of the industry in which the enterprise in question operates.

    Porter's five forces model is used for analysis.

    Strength 1: Manufacturers of similar products (intra-industry competition)

    OJSC Rostec has been on the market for 10 years. The main activities of the company include the production and supply of licensed software, installation of computer networks:

    1) Sale and modernization of computers;

    2) Repair and maintenance of computer and office equipment;

    3) Software BEST (accounting, economics, warehouse, trade, enterprise), provision of consulting and engineering services. Over the years of its existence on the market, the company has become a leader in its industry, cooperating with numerous partners both within Russia and in the near and far abroad, although the Russian market is still the main one for the company.

    Currently, there are firms competing with a company in a similar business. These include:

    1. IVVS Computers. Computer supermarket.

    Address: Ulyanovsk, L. Tolstoy, 54

    Activities: computers and components, complex automation of enterprises, modernization and repair, 1C, INFIN-accounting, maintenance of enterprises.

    Commercial offer:

    Lending leaders;

    Almost EVERYTHING is available;

    Computers on credit for 1 hour;

    DVD acoustics;

    Pentium IV from 8690 rubles.

    Activities: sale of computers, components and office equipment, Maintenance and repair, installation and installation of computer networks, consumables, computer furniture.

    Commercial offer:

    Discounts for corporate clients;




    Network hardware;

    Printers, scanners;

    Uninterruptible power supplies.

    3. CJSC Trading company "Elkom" (Zavolzhsky branch)

    Address: 432072, Ulyanovsk, Ulyanovsk pr-t, 4.

    Activities: personal computers, components, copiers, computer and office furniture, consumables, maintenance, repair of computer, copier, office equipment, sale and rental of billboards.

    Commercial offer:


    Personal computers;


    Printers, scanners;

    Computer parts;

    Office equipment;

    Office furniture.

    4. Alfa LLC

    Address: 432072, Ulyanovsk, Leninsky Komsomol avenue, 24.

    Activities: sale of computers, components, office equipment, repair and maintenance of computers, components, office equipment, monitors, cellular and radio telephones, installation and configuration local networks and radio networks, Internet provider, IP-telephony.

    Commercial offer:

    Repair of any complex office equipment with high quality and in a short time;

    Repair of any hard drives up to 120 GB;

    Repair of any monitors;

    Recovery of lost information of any complexity;

    Consultations of experts with departure on the house, in office;

    Conclusion of contracts for the maintenance of office equipment with legal entities.

    5. Technomaster LLC

    Address: Ulyanovsk, Marata, 8.

    Activities: sale and service of office equipment:





    Phones, faxes, automatic telephone exchanges;


    office paper and film;


    Commercial offer:

    Sale of office equipment:

    Computers based on Intel and AMD processors;


    Canon copiers;

    Printers Canon, Hewlett Packard, Epson;

    Phones, faxes Panasonic, LG;


    Sale of newsprint and office paper.

    Sale check tape for cash registers.

    Service maintenance of copiers.

    Refueling copiers and printers.

    In relation to its competitors, JSC Rostec has the following advantages:

    The enterprise cooperates with more than 150 manufacturers in Russia, CIS countries, which allows it to have the widest range of products compared to other companies operating in this industry;

    Consulting and engineering services provided by the company's specialists allow customers to save time on getting acquainted with the features of the operation of the supplied products, replacing parts of the equipment used, etc.;

    Warranty service implies free repair or replacement of spare parts during the entire warranty period, which is practically not practiced by competitors;

    Flexible payment system;

    Delivery of products to the consumer by any means of transport at the request of the customer;

    Unique experience in carrying out all types of repair of computers, as well as office equipment;

    Due to the relatively low overhead costs, the capacities of Rostec JSC's own production create the possibility of producing spare parts at a lower cost by 20 - 40%;

    Experience in the Russian market, performance of work and provision of services at the highest level ensured the company's reputation as a reliable partner and one of the largest suppliers of spare parts for computer equipment.

    As for the repair of computers and office equipment, in this area, despite all the advantages of Rostec OJSC, there are major competitors that the company has to fight with. And not all methods of struggle are aggressive. Let's analyze the competitive positions of JSC "Rostec" among repair computer enterprises in Ulyanovsk.

    The analysis, based on the study of 4 parameters (the volume of services rendered, the volume of resources consumed, the number of personnel and the cost of fixed assets) gave the following results:

    Table 1

    Analysis of the competitive positions of JSC "Rostec" in 2006 among computer repair enterprises in Ulyanovsk.

    Factory name Normative parameters of competitiveness summary parameter
    by volume by resources by number by funds
    1 IVVS Computers 0,208702 0,195898 0,503892 0,362575 1,271067
    2 Computer center "iP-Q". 0,50292 0,465682 0,895093 0,940381 2,804077
    3 CJSC Trading company "Elkom" 0,342386 0,314565 0,599662 1 2,256612

    Alpha LLC

    1 1 0,909645 3,44794 3,254439

    Technomaster LLC

    0,60331 0,547329 0,804399 0,542887 2,497925

    LLC "Veles-Plus"

    0,41267 0,36998 1 0,598646 2,348218

    Info-Lada LLC

    0,10318 0,09623 0,12014 0,11137 0,43091

    Mobilcom LLC

    0,628634 0,604569 0,921151 0,20274 2,357093

    Redan-M LLC

    0,450926 0,477406 0,534349 0,349092 1,811772
    10 Trading House "Consumables" 0,809559 0,701239 0,734687 0,19983 2,445316

    CJSC "Ultramarine"

    0,250754 0,201667 0,220305 0,346384 1,01911
    13 JSC "Rostec" 0,141949 0,113917 0,256514 0,274756 0,787137

    It should be noted that in the general case, the best is not always the greatest, but in the applied system of indicators, all of them should strive to maximize.

    The calculation results show that there is no absolute leader among enterprises that has the maximum value of the competitiveness index for all parameters (the sum of the normalized parameters is 4). Thus, at the moment, the primary task is marketing research of the repair products market, which makes it possible to determine trends in changes in specific parameters of the external and internal environment.

    As regards OJSC Rostec itself, despite the fact that the company has accumulated unique experience in carrying out all types of computer repairs, as well as repair of office equipment, if this line of business is considered separately, the company occupies a rather low position. In addition, repair for Rostec OJSC acts mainly as one of the services provided to enterprises-consumers of the company's products.

    Therefore, when identifying competitors, the greatest attention should be paid to companies, as well as OJSC Rostec, specializing in providing a range of services for rolling stock, including repairs. Here we can single out the most dangerous competitors (see Table 1). Among such enterprises, OJSC Rostec is the leader. In relation to them, the competitive advantages of JSC Rostec are the named unique experience in carrying out all types of computer repairs, as well as repair of office equipment, and the high professionalism of repair workers.

    OJSC Rostec is a specialized organization that provides comprehensive supplies of spare parts for computers such as TEM (TEM2, TEM18, TEM7, TEM15), TGM (TGM4, TGM6, TGM23) and other modifications, such as D50, D49, D100, 211D (6CHN21 / 21), D6, D12, as well as other computer equipment. The company cooperates with more than 150 manufacturers of these products throughout Russia, and is the official representative (dealer) of a significant part of these enterprises. The company has long-term partnerships with the majority of these enterprises.

    1.2.2. Analysis of contact persons and organizations

    On the one hand, all this suggests that there are no extraordinary threats from product suppliers to the enterprise. Having OJSC Rostec as their official dealer, manufacturing enterprises are themselves interested in mutually beneficial cooperation: the rate of sales of products by JSC Rostec is steadily growing and in most cases determines the rate of sales of their products by manufacturing companies.

    Since the company has a large number of suppliers, there is competition between them, so there is no threat from their side, on the contrary, the company has the opportunity to receive high-quality products that meet customer requirements.

    On the other hand, the concern may be caused by the fact that the supply of products is not always stable, the same applies to the prices of suppliers. In addition, most suppliers are located in neighboring countries, which makes deliveries difficult.

    Currently, the choice of a supplier occurs without economic and mathematical justification. A multifactorial economic-mathematical model was chosen for the calculation, which is shown in Figure 1.

    Fig.1. – Vendor selection model

    Particular attention should be paid to the ratio "price / quality" or

    cost/quality. The target function looks like:

    F = f(S;K;Q;N;U), (1.)

    where S; TO; Q; N; U - factors influencing the decision:

    S - the total amount of the customer's estimated costs for the purchase and delivery;

    K - the quality of the supplied products;

    Q - assessment of the "price / quality" ratio of products;

    N - reliability of the supplier;

    U - financial stability of the enterprise.

    Let's analyze the suppliers of seven enterprises:

    P1 - "Kalitsino", Moscow;

    P2 - "Vikselen" Leningrad region;

    P3 - Polesye LLC, Samara;

    P4 - "Greal" LLC Penza region;

    P5 - "Bryansksbyt" JSC;

    P6 - "Lita" LLC, Cheboksary;

    P7 - "KiT" LLC, Syzran.

    Table 2.

    The amount of costs for the purchase of products

    Table 1
    AND] AND 2 FROM II4 Is I6 I7
    800 820 815 810 800 811 816
    100 100 50 50 100 250 100
    80 82 40,75 40,5 80 202,8 81,6
    5 5 10 10" 5 2 5
    400,0 410,0 407,5 .405,0 400.1L 05.5 I 408.0
    Table 1
    AND] AND 2 FROM II4 Is I6 I7
    800 820 815 810 800 811 816
    100 100 50 50 100 250 100
    80 82 40,75 40,5 80 202,8 81,6
    5 5 10 10" 5 2 5
    400,0 410,0 407,5 .405,0 400.1L 05.5 I 408.0

    The data in Table 2 do not include the cost of product delivery. The amount of costs for transportation, loading and unloading operations is calculated depending on the distance of transportation, the cost of gasoline, the number of deliveries, gasoline consumption per 1 km. (see table 3).

    Table 3

    Transportation distance (km.)

    Table 4

    The amount of costs for the purchase and delivery of products

    Table 5

    Supplier Reliability


    P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7
    Volume of deliveries on time, % 90 95 97 80 85 88 90

    Deliveries with a backlog

    for 1-5 days, %

    5 3 3 10 7 12 10

    Deliveries with a backlog

    for 5-10 days, %

    5 2 0 6 5 0 0

    Deliveries with a backlog

    from a period of more than 10 days,%

    0 0 0 4 3 0 0

    An analysis of suppliers of raw materials, materials and tools directly for the production process suggests the following. OJSC Rostec has a wide network of suppliers, which includes such well-known organizations as Kalitsino in Moscow, Vikselen in the Leningrad Region, Polesie LLC, Bryansksbyt, Greal, etc. These suppliers have been appear in the industry and have managed to establish themselves as reliable partners. In addition, if any problems arise with one of them, enterprises can easily compensate for this through cooperation with others.

    Major regular buyers of Rostec's products are the Penitentiary Department (UIN - 38%), budgetary organizations (31%) and OOO, IChP, PBOYuL of Zasviyazhsky and Zheleznodorozhny districts. Under the concluded contracts for the supply of products, payment is made within 10 banking days from the date of shipment of the goods from the warehouse of the enterprise, but the buyers do not fulfill the terms of the contract and delay payments.

    Table 6

    Buyer Analysis

    Due to the fact that these organizations are regular customers, but accounts receivable increased by 66.6% compared to the beginning of the year, I suggest that in the contract for the supply of products, instead of "payment is made within 10 - and banking days from the date of shipment of the goods from the supplier's warehouse" to change to "advance payment is made in the amount of 30 % within 2 banking days from the date of invoicing by the Supplier, the remaining 70% within 5 banking days from the date of receipt of the goods from the Supplier's warehouse. If the buyer makes an advance payment of 50% or 100%, he is additionally given a discount of 5%.

    The main consumers of the company's products are enterprises throughout Russia that have computer equipment: from large metallurgical and chemical plants to bakeries, etc. Consumers have a positive attitude towards the company's products, they prefer it because of the quality, the possibility of complex purchases, the high level of consulting and engineering services.

    1.2.3. Key strategic segments of the organization

    Currently, the computer base of enterprises is rather worn out, and the rate of aging is steadily increasing. In the next 3-4 years, a sharp transition to qualitatively new models is not expected, there is no updating of the existing base. Therefore, the dependence of enterprises using the services of Rostec OJSC on the company in question will increase more and more, and the need to make complex purchases of spare parts, as well as to repair computers and related equipment, will increase.

    Threats can arise due to the fact that many customers prefer to have a supplier at a close distance. In addition, the prices for products sold by Rostec OJSC are quite high, while the consumer prefers cheaper products.

    The threat may also lie in the precarious financial situation of customers, who may simply ignore the need to purchase spare parts and repair their base.

    The supply of components and spare parts for computer equipment requires either close contacts with manufacturers of such products, or the presence of its own production base. However, both conditions are quite difficult for newcomers to the industry.

    Mastering the production process requires serious capital investments, knowledge of technology, market needs, etc. The costs of all this are very high, their payback period is quite significant. From this point of view, the entry into the market of enterprises that already produce technologically similar products, or whose technological process can be quite easily reorganized to produce the necessary products, can be considered a threat. However, this threat is small due to the fact that large enterprises rarely reorganize to produce other products, and in order to compete with Rostec OJSC, volumes of precisely large enterprises, and to ensure complex supplies, the production process must be sufficiently diversified.

    With regard to contacts with manufacturers, in order to gain their trust, significant work experience, high sales rates, provision of favorable conditions cooperation. All this is very difficult to achieve immediately for newcomers to the industry. In addition, the products, services and services offered by OJSC Rostec have earned the trust of customers. That is why the buyer is difficult to switch to the products of other companies.

    The probability of a consumer switching from a product offered by JSC Rostec to a product with a similar functional purpose is zero, because the supplied products are standardized and cannot be replaced by any other.

    Table 7

    Qualitative analysis of environmental factors of direct impact

    Factors Opportunities Threats

    1. Based on the analysis of existing suppliers, determine the most profitable and promising.

    2. Search for new suppliers of better and cheaper equipment.

    1. Insufficient level of service from suppliers.

    2. Instability of supplier prices.

    3. Supply instability.

    4. Most suppliers are located in neighboring countries, which makes it difficult to deliver.


    1. Short time execution of orders.

    1. Increase in the number of competitors.

    2. Competitors are constantly expanding their product range.

    3. Ability to switch consumers to competitors.


    1. Growth in demand for complex supplies of spare parts.

    2. "Revitalization" of industrial enterprises.

    3. Growth in demand for spare parts for computer equipment.

    1. The need for high quality products.

    2. Consumer preference to have a supplier in close proximity.

    3. Consumer interest in low prices.

    4. Unstable financial position consumers.

    Table 8

    Quantitative assessment of environmental factors of direct impact

    Thus, the external environment of direct impact is quite favorable.

    External environment of indirect impact

    Analysis of the external environment of indirect impact is carried out using PESTE - analysis

    Table 9

    Qualitative PESTE Analysis

    PESTE factors What makes it possible? What poses a threat?
    Political and legal factors

    1. Stable political situation in the country.

    2. The creation in the near future of a single economic space on the territory of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan will open up new markets.

    3. Carrying out a transport reform, one of the most important goals of which is to increase the efficiency and quality of rolling stock through its renewal and reconstruction, opens up additional opportunities for expanding the spare parts market.

    1. Imperfection of state policy in the field of investment.

    2. Insufficient attention to the support of enterprises by the state.

    3. High customs barriers, visa regimes, anarchy in tariffs between the CIS countries.

    4. The war in Iraq, the most likely consequences of which were a drop in the price of oil already in 2003 to 12-15 dollars per barrel, as well as the loss by Russia of a part of the European oil market, which will negatively affect the Russian economy.

    5. Fragmentary legislation.

    6. Inefficient practice of implementing existing legislation.

    Economic forces

    1. A significant slowdown in inflation.

    2. The growth of the purchasing power of the ruble.

    3. The reduction of the refinancing rate from 21% to 18% will cause a natural decrease in bank rates on loans.

    4. Depreciation of the dollar and its stabilization.

    5. Favorable foreign economic situation for Russia.

    6. High world prices for Russian exports.

    7. Growth of exports to the CIS countries and far-abroad countries.

    8. Continued economic growth.

    9. Improving the performance of the banking system.

    10. A significant increase in production at the enterprises of the non-ferrous and coal industries, chemical, gas and oil industries.

    1. Increasing energy prices.

    2. Insufficient investment activity for sustainable growth.

    3. Reducing the volume of profits of enterprises and organizations.

    4. Decreased profitability of production due to outstripping growth of costs in comparison with production volumes.

    5. Increase in prices for transportation.

    6. Imperfection of taxation (in particular, the abolition of tax benefits on profits).

    7. The probable decrease in bank rates on loans should cause a decrease in interest on deposits.

    8. The cheapening of imported goods due to the strengthening of the ruble will intensify competition between Russian producers and foreign ones.

    9. Unfavorable business climate.

    10. A strong decline in capital investment, outpacing the production decline in its pace.

    Technological and technical factors

    1. Appearance modern technologies production and high-performance equipment.

    2. Investing in the improvement of the technological process and the modernization of equipment.

    3. Gradual intensification of the Government's efforts aimed at the development of innovations, focused primarily on the modernization of existing industries based on resource-saving technologies and improving the consumer properties of products.

    4. Implementation of informatization and development programs economic activity based on Internet technologies and other modern information technologies, e-commerce systems.

    1. High energy intensity of products.

    2. Critical state of the production infrastructure.

    3. The presence of unloaded technologically efficient capacities, qualified personnel, scientific and technical reserves, etc.

    4. Low innovative activity and low rates of development of the high-tech sector of the economy.

    5. Opportunity for competitors to use modern technologies (including information technologies) that allow them to take a more advantageous position in terms of product range and cost level.

    Table 10

    Quantitative PESTE analysis:

    1. Analysis of PESTE factors allows us to conclude that, in general, the influence of environmental factors of indirect impact is generally quite favorable.

    2. The greatest threat to JSC Rostec is economic forces. It is to overcome the threat from economic factors that the enterprise should direct its strengths.

    3. Technological, political and social factors give the enterprise moderate opportunities that it is able to realize if it correctly directs its strengths to it, and also if it manages to use these opportunities to strengthen its weaknesses.

    Let us summarize the results obtained during the analysis of the external environment and summarize them in Table 11.

    Table 11

    Environment Profile Matrix

    Taking into account the factors of the external environment of direct impact, it can also be concluded that the external environment of the organization is rather favorable.

    An analysis of the external environment of the Rostec enterprise showed that economic factors pose the greatest threat to the company. Companies should first of all use their strengths in relation to these factors, which should help overcome existing threats.

    The most favorable influence on the organization comes from buyers and suppliers from whom there are no significant threats. The same can be said about the political, social and technological factors of the external environment. Thus, it is precisely these opportunities, and, above all, from the side of buyers and suppliers, that the enterprise should use to overcome its weaknesses.

    2. Analysis of the internal environment of the organization

    2.1. functional analysis

    OJSC Rostec cooperates with more than 150 manufacturers in Russia and the CIS countries, which allows it to have the widest range of products compared to other companies operating in this industry.

    Complex delivery significantly saves the client's time in searching for the spare parts he needs, and is also very convenient.

    Consulting and engineering services provided by the company's specialists allow customers to save time on getting acquainted with the features of the operation of the supplied products, replacing parts of the equipment used, etc.

    Warranty service implies free repair or replacement of spare parts during the entire warranty period, which is practically not practiced by competitors.

    Flexible payment system allows the client to choose the form of payment. The company is considering any proposals.

    Delivery of products to the consumer is carried out by any type of transport at the request of the customer.

    As of the end of 2006, the company's financial position is unstable. There is a low level of liquidity and solvency, and tendencies of their reduction prevail. An analysis of the creditworthiness indicators indicates a deterioration in the financial stability of the enterprise from the standpoint of the long-term perspective and an increase in the risk of lending to the enterprise. The balance structure should be recognized as harmonic. In 2006, negative changes took place in it: the volume of equity increased accounts payable and inventory.

    The enterprise is characterized by high rates of turnover of funds in settlements and a low value of turnover of accounts payable and stocks. The company is characterized by a fairly high level of profitability. However, in 2006 there was a significant decline in all profitability indicators.

    The head of the enterprise, as well as the heads of all departments have higher education. The high educational level of senior management ensures the high professionalism and competence of managers in any matters relating to the activities of JSC Rostec.

    The General Director of the company has been at the head of the enterprise since its inception and has extensive experience in the field of management. It should be noted that it was the personality of the leader that played the most important role in the success of the company. By the time the Rostec company was opened in 1993, he already had experience working at large computer enterprises. At BMZ, the future general director headed the department of cooperation, and then - commerce.

    As for middle managers, each of them has at least 5 to 10 years of experience in the area entrusted to him.

    Lower-level managers also have work experience sufficient for them to carry out operational management - about 2-3 years.

    JSC Rostec has 5 levels of management. Because of this, most decisions are made at the top levels of the hierarchy. These include decisions on the direction of the enterprise, loans, investments, etc. At the same time, strict control over their implementation is carried out.

    The commercial director oversees the activities of the enterprise related to the conclusion of contracts with suppliers and buyers of products, as well as the implementation of customer orders. The chief engineer deals with issues related to his own production at the enterprise. The director of Remtrans manages the activities of the company related to the provision of repair services. The director of "LDS-Trade" manages the foreign economic activity of the company. All of them report to the CEO.

    In turn, the CEO is responsible for long-term planning, development of the company's policy, and is also responsible for coordinating and controlling the activities of all divisions that are part of Rostec OJSC.

    At the lower levels of the hierarchy, decisions are made that relate only directly to the competence of a functional employee.

    2.2. Value analysis

    Today the staff of the company is about 250 people.

    Average age and education:

    1) supply department: 25-30 years old, higher;

    2) sales: 23-28 years old, higher;

    3) accounting: 30 years, higher;

    4) management apparatus: 38-40 years old, higher;

    5) production and repair: 35-40 years old, secondary technical, higher.

    The company's staff is quite young. There is an opinion among the employees that getting a job at JSC Rostec is only half the battle: the main thing is to stay in the company, because employees here are required to give their full dedication. Many of the employees have two higher educations, but continue to study: master modern management, marketing and other subjects of the market economy in Bryansk and metropolitan universities.

    The basis of the motivation system at the enterprise is the payment of bonuses. This provides for a one-time issuance of a certain amount of money to an employee in connection with his achievement of higher success in work compared to other employees.

    As for the sales and supply departments, here the employees are paid a percentage of the volume of the transaction. Employees of other departments receive material rewards depending on the implementation of their plans.

    Motivation (motivation to labor activity, stimulation of a certain behavior of an employee) is also due to the working conditions themselves, its organization, the level of enterprise management and other factors. These mechanisms at the enterprise are not limited to material incentives: their use provides for the creation of such an atmosphere, such a moral climate, in which the team is well aware of who works and how, and everyone is rewarded according to their merits. This approach requires ensuring that conscientious work an employee will always receive recognition and a positive assessment in the team, raise his authority and bring the well-deserved respect of colleagues. Therefore, the company has developed, in addition to material incentives, a system of moral incentives - a declaration of gratitude for the successful completion of the tasks assigned to the employee.

    In view of the absence of a personnel service at the enterprise, as such, the functions of conducting certification in the company are distributed among line managers. They are based on corporate policy, develop general principles personnel assessments and control their implementation in practice.

    The next certification at JSC Rostec is held annually and is mandatory for all employees. The basis of certification is a description of the work done and the results of the main activities.

    Certification is preceded by preparatory work:

    development of criteria and indicators for evaluation by category of positions;

    preparation of the required number of forms for evaluation sheets of the employee's activities;

    familiarization of the certified with the instructions for filling out the assessment sheets;

    · Approval of the certification schedule;

    preparation of necessary materials for certified students;

    · provision of organizational and methodological assistance to subdivisions for the performance appraisal of employees.

    The organization of certification in divisions is assigned to their heads. The organization of certification of the heads of departments of JSC Rostec is assigned to its board (commercial director).

    The head (specialist) subject to certification independently fills out the relevant section score sheet, which contains all the information on certification, describes the main work done during the certification period: advanced training, the degree of implementation of proposals and comments from the previous certification, etc.

    The assessment of the employee's activity is carried out by the immediate supervisor on the basis of a description of the work done during the attestation period, documents on advanced training and the degree of implementation of the proposals and comments of the previous attestation by the attested employee. These questions are discussed with him. It should be noted that it is the immediate superior who is assigned a decisive role in the evaluation of personnel, since he knows his subordinates better than others, is fully responsible for the results of their activities, the correct application of incentives and punishments, for their training and development. The ratings given by the manager generalize the ideas he received during constant communication with his subordinates. At the same time, the need to participate in the assessment encourages the manager to devote more time to subordinates, to weigh the strengths and weaknesses their vocational training, analyze business and personal qualities, more confidently control their work.

    Materials on the attestation of an employee prepared by the person being attested and his immediate supervisor are considered by a higher manager. At the same time, he discusses the submitted materials with the immediate supervisor of the certified employee, and, if necessary, with the certified employee himself.

    Certification is the basis for making a decision on the further stay of an employee in the company.

    The company seriously cares about the level of education of its employees. Contracts are regularly concluded with higher educational institutions of Ulyanovsk and Moscow for training employees of the enterprise, and all this is aimed at obtaining a second higher education. All training is provided by the company. In addition, employees of the management staff of the enterprise are sent to study under the presidential program on the basis of UlSTU.

    Several times a year, executives are sent to thematic seminars in Moscow, organized by the Tandem-Forum company.

    All these efforts are aimed at maximizing the qualifications of the employees of the enterprise, especially the management, in order to ensure the highest efficiency.

    Let's summarize the data obtained and summarize them in a table:

    2.3. Key points, competitive advantages and key capabilities of the organization's potential

    Table 12

    Enterprise potential analysis

    The expanded matrix allows for a more detailed analysis of the potential of JSC Rostec.

    Table 13

    Structured analysis of enterprise potential

    Potential components Strengths Weaknesses
    10 5 0
    1. Marketing
    1.1 Market share by main product 8
    1.2 Phases life cycle essential goods 6
    1.3 Presence of a trademark 5
    1.4 Range 10
    1.5 Quality 7
    1.6 Competitiveness 8
    1.7 Price policy 5
    1.8 Order lead times 6
    1.9 Availability of a sales network 6
    1.10 Marketing Philosophy 3
    1.11 Development of new products 6
    1.12 Advertising policy 8
    1.13 Advertising effectiveness 8
    1.14 Enterprise image 7
    2. Scientific research
    2.1 Availability of patents and inventions 3
    2.2 Intensity and results 2
    2.3 know-how 4
    2.4 Use of new information technologies 9
    3. Production
    3.1 Equipment condition 4
    3.2 The quality of operational planning 5
    3.3 Stability 5
    3.4 Level of applied technologies 6
    3.5 Production quality 6
    3.6 Flexibility of production lines 8
    4. Financial block
    4.1 Sustainability 4
    4.2 Liquidity 5
    4.3 Profitability 6
    4.4 Profitability 5
    5. Sales
    5.1 Sales Efficiency 7
    5.2 Having a permanent client base 7
    5.3 Sales organization 8
    6. Supply
    6.1 Reliability of suppliers 9
    6.2 Fulfillment of delivery schedules 8
    6.3 Supply quality 8
    7. Frames
    7.1 Age composition 8
    7.2 Staff turnover 4
    7.3 The level of education 9
    8. Management
    8.1 State of management
    - top management 9
    - middle management 7
    - lower level 6
    8.2 Strategic planning 8
    8.3 tactical planning 7
    8.4 The level of organization of the firm 9
    8.5 Compliance with the structure of the company's strategy 9
    8.6 Motivational policy 6
    8.7 Organization of control 8
    8.8 Entrepreneurial culture 6

    Conclusion :

    The analysis carried out shows that the internal potential of JSC Rostec is quite high. The position of the enterprise in sales, supply, personnel is strong, although the motivation of employees is insufficient, there is a turnover of personnel.

    The level of management of the company is especially high.

    The company is currently using modern Information Technology, all documentation and accounting are automated.

    Despite the lack of a marketing service, Rostec's positions in this direction are also quite strong. However, the disadvantage is that research is not carried out, the pricing policy is weak, the marketing philosophy is very poorly developed. All this affects production. The weak side of the enterprise's activity, along with R&D, is finance.

    3. Statement of problems

    The most important stage in the development of an effective company strategy is a strategic analysis, which should give a real assessment of its own resources and capabilities in relation to the state (needs) of the external environment in which the company operates.

    Strategic planning is a set of actions and decisions taken by management that lead to the development of specific strategies designed to help the organization achieve its goals.

    The strategic planning process is a tool that helps in making managerial decisions. Its task is to provide innovations and changes in the organization to a sufficient extent. More precisely, the strategic planning process is the umbrella under which all managerial functions are hidden.

    The word "strategy" comes from the Greek strategos, "the art of the general."

    The strategy is a detailed comprehensive plan designed to ensure the implementation of the organization's mission and achievement of its goals. It should be developed from the perspective of the whole corporation, rather than a specific individual. It is rare when a company founder can afford to combine personal plans with organizational strategies. The strategy involves the development of reasonable measures and plans to achieve the intended goals, which should take into account the scientific and technical potential of the company and its production and marketing needs.

    The strategic plan must be supported by extensive research and evidence. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly collect and analyze a huge amount of information about the sectors of the national economy, the market, competition, etc. In addition, the strategic plan gives the firm a certainty, a personality that allows it to attract certain types employees and help sell products or services.

    Strategic plans should be designed in such a way that they not only remain coherent over the long term, but also remain flexible. The overall strategic plan should be seen as a program that guides the activities of the firm over an extended period of time, subject to constant adjustments due to the ever-changing business and social environment.

    Strategic planning alone does not guarantee success, and an organization creating strategic plans may fail due to errors in organization, motivation, and control. However, formal planning can create a number of significant favorable factors for the organization of the enterprise. Knowing what an organization wants to achieve helps clarify the most appropriate course of action. By making informed and systematic planning decisions, management reduces the risk of making the wrong decision due to erroneous or unreliable information about the organization's capabilities or the external situation. In this way, planning helps to create a unity of common purpose within an organization.

    Strategic planning functions:

    1. The strategic plan sets the direction for the organization and allows it to better understand the structure of market research, customer research, product planning, promotion and marketing, and price planning.

    2. The strategic plan provides each unit in the organization with clear goals that align with the overall objectives of the company.

    3. The strategic plan stimulates the coordination of the efforts of various functional areas.

    4. The strategic plan forces the organization to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses in terms of competitors, opportunities and threats in the environment.

    5. This plan identifies alternative actions or combinations of actions that the organization can take.

    6. The strategic plan provides the basis for the allocation of resources.

    7. The strategic plan demonstrates the importance of applying performance evaluation procedures.

    The formation of a strategic plan is a thorough, systematic preparation for the future, carried out by top management:

    1.) Choice of mission - formation of goals (long-term, medium-term, short-term).

    2.) Development of supporting plans - policies, strategies, procedures, rules, budgets.

    Stages of drawing up a strategic plan

    A. Chandler, the author of one of the pioneering works in the field of strategic planning, believes that strategy is “the definition of the main long-term goals and objectives of the enterprise and the approval of the course of action and the allocation of resources necessary to achieve these goals.” The definition of Chandler's strategy is supplemented by the requirement of economy for the courses of action taken: "The strategic alternative is determined by comparing the capabilities and resources of the corporation, taking into account an acceptable level of risk." Ultimately, the formation of an enterprise strategy should provide answers to three questions: What areas of economic activity should be developed? What are the capital investment and available resource needs? What are the possible returns in the chosen areas?

    A. Ansoff identifies several distinctive features of the strategy:

    1. The strategizing process does not end with any immediate action. It usually ends with the establishment of general directions, the promotion of which will ensure the growth and strengthening of the company's position.

    2. The formulated strategy should be used to develop strategic projects, search methods. The role of strategy in search is, firstly, to focus attention on certain areas or opportunities, and secondly, to discard all other possibilities as incompatible with the strategy.

    3. The need for this strategy disappears as soon as the real course of events will lead the organization to the desired development.

    4. While formulating strategies, it is not possible to foresee all the possibilities that will open up when drafting specific activities. Therefore, one has to use highly generalized, incomplete and inaccurate information about various alternatives.

    5. As more accurate information becomes available, the validity of the original strategy may be questioned. Therefore, feedback is needed to ensure timely reformulation of the strategy.

    The strategy implementation process can be divided into two major stages:

    a) the process of strategic planning - the development of a set of strategies, ranging from the basic strategy of the enterprise and ending with functional strategies and individual projects;

    b) the process of strategic management - the implementation of a certain strategy in time, the reformulation of the strategy in the light of new circumstances.

    Strategic planning is a systematic and logical process based on rational thinking. At the same time, it is the art of forecasting, researching, calculating and choosing alternatives.

    Enterprise strategies should be built on a hierarchical basis. At the same time, the levels of strategies, their complexity, their integration are very different depending on the type and size of the enterprise. So, a simple organization can have one strategy, and a complex one can have several at different levels of action.

    The conceptual model of the strategic plan allows you to define the following stages of drawing up a strategic plan for an enterprise (see Appendix):

    (1) Environmental analysis:

    a) the environment

    b) internal capabilities.

    (2) Determination of enterprise policy (goal setting).

    (3) Formulation of strategy and choice of alternatives:

    a) marketing strategy

    b) financial strategy,

    c) R&D strategy

    d) production strategy,

    e) social strategy,

    f) organizational change strategy,

    g) environmental strategy.

    The result of the activity according to the above scheme for drawing up a strategic plan for an enterprise is a document called the “Strategic Plan of an Enterprise” and usually has the following sections:

    1. Goals and objectives of the enterprise

    2. Current activity businesses and long-term goals.

    3. Enterprise strategy (basic strategy, main strategic alternatives).

    4. Functional strategies.

    5. The most significant projects.

    6. Description of external operations.

    7. Capital investment and resource allocation.

    8. Planning for the unexpected.

    Attachments: Calculations, references, other business documentation, including:

    a) The volume of annual sales by product groups,

    b) Annual profit and loss by division,

    c) Annual exports and its relation to the volume of sales by


    d) Changes in product mix and market share.

    e) Annual Capital Expenditure Program.

    f) Annual cash flows.

    g) Balance at the end last year plan.

    h) Policy of takeovers and acquisitions.

    An analysis of the literature on strategic planning in Western companies has shown that both the number and content of the stages of drawing up a strategic plan, as well as its very form, can vary significantly and depend on many factors, among which the main ones are:

    1. Form of ownership of the enterprise.

    2. Type of enterprise (specialized or diversified)

    3. Industry affiliation of the enterprise.

    4. Enterprise size (large, medium or small).

    Likewise, there is no single strategic planning horizon. In Europe, long-term, 10-year plans are common, Americans use 5-year plans, and the Japanese generally use 3-year plans.

    Organization goals

    One of the most significant decisions in planning is the choice of the purpose of the organization. The main overall goal of the organization is designated as a mission, and all other goals are developed for its implementation. The significance of the mission cannot be overstated. The developed goals serve as criteria for the entire subsequent process of making managerial decisions. If leaders do not know the organization's primary purpose, then they will not have a logical starting point for choosing the best alternative. Only the individual values ​​of the leader could serve as a basis, which would lead to a dispersion of efforts and vagueness of goals. The mission details the status of the firm and provides direction and benchmarks for defining goals and strategies at various levels of development. Mission formation includes:

     Finding out which entrepreneurial activity the firm is engaged;

    determination of the working principles of the company under the pressure of the external environment;

    Identification of the culture of the company.

    The mission of the firm also includes the task of identifying the basic needs of consumers and effectively satisfying them in order to create a clientele that will support the firm in the future.

    Table 14

    Value Orientations

    Category of values Types of Preferred Goals
    Theoretical True. Knowledge. Rational thinking. Long-term research and development
    Economic Practicality. Utility. Growth. Profitability. Results. Wealth accumulation.
    Political Power. Confession. Total capital, sales, number of employees.
    Social Good human relations. Attachment. No conflict. Social responsibility in relation to profitability. indirect competition.
    aesthetic Artistic harmony. Compound. Shape and symmetry. Product design. Quality. Attractiveness.
    religious Agreement with the universe. Ethics. Moral issues.

    General corporate goals are formed and established on the basis of the overall mission of the organization and certain values ​​and goals that top management is guided by.

    · Specific and measurable goals (this allows you to create a clear base of reference for subsequent decisions and evaluation of progress).

    · Orientation of goals in time (here it is necessary to understand not only what the company wants to implement, but also when the result should be achieved).

    Achievement of the goal (serves to increase the efficiency of the organization); setting a goal that is difficult to achieve can lead to disastrous results.

    · Mutually supporting goals (actions and decisions necessary to achieve one goal should not interfere with the achievement of other goals).

    Objectives will only be a meaningful part of the strategic management process if they are properly formulated, effectively institutionalized, communicated and driven by top management throughout the organization.

    Conduct a primary strategic analysis by compiling a SWOT matrix. The SWOT analysis methodology involves first identifying strengths and weaknesses, as well as threats and opportunities.

    Table 15

    SWOT - analysis of the activities of OJSC Rostec


    2. Wide market

    4. Flexible system of discounts

    6. Multiple payment for the delivery of goods

    7. Attentive attitude to the customer and long-term cooperation


    1. Political stability

    4. The customer's need for complex deliveries

    5. Reducing customs duties

    6. Large market for highly skilled labor

    7. Large selection of suppliers

    8. The emergence of modern production technologies and high-performance equipment


    2. High prices

    4. High staff turnover

    10. Overstocking warehouses

    11. Significant wear and tear of equipment

    3. Growth in the number of competitors

    4. Seasonality of orders

    11. High taxes

    We will evaluate the quantitatively identified strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats.

    Table 16

    Quantitative SWOT Analysis

    Factors Importance (X) Influence (Y) Result

    1. Wide range of products

    2. Wide market

    3. Comprehensive supply of spare parts

    4. Flexible system of discounts

    5. Convenient conditions for the delivery of goods to the client

    6. Multiple payment for the delivery of goods Attentive attitude to the customer and

    7. long term cooperation

    8. Provision of consulting and engineering services

    9. Extensive experience in carrying out all types of repair of equipment for which the company supplies spare parts

    11. Development of own production

    12. Flexible production cycle

    13. Young, promising staff

    14. Opportunity for staff training

    15. High educational level of staff

    16. Effective employee motivation system

    17. Business and professional specialization

    18. The ability of employees to work in a team

    19. Development of plans for integrated services for enterprises

    20. Active participation in public life Ulyanovsk and the region

    Total \ average 131\6,55

    1. Lack of market research

    2. High prices

    3. Lack of knowledge about competitors

    4. High staff turnover

    5. Low level of flexibility in employee relations

    6. Deteriorating financial situation

    7. Decrease in profitability of activities due to outstripping growth of costs

    8. Inefficient use of resources

    9. Lending to an enterprise is associated with risk

    10. Overstocking warehouses

    11. Significant equipment wear

    12. Lack of skilled workers

    Total \ average 69\5,75

    1. Political stability

    2. Decreasing the refinancing rate

    3. The growth of the purchasing power of the ruble

    4. Creation in the near future of a single economic space on the territory of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan

    5. Economic growth of metallurgical industries

    6. The customer's need for complex deliveries

    7. Reducing customs duties

    8. Large market for highly skilled labor

    9. Large selection of suppliers

    10. The emergence of modern production technologies and high-performance equipment

    Total \ average 73\6,08

    1. Unstable financial situation of customers

    2. Increasing requirements for product quality and low prices

    3. Growth in the number of competitors

    4. Seasonality of orders

    5. Preference of the customer to have a supplier in close proximity

    6. Volatility in supplier prices

    7. Instability of supply from suppliers

    8. Risk of using modern technologies by competitors

    9. Increasing energy prices

    10. Increase in transportation prices

    11. High taxes

    12. Critical state of production infrastructure

    13. Low rates of development of high-tech, labor- and science-intensive engineering

    14. Growth of specific energy, material, nature intensity of production

    15. Increasing number of man-made accidents

    Total \ average 73\4,87

    Thus, the conducted quantitative SWOT analysis allows us to conclude that the strengths of Rostec OJSC and the opportunities of the environment will allow the company to overcome its weaknesses, as well as eliminate the existing threats. After a specific list of the company's strengths and weaknesses, as well as threats and opportunities, we move on to the stage of establishing links between them. To do this, a SWOT matrix is ​​created, which has the form:

    SWOT matrix

    Rice. 3. SWOT matrix

    Table 17

    Strategic and tactical capabilities of JSC Rostec

    Name of combinations of quadrants of the SWOT matrix Position numbers in combination quadrants Strategic and tactical capabilities
    Field C and B С1+С2+С3+С4+С5+С6+В3+В5+В7

    1. Growth in supply

    2. Increasing market share


    1. Reducing dependence on suppliers

    2. Expansion of the product range


    1. Growth in production volumes

    2. More efficient use of production capacity

    S&B field Sl6+Sl7+B1+B2+B3+B4

    1. Stabilization of the financial position of the enterprise

    2. Ensuring cash flow

    Sl2+B3+B7 Increase in gross profit

    1. Creation of a marketing department at OJSC Rostec, capable of adequately responding to changes in the external and internal environment

    2. Reducing the level of staff turnover and attracting qualified specialists.


    1. Improving the efficiency of resource use

    2. Hardware upgrade

    Field C and Y C1+C2+C3+C4+C5+C6+C7+C8+C9+U1+U2+U3+U4+U5+U6+U7 Maintaining positions and level of competitiveness
    S&D field Sl1+sl2+sl3+sl10+v2+v3+v4 Intensifying Marketing Efforts
    Sl7+Dl8+D9+D10+D12 Improving the efficiency of production activities

    It is these combinations that the company should use when developing a strategy for the further development of the company.

    4. Development of the mission and goals of the organization

    Stages of strategy development:

    1. The number of businesses or products for which strategies will be developed is determined.

    2. A portfolio of businesses or products is analyzed using the BCG and McKinsey matrices, taking into account their life cycle and target market (global, national, regional, local)

    3. Strategic alternatives are formulated for each business/product

    4. For each business/product, a reference strategy is formulated corresponding to the previously selected strategic alternative.

    5. Competitive (marketing) strategy is formulated for each business/product

    Number of businesses for which strategies will be developed

    Despite the fact that OJSC Rostec offers a wide range of services in the computer equipment and spare parts market, two main business areas can be distinguished in its activities: complex supply of computers and spare parts for them (spare parts both of its own production and other enterprises, official the dealer of which is OJSC Rostec), as well as the repair of computer and office equipment.

    BCG matrix

    This matrix is ​​based on assumptions: the higher the market growth rate, the more opportunity development; the larger the market share, the stronger the position of the organization in the competition.

    The matrix "Growth - market share" of the Boston Consulting Group (Fig. 2) for JSC "Rostec" is constructed as follows. The horizontal axis shows the market share occupied by each product (SEB). Market share is measured in parts relative to the volume of similar products sold by the leader. That is, if the company sells this product less than the leader, then the product will fall on the right side of the matrix and will be placed opposite the corresponding share, if more, then on the left side of the matrix. The horizontal axis varies from 0.1 to 10, the divisions are plotted on a logarithmic scale. The vertical axis shows the annual growth rate of the product in this industry: from 0 to 20% or more; 10% stands out as a watershed between fast and slow growth.

    Rice. 2. Matrix "Growth - market share"

    The circles applied to the matrix show the position of the product on the axes growth - market share. The diameter of the circle is proportional to the volume of sales of this product. The quadrants of the matrix reflect different situations with the movement of money. The following classification is applied:

    Question mark - high growth rate, low market share. To increase the share requires a large investment, which can turn the product into a star;

    Star - high growth rate, high market share. The product may generate enough money to sustain itself, although there may be financial difficulties;

    Cash cow - low growth rate, high market share. The product generates a large influx of money that can be used to develop question marks and grow stars;

    Dog - low growth rate, low market share. The product requires a lot of attention and effort from the management. At the same time, it does not bring money and profit, or it gives a very low financial return.

    After analyzing the product portfolio using the Growth - Market Share matrix, management can see how balanced it is and make a decision about the future fate of the products (start expanding their production or, on the contrary, stop production, etc.) and, accordingly, on capital investments in each of the products.

    The matrix "Growth - market share" of the Boston Consulting Group after its development is actively used in the practice of strategic management.

    Another well-known product portfolio analysis matrix is ​​the "Industry Attractiveness - Competitive Position" matrix, developed by the consulting company McKinsey. This matrix, in contrast to the matrix "Growth - market share" of the Boston Consulting Group, is more difficult to build for Rostec OJSC.

    After an assessment of the attractiveness of the industry and an assessment of the competitive position of each SEB, a SEB positioning matrix is ​​built. The competitive position is plotted horizontally, and the attractiveness of the industry is plotted vertically. Each of the axes is divided into three equal parts, characterizing the degree of attractiveness of the industry (high, medium, low) and the state of the competitive position (good, medium, poor). Inside the matrix, nine squares are distinguished, falling into which, when positioning SEB (products), indicates what place in the company's strategy should be given to them in the future (Fig. 3).

    Rice. 3. Matrix "Attractiveness of the industry - competitive position"

    In relation to those SEBs (goods) that fell into the "Success" squares, the company must apply a development strategy. These businesses are well positioned in attractive industries, so the future clearly belongs to them. Businesses (products) that are in the "Question Mark" square may have a good future, but for this the firm must make great efforts to improve their competitive position. Businesses (products) that are in the square " profitable business", are a source of money. They are very important for maintaining the normal life of the company. But they may die, because the attractiveness to the firm of the industry in which they are located is low.

    Hitting the square Medium business”does not make it possible to unequivocally judge the future fate of the SEB. In relation to it, a decision can be made only on the basis of the analysis of the state of the entire portfolio of businesses (products). Although, to a large extent, this remark also applies to SEBs that fall into one of the three types of squares considered.

    With regard to the SEB, which fell into the "Defeat" square, it should be concluded that it is in a very undesirable position, requires fairly quick and effective intervention in order to prevent possible serious negative consequences for the firm.

    The McKinsey matrix provides a good tool for analyzing a portfolio of businesses (products). The main conclusion to which she leads the researcher is that a balanced portfolio should include mainly businesses that are in the "Success" square, a few businesses that are in the "Question mark" square, and a strictly defined number of businesses that are in the "Profitable Business" box. Their number should be sufficient to ensure the maintenance of "successful" businesses and "question marks".

    Table 18 (thousand rubles)

    Analysis of competitors of JSC Rostec in 2006

    OJSC Rostec has been on the market for 10 years. Over the years of its existence on the market, the company has become a leader in its industry, cooperating with numerous partners both within Russia and in the near and far abroad, although the Russian market is still the main one for the company.

    Complex deliveries

    At the moment, there are few enterprises in the industry under consideration in our region that could be compared with OJSC Rostec in terms of the scale and scope of activities. The company accounts for about 50% of the market for the supply of computers and spare parts for them, a significant share in the market for the provision of repair services, as well as maintenance network clients.

    Thus, in relation to the main competitors, the market share of JSC Rostec is 1.3, i.e. in the matrix, the company will occupy the extreme left position.

    The average sales growth rate for the industry is about 15%

    In the complex supplies business, OJSC Rostec occupies a “star” position.

    In this regard, the company has the following alternative ways to choose the appropriate strategy:

    Adopt a defense strategy – protect existing market share;

    Make repeated investments of income in the form of modernization of services for the implementation of complex supplies;

    Win a large share of new customers.

    The company is currently on the rise. The leading position in the market, a wide network of suppliers and consumers, the ability to carry out complex deliveries of computers and spare parts for them, the need for which is increasing, as well as a rather favorable external environment, encourage the company to choose an offensive strategy aimed at increasing the volume of supplies and expanding market share OJSC Rostec, which will require additional investment. In addition, we should not forget about the need to take measures to maintain a leading position in the region's market.

    Repair of computer and office equipment

    In this business, JSC Rostec occupies about 5% of the market. If this line of business is considered separately, then the company occupies a rather low position.

    However, when identifying competitors, attention should be paid to companies, as well as OJSC Rostec, specializing in providing a range of services, including repairs. Among such enterprises, OJSC Rostec is the leader. The company has accumulated unique experience in carrying out all types of repair of computer and office equipment.

    Repair is one of the many activities of the company providing a wide range of services. Therefore consideration this business should be carried out only in conjunction with all other areas.

    In relation to the main competitors, the share of OJSC Rostec is 1.17. The average sales growth rate for the industry is 11%.

    In relation to this business, the company is recommended to adopt a defense strategy - to protect the existing position in the market by modernizing the repair service (improving the quality of services, reducing the time of work, extending the warranty period).

    Despite the fact that both of the company's main businesses are in the position of stars, the conditions of the external and internal environment suggest that over time they will logically move into the position of "cash cows". Therefore, the company should already now look for ways to retain existing businesses as "stars", as well as start looking for new promising areas of management.

    As such prospects, one can consider the development and introduction of new products into production to introduce a new model range, both for enterprises and for the population, the development of production and servicing corporate and network customers, the opening of new specializations in the enterprise in the field of high technologies.

    Strategic Alternatives

    The organization faces four main strategic alternatives:

    o limited growth;

    o reduction;

    o combination.

    In relation to the organization as a whole, obviously, one should choose the “combination” alternative, determined by certain strategic alternatives for each business.

    Complex deliveries

    For this direction, the enterprise should choose the alternative "growth". The industry is developing quite dynamically, the demand for the company's products is growing rapidly. The very position of OJSC Rostec, which has become the leader in the industry in just 10 years, constantly increasing sales volumes, both of its products and of suppliers' products, determines this choice.

    Repair of computer and other equipment

    In relation to this business, the enterprise should adhere to the "limited growth" strategic alternative. Despite the rather high attractiveness of this direction, the repair industry is quite mature with static technology. Management is generally satisfied with the status quo. That is, the company needs to strengthen its position in this area - to protect its current position in the market by upgrading the repair service.

    Ansoff matrix

    Penetration Development

    to the product market

    Market Development Diversification

    For both complex deliveries and repairs, according to the Ansoff matrix, the company should adopt a strategy to expand its presence in the developed market, namely the Russian market. This strategy will allow JSC Rostec to use its numerous competitive advantages to increase its market share at the expense of competitors, as well as attracting new consumers.

    5. Formulation of strategic alternatives and their evaluation

    During this period, there were no commercial expenses at the Rostec enterprise, and, accordingly, no funds were invested in advertising. Based on practical experience, advertising is the engine of trade, which means the need for an advertising campaign. Advertising is placed in the following newspapers: Komsomolskaya Pravda, Argumenty i Fakty, Mozaika. When choosing advertising media, we analyze the coverage target audience and costs per person. When calculating the coverage of the target audience, it should be taken into account that on average it reaches 70% of the newspaper's circulation.

    Table 19

    Based on the data, it can be concluded that the newspaper "Arguments and Facts" is the least expensive per person and with the largest circulation.

    To implement the event, it is necessary to conduct an advertising campaign: two months - informative advertising, several others - reminding (with an alternation of four months).

    352.6 * 4 * 8 \u003d 11283.2 rubles (newspaper "Arguments and Facts")

    13.8 * 16 * 4 * 8 \u003d 7065.6 rubles (Mosaic newspaper)

    According to the specialists of the enterprise, the increase in sales will occur by 3% (according to the experience of conducting an advertising campaign of other enterprises). The planned sales revenue will be:

    45431583 * 1,03 = 46794530

    Table 21

    Changing costing items by event

    Costing articles Report Plan The change
    For the whole v, rub. For 1 rub, kopeck For the whole v, rub. For 1 ruble, kop. For the whole v, rub. For 1 ruble, kop.
    1. Raw materials. 4717868 9,5 4859404 9,5 141536 0
    2. Electricity and fuel. 10131103 20,4 10435036 20,4 303933 0
    3. Salary / fee. 14265200 28,7 14265200 26,5 0 -2,1
    4.E.S. N. 4936545 9,9 4936545 9,1 0 -0,8
    5. General expenses. 4691743 9,4 4691743 9,4 0 0
    6. General business expenses. 5243879 10,5 5243879 10,5 0 0
    8. Selling expenses - - 18283,2 0,04 18283,2 +0,04
    9.Full cost. 43986338 88,4 44450090,2 85,44 463752,2 -2,96

    Calculate the profit from sales as a result of the implementation of this event


    RUB 999,194.8

    2. Action to expand the sales market.

    Based on the study of the technological process of the operating mode of the enterprise, the degree of equipment loading, it was concluded that it is possible and expedient to increase the volume of production. To implement this enterprise, it is necessary to hire a manager with a salary of 1,500 rubles and plus 1.5% of the transaction. As a result of the advertising campaign and the work of the manager, orders were received from companies involved in the trade of computers and components in the Omsk region: Sibgroup LLC with. Azovo; "Odiservice" r.p. Odessa. Accordingly, contracts were concluded, the main of the conditions was: delivery of components to buyers. Frequency of delivery 1 time per week, in the amount of 3000 pieces. Fuel consumption for 260 km will be 105 liters. The price of 1 liter of diesel fuel is 9 rubles.

    Calculate shipping costs per year.

    12*4*105*9=45360 rub.

    Payroll costs per year will be:

    (1500+35.6%)*12=24408 rub.

    Since a contract has been concluded with two companies, the delivery per week will be 6,000 pieces of components.

    Production costs:

    (6000*1.5)*4*12=432000 rub.

    where 1.5 is the unit cost of the product;

    4 is the number of weeks in a month.

    Because shipping is carried out by the manufacturer, the retail price of the parts must be considered.

    ((4 * 12 * 6000 * 2.7 + 45360) / (4 * 12 * 6000 * 2.7)) * 2.7 \u003d 2.85 rubles.

    where 2.7 is the retail price;

    12 months in a year.

    Revenue per year will be:

    28.5*6000*4*12=820800 rub.

    The percentage paid to the manager for the transaction is equal to:

    820800-1.5% = 12312 rubles.

    The planned profit will be:

    820800-24408-12312-432000=352088 rubles.

    Table 22

    Change costing items by event.

    Costing articles Report Plan The change
    On v , rub. For 1 ruble, kop. On v, rub.

    For 1 rub, kopeck

    On v, rub. For 1 ruble, kop.
    1 Raw materials. 4717868 9,5 4859404 9,5 141536 0
    2. Electricity and fuel 10131103 20,4 10222282 20,4 91179 0

    3. Salary

    14265200 28,7 14289200 28,4 0 -0,3
    4. E.S.N. 4936545 9,9 4936545 9,8 0 -0,1
    5. General production costs 4691743 9,4 4691743 9,4 0 0

    6. General business.

    5243879 10,5 5289239 10,55 45360 +0,05
    7. Management expenses - - 24408 0,5 24408 +0,5
    8. Full cost. 43986338 88,4 44288821 88,55 302483 +0,15

    (Vp-S/Sp)–(Vb-S/Sb)=(46252383-4428821)-(45431583-43986338)=518317 rub.

    Thus, the expansion of the sales market will increase the annual profit from sales by 518,317 rubles.

    3. Event for renting a warehouse.

    OJSC Rostec has three warehouses. The area of ​​two warehouses of 200 sq.m. are used at 100%, the third warehouse is not used in production at all, because it is filled with old equipment. This equipment can be sold for spare parts. Given this fact, it would be advisable to rent it out for more efficient use of the occupied area. Turning to a real estate company, the company received an offer in which the cost of rent for 1 sq. meter is equal to 680 rubles Profit per year will be: 120 * 680 * 12 = 979200 rubles

    Table 23

    Calculate the profit from sales as a result of the implementation of this event.

    The annual profit after the warehouse is rented out will be 979,200 rubles.

    4. Action to expand the range

    When trading computers and components, it is possible to establish a parallel sale stationery, in particular - paper for printers and faxes. This will allow us to expand the range of products. For this event, we need to hire three specialists.

    Calculate payroll costs:

    (1000 * 3) +35,6 = 4068

    1000 - salary of 1 employee.

    35.6 - social contributions.

    Production costs will be:

    4068 + (600 * 9,9) + (400 * 29,75) + (500 * 99,2) = 71508

    The annual profit will be:

    ((600 * 11,7) + (400 * 35) + (500 * 116,7)) * 12 = 94344

    The unit cost of production is:

    35% - raw materials and supplies;

    20% - electricity;

    15% - wage;

    18% - taxes;

    12% - overhead costs.

    Table 24

    Recalculation of costing items by event

    As a result of the innovation, this enterprise will increase its annual profit by 94,344 rubles.

    Socio-economic efficiency of the proposed activities

    The initial data for calculating the projected values ​​of technical and economic indicators are the reporting data for 2005. The planned sales volume is determined by the formula:

    Yn=Yb+Y1+Y2+Y3, (2)

    where Ub is the volume of production in the base period,;

    Y1, Y2, Y3 - increase in the volume of production for the planned activities.

    In this case, there was an increase in the volume of production as a result of the implementation of measures to conduct an advertising campaign, due to the expansion of the range, an increase in output.

    Pack \u003d 49745000 + 1492350 + 9000000 + 67440 \u003d 60304790 rubles.

    As a result of the implementation of measures, the increase in the number was 6 people, so, in the planned period, the number will be 523 people (

    Output per worker (Vsr.year.working) is determined by the formula:

    On Wednesday. year. slave. = Pack/Chrab., (3)

    The average annual output of one worker in the planned period will be:

    In average year of work = 54213866/523 = 103659 rubles.

    Next, we will calculate the indicators for wages. The projected payroll fund for workers (payroll r.p.) is determined based on its value in the base year (payroll r.b.) and changes due to the projected measures according to the formula:

    PHOTr.p.=PHOTr.b.+PHOTr.1+PHOTr.2+PHOTr.3, (4)

    Where FOTr.1, FOTr2, FOTr3-change PHOTO. for planned activities.

    In this case, there was an increase in FOTr. as a result of activities to expand the range, to increase the volume, on the sales market.

    FOTr.p. \u003d 14265200 + 48000 + 24000 + 36000 \u003d 14273200.

    The average annual salary of one worker (ZPsr. year. work.) Is determined by the formula:

    ZP avg.year.working \u003d FOTr.p. / Chr.p. (5)

    ZP average = 14373200/523 = 27482.2

    The cost of services is calculated by the formula:

    Sp=Sb+C1+C2+C3+C4, (6)

    Projected cost as a result of activities:


    The result from the implementation (Pp) is calculated by the formula:

    Pp=Up-Sp., (7)

    Let's calculate the result from the implementation after the implementation of the measures:

    Pp \u003d 60304790-45917675 \u003d 14387115 rubles.

    As a result of the projected activities, other operating income will increase by the amount of the leased warehouse space.

    (12*800)*12=1152000 rubles.

    Target maintenance fee educational institutions will be increased by the amount of change in the FOTr., multiplied by 1%.

    108000 * 1% \u003d 1080 rubles.

    Operating income will amount to 1,153,080 rubles.

    Operating expenses will change by the amount of tax payments attributable to the financial result. The tax on cleaning the territory and maintaining the housing stock, social and cultural facilities will be: and54213866 * 3.5% = 1897485 rubles.

    Thus, operating expenses are 1898173.

    The results of the obtained values ​​for technical and economic indicators after the activities are presented in Table. 25.

    Table 25

    Performance indicators

    indicators The value of indicators Absolute deviation Growth rate,%
    Basic By project
    1 2 3 4 5
    Sales revenue 45431583 54213866 8782283 119,3
    Number, people 517 523 6 101,2
    Production per 1 r, kop 87875 103659 15784 118,0
    payroll fund 14265200 14373200 108000 120,9
    Average annual salary of one employee, rub. 27592 27482 -110 100,8
    Cost, rub. 43986338 45917675 1931337 104,4
    Gross profit, rub. 1445245 8296191 6850946 574,0
    Selling expenses, rub - 10940 10940 0
    Administrative expenses, rub. - - - -
    Profit from sales, rub. 1445245 8285251 6840006 573,3
    Operating expenses, rub 3380031 4533111 1153080 134,1
    Operating expenses, rub 2199574 1897485 -302088 86,3
    Non-operating income, rub 2280450 2280450 - 0
    Non-sales expenses, rub 5249680 5249680 - 0
    Profit before taxation, rub. -343456 7951647 8295103 2135,9
    Income tax, rub. - 1908395 1908395 0
    Profit from ordinary activities, rub. -343456 7951647 8295103 2315,9
    Net profit, rub. -343456 7951647 8295103 2315,9
    Profitability, % 3,29 18,0 14,7 547,1
    Costs per 1 rub., kop. 96,8 84,6 -12,2 87,4

    Thus, as a result of the activities, there was an increase in revenue from the sale of products by 10,559,790 rubles, that is, by 19.3%. The cost of goods sold increased by 4.4% and amounted to 1,931,337. than revenue, then there is a reduction in costs per ruble of sales, in this case, by 12.2 kopecks, that is, they will amount to 84.6 rubles. At the same time, the result of profit from sales increased by 5 times, that is, by 6,840,006 rubles. Net profit increased 23 times and amounted to 8295103 rubles. The profitability also increases by 5 times, which indicates the effectiveness of the proposed measures.

    6. Implementation of the strategy

    According to the results of the analysis of the organizational structure of JSC Rostec, we can say that today the enterprise has an optimal management structure that meets external conditions. Therefore, the most appropriate is the need to only slightly modify the old organizational structure in accordance with the developed strategy.

    The dynamics of production and sales of products is presented in Table 25 and Figure 3.1. From table 25 and figure 3.1 it can be seen that in four years the volume of production increased by 62%, and the volume of sales increased by 64.3%. The fact that in 2006 the production rate is lower than the sales rate indicates that the unsold products in the company's warehouses and unpaid by buyers for the previous period were fully realized in 2006.

    Table 26

    Dynamics of production and sales of products in comparable prices

    Rice. 3.1 Dynamics of production and sales of products for the period from 2004 to 2006

    At the moment, JSC Rostec has a linear-functional organizational structure. In connection with the implementation new strategy an enterprise aimed at expanding market share by attracting as many new and retaining existing customers as possible, as well as by crowding out competitors, it became necessary to create a marketing department. This need is also explained by the fact that the company has practically not studied competitors, their advantages, prices for their products, it is impossible to effectively form a marketing strategy for successful implementation products.

    The level of profitability of the enterprise, calculated as a whole for the enterprise, depends on three main factors of the first order: changes in the structure of products sold, its cost and average selling prices.

    The factor model of this indicator has the form:

    Let's calculate the influence of first-order factors on the change in the level of profitability for the whole enterprise in the reporting year compared to the previous method of chain substitutions.

    Table 27

    Calculation of the impact of the factors of the first level on the change in the level of profitability of JSC Rostec in 2004-2006.

    1. Change in the level of profitability due to changes in the volume of products sold:

    DRvrp = Rcondition1 - Rbase = 20.70% - 20.70% = 0.

    2. Change in the level of profitability due to a change in the price of a unit of production:

    DRc \u003d R condition 2 - R condition 1 \u003d 25.26% - 20.70% \u003d 4.56%.

    3. Change in the level of profitability due to changes in the unit cost of production:

    DRc \u003d Rotch - Rcondition2 \u003d 25.20% - 25.26% \u003d - 0.06%.

    4. General change in the level of profitability:

    DR \u003d Rfin - Rbase \u003d 25.20% - 20.70% \u003d 4.50%.

    DR = 0 + 4.56 + (-0.06) = 4.50%

    The results obtained indicate that the increase in the level of profitability occurred due to an increase in the average price level. With an increase in the price of a unit of a product from 5.30 rubles. up to 5.50 rubles profitability increased by 4.56%.

    Growth of the cost of goods sold by 118,762 thousand rubles. caused a decrease in the level of profitability by 0.06%.

    As a result, the overall change in the level of profitability in 2006 compared to 2004 was 4.50%. Those. from each ruble spent on the production and sale of products, the enterprise began to receive profits of 4.5 kopecks. more in the reporting year compared to the previous one.

    The deterministic factor model of the return on sales indicator, calculated for the whole enterprise, has the following form:

    In the conditions of the enterprise under consideration, the level of profitability of sales depends on the average price level and the cost of the product (the enterprise produces one type of product):

    In the same way as it was done earlier, we will compile the table. 28, where we will show the influence of each factor on the level of profitability of sales of the enterprise.

    Table 28

    Calculation of the influence of the factors of the first level on the change in the level of profitability of sales of JSC Rostec in 2004-2006.

    1. Change in the level of profitability of sales due to changes in the price of a unit of production:

    DRc \u003d Rcondition 1 - Rbase \u003d 20.16% - 17.15% \u003d 3.01%.

    2. Change in the level of profitability due to changes in the unit cost of production:

    DRc \u003d Rotch - Rcondition1 \u003d 20.13% - 20.16% \u003d - 0.03%.

    3. General change in the level of profitability:

    DR \u003d Rotch - Rbase \u003d 20.13% - 17.15% \u003d 2.98%.

    The same result can be obtained as the sum of changes due to the influence of each factor:

    DR = 3.01 + (-0.03) = 2.98%

    The obtained results indicate that the increase in the level of profitability of Rostec OJSC occurred, as in the previous analysis, due to an increase in the average price level. With an increase in the price of a unit of a product from 5.30 rubles. up to 5.50 rubles return on sales increased by 3.01%. Growth of the cost of goods sold by 118,762 thousand rubles. caused a decrease in the level of profitability by 0.03%. As a result, the overall change in the level of profitability in 2006 compared to 2004 was 2.98%. Those. from each ruble of sales, the company began to make a profit of 2.98 kopecks. more in the reporting year compared to the previous one. Let's analyze the profitability of production capital, calculated as the ratio of balance sheet profit to the average annual cost of fixed assets and material working capital:

    The analysis will be carried out in the same way factor analysis profitability in the previous paragraphs, i.e. chain substitution method.

    Table 29

    Calculation of the influence of factors of the first level on the change in the level of profitability of the production capital of JSC Rostec in 2004-2006.

    1. Change in the level of profitability of production activities due to changes in the value of balance sheet profit:

    DRp \u003d Rcondition 1 - Rbase \u003d 14.89% - 12.06% \u003d 2.83%.

    2. Change in the level of profitability due to a change in the average annual cost of OPF:

    DRf = Rsl2 - Rsl1 = 16.57% - 14.89% = 1.68%

    3. Change in the level of profitability due to changes in the average annual value of working capital balances:

    DRc \u003d Rotch - Rcondition2 \u003d 16.51% - 16.57% \u003d - 0.06%

    4. General change in the level of profitability of production activities:

    DR \u003d Rotch - Rbase \u003d 16.51% - 12.06% \u003d 4.45%.

    The same result can be obtained as the sum of changes due to the influence of each factor:

    DR = 2.83 + 1.68 +(-0.06) = 4.45%

    Based on the results of the analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    The greatest increase in the level of profitability of production activities occurred in connection with an increase in the balance sheet profit. With an increase in the amount of profit by 417.55 thousand rubles. the level of profitability increased by 2.83%.

    By reducing the average annual cost of the OPF by 1499.41 thousand rubles. the level of profitability increased by 1.68%.

    Increase in the average annual value of working capital balances by 48.9 thousand rubles. led to a decrease in profitability due to the influence of this factor by 0.06%

    As a result, the overall change in the level of profitability of production activities in 2004 compared to 2006 was 4.45%. Those. from each ruble of the cost of OPF and fixed assets, the company began to make a profit of 4.45 kopecks. more in the reporting year compared to the previous one.

    7. Strategic control

    Based on the analysis of planning the strategy of the JSC Rostec enterprise, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    1. The external environment of JSC Rostec has a rather favorable character. Economic factors pose the greatest threat to the company.

    2. An analysis of the potential of the enterprise showed that from a financial point of view, it is not in the best position. Therefore, it would be logical to direct all efforts to improve it and set goals based on these considerations. At the same time, the analysis of the external environment indicated that the enterprise has ample opportunities for intensive development. And these opportunities should not be missed. Therefore, the goals and, accordingly, the company's business development strategies are aimed precisely at strengthening the leading position of Rostec OJSC. The company has a fairly high financial potential that allows it to develop, there are hidden financial reserves associated with high turnover, high profitability, which will help at least not worsen the financial position of the company.

    3. Despite the fact that OJSC Rostec offers a wide range of services in the market of computers, components and office equipment, two main business areas can be distinguished in its activities: the integrated supply of computers and spare parts for them, as well as the repair of computer and other equipment.

    4. The analysis carried out using the BCG matrix allows for the integrated supply business to choose an offensive strategy aimed at increasing the volume of supplies and expanding the market share of Rostec OJSC, which will require additional investments. In addition, we should not forget about the need to take measures to maintain the leading position in the Russian market. In relation to another business (repair), the company is recommended to adopt a defense strategy - to protect the existing market position by modernizing the repair service (improving the quality of services, reducing work periods, extending warranty periods).

    5. Both in terms of complex deliveries and in terms of repair of computer equipment, according to the Ansoff matrix, the company should adopt a strategy for expanding its presence in the developed market, namely the Russian market. At the same time, it is important to pay great attention to the intensification of commodity circulation; the use of competitive prices, which allow not only to actively increase sales volumes, but also ensure the preservation of the company's market position; active promotion of products and services of the organization.

    Based on the findings, the following actions are proposed:

    1. It is necessary to carry out an advertising campaign: two months - informative advertising, several others - reminiscent (with an alternation of four months). As a result, after the advertising campaign, the annual sales revenue will increase by 999,194.8 rubles.

    2. It was concluded that it is possible and expedient to increase the volume of production. As a result of the advertising campaign and the work of the manager, orders were received from firms involved in the sale of computers and components from various regions of the Russian Federation. Expansion of the sales market will increase the annual profit from sales by 518,317 rubles.

    3. A decision was made to lease a warehouse. The annual profit after the warehouse is rented out will be 979,200 rubles.

    4. Establish a parallel sale of office supplies. As a result of the innovation, this enterprise will increase its annual profit by 94,344 rubles.


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    Strategic Analysis construction company PIK "SibEcoDom"

    In the early 2000s, in the wake of the construction boom in Novosibirsk, many different small and medium-sized enterprises appeared to provide construction services, including the sale of building materials. Often these small firms provide comprehensive services - they supply the organization with materials and then repair buildings, residential premises, and then they are engaged in other activities - repairing equipment, selling consumer goods, etc. It is very difficult to analyze such enterprises, all the more so to determine the development path, since such enterprises have a lot of competitors - these are both construction companies and trading companies that sell not only building materials, but consumer goods. Accounting for certain types of activities is set weakly.

    The main competitors in construction market(Fig. 10) are: SK "Siberia", OOO "Kvarsis", SK Podsolnukh, JSC "Novosibirskoblstroy", and other construction companies.

    The main directions of the construction business:

    Construction of residential real estate.

    Construction of commercial real estate.

    Performance of certain types of construction and installation works.

    Property management.

    Production and sale of building and finishing materials.

    In 2007 there were major changes in the economy Novosibirsk region, which is recorded in a number of indicators. On the whole, the gross regional product of the Novosibirsk Region in 2007 grew by 18 percent, amounting to 343 billion rubles. The volume of investments in fixed capital during this period in the region actually increased by 94 percent, reaching the amount of 91.5 billion rubles. All in all, the growth rate industrial production in 2007 they amounted to 111.2 percent.

    In 2007, the development of existing industries and enterprises in the Novosibirsk region, as well as the launch of new enterprises, demonstrates the high dynamics of the region's development. At the same time, positive dynamics are observed in construction industry, where the growth was 35 percent, although the task - to stabilize housing prices - has not yet been achieved for objective reasons. As before, the growth rate of housing prices is 2-3 times higher than the inflation rate. In general, the share of the construction industry in the gross regional product was approximately 10 percent.

    Last year, the region's construction industry experienced a shortage of bricks during the "hot" season (from May to September). For the region, this is a rather serious problem, since it is brick construction that is dominant in the region: according to 2007 data, 70% of new buildings are made of brick (against the Russian average of 50%).

    The high-rise construction necessary for the city “by status” is being hastily mastered by construction companies, and the relevant regulatory framework is being worked out at an accelerated pace.

    Most of the companies included in the leader group have been operating in the Novosibirsk construction market for more than a decade, and some of them were once part of Soviet construction holdings. For example, the Soyuz-10 company was called SMU-2 until last year, and in 2006 it erected two residential buildings, a school and the Siberian Agreement bank building.

    In 2008, there was a crisis in the construction industry, which also affected the city of Novosibirsk.

    The lull at construction sites caused a wave of mutual non-payments. Conservation of a part of objects under construction in the city of Novosibirsk led to a decrease in the confidence of citizens who invested money in apartments under construction.

    Dzhemil Salme, Chairman of the Association of Builders and Investors of Novosibirsk and the Novosibirsk Region, informed the deputies about the sharp decline in effective demand for housing. This decline reached in October 2008. 35 percent, and in November it could reach 50-60 percent. V construction companies and at the enterprises of the construction industry, the first wave of staff reductions took place - about 10-15 percent. "Today, those who worked in three shifts," said Cemil Salme, "switched to a one-shift regime, with a shorter working week and a shorter working day."

    To get out of the current situation, according to Cemil Salme, construction companies need a tax credit for three to four months, followed by debt restructuring for one to two years. In addition, a deferral of payments for heat and electricity and an accelerated monetary intervention of the state in housing under construction (for the commissioning of facilities this year) is necessary. Builders need loans to complete projects that have already begun, construction continues today only because building materials plants continue to lend to construction organizations. "In a couple of months, building materials enterprises will already stop," the chairman of the Association of Builders and Investors believes.

    According to vice-governor Vladimir Anisimov, the 2008 housing construction program will be fully implemented, the press service of the Regional Council reports. He explained: the cost of a square meter in a brick house today is 26,000 rubles, in the primary market a finished apartment goes at a price of 45,000 per square meter, in the secondary market - for 55,000. Even if only half of the apartments are sold, the vice-governor believes, the house under construction will be commissioned in full.

    Vladimir Anisimov said that the Mortgage Lending Agency in Russia will soon receive about 60 billion rubles. At the same time, however, he added that the cost of housing, which will be built only in the Novosibirsk region this year, is estimated at no less than 30 billion.

    The chairman of the regional council committee on construction and housing and communal services, Alexander Savelyev, noted that billions to support mortgages are declared money, and it is still unknown when they will come to the real economy. But the reduction in construction volumes is a fact. At the same time, production reinforced concrete structures decreased many times. A possible way out is the revival of solvent demand at the expense of the state, active financing of infrastructure, the construction of roads, bridges and the revival of the state municipal order for housing construction. The role of the state should be strengthened many times over, Alexander Savelyev stressed.

    The deputies decided to continue the search for a way out of the construction crisis and hold a round table by December 15 with a wide involvement of builders and manufacturers of building materials.

    The construction crisis has affected many organizations. At the same time, a feature of LLC PIK "SibEcoDom" is that this organization specializes in the construction of wooden "environmentally friendly" houses, country houses and baths. Demand in this market segment has been relatively stable for a long time. It is possible that the general financial crisis will also affect this organization, a drop in purchasing power and, as a result, demand is possible.

    PEST analysis is an analysis of the macro environment that creates general terms and Conditions location of the organization in the external environment. The macro environment is defined by five components (short for "PEST"):

    P - political and legal component (factors);

    E - economic factors;

    S - social factors;

    T - technological factors.

    When conducting a PEST analysis, two features should be considered:

    All components strongly influence each other;

    The degree of impact of individual components on different organizations is different.

    Distribute all factors (components) in the PEST analysis table.

    Table 4. PEST-analysis of LLC PIK "SibEcoDom"

    P - political and legal

    E - economic

    1. Adoption by the state of regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of commercial entities

    The activity of LLC PIK "SibEcoDom" is regulated in accordance with the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On state registration legal entities”, Federal Law “On companies with limited liability”, “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, “On Licensing Certain Types of Activities”, etc. The adoption of new laws affects the legal status of the organization, changes in its tax obligations, changes in the conditions and procedure for licensing

    2. Tax policy of the state.

    The introduction of new taxes and the abolition of old taxes and fees affect financial activities LLC PIK "SibEcoDom", its rights and obligations as a taxpayer. In particular, this applies to taxes such as VAT, income tax, land tax.

    3. The system of state bodies that ensure the protection of business entities

    The state creates a system of public authorities (courts, prosecutors), whose activities are aimed at protecting the interests of LLC PIK "SibEcoDom", defending their protection of their interests

    4. World economic and political relations of Russia with other countries

    The activities of PIK SibEcoDom LLC may be affected by such events as Russia's accession to the WTO, political relations between Russia and the EU countries, Russia and the USA, Russia and China. Such political decisions are reflected in the pricing policy of the organization, its assortment policy, marketing activities.

    Conclusion: in general, political and legal factors contribute to the development of the organization, the political situation in the country is stable, new laws are being adopted, but their quality leaves much to be desired.

    1. Economic policy of the state

    State policy in the field of small business development, tax and investment policy has an impact on the functioning of LLC PIK "SibEcoDom", its development and financial position

    2. Inflation

    In the near future, according to the forecasts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, an increase in the inflation rate is expected, and, consequently, an increase in the price of products of PIK SibEcoDom LLC. On average, the inflation rate may increase by 10-15% per year

    3. Interest rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

    An increase in the interest rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is expected, which may affect the decrease in the attractiveness of bank loans issued for the development of the activities of LLC PIK SibEcoDom

    4. Unemployment

    An increase in the level of unemployment is expected due to a decrease in living standards, structural adjustments in the country's economy. This may reduce client base LLC PIK SibEcoDom, while it is necessary to take into account the fact that a decrease in prices for construction products on the real estate market is most likely not expected in the near future

    5. Investment

    The influx of investments in the development of small businesses in Novosibirsk will finance new projects and expand production. Investments should stimulate the development of new production and weed out unprofitable ones. In particular, the influx of investments will allow LLC PIK SibEcoDom to expand its activities, create new branches, acquire new raw materials, building materials

    Conclusion: The economic situation in the country is aggravated by rising inflation, unemployment, instability of world financial markets, however, there are prerequisites for the development of the construction industry, the investment climate in the country as a whole and in the NSO in particular is improving.

    S - social

    T - technological

    1. Standard of living

    There is an increase in the standard of living, however, against the background of inflationary price increases, the incomes of the population are leveled. Therefore, we can expect a decrease in the gross income of OOO PIK SibEcoDom

    Recently, there has been a reduction in the number of employees in the economy, a decrease in the level of wages, and a sharp narrowing of the mortgage market. All this had a very negative impact on the construction industry.

    2. Attitude of people to work

    People are ready and eager for paid work, however, the staff of PIK SibEcoDom LLC is not very interested in the results of their work, since the level of remuneration wants the best

    3. Demographic situation

    At the beginning of 2008, there is an increase in the birth rate, but the proportion of the working-age population is decreasing, the reason for which is earlier aging among men, a high level of male mortality and accidents leading to death, and a high percentage of infant mortality. This may lead to staff turnover, a decrease in the number of buyers for LLC PIK SibEcoDom

    4. Social guarantees and help

    The social policy of LLC PIK "SibEcoDom" is aimed at social assistance and support for its employees, increasing their level of productivity, however, this policy is poorly implemented due to the low level of wages

    Conclusions: Social factors weakened by unfavorable demographic situations, unsettled migration processes, lack of elaboration of state youth support programs

    1. Increasing the level of production automation

    Introduction of new construction methods, development and implementation of new building materials, including those based on nanotechnology

    2. R&D development

    The development of R&D affects the improvement construction products LLC PIK "SibEcoDom", change in production policy

    3. Increasing the role of innovation in the activities of enterprises

    In activity modern enterprises the innovation factor is becoming increasingly important and tangible. This is especially true in the construction industry.

    4. Reducing production costs

    The development of innovations and the use of new technologies can significantly reduce production costs and create social funds at enterprises aimed at developing the social sphere

    5. Market launch of new products

    Recently, new building materials and technologies have appeared on the market. All this allows the development of modern Russian production in the field of construction

    Conclusions: The development of new technologies and innovative activity contributes to the development modern production in the construction industry

    Based on the above table, PIK SibEcoDom LLC can use a concentrated growth strategy, namely, a construction service development strategy. It involves solving the problem of growth through the production of a new service, the development of principles and methods of individual work with clients.

    The use of the SWOT method for environmental analysis is a widely recognized approach that allows for a joint study of the external and internal environment. Using the SWOT method, it is possible to establish lines of communication between the strength and weakness that are inherent in the organization, as well as between external threats and opportunities. The SWOT methodology involves first identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as threats and opportunities, and then establishing chains of links between them, which can later be used to formulate the organization's strategy.

    Table 5. SWOT analysis of OOO PIK SibEcoDom


    • 1. Expansion of the scope of activities
    • 2. Implementation of related services
    • 3. Possibility of vertical integration
    • 4. Development of new marketing strategies
    • 5. Reducing management and non-production costs
    • 6. Revenue Growth
    • 1. The emergence of new competitors on the market
    • 2. Changing consumer tastes
    • 3. Decrease in business activity in the region
    • 4. Increasing the interest rate on loans
    • 5. Increasing tax pressure
    • 6. Threat of bankruptcy of the enterprise


    • 1. Highly qualified staff
    • 2. Good company reputation
    • 3. Protection from competitors
    • 4. Cost advantages (cost reduction)
    • 6. Introduction of innovation
    • 1. Highly qualified staff The reputation of the company contributes to the expansion of the scope of activities and the development of new strategies;
    • 2. Develop new products through innovation
    • 3. Entry into new market segments by attracting borrowed financial resources
    • 4. Expansion of the range of finishing products
    • 1. Opportunity to win the competition through the use of internal and external factors (qualified personnel, cost reduction);
    • 2. Stimulating the sale of new services through market research
    • 3. Applying a strong product focus strategy


    • 1. Unclear sales strategy
    • 2. Lack of managerial talent
    • 3. Poor marketing ability
    • 4. Low and declining value of overall profitability
    • 5. Low net income
    • 6. Lack of a strategic planning system
    • 1. Ability to develop new sales strategies
    • 2. Benefits from the sale of new products
    • 3. Renovation of fixed assets and productivity improvement policy
    • 4. Reduced management costs
    • 1. Threats to lose their market share;
    • 2. Threat of loss of consumers of goods and services
    • 3. Buyers may go to competitors because of high prices.

    For those couples that have been selected from the SIV field, a strategy should be developed to use the strengths of the organization in order to get a return on the opportunities that have emerged in the external environment.

    For those couples who are in the field of SLW, the strategy should be built in such a way that, due to the opportunities that have appeared in the external environment, try to overcome the weaknesses in the organization.

    If the couple is on the SIS field, then the strategy should involve the use of the strength of the organization to eliminate threats.

    For couples in the field of SLN, the organization must develop a strategy that would allow it to both get rid of weaknesses and try to prevent threats hanging over it.

    So, the analysis shows that the influence of threats is much stronger than the presence of opportunities (i.e., in the upper part, “opportunities” can be realized if “threats” are not taken into account, but taking into account the presence of threats, no). Therefore, if we choose a policy, a strategy along the line of opportunities, we miss the influence of threats that simply “suppress” the opportunities. Those. the enterprise must move to the “threat” line, but to the square where the vast majority negative sides- these are weaknesses, i.e. in the Weakness and Threats quadrant.

    An enterprise can change several strategies during the year - “starting” from the “weakness and thunderstorms” quadrant, it can switch to the “Strength and threats” strategy by the end of the year following the current one after the threat of bankruptcy is eliminated (this can happen within years and earlier - the economic potential is gradually growing - the overall profitability will increase).

    Strategic analysis of the enterprise

    Strategic analysis includes the study and diagnosis of the external and internal environment of the enterprise. The structure of strategic analysis in Uyut LLC is shown in Figure 2.2.

    Rice. 2.2 The structure of strategic analysis at Uyut LLC

    The internal environment includes the functional structures of the organization that provide management, development and testing of new products, promotion of goods to the buyer, sales, service, relationships with suppliers of raw materials, materials, etc., as well as financial and other external bodies.

    The concept of the internal environment also includes the qualifications of personnel, their proper use, the system for transmitting information, the flexibility of structures in relation to changes in the market situation and the external environment in general.

    Analyzing the internal environment of Uyut LLC, it is necessary to consider the following concepts: pricing tactics, the basic principles of the organization.

    There are three main stages of the principles of the organization:

    1. Formation of commodity stocks.

    2. Warehousing.

    3. Promotion of goods on the market.

    The formation of commodity stocks in Uyut LLC consists in production planning, which includes financial planning.

    The first type of planning defines:

    sources of financing activities;

    volume cash flow and the rate of receipt of money, the cost of production;

    planned taxes and deductions;

    net profit.

    In the second type of planning, a decision is made and the method of forming inventory is determined. Accounting for settlements with suppliers is maintained by an accountant for settlements with suppliers. The components of the inventory formation process are given below.

    The next stage is the delivery of goods to the warehouse. It's pure technical operation, it is accompanied by the design required documents(invoices and receipts).

    When planning sales, it is necessary to identify a circle of specific potential buyers, and it is recommended to send them a commercial offer. This allows you to determine the optimal volume of goods and its approximate price.

    Warehouse storage. For trade enterprises, the organization of warehousing, the development of systems for warehousing goods, and the solution of issues of warehouse processing is perhaps the most important. The warehouse is necessary for the accumulation of products and the preservation of the assortment between the deliveries of goods, that is, to ensure the continuity of the process of trade. LLC "Uyut" uses its own warehouses and premises for the organization of trade.

    When organizing a warehouse, it is important to solve several issues:

    the size of warehouses and their number;

    location of warehouses and office;

    storage system;


    purchase of equipment.

    Uyut LLC has adopted a scheme for locating a warehouse, an office and a showroom in one place. This is the most economical for the firm and convenient for customers.

    Acceptance of goods. Accepted goods must be credited, i.e. confirm that the goods correspond to the data specified in the accompanying documents.

    When accepting goods by quantity, it is checked whether the actual availability of goods corresponds to the data contained in the accompanying and settlement documents.

    Placement of goods. Under the placement of goods is meant intra-warehouse transportation, warehousing of goods by groups, types, taking into account the conditions of storage of goods, control over storage conditions, information support of the third stage on commodity stocks.

    Storage of goods - a mode that ensures the safety of goods, by creating a suitable temperature, humidity, lighting, protection from precipitation, air purity. The conditions and methods of storage of certain goods are established by regulatory documents.

    Promotion of goods on the market. In this case, there is no advertising company.

    Human resources. LLC "Uyut" has an established system of recruitment in accordance with the requirements for employees developed by the company. The existing personnel fully meet its basic requirements.

    The main issues of labor organization have already been developed by the personnel department and contribute to increasing the productivity of employees. The main direction of the company's work in the field of human resources is now the constant training of personnel, sends its employees, undergoes training in courses.

    Attention LLC "Uyut" to human factor not coincidentally, as management understands that having qualified employees and managers allows it to pursue various alternative strategies.

    Culture and image of the organization. Like most Russian trading companies, Uyut LLC does not have a specially developed system of norms and rules for the behavior of people in an organization.

    In order to obtain a more constructive and specific idea of ​​the internal environment of Uyut LLC, we will use the strategic SNW analysis and consider the data in Table. 1.1.2.

    Table 2.1.2 SNW - analysis of the internal environment of Uyut LLC

    Name of the strategic position

    Qualitative assessment of positions


    Organization strategy

    Business strategies

    Organizational structure

    Finances as a general financial position, including:

    Finance as a state of the current balance

    Finance as a level of accounting

    Finance as a financial structure

    Finance as the availability of investment resources (loans, placement of securities)

    Finance as a level of financial management

    Product as competitiveness (in general), including:

    Cost structure (cost level) by business

    Information technology

    Innovation as the ability to market new products

    The ability to lead in general (as a synthesis of subjective and objective factors), including:

    Ability to lead the 1st person of the organization

    Ability to lead all staff

    Leadership Ability as a Set of Objective Factors

    Level of production (in general), including:

    The quality of the material base

    How the quality of engineers (Key Manufacturing Personnel)

    How is the quality of workers (main production)

    Marketing Level

    Level of management (i.e. quality and ability to ensure market success of the entire management system)

    Brand quality

    Staff quality (in general)

    Market reputation

    Reputation as an employer

    Relationships with authorities (in general), incl.

    with the federal government

    With the government of the subject of the federation

    With local governments

    With tax control system

    Relations with trade unions (in general)

    Relations with subcontractors (the quality of the key links in the organization's cooperative network)

    Innovation as research and development

    After-sales service

    Degree of vertical integration

    Corporate culture

    Strategic alliances

    From Table. 2.1.2 it can be seen that the strong positions of Uyut LLC are:

    1. Organizational structure of the enterprise. In OOO "Uyut" it is linear-functional. With such a structure, such a division of labor is adopted in which the linear management units are endowed with the rights of one-man command and perform the functions of management, and the functional units are called upon to assist linear units and carry out planning, coordination, stimulation, accounting, control, analysis, regulation of their activities in the form of informing and counseling. They exercise their influence on line divisions through line managers.

    Advantages of a linear functional structure:

    Stimulates business and professional specialization;

    Reduces duplication of efforts and consumption of material resources in functional areas;

    Improves coordination in functional areas.

    2. Competitiveness of the company's products.

    The company's competitive products are electronic and Appliances, which is significantly inferior in price, quality, system of discounts and lotteries than competitors.

    3. The quality of the material base

    LLC "Uyut" in its work uses high-quality materials and technologies that meet the standards of GOST.

    4. The quality of the staff.

    The personnel of the enterprise has higher education, high work experience. Employees have good potential for further professional development and constantly improve their skills and abilities. The organization successfully operates a system of training and advanced training of specialists, based on the constant exchange of experience and encouragement of business initiative. This not only provides its employees with additional prospects for service and professional growth, but also increases their motivation to achieve common success.

    5. After-sales service

    Uyut LLC provides customers with after-sales service. It includes individual consultations, software support and troubleshooting of electronic equipment.

    6. Corporate culture

    The corporate culture at Uyut LLC is flourishing. Employees of the organization are not just a team of like-minded people - they are a family united by common interests and a common attitude to business. Employees should especially appreciate this, feel the friendly attitude and support of colleagues and management.

    Weak positions include:

    1. Strategy of the organization

    The company does not have a development strategy.

    2. Business strategies

    OOO "Uyut" has no business strategies. That is why it needs a strategic direction of development.

    3. Finance as a level of financial management

    Financial management at the enterprise is reduced to saving on settlements with tax authorities. This is not enough for the development of the enterprise, Uyut LLC must include such functions as:

    ѕ planning, which should include strategic and current financial planning, drawing up various estimates and budgets for any activities;

    * sales forecasting;

    ѕ provision of sources of financing, search for internal and external sources of short- and long-term financing, selection of their optimal combination;

    * control financial resources, management of cash on accounts and in cash, in settlements, management of borrowed funds;

    ¾ accounting, control and analysis, choice of accounting policy, processing and presentation of accounting information in the form of financial statements, analysis and interpretation of results, comparison of reporting data with plans and standards.

    4. Innovation as research and development

    The research and development of innovations requires large financial investments, which the enterprise cannot afford, so this is weak side OOO "Uyut"

    5. Strategic alliances

    OOO "Uyut" is not a member of the strategic alliance. Strategic alliances allow businesses to create competitive advantage through access to partner resources and capabilities such as markets, technology, capital and people. Building a team allows both parties to synergistically increase their resources and capabilities and thereby grow and expand faster and more efficiently. For all these reasons, it is advantageous for Uyut LLC to enter into strategic alliances with firms that will ensure its effective growth.

    Thus, analyzing the internal environment of the organization, we can draw the following conclusions. Important in the activities of "Uyut" LLC is the achievement of goals, the main of which, like most companies, is to make a profit.

    However, this company seeks to minimize the price level, make it affordable for every consumer and at the same time allow you to make a profit for development and growth. The main management of the internal environment of the enterprise lies in the principles of its work. Also, of no small importance belongs to the pricing policy of the enterprise, using various ways pricing and flexible system of discounts.