Job description for the head of the uute sector. Job description of the head of the vocational education and training organization of a construction organization. Job description of the chief


Head of Administration

Andreevsky rural settlement



OF THE SECTOR OF ECONOMY AND FINANCE "___" ______________ 200_

I . General Provisions.

1.1. The head of the economy and finance sector belongs to the category of managers, is appointed and dismissed by the Head of the Administration of the Andreevsky rural settlement of the Dubovsky district in agreement with the Head of the Financial Department of the Administration of the Dubovsky district in accordance with the Charter of the municipality.

1.2. A person who meets the qualification requirements established by the Government is appointed to the position of the head of the sector. Russian Federation.

1.3. The head of the sector reports directly to the Head of Administration

Andreevsky rural settlement of Dubovsky district.

1.4 In his activities, the head of the sector is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, laws of the Rostov region, the Charter, decisions and orders of the Head Administration of the Andreevsky rural settlement, orders of the Minister of Finance of the region and other regulations of the Ministry of Finance, decrees and orders of the Administration of the Rostov Region, decisions of bodies and officials of local self-government.

1.5. The sector chief should know:

Legislative and normative legal acts regulating general

principles of organization and functioning of the budget estimate of the Russian

Basics of drawing up and considering the draft budget of the settlement, approving and executing the budget of the settlement, approving reports on its implementation and exercising control over its execution;

Fundamentals of income generation, implementation of expenses from the budget of a rural settlement;

Computer facilities, telecommunications and communications;

Fundamentals of Labor Law;

1.6. During the absence of the head of the sector, his duties are performed by the chief accountant, who bears full responsibility for their high-quality, efficient and timely implementation.

II. Functions

The head of the sector is entrusted with the following functions:

2.1. General management of the sector for the execution of the settlement budget;

2.2. Organization of interaction between structural units of the sector;

2.3. Ensuring the fulfillment of all tasks and functions assigned to the sector;

2.4. Taking measures to ensure healthy and safe working conditions;

2.5. Control over the observance of the rule of law in the activities of the sector;

2.6. Protection of the property interests of the sector in court, arbitration, authorities state power.

III... A responsibility.

To perform the functions assigned to him, the head of the sector is obliged:

3.1. To manage the activities of the sector in accordance with the current legislation, bearing full responsibility for the consequences of the decisions taken,

preservation and efficient use of the sector's property;

3.2. Organize work on drawing up a draft settlement budget and submitting it to the Head of Administration of the Andreevsky rural settlement

3.3. Provide methodological guidance in the field of settlement budgeting and settlement budget execution;

3.4. Organize the participation of sector workers in established order in the development of forecasts of the socio-economic development of the settlement for the long, medium and short term

3.5. Organize work on drawing up and maintaining the budget list of the settlement budget;

3.6. Ensuring the submission of reports on the execution of the settlement budget to the representative body of local self-government, the Financial Department of the Dubovsky District Administration;

3.7. Organize methodological guidance in the field of budget planning aimed at increasing the effectiveness of budget expenditures;

3.8. Organize a methodological guide for accounting and reporting of the recipient of budgetary funds;

3.9. Organize the execution of the settlement budget with the implementation of preliminary and current control over the execution of the settlement budget;

3.10. Organize work on maintaining the register of the main manager of the settlement budget;

3.11. Participate in the development of proposals for improving the system executive body local self-government of the settlement and their organizational structure, prepare a proposal on the maximum number of employees of the apparatus of the executive body of local self-government of the settlement and the amount of appropriations for the maintenance of the apparatus of this body; take part in the preparation of proposals for improving the system of remuneration of workers in the public sector;

3.12. Organize work to improve the process of budget execution of the settlement in order to ensure the targeted and rational use of budget

3.13. Organize work on preliminary, current and subsequent control over targeted and rational spending of budget funds.

3.14. Prepare material and take an active part in the work on making changes to the Decision on the budget of the settlement in the current year in terms of income.

3.15. Organize and carry out the collection, processing and analysis of information on the revenue side of the settlement budget.

3.16. Organize promotion work professional level sector workers, to improve the methods and forms of sector activity.

IV. Rights

4.1. Represent the interests of the department in relations with physical and legal entities, public authorities and administration;

4.2. Act on behalf of the economy and finance sector of the Administration of the Andreevsky rural settlement without providing a power of attorney;

4.3. Open current and other accounts with credit institutions;

4.4. Dispose of funds and property of the economic and financial sector with

compliance with the requirements of the relevant regulations, regulations on the sector;

4.5. To approve the estimate of expenses for the maintenance of the executive body within the limits of the appropriations approved for the corresponding period, provided in the budget of the settlement;

4.6. Submit to the Administration of the Andreevsky rural settlement a draft of regulatory legal acts;

V. Responsibility

5.1. For non-performance ( improper performance) their job duties; for those committed in the process of carrying out their labor activity offenses; for causing material damage within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

5.2. For the execution of the settlement budget in accordance with federal and regional laws, the Charter of the Administration of the Andreevsky rural settlement;

5.3. For the consequences of decisions made by him that go beyond his powers established by legislation, regulations on the sector, other regulatory legal acts;

5.4. For unfair use of property and funds of the institution in their own interests, contrary to the interests of the institution.

1. General Provisions

  1. The Sector Chief of the Newspaper Division belongs to the category of managers.
  2. The head of the sector reports directly to the head of the department.
  3. During the absence of the head of the sector (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by the deputy head of the department or specially appointed by order general director an employee of the enterprise. The specified employee, at the time of appointment, acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.
  4. Appointment and dismissal from it is made by order of the general director of the enterprise, on the proposal of the head of the Newspaper department

2. Qualification requirements

A person with a higher or secondary technical education and work experience in operational management in the field of distribution of printed materials for at least 1 year is appointed to the position of the head of the sector.

3. Should know

The sector chief should know:

  1. Orders and orders for the enterprise, guidelines and normative documents of higher and other bodies concerning the scope of its activities;
  2. Product standards and quality characteristics;
  3. The procedure for the development and conclusion of business contracts and work contracts;
  4. Methods for accounting for goods and calculating the need for them;
  5. Forms of accounting documents and reporting procedure ",
  6. The organization storage facilities;
  7. Terms of delivery, transportation and storage of goods, methods of protecting goods and equipment from damage during unloading, loading and storage;
  8. Nomenclature and assortment of printed materials; valid price tags and price lists;
  9. Inventory rules;
  10. Internal labor regulations; provisions on material responsibility workers and employees,
  11. Fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management, technical-economic and operational-production planning; cost accounting methods, current provisions on remuneration;
  12. Fundamentals of Labor Law; O
  13. Rules for working on a personal computer, a specialized accounting program - custom functions;
  14. Labor protection rules, safety measures, industrial sanitation and the opposite fire safety

4. Job responsibilities

  1. The head of the sector of the newspaper department organizes and supervises the work of the distributors (sellers), draws up a work schedule and keeps track of working hours, draws up acts of work performed.
  2. Ensures uninterrupted and rhythmic execution of production tasks,
  3. Supervises the work of storekeepers assigned to the sector,
  4. Organizes timely preparation, full load and uninterrupted operation of retail outlets,
  5. Carries out operational control over the work of retail outlets, appearance and the sanitary condition of the outlet, as well as compliance with the rules of trade by the distributors,
  6. Analyzes the results of work, identifies, prevents and eliminates the causes of violations in the normal course of the sector,
  7. Carries out operational work with the Information and Analytical Department for the formation of orders,
  8. Monitors compliance with the rate of write-offs,
  9. Carries out work on the search and organization of additional reserves for improving the operation of retail outlets,
  10. Distributes implementers by retail outlets, transfers information to the PMO on the extension and termination of contracts
  11. Keeps track of shortages, imposes penalties on sellers for violation of trade rules,
  12. Keeps records of the availability of permits for the right to trade (number, date of issue, protocol, renewal period).
  13. Solves conflict issues at points,
  14. Searches for new locations of retail outlets,
  15. Provides the return of permits and goods lost by distributors,
  16. Distributes drivers-ICPs by points and controls the work,
  17. Monitors the state shop equipment, its timely repair,
  18. Controls the rational distribution of the workload between employees,
  19. Controls compliance by implementers with the rules and norms of labor protection and fire safety, the state of labor discipline,
  20. On duty at the enterprise in accordance with the schedule.

5. Rights

The head of the sector has the right:

  1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management regarding the activities of the sector and the Newspaper department
  2. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the duties performed by him.
  3. Submit to the management of the department proposals for improving the activities of the organization of the department
  4. To interact with the heads of individual structural divisions of the enterprise on issues related to the work of the sector, within the limits of their competence.
  5. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.
  6. Submit proposals on the encouragement of distinguished subordinate workers, the imposition of penalties on violators of the rules of trade and labor discipline.
  7. Require the management of the department to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

6. Responsibility

The sector chief is responsible for:

  1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. Note

Job description developed in accordance with OKZ (code 1231), a typical job description of a Manager (in trade) (OKPDTR - code 24051). Head of HR Department

Head of HR Department Full name.

The head of the sales department reports to the head of the sales department.

Vii. The main goal.
3. Planning, organization, effective management and control over the process of sales of goods in the entrusted sector, through the management of Sales Managers.
4. High-quality customer service in accordance with the customer policy and the Customer Base Management Business Process.
5. Building and maintaining long-term relationships with clients in the entrusted sector.

VIII. Knowledge, skills and experience.

Know "perfectly":
7) decision maker and the specifics of the work of all clients located in the entrusted sector.
8) Assortment and assortment policy of the Company.
9) Pricing policy of the Company, including all types of wholesale and retail prices.
10) The policy of the company in the field of granting deferrals of payment and management of accounts receivable.
11) Main Business Process.
12) Business process "Customer base management".
13) Client policy of the company.
14) A step-by-step sales model, including presentation and objection handling skills.
15) Provisions of this job description.

Be able to:
4) Conduct negotiations of any complexity with the client's decision maker.
5) Convince the decision maker of the client in the benefits of the Company and the product.
6) Resolve controversial and conflict issues of any complexity with the client.
7) motivate own staff to achieve the set goals, to maximize the return.

4) Energetic and persistent in achieving the Goals set by the management.
5) Easy to train, open, sincere in communication with management and subordinates.
6) Methodical and consistent in the implementation of the sales system among subordinate personnel.

IX. Main responsibilities.

12. Effectively lead sales managers to achieve their goals in the entrusted territory:
A) shipments, receipt of money, active customers
B) the level of receivables
C) increasing the customer base
13. Plan monthly shipments, the arrival of money, active customers, contacts with customers in the entrusted sector.
14. Regularly control the payment of the shipped goods by customers, in accordance with the Business Processes.
15. Expand your client base and selectable assortment by each client.
16. Regularly report on the implementation of the Plan and target tasks to the head of the department, carry out mandatory operations with managers and personally participate in the operations of higher management.
17. Personally serve and maintain contacts with entrusted clients of category Aa.
18. Constantly take care of improving the level of sales personnel, constantly look for replacements for those who are lagging behind, regularly conduct interviews in search of even better personnel.

Additional responsibilities
19. Personally enter into contracts for the supply of products with difficult clients, in the event of a manager's fiasco.
20. Personally resolve conflict situations with clients of any complexity, in the event of a manager's fiasco.
21. Prevent the loss of money and clients of the company due to the manager's dishonesty, personally keep in touch with the client (in accordance with the Client Policy).
22. Fulfill the instructions of the Management and target tasks for the unit.
23. In case of suspicion of manager abuse and falsification of data on mutual settlements, submit a request to the Manager for an emergency reconciliation (in accordance with the Main business process).
24. Monitor the implementation of the procedure and deadlines for emergency reconciliation.
25. Engage the marketing department to monitor the competitor according to the "Basic BP" and check the timing of requests.
26. Check the timeliness of sending the invoice to the client.
27. Control and make decisions on the deletion / preservation of the reserve in accordance with the "Main BP". Control the timeliness of withdrawing the reserve.
28. Actively help to solve problems with the procurement department of the necessary products.
29. In the absence and / or high employment of the designer, sign the package of documents.
30. Exercise credit control in accordance with the "Basic BP".
31. Control the correctness of collecting information on clients and filling out questionnaires by managers.
32. Define the category of the new client according to the Client policy.
33. Distribute and redistribute clients according to BP "Client Base Management".
34. Monitor the implementation of contact plans by managers.
35. Selectively control the work of the designer.

X. Powers.
4. You have the right to represent the interests of the company when negotiating the conclusion of a supply agreement, expanding the range within the framework indicated by the current provisions (Pricing policy, assortment policy, etc.).
5. You have the right to make decisions on the provision of discounts, within the framework of the current pricing policy and a system of discounts.
6. You have the right to impose fines and incentives on subordinate employees, in accordance with the incentive system.
7. You have the right to make JUSTIFIED suggestions for improving the system of work and REQUEST FEEDBACK from your manager.

XI. A responsibility.
You are responsible for incomplete and / or poor-quality performance of official duties, including:
9. For missed errors in the registration sheets checked and signed by you, as well as for mistakes made in the execution of any documents provided for by the Business Processes and this job description.
10. For poor quality credit control.
11. For non-fulfillment of the Plans and targets set by the Company, including the collection of information on clients and participation in monthly planning (failure to schedule).
12. For unsatisfactory work on payment by customers for shipped goods and excessive accounts receivable in the sector as a whole and for individual customers.
13. For failure to meet the scheduled reconciliations (according to the Schedule of reconciliations for half a year).
14. For abuse related to the use of colored forms, Violation of the current system of discounts and payment deferrals.
15. For failure to comply with the terms of the BP procedures.
16. For the lack and incompleteness of drawing up the Contact plans, for its non-fulfillment.
17. For the absence, incompleteness and inaccuracy of information in the registration sheets.
18. For late distribution and redistribution of clients.
19. For violation of the reporting deadlines.

XII. Performance indicators.
4.% Fulfillment of the monthly plan of the department for shipping, receipt of money, active customers, customer contacts.
5. The level of receivables of the division in% to the monthly shipment turnover.
6. Active customer base subdivisions (number of active clients).
7. Dynamics of customer base growth.
8. Progress towards achieving the sector targets.

I, the head of the sector, have fully familiarized myself with the content of the Job Description, and when I sign this document, I agree to the following:
1. I understand the importance of this job description and its rules.
2. I fully accept these instructions and undertake to strictly comply with the requirements specified therein.
3. I agree that failure to comply with this instruction is liable in the form of fines, in accordance with business processes and the incentive system.

Reading 20 min. Views 242 Updated 12.09.



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Quality Management System


This standard establishes the procedure and rules for the development, coordination, approval, introduction of job descriptions of the Company's employees from limited liability"433 Military Construction Directorate" (hereinafter 433 APU "), clause 5.1. section 5 and clause 6.2. section 6 GOST ISO and STP SMK B 4-01-03.

1.1. Head of production technical department(PTO) belongs to the category of managers, is hired and dismissed by order of the head of the enterprise.

1.2. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the technical preparation of production for engineering and leadership positions at least 5 years.

1.3. The head of the VET is directly subordinate to the chief engineer of the enterprise and functionally to the head of the enterprise.

1.4. In his activities, the head of the VET is guided by:

regulatory documents on the work performed;

- methodological materials related to the technical preparation of construction production;

- orders, orders of the head of the enterprise;

- internal labor regulations;

- this job description.

1.5. The head of the VET should know:

- regulatory and methodological materials for the technical preparation of construction production;

- technology and organization of construction production;

- order and methods of technical and economic and current production planning;

- methods of identifying and using the reserves of construction production;

- technical requirements for building materials;

- the procedure for accepting completed construction projects into operation;

- determination methods economic efficiency construction production, labor organization;

1.6. During the absence of the head of the VET, his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by an appointed deputy, who is fully responsible for their proper execution.

The following functions are assigned to the head of the VET:

2.1. Control over the completeness and quality of the working and design documentation received from the customer.

2.2. Manufacturing quality control of construction and installation works.

2.3. Implementation of constant control and determination of the planned cost of costs.

3. Job responsibilities

To perform the functions assigned to him, the head of the VET of the enterprise is obliged to:

3.1. To organize the technical preparation of construction production, to ensure the improvement of the quality of construction, and the reduction of material and labor costs.

3.2. Coordinate the work of technical services for the automation and mechanization of construction production, the introduction of scientific and technical achievements, progressive technology.

3.3. Carry out work to improve the organization construction works, the prevention of marriage, improving the quality of construction work, saving all types of resources, certification of jobs, the use of reserves to increase labor productivity and reduce production costs.

3.4. Ensure compliance with the technological sequence of construction and installation works.

3.5. Control the completeness and quality of working and design documentation received from the customer, bringing it to the heads of construction sites, processing and maintaining technological documentation at the facilities.

3.6. Demand everything from construction site managers Required documents for accounting and reporting in a strictly specified time frame.

3.7. Timely, in a strictly established timeframe, submit reports to the accounting department of the enterprise.

3.8. Regularly carry out production control quality of construction and installation work.

3.9. Determine the planned cost of building materials and work performed for all cost items.

3.10. Supervise the activities of the production and technical department, monitor the state of labor and production discipline of VET workers.

3.11. Carry out other duties and instructions on the verbal or written order of the head of the enterprise.

The head of the VET has the right:

4.1. To represent the interests of the VET of the enterprise in relations with other structural divisions enterprises, other organizations and public authorities.

4.2. Submit to the management of the enterprise proposals for improving the activities of the department and the enterprise as a whole.

4.3. Submit for the consideration of the head of the enterprise ideas about the promotion or imposition of penalties.

4.4. Sign and endorse documents within their competence, issue orders, signed by the company, on production activities.

4.5. To interact with the heads of departments and services on issues within his competence.

4.6. Receive from the heads of the structural divisions of the enterprise and specialists the information and documents necessary for the performance of their official duties.

4.8. Participate in the preparation of orders, instructions, instructions, estimates, contracts and other documents related to the production activities of the enterprise.

4.9. Require the head of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

The head of the VET is responsible for:

5.1. For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their official duties, provided for by this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

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Are you here

Job description of the head of the production and technical department

name of organization, enterprise]

[position, signature, full name of the head or other

an official authorized to approve

[day month Year]

Job description of the head of the production and technical department [name of organization, enterprise]

This job description was developed and approved in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Of the Russian Federation, by the Order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF of April 23, 2008 N 188 "On the approval of the United qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and employees, section " Qualification characteristics positions of managers and specialists in architecture and urban planning activities "and other regulations governing employment relationship.

- development prospects construction organization;

- production capacity of a construction organization and its production base;

- specialization of subdivisions of a construction organization and production relations between them;

- nomenclature of manufactured construction products, types of work (services) performed;

- the basics of construction production technology;

- organization of production planning;

- development order production programs and construction schedules;

- organization of operational accounting of the progress of construction production;

- organization of storage facilities, transport and loading and unloading operations in a construction organization;

- computer facilities, communications and communications;

- fundamentals of economics; organization of construction production, labor and management;

- fundamentals of labor legislation;

- rules for labor protection.

1.5. Professionally important qualities: [list qualities].

1.6. The duties of the head of the VET in his absence are fulfilled by [write in what is needed].

2. Job responsibilities

The head of the VET is assigned the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Implementation of technical management of construction.

2.2. Supervising the conduct of research and experimental work in the field of construction, drawing up title lists, preparing and executing contracts with customers and subcontractors.

2.3. Ensuring a high technical level of construction, linking the technological sequence and timing of work by contractors and subcontractors.

2.4. Monitoring the timely provision of construction projects with design estimates, compliance technical regulations, building codes and regulations, putting objects into operation on time.

2.5. Management of work on operational regulation, using computer technology, communications and communications, the course of construction production, ensuring the rhythmic release of construction products in accordance with the production plan and supply contracts.

2.6. Management of the development of production programs and construction schedules, their adjustment during the planning period, the development and implementation of standards for operational production planning.

2.7. Organization of operational control over the progress of construction, over the provision of production with technical documentation, equipment, tools, materials, components, transport, handling facilities, etc.

2.8. Ensuring daily operational accounting of the progress of production, the fulfillment of daily construction tasks, control over the condition and completeness of construction in progress, compliance with the established standards for backlog in warehouses and workplaces, and the rationality of use Vehicle and the timeliness of the loading and unloading operations.

2.9. Coordination of the work of the organization's divisions, taking measures to ensure the rhythm of the implementation of production schedules, preventing and eliminating violations of the production process.

2.10. Ensuring the timely execution, accounting and regulation of the execution of orders for cooperation and inter-sector services.

2.11. Monitoring the fulfillment of mutual requirements and claims of subdivisions of a construction organization, analyzing the results of their activities for the previous planning period in order to identify opportunities for a more complete and even load of capacities, equipment and production areas, reducing the production cycle; carrying out work to identify and master technical innovations, scientific discoveries and inventions, advanced experience that contribute to the improvement of technology, the organization of production and the growth of labor productivity.

2.12. Management of the work of industrial warehouses, ensuring the participation of the department in the inventory of construction in progress.

2.13. Organization of the development of measures to improve operational planning, current accounting of production and mechanization of the dispatch service, implementation modern means computing, communications and communications.

2.14. Implementation of methodological management of the work of production and dispatching divisions [organization, enterprise].

2.15. Management of department employees.

3. Employee rights

The head of the VET has the right:

3.1. Request and receive the necessary information and documents related to the issues of its activities.

3.2. Make suggestions to the immediate supervisor to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.

3.3. Interact with the heads of all structural divisions [organizations, enterprises].

3.4. Participate in conferences and meetings where issues related to its work are considered.

3.5. Give orders to subordinate employees and monitor their implementation.

3.6. Introduce to the management the idea of ​​rewarding or punishing employees under his control.

3.7. Require management to assist in the execution of their professional responsibilities and the exercise of rights.

3.8. For all social guarantees provided by law.

3.9. Other rights provided for by labor legislation.

4. Employee responsibility

The head of the VET is responsible for:

4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their duties as provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Supervisor personnel service[initials, surname]

[day month Year]

Boss legal department[initials, surname]

[day month Year]

I have read the instructions: [initials, surname]

Job description of the head of the VET. Head of VET: duties, instructions

The construction of any facility, especially a large one, is a complex process that requires organization and preparation at all stages. Design documentation, raw materials and materials, labor and energetic resources must be used in the right quantities at different times in accordance with the construction schedule. The main task of the production and technical department is to ensure the preparation of production in construction at all its stages.

What is the production and technical department

The production and technical department (PTO) is the fundamental structural unit of the construction organization. Processing of primary information about the planned construction object, acceptance of design estimates from the customer, registration permits for the production of work - all this is done by the VET even before the start of construction.

The work of the department at the facility after the completion of the construction is accompanied by the preparation of documents for commissioning and the transfer of the facility to the customer.

VET specialists carry out engineering preparation of construction: analyze the compliance of applications with normative and design technical documentation, draw up and place applications for raw materials and materials, decipher labor costs.

In the course of activity in the VET, the volumes of work performed and used material and labor resources, their compliance with the estimate are checked. PTO data are used in management accounting when drawing up acts of work performed and documents for wages.

A responsibility

In compliance with the norms of labor, administrative, civil and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation, the responsibility, and not only the official one, of the head of the VET for improper performance of the duties stipulated by the job description, for offenses and causing material damage is the same as that of any employee. The head of the VET, in addition, bears responsibility for non-compliance with commercial secrets and violation of labor regulations and fire safety.

The complexity and variety of tasks that the production and technical department has to solve every day, headed by the chief, control and coordination of the timing of work, supplies and use of resources, the state of unfinished construction, are respected by everyone who understands the specifics of the process. It is not for nothing that VET is considered the technical brain of any construction organization.

Job description of a VET engineer of a construction organization

It is no secret that during the construction and operation of any construction site, a huge number of instructions and rules must be followed. Despite the availability of these requirements, their simultaneous consideration is not an easy task.

This function is performed by a special service. For control purposes, in the structure of construction organizations, the position of a VET engineer is usually provided (for "engineer of the production and technical department"). The functions of a VET engineer are very diverse and require not only high professionalism, organizational skills, but also, often, firmness of character and even courage.

Naturally, the variety of production facilities and their operating conditions determines the different responsibilities of such workers. In this article, we will consider the typical content of the job description of a VET engineer of a construction organization.

General Provisions

Construction is almost always characterized by considerable complexity and variety of work performed, sometimes under extreme conditions. Decisions must be made quickly, and mistakes must be corrected immediately. The production and technical department at large construction sites is a large structural unit, which is headed, as a rule, by a specialist with extensive experience in various construction sites. However, the backbone of the department is made up of rank-and-file engineers.

It is important to understand who a VET engineer is. Many graduates of civil engineering universities begin their careers as a VET engineer. Having met with such a vacancy, sometimes young specialists do not know what they will be doing on a construction site. Therefore, first consider, a VET engineer, what is it?

The answer to this question is contained in the "general requirements" section of the job description for an engineer in the production and technical department. A complete, but not exhaustive, list of these requirements is given below in an example of such an instruction. The main one is specialized or at least technical education.


1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of the person holding the position of the head of the construction site of PJSC Life.

1.2. The head of the construction site is appointed and dismissed from his position in accordance with the procedure established by labor legislation by order of the organization.

1.3. The head of the construction site reports directly to the director of the organization.

1.4. Requirements for education and training of the person appointed to the position of the head of the construction site: higher education- bachelor's degree. Additional professional programs - professional development programs, programs professional retraining... Professional development in the area of ​​professional activity in the field of construction at least once every five years.

1.5. Requirements for work experience: in the field of professional activity for at least five years.

1.6. The site manager should know:

- the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation to the composition, content and design of project documentation;

- requirements of technical documentation for the organization of construction production;

- the composition and procedure for the preparation of documents for the registration of permits and approvals for construction production;

- production technologies for various types of construction work;

- features of construction production at hazardous, technically complex and unique capital construction projects;

- the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation to the procedure for the arrangement and preparation of construction sites (on-site preparatory work);

- Methods and methods of planning construction production (network planning, scheduling, project planning, master planning);

- normative and design indicators of the needs of construction production in material and technical resources (by type of material and technical resources);

- types and properties of basic building materials, products and structures;

- types and characteristics of the main construction machines, mechanisms, power plants, vehicles;

- methods of consolidated planning of supply, distribution and expenditure of various types of material and technical resources;

- the procedure for documentary registration of applications for various types of material and technical resources;

- rules for acceptance and documentary registration of material assets;

- the composition and classification of costs for the creation and storage of a stock of material assets;

- the procedure for calculating the costs associated with losses (damage, obsolescence) material resources;

- the procedure for drawing up reporting documentation on the use of material assets (statement of consumption and write-off of material assets);

- types and characteristics of technological equipment used for different types construction work;

- the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation to the rules for the maintenance and operation of machinery and equipment;

- the procedure for economic and financial relationships of a construction organization with customers and contractors;

- rules for maintaining executive and accounting documentation of construction production;

- the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of technical regulation in construction;

- the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation for the production of construction work;

- requirements of technical documentation for the procedure for accepting hidden works and building structures affecting the safety of a capital construction facility;

- methods of eliminating the causes of defects in construction work (the use of alternative construction technologies, advanced training of workers);

- the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation to the procedure and documentary registration of acceptance and transfer of completed capital construction projects and stages (complexes) of work

- the requirements of the construction contract to the specification of the object, the procedure for the delivery and acceptance of the completed capital construction object and stages (complexes) of work, the availability of accompanying documentation and the deadlines for the delivery of work;

- modern achievements in the field of construction production and the building materials industry;

- requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the areas, environmental protection

- rules for labor protection and fire safety in the production of construction work

- rules for maintaining documentation for monitoring compliance with requirements for fire safety and environmental protection;

- the basic requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the rights and obligations of employees.

1.7. The site manager must be able to:

- to check the completeness and quality of the design documentation, assess the compliance of the technical information contained in it with the requirements of regulatory technical documentation;

- apply normative, technical and project documentation in the planning and distribution of production resources;

- prepare documents for registration of permits and permits for the production of construction work on the construction site, including in security zones;

- develop plans (network, facility, calendar) construction production;

- to make calculations of the compliance of the volume of construction work with the regulatory requirements for labor and material and technical resources;

- to determine the composition and scope of auxiliary work to create the infrastructure of the construction site (communication and dispatching facilities, transport communications and engineering networks, utility rooms);

- determine the range and calculate the volume (quantity) and delivery schedule of building materials, structures, products, equipment and other types of material and technical resources in accordance with construction production plans;

- plan the supply and control of the distribution and consumption of material and technical resources at the construction site;

- draw up and check applications for material and technical resources, construction equipment, machines and mechanisms, resources supplied through external engineering networks;

- to carry out documentary, visual and instrumental control of the quality and volume (quantity) of supplied material and technical resources, construction equipment, machines and mechanisms, resources supplied through external engineering networks;

- plan and control the performance of work of contractors carrying out Maintenance and repair of construction machinery, equipment, technological equipment;

- to carry out and verify the calculations of spending funds for the provision of construction production with material and technical resources;

- to develop and control the implementation of consolidated plans for construction production at the construction site;

- determine the types and complexity, calculate the volume of construction work and production assignments in accordance with the available material and technical resources, specialization of contractors, specialization and qualifications of workers at the construction site;

- carry out documentary support of construction production;

- to establish the reasons for deviations of the results of construction work from the requirements of normative technical and design documentation;

- to carry out documentary support of works and measures of acceptance control of completed types and stages of construction work (capital construction objects, elements, structures and parts of capital construction objects, engineering networks);

- to develop executive and technical documentation for completed capital construction projects, stages (complexes) of work, conservation of unfinished capital construction projects;

- to carry out measures to ensure the compliance of the state of the results of construction work with the requirements of sanitary and hygienic standards and the terms of the construction contract (cleanliness, absence of surplus materials, technical condition);

- to carry out a technical and economic analysis of production and economic activities at the construction site;

- carry out a technical and economic analysis of the results of the introduction of new methods and forms of labor organization, rationalization proposals, implementation new technology and technologies, mechanization and automation of construction work, optimization of the use of material and technical and other resources;

- to identify jobs that are under the influence of harmful or dangerous factors in the production of construction work and the use of construction equipment;

- to determine the list of works to ensure the safety of the construction site (fencing of construction sites, fencing or marking hazardous areas, lighting, provision of fire extinguishing equipment, emergency communication and signaling);

- to determine the list of necessary means of collective and individual protection of workers of the construction site;

- to determine the list of necessary measures to provide workers of the construction site with household and sanitary facilities;

- to carry out and control the documentary support of the results of monitoring the implementation of labor protection rules, fire safety and environmental protection requirements, industrial safety requirements;

- to determine the required number, professional and qualification composition of employees in accordance with production tasks and calendar plans construction production at the construction site.

2. Functional responsibilities

The following functions are assigned to the head of the construction site:

2.1. Preparation of construction production at the construction site.

2.2. Material and technical support for construction production at the construction site.

2.3. Operational management of construction production at the construction site.

2.4. Acceptance and quality control of the results of completed types and stages of construction work at the construction site.

2.5. Delivery of the results of construction work to the customer.

2.6. Implementation of a quality management system at the construction site.

2.7. Development of measures to improve the efficiency of production and economic activities at the construction site.

2.8. Ensuring compliance with the rules and regulations on labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection requirements at the construction site.

2.9. Management of construction site workers.

3. Job responsibilities

To perform the functions assigned to him, the head of the construction site must:

3.1. Organize and carry out incoming control of design documentation for capital construction objects;

3.2. Obtain permits and approvals required for the production of construction work on the construction site;

3.3. Plan and control the implementation of preparatory work on the construction site;

3.4. Organize and conduct construction control in the process of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction objects;

3.5. Determine the needs of the construction industry at the construction site in building materials, structures, products and other types of material and technical resources;

3.6. Determine the list of construction equipment, machines and mechanisms required for the implementation of construction production;

3.7. Control the spending of funds for the material and technical support of construction production;

3.8. Carry out consolidated operational planning and control the process of construction production at the construction site;

3.9. Coordinate the processes of construction production in the process of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction objects;

3.10. Develop, plan and monitor the implementation of operational measures aimed at correcting defects in the results of construction work at the construction site;

3.11. Maintain current and executive documentation for the production activities of the construction site;

3.12. Carry out acceptance control of completed types and stages of construction work (capital construction objects, elements, structures and parts of capital construction objects, engineering networks);

3.13. Plan and control the execution of works and measures to prepare the results of construction work for the delivery to the customer (completed capital construction projects, stages (complexes) of work, conservation of unfinished capital construction projects);

3.14. Participate in the acceptance of completed types and individual stages of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities, elements, structures and parts of capital construction facilities, engineering and technical support networks, with the right to sign the relevant documents;

3.15. Bring the results of construction work in accordance with the requirements of regulatory technical documents and the terms of the construction contract;

3.16. Presentation of the results of construction work to the acceptance commissions

3.17. Plan and control the performance of work and measures to introduce new technologies in construction production, ensuring an increase in the efficiency of production and economic activities at the construction site;

3.18. Determine the need for construction production at the construction site in labor resources;

3.19. Place workers at the construction site (capital construction sites and individual work areas);

3.20. Plan and control the implementation of work to bring the construction site into compliance with the rules for labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection;

3.21. Supervise the implementation of measures at the construction site for work with personnel on labor protection, fire safety - and, as well as training.

4. Rights

The head of the construction site has the right:

4.1. To get acquainted with the projects of decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning its activities.

4.2. Submit for the management's consideration proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Instruction.

4.3. Represent the interests of the enterprise in outside organizations on issues related to his professional activities.

4.4. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

5. Responsibility

The site manager is responsible for:

5.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of his duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.4. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the heads of the enterprise.

5.5. For non-observance of the internal labor regulations, fire safety and labor protection rules established at the enterprise.

6. Relationships

In the performance of his official duties, the head of the construction site carries out the following relationships:

6.1. With the director:

- approved orders, instructions;

- agreed service notes;

- instructions, instructions;

- documentation for approval;

- a report on the implementation of orders, instructions, the progress of construction work.

6.2. With accounting:

the head of the construction site receives:

- material report;

- pay slips;

- power of attorney to receive materials;

the head of the construction site transfers:

- timesheet;

- documentation from suppliers;

- statement of expense and write-off of material assets.

6.3. The head of the construction site interacts with all structural divisions, services and departments of the organization in accordance with their tasks.

7. Working conditions

7.1. Working hours: the head of the construction site is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established in the organization.

7.2. Due to production needs, the head of the construction site is obliged to travel to business trips(including local significance).

7.3. Evaluation of work: - regular - carried out by the director of the organization in the process of performance of the head of the construction site of his labor functions.

8. Authority to sign

8.1. The head of the construction site, in order to ensure his activities, is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues that are part of his functional duties.

This job description was developed in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, professional standard"Organizer of construction production" (approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF of November 21, 2014 N 930n) (code C, qualification level - 6) and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.