Raunchy baba yaga for the new year. New Year in the company of Baba Yaga. New Year's performance - Koschey and his wife

Are you hosting a New Year's party? A comic New Year's greetings from Baba Yaga will help create a cheerful atmosphere at the holiday.

The role of this fairy-tale character can be played by both a professional artist and one of your employees. A funny miniature in which Baba Yaga will wish you a Happy New Year 2020 will cheer up everyone present at the celebration.

Happy New Year 2020 scene from Baba Yaga

Appearing in the hall, Baba Yaga says:
- Eh, stomp, foot,
Yaga has flown to you!
And who doesn’t believe
let him make sure!
Let them be greeted by their clothes
See off on the mind!
Give the floor to Grandma Ezhka,
Otherwise I'll take it myself!
I arrived a little late
Lost, hurrying to you:
Apparently, the navigator has gone astray,
So like a hedgehog.
After I stood in a traffic jam
As much as 2 whole quarters ...
I don't need a Mercedes
I don't need the Volga,
I would have a mortar and a broom,
To fly for a long time!
She addresses the guests:

- What are you doing here, celebrating a holiday? Well, celebrate, have fun, this is your day!

Then, at the corporate party, New Year's words of congratulations from Baba Yaga will be heard:
- Worked tirelessly for a year
Your close-knit team.
You guys deserve
"Tear-off" corporate party!
I wish you success
And the income of the noble,
So that the salary allows
Life is very sweet for you!

- What is the date in Russia
Celebrating without songs?
Well, girls, start it up,
Let's all sing together!

Several girls perform a song to the tune "A Christmas tree was born in the forest":
- A grandmother was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest
And this grandmother's name was
"Our light Baba Yaga"!

A blizzard sang a song to her
The bear sang ditties
But she was not happy
For many, many years!

Here New Year suddenly came
And grandma is blooming -
To our grandmother's tree
I called the honest people!

Now she's smart
She came to us for a holiday,
And a lot of very joy
Brought to all guests!

A short production with comic congratulations from Baba Yaga for the 2020 New Year continues, and she says:
- And now I will sing to you ... Listen to my ditties!

- Look at me,
Why am I not a beauty?
My maiden beauty
Can't help but like it!
My eyes are like sleds
Just don't ride
I do not know from what
Leshies fall in love!

She approaches one of the young people in the hall:
- A prominent guy, even where,
Turn around tudy-syudy,
You definitely fit me.
Say goodbye to everyone here
Since you are leaving with me!

Then the heroine of the scene approaches another man:
- Will you fly with me, my dear?
There is something, dear, in you ...
It is useless to unlock.
What am I? I can eat!

She approaches the third man:
- Well, tell me, falcon,
Are you married al single?
I will cook for you
The frog soup is tricky.

(To guests):
- Agree with me, guests -
I'm a stylish granny!
With a figure, with a mind,
Plus, sexy!
Make way, honest people,
Grandma is going to dance now!
Get out of the way!
Take care of your feet!

- So that now you do not get bored,
At the table so as not to yawn
Yaga and I are riddles at once
Let's make a guess for you now.

The people envy him -
He works day a year.
Such a schedule for everyone to have
And get crazy from work!
(Father Frost).

It tickles the nose, but we don't notice.
If it cracks in the forehead, we won't give back.
We always celebrate the New Year with him,
We say toasts to the chimes.

If the Christmas tree is dancing
The Snow Maiden kisses you,
The snowman is looking out the window
So, stop drinking ... (wine).

You can't do without it!
Loves the whole country.
You can eat them,
And sleep in it sometimes.
New Year is passing with him,
We meet with him in January.
Amazing dish
Come on, guess quickly!
(Olivier salad).

Who amuses us today
And playing a little naughty?
Who's got the glass?
Well this is ... (Grandma Hedgehog).

Competitions at the New Year's corporate party with Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga invites guests to take part in various games and competitions.
- Who here will say congratulations to the bottle will show us.

A toast competition is being arranged: the guests begin to hand each other an empty bottle to the music, and when the melody ceases, the one who has it in his hands must make a toast.

Then the guests will need to find a way out of non-standard situations. What to do, if…

  • have you lost the salary of your colleagues at the casino?
  • were you accidentally locked in your office for the night?
  • you accidentally knocked a cup of coffee onto the secretary's dress?
  • has your dog eaten a contract to be presented to business partners?
  • are you stuck in an elevator with a beautiful headmistress?

Participants in the "Guess" contest are divided into two teams, one of which must depict various situations using pantomime means. You can choose the following themes:

  • "I'm going on vacation"
  • "I did not fulfill the task of the chief",
  • "I'm getting ready for the wedding"
  • "I'm resting",
  • “I slept for work,” etc.

The second team must guess what it is about. The maximum number of attempts to give the correct answer is from three to five.

For the game "Bottle" on the floor, empty bottles are placed tightly together with bottles of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Participants must throw a ring on the bottle from a distance of 3 meters. Drink bottles can be collected as prizes.

Competition topics can be food-related, for example, participants will need to eat sweets or fruits at a speed. Or find an exotic fruit hidden somewhere in the hall (avocado, pineapple, etc.). Guests give hints to the participants of the game: "Hot", "Warm", "Cold".

The funny scene with the participation of Baba Yaga continues, and she presents the winners of the contests with small prizes.

- I fucked up in the closets,
I collected potions.
To be strong in love
Take this carrot.
(Hands over a carrot to one of the guests).

- So as not to be tormented by a hangover,
I made a potion for you
From toadstools, toads and snakes.
Drink it without fear!
(Gives another guest a jar of pickles.)

- And here is jelly from the mold!
You haven't drunk it yet?
So take it when it starts
There is a carousel in the body!
(Gives a packet of fruit juice).

- The spider has woven you webs,
So that no tears fall.
(Gives him a handkerchief).

- I think I told you everything.
Well, since there is not enough advice,
Write to me by email,
Tell us about the problems.

At the end of the scene at the corporate party, the words New Year's greetings from Baba Yaga are heard:
- Happy Year of the Rat
And with all my heart I wish
Have fun and laugh
Do not take offense at anything,
Life is easy and without worries
All the coming new year!

"New year on new way»

All kinds of miracles happen on New Years. No wonder this time is called magical, amazing. In the preparation of the school, new year holiday creativity and creativity are important. It is important that the script for the holiday is modern, interesting and fun. This scenario has everything you need for an unforgettable time on the New Year's, school light.

Baba Yaga, Stylist, Snow Maiden, Ded Moroz, Kikimora, Leshy, Blonde, Leading, Leading, Serpent-Gorynych, Disheveled Snow Maiden.

(Magic music, for example, "Visiting a Fairy Tale")
On the stage, the scenery of Baba Yaga's hut. The Leader and the Leader appear.

New Year is rushing to us, rushing,
Soon a miracle will happen
The magic time is coming soon
It's time to make a wish!
It's time to prepare congratulations
And light the lights everywhere
Wear bright outfits
A glorious holiday is ahead!

Exactly, exactly, get together,
Prepare, try
Soon the tree will light up
The holiday will knock on the door!

Dear friends, we are glad to see you on our holiday today. As you know, the New Year is a time of change and magic.

Change is always good. Everyone strives for them, and even fairy-tale heroes.

Who are you talking about now?

Didn't you hear? Baba Yaga has now decided to change her appearance. Here everyone around is already aware, and only you do not know.

You're lying! This cannot be!

Maybe, maybe! We bet on the wish that by the end of the evening, Baba Yaga will become a beauty!

We argue! Get ready, I'll make such a wish for you! I'll just look for an idea on the Internet and guess!

A , I will help you find! And at the same time I will make sure that the desire is decent!

(The presenters leave. Baba Yaga appears on the stage, all in rags, with a mirror in her hands)

Baba Yaga:
Soon, soon New Year,
The whole country was tired of waiting for him,
Soon, soon he will come
Even I was getting ready!
pick up,
Make up, do my hair,
I need to clean the houses
And make salads!
Can dye my hair
Or maybe curl them,
Can I touch up the eyebrows,
And curl your eyelashes!
What to do, I don't know
I haven't put on makeup for a long time
I'll conjure a stylist
Into the idea! Resolved!

(Makes a symbolic gesture with his hands, the Stylist appears in the hall. He enters, burying himself in a magazine)

Now, now, my princess, I will show you the latest novelty! You will fall with delight! Here, look dear, what a color, what a wow!(looks up) .Oh, where am I? What happened at all? My mommy, where are you? What a tastelessness around, what a horror!

Baba Yaga:
Well, why is it horror at once? So, slightly not tidied up.

What a disgrace! Which , hair, what an image!

Baba Yaga:
Yes, I am generally all beauty! Wow, really a pro, appreciated my most fashionable ... Like?

Like? Yes, you can scare the children on the tree in it!

Baba Yaga:
So, what do you think I am doing?

And the hair? And those nails! And anyway, where is my Snow Maiden? Her image is not complete!

Baba Yaga:
So! In general, barber, stop wailing! Come on quickly, make me beautiful! Run!

Fu, how rude. And if I refuse?

Baba Yaga:
I'll eat you, or turn you into a toad!

But, I have everything by appointment!

Baba Yaga:
Oh, that's enough already! Make me beautiful!

Well, okay, I persuaded! Say what you want?

Baba Yaga:
I want, I want, I want, I don’t know, it’s cute!

(The stylist pulls out two photographs from his pocket, one of a girl with styling and makeup, and the other of a horror monster)

Alas, it is impossible to explain what “cute” is, you have to see it yourself. But it's too late to refuse, then there will be no turning back. Choose this picture (shows the version with the monster), I can't help, choose this picture(shows makeup option) , you will find yourself in a fairy tale. Remember darling, I am only offering you perfection!

Baba Yaga:
What is there to choose? Paint me! New Year is coming soon!

(The stylist allegedly begins to put Baba Yaga in order. Goblin and Kikimora appear on the stage)

Hey old man, we came here to drink tea and toadstools. Put the kettle on! So, something I didn't understand, what's going on here?

Why are you suddenly thinking?

Baba Yaga:
Leave me alone! I decided to be beautiful and find myself a groom. And that I am all alone, yes alone? Yes, and I want to meet the New Year humanly, transformed, so to speak!

Leshun, have you heard? She's about to get married! Oh, I can't! Ha, ha, ha, ha!

An elderly bride!

But, you are laughing in vain! You dear, you need to freshen up, put your hair in order, in general, put everything in order! But you darling, it would be nice to have a manicure, a new and makeup, otherwise you look awful!

I am the mistress of the swamps
I know a lot about being scared
And I am beautiful, I am irresistible
I visit the salon every year!

And I am beautiful from birth
I am beautiful, and no doubt,
So brutal, strong
And fashionable myself I will give advice!

Should I put you in line?

(Kikimora and Leshy unanimously say “Yes.” The stylist takes out a tablet)

Tax, can I receive you in 2025, and then, only early in the morning, write it down?

Are you kidding me? Come on now! I also want to celebrate the beautiful New Year!

And I!

OK then. Only you can guess a couple of riddles, and then I will decide who will be the first and who will come in 2025!

On New Year's Eve, until you eat
He ate candy and jam.
He lived on the roof, poor thing,
His name was ...
(Carlson) .

He plays a little
For passers-by on an accordion.
Everyone knows the musician!
His name - …

(Crocodile Gena) .

From the blue brook
The river begins.
They sang this song loudly
Three funny ...
(Little Raccoon).

He was a cloud of rain,
I went home with Piglet,
And, of course, he loved honey.
This is Gena ...
(Winnie the Pooh).

(Several riddles are read, or instead of them you can carry out some , in which spectators can also take part. The stylist chooses the winner. The thumping of heels is heard. A Blonde appears with curlers on her head, with a phone in her hands

You, my hairdresser! I do not understand! What's the matter? Where are you even lost? Why should I look for you all over the forest?

Well, my little one, they promised to eat me here.

So what! If they had eaten, I would have found another, he would have made me even more beautiful! There are several hours left until the New Year, and I still need to remember where I need to go.

Lady, in line, in line, here, by the way, everyone wants to be beautiful!

Ugh! You can't make a miss of the universe!

Baba Yaga:
Hey, don't stop the maestro from creating! Otherwise I'll turn everyone into toads!

Oh, I do not mind, green is in trend, I will be fashionable!

You will croak, not fashionable!

Leading: Something I don't see Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden among the guests?

Guys, let's call them.

(Children call Santa Claus) (Music is heard.)

(Santa Claus enters and enters with him, a disheveled Snow Maiden stumbles)

Raster. Snow Maiden:
We made our way through the wind, through the snow,
And my braids are slightly disheveled,
Make-up lightly and dripped,
I need to be beautiful urgently, now!
I'll drive round dances in an hour,
Songs to sing, dance and joke,
Come on stylist, bring me beauty
And then I can deprive the gift!

Fi what! Here, by the way, turn! So, come on like everyone else, in line!

Raster Snow Maiden:
By the way, I am the granddaughter of Santa Claus!

And what, and I have a dad. Damn Clinton, but I'm not bragging!

Father Frost : Bah! So this is not my granddaughter! Again, the forest evil slipped me the wrong one! Well, I'll show them how to mock Santa Claus, an old man! Here they will not have a New Year and they will remain in the old and will not receive gifts. Really guys? And let's, guys, call the Snow Maiden in chorus, she will hear and come to us!

Children : Snow Maiden! (3 times)

(The Snow Maiden appears)

May the coming New Year
Will bring health to everyone,
The blizzard will blow out bad weather,
Will bring happiness to all people.
Magic, luck, laughter
Let them accompany everyone!

Disheveled Snow Maiden approaches the hairdresser : Waiting for care, kids,
It's high time for us to go,
Be good i ask
Brush my braid!

Baba Yaga:
Look what! Incomprehensible! said the same in line! In general, I rented it first!

Father Frost

- Hello adults and children!

Please accept hello new year.

Happy holiday from a pure heart

I came to congratulate you today.

Only a year has passed since the meeting:

What hands ?! What shoulders ?!

Directly all the heroes, have matured, grown up!

And the girls? You look - surely all around are the princesses.

Well done! Hey guys, you make me happy.

- Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all the children! Congratulations to all the guests!

How many faces are familiar, how many friends of mine are here,

It's good for me to be at home here, among the gray Christmas trees.

Snow Maiden

- You guys are longing for you

Father Frost

- Yes, drifts in front of the house, do not drive, do not go!

Thank you kids for clearing the snow out of the way.

- But who dared to circle such a blizzard without me?

Guys, maybe you know?


- Bab Yaga and Leshy!

Father Frost

- Oh, that's it! Call these robbers here!

Come on, Snowflakes, fly and bring the villains.

Snowflakes bring Baba Yaga and Leshy.

Father Frost

Yaga, are you planning to spoil the holiday again?

- But I'll freeze you now! Admit it, why did you want to ruin the holiday?

Baba Yaga

- Oh, don't, don't freeze, you, grandpa, give it up!


- We will live differently, we will be friends with you!


- Have mercy, do not ruin, you are friends with us now!

Father Frost

- Now it’s another matter, it’s warmer everywhere!

Happy New Year! New happiness! I wish everyone to be healthy!

Have fun and frolic, learn to wits!

So that your laughter always rings with the New Year to everyone, everyone, everyone!

Baba Yaga:
And I didn't want to spoil anything, I just want to be beautiful and get married!

Snow Maiden:
So be kind! Then there will be a groom!

Baba Yaga:
And I have happiness at stake!

Oh, I don't remember where I put my plane. I parked, parked, I don't remember where I parked!

D.M ... I'll help you now. Just remember the magic words. So, so (walks cannot remember). Remembered! By the pike's command, by my desire, there is a plane!

(The music sounded generally alarming and menacing, then the roar of an approaching plane and a powerful roar was heard. From this roar everyone falls to the floor and covers their heads with their hands. Meanwhile, Serpent Gorynych entered the hall.

Zmey Gorynych:
- Well, who ordered me here?

D.M ... quietly:
- I AM! I just messed up the words. Well, once, you guys, take a ride here!

Zmey Gorynych :
- You can ride it! Now let's arrange everything!

(Held Competition "Riding Chairs Around the Christmas Tree" .)

Zmey Gorynych:
- They amused me, amused me, but I honestly wanted to, it was already to eat you all, but oh well. It's time for me to fly, the Zmeigory guys are waiting for me, I'll tell them about you, let them rejoice.

Snow Maiden :
Well now, we will stand together,
Let's stand with you in a round dance,
And we will circle around the tree,
Hello holiday, New Year!

( Circling in a round dance) (New Year's songs)

Father Frost:
- Disorder! The tree is off!
Snow Maiden:
- Yes, business is running, we need to urgently take action, grandfather.

Father Frost :Children! Let's shout together, Herringbone, one, two, three Light up with lights!

Children : Herringbone, one, two, three light up with lights! (3 times)

The Christmas tree lights up with festive garlands.

Father Frost:
- Well, the Christmas tree is beautiful, so that all children have a beautiful Christmas tree, this is my first desire.

Father Frost:
- The second wish is for all children to have a joyful mood. What we are going to do now.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden together:
- Well, and the third wish, that the New Year would come to us!

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka are holding a poetry competition. Give out gifts.

The holiday is drawing to a close
The holiday is knocking at our door,
I want to give him a tribute,
Let the lights come on everywhere!

Father Frost :
Congratulations you read to us,
But it's time for us kids,
We will only give you gifts,
Out of a huge bag!

( Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are giving gifts)

Snow Maiden
Our holiday has come to an end
I want to wish everyone now
Warmth, smiles, joy and happiness,
So that you do not know sadness and misfortune!

Leading :
So that the New Year is the newest,
To make your dreams come true,
So that in any bad weather,
You were all with your family!

(After that, all together sing the song of the Disco Crash "New Year is rushing to us")

This scenario is rather short, so it is good for a New Year's event at lunchtime or after working day(glasses can be without alcohol). It can also be included as part of an overall script for a big New Year's Eve party.

If you are planning a longer party based on the above scenario, then add several games and contests to the program. In addition, you can ask the party participants in advance to prepare individually small concert numbers- songs, dances, poems, etc. During the holiday, everyone can perform and receive a "branded" souvenir as a gift from Baba Yaga.

Since in this case, the only character of the holiday is Baba Yaga, in order to emphasize the New Year's theme, add elements of the Snow Maiden's costume to the Yaga costume, for example, Kokoshnik and a braid - (you can directly over the scarf to make it look funnier). But clothes can be sewn on several large snowflakes, and decorate the broom (what Yaga is without a broom?) With tinsel or attach several Christmas balls to it. By the way, a broom can be made from spruce branches - natural or artificial. Yes, and a bag - if you use a regular Santa Claus bag, it will look as if Yaga had stolen it from New Year's grandfather. Therefore, sew a couple of patches onto the bag, and you can choose a simpler fabric itself.

To make the holiday with Yaga more organic, try to make everything used bear the imprint of both the New Year and the main character of the party. For example, on gift wrapping and leaflets with lyrics, there may be not only a picture of a Christmas tree or Santa Claus, but also a cobweb or a broomstick. The prizes given out by Baba Yaga also match the topic. Try to imagine what Santa Claus would choose for prizes and what Baba Yaga. The same is with contests, games, music used (in addition to New Year's music, songs about Baba Yaga can also be included in the program).

Try to customize your fantasy in this way, and you will see many new interesting possibilities that will make your party special and unforgettable.


The script is designed for an adult audience and can be performed with friends, colleagues, classmates. In advance, you should prepare the costume of Baba Yaga and choose the performer of this role, as well as print out the lyrics that will be distributed to everyone present during the holiday.

Both a woman and a man can lead the holiday.

The shooter can't keep running
And it's time for us to celebrate
New Year that knocks on the house
And sparkles with garlands!

To us now for a light
One old woman will come running
It will be a nice evening ...
Only shhh ..! Secret! In your ear ...

Baba Yaga appears on the stage, waddling along and carrying a bag of gifts behind her.

Baba Yaga:
I am an old woman - a merry woman
I have been living on Earth for a hundred years
I love to sing you ditties,
I also love to listen to them.

Baba Yaga summons five ladies to the stage, hands them the words of ditties and headscarves. To the music to the song "Chastushki Babok Ezhek" from the Soviet cartoon "The Flying Ship", women perform the written texts. Baba Yaga starts.

Stretch the fur, accordion!
Come on, beauties!
We will sing ditties for you,
We know you will love it!

New Year we are the whole country
We celebrate together!
Pour a glass! With Yaga
We drink for the holiday!

Hey beauties are girly
Well, let's not get bored!
Better with a ditty grandmother
Singing out loud!

Last holiday New Year
I noted with a devil
The forest people sang along -
I danced striptease!

I remember with the devil last year
Kissing deliciously
In the morning the forest people
We were bullied!

Sing, sing merry!
Dance, drink.
Here they sang ditties for you,
Don't forget us!

The women leave the stage. Baba Yaga gives them gifts, which she takes out of the bag.

So that now you do not get bored,
At the table that they would not yawn,
Yaga and I are riddles at once
Let's make a guess for you now!

The presenter and Baba Yaga take turns reading riddles. The best connoisseur is presented with a gift from Baba Yaga's bag.

Who's knocking on the door?
Who pinches cheeks and nose like that?
You don't want to believe, but believe
It's for sure ... (Santa Claus)

Tickles nose violently
And the finger hurts prickly
Who smells strongly of the forest?
Learned? This is ... (Christmas tree)

Who is almost the master of the forest?
Who is always like the local people?
Who is cunning and sexy?
That's for sure ... (Goblin)

Instantly ate all the jam
From the roof, sent by the wind,
It's not boring with him, no doubt, -
It's kind ... (Carlson)

Who is this with such a scythe
And a slender figure?
Who is the young man?
This is ... (Snow Maiden)

Who is having fun today?
And playing a little naughty?
Who's got the glass?
Well this is Grandma ... (Hedgehog)

What a holiday in Russia
Celebrating without songs?
Come on, grandma, backwater,
Let's all sing together!

Baba Yaga:
I came from far away
And you have not met
So that a tear does not fall,
I want to sound
Lines in my glory — honor!
Sing along, don't hesitate!
I also have the lyrics!
Join us!

Baba Yaga distributes leaflets with the text of the song to everyone present. The song is performed to the tune "A Christmas tree was born in the forest".

Song about Yaga:
A grandmother was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest
And this grandmother's name was
Our light, Baba Yaga!

A blizzard sang a song to her
The bear sang ditties
But grandma is not happy
For many, many years!

But the New Year came suddenly
And grandma is blooming
- To our grandmother's tree
I called the honest people!

Now she's smart
She came to us for a holiday,
And a lot of very joy
Brought to all guests!

Raise all our glasses
Together we drink to Yaga,
Who cannot eat salads,
Call - I will help!

Baba Yaga:
I give presents to everyone
And I wish from the bottom of my heart
Greet the New Year brightly
Live in luck and love!
Live in peace
Friendly, simple,
At the feast Yaga Call for a visit!

Baba Yaga distributes a gift and the text of the closing song to everyone present. The text is performed to the motive of the song "Five Minutes" from the movie "Carnival Night"

Baba Yaga starts, and everyone present picks up the melody.

New year is coming
New year is coming
We raise our glasses!
We drink, people,
So that everyone can catch happiness!

New Year is coming!
Happy New Year!
This year is lucky -
We all know this for sure!

New year is coming
We give gifts to everyone,
Have fun people
We fill the glasses again!

Chorus: 2x

After the closing song, presenting gifts. The evening is over.

To celebrate 2020 New Year is fun, it is worth thinking in advance entertainment program by including interesting contests, practical jokes, riddles and sketches. The performances with the participation of fairy-tale characters are especially popular among children and adults.

Your guests will love a small New Year's performance about Baba Yaga, which we bring to your attention.

Scene with Baba Yaga for the New Year 2020

A comic New Year's greetings from Baba Yaga (a man can play this role) will begin with the fact that she appears at the holiday:
- Oh, my broom, broom!
Where did you take me?
I got the transport!
Is the navigator broken?
Oh, tell me honest people
New Year's Eve is not the case?

Santa Claus appears in miniature, he sees Baba Yaga:
- Yes, we are celebrating the coming year here. And you, grandmother, as I remember, no one invited you here.
Baba Yaga:
- Santa Claus, respect me,
Otherwise I'm your holiday
I will turn into a big scandal.
You saw me in business:
You know, I'm a thunder baba
I will make a pogrom here
I will blow all your tables
Yes, and now you will dance
So don't be a jerk
Appoint me as Snow Maiden
Ali the Snow Queen.
I want to be the first everywhere!

Santa Claus does not agree, and then in this comic scene Baba Yaga reports that she has bewitched New Year's gifts.

- You, dear guests, will not have presents from Santa Claus! But I will present you my gifts - you will never forget. (She takes out various things from the basket and gives the guests).

- So as not to be tormented by a hangover,
I made a potion for you
From toadstools, toads and snakes.
Drink it without fear!
(Gives a jar of pickles.)

- I fucked up in the closets,
I collected potions.
To be strong in love
Take this carrot.
(Hands over the carrots.)

- For colds and sore throats
Oranges help.
And so that the pressure does not torment -
Here is the instruction:
Eat grapefruit more often
You will be like this fruit.
(Gives these fruits.)

- And here is jelly from the mold!
You haven't drunk it yet?
So take it when it starts
There is a carousel in the body!
(Gives a packet of fruit juice.)

After that, Santa Claus says:
- What are these gifts, grandmother? Snegurochka and I prepared completely different gifts for our guests - New Year's.

He addresses the guests:
- Let us disenchant them.

Guests will guess riddles and receive prizes for this - calendars, small toys, sweets, etc. Santa Claus will invite those present to answer the questions:

  • Previously, in Russia, the New Year was celebrated on March 1 and September 1. Which of the Russian tsars issued a decree according to which this holiday began to be celebrated on the first of January? (Peter the Great).
  • What Russian city is considered the geographical birthplace of Santa Claus? (Great Ustyug).
  • In which country is the New Year celebrated along with the Day of Cattle Breeding? Santa Claus, who is dressed as a cattle breeder, wears a fox hat, has a long whip in his hands, and a snuffbox and a flint-box on his side. (In Mongolia).
  • In which country is the Snow Queen's residence? (In Lapland).
  • Why are birds not served on the New Year's table in Hungary? (It is believed that otherwise happiness can fly away from home).
  • Where before the New Year it is customary to fill all the dishes with water, and after the clock strikes twelve, a real flood begins, as people pour water from the windows? (This is the custom in Cuba.)

Merry New Year contests with the participation of Baba Yaga

Comic congratulations from Baba Yaga for the New Year 2020 may include the "Guess" contest. Its participants are divided into two teams, one of which must depict a well-known proverb or fairy tale with the help of pantomime. The second team must guess which proverb is in question. The maximum number of attempts to give the correct answer is from three to five.

Baba Yaga:
- They did not want to make me a Snow Maiden - and it is not necessary. I have already become Princess Nesmeyanoy here: your performances do not amuse me. Let's better hold another competition.

To participate in this funny new year competition Baba Yaga, she divides those who wish into two teams. The first team - princesses Nesmeyana; these participants sit on chairs and look as dull as possible. The second team should make them laugh.

To do this, you will need to tell jokes, sing ditties, perform ridiculous movements, etc. Each smiling "not laughing" joins the second team. After that, the teams can switch roles.

You can spend musical competition with Baba Yaga, whose participants will sing one verse of the song "Winter":

Zima lived in a hut at the edge of the forest.
She salted snowballs in a birch tub,
She was spinning yarn, she was weaving canvases
She forged ice bridges over the rivers.

The ceiling is icy, the door is creaking
Behind the rough wall, the darkness is prickly.
As you go over the threshold, there is frost everywhere,
And from the windows there is a blue-blue park.

I went hunting, cut silver,
I planted a thin month in a crystal bucket.
She sewed fur coats for trees, torched a sled path,
And then she hurried to the forest to rest in the hut.


Baba Yaga:
- Oh, thanks, you have amused me! I didn't even want to conjure.

Then, in her humorous New Year greetings, Baba Yaga decides to sing ditties:
- I am an old jolly woman,
I have been living on Earth for a hundred years
And I love to sing ditties,
I also love to listen to them.
Stretch the fur, accordion,
Yes, play - play it!
Sing ditties, Grandma-Hedgehog,
Sing, don't talk!

She addresses the guests:
- What, did you like how I sing? Do you know what? Let me teach you to sing too.

She invites several girls and women to the stage. The participants in this scene perform ditties together with Baba Yaga:
- Our accordion is good,
Yes, and we are beauties!
We will sing ditties for you,
We know you will love it!

New Year we are the whole country
We celebrate together!
Pour a glass! With Yaga
We drink for the holiday!

Hey girly beauties
Today we are not bored!
Together with the grandmother of the ditties
Singing out loud!

Baba Yaga:
- Last holiday New Year
I noted with a devil
The forest people sang along -
I danced striptease!

- Sing, sing, merry people!
Dance, drink.
Here they sang ditties for you,
Don't forget us!

Santa Claus appears on the stage again:
- Well, the old woman, well, and Baba Yaga! Any young person will give a hundred points in advance! Let's thank her and sing a song in her honor.

Participants in this merry New Year's miniature with Baba Yaga lead a round dance around her and sing:
- A grandmother was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest
And this grandmother's name was
Our light, Baba Yaga!
A blizzard sang a song to her
The bear sang ditties
But grandma is not happy
For many, many years!
But the New Year has suddenly come
And grandma is blooming -
To our grandmother's tree
I called the honest people!
Now she's smart
She came to us for a holiday,
And a lot of very joy
Brought to all guests!

main character comic scene Baba Yaga states:
- Well, and you were afraid of me ...
And I am a heart Yaga,
Though harmful, but eternal,
Gray-haired, but perky,
The grandmother is agile.
I'm flying on a broomstick
And always tipsy.

At the end of this new year greetings Baba Yaga addresses the guests:
- Happy New Year!
May he bring joy
May everyone be happy
There will be this New Year!

Let it be rich, generous
For good luck and good
I wish happiness
New Year has come to everyone!
Happy holiday, my dears! Happy New Year!