About professions in the countryside. Agriculture Professions: An Overview. Ministry of Education of the Komi Republic

Choosing an agricultural profession

The choice of rural schoolchildren future profession largely depends on the opinions and advice of parents.

At least as a janitor, but in the city! - so, with some even challenge, a man in one of the village councils of the Vygonichsky district, in the Bryansk region, drew a line under our rather lengthy conversation. And we discussed with him the reasons for the aging of the rural population. Young people continue to leave for the city ... According to this indicator, our region is in the forefront.

While the conversation was going on in general, my interlocutor and I easily found a common language. But then I asked him how he sees the future of his own high school children. Then the very thing followed - "at least as a janitor ...". I must admit that it didn't surprise me too much. Once again I was convinced that this position is typical for rural residents of the Bryansk region. This was also revealed by a sociological study, among the goals of which was to determine how parents influence the choice of a profession by their growing children.

It turned out that at least 80% of rural boys and girls who graduate from school follow the advice of their parents when choosing a profession as a decisive recommendation. What are these tips? The poll showed that they directly depend on how satisfied the mothers and fathers themselves are with the working and living conditions on the collective or state farm, and the relationship in the collective.

Out of 2.5 thousand respondents in Bryansk villages, only 47.3% are satisfied with their lives in general, 26% expressed obvious dissatisfaction, and 26.7% did not give a specific answer (of course, this cannot be interpreted as an expression of satisfaction). Among women, the degree of such satisfaction is noticeably lower than among men, and amounts to 31.3%, which is much lower than the average value. Apparently, among other things, the hardships that fall on the share of women additionally affect: firstly, as housewives, and secondly, as employed mainly in agricultural industries, where manual labor predominates, and, moreover, it is underpaid.

The poll also showed that the type of employment of parents in a particular "workshop" - in field cultivation, animal husbandry, etc., significantly affects the attitude towards the professional choice of children. Taking this circumstance into account, we will consider the opinions of people. First, let's show what they answered

Field growers

In this category (and it is the most numerous and accounts for 42.4% of all employed in agriculture oblast), only 2.8% of mothers and 8% of fathers would like to see children as their successors, because they regard their work as extremely low-prestige. In fact, it is poorly mechanized, with high seasonal fluctuations in load. And although it requires considerable skills, dexterity, skill, it is considered unskilled, and therefore field growers have the lowest average monthly earnings. When the harvest begins and you can earn more, the townspeople are involved in this type of work. This is the tradition.

Accordingly, the pension of the field growers is lower than that of others, and housing is given in the last turn, and they are in no hurry to present them for awards. Under these conditions, it is difficult to expect that it will be possible to successfully pass the "baton" in the field cultivation of rural youth.

The situation in this respect is somewhat better in the other category of rural workers, which are

Machine operators

They occupy a higher position on the “scale of prestige” of rural professions and therefore more willingly than field growers recommend their “heirs” to follow in their parental footsteps. 12-13% of them think: it would be good if their sons became machine operators. Earnings in this group are noticeably higher than those of field growers. Pensions are better, and housing is provided first and more often. In addition, there are much fewer machine operators than field growers, so they are worth their weight in gold everywhere. In the region, they make up only 11.2% of all agricultural workers - 20 thousand people. And already today this amount is clearly not enough to ensure the effective use of the new equipment available and coming to the village. We need at least another 7-8 thousand machine operators.

But, unfortunately, there is no certainty that such an increase will be ensured. We must also raise the prestige of machine-operator work. It allows everyone to work more creatively, responsibly, in a businesslike way, and, accordingly, earn more.

It is necessary to improve the quality of the machines so that the machine operators do not have to endlessly repair them. This reduces labor productivity and satisfaction, and affects earnings. An important role is played by the arrangement of workshops, the convenience of the workplace, the aesthetic content of labor, work clothes... Everything matters when so many roads are open to a young man, but it is very necessary that he is attracted by the profession of a rural machine operator!

In the meantime, I repeat, only 13% of machine operators believe that it would be nice for their children to get the same profession. And 87% do not think so, and many because they themselves are not satisfied with the working and living conditions.

Now let's turn to the opinion of representatives of such a mass profession in the countryside as


What do they recommend to their children? Only 3.5% of fathers and 5.8% of mothers advise their daughters and sons (more daughters) to go into animal husbandry. The low prestige of this profession among rural residents is also evidenced by the following data: women field growers, who consider their profession to be less prestigious, even lower the profession of livestock breeder, less than 2% of them answered that they advise their children to go to work on a farm.

But it would seem that work in animal husbandry should attract at least earnings. Here the average monthly wage is much higher than, say, for field growers, almost the same as for machine operators. However, if a machine operator works 270-280 days a year, then a livestock breeder 300-320, and sometimes more! Many farms have a low level of mechanization, so milkmaids have to carry heavy cans and hand out feed by hand. Farms do not take good care of raising the qualifications of livestock breeders: only 23% of them have a class, although class means more earnings, and the respect of fellow villagers, and self-respect.

The one-sided dependence of the efficiency of their labor on the development of other sectors of the economy, primarily on fodder production, has a negative effect on the moral and psychological state of livestock breeders. If there is not enough feed, and those that are, are of poor quality, are not balanced in protein, in other nutritional components, then, no matter how hard the milkmaid tries, she will not receive a large increase in milk yield from her group of cows.

Happened for last years and some noticeable progress in creating conditions for the rest of livestock breeders, in providing them with comfortable and beautiful clothing, although a lot has been said and written about this.

And for all that, it turned out that among livestock breeders there are the fewest people who can be called “potential migrants”, that is, those who are oriented toward moving to the city. More than half of the livestock breeders we interviewed answered that they prefer to live in the village. Therefore, this category of rural residents should be relied upon in the first place.

In the meantime, changes are proceeding very slowly. Even according to the most optimistic forecasts, there will be an acute shortage of workers on the farms of the Bryansk region in the coming years. As for the children of livestock breeders, they will "fill", apparently, only about 5% of the need for personnel in the livestock "workshop" - no more than 2,500 people. These are the prospects.

Agricultural specialists

Of the 852 agronomists, economists, animal engineers and other specialists surveyed, 29.7% of fathers and 17.8% of mothers advise their children to inherit the parenting profession. The rest refrain from this, believing that it is better for their sons and daughters to do something else. Why? Because, they explain, the work of a specialist brings less and less satisfaction.

The requirements for agricultural specialists are growing: after all, it is necessary to better master and implement new technique and technology, scientific achievements. At the same time, there are, practically no less than in previous years, such long-standing, inhibiting factors as excessive regulation of the work of specialists, impersonality and subjective assessment of results, bureaucratic methods of management on the part of the agro-industry authorities, low culture of performing labor, unsatisfactory material and technical provision, there is still a strong dependence on natural processes and much more. That is why, despite the fact that the specialist is at the very top on the “scale of prestige” of rural professions, it is in this group that the percentage of potential migrants is highest.

Roughly the same picture - an increased propensity to migrate to the city - and among specialists without higher education, such as electricians, builders, repairmen, whose professions are in high demand in the city. Accordingly, they often direct their children to leave the village.

Meanwhile, the school, naturally, continues vocational guidance in rural specialties, invites to the farm and to the tractor. And it often comes across tacit rejection on the part of high school students, in their thoughts soaring far from their native "penates", on the wings of parental support. There is a clear contradiction between the attitudes of society, which the school expresses, and the attitudes of the family.

How can we bring the positions of both parties closer together and prevent the expected “staff shortage” in the village?

Let's listen to what is advised in this situation


Campaigning for rural professions led by the school, labor lessons, schoolchildren's work on the farm during the holidays - all this is clearly not enough. In order for peasant children to strive to master rural professions, they must see with their own eyes that life around them is changing for the better. This means that a comprehensive and accelerated program of social reorganization of the countryside is needed.

In addition, today it is in no way possible to be content with solving individual, even if important, social problems. Suppose the construction of a new club alone will not force the city-oriented villagers to change their plans. And building a new one kindergarten- not a panacea. And even the opening of a paramedic center ... social program where one follows the other without major interruptions and failures.

During conversations, many villagers expressed bewilderment: why in cities so much money is spent on decorating houses and streets, on "all kinds of fountains" and so on, when in villages people still not only live without any conveniences, but also cannot get to the doctor for the lack of a road, to give children a normal education, to acquire basic necessities?

Another priority task for the village is overcoming the seasonality of labor, expanding the opportunities for professional choice for young people. First of all, we can talk about the creation of subsidiary enterprises associated with the processing of agricultural products, about the development of traditional industries for a given area.

And what about a logical production chain like growing fodder crops - producing fodder? It just asks to be sold close to the raw material reserves. Or fruit growing - the production of juices, jams, canned food. Again, a logical relationship awaiting embodiment. The point is not only that it is necessary for the implementation of the Food Program. Such interaction of agriculture with the processing industry will allow the villagers to earn income throughout the year.

Enterprises equipped with modern technology, warm and bright rooms will attract young people. Young people cannot sit for six months without earnings. Their grandmothers somehow put up with this, who, moreover, had a traditionally large personal household, and did not differ in needs and demands beyond the very minimum. But granddaughters and grandchildren do not want to live like that. They want to work for modern production, in good conditions, in a team where there is a versatile public life where there are opportunities for personal, cultural growth. And during busy agricultural periods, workers employed at such enterprises go to the fields and work there, at least better than visiting townspeople.

A strong agitator ... against working in the village is such a circumstance as the loss of the grown crop. The sight of products that are spoiling and have not reached the consumer suggests thoughts: why give all the best if nobody needs what they have produced? The second side of this situation is the decline in morality. Since the grown is still lost, why not take the potatoes or carrots off the field? Why not take a can of milk from the farm?

All these are problems that cannot be dismissed from the old habit. The time has passed when it was possible to carry out the social reconstruction of the village by patching one hole or another. To prevent the alarming predictions of a “staff shortage” in the village from becoming a reality, the situation needs to be drastically changed. And the additional costs will pay off.

Rarely do any of the parents want their grown children to live away from home, in a not very familiar urban environment, without parental involvement. But even more they do not want to condemn their children to a hopeless, monotonous life full of everyday and industrial difficulties. And if they do not hope for soon and significant changes in the village, then they follow the principle that was briefly but expressively indicated at the very beginning of this article.

Lydia Nesterenko, Associate Professor, Bryansk Agricultural Institute

Shapshinskaya secondary school of the Vysokogorsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Class hour on the topic

"Professions of my village"

(4th grade)

Teacher primary grades

1 sq. Category

Kondratyeva Nelly Anatolievna

The plan is a synopsis of the class hour.

The theme "Professions of our village"

Goals: Provide students with an understanding of the professions associated with agriculture. Generalization of students' ideas about the importance of work in human life. Development of love, caring attitude, respect for the native village, region, a sense of citizenship. Fostering interest in academic subjects necessary for students to obtain a future profession. Teach students to navigate the world of professions.

Equipment: presentation, multimedia projector, screen, computer.

The course of the class hour.


Teacher: Guys, today we will take a trip to our native, beloved village of Shapshi.According to historical information, the village of Shapshi was founded in 1552 after the conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible. Although there is every reason to believe that people lived here before. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine that such a convenient place in all respects has not been inhabited since ancient times. According to historians, the territory of the Vysokogorsky region was inhabited as early as the 1st millennium AD. And in the following centuries, the local lands were not empty. And the very name of the village - Shapshi, as local historians believe, has, most likely, Tatar roots.

(View slides about the village of Shapshi.)

See how beautiful our village is, how much greenery surrounds it. And every year our village is becoming more and more beautiful. And how many people with useful and necessary professions live in our village.
Today we will try to tell you about rural professions in such a way that a spark, a spark of love and respect for working profession a villager.


Who to be?
Fast as the years go by
Soon eighteen.
We need to think now
What are we going to do.
Who draws, who sings
Who forges metal in the workshop.
If you want, you can grow bread
Launch a satellite into space.
Lots of work on earth
Try everything hunting.
To have a profession,
We must overcome laziness.
It's good to study at school
So that we can be proud of you

There are many professions in the world
And they are very important to all of us:
Doctor, teacher, plumber, professor,
Engineer, acrobat and worker.
All professions are very different -
It is difficult to make a choice at times.
Interesting and dangerous
They can become destiny for someone.

Teacher: Who is the most important person in the village? Chairman or economist? No! The main one is the one who grows bread, who plows the endless field, sows grains into the ground, and in the fall removes the ears filled with golden grain.


(A student tells about the profession of a rural machine operator.)
Agriculture is a production saturated with machines, tools, installations. The powerful machinery was entrusted to rural machine operators. Not a single furrow is made in the field without the participation of machines, and therefore, machine operators. Not a single seed, tuber is put into the soil without them, almost all the operations of growing, harvesting and processing are carried out by them - the machine operators.
A machine operator is an agricultural worker who knows and uses in the production process not only tractors, combines, but also a variety of tools and mechanisms.
The earth lives by its own laws. She - like a living being - can be sick, suffer from thirst and have her own character. The work of the farmer is to recognize this character, to reveal all the secrets of the earth. And then he will need patience, knowledge, experience and talent.
The work of the farmer is not easy and unusual, his life is interesting and peculiar. The work of the peasant cannot be divided equally for every day, it cannot be measured either by the light of day or by fatigue. But how beautiful the earth is, to which a person has applied both his mind and heart, how wonderful he is in work!
A strange monster, rumbling, crawls across the field. And this monster, fulfilling the commands of the tractor driver, leaves behind wide black stripes on a yellow background of stubble. The appearance of dozens of hectares of land is changing before our eyes. The muscles of man and the mechanisms of machines are tense.
And the day will come when bread will ripen on the plowed field, which must be removed without losing a single grain!
Anyone who chooses the profession of a machine operator must love and understand the land. He will need to know not only a variety of techniques, but also the basics of agriculture, agrochemistry, in order to competently establish the depth of tillage and planting seeds, and the rate of fertilization, and precisely choose the timing of work, since the slightest deviation - and the quality of the crop decreases. After all, the result of the skill of a machine operator is valued by the amount of harvested grain.
It is necessary to choose the profession of a machine operator not because there is nowhere else to go, but to your liking and vocation. It is a great honor to be a farmer!

Teacher : Who is at the helm of the seeding and harvesting plant next to the machine operator? Also an important person in the village - an agronomist! It is on him that quality depends planting material and yield. Let's hear a story about it.


(the student says)
Agronomist is the most common profession among plant breeders. All his activities are based on knowledge of biology and agronomy.
In the agronomic "kingdom" every business seems to be connected with the everyday things that surround us - fields, forests, soil. But how many still unexplored, remarkable in the life of cultivated plants, how many still undiscovered secrets in the soil.
An agronomist must be observant, notice and take into account the changes occurring in nature in his work.
Teacher : Who and the horse are friends,

Can't you spill them with water?

Children's answer. (groom)


(Student's story about the groom)

Form start

End of form

A good groom has calm, gentle, trusting horses. Horses love to keep their daily routine exactly right. The groom is late with the feeding - they begin to beat with their hooves, wave their heads in displeasure, press their ears to their heads. Give them food - and they calm down.
A groom takes care of a sick horse, gives her medication.
Horses know that no one, except the groom, can properly fit the bridle, yoke, saddle. Taking care of the horse, the groom keeps the harness in order, it must always be in good working order. In this case, the repair of the harness is carried out by the groom. And it will be necessary - he will become a groom and a blacksmith, not only will he fix the cart, but he will also feed the horse.
So it turns out that a good groom is a bit of a trainer, a bit of a veterinarian, a bit of a saddler and a blacksmith.
In short, the groom is a "horse professor."
A horse is the best business card of a groom, by its condition it is easy to determine whether a good or careless groom has it.
The horse's power is not great, but with diligent care, it increases several times. The horse's strength, its lifespan, efficiency - everything is in the hands of the right person and important person- groom.

Teacher: What if suddenly the animals get sick?

Children's answer. (veterinarian)


(The student's story about the veterinarian.)

And if suddenly the horse gets sick, the veterinarian will examine, listen, diagnose and prescribe a course of treatment.

The main focus of the veterinarian's profession is the treatment of animals, the fight against animal diseases bordering on human ailments. In agriculture, a specialist of this profile prevents violations in the use of various chemicals that, when ingested by animals, can accumulate and ultimately become a source of food contamination. Also, the veterinarian directly carries out sanitary control of meat, milk and other animal products.

Teacher : What professions still work with animals?

Children: Zootechnician.


Teacher: Let's hear a story about this.

(The student's story about the profession of a zootechnician)

Modernzootechnics is rooted in antiquity and originates in the Mediterranean countries (Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece). In the 19th century, the number of objects studied by biologists increased sharply, including practical animal husbandry. Currently, the work of a zootechnician is acquiring great practical importance for agriculture, processing industry, reasonable use natural resources and nature protection.

The zootechnician organizes various activities for effective work livestock complex (poultry farm, pig farm, rabbit farm, fur farm, etc.). The area of ​​professional activity of a zootechnician is: selection and breeding of animals using the methods of genetics and biotechnology, development of food rations for all types of animals, control over the quality and quantity of products in the field of animal husbandry, commodity science of fur raw materials,selection and implementation of high technologies for the production of environmentally friendly products.

Teacher : And in order to find out which profession we will talk about further, you will have to guess a riddle.

She needs to work a lot

And work with a twinkle

To have us for dinner

Porridge with butter, milk. (Milkmaid.)


(Student's story about the milkmaid)

The word milkmaid comes to us from ancient India. It means "nurse", "nurse". This is a good and true word. Had a woman not guessed in time immemorial to milk goats and cows, buffaloes and sheep - butter, cheese, cottage cheese would not be on our table. A mug of milk would not stand on the table either.

the collective farm village is sleeping. Early morning. Silence. But then several windows lit up at once. The doors creaked. Voices rang out in the street. These are the milkmaids rushing to the milking. They get up first in the village.

Milkmaids have many worries. It is necessary to clean and water the cows, milk them three times a day, and before milking, clean the udders of each cow. You need great skill, observation, because each cow has its own disposition, its own appetite.

For thousands of years, cows have been milked by hand, squatting or kneeling. At the end of the work, my hands went numb, as if they had dragged hundreds of kilograms of cargo. Now mechanisms have come to the rescue of the milkmaid: automatic drinkers, automatic feeders and even electric milking machines.

Teacher : Guys, listen to another riddle and guess who it is?

This little childSleeps without sheets and diapers,Under brown earsThey don't put pillows for him.

He has four legsHe walks without a coatHe's galoshes and bootsWon't wear it for anything.

They won't sew him shirtsThey won't sew him pantsThey won't give him a cap,They won't bake him pancakes.

He cannot say: "Mom,I want to eat. "And thereforeThe whole day he mumbles stubbornly:"Moo".This is not a child at allIt's a small ... (calf).Teacher ... And to learn more about the work of calves, we will go on an excursion to the calf house.

Excursion to the calf barn .

This year, guys, our schoolchildren in grades 8-10 are also helping our calves by going to the farm every day to feed them.Let's hear what they have to say about their work. (The story of a high school student

working on a farm)


The room where the calves are kept is quite spacious. We try to keep it clean.

The livestock is small - 8 calves. Everyone needs to be fed, watered, cleaned, treated, if necessary.

In accordance with age, all livestock are settled in flocks. In the calf house, they are looked after for up to 8 months, and then the heifers are transferred to a neighboring yard and prepared for calving, and the bulls are taken to their older brethren in another room for cattle.

Calves are stripped once a month, if necessary - twice.

The diet and feeding scheme are drawn up by specialists. Zootechnician smokes the nutrition of young animals. Every morning he visits the calf barn to see if all the components are in stock.

After the troughs have been cleared of evening residues, we distribute hay to the calves. It is very useful for digestion and favorably contributes to the further absorption of all feed. And how many medicinal and useful herbs are in it!

Soon a tractor with a feeder appears. This means that they have brought the silage.

While the calves are eating, we clean in flocks. This procedure is time consuming and difficult. Indeed, in addition to cleaning manure, you need to bring sawdust and throw them on the floor in order to keep it dry. It must be said that labor on the calf shed is mainly manual. There is only a manure removal conveyor.

There is so much work that there is no time to rest.

When all the animals were full, they lay down on soft and clean floors, chewing food is important.

And calves also love to feast on licks - this is such a mixture of mineral supplements and vitamins that every flock constantly has.

Time is approaching noon. You can go home. But the working day does not end, in the evening you will again need to go to feed the calves and, if necessary, clean them in flocks.

Although the work is hard, we really enjoy caring for the calves.

Teacher : So our excursion has come to an end. We have learned a lot, discovered a lot for ourselves, and came to the conclusion that all professions are important in the countryside! In conclusion, I want to read you a poem. Who is its author is not important. Everyone can tell it on their own behalf.
I am a villager, I am a villager
I am a grain grower and horse breeder.
I am a Man, I am a Russian!
And I am proud of this, believe me.
I am the postman in the snow and thunder
Knocking under your window.
I am a beekeeper and agronomist.
In the village I am each a little bit.
I sow bread, I heal calves,
I drive herds to graze at night.
And at school I teach children
To love your native village.
I am a villager, I am a Peasant.
I am a citizen! I'm Russian!
(M.V. Ryzhova)

They live in countryside, work in the fields and farms from early morning until late at night. It is thanks to them that we always have on our tables fresh bread and delicious milk.

Average salary: 25,000 rubles per month




Entry barrier


Who goes to work

The situation in agriculture is not easy today. The state is trying to support agricultural producers, but their main problem is the lack of qualified personnel. It is not easy to attract young people with education to this industry. After studying at the university in the city, not everyone dares to leave and devote their lives to the village.

In most cases, the profession of a farmer is chosen by guys from the countryside. They know very well what sowing and harvesting are, they know how to dig the ground, plant plants, milk cows. Children raised in villages have a love for animals and nature. Their parents most often also work on the land.

There are, of course, exceptions among the village workers. Often, urban people go to work in agriculture. Thus, the president of the Russian Farms group of companies, Andrei Danilenko, was born in San Francisco (USA), but now he lives in Russia and is engaged in the production and processing of milk. His holding is one of the most successful agricultural enterprises in the country. So the guys who grew up in megalopolises should not be afraid of agricultural professions - and if there is a desire to work in the countryside, they should try.

Agriculture employs a large number of people. Some of them - milkmaids, cattle breeders, vegetable growers - have working professions that do not require higher education. We will talk about those specialists who need training in universities for their work.

Farming includes two main areas - crop and livestock, and each of these areas involves its own range of professions.

Plant growing

Crop enterprises grow grain, fodder, vegetables, grapes, mushrooms. The chief specialist in such organizations is considered to be an agronomist. It is he who organizes the sowing of field crops, develops technologies to combat pests, plant diseases and weeds, monitors the implementation of work on the collection, transportation and storage of crops. All responsibility for work in the field rests on his shoulders.

An agrochemist is engaged in fertilizing and increasing soil fertility, optimizing plant nutrition. This specialist can increase crop yields, make agricultural products of higher quality.

Other important workers in crop production are machine operators and mechanics. Today, all major work in the countryside - from plowing the land to harvesting - is done by machines. These are modern and sophisticated equipment - combines, tractors, seeders, mowers. Only well-trained specialists can serve them. It is very important that agricultural machinery is always ready for work on time, because it depends on its serviceability how quickly sowing or harvesting will take place. Therefore, the work of a good mechanic is always valuable.


Livestock breeding is engaged in breeding farm animals. Interestingly, the industry includes not only cattle breeding enterprises, but also farms where bees, rabbits, fish, and poultry are raised. One of the most important professions in animal husbandry is a zoo engineer. This person is engaged in breeding, feeding and keeping farm animals. The zoo engineer is doing a lot to improve the structure of the herd, increase the number of breed animals. Under the guidance of this specialist, a whole platoon of farm workers is working - livestock technicians, milking machine operators, operators of feed preparation shops.

Only healthy animals can provide high milk yield and consistently gain weight. The well-being of the inhabitants of the farm is monitored by a veterinarian. No one will argue that it is necessary for people with a vocation to enter this profession - after all, in order to heal cows and sheep, you need not only to know about diseases and medicines for them, but also to love and understand animals.

Who is a Farmer

The profession of a farmer should be considered separately. For a person who has chosen this path for himself, farming is a matter of life. Having received land on lease, the farmer organizes a farm on it - he begins to grow crops, livestock or poultry. In order to properly conduct a business and make it profitable, he, in fact, needs to own several specialties - not only be able to grow a crop or look after a herd, but also keep accounting records, hire workers, sell the resulting products.

How to choose a university

If you decide to connect your life with agriculture, it is better to enroll in an agricultural university. Fortunately, in our country there are such universities in almost every region. If we talk about the best agrarian university, then, of course, the leader is the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev (Moscow). If a student decides to enter the main agricultural academy of the country, the faculty of pre-university training will help him prepare for the tests, where short and long-term courses for applicants are held.

Agricultural universities in the regions have a good level as well. For example, in the ranking of Russian universities, which was compiled by RIA Novosti and the Higher School of Economics, the second place among agricultural universities was taken by the Kuban State Agrarian University, and the fourth and fifth places were taken by the Ural State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Troitsk), Saratov State Agrarian University.

As for entering an agricultural university, it is not difficult to do this. Recently, a study was conducted "With what points did graduates enter agricultural universities?" Its results showed that agricultural applicants scored relatively low USE scores. Only the leader of the rating, the Bashkir State Agrarian University, managed to overcome the average bar in the Unified State Exam in the amount of 60 points.

With a focus on practice

Education in agricultural universities is carried out according to similar programs. Some of the subjects that the guys study are general education, and some are in their specialty.

It should be noted that all agricultural universities focus on the practical training of their students. After all, you cannot become an agronomist if you have never sowed grain, or a mechanic if you have not disassembled a tractor engine. Most educational institutions have their own technology parks, botanical gardens, educational and experimental farms, and veterinary clinics.

Technoparks appeared in agricultural universities not so long ago. These are platforms where students and teachers are engaged in the development of innovative technologies and experiments. So, in the Saratov State Agrarian University there is a technopark "Volgoagrotekhnika". These are several laboratories and industries that conduct scientific and research work and implement their developments at enterprises.

In the process of studying at the university, special attention is paid to summer industrial practice. Students have the opportunity to go to work on an agricultural enterprise or a large farm, in reality to see how things are in agriculture. The Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after N.E.Bauman, for example, has agreements on practice with large enterprises Tatarstan - OJSC VAMIN-Tatarstan, OJSC Krasny Vostok-Agro, the holding company Zolotoy Kolos, CJSC Tatplodovoschprom and others.

Some firms themselves come to agricultural universities and conduct practical classes for students. The CLAAS company held the All-Russian Olympiad last year. In all universities in the country were sent tests for third and fourth year students of agricultural mechanization departments. The finalists were gathered at a seminar on the basis of Russian plant LLC "CLAAS" in Krasnodar, within which lectures were held, business games, round tables. Manufacturers of German agricultural machinery told young people about the state of agriculture in the world, about modern agricultural machinery, about the prospects for the profession of mechanics.

They boast agricultural universities and agricultural internship programs abroad. At the same time, not only short trips of students abroad are encouraged - for three months, but also longer - up to a year. A student can take an academic leave, go, say, to a mink farm in Denmark and take part in the full cycle of fur farming in a year - to see how animals are born, how they grow. Importantly, during the internship, young people receive a monthly stipend, so that you can not only gain experience, but also earn money.


Many young people and their parents are convinced that things are bad in agriculture today. But the era of perestroika collective farms is over. The industry employs large and medium-sized agricultural holdings, strong farms. Over the past ten years, a lot has changed in the village - they came here innovative technologies... There are a large number of profitable and modern agricultural enterprises across the country, such as CJSC Agrokompleks (milk production), CJSC Omsky Bacon (raising pigs), LLC Agrosoyuz Yug Rusi (growing sunflower), OJSC Dobrynya (production of sugar beets) ...

In the fields and on farms, manual labor is used to a minimum, almost all work is done by machines. Take, for example, a modern pig farm. Everything is automated on it to the smallest detail - feeding, manure removal, temperature control. The premises of the farm are ideally clean, light, workers wear white coats.

Of course, when starting a career in agriculture, you need to be prepared to live in the countryside. It is difficult to decide on this step, because all cultural life - cinema, theaters, concert venues - is located in large cities. But you can deny yourself these pleasures, especially since the Internet covers almost the entire territory of our country and even in remote villages there is an Internet connection. In addition, large agricultural enterprises are most often located not far from megacities: after all, these are sales markets for products .;

Connecting life with agriculture, you need to be aware that working conditions in this industry have never been at a high level. Most of the agricultural professions are of the type "Man - nature" - this means that much in the work in the fields and farms depends on the weather conditions, on the condition of the animals. During the sowing season, agronomists have to work all night long, and the zoo engineer has to get up at five in the morning to control the feeding of the cows. But all these sacrifices, rest assured, are worth it to one day see how the wheat rises, or to hold a newly born pig in your arms.

Agriculture is the most important branch of the economy of each state, providing people with the necessary food and raw materials for the development of consumer goods. The development of this area directly depends on human resources. A huge variety of demanded agricultural professions require certain knowledge and skills.

Highly qualified personnel are an integral part successful functioning enterprises of the agro-industrial complex Russian Federation... Working in this industry is hard hard work, requiring appropriate encouragement. Over time, low-level myths wages in the agricultural sphere cease to exist. The presence of many vacancies allows a young agrarian, a man of his business, to build a fast-paced career. Agribusiness representatives have the right to overestimate the requirements for employees whose work is highly paid with the provision of privileges and compensations (monthly distribution of a food kit, payment of travel to the workplace, assistance in solving housing issues for nonresident workers).

Some of the most demanded professions in the field of agriculture are: livestock technician, animal engineer, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, machine operator, milking machine operator, poultry farmer, beekeeper, breeder, and others.

Modern types of equipment and units, the latest technologies for processing plants and harvesting, the preparation of reporting and scientific documentation oblige to treat their specialty as an agronomist more responsibly and conscientiously, and make his work the most in demand.

Machine operators are specialists capable of driving different kinds agricultural machinery. Knowledge of machine design, routine maintenance and repair is the responsibility of these employees.

The importance of the profession of a milking machine operator is determined by strict adherence to the milking regimen - up to three times a day.

Livestock specialists provide the most comfortable conditions for the stay and breeding of animals on the farm. In addition, the workers are engaged in breeding purebred livestock species, cross-birds; take care of the health and diet of animals.

Veterinarians (doctors and paramedics) treat animals and take preventive measures.

A beekeeper is a profession that is gaining popularity in our country, amazing, difficult and very responsible. Main responsibilities: the formation of new families of bees, their comfortable stay during the winter period and the collection of honey.

Currently, a huge number of educational institutions of various levels are engaged in the training of specialists and agricultural workers.

The agrarian youth is the mainstay of the country, which awaits a great agricultural future.

Crop production is one of the most important sectors of the Russian economy, contributing about 2% of GDP and providing more than half of the food on the tables and in the refrigerators of Russians. In addition, crop production is a key supplier of animal feed and a supplier of raw materials for several industries. Finally, the cultivation of crops is a huge sector in the labor market and is of great importance in rural areas.

Labor resources in crop production in Russia

The number of people employed in agriculture in Russia has been steadily decreasing over the past two decades and has now reached less than 6 million people. Of these, only about half work directly at agricultural enterprises, the rest are engaged in the processing of agricultural products.

Precise statistics on how many workers are directly employed in crop production are probably not available, since many farms combine plant cultivation with animal breeding. At the same time, part of the staff is involved in both segments, that is, the professions in animal husbandry and crop production overlap. In addition, calculations are complicated by the fact that in crop production, certain types of work (for example, harvesting) are often entrusted to seasonal workers who are not on the staff of the enterprise.

Nevertheless, the stubborn decline in the number of people employed in agriculture in Russia was largely due to the crop production professions. This industry was actively modernized, in the process of which manual labor was increasingly replaced by mechanical labor. Even the collection of fruits and berries is gradually being transferred from manual harvesting to harvesting with the help of special combines. Also, the decrease in the number of workers in crop production was significantly influenced by the decrease in acreage in Russia.

It is important to note that all of the above does not apply to small farms (including illegal ones), which today provide a significant part of vegetables, fruits and berries grown in Russia. According to the most rough estimates, about 700 thousand - 1 million people are employed in this segment.

Employment structure in crop production

All professions related to crop production can be divided into production and management and support personnel. It's not hard to guess production personnel- these are those people who are directly involved in the production of products or maintenance of production processes. These are tractor drivers, combine operators, agronomists, etc. All those who are engaged in the general management of the enterprise and other non-production tasks are referred to the management and support personnel. In addition to purchasing / sales directors and managers, this includes secretaries, accountants, drivers, canteen workers, cleaners, etc.

Also, in crop production, the practice of using temporary or seasonal workers is quite common, who at certain production stages can make up a significant part of the labor resource of the enterprise. For seasonal work (usually harvesting), unskilled personnel are hired, so they do not have an agricultural profession as such. It is a completely different matter - permanent workers who are on the staff of the enterprise all year round and have certain qualifications that allow them to perform more complex and responsible types of work. This includes all the main professions of crop production - agronomists, tractor drivers, combine operators, etc.

The structure of the labor force of an enterprise depends very much on various factors (specialization and size of the farm, climatic conditions in which the activity is carried out, the technological level of the enterprise, etc.) about 85%, of which 75% are permanent workers.

As for the farms, the structure of their labor resources is quite peculiar. First, their staff is rarely strictly segregated by job title and profession. As a rule, workers do a little of everything, depending on what needs to be done at the moment. Secondly, very often farm- this is family business, in which members of the same family are employed, which makes it meaningless to construct classical labor relations in the format " administrative staff- ordinary workers ". Accordingly, the professions of people who are engaged in crop production according to this scheme also do not lend themselves to the usual classification.

An overview of the main professions

In plant growing, there are many different professions and specialties, therefore, it is not possible to list them all within the framework of this article. We will consider only the most widespread professions in Russia:

  • agronomist,
  • seed grower,
  • tractor driver / combine operator,
  • mechanic for the repair of agricultural machinery,
  • reclamation engineer,
  • soil scientist,
  • agrochemist.

An agronomist is the main person at an agricultural enterprise in matters of plant growing technology. He is responsible for organizing the production of all crops, develops a system of crop rotation, fertilization and the use of other agricultural techniques. His responsibilities include drawing up maps of crops cultivation, work plans. In other words, it is the agronomist who leads everything production process, therefore, he is required to have knowledge of general biological disciplines, agriculture, crop production, agrochemistry, land reclamation, the basics of selection and seed production, the general economy of the industry. Agronomists graduate from higher educational institutions of agricultural profile.

The seed grower is also one of the most important human occupations in crop production. He works under the guidance of an agronomist and prepares seeds for sowing, treats them with special chemicals to fight diseases and insects. Also, the responsibilities of the seed grower include caring for the plants, managing the threshing, cleaning and drying of seeds. It is also entrusted with the functions of preparing storages and containers for storing seeds. For the profession of a seed grower, as well as for an agronomist, knowledge of general biological disciplines, agriculture, crop production, agrochemistry, land reclamation, the basics of selection and seed production is necessary. Seed grower professions are taught in higher educational institutions agricultural profile.

Tractor drivers perform a significant part of the field work in modern crop production, driving wheeled and tracked tractors with attachments... Into the circle job responsibilities the tractor driver includes plowing and cultivating fields, sowing work, applying fertilizers, spraying pesticides, and performing other work in the field. The tractor driver must not only be able to operate a tractor and attachments, but also be able to carry out plumbing and repair work to quickly eliminate minor equipment breakdowns in field conditions... Although a combine harvester is very different in design and purpose from a tractor, in many enterprises, ordinary tractor drivers are also involved in harvesting with a combine. Specialists in this profession are trained in vocational schools, colleges and other educational institutions of this level. At the same time, the practice of training directly at the enterprise is widespread.

A mechanic for the repair of agricultural machinery and machines is not directly involved in the production of crop products. However, no serious crop farming can do without one or more of these specialists. The locksmith is engaged in repair and maintenance maintenance agricultural machinery and equipment (tractors, combines, plows, cultivators, seeders, etc.) To perform this work, you need to be well versed in modern agricultural machinery, including electronics. Such specialists are trained from vocational schools, as well as from agricultural universities.

Slightly less widespread in Russia are such professions of people engaged in plant growing as a land reclamation engineer, soil scientist and agrochemist.

A land reclamation engineer is responsible for preparing fields for irrigation, and under his leadership, maintenance of sprinkler installations is carried out. In order to properly organize the irrigation system, you need knowledge of geodesy, the ability to read relief topographic maps, and determine the slopes of the terrain. Land reclamation engineers are trained in engineering and agricultural universities.

The soil scientist examines the characteristics of soils in the fields of crop farming, determines the natural processes that affect the condition of the soil, prepares recommendations regarding the use of certain parts of the field (which crops are better to grow, how to increase fertility, how best to deal with erosion, etc.) in agricultural universities.

The agrochemist supervises the implementation of measures to increase the yield of agricultural crops, under his leadership agrochemical laboratory farms determine the optimal plant varieties and fertilization system for a given area. He is required to have knowledge of general biological disciplines, chemistry, the basics of selection and seed production. Agrochemists are graduated from universities.