E-commerce and e-marketing. MBA "Electronic Commerce and Internet Marketing" Electronic Commerce and Internet Marketing

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Target: to form a system of concepts, knowledge and skills for the students in integrated project management in the field of e-commerce, i.е. general competencies of a functional manager of a division of an Internet company or start-up business.


  1. To give an idea about the modern e-commerce market in Russia and in the world, about current trends and directions of development.
  2. To give an idea of ​​the organizational structure, business model and general principles of project management in e-commerce. To form the fundamental principles of operation of individual functional elements of the e-commerce system and the tasks of each direction.
  3. Learn the principles of forming an e-commerce business strategy.
  4. To study approaches to assortment management and product matrix.
  5. To study the Logistics and operational component.
  6. Learn Marketing in e-commerce.
  7. Learn CRM in e-commerce.
  8. To study the main approaches to performance management: KPIs, financial analysis and budgeting.
  9. To give an idea of ​​the technological component of e-commerce and the management system of the Website of the online store.

Expected results:

As a result of studying the discipline, students should:

  • Understand the general structure of the market, indicators, trends and major market players;
  • Know the principles of building the organizational structure of e-commerce according to the classical business model;
  • Be able to develop an overall strategy for key functional blocks;
  • Be able to develop a marketing strategy and calculate the marketing budget;
  • Know the assortment management system and approaches to pricing;
  • Know the marketing management system by key blocks: front-end, back-end;
  • Know the basics of building and functioning of the operational and logistics direction;
  • Know the KPIs system ( key indicators efficiency) and management of revenue streams and costs;
  • Know the features of the technological component of the business and IT infrastructure of e-commerce projects;
  • Be able to draw up a financial business model for an e-commerce business and calculate the budget.

Block name

1 Business Planning and Ecommerce Business Strategy Development Market analysis in Russia and abroad. Overview of existing business models on the market in the B2B, B2C, C2C segments.
Organizational structure of the e-commerce business, key functional areas and their features: Assortment, IT, Operations, Logistics, Marketing.
Fundamentals of business planning: components of a business plan, a system of basic KPIs in e-commerce, Unit Economics as a basis for performance management.
2 Commercial strategy Development of a comprehensive product offer. assortment matrix. Demand analysis. Competitive analysis. Pricing system. Theory of a balanced assortment, methods of commercial diversification. Added value formation system.
3 Technological infrastructure of e-commerce business The main and auxiliary IT systems of an e-commerce business are front-end and back-end. Types, types, varieties of CMS, CRM, WMS, SAAS in e-commerce. The concept of usability. The concept of a conversion funnel. Analytical tools: basic approaches to web analytics and methods for its construction.
4 Operations management: production, warehouse logistics, delivery, payments, customer service The concept of operational-logistical process and its components. Production - the role of content and product description systems. Warehouse Logistics-basic principles. Ways to arrange delivery. Online payment methods and their features. Principles of organization of customer service and quality management.
Analysis of operating costs.
5 E-Commerce Marketing Management: Front-End Block Marketing Complex: The concept of an e-commerce marketing system - the main constituent elements and their features. General principles developing a marketing strategy for key blocks. Front-end: website, traffic management, customer acquisition channels management. Front-end system marketing communications. Acquisition budget and key KPIs.
6 E-Commerce Marketing Management: Back-End Block RFM segmentation and management client bases data in e-commerce. The concept of LTV. Profitability management through customer segment management. Loyalty management and customer retention. KPI system. Backend budget.
7 Email marketing Emailing as a key e-commerce marketing tool. Email planning. Basic rules for building an emailing communications system. Types, types and features various types emailing. Performance analysis.
8 E-Commerce Financial Performance Management Building a business model. The financial analysis. KPIs system and approaches to performance analysis. Analysis and management financial risks. The concept of the break-even point. Conclusion of the project to self-sufficiency. Principles and approaches to budgeting. Evaluation of the investment attractiveness of the project.

Assessment and control of knowledge

Intermediate control of knowledge consists in the preparation by students and assessment of homework:

  • "Mini business plan for an e-commerce project";
  • "Product matrix";
  • "Marketing plan and budget";
  • "Emailing plan";
  • "KPIs-list";
  • « financial model e-commerce project.

The final control of knowledge is carried out in the form of a Test.

The score is given on a ten-point system.


Juliana Gordon, member of the board of directors of the AIZEL.ru online store, head of the Internet project at Leroy Merlin, founder and CEO iWENGO.ru.

Marketing directly depends on the level of development of communications. As new means of communication develop, business tools change, the field of activity of marketers and the profile of their work change.

In the 1940s, television made it possible to show the potential consumer the "product face", which led to the development of a new marketing system and management concept. trademarks.

Computerized databases, which appeared in the 60s and developed rapidly, led to the emergence of another form of marketing - database marketing. A new form of information storage made it possible to compare a huge amount of data, track sales figures and product promotion operations. Databases began to be used to determine the places of residence of potential consumers, their demographics, and so on.

In the 1980s, marketing became very popular, using the new publishing functions of the computer and the possibilities of computer databases. New technologies have made it possible to work with specialized consumer groups. And marketers with computerized databases began to realize how important it is to take into account the wishes of the individual consumer. But only the Global Network allowed to enter personal interactive marketing.

Less than a decade ago, the use of the Internet in commercial purposes was considered unreasonable. Until the end of the 1980s, the scope of the Internet was limited to military and research tasks. However, when the number of Internet users exceeded 100 million in the early 1990s, commercial companies realized that the Internet is not only a unique communication technology, but also a platform for interacting with a huge audience.

Communication technology has always been a key enabler for marketing activities, but never before have companies been able to inform potential consumers about their products so quickly and communicate information so quickly to such a wide audience.

The commercialization of the Web took place against the background of the process of digital convergence - the merger of three industries: information technology (hardware and software and computer services), communications technology (telephone, cable, satellite and wireless communications) and content (entertainment, publishing and information services). The process of digital convergence of technology has led to the merging of relevant markets and the merger of a number of companies (Fig. 20.1).

Rice. 20.1.

As a result of these processes, a unique environment has emerged that allows companies to use the digital capabilities of the Web to communicate with consumers. Online advertising has supplanted many traditional forms of advertising. For example, offline exhibitions became less relevant when virtual exhibitions where access to the latest advertising information was provided around the clock, year-round, and most importantly - free of charge. In terms of business, the Internet has come to be seen as a technology that allows individual users to digitally access the goods and services they need through the Web. A new term has appeared - Internet marketing. In fact, this is the same database marketing, only a huge audience of consumers gets access to these databases and they are updated in real time.

In other words, Internet marketing made it possible to track individual offers, the reaction of buyers to them and the purchases made, i.e. made it possible to observe how an individual consumer reacts to each marketing action. For example, it allows you to quickly find out how a change in the price in an online store affects the decisions made by a potential buyer regarding the product offered. Thus, Internet marketing is marketing with powerful feedback. In addition, Internet marketing, based on the technologies of the Global Network, provides new opportunities for creating brands, studying the market, developing pricing and sales strategies.

A special place in the Internet marketing system is occupied by e-mail - an old, but still popular way of Internet communication.

Let's take a closer look at the use of Web technologies in Internet marketing.

Web sites have become the main tool for communicating with the Internet audience. They went through three stages in their development:

  • information sites, or brochure type sites (first level);
  • database based websites(second level);
  • personalized service sites or interactive communication (third level).

This is not to say that first-level sites are already a thing of the past today. For a number of applications, their service is quite enough. On information sites, you can place text, pictures, sounds and videos. However interactivity such sites is minimal. The only feedback is site navigation. Today, even home users have learned to create resources of this kind - any document can be converted to HTML format and posted on the Web.

Despite their simplicity, Tier 1 Web sites have proven to be a very effective tool for providing product information. The fact is that most potential customers have approximately the same questions, and without even resorting to an interactive dialogue, but simply using the standard FAQ 1 FAQ from Frequently Asked Questions - frequently asked questions., you can answer most of them, which will greatly reduce the number of phone calls to the support service.

Second-level sites now have the ability to receive information on request, which is issued in the form of a dynamically generated Web page. For example, when a search engine receives a request, it generates a page that did not exist before. At this stage interactivity consists of a series of interactions of the "question-reaction" type.

Sites of the third level are sites that adapt to a specific user. Such sites can take into account information about the client and generate content that is necessary for him.

Personalized sites organize their user profile in such a way that the most requested materials are presented in the most convenient way. For example, registered users of a support site can get responses to their requests faster because the registration system knows about the computer equipment each of them uses and can provide a more accurate answer. Moreover, the registration system can be self-learning and analyze all the requests of a particular user. Different consumer groups can receive data with a different set of properties. Companies have always collected information about potential consumers and their preferences. However, only the Internet allowed users to transmit information about their preferences to producers of goods and services.

Third-level Web sites made it possible to use information received from a client to improve the service for that client. Interactive dialogue has allowed companies to provide each consumer with exactly the products and services they need.

Thus, Internet marketing has identified a trend of transition from brand management to consumer management.

Online marketing is focused on the study of changes in consumer behavior when working in an interactive mode and the optimal organization of the mode in which it would be easy for the consumer to find the necessary material.

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Kurochkina Svetlana Anatolyevna, Senior Lecturer, Department of Marketing and Logistics, Faculty of Finance and Economics, Maikop State Technological University, e-mail: sveta [email protected]




The article outlines the methods of selling goods and services using Internet technologies, electronic payments, as well as other areas of using Internet marketing. In addition, attention is paid to the implementation of e-commerce in the enterprise.

Keywords: internet, online store, internet marketing, electronic

commerce, e-business, e-payments.

Kurochkina Svetlana Anatolievna, a senior lecturer of the chair of marketing and logistics of financial and economic faculty, Maikop State Technological University, e-mail: [email protected]


The article outlines ways of selling goods and services using Internet technologies, electronic payments, as well as other areas of internet marketing. In addition, it focuses on the introduction of e-commerce in enterprise.

Keywords: Internet, Internet shopping, Internet marketing, electronic commerce, electronic business, electronic payments.

E-commerce is a commerce that is built solely on the basis of an Internet sales channel and does not have other distribution channels. It can also be said that in e-commerce there is only a virtual point of sale. Unlike the concept of e-commerce, e-business the Internet channel is not the only, but one more, additional distribution channel. These channels are intertwined, forming a combined sales channel, and the subject of sales is any, including traditional goods and services. It can be said that e-commerce subsystems are used in combined sales channels. For the industrial sector, which supplies physical goods, this is the only possible form of work with the buyer through the Internet.

The difference between a traditional business and an electronic business is only in the method of doing business, which is described by the formula of four "P" - Product, Price, Place, Promotion. The combined sales channel that is inherent in e-business changes all 4 Ps, to one degree or another. But in order to change them correctly, you need to know well what they represent for your enterprise.

An online store is a way of selling goods using Internet technologies. The peculiarities of selling via the Internet are such that you can sell anything you want to anyone. The main thing is that it is convenient for both sellers and buyers. Since it is not the product itself that is transmitted through digital channels, but information about it. For the mass retail buyer, the number of products that can be sold via the Internet is not very large - the private buyer wants to feel the product before paying for it. For industrial products and corporate buyers are just the opposite. The purchase of goods in absentia, by bank transfer for them is more a practice than an exception. Through the Internet, it is convenient for them to work - visually and quickly. This is just a new step in non-cash distance trading, which has a lot of advantages over others.

As for payments via the Internet, then, oddly enough, this is not at all a mandatory component of e-commerce. Payments are just a stage in the sales cycle. Just as the transfer of the product or service itself does not necessarily take place over Internet channels, so payments may or may not be electronic. Indeed, making payments via the Internet in our conditions is the most problematic place, so the meaning of the term "electronic commerce" is undergoing some changes compared to the meaning that is put into it in the homeland of the term - in the United States. For electronic payments, a number of alternatives and options are offered that are relevant to our reality, while in the United States (and the rest of the civilized world), a bank plastic (credit) card has migrated from traditional commerce to the Internet as the only acceptable electronic means of payment. And for both individuals and corporations. Since the use of plastic cards for payments during online purchases began to occur quite a long time ago, all issues related to the security of transferring card data via Internet channels have been more or less successfully resolved. I repeat, in civilized countries, which we, of course, are also moving towards. Our trouble is that, in principle, we did not have a developed credit system, and cards as a means of payment are poorly used in Russia.

In addition to the first two misconceptions, there is some notion that e-commerce is an independent, self-contained business. This also raises doubts - how much is the Internet sales channel, being the only channel in this business concept, capable of generating profit? It is necessary to divide e-community into subspecies: independent business, focusing on the Internet channel as the only sales channel, and ancillary services with an existing, well-established business. In the second case, we are talking about e-commerce in the service of the enterprise, as well as the creation of combined channels for the sale of goods and services, with elements of e-commerce in the traditional sales cycle.

What gives the introduction of e-commerce systems in the enterprise?

1. Information about goods and services turns around faster. In fact, you get an additional communication channel open 24/7 (turnover included in English language due to the development of e-commerce and denoting work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). You are more accessible to the client geographically and in time, besides, he receives a new means of searching and working with information.

2. Faster turnover of internal information (documents, official correspondence, adoption and approval of decisions, etc.). Expanded ability to control execution. In other words, all business processes are accelerated due to the availability and speed of information transfer.

3. The Internet offers new services for customers - for example, order tracking. The presence of additional services creates competitive advantage and brings you new visitors.

4. Since the Internet is a technological shell, it allows you to collect important information about your clients. In addition, it allows you to use marketing tools - polls, mailing lists, etc. promptly and at no additional cost.

5. With all this, e-commerce systems will help save on staff.

6. And sometimes you can save on renting space for trading floors.

The range of issues that arise during the implementation of e-commerce systems can be divided into three groups:

1. Ideological issues. First of all, you need to identify your need for implementing e-commerce. It depends on the type of business, the reach of potential consumers via the Internet, the situation on the market, etc. It may also turn out that some areas of your activity are more promising when selling via the Internet than others, i.e. After a positive answer to the question "Is it worth it?" you need to decide what and how to do it. Also in what order. In other words, you need to write a design task (system project) and an implementation plan (ideally, create a working group of enterprise specialists and an external consultant and develop such a document jointly).

2. Technological issues. These include the question of choosing a developer and related questions about choosing a web development technology and hosting provider.

3. Organizational issues. Who will manage the site, maintain it, place information on it, be responsible for its operation, functionality, performance? Who will be in charge of promoting your business via the Internet? It is necessary to develop a regulation of the site support group, think about implementation in staffing new specialists, as well as whether there is a contradiction between the already established style of work and new trends. And also think about how to organize a system for supplying information to the site. The most painless way is to supplement official duties specialists of all departments working with the Internet site.

Organizational issues are the most difficult. Where it is not possible to solve them effectively, all the costs for the first two points go downhill. Often the matter rests on the fact that the system is not built, there is no understanding of the essence of the processes and their importance for the common cause - the company's business. Sometimes there is understanding, but there are no specialists. Or there is one specialist who is responsible for everything related to the Internet - and this is a huge range of issues that one person simply cannot solve. Created bottleneck, which limits the bandwidth of the new sales channel.

The most difficult thing is that there is no standard solution for organizational issues. This is also probably why there is a biased attitude towards e-commerce in Russia: we do not have our own experience, we can’t copy someone else’s (a vain search for a standard solution!), it takes years to create an automated control system department on our own, and it’s a pity to spend money - it’s not clear what will happen . And competitors do not sleep. There is a way out: take the issue of e-commerce as seriously as the rest of the life of the enterprise. With all the ensuing consequences.

And e-commerce has the right to life in Russia. The question is how do we exercise this right.


1. Ladonina L. The book of the head of the Internet project. Ready marketing solutions / L. Ladonina. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - 256s.

2. Ladonina L. Electronic commerce - the right to life in Russia / L. Ladonina. - Access mode: http: // www.expertum.ru.

Duration of training: 2 years
Training format: part-time
Teaching language: Russian
Awarded qualification: Master of Business Administration - Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Venue address: Moscow, 119334, Leninsky prospect, 38A

Who is this program for?

  • Heads of various levels of management, whose area of ​​responsibility includes the implementation of projects in the field of e-commerce and Internet marketing
  • Directors/Business Development Managers or strategic management/ marketing
  • Consulting project managers

Issued documents

  1. Diploma certifying the assignment of additional qualification "Master of Business Administration - Master of Business Administration (MBA)".
  2. A Master of Business Administration diploma in English, approved by UNESCO, as well as a pan-European Diploma Supplement, which do not require additional translation or certification for presentation in foreign organizations.

Program description

Back in the 80s of the last century, no one suspected that a completely new type of business would soon appear - enterprises that sell their own or other people's goods and services via the Internet. New professions have also appeared - promotion manager in in social networks, an Internet marketer and a number of others, primarily related to the specifics of network business interactions. On the other hand, the era of knowledge and universal informatization has led to changes in consumer behavior.

Moscow Business School, not without reason, believes that the success of our school is associated, among other things, with the competent use of the possibilities of Internet marketing, which is why we offer you an MBA program with a specialization in "Electronic Commerce and Internet Marketing", the purpose of which is to develop managerial competencies managers of various levels implementing projects in the field of e-commerce and Internet marketing.

Academic plan:

1. Economics and law

  • International economic relations. Interaction tools. Element of the course "International Business"
  • Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
  • International business environment. Element of the course "International Business"
  • Legal basis entrepreneurial activity
  • Business security basics*

2. Manager's personal effectiveness skills

  • Understanding the manager
  • Time Management
  • Effective Communication Skills
  • Public Speaking Skills
  • Psychology of business relations
  • business person image
  • Leadership and charisma
  • Stress free management

3. General management

  • The main categories of management. situational approach in management. Element of the course “Evolution of managerial thought. System approach to management»
  • The person in the organization. Motivation function
  • Communications in organizations
  • Conflicts and stress
  • Job design
  • Building organizational structures
  • Development and adoption management decisions

4. Organizational behavior

  • Introduction to organizational behavior. Element of the course “Evolution of managerial thought. System approach to management»
  • Organizational Behavior Analysis Methodology
  • Perceptual processes and impression management
  • Personality and psychological attitudes
  • Labor motivation: models, techniques and problems
  • Individual and organizational learning
  • group dynamics
  • Power, influence and leadership in the organization

5. Finance in the organization

6. Research methods in business

  • Types of research in management. Qualitative Research
  • Quantitative research. Using statistics and forecasting tools in decision making
  • Making rational and creative decisions*
  • Innovative thinking and creativity in business (master class)

7. General marketing

  • Fundamentals of Marketing and Modern Marketing Concept
  • Search for "your" client. Customer Relationship Management
  • Life cycle and product positioning. Product portfolio
  • Pricing
  • Place of distribution (Place)
  • Promotion
  • Marketing monitoring and forecasting (master class)
  • Service Marketing*

8. Human resource management

  • Introduction to Human Resources
  • Recruitment
  • Staff adaptation
  • Evaluation and certification of personnel. Personnel Performance Management
  • Human development and staff training
  • Reward system: building a compensation system in modern company
  • Competence management (master class)
  • Training Center as a career development tool (master class)
  • Selection of applicants: line manager tools (master class)
  • Personnel management strategy. Corporate culture management (master class)

9. Accounting and reporting

10. Strategic management

  • Introduction to strategic management
  • Strategic Analysis external and internal environment of the organization
  • Creation and formalization of strategy
  • Basic types of strategies
  • Managing the implementation of the strategy and evaluating its effectiveness
  • From Competition to Blue Ocean Strategy*
  • Business planning*

11. Strategic Marketing

  • Introduction to Strategic Marketing
  • Functional marketing strategies
  • Variety of approaches to segmentation (master class)
  • Positioning. To be better means to be different! (Master Class)
  • Industrial Marketing(Master Class)
  • Marketing research*
  • Marketing plan*
  • Control and evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing activities
  • International marketing concept
  • The brand and its role in increasing the competitiveness of the company (master class)
  • Event Marketing*

12. Operational management

  • Introduction to Operations Management
  • Design of goods and services*
  • Quality control
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Placement and loading of production and service facilities. Chain management
  • Operational consulting. Description and reengineering of business processes*
  • Warehouse logistics (master class)

13. Change management

  • Variety of approaches to the problem organizational change
  • Analysis of the organization's readiness for change
  • Process approach to change management (according to J. Kotter and D. Cohen)
  • Managing resistance to change
  • Change management and corporate culture. Politics and ideology of change
  • Coaching as a change management tool (master class)
  • Interaction with external consultants (master class)

14. Information Technology for manager

  • Information technology in management: an introduction
  • Classification information systems
  • Information systems management

15. Special courses

  • Internet marketing and e-commerce
  • Consumer loyalty management
  • Virtual team management
  • Promotion in social networks
  • Transport logistics support
  • Procurement management. Supply chain optimization.
  • IT Decision Evaluation Tools
  • Inventory Management
  • Innovation management
  • Management of risks
  • Internet sales technologies
  • Business English
  • Project management

Learning outcome:

  • You will be able to take a more systematic approach to making management decisions on the development of e-business or traditional business with elements of e-commerce based on the best management practices
  • Get acquainted with modern trends in the development of Internet marketing and the dynamics of changes in the preferences of Internet consumers
  • You will be able to optimize the logistics system and key business processes
  • Master the project and process approaches to management
  • Get familiar with the specifics of managing virtual and traditional teams
  • You will be able to adapt the best practices in the field of traditional and international marketing, operational management, etc. for use in your organizations.
  • You will be able to get acquainted with the experience of your fellow students and expert practitioners in building and managing companies implementing projects in the field of e-commerce and Internet marketing