Evaluation paper. Evaluation sheet for incentive payments Employee evaluation sheet

For achievement strategic goal enterprises - production growth by increasing volumes, optimizing production processes and improve operational efficiency, we transferred employees from piece system time wages. To make this transition successful, we firstly increased the motivation of employees; secondly, they informed them about the new requirements and, thirdly, they provided high-quality feedback between the employee and his immediate supervisor. An effective tool in solving the set tasks is personnel assessment. She also helped us to conduct a "human resource inventory".

The "Personnel Assessment" project began to be implemented in 2002 in production divisions (2.5 thousand people), moreover, on the initiative of the heads of these divisions. The following goals were set:

    Bring to the attention of employees information about the goals of the enterprise, unit and the required performance criteria.

    Inform employees of the requirements placed on them.

    To enable employees to conduct self-assessment and receive performance evaluation ( performance appraisal) from the manager.

    Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each employee and determine further steps to improve the level of performance.

    Obtain feedback from employees on performance issues.

    To increase the effectiveness of activities and the degree of realization of the potential of employees.

From the very beginning of the project, it was decided that the personnel assessment should cover all categories of employees - from heads of departments to unskilled workers. Its implementation took place gradually: if in 2002 the personnel was assessed in two production shops, then today the project operates in all 17 production divisions of Zaporizhtransformator OJSC.

At the stage of development and preparation of the project, we studied the experience of foreign companies. The choice of the assessment method was determined by the adopted development strategy of the enterprise: the growth of production volumes and the optimization of production processes had to occur, among other things, through the realization of the potential of people, therefore, the assessment was not a justification for making personnel decisions (for example, layoffs, salary setting, etc.). ), but by the method of formation development ideologies. We made the main emphasis on a constructive conversation between the manager and the employee about what he needs to develop in his performing skills.

When choosing an assessment method, such as assessment by points and a behavioral scale were considered. BARS however, it is difficult to provide effective feedback when evaluating personnel using these methods. In other words, quantitative indicators (the amount of points received) do not give an idea of ​​what the employee needs to improve in performance in order to increase labor efficiency. As a result, we chose a combination of two methods: personnel assessment based on behavioral characteristics, which were then grouped into competencies, and management by objectives ( Management by Objectives, MBO). Conducting an assessment interview on competencies and goals allows you to get effective feedback from the employee and helps him solve the tasks.

Creation competency models took place in several stages. The production service proposed its own criteria for evaluation, such as, for example, “initiativity”, “diligence”, and the personnel service supplemented them with behavioral characteristics for a more accurate description and understanding of the criteria. Based on the lists of criteria and behavioral characteristics obtained, a competency model was developed.

In the future, to refine and improve the competency model, we organized a “workshop” ( workshop, meeting of the working group). The director of production, the director of personnel, heads of departments and the specialist of the personnel department responsible for the project took part in its work. The heads of departments themselves determined which competencies were key for certain categories of employees. The discussions resulted in sets of competencies for:

    line managers(foremen, shift supervisors, heads of sections, stations, laboratories, bureaus, etc.);

    specialists(including leading specialists and team leaders);


During the discussion, the standards carrying out the evaluation procedure and evaluation sheets (Attachment 1). The evaluation sheet is filled in by the employee himself and his immediate supervisor.

Attachment 1


Employee: _____________________________ Occupation, workshop: ____________________
Supervisor: __________________________ Date of interview: ________________
Period from: ______________________________ to: _______________________________

Evaluation criterion

Worker actions


Manager's assessment

Knowledge of technological processes, instructions, assembly devices, control and measuring and working tools and rules for using them; ability to work with technical documentation
can clearly describe the features of the technological process and its role in it
reads, correctly interprets diagrams, drawings and diagrams
demonstrates the ability to use devices in practice, clearly explains the rules for using them
Quality Responsibility
Meeting the needs of the consumer (internal and external), knowledge and application of methods for ensuring the quality of products and processes
can explain how his work is focused on the consumer (internal and external)
complies with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation
demonstrates concern for the quality of the products of his site/division
owns practical methods of quality control
establishes procedures to ensure the high quality of work
checks the accuracy of his own work and the work of others
Labor discipline
Compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation, internal labor regulations, labor protection requirements and fire safety; interest in work
works to ensure that the task is completed with high quality and on time
carries out the assignments and tasks of the head with due responsibility
takes care of the cleanliness and culture of production and acts in such a way as to ensure it
adheres to the rules of the internal labor schedule (for example, the timing of the start of work and lunch break)
Striving for excellence
Increasing the level of knowledge and skills, searching for improvements, the ability to professionally perform several operations on the site, transferring experience
looking for new better ways performance, suggests improvements
raises professional level
if he sees that something is not right, he takes active measures
demonstrates a willingness to work where his skills are most needed
willingly transfers experience to young employees
can act as a master
proposes and implements rationalization proposals
Consumer Orientation
Pursuit of Satisfaction
external and/or internal consumers
solves customer problems quickly and efficiently
talks to customers (internal or external) to find out what they want and how satisfied they are with what they get
anticipates and understands the needs of other departments
anticipates the impact of actions on other employees
finds ways to measure customer satisfaction
Willingness to offer own solutions to a production problem
determines what needs to be done and takes action before being asked or before the situation requires it
does more than is normally required
takes independent steps to change the course of events

Overall score manager: _____________________________________________

Employee: agree/disagree with manager's assessment ______________________
________________________________________________________ Signature: _________


For the period from: ________________ to: ________________

Employee goals for the next period: ___________________________________

We included the “Development Goals” block (“New requirements for the employee’s actions”) to the assessment sheet, which includes the employee’s goals for the next period, as well as new competencies that will be priority for this employee in the next period, and activities to develop these competencies. The manager selects new competencies from the list of competencies given in the Regulation on Personnel Assessment. To assess the heads of departments, additional forms were developed - “Evaluation of performance and career development” and “Goal Setting”, which include lists of managerial competencies.

After the end of the evaluation interview stage, the completed evaluation sheets and questionnaires are transferred to the personnel department for analysis.

For the effective implementation of the personnel assessment methodology, it was necessary to train the line managers of production units in the assessment procedure, for which we engaged an external consultant. First, a two-day seminar on motivation was held for the heads of production departments and a one and a half day seminar for the heads of sections, heads of bureaus and foremen (150 people in total). To familiarize the line managers of departments with the system of employee motivation, the personnel assessment system and its tools, the HR director held presentations of the Personnel Assessment project in the departments.

Subsequently, the assessment of the personnel of each of the departments was carried out according to the following scheme:

First step: holding seminars with line managers of production shops and specialists of the personnel assessment department.

Second phase: conducting appraisal interviews in departments.

Third stage: questioning employees after the interview ( application 2).

Appendix 2


FULL NAME. : _______________________________ Position: ________________________
Shop: __________________________________ Date of interview: ________________

Read each question carefully. Choose the appropriate answer and put a "+" sign in the appropriate column. Answer questions 19, 20, please, in expanded form.

No. p / p


Partial / not sure

Were you warned that you would be having an evaluation discussion?
Did you have enough time to prepare for the discussion?
Were conditions created so that you would not be distracted during the conversation?
Have you discussed with you any part of the work that you do especially well?
Were the weaknesses of your activity discussed?
Were you asked about the reasons for deviations from the requirements in your activities (if any)?
Were your training and development needs discussed during the conversation?
Have you agreed with the head of the direction of your activity for the next period?
Have you been asked questions about your goals and wishes for the future?
Have things been discussed that are out of your control (over which you have no influence)?
Did you feel during the discussion that you want to improve your performance?
After the discussion, did you understand all the requirements that the manager makes for you?
Have you identified what specifically you could improve in your work?
Were your ideas and feelings discussed during the conversation?
Have you received useful information about how your manager evaluates the results of your work?
Have you had the opportunity to express your wishes to the manager for improving your performance?
Did the interview help you improve your work?
How many minutes did the evaluation discussion last?
What was discussed frankly and openly?
What did you particularly like about this evaluation discussion?


Fourth stage:"workshop" with the heads of departments based on the results of personnel assessment. The goals are to consolidate the skills of conducting assessment interviews and receive effective feedback on the results.

After the evaluation in each unit, the external consultant drew conclusions and made recommendations that were used in subsequent stages.

After analyzing the accumulated experience, we have developed standards for the assessment procedure:

    Frequency of personnel assessment- twice a year: main - in July-August, intermediate - in January-February. (Heads of subdivisions insisted on this, since evaluation with an interval of six months seems to them more effective.)

    Compliance with the sequence of personnel assessment: first, the procedure must go through the heads and deputy heads of departments, and then their subordinates - the heads of sections, foremen, workers in the specified sequence.

    Multistage. Personnel assessment takes place in several stages: employee self-assessment, then assessment by his/her immediate supervisor, and mandatory confirmation of the assessment by a higher manager.

    Unity of technology used(filling in evaluation sheets, interviews, identifying areas of development) for all employees.

To monitor the appraisal process, we use tools such as the Human Resources Department's Appraisal Interview Questionnaire, as well as external consultant assistance to line managers in interpreting appraisal interview results.

Before conducting consultations, the external consultant, together with representatives of the personnel service, analyzes the received data. The results of the assessment are taken into account in the divisions when reviewing salaries. During the consultations, the results and practical problems are discussed, and a plan is developed to improve the assessment interviews. To assess the effectiveness of the project implementation at the enterprise, independent experts conducted a socio-psychological study twice.

In our opinion, personnel assessment is related to the processes training and formation personnel reserve . At the first stage of the project, the main efforts were directed to the introduction of technologies and the development of tools. In the future, we plan to expand the range of tasks solved with the help of personnel assessment, to strengthen its connection with other elements of the human resource management system.

To effectively link employee appraisals with training, managers should be trained to identify employee training needs and provide valuable feedback. This is one of the priorities for the next staff assessment.

Employees who were highly appreciated by their immediate supervisor, after agreement with the head of the unit, can replenish the reserve of managerial personnel. In this way, we ensure that line managers nominate their talented employees.

Personnel assessment is also associated with the motivation system, this is the main factor influencing the determination of the level of remuneration of employees. Based on the results of the assessment interview, the manager records the overall assessment of the employee in the column “Evaluation of the manager”. The overall assessment is determined by how weighty, in his opinion, the facts of good or bad performance are, how much they are capable of influencing the success or failure of the team as a whole.

Based on the survey data, analysis of evaluation sheets and questionnaires, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    Most employees perceive personnel assessment as a tool to increase motivation.

    The assessment system performs the tasks for which it was created.

    The system has become an effective means of communication between employees and their immediate supervisors.

We continue to improve our evaluation procedures and adjust them based on the results. To this end, the Human Resources Department, together with an external consultant, conducts "workshops" with the heads of departments, during which they discuss ways to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the tools. For example, based on the results of the discussion, the forms of assessment sheets were corrected, changes were made to the Regulations on personnel assessment. It was also decided to train line managers in management by goals, since it turned out that not all of them are able to correctly formulate goals and determine tasks that would allow them to be achieved.

Based on the results of the last assessment, a number of tasks were identified for further improvement of the Personnel Assessment project.

Strategic objectives:

    Adjust the plan for implementing the assessment procedure based on the strategic goals of the enterprise (customer orientation) and the tactical tasks of individual departments.

    To develop and carry out a number of activities in cooperation with the PR service of the enterprise to inform employees about the results of the assessment.

    Implement a personnel assessment procedure in sales departments.

Tactical tasks:

    Appoint employees in the departments responsible for the implementation of the procedure and the implementation of standards that ensure its high-quality implementation.

Operational tasks:

    Develop a staff assessment manual that is accessible to all employees.

    Conduct individual development sessions with the heads of departments to develop the competencies of personnel management.

    Conduct trainings for line managers in order to develop skills in determining the need for employee training.

The “Personnel Assessment” project implemented at our enterprise has generally achieved its goals. The productivity and efficiency of labor have increased at the plant. From the point of view of the employees themselves, the evaluation of the personnel contributed to the establishment of effective feedback from the managers.

According to the director of production - the main customer and "engine" of the project - the assessment has become an effective tool for managing employees in the context of the transition to a time-based wage system.

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the editors of the magazine

In many companies, employees are assigned not only standard payments equal to salary and monthly bonuses but incentive payments. They are designed to motivate employees or are assigned when specialists reach any heights in their work.

To transfer money, a special evaluation sheet is drawn up. It includes all employees who, for various reasons, need to transfer payments.

On the basis of the Labor Code, company executives can pay their employees not only a salary, but also additional funds represented by various compensations or incentive payments.

They are distributed among full-time employees based on the work performed and various criteria that affect the efficiency of the organization.

Information about each fulfilled criterion is entered into the evaluation sheet. It is this document that is used in the process of calculating incentive payments for different employees.

The most significant payment for employees is the bonus. There are 2 types of it - and one-time.

You can watch the following video about incentive payments for teachers:

Types of incentive payments

Material incentives are often used by different companies, which allows you to effectively manage labor resources in the company. Information about such transfers is entered into the payroll fund on a monthly basis.

Most often, such awards are assigned for the following events:

  • reaching a certain length of service;
  • the employee shows high performance;
  • the labor activity of a specialist is highly efficient;
  • provided by an employee high quality labor.

In many firms, payments are assigned when a certain amount is reached. For its calculation, simple quantitative indicators are used.

In other cases, it is necessary to use qualitative criteria, therefore, for an objective assessment, it is important to use clear parameters. For this, special regulations are fixed in the accounting policies of companies.

Many organizations use a point system. With its help, each employee receives a certain number of points when achieving certain goals of the company.

At the end of the month, their total number is calculated, after which the optimal amount of the bonus is determined.

Final Scorecard for Incentive Payments.

Why do you need an evaluation sheet?

This document is required to determine which of the company's employees can expect to receive an incentive payment. Information is entered into the document by responsible persons endowed with the necessary authority by order of the head of the company.

The main purpose of this documentation is to determine the amount of bonuses for employees who may work in budgetary or commercial organizations. Additionally, companies usually form a special Regulation on the appointment of incentive payments.

You will learn what bonus indicators are and how to analyze them in the enterprise.

Filling rules

The evaluation sheet is filled in by one responsible person or a full-fledged commission. For this, the quantitative and qualitative criteria inherent in a particular employee of the enterprise are evaluated.

The list of these criteria is fixed in the internal normative documents enterprises. After that, these factors are recorded in the evaluation sheet of a particular hired specialist.

Sample valuation sheet for employee benefits.

All indicators used must be correctly measured. It is not allowed that they be unattainable, otherwise the motivation of employees will be completely absent. Most often, a performance schedule is attached to the evaluation sheet.

You can find out what motivational management is and how to implement it in a company.

The leaf shape is determined regulations every organization. Most often, it is represented by a table containing the criteria numbers, their description, and the points assigned to each employee. Additionally, the maximum score that can be obtained for a particular criterion is given.

How the score sheet is analyzed

In the process of analysis and application of this document, the following recommendations and rules are taken into account:

  • a separate sheet is drawn up for each employee of the organization;
  • it is signed by both the employee of the enterprise and the director;
  • employees can evaluate the effectiveness of their work differently than the manager does, therefore conflicts often occur regarding the correctness of the calculation of incentive payments;
  • most often, the analysis of the sheet is carried out not by one responsible person, but by a full-fledged commission, which guarantees the objectivity of the decisions made;
  • often one part of the sheet is filled in by the direct employee, which allows you to get information about how he evaluates the results of his work.


Based on the analysis of the content of such a sheet, incentive payments are made to employees.

They can vary significantly for different employees of the company. Through the use of such a document, it is possible to encourage employees who have distinguished themselves different ways in company.

How to reflect the monthly percentage bonus of an employee in 1C - see here:

Filling out the evaluation sheet for checking the effectiveness of the work of employees should be carried out taking into account the requirements for a particular position. The employer can determine the requirements on their own or take them from the professional standard.

From the article you will learn:

The employee's assessment sheet is filled in in accordance with the results of his professional activity based on the selected criteria and contains an expert evaluation of his work.

Download related documents:

How to develop a scorecard to evaluate the performance of an HR manager

The evaluation sheet for the activities of an HR manager should contain the main requirements for this specialist:

  • how a manager should recruit staff;
  • what methods and technologies to use;
  • what categories of employees to select;
  • in what terms to close vacancies;
  • in what quantity (norm) to select new employees every month;

The score sheet also indicates how many employees went to work and the manager's comments. You will then evaluate how well the HR manager meets each of these requirements (see sample scorecard below).

In the sheet, the HR director can reflect his conclusions or recommendations based on the results estimates, for example: “The assessment was successfully passed, if it is possible to increase the bonus part of the salary or the position” or “A discrepancy between individual competencies was revealed, send them to advanced training courses to improve the quality of work.”

Even in conditions of strong employment, one should not simply send orders to the recruiter from line managers - how many and for what positions people need to be selected. If the hiring manager has no idea what the employees are needed for, this will affect the quality of his work.

Depending on how the recruitment process is built in your company, either explain the task to your subordinate yourself or make sure that the recruiter clarifies the details with internal customers - heads of departments who apply for the search for employees.

It is impossible to judge the quality of selection, only automatically based on the fact that all vacancies are closed and newly hired employees are currently working. This does not mean at all that specialists of the required level have been accepted.

In addition to the main question - do they have the necessary competencies - additional ones arise:

  1. Has the allocated budget been exceeded?
  2. whether the policy and rules for the selection are violated,
  3. Are the prohibitions observed, in particular on the selection of relatives?

All this must be checked and registered in the evaluation sheet in the form of separate points.

Sample evaluation sheet for recruitment manager.

Read more about filling out the assessment sheet for the activities of the recruiting manager, read in .

How to assess the compliance of an employee's qualifications with the requirements of a professional standard

If the management of the company decides assess the professionalism of employees according to professional standards, study the register of professional standards and determine which employees can be assessed. That is, determine which employees of those who work in the company have already issued professional standards.

Bring the employee's job description in line with the list of his functions in the professional standard. See how the employee's job functions are formulated in his job description. If the wording is close, nothing needs to be done. It turns out that you once correctly identified the functions of a specialist.

At present, the assessment sheet and the Attestation Regulations have been changed so as to take into account professional standards. In the past, assessments measured whether an employee has necessary knowledge What are his responsibilities. Only these items were entered on the score sheet.

Now that professional standards have appeared, the lines “Education” and “Practical experience” have been included in the assessment sheet. Also made changes to the Regulations on certification. To do this, it was necessary to clarify what professional standards are, to approve the assessment rules.

Create an evaluation committee.

The commission, in fact, will consider the materials that you prepare for it, make a verdict - does the specialist meet the standard or not. Include top managers, middle managers and expert employees in the commission.

But invite a scientist from a specialized university to the commission. It is especially necessary - a specialist from the university will look at the competencies of your employees with an open mind and soberly, which means that the results estimates be valid and objective.

It is not necessary to invite many experts. It is enough that one expert from the university participates in the meeting of the commission. If you need to evaluate many employees, say more than 200, then just think of a safety net in case one of the experts cannot attend all the meetings.

What from the professional standard to include in the assessment sheet

The first stage of evaluation.

Check if the employee has sufficient work experience? To answer this question, refer to the third section of the professional standard. It is the largest and consists of paragraphs. Find the paragraph corresponding to those generalized and simple labor functions of the employee that you have chosen earlier.

See what experience requirements are provided in the paragraph. Fortunately, they are not always rigid. Sometimes, instead of a number indicating the minimum experience, there is a dash. If the minimum experience is indicated, you need to check whether it corresponds to the actual one. open work book employee and calculate how many years he worked in the desired profile. Make a copy of all pages with records of work and submit to the commission.

If it turns out that the employee does not have enough experience, draw up a protocol. Fix the discrepancy in it, develop an action plan.

Does the education of the employee meet the requirements of the professional standard? Education requirements are listed in the third section. Write them out for the commission so that it understands how to evaluate an employee. Now open the employee's personal file and see what education he has.

Also take a copy of the document on education, look at which university and in what specialty he graduated. Make a copy and submit to the commission. She will check the information on education with the requirements of the professional standard.

If it turns out that education does not correspond, draw up a protocol of the commission. Record in it that the level of education of the employee does not meet the professional standard. Familiarize the employee with the document under the signature. Think about what to do in this case.

Second stage of assessment:

whether skills, abilities and knowledge correspond to the professional standard. For each labor function the standard made a table in which there are three sections: " labor actions”, “Required Skills” and “ Required knowledge". Copy everything listed in these sections. This is what needs to be evaluated.

You might be interested to know:

  • KPI - key performance indicators of employees

Employee (name, position)

Head (name, position)

Job Responsibilities for the past period

Desired result

Performance evaluation

Agreement with the list of responsibilities

Activities for reporting period:

¨ achievements (ratio of responsibilities and results achieved);

¨ assessed qualities (30-33);

¨ areas of possible improvement;

¨ the need for special training;

¨ the need for mentoring;

¨ expectations of a specialist.

Final score on a 5-point scale

Signatures of the parties

HR manager's comments

The score can be formulated as follows:

Does not have the necessary professional knowledge and does not strive for it

Does not have sufficient professional knowledge

Has minimal professional knowledge

Has sufficient professional knowledge

Has good professional knowledge

Has extensive professional knowledge and can provide advice on a number of issues

7. A conversation with a subordinate, in which the overall results of the activity in the period between certifications are discussed and evaluated (it is better to divide difficult work into several parts and evaluate how the person coped with each of them), ways to improve it are considered, the need is determined additional education And advanced training plans for the future are being discussed.

8. Based on the results of the conversation, the manager grades the subordinate (in this case, he can use both his own criteria and official standards, take into account the result of previous certifications, participation in competitions, etc.) and accompanies it with written comments entered on the evaluation sheet (individual plans and evaluation forms must be approved by senior management).

The most difficult thing is to evaluate the middle peasants: you can overpraise or miss. Therefore, it should be remembered that it is possible to evaluate not all activities, but specific work.

An interview should always end on an optimistic note.

9. Setting goals and objectives for the coming period and developing a professional development plan.

10. Giving an opinion and filling out an evaluation sheet (on the basis of this sheet, the personnel service can control the activities of the manager himself, and the employee ¾ appeal against the assessment received).

In addition, the head fills out a report that reflects:

¨ topics discussed ( professional quality and their change over the period, directions for improvement, steps taken in this area, obstacles, necessary assistance from the organization and management, personal goals, etc.);

¨ the attitude of the employee to the critical remarks made;

¨ new information received about the employee, and a change in views on him in connection with this;

¨ its prospects;

¨ general conclusions and specific, reasoned, realistic, without emotion comments on the assessment.

The leader must justify the opinion in detail on each parameter and support it with relevant examples. This is not difficult with constant monitoring of performers, fixing the main points of their activities and results, for example, using diary entries.

At the same time, not all leaders are ready to give a constructive real assessment, especially if it is negative, and the subordinate has a difficult character.

11. Implementation of practical measures.

According to the results of certification in Western companies, it is customary to conduct conversations with employees based on the following approaches:

1. "Tell-sell". The employee is informed of the results and specific recommendations on how to improve work. This approach is appropriate when the employee respects the manager, wants to correct the shortcomings, but has no idea how and what to do.

2. "Tell, listen." The employee is informed of the results of the evaluation and is given the opportunity to express his own opinion. This reduces resistance to change, improves attitude towards the manager, increases the likelihood of changing the views of the employee.

3. "Solution to the problem". During the conversation, the employee is convinced of the need to pay more attention to his growth and development.

Managers are evaluated by immediate superiors, colleagues (the latter usually overestimate the assessment), committees (they evaluate objectively). Self-esteem tends to go up.

The conditions for the effectiveness of evaluative conversations between a leader and subordinates are:

¨ good preparation;

¨ manager's possession of the necessary material;

¨ comfortable, relaxing environment in private;

¨ encouraging the employee to be active (he must speak at least half the time) and self-esteem;

¨ keeping records (but this is a tool, not an end in itself), which should be available to the assessors;

¨ accuracy in the formulation of shortcomings (the purpose of the conversation is not to fix them, but to find ways to solve the problem);

¨ discussion of a personal development plan that specifies the tasks of the employee for the coming period in close connection with the goals of the organization, development-oriented.

Evaluation centers

The study and evaluation of employees (mainly managers or applicants for this position) can also be carried out in special centers.

Their main tasks:

¨ identification of promising employees for further promotion and assessment of managerial potential;

The potential of employees is considered in terms of their level vocational training, ability for certain types of activities, compliance with the requirements of the position, the spirit of the organization, adaptability, ability to learn, manage, etc.

¨ selection of future leaders;

¨ determination of the need for individual program learning.

To do this, people are passed through a system of specially designed exercises that simulate the main aspects management activities. The exercises are structured in such a way as to provide everyone with equal opportunities for the manifestation of professional knowledge and skills, eliminate bias, and give an objective comprehensive description.

From an organizational point of view personnel assessment centers¾ special independent structures or one-time events organized within firms, conducted on a commercial basis personnel services .

For work, they attract leaders, practitioners and psychologists who can identify the subtleties of behavior that outsiders may not notice.

The first evaluation center was established in 1954 by the company ATT as part of their research program. Since 1958, the experience gained has been systematically used to assess the readiness of personnel for management activities. Now there are more than 2,000 such centers in the United States. In Russia, a network of centers serving entrepreneurs began to take shape in the 1990s.

The essence of the work of the centers is that a pre-selected group of 10-12 people undergoes training for 2-3 days according to a special program, which includes:

1. Individual exercises that simulate the most typical business situations for the assessed activity and allow assessing professionalism, mental and organizational abilities.

2. Interview to obtain information about personal goals, values, organizational and communication skills, personal qualities.

3. Group exercises simulating collective activity. They provide information about the typical ways of human behavior within its framework, the characteristics of the interaction of people in groups, allow you to evaluate collectivism and organizational skills, the ability to defend your point of view.

4. Organizational and managerial games simulate managerial situations that require the development of decisions on development strategies are based on the problems of specific organizations.

5. Tests that are close to reality and designed so that you can offer many answers, of which only one is correct.

In any exercise, each candidate is evaluated separately by several experts , then they discuss their personal impressions together and make an overall assessment.

Checking candidates in Western evaluation centers looks something like this:

1. The game of distribution of limited material and financial resources with changing conditions.

2. A discussion about the promotion of an imaginary employee, in which everyone defends "his ward" (shows the ability to convince others).

3. Making decisions in a limited time on issues within the competence of the position, which is supposed to be occupied by the certified person.

4. 30-minute interview with people entering the firm.

5. Analysis of situations in groups (4 people) on various issues of personnel management: conflict resolution, promotion, promotion.

6. Analysis of management information and acting as a consultant to the firm that sent them.

7. Group analysis. The group members present information about their mutual expectations, then discuss the differences and their reasons. It takes time, conflict.

8. Interview-consultation (discussion of the possible consequences of certain decisions). Requires high qualifications.

9. The study of "polar profiles" ¾ of a person's ideas about himself in the present and future; about what others think of him. The subject must recognize positive (without arrogance and complacency) and negative qualities (the latter cannot be allowed to rule over himself, because in this case information about himself is distorted or ignored) and make a list of them. All this will subsequently make it easier to deal with the negative and improve in the positive.

The evaluation results are presented in the form of a conclusion intended for administration . It is built in detail, with a detailed enumeration business qualities of each person, character, leadership abilities, skills, qualifications, strengths and weaknesses, potentialities, readiness to accept the desired position, suitability for subsequent promotion, the need for additional training.

Sometimes a closed assessment (secret report) may be given, which allows a more frank expression of an opinion about the subject.

The conclusion might look like this:

1. General conclusion. Impression of the subject prior to evaluation; How has it performed in practice? final impression: abilities, advantages and disadvantages.

2. Detailed listing of strengths and weaknesses(personal and organizational) ¾ skills, qualifications, potential (leadership abilities, communication, group behavior, possible leadership style, etc.).

3. Offers. Ways to eliminate shortcomings and recommendations for using the employee in the future.

Benefits of assessment centers include:

¨ exclusion of influence on the assessment of the administration and working conditions at the workplace;

¨ objectivity of procedures, the same approach to all, regardless of the position held;

¨ the opportunity to learn individual motives, strengths and weaknesses outside the usual work environment;

¨ making it easier to select people with high potential;

¨ providing the subject with the opportunity to learn about the strengths and weaknesses, general potential, better express their interests, goals, expectations, understand the specifics of managerial work, make more informed decisions about themselves;

concentration of attention personnel services on the qualities that are important for the lesson vacancies;

¨ reducing the number of errors in making personnel decisions (the reliability of the recommendations of the centers, according to experts, is 85-90%).

Employee performance evaluation sheet for the probationary period
filled in by the head
Name of the new employee
Employee's position
Start date
End date of probation
1. Completion of the assigned work (does it cope within the set time)?
Much more time is spent on work than is dictated by experience or plan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Much less time is spent on work than is dictated by experience or plan
2. The quality of the work (how carefully, accurately, conscientiously is it carried out, are there no errors, are the instructions and point of view of the manager taken into account?)
Work constantly needs to be significantly redone. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The results of work are always at a high level
3. The level of professional training (is the employee well versed in the subject of his activity, does he have sufficient qualification skills to perform duties?)
Knowledge of the subject of their activity is weak, professional skills are not developed enough 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Perfectly oriented in the subject of his activity, has a high level of development of professional skills
4. Collaboration (does he cooperate with colleagues when solving problems, is there a willingness to share knowledge and skills, provide support, does he consult with colleagues when solving complex, non-standard problems?)
Does not like and does not know how to work in a group, rarely accepts and offers help 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Shows a strong inclination to work in a group, always cooperating effectively with others
5. Ability to business communication(does he know how to clearly express his thoughts, listen and understand the interlocutor?)
The statements of the employee are perceived with difficulty; does not know how to listen to the interlocutor, does not strive for mutual understanding 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The speech of the employee is easily perceived, convincing; knows how to listen to the interlocutor, seeks to achieve full mutual understanding
6. Ability to present information in writing (can you prepare a memo, report, business letter?)
Texts need to be constantly redone, because. they are difficult to understand, illogical, do not meet the standards of the language 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Texts are always logical, easy to understand, meet standards
7. Independence (can he do the assigned work without outside help?)
Without outside help, he does not know what to do, at the slightest difficulty he is lost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Even non-standard and complex tasks are successfully completed without outside help
8. The ability to bring the work started to the end (is it capable of doing this without reminders and constant monitoring from the management?)
Requires constant reminders and strict control of work performance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Having received the task, he always brings the matter to the end without reminders and control
9. Learnability (how easily does he perceive and assimilate new information, quickly master new skills, apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practice?)
He perceives new information with difficulty, skills are formed slowly, in practice new knowledge and skills are applied to a limited extent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Easily learns new knowledge, skills are formed quickly, immediately and fully applied in practice
Average score
The scale recommended for assessing the potential of the subject
Average score Employee potential
Until 3 Does not match position
3 to 4 Incomplete official compliance
4 to 5 In general, corresponds to the position
5 to 6 Fully corresponds to the position
More than 6 Deserves promotion to a higher position
Feedback from the head in free form:
(trial period passed/trial period not passed)
Grounds for recognizing an employee as not having passed the test