Business plan for an agrochemical laboratory. NDT laboratory in five steps. Where to begin? The cost of the services provided

Everyone knows that the beginning of treatment or prevention of diseases begins with an accurate diagnosis. And she, in turn, with analyzes. However, many are horrified by the idea of ​​sitting in long lines of clinics with local retirees. Today people save their time, nerves and prefer comfort. That is why the business at the work of the analysis laboratory will always be in demand.

Market analysis

Oddly enough, but today for many cities a private analysis laboratory is a rarity. But this only speaks about the prospects of the market. It is believed that the most promising areas are large cities, as well as central settlements of different levels. Business prospects are supported by the fact that the number of analysis laboratories per one locality is not limited to anything.

Form of activity

The business of receiving and processing analyzes can be organized in several directions, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Biomaterial sampling room

The easiest way to make money in this area. The work process is simple: in the office, materials are taken, which are then sent to a special laboratory for analysis. Based on the result, the results are sent to the sampling office.

The advantage of such a business is a low threshold for entering the market. This form does not imply the purchase of special expensive equipment or the hiring of narrow specialists. The task of the entrepreneur is to organize high-quality collection and transportation of analyzes. It is with the latter that it requires large expenditures for the organization of special equipment. In addition, this form of business organization increases the time it takes for clients to get results. And this is clearly not quite a competitive advantage.

Medical laboratory

A business plan for a medical laboratory will require the purchase of special expensive and necessarily high-quality equipment. This list consists of:

  • robots;
  • readers;
  • analyzers;
  • thermal cyclers;
  • oshers and much more.

In total, the purchase of the necessary devices will require at least 1.5 million rubles, if we are talking about a laboratory in a city with a population of one million. For smaller cities, about 200-250 thousand dollars will be required. The payback period for such a laboratory will be approximately 5-7 years, and the profitability will be 15%.

Treatment room

Many people are interested in the question of how to open a treatment room, because it requires even less investment than a laboratory. Moreover, it can be opened for a franchise, which will greatly simplify the start of a business. For this form of business organization, 40-60 thousand dollars is enough, which will return in 2-4 years.

If we talk about economic feasibility, then the most profitable are the treatment room and laboratory. You also need to pay attention to how long the test results will be issued. Nowadays, many of them are held for several hours, so it is quite realistic to issue them even on the day of delivery. Please note that the main criterion for choosing a place for testing by clients is price and speed.


Medical and laboratory activities in our country can only be carried out under a special license. Therefore, to open an analysis laboratory, it is necessary to obtain a license for clinical laboratory activities for a period of five years. To obtain a document, you must contact Federal Service for supervision in the field social development and health care. After that, you will need to obtain permits from the fire service and sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

You can simplify the procedure if you purchase a franchise. It is sold both licensed and unlicensed. The cost without a license will be about 6 thousand dollars. Accordingly, with a license, the amount of its cost will increase significantly.

Search for premises

You can take both your own and rented premises for an analysis laboratory. It must have an area of ​​at least 30 m², where all the necessary communications must be carried out, a separately equipped entrance and meet a number of other requirements. Among them, first of all, you need to look for a place near a convenient traffic intersection, preferably with parking.

Formation of the list of services

The choice of equipment and the formation of the work of the institution depends on what types of research you plan to offer. Today, the most common are two of these types of research:

  • detection of DNA, polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
  • enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), that is, the detection of antibodies to special proteins or a specific pathogen.

Both methods are equally popular in the market. Moreover, by financial investments are also actually the same. The difference is that with PCR, the main funds will be spent on bringing the premises to necessary requirements safety, and ELISA requires a large investment in equipment.

The list of services should include the following research:

  • cytological and spermographic methods;
  • analyzes of indicators of the hemostasis system;
  • clinical and biochemical blood and urine tests;
  • PCR studies;
  • analysis of hormone levels;
  • studies for tumor markers;
  • allergy tests;
  • analysis to detect infection.

Service cost

When forming the size of the cost of analyzes, it is necessary to take into account a lot of factors. First of all, pay attention to competitors' pricing - yours shouldn't be higher. Also keep in mind that usually one person takes several, or even a whole list of tests, which can result in him in a round sum. Therefore, you should not overstate prices, as well as provide for a flexible system of discounts for certain types or groups of analyzes.

When setting prices, it is important to achieve a balance between income generation and the organization of a constant flow of buyers. The fact is that analytical reagents have a short shelf life. Unclaimed ones will have to be disposed of, losing money spent on their purchase. Therefore, it is important to find the perfect balance of spending and expenses.

Recruiting staff

Typically, this kind of laboratory will require about 6-7 employees. The state should provide for the following units:

  • nurses who collect samples;
  • doctors who see patients and prescribe examinations;
  • an administrator whose task is to coordinate the work of personnel;
  • a courier who delivers the material to the laboratory, as well as the test results.

Their qualifications are critical to the success of your laboratory. The quality of material sampling, the correct filling of forms, the correct storage and transportation conditions of the material, the accuracy in the accounting of materials, the control of the expiration dates of reagents and much more are the cornerstones in the work of the laboratory.

A little about finance

Depending on how complex the analyzes are planned, how complex the equipment will be to install, debug and master the staff, starting a business will take from a week to six months.

At the start, you will need the following investments:

  • rent of premises of about 50 m² per year with an area of ​​12 thousand dollars;
  • purchase of special equipment for research - 15 thousand dollars;
  • carrying out all the required communications - $ 1.5 thousand;
  • renovation of the premises - 5 thousand dollars;
  • registration of a license and permits from SES and fire control - $ 1.5 thousand

Fixed-cost items for the month include:

  • transportation costs - 1 thousand dollars;
  • purchase of consumables - 3 thousand dollars;
  • the salary of doctors - $ 600;
  • administrator salary - $ 500;
  • salary of two nurses - $ 400

Despite all these expenses, the business is not among the highly profitable - that figure is kept at the level of 20-40%. However, it has its advantages - it has no seasonal fluctuations, it is stable and is always in demand.

On average, you can get about 15-18 thousand dollars from it per month, if all processes within the business are organized properly. Depending on the form of organization and the list of services provided, it can pay off in 2-5 years.

* Calculations are based on average data for Russia

Diagnostics is the basis of modern medicine. But in order to pass these most notorious tests, you need to spend a lot of time and effort, standing in huge queues at municipal clinics. Working and wealthy people are ready to pay money, thereby saving time and nerves, in order to quickly and effortlessly get the results of the necessary tests. Therefore, there is a steady demand for the services of a private laboratory for the reception of biomaterials.

The market for private medical laboratory services is not yet fully filled, in other words, this market is still ahead. This is due to the extremely complex organizational component of the business. Firstly, in order to obtain a license, it is necessary to agree with the regional divisions of the controlling government agencies, but it's not easy to do.

And even if we confine ourselves to an office for collecting blood and sending it for laboratory tests to Moscow and save on the purchase of expensive equipment, we will have to solve another equally difficult problem - how to ensure the correct mode of blood storage during long-term transportation. And the terms for issuing the analysis will increase many times over, and this will inevitably affect the popularity of such a laboratory.

And yet, according to experts, all million-plus cities, as well as regional, regional, regional and district centers, are promising for opening such a business today. But most importantly, the number of treatment rooms is not limited by anything.

In the segment of laboratory diagnostics, two business formats are currently relevant - a laboratory and a treatment room. The organization of the laboratory will require the acquisition of modern high-tech expensive equipment (thermal cyclers, readers, oshers, robots, analyzers, etc.) and a strong analytical base. The cost of opening it is at least one and a half million dollars in Moscow and 150-200 thousand dollars in the regions. In addition, the profitability of the laboratory barely reaches the level of 15%, and the payback period is at least 5-6 years.

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Today, even the majority of private medical centers in the capital cannot afford the equipment of their own laboratories. Unlike a diagnostic laboratory, you can open a treatment room by spending 15–20 thousand dollars in the regions or 50–60 thousand in Moscow, and it can pay off in one and a half to two years.

Despite the fact that the treatment room pays off faster, the laboratory is a more serious business, the development of which can be planned for decades to come.

Still, it can be argued that the organization of an office or a network of diagnostic points is the most attractive direction for an investor. You can open your office on your own, going all the way, from obtaining a license to searching for personnel and purchasing reagents, or you can buy a franchise of the network operator: Invitro, and the St. Petersburg diagnostic laboratory service Helix (franchise cost - 24 thousand dollars).

Such offices can exist as independent objects or belong to companies related to medicine (including the sale of medical equipment), or work in small clinics where the most popular specialists (therapist, gynecologist, dentist) are receiving appointments and ultrasound diagnostics services are provided. ...

The opening of a procedure room for the collection of biomaterial begins with obtaining a license and permits from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and the fire service. If you plan to work on a franchise, then the franchisors promise to help you get a license, but most likely this will mean an increase in the size of the lump sum. So, for the right to join the PC network "Invitro" the franchisee must pay six thousand dollars, provided that he will issue a medical license independently, with the help of the parent company, lump-sum payment will be already seven thousand dollars.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Another important step is forming an accurate service profile. There are two main types of research: PCR (polymerase chain reaction, DNA detection) and ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - detection of antibodies to pathogens or specific proteins.

According to experts, the total costs of starting a business and operating costs are practically the same, but the distribution is different: in the first case, most of the amount is invested in equipment, in the second, in the premises, since PCR studies require compliance with more stringent safety rules.

The PCR method allows you to detect the DNA of the pathogen during the analysis of smears and scrapings, while the ELISA method allows you to detect traces of the pathogen in the blood. The choice of any of the methods will provide significant demand: blood tests (ELISA) and the detection of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are equally in demand.

Ready-made ideas for your business

When choosing a room, two conditions must be taken into account - first, its area must be at least 100 sq. m and there is a separate entrance - these are the rules and regulations of the SES. Second, the office should be located near public transport stops, and preferably in crowded places, which is convenient for potential clients.

The next important success factor is the timing of the analyzes. In principle, today most analyzes are performed within a few hours, so there is no obstacle to reporting their results within one day. Otherwise, customers will go where it is faster and cheaper.

And of course, the wide range of research that the laboratory performs is important. Ideally, these are clinical and biochemical analyzes of blood and urine, hormones, infections, allergological tests, studies for tumor markers, PCR studies, analyzes of indicators of the hemostasis system, cytological and spermographic methods.

As for the equipment, today there is a wide selection of it on the market, both domestic and foreign manufacturers. It is important to note that domestic devices, expendable materials and reagents are 20-30% cheaper than imported ones. By the way, consumables - test tubes are more expensive than reagents.

The launch of a laboratory diagnostic business takes from a week to six months, depending on the level of complexity of the equipment, the time it takes for the personnel to master working with it and the demand for the service.

The prime cost of the most popular analysis for infections is on average 30 rubles, and the retail price of the service is from 70 rubles and more. Considering that one patient usually takes about five to six such tests when visiting a doctor, the average amount of one check is more than 300 rubles. The price of the analysis is influenced by the fact whether it is performed in a laboratory or sent to a major medical center. Even large laboratories transfer 5-6% of research to outsourcing, having a powerful analytical base and equipment, because no matter how many types of analyzes you do, some rare test can always appear.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The cost of the analysis includes the transportation of the biomaterial to the research site, and the intermediary's extra charge. The prices are especially high in those medical firms where 100% of analyzes are performed on the side. The profit of the owner of the treatment room consists of the cost of services for receiving biological material, as well as discounts that can be provided by the central laboratory. Even 100% intermediaries who perform all analyzes in "third-party" laboratories can be successful if they are located in a convenient place for clients, for example, near the metro or in the city center.

Most often, the owners of diagnostic laboratories end up with connections in the medical community and health officials. No wonder: a physician not only knows the essence of the ongoing processes, technologies, but also understands well who and how to sell laboratory diagnostics services. And yet, medical education is not required to become the owner of a treatment room. On the contrary, an entrepreneur with experience may be more successful in managing a network of offices. retail sales and taking a deputy from good doctors.

The qualifications of specialists in this business are of paramount importance. After all, a lot depends on the slightest nuances. Everything here matters - to take the tests correctly, fill out all the forms accurately, comply with the transportation conditions and deliver the biomaterial to the laboratory on time, not to confuse the test results of different patients and prevent the leakage of confidential information, calculate the timing of reagents, etc.

On average, the staff of a diagnostic laboratory consists of six people - three or four doctors working in shifts who see patients, assigning the necessary examinations, a nurse who takes samples and an administrator who runs the cash register, manages personnel and coordinates couriers.

According to experts, 70% of consumers of diagnostic laboratory services are women. And this fact must be taken into account by the owners of laboratories for the correct organization of work, interaction with clients and promotion of their services.

In general, with regard to advertising and promotion, it can be argued that traditional channels do not work here. Neither advertising on television, nor on radio, or in print media will have any effect. The main method remains the so-called "friendship" with doctors, because they are the ones who send their patients for tests. They are the ones who can recommend a specific laboratory or office.

Moreover, it is noteworthy that even if the office is located in another area of ​​the city, the patient will go there on the recommendation of a doctor. For his part, if the doctor is confident in the quality and reliability of the research results, he will be happy to cooperate with specific laboratories, because the treatment depends on the diagnosis, and therefore the patient's recovery, and therefore his earnings too.

Treatment room in detail

Investments. You can keep within the amount from 20 to 50-60 thousand dollars.
Payback period... One and a half to two years.
Certificates and Licenses... Medical license.
Audience . Busy townspeople of all ages.
Promotion tools... Internet, communication with doctors.

Requirements for the premises
The minimum area is 30 sq. m, the maximum is not limited, the optimal one is 80 sq. m. Separate entrance; the presence of a bathroom or the possibility of installing it; the landlord's permission to make the piping for the sinks; one telephone line. Non-residential premises can be located in a populated house, provided that the entrance is not combined with a residential entrance. Upon compliance established requirements premises of polyclinics, medical centers, dental offices, pharmacies, beauty salons, hairdressing salons can be used as a treatment room.
Staff. Three doctors, two procedural nurses (in shifts), cashier-administrator.

Treatment room in the regions:

Initial cost in USD

Obtaining a medical license and permission from SES, Firenadzor - 1500

Repair of the premises in accordance with the norms of SES - 5000

Equipment purchase - 12,000

Carrying out communications - 1500

Rent of premises 50 sq.m. for a year - 12,000

Total - 32,000

Current expenses:

Nursing salary (2) - 500

Administrator salary - 600

Salary for doctors (2) - 800

Consumables - 3000

Transport (courier) costs - 1000

Total - 7200

Income per month - 16 500

Payback - 1.5-2 years

Profitability 30-50%

Based on the article by Ekaterina Chinarova for "Business Journal"

*The article is over 8 years old. May contain outdated data

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In the life of almost every person, situations arise from time to time when it becomes necessary to pass tests. From the very birth of a child, various laboratory studies of indicators of the state of his health are carried out - bacteriological tests, blood tests, urine tests, etc. They help to cope in the future with various diseases or prevent their occurrence.

That is, the test results are the main factor by which the state of human health is determined and subsequent actions are taken. Therefore, they must be as accurate and reliable as possible. But many people do not attach significant importance to this and, not wanting to overpay in private medical laboratories, they turn to the district clinic. You can accept the fact that you will have to stand in lines and endure endless walking around the offices, but you cannot accept the fact that the test results obtained there will not always be accurate and of high quality.

Insufficient funding of state laboratories does not allow to install there modern equipment, and research is carried out manually, "under a microscope." Therefore, if you need to get tested in Kiev, choose an alternative option - a modern medical laboratory. In principle, it can be called an alternative with great difficulty, because a private medical laboratory cannot be compared with a district polyclinic. The recruitment of such a laboratory is usually carried out according to the principle - only the best equipment from leading manufacturers, only the highest quality consumables and reagents. Most laboratories have a unique information system with phased bar-coding, which eliminates the influence of the "human factor".

A modern medical laboratory is:

  • a wide range of quantitative and qualitative research;
  • medical consultations by a doctor (in the absence of a doctor's referral);
  • on-call service (at the specified address, at home or in the office);
  • prompt courier service;
  • sampling of analyzes by individual vacuum systems;
  • providing test results in a convenient way for the client:
  • in the treatment room, by e-mail, by fax, by courier, by mail;
  • storing medical history in in electronic format;
  • complete confidentiality of medical information about the client.

In addition, thanks to the latest generation analyzers and the latest technology, the analytical results obtained in medical laboratories are the most accurate and reliable. After all, if, for example, you conduct a manual PCR analysis - recognized throughout the world as the most the best way studies for infections, and using non-certified kits, you can get a lot of "positive" results even for something that is not an infection. In addition, there are doctors who will undertake to treat you according to the results of these tests. And this will already be a direct harm to your health.

Therefore, think about what you are at risk if you decide to get tested at the district clinic. In addition to the effort and time spent, you can get erroneous test results, which will make your subsequent treatment or prevention of the disease completely wrong.

In addition, do not be afraid that prices in a medical laboratory "bite". They, as a rule, depend only on the cost of the consumables used, since manual labor, which is valued most of all, is practically not used here.

Do not be afraid to overpay, because investing in health is a significant investment in your future.

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The information on this site is provided for reference and educational purposes and should not be used as a guide to treatment.

In any case, you must consult a doctor.

Home \ Licensing of activities

Measurements and studies for licensing

The laboratory of industrial sanitation and ecology of LiK LLC performs measurements and research within the framework of licensing and production control :

  • medical organizations(clinics, dentistry, medical offices, pharmacies, etc.);
  • hairdressing salons, beauty salons, beauty parlors;
  • educational institutions (preschool educational institutions, schools, classes, etc.);
  • waste management activities.

To obtain a license for the listed activities, it is necessary, inter alia, to obtain a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor for laboratory and instrumental studies:

  • artificial light levels;
  • microclimate parameters;
  • water supply system by chemical and bacteriological (microbiological) indicators;
  • indoor air;
  • other physical factors (in accordance with the production control program).

Such work is carried out by special accredited organizations with specialists of certain qualifications and equipment.

The industrial sanitation and ecology laboratory of LiK LLC meets all these requirements. Accreditation certificate, a wide instrumental base, our own analytical laboratory allow you to perform the necessary laboratory and instrumental studies in as soon as possible... All the work of LiK LLC is carried out on its own, without the involvement of third-party organizations.

The amount of research under licensing depends on the number of jobs.

If the workplaces have not yet been defined, measurements are taken in rooms with a known functional purpose. Water sampling is carried out from the centralized water supply system.

LiK LLC specialists can develop a production control program for your organization and measure accordingly.

Research and measurements are carried out in accordance with the current regulatory documents:

  • for medical organizations - SanPiN;
  • for organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetology services -
  • for preschool educational organizations- SanPiN;
  • for educational institutions - SanPiN

To calculate the cost of work, you can leave online application on the website or send a free-form application to our e-mail [email protected]

In the application, it is necessary to indicate the number and purpose of the investigated premises (or workplaces), their area. To develop a production control program, you must attach a staffing table.

Diagnostics is the foundation of modern medicine. Without it, it is impossible to correctly diagnose. But in order to get tested, as a rule, you need to spend a lot of time and effort and stand in a huge queue at the municipal clinic. At the same time, more no less well-to-do people will readily pay money only to save these same efforts and time, quickly pass the necessary tests and get their results with the same speed. It is for this reason that the services private laboratories for receiving biomaterials enjoy a stable and steady demand.

It should be noted that the market for private medical laboratory services has very good prospects and today it is not yet fully filled. The reason for this state of affairs is a rather complex organizational component. First of all, this type of activity requires obtaining a license, for which it is necessary to go through an extremely difficult process of coordination with the relevant regional divisions of the controlling state. organs.

Even if you do not carry out complex analyzes in the laboratory and save on the purchase of expensive equipment, but limit yourself to creating a room for blood sampling with its subsequent sending for research to a laboratory in Moscow, another difficult problem will arise, which is associated with long-term transportation of blood and ensuring its correct regimen. storage of blood. At the same time, the terms for issuing the analysis results will increase many times over, which, of course, will not make the laboratory particularly popular.

Nevertheless, despite all the difficulties that accompany this type of business, today it is very promising for all cities with a population of over one million, as well as for regional, regional, regional and district centers, and, not unimportantly, there are no restrictions on the number of treatment rooms.

In the field of laboratory diagnostics, two formats of business functioning are relevant - these are treatment room and laboratory... To open a laboratory, it will be necessary to purchase high-tech modern expensive equipment, such as readers, thermal cyclers, oshers, analyzers, robots, etc., as well as a good analytical base. The investment required to open such a laboratory in Moscow will amount to no less than one and a half million dollars. As for the regions, this amount there will be much more modest and will amount to about 150-200 thousand dollars. The laboratory's profitability reaches a level of only 15%, and it will be able to pay off only in five to six years.

Unlike a laboratory, opening a treatment room in Moscow requires an investment of 50 to 60 thousand dollars, in the regions - from 15 to 20 thousand dollars, and the payback period ranges from one and a half to two years. However, despite all the advantages of a treatment room, the laboratory is a more serious business that can be planned and developed for decades ahead.

Based on practice, we can nevertheless conclude that opening an office or a whole network of diagnostic points is a more attractive line of business for an investor. You can organize your own office and go all the way, from obtaining the appropriate license and ending with the search for personnel and the purchase of the necessary reagents on your own. Another option for organizing is the acquisition of a franchise from one of the existing network operators.

Such offices can operate as independent, separate objects or be owned by companies that have anything to do with medicine, as well as operate in small clinics where patients are received by the most demanded specialists, such as a dentist, gynecologist, therapist and in which there are services for the provision of ultrasound diagnostics.

In order to organize a treatment room for the collection of biomaterial, you must obtain license and permits from the fire service and sanitary and epidemiological supervision... In the case of working on a franchise, as a rule, franchisors help with the issue of obtaining a license, but in this case, the size of the lump-sum payment also increases.

Another extremely important step is the formation of an accurate list of services provided. It is worth noting that there are two main types of research areas: ELISA, that is, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, the essence of which is to detect antibodies to pathogens or specific proteins, and PCR - polymerase chain reaction, which consists in detecting DNA.

Practice shows that for both types of research, the total costs associated with starting a business and operating are almost the same. But they are distributed in different ways: for the first case, more significant investments in the purchase of equipment are characteristic, and in the second case, the main cost item is the premises, since to carry out PCR studies, it is necessary to comply with more stringent safety rules and requirements.

PCR studies allow detecting the DNA of the pathogen during the analysis of scrapings and smears, while using the ELISA method, traces of the pathogen in the blood are detected. Any of these types of research can provide high demand, since both a blood test and the detection of sexually transmitted infections are equally in demand services.

To open a laboratory you will need premises with an area of ​​at least 100 sq. m. and has a separate entrance. These are the requirements put forward by the SES. There should be public transport stops in the immediate vicinity of the office. It is also desirable that the office is in a crowded place.

Another important factor that can ensure the success of the laboratory is analysis time... Considering that today many analyzes can be carried out in just a few hours, there are no problems with giving the results of these analyzes within one day. Otherwise, customers are more likely to remain dissatisfied and go to places where work is done faster and costs less.

Naturally, the broader the range of research a laboratory performs, the better. The ideal option is to carry out clinical and biochemical analyzes of urine and blood, hormones, infections, allergological tests, studies for tumor markers, PCR studies, analyzes of indicators of the hemostasis system, cytological and spermographic methods.

For analyzes and research, you will need an appropriate equipment... Today the market offers a fairly wide selection of both domestic and foreign manufacturers. At the same time, domestically produced devices, reagents and consumables cost 20-30% less than imported ones.

Depending on the demand for the services provided, the complexity of the equipment, as well as the period of time for which employees learn to work with it, the launch of a laboratory diagnostic business can take from one week to six months.

Cost price the most popular analysis for infections averages 30 rubles, while the retail price of such a service reaches at least 70 rubles.

Moreover, as a rule, one patient, visiting a doctor, takes not one analysis, but about five to six. As a result, the average amount of one check is 300 rubles or more. The location of the analysis influences the formation of the price and its final value. The analysis can be carried out in a laboratory or sent for execution to one of the major medical centers. Moreover, even very large laboratories with a powerful analytical base and good equipment are outsourced from 5 to 6% of analyzes. This is due to the fact that even if it is possible to conduct a wide variety of test types, it may always be necessary to conduct some kind of rare analysis.

In addition, the cost of the analysis includes the costs associated with transporting the biomaterial to the study site, as well as the extra charge of an intermediary. The highest prices are set by those medical firms in which all 100% of analyzes are carried out on the side. The profit of the owner of the treatment room consists of the cost of services related to the intake of biological material and discounts provided by the central laboratory. Moreover, even such intermediaries who perform 100% of analyzes in "third-party" laboratories can achieve considerable success if they place their office in a place convenient for visitors, for example, in the central part of the city or near the metro.

It is worth noting that among the owners of diagnostic laboratories, you can most often find people with good connections in the medical field, as well as health officials. And this is not surprising, because it is doctors who are well aware of the essence of the ongoing processes, existing technologies, and also perfectly understand how and to whom one can sell services related to laboratory diagnostics. However, it is not at all necessary to have a medical education to open a treatment room. Moreover, rather, on the contrary, the management of a network of offices, perhaps, will be better for an entrepreneur who has experience in retail sales, but one of the good specialists can be taken as his deputy.

The most important, key role in this type of business is played by qualifications of doctors, since a lot depends on the smallest nuances. After all, a lot depends on the slightest nuances. It is not enough just to be able to take tests correctly, you also need to be able to comply with all existing transportation conditions, ensure timely delivery of biomaterial to the laboratory, avoid mistakes and confusion in the results of analyzes of different patients, and also prevent leakage and disclosure of confidential information, etc.

As a rule, diagnostic laboratories have a staff of six people, of which: three to four doctors who work in shifts and lead the reception of patients, while assigning them the necessary tests and studies, a nurse whose functions include taking samples, an administrator who is in charge of cashier, manages personnel and coordinates couriers.

Practice shows that the overwhelming majority, namely 70% of all consumers of diagnostic laboratory services are women.

Therefore, for the correct organization of work when opening a laboratory, it is imperative to take this fact into account. It is also worth paying close attention to in the promotion and advertising of the diagnostic laboratory.

It should be noted that in promotion and advertising the diagnostic laboratory does not work with traditional methods and means. Advertising on radio, television, or in print media does not have an effect. The most effective means are friendly relations with doctors, since it is from them that the flow of clients comes to the laboratory for analysis and it is they who can give the appropriate recommendation regarding visiting a particular laboratory or office.

Moreover, on the recommendation of a doctor, the patient will go even to the other end of the city. And if the doctor has no doubts about the reliability and quality of the test results, he will readily and happily work with a certain laboratory, especially considering the fact that the patient's recovery ultimately depends on the quality of diagnostics, and, accordingly, and the doctor's income.

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The need for quality medical services relevant even for a small town. Many people do not want to waste time in queues, risk their health because of poor service, or travel to a large regional center. That's why new company The residents of the ancient town of Torzhok in the Tver region appreciated the "Pasteur's laboratory". We managed to meet and talk with director general and co-founder of the company Artyom Chikachev.

Key points:

  • Activity: medical analyzes
  • Location: Torzhok, Tveretskaya embankment, 20.
  • Pre-Business Occupation: Sales
  • Organizational and legal form of doing business: LLC
  • Form of taxation: simplified 6%
  • Business start date: 2014
  • Initial investment: 700 thousand
  • Source of initial capital: cash

Hello, Artem, tell us how the idea of ​​creating your own business came to you? What did you do before entrepreneurship?

The idea of ​​starting a business belongs to my friends, they are far from novices in this matter. One of the partners has a medical education, is engaged in laboratory business in Tver. There were no laboratories in Torzhok, so they decided to open it here. The moment came when one of the co-founders decided to sell the stake.

Several years ago I tried to develop my own business, there was a company selling accessories for window organizations in Tver. Then I tried myself in different fields, and when I received an offer to become the director of a medical laboratory, I analyzed this industry and quickly agreed.

Why did you choose a medical laboratory? Do you have a medical degree?

I do not have a medical education, it is rather an exception, for the management of such a laboratory, specialized education is mandatory. I fill this gap with self-education and practice, I try to read a lot of specialized literature.

As I said, I was offered to develop this business. Of course, at first I carefully studied everything and thought that high-quality medical services are always in demand by people.

How long did it take from the idea to the implementation of the idea?

The laboratory was opened in the spring of 2014. The entire preparation for the opening took several months - this is the choice of premises, the purchase of equipment, inspection of the SES and licensing.

What difficulties did you have to face at the beginning of the journey?

The main challenges were standards and organizational issues. Medical facilities are carefully checked by the authorities for compliance with quality. We found a room where medical activities were previously carried out, so the foundation for the laboratory had already been laid. At the same time, much had to be redone anyway. We spent a month repairing and preparing the laboratory. High demands are placed on the equipment as well. Any medical equipment has a high cost, while others cannot be bought.

After the preparation of the premises, the stage of verification by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service follows. Within a month, employees of the authorities can check the laboratory according to certain requirements, if the slightest shortcomings are found, they will have to be redone. The last stage is licensing, it lasts up to 1.5 months.

A big problem arose with the selection of personnel. We needed several nurses, and it turned out to find them in small town not easy. But now everything is fine, our employees are working on a permanent basis.

You drew up a business plan before starting your entrepreneurial activity?

Was compiled detailed business plan, in which we tried to take into account all possible difficulties and additional costs, then we began to implement this project.

How did the legalization process go? Why did you choose LLC?

How is the delivery and testing process carried out?

Analyzes are delivered by courier service in special bags at the required temperature. By the evening, the analyzes reach the laboratory. There they are sorted. And human factor excluded. A special barcode is applied to the test tubes, which is read by the device. The chances of confusing analyzes are reduced to zero. The test results come to the client in electronic form, they can be sent by e-mail, if a paper version with the signature and seal of the clinic is not needed.

How promising do you see the private healthcare industry? What are the advantages of this type of entrepreneurship?

The industry is quite promising, as people always need high-quality medical services. Early diagnosis can reveal many diseases, including cancer. Most public hospitals do not carry out the full range of tests, and there is no suitable equipment and reagents.

Another important advantage is service. Everyone was faced with a disdainful and boorish attitude in ordinary hospitals, queues, and a private laboratory is great alternative... You can make an appointment by phone, online on the website and receive the results of your tests a few days after delivery, there is also an SMS notification about the readiness of the results.

The biomaterial sampling procedure takes place in clean, sterile rooms, using modern disposable instruments. For example, now we are using a new device for taking blood from a finger, which significantly reduces pain, even small children do not notice anything.

In a private laboratory, you can also work under voluntary health insurance policies. We have signed contracts with two insurance companies. People who have insurance policies from these companies and the corresponding medical prescriptions receive services free of charge under the insurance contract.

What services are in greatest demand?

General clinical tests, biochemical blood tests, tests for hormones, infections, cancer prophylaxis, and tests for allergens are often ordered. A wide range of complex programs are presented. In total, about two thousand studies are being carried out. The receipt of the results is strictly confidential; only the patient himself can collect them.

There are interesting studies, for example, analysis for children, which allows you to identify the ratio of fast and slow fibers in muscle tissue and determine in which sport a child will achieve the greatest success. Tests for predisposition to genetic diseases are also interesting.

You live and work in a small town, does this affect your business? What problems will an entrepreneur face in a city with a small population?

The main problem is people, you should carefully choose a niche for your future business. This should be really important and necessary for the population. Everybody needs medicine everywhere, so we made the right decision. Demand creates supply.

There are fewer clients in a small town, but there are few competitors. If we take a regional city, there are more than a dozen medical laboratories there.

A lot depends on the population's ability to pay. In this regard, Torzhok is a fairly stable city, there are several large factories, a military and helicopter unit is located. Perhaps opening a laboratory in another provincial city would be impractical.

Due to the difficult economic situation, many are afraid to open own business... What can you say about this, is it really not the best time?

The crisis is felt, but it cannot be called destructive or critical. Now there is a slight decrease in demand, however, compared to last autumn, the indicators have not changed. Usually there is a decline in the summer, more profit in the spring and autumn, in January there is also a decline due to the large number of holidays... But a significant decrease in the flow of customers has not yet been observed.

Much is exaggerated and exaggerated, no one knows how long the crisis will last, who will be more affected, but everyone needs to raise this topic. It seems to me that we need to think less about the crisis, because there will never be an ideal situation for doing business.

What advice would you give to those who want to start their own business during a crisis?

It is important to choose the demanded direction. People try to limit themselves to unnecessary purchases and services, leaving only the most necessary. Recently opened in Torzhok shopping center, we wanted to open a large clothing brand there under a franchise, but in last moment changed their minds. Not all people can afford to buy expensive, albeit high-quality things.

I do not recommend opening any "consumer goods". It is better to dwell on proven services that everyone needs.

What are your goals and objectives for the next few years?

Purchase of additional equipment and improvement of service. Previously, they wanted to equip doctors' offices, but then they decided not to go into diversification. We position ourselves precisely as a laboratory for the collection of medical tests and the main task is development in this direction.

Didn't you have a desire to quit everything at the beginning of the journey and do your usual work?

Such a desire sometimes appears even now, especially when you get tired (laughs). But these are momentary weaknesses and disappear instantly. I am always aware of what, why and why I am doing.

It is necessary to constantly maintain motivation and excitement. At the very beginning, you do not feel laziness, fatigue, you want to achieve a lot, gradually it can decline. Therefore, you need to set yourself new goals and achieve them.

Can everyone become a successful entrepreneur or does it require talent?

The main thing is not to be afraid of possible failure or failure. When a person is afraid, nothing happens. Even if it does not work out, tremendous experience will be learned, which will be useful in further endeavors. A beginner who tries a few times ends up on a wave of luck. Many feel discouraged after the first failure, and there is not enough motivation to try again or change a niche. Such people quickly go out of business.

Entrepreneurial talent is self-confidence and tremendous motivation. If you take steps every day to achieve your goal, and not blame the state and others for everything, then success will surely come.

If there was an opportunity to go back a few years, what mistakes would you not make?

Mostly the errors were technical plan... They could be mistaken with the terminology, confuse something with the documentation, but not critical.

What advice can you give to those who are thinking about starting their own business?

Analyze and calculate everything carefully. Success may not come as quickly as we expect at the beginning of the journey, so we need to be patient, approach the issues of payback and profitability of the business with a “cold” head, without undue euphoria.

  • Laboratory"Pasteur"
  • Address: Tver region, Torzhok, Tveretskaya embankment, house 20, 2nd floor.
  • Vkontakte community -
MS Word Volume: 40 pages

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    Medical laboratory business plan

    I read the business plan purely for information purposes. It was necessary to sort out some issues. Quite interestingly written. Thanks for the materials provided.

    Victor, thank you for your feedback. It's good that familiarity with the business plan of the medical laboratory satisfied you. We hope this will improve your quality of life. We wish you success in your business.

    Medical laboratory business plan

    The idea in your business plan is very tempting. I was interested. It's great that there are people like you who share their experiences in starting a business. Thank you and good luck.

    Alexey, thank you for your feedback and warm wishes. We hope that with the help of our business plan you will be able to open a medical laboratory in no time. And just as soon bring it to a competitive level. We wish you all the best.

    Medical laboratory business plan

    Fine. Thanks a lot. I've been searching the net for so long good business plan and here you are - my salvation. Everything is so detailed, understandable, laconic. All questions were immediately removed.

    Nadezhda, thank you for your response and kind words. The creation of a medical laboratory hides many nuances and pitfalls that are difficult to track down without a high-quality business plan. It's great that you have chosen the right strategy for starting a business. We wish you success in all your endeavors.

The main thing about the business plan of the medical laboratory

The basis of any branch of medicine is high-quality and timely diagnostics. Before making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a mass to the patient various analyzes, forcing him to waste a huge amount of time. Municipal clinics are not yet ready for a high level of service, and long queues, inattentive attitude of medical personnel - all this, alas, is the reality of our time.

Meanwhile, many people who value their time and nerves are willing to pay money for quality service. This explains the high demand for the services of private medical laboratories. This market segment is just beginning to develop, especially in regions where there is a clear shortage of high-quality medical services. And there is an explanation for that.

The opening of a private laboratory is fraught with very serious difficulties in organizing this process. It is rather difficult to obtain a license to provide this type of service. To do this, it is necessary to obtain permits from the relevant regulatory authorities, and with this in our country, as you know, there are very big problems.

Until the last drop of blood

Difficulties in organizing a chemical laboratory sometimes become an insurmountable obstacle for many entrepreneurs, despite the bright prospects in case of a favorable end of the trouble. There is an alternative option: opening a room for blood sampling, which will then be sent for research to large laboratories. But even here you cannot do without problems.

Yes, of course, you will save a lot, since you do not have to buy expensive equipment for analysis. But you will face another, no less serious task: ensuring the correct transportation and storage of blood. This will significantly increase the timing of the analyzes themselves, which is unlikely to suit your clients.

Another problem that many aspiring businessmen are unable to cope with is the high upfront costs. In order to open a medical laboratory in Moscow or St. Petersburg, an entrepreneur will need at least $ 1 million, in the regions the costs will be lower - $ 200-250 thousand. The organization of the laboratory as a business will be greatly simplified if you start to act not independently, but buy a franchise of a promoted network operator. Business proposal to open a private laboratory under the name famous brand much more profitable.

What equipment and equipment is required for a microbiological laboratory, how to calculate the costs of opening it - it is very difficult for a beginner to cope with these problems. But if he has at hand a competent example of a business plan for opening a medical laboratory for analyzes with ready-made calculations, there will be no particular difficulties. In this document, an entrepreneur will find for himself a lot of useful information that will allow him to avoid common risks and reliably occupy his niche.

A ready-made business plan for a medical laboratory from scratch with examples of calculations for opening

The proposed business plan of the medical laboratory will allow you to start your own business in the field of private medical services for the population. You see how often it happens that our fellow citizens do not want to go to state medical institutions, some of which are equipped in the old-fashioned way. And trust is given to real professionals, with the latest equipment and accurate research results, many dream about it. This business promising, because science does not stand still, and people want to accurately diagnose their ailments and identify diseases at an early stage.

This document will help you focus on the essentials. Innovative research is constantly emerging to create new instruments that can provide ultra-precise analytical results. And it is in your power to create such an institution that patients will trust and that can carry out fences, ranging from general analysis blood and ending with the most complex biochemical studies.

Explore finished document you can on our website. Good specialists, experienced workers, necessarily having a medical education, sterility and adherence to the strictest standards in the collection of tests, will allow your medical institution to become famous. People will strive here to pass paid tests and get accurate results. The equipment should be purchased expensive and modern, and it is important that the main work on processing the analyzes is carried out on the spot. In difficult cases, analyzes should be sent to other laboratories while ensuring proper transport. This is a profitable business, moreover, it is so necessary for hundreds of thousands of our compatriots.

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