On the approval of the procedure for attestation of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities. On approval of the procedure for attestation of pedagogical workers of organizations carrying out educational activities

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe / Moscow (UTC + 04: 00) Calculation of the moon phase on 04/01/2014 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or log in.

Moon characteristics on April 7, 2014

On the date 07.04.2014 v 12:00 The moon is in phase "The first quarter (comes on 04/07/2014 at 12:32)"... This 9 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in the zodiac sign Cancer ♋. Illumination percentage The moon is 50%. Sunrise Moon at 11:50, and sunset at 03:15.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 8 lunar day from 10:53 04/06/2014 to 11:50 04/07/2014
  • 9 lunar day from 11:50 04/07/2014 until the next day

The influence of the moon April 7, 2014

Moon in Cancer zodiac sign (±)

Moon in a sign Crayfish... Time of unhurried stability. Ideal for well-functioning businesses with monotonous production. The antiques and jurisprudence are also doing well. The lawsuit initiated by you at this time should end in the most beneficial way for you.

You need to be more careful about lending and lending money. It is possible that you will have to wait a very long time for their return. Since emotional sensitivity increases at this time, you should be more tactful and attentive to loved ones, this will only benefit you.

For the development of spiritual strength, auto-training, meditation practices and the development of extrasensory sensitivity are useful. To avoid unpleasant consequences, careful handling of metal objects and fire is required.

9 lunar day (-)

April 7, 2014 at 12:00 - 9 lunar day... A critical day. You need to be ready to fight seduction, deception and illusion. You must try to restrain yourself and not release to the surface the emerging negative attitude towards the people around you.

Aggravation of the conflict and confrontation will not benefit either side. It is better to pay attention to the continuation of long-started cases that require routine execution.

First quarter (+)

The moon is in phase First quarter... The most favorable time for all kinds of undertakings. Any business, the implementation of which began with the growth of the Moon, acquires an additional impulse and energy for its development.

In medical terms, the influence of the growth of the lunar disk is somewhat negative, since the rate of healing of damaged tissues slows down, which can lead to some complications.

Day of the week influence (±)

Day of the week - Monday, this day is ruled by the "night sun" - the moon. It's not called a hard day because it immediately follows a free weekend. On this day, we are overwhelmed with emotions. Therefore, success alternates with failure, success with failure. Everything becomes unreliable, relative. Up to the point that loyal friends can let you down, and enemies ... help.

On Monday, astrologers advise in everything to rely only on your intuition, since the arguments of reason do not work on this day. The business agreements concluded on this day, like the victories of the heart, may turn into shaky uncertainty tomorrow.

However, all the pitfalls and obstacles of Monday can be bypassed by those who “feel” in their hearts what needs to be done. Those who trust their intuition, as a rule, succeed on this day.

And those who postponed some important things to Monday are forced to redo everything later, since the mind has no power over Monday.

"On approval of the procedure for attestation of pedagogical workers of organizations carrying out educational activities"

Edition of 04/07/2014 - Valid from 06/15/2014


dated April 7, 2014 N 276


1. To approve, in agreement with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, the attached Procedure for the certification of teaching staff of organizations carrying out educational activities.

2. To establish that the qualification categories established for pedagogical workers of state and municipal educational institutions prior to the approval of the Procedure specified in paragraph 1 of this order remain for the period for which they were established.

3. To recognize as invalid the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2010 N 209 "On the Procedure for Attestation of Teachers of State and Municipal Educational Institutions" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 26, 2010, registration N 16999).

The minister

2. Certification of teaching staff is carried out in order to confirm the conformity of teaching staff to their positions on the basis of an assessment of their professional activities and at the request of teaching staff (except for teaching staff from among the teaching staff) in order to establish a qualification category<1>.

3. The main objectives of the certification are:

stimulation of purposeful, continuous improvement of the qualification level of teaching staff, their methodological culture, professional and personal growth;

determination of the need to improve the qualifications of teaching staff;

improving the efficiency and quality of teaching activities;

identifying the prospects for using the potential capabilities of teaching staff;

taking into account the requirements of federal state educational standards for personnel conditions for the implementation of educational programs when forming the personnel composition of organizations;

ensuring the differentiation of the size of the remuneration of teaching staff, taking into account the established qualification category and the volume of their teaching (pedagogical) work.

4. The main principles of certification are collegiality, transparency, openness, ensuring an objective attitude towards teaching staff, inadmissibility of discrimination during certification.

II. Certification of teaching staff in order to confirm compliance with the position

5. Certification of teachers in order to confirm the compliance of teachers with their positions is carried out once every five years on the basis of an assessment of their professional activities by certification commissions, independently formed organizations (hereinafter - the certification commission of the organization)<1>.

6. The attestation commission of the organization is created by an order of the employer, consisting of the chairman of the commission, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the commission.

7. The attestation commission of the organization must include a representative of the elected body of the corresponding primary trade union organization (if there is such a body).

8. Certification of teaching staff is carried out in accordance with the employer's administrative act.

9. The employer acquaints the teaching staff with the administrative act containing the list of employees of the organization subject to certification, the certification schedule, against signature at least 30 calendar days before the day of their certification according to the schedule.

10. To carry out certification for each pedagogical worker, the employer makes a submission to the certification commission of the organization.

11. The submission contains the following information about the teacher:

a) surname, name, patronymic (if any);

b) the name of the position as of the date of the certification;

c) the date of conclusion of an employment contract for this position;

d) the level of education and (or) qualifications in the specialty or field of study;

e) information on obtaining additional professional education in the field of pedagogical activity;

f) the results of previous attestations (if any);

g) a motivated comprehensive and objective assessment of the professional, business qualities, and the results of the professional activity of a pedagogical worker in fulfilling the labor duties assigned to him by an employment contract.

12. The employer acquaints the pedagogical worker with the submission against signature no later than 30 calendar days before the day of certification. After getting acquainted with the submission, the pedagogical worker, if desired, can submit to the certification commission of the organization additional information characterizing his professional activities for the period from the date of the previous certification (in the initial certification - from the date of employment).

If the teacher refuses to familiarize himself with the submission, an act is drawn up, which is signed by the employer and persons (at least two), in whose presence the act is drawn up.

13. Attestation is carried out at a meeting of the attestation commission of the organization with the participation of a teacher.

A meeting of the certification commission of an organization is considered competent if attended by at least two-thirds of the total number of members of the certification commission of the organization.

In the absence of a pedagogical worker on the day of certification at a meeting of the certification commission of the organization, for good reason, his certification is postponed to another date and appropriate changes are made to the certification schedule, about which the employer notifies the employee against signature at least 30 calendar days before the new date of its holding certification.

If a pedagogical worker fails to appear at a meeting of the certification commission of the organization without a valid reason, the certification commission of the organization conducts certification in his absence.

14. The certification commission of the organization considers the submission, additional information provided by the pedagogical worker himself, characterizing his professional activities (if submitted).

15. Based on the results of attestation of a pedagogical worker, the attestation commission of the organization makes one of the following decisions:

corresponds to the position held (the position of the pedagogical worker is indicated);

does not correspond to the position held (the position of the pedagogical worker is indicated).

16. The decision is taken by the certification commission of the organization in the absence of the certified teaching staff by an open vote by a majority of votes of the members of the certification commission of the organization present at the meeting.

When passing the certification, a teacher who is a member of the certification commission of an organization does not participate in voting on his candidacy.

17. In cases where at least half of the members of the attestation commission of the organization present at the meeting voted in favor of the decision on the suitability of the employee for the position held, the pedagogical worker is recognized as corresponding to the position held.

18. The results of attestation of a pedagogical worker who is directly present at a meeting of the attestation commission of an organization are communicated to him after summing up the voting results.

19. The results of certification of teaching staff are recorded in a protocol signed by the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the attestation commission of the organization who were present at the meeting, which is stored with representations, additional information provided by the teaching staff themselves, characterizing their professional activities (if any) , from the employer.

20. For a pedagogical worker who has passed certification, no later than two working days from the date of its holding, the secretary of the certification commission of the organization draws up an extract from the protocol containing information about the last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the certified person, the name of his position, the date of the meeting of the certification commission of the organization , the results of voting, about the decision taken by the certification commission of the organization. The employer acquaints the pedagogical worker with the extract from the protocol against signature within three working days after it has been drawn up. An extract from the protocol is kept in the personal file of the pedagogical worker.

21. The results of certification in order to confirm the conformity of teaching staff to their positions on the basis of assessment and professional activity, the teaching staff has the right to appeal in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

22. The following teaching staff do not pass certification in order to confirm their suitability for the position they hold:

a) teaching staff with qualification categories;

b) who have worked in their position for less than two years in the organization in which the certification is carried out;

c) pregnant women;

d) women on maternity leave;

e) persons who are on parental leave until they reach the age of three;

f) absent from the workplace for more than four months in a row due to illness.

Certification of teaching staff, provided for in subparagraphs "d" and "e" of this paragraph, is possible no earlier than two years after their release from the indicated leaves.

Certification of teaching staff, provided for in subparagraph "e" of this paragraph, is possible no earlier than one year after they start work.

23. Attestation commissions of organizations give recommendations to the employer about the possibility of appointing to the relevant positions of teaching staff persons who do not have special training or work experience, established in the section "Qualification requirements" of the section "Qualification characteristics of positions of education workers" of the Unified qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and employees<1>and (or) professional standards, but possessing sufficient practical experience and competence, performing qualitatively and in full the duties assigned to them.

<1>Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2010 N 761n "On Approval of the Unified Qualification Handbook of the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, Section" Qualification Characteristics of the Positions of Educational Workers "(registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 6, 2010, registration N 18638) as amended by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2011 N 448n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 1, 2011, registration N 21240).

III. Certification of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category

24. Certification of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category is carried out at their request.

According to the results of certification, the first or the highest qualification category is established for teachers.

A representative of the relevant trade union is included in the certification commissions.

27. Certification of pedagogical workers is carried out on the basis of their applications submitted directly to the certification commission or sent by pedagogical workers to the certification commission by mail with a letter of receipt or with a notification in the form of an electronic document using public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet.

28. In the application for certification, teaching staff indicate the qualification categories and positions for which they wish to pass certification.

29. Applications for certification are submitted by teaching staff regardless of the length of work in the organization, including during the period of being on parental leave.

30. Applications for certification in order to establish the highest qualification category for the position for which certification will be carried out for the first time, are submitted by teaching staff no earlier than two years after the establishment of the first qualification category for this position.

31. The expiration of the term of validity of the highest qualification category does not limit the right of a pedagogical worker to subsequently apply to the certification commission with an application for his certification in order to establish the highest qualification category for the same position.

32. Applications of teaching staff for certification are considered by certification commissions within a period of not more than 30 calendar days from the date of their receipt, during which:

a) a specific period of certification is determined for each teacher individually, taking into account the validity period of the previously established qualification category;

b) written notification of teaching staff about the time and place of their certification is carried out.

33. The duration of attestation for each pedagogical worker from the beginning of its conduct and until the adoption of a decision by the attestation commission is no more than 60 calendar days.

34. A meeting of the attestation commission is considered competent if attended by at least two thirds of the total number of its members.

35. A pedagogical worker has the right to be personally present during his certification at a meeting of the certification commission. If a pedagogical worker does not appear at a meeting of the certification commission, certification is carried out in his absence.

36. The first qualification category for teaching staff is established on the basis of:

stable positive results of the development of educational programs by students based on the results of monitoring conducted by the organization;

stable positive results of the development of educational programs by students based on the results of monitoring the education system, carried out in the manner prescribed by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2013 N 662<1>;

<1>dated August 5, 2013 N 662

revealing the development of students' abilities for scientific (intellectual), creative, physical culture and sports activities;

personal contribution to improving the quality of education, improving teaching and upbringing methods, broadcasting the experience of the practical results of their professional activities in pedagogical collectives, active participation in the work of methodological associations of pedagogical workers of the organization.

37. The highest qualification category for teaching staff is established on the basis of:

achievement by students of positive dynamics of the results of mastering educational programs based on the results of monitoring conducted by the organization;

achievement by students of positive results of the development of educational programs based on the results of monitoring the education system, carried out in the manner prescribed by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2013 N 662<1>;

<1>Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2013 N 662 "On monitoring the education system" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 33, Art. 4378).

identification and development of students' abilities for scientific (intellectual), creative, physical culture and sports activities, as well as their participation in olympiads, contests, festivals, competitions;

personal contribution to improving the quality of education, improving the methods of teaching and upbringing and the productive use of new educational technologies, broadcasting the experience of the practical results of their professional activities, including experimental and innovative, in the teaching staff;

active participation in the work of methodological associations of pedagogical workers of organizations, in the development of software and methodological support for the educational process, professional competitions.

38. The assessment of the professional activities of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category is carried out by the certification commission on the basis of the results of their work, provided for in paragraphs 36 and 37 of this Procedure, provided that their activities are related to the relevant areas of work.

39. Based on the results of attestation, the attestation commission makes one of the following decisions:

establish the first (highest) qualification category (the position of the teacher is indicated, for which the qualification category is established);

refuse to establish the first (highest) qualification category (the position for which the teacher is refused to establish the qualification category is indicated).

The decision of the attestation commission comes into force from the date of its issuance.

42. When a teacher with the first qualification category is made, the decision of the attestation commission to refuse to establish the highest qualification category, the first qualification category is retained until its expiration.

43. Pedagogical workers who, during certification, were denied the establishment of a qualification category, apply at their request to the certification commission with an application for certification for the same qualification category no earlier than one year from the date of the adoption of the relevant decision by the certification commission.

44. On the basis of decisions of certification commissions on the results of certification of teaching staff, the relevant federal executive bodies or authorized bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation issue administrative acts on the establishment of teachers of the first or highest qualification category from the date of the decision by the certification commission, which are posted on the official websites of the said bodies on the Internet.

45. The pedagogical worker has the right to appeal the results of certification in order to establish a qualification category (first or highest) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

46. ​​The qualification categories established for teaching staff remain until the end of their validity period when moving to another organization, including one located in another constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Monday of the 6th week, wai. Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The death of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (see service on September 26).

The service is performed according to the 3rd Markov chapter of the Typicon on March 26: “If the Annunciation happens on Monday, the 4th, or 5th, or 6th weeks of holy fasts”.

Calendar notes:

Fish is allowed at the meal.
The service is performed according to the 3rd Markov chapter of the Typikon on March 26: "If the Annunciation happens on Monday, the 4th, or 5th, or 6th week of holy fasting."

Reading order, according to the calendar:

On the pictorial"In Thy Kingdom ..." and so on is read "soon" (without singing and without bowing). The final pictorial prayers are as follows: "Loosen up, leave ..."; according to "Our Father" - kontakion of the holiday, voice 8; "Lord, have mercy" (40), "Glory, and now"; "The most honest Cherubim ...", "In the Name of the Lord ...", the exclamation: "God, bless us ...", the prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian (with three great bows), prayer: "All-Holy Trinity ...". Priest: "Wisdom". Singers: "It is worthy to eat ..." to the words: "and the Mother of our God" (inclusive). Priest: "Most Holy Theotokos, save us." Singers: "Honest Cherubim ...". Priest: "Glory to Thee, Christ God ...". Singers: "Glory, and now", "Lord, have mercy" (three times), "Bless". The priest says dismissal: "Christ, our True God ...". Singers - "Lord, have mercy" (three times). Perennial, according to tradition, are not sung.

Vespers (in conjunction with the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom) it is performed "without kafizm, and without bows." The priest in the altar, standing before the throne, proclaims: "Blessed is the Kingdom ...", while he usually creates a cross over the throne with the Gospel. Singers: "Amen." Reader: “Come, let us worship” (three times) and the initial psalm. (The priest reads lamp prayers.) Great litany. There is no kathisma.

On "Lord, I have cried" the stichera on 11: Triodion - 5: self-proclaimed, the 4th voice: "Soul-minded hardiness ..." (twice; see in the stichera on the verse); and are similar (see on "Lord, cries"), voice 6: "Many sins ...", "God without mercy ..." ; the stichera of the holiday, the 4th voice - 3, and the Archangel, the 1st voice - 3 (to the 11th stichera, the chorus: "Make Angels your spirits / and servants your own fiery flame"). "Glory, and now" - of the holiday, voice 6: "It was sent ...".

During the singing of the stichera on "Lord, I have cried out," the proskomedia ends. At the proskomedia, two Lambs are prepared - for Wednesday and Friday.

Entrance with the Gospel. "Quiet Light". Prokemen Triodi, voice 4th: "Confess God, for it is Good ..." (with verse), and 1st parimia of Triodi; 2nd prokeimenon of the Triodi, voice 7: "Ascend to Heaven, O God ..." (with a verse), and the 2nd parimia of the Triodi. Then - the reading of two parimias of the holiday (1st - Exodus reading: "Come, Moses ..."; 2nd - Proverb reading: "The Lord created me ..."; with the usual exclamations: "Wisdom" and "Let us be attentive"). Small litany, the exclamation: "For you are holy, our God ...". The Trisagion is sung, and beyond Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.Prokimen, Apostle, Alleluiarium, Gospel and Communion - of the holiday.

The funeral of the holiday is the refrain: "Evangelize, to the earth ...", and irmos: "As if animated ...".

Note. Fish is allowed at the meal. “On the trapeze, the consolation of the brethren is great: we eat fish, and we drink wine, it will happen on any day, only once during the day, except for Saturday and Week” (Typikon, March 26; cf .: Typikon, ch. 33).

The title of St. Tikhon is indicated in accordance with the definition of the Local Council of 1917-1918.

The All-Night Vigil begins with the great Vespers (with the exclamation "Glory to the Saints ..." and the singing of the initial psalm).

Great prokeimenon, voice 8: "Thou hast given the property ...", is not sung (cf .: Typikon, 3rd Markov chapter on March 26).

The stichera of the holiday, voice 8: "Let Heaven rejoice ...", descends in the litiya and is sung in the verse of Matins (cf .: Typikon, March 25; 3rd Markov chapter on March 26).

The verse stichera of the Triodi (self-proclaimed and martyred) are not sung at the Great Vespers, but are transferred to the verse stichera of the Little Vespers (cf .: Typikon, 3rd Markov chapter on March 26).

Traditionally, the 1st chorus is sung by a priest or deacon.

Singing "Every breath ..." before praising psalms while reading the daily doxology at matins is a feature of the divine service on the feast of the Annunciation.

The tradition, according to which instead of the prayer "Heavenly King ..." is sung: "Reaffirm, God ...", is permissible.

Kathisma at the 1st hour does not happen on Mondays and Fridays during all weeks of Great Lent.

Cm.: Nikolsky K., prot. A guide to studying the Statutes of the Divine Services of the Orthodox Church. S. 338–339.

Before the start of the clock, the clergy, according to tradition, perform the entrance prayers, put on the vestments and begin the proskomedia.

According to the Charter, the hours are performed "without bows." The cancellation of bows does not apply to three bows with the prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian, since the performance of these bows on a holiday is indicated at the 1st hour and in the pictorial ones. “At the end of every hour, three great bows to the greats” prescribes the Typicon also when the Annunciation coincides with the Monday and Tuesday of Holy Week, the services of which are performed according to the model of the Lent services (see March 26, 12th and 13th Markov chapters). According to the Rule, the abolition of bows at the fast service does not apply to bows with the prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian. For example, on the day of the Annunciation in the evening, “I sing a little Compline in the vestibule as soon as possible, without bows and canons, Glory in the highest ... 3 obeisances, and according to Trisagi 3 obeisances, and according to Honest ... 3 great obeisances with prayer: Lord and Master ... and the other 12, and at the last Trisagion 3 bows, and let go "(March 26, 3rd" see "). There is a similar indication about the midnight office on the 1st day of St. Forty days: “Let us eat the midnight office without bowing; point to Honest Cherubim ... 3 great bows, with prayer Ѓ hold and the Lord of my belly ... This also happens on the 1st day of tochu. In the rest of the days of the holy and great fast, we will eat the whole midnight office with a bow ”(Typikon, ch. 49).

The pictorial ones begin with "In Thy Kingdom ...".

The Typikon is silent about the reading of the Symbol of Faith on the pictorial ones, however, the old-printed Statutes in the sequence of the pictorial ones on the feast of the Annunciation are assigned to "And now" - "I believe in the One God ..." (see: Ustav. M., 1610, L. 631 rev. ; Ustav.M., 1634. L. 64; Ustav.M., 1641. L. 550v .; compare also: Rozanov V. Liturgical Statutes of the Orthodox Church. P. 601).

If Vespers with the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom is performed in a separate from the hours and pictorial liturgical meeting, then after the initial exclamation "Blessed is the Kingdom ..." the usual beginning should be read: "Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee," "Heavenly King ..." and so on. (cf. the divine service of the Great Four). Wed: Rozanov V. Liturgical Statutes of the Orthodox Church. S. 509-510.

Martyr Triodi, voice 4: “Holy martyr who received patience ...” is omitted.

See: Minea-Mart. Part 2.M., 2002.S. 189.

Wed: Nikolsky K., prot. A guide to studying the Statutes of the Divine Services of the Orthodox Church. S. 458–459.

If two deacons are serving, then the younger goes first with the censer, then the older deacon with the Gospel.

See: Minea-Mart. Part 2.M., 2002.S. 176.

The exclamation "Like Thou art holy, our God ..." is pronounced at the Liturgy and when it is celebrated with Vespers. According to Fr. K. Nikolsky (see. his"A Guide to Studying the Statutes of the Divine Services of the Orthodox Church," p. 388), in this case one should proclaim "Lord, save the godly ...". The order of pronouncing "Lord, save the godly ..." is the same as in the Liturgy, performed without conjunction with Vespers. The priest, when there is no serving deacon, must utter the exclamation “Lord, save the godly and hear us” in the following edition. The priest - the exclamation: "For you are Holy, our God, and we give glory to Thee, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever." Lick: "Amen." Priest: "Lord, save the godly." Lick sings the same. Priest: "And hear us." Lik sings the same, and then sings "Holy God ...". (See: Definitions of the Holy Synod<о порядке возглашения «Господи, спаси благочестивыя...»>, meeting on July 17, 1997 // Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate. M., 1997. No. 8. S. 15-16.)

Exactly two years ago, on April 7, 2014, in the session hall of the former Donetsk Regional Council, the Declaration of the Sovereignty of the Donetsk People's Republic was adopted. Prior to that, the protesters appealed to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, as the only legitimate authority after the coup, with a demand to announce the date of the referendum on the autonomy of the Donetsk region. The Ukrainian parliament responded with silence. The session of the Donetsk regional council could not meet because there was no quorum. Donetsk deputies either disappeared in an unknown direction, or took the side of the junta. Also, the protesters called on Viktor Yanukovych to return to work in Donetsk so that the legally elected president would initiate a referendum. After all attempts to be heard were unsuccessful, the Donetsk regional state administration was seized. The newly created Supreme Council decided to hold a referendum on self-determination on May 11, 2014.

It all started on March 1, when the people in the square (photo above) elected Pavel Gubarev as people's governor. Then the meetings were held frequently. Even then, the Ukrainian media was whipping up anti-Russian hysteria. Rallies of many thousands, these media presented as come in large numbers of "tourists" from Russia, including only a small part of the locals who came to stand up for money. I also went there, and brought home full pockets ... No, not money, but leaflets. There were also meetings under the yellow and blue flags. They were not so massive. At these rallies, there were indeed people brought from other regions of Ukraine, as well as a small part of local students and workers driven under threat of dismissal.

Many say that Donbass did not repeat the fate of Crimea, because the people did not have proper support for integration with Russia. Others argue that people in Donetsk and Luhansk were inactive. This is from Russia, in contrast to the Crimea, there was no proper support from Donbass. The video shows the beginning of the Crimean spring. It is especially interesting to listen to the statements of Sergei Aksenov. They somehow spoil the image of a fiery fighter for the Russian Crimea.

That night I was sitting by the computer. On youtube, Donetsk activists opened a channel on which there was a roll call of citizens. The calls were heard: "People come to the Regional State Administration", "Bring food, firewood and barrels to warm up." And the people responded: "I am going to Donetsk with Yenakiyevo in a minibus. I can give a lift to people" or "There is firewood. Who has a transport to take to the Regional State Administration?" It was a truly popular uprising.

Ukrainian media continued to foment anti-Russian hysteria. They argued that the administrative buildings were being seized with the help of Russian GRU fighters. I came to the Regional State Administration. A barricade of tires and FEM tiles was laid in front of the building. There was a passage in the barricade, which was guarded by a young guy of about eighteen. A man came up to him and said: "Why are you standing empty-handed?" After that, I handed him a piece of reinforcement, one end of which was wrapped in blue tape, in the form of a handle.

It makes no sense to describe in detail the events of those days. Many have already done this before me. Analyzing the events of two years ago, you come to the conclusion that the war was inevitable. Even if we allowed ourselves to be reflashed into ukrov and bleated in chorus: "Glory to Ukraine!" All the same, then we would be forced to bleat: "Moskal for knives!" The war was already on the schedule. The Maidan parties were eager to clean up the political field of Donbass in order to secure a millennial reign for themselves. The Dnepropetrovsk clan, represented by Kolomoisky, wanted to take control of Akhmetov's enterprise, accusing him of inciting separatism. And the Ukrainian Nazis, inspired by the victory of the Maidan, rushed to the east to cleanse it of everything Russian.



In accordance with part 4 of Article 49 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326; N 23, Article 2878; No. 27, Article 3462; No. 30, Article 4036; No. 48, Article 6165; 2014, No. 6, Article 562, Article 566) and subparagraph 5.2.28 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Education and science of the Russian Federation, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2013 N 466 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 23, Art. 2923; N 33, Art. 4386; N 37, Art. 4702; 2014, N 2, Article 126; N 6, Article 582)

I order:

1. To approve, in agreement with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, the attached Procedure for the certification of teaching staff of organizations carrying out educational activities.

2. To establish that the qualification categories established for pedagogical workers of state and municipal educational institutions prior to the approval of the Procedure specified in paragraph 1 of this order remain for the period for which they were established.

3. To recognize as invalid the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2010 N 209 "On the Procedure for attestation of teachers of state and municipal educational institutions" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 26, 2010, registration N 16999).

The minister

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
May 23, 2014
registration N 32408

Appendix. The procedure for attestation of pedagogical workers of organizations carrying out educational activities


I. General Provisions

1. The procedure for attestation of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities (hereinafter referred to as the organization) determines the rules, main tasks and principles of attestation of teachers of organizations.

This Procedure applies to teaching staff of organizations holding positions named in subsection 2 of section I of the nomenclature of positions of teaching staff of organizations carrying out educational activities, positions of heads of educational organizations, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of August 8, 2013 N 678 (Collection of laws of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 33, Article 4381), including in cases where the filling of positions is carried out concurrently in the same or another organization, as well as by combining positions along with work in the same organization defined by the employment contract (hereinafter - pedagogical workers ).

2. Certification of teaching staff is carried out in order to confirm the conformity of teaching staff to their positions on the basis of an assessment of their professional activities and, at the request of teaching staff (with the exception of teaching staff from among the teaching staff) in order to establish a qualification category.
Part 1 of Article 49 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"

3. The main objectives of the certification are:

stimulation of purposeful, continuous improvement of the qualification level of teaching staff, their methodological culture, professional and personal growth;

determination of the need to improve the qualifications of teaching staff;

improving the efficiency and quality of teaching activities;

identifying the prospects for using the potential capabilities of teaching staff;

taking into account the requirements of federal state educational standards for personnel conditions for the implementation of educational programs when forming the personnel composition of organizations;

ensuring the differentiation of the size of the remuneration of teaching staff, taking into account the established qualification category and the volume of their teaching (pedagogical) work.

4. The basic principles of attestation are collegiality, publicity, openness, ensuring an objective attitude towards teaching staff, inadmissibility of discrimination during attestation.

II. Certification of teaching staff in order to confirm compliance with the position

5. Certification of pedagogical workers in order to confirm the compliance of pedagogical workers with their positions is carried out once every five years on the basis of an assessment of their professional activities by certification commissions, independently formed by organizations (hereinafter - the certification commission of the organization).
Part 2 of Article 49 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326; N 23, Art. .2878; N 27, Art. 3462; N 30, Art. 4036; N 48, Art. 6165; 2014, N 6, Art. 562, Art. 566).

6. The attestation commission of the organization is created by an order of the employer, consisting of the chairman of the commission, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the commission.

7. The attestation commission of the organization must include a representative of the elected body of the relevant primary trade union organization (if there is such a body).

8. Certification of teaching staff is carried out in accordance with the employer's administrative act.

9. The employer acquaints the teaching staff with the administrative act containing the list of employees of the organization subject to certification, the certification schedule, against signature at least 30 calendar days before the day of their certification according to the schedule.

10. To carry out certification for each pedagogical worker, the employer makes a submission to the certification commission of the organization.

11. The submission contains the following information about the teacher:

a) surname, name, patronymic (if any);

b) the name of the position as of the date of the certification;

c) the date of conclusion of an employment contract for this position;

d) the level of education and (or) qualifications in the specialty or field of study;

e) information on obtaining additional professional education in the field of pedagogical activity;

f) the results of previous attestations (if any);

g) a motivated comprehensive and objective assessment of the professional, business qualities, and the results of the professional activity of a pedagogical worker in fulfilling the labor duties assigned to him by an employment contract.

12. The employer acquaints the pedagogical worker with the submission against signature no later than 30 calendar days before the day of the certification. After getting acquainted with the submission, the pedagogical worker, if desired, can submit to the certification commission of the organization additional information characterizing his professional activities for the period from the date of the previous certification (in the initial certification - from the date of employment).

If the teacher refuses to familiarize himself with the submission, an act is drawn up, which is signed by the employer and persons (at least two), in whose presence the act is drawn up.

13. Attestation is carried out at a meeting of the attestation commission of the organization with the participation of a teacher.

A meeting of the certification commission of an organization is considered competent if attended by at least two-thirds of the total number of members of the certification commission of the organization.

In the absence of a pedagogical worker on the day of certification at a meeting of the certification commission of the organization for valid reasons, his certification is postponed to another date, and appropriate changes are made to the certification schedule, about which the employer acquaints the employee with signature at least 30 calendar days before the new date carrying out his certification.

If a pedagogical worker fails to appear at a meeting of the certification commission of the organization without a valid reason, the certification commission of the organization conducts certification in his absence.

14. The certification commission of the organization considers the submission, additional information provided by the pedagogical worker himself, characterizing his professional activities (if submitted).

15. Based on the results of attestation of a pedagogical worker, the attestation commission of the organization makes one of the following decisions:

corresponds to the position held (the position of the pedagogical worker is indicated);

does not correspond to the position held (the position of the pedagogical worker is indicated).

16. The decision is taken by the certification commission of the organization in the absence of the certified teaching staff by an open vote by a majority of votes of the members of the certification commission of the organization present at the meeting.

When passing the certification, a teacher who is a member of the certification commission of an organization does not participate in voting on his candidacy.

17. In cases where at least half of the members of the attestation commission of the organization present at the meeting voted in favor of the decision on the suitability of the employee for the position held, the pedagogical worker is recognized as corresponding to the position held.

18. The results of attestation of a pedagogical worker who is directly present at a meeting of the attestation commission of an organization are communicated to him after summing up the voting results.

19. The results of certification of teaching staff are recorded in a protocol signed by the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the attestation commission of the organization who were present at the meeting, which is stored with representations, additional information provided by the teaching staff themselves, characterizing their professional activities (if any) , from the employer.

20. For a pedagogical worker who has passed certification, no later than two working days from the date of its holding, the secretary of the certification commission of the organization draws up an extract from the protocol containing information about the last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the certified person, the name of his position, the date of the meeting of the certification commission of the organization , the results of voting, about the decision made by the certification commission of the organization. The employer acquaints the pedagogical worker with the extract from the protocol against signature within three working days after it has been drawn up. An extract from the protocol is kept in the personal file of the pedagogical worker.

21. The results of certification in order to confirm the conformity of teaching staff to their positions on the basis of an assessment of their professional activities, the teaching staff has the right to appeal in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

22. The following teaching staff do not pass certification in order to confirm their suitability for the position they hold:

a) teaching staff with qualification categories;

b) who have worked in their position for less than two years in the organization in which the certification is carried out;

c) pregnant women;

d) women on maternity leave;

e) persons who are on parental leave until they reach the age of three;

f) absent from the workplace for more than four months in a row due to illness.

Certification of teaching staff, provided for in subparagraphs "d" and "e" of this paragraph, is possible no earlier than two years after their release from the indicated leaves.

Certification of teaching staff, provided for in subparagraph "e" of this paragraph, is possible no earlier than one year after they start work.

23. Attestation commissions of organizations give recommendations to the employer about the possibility of appointing to the relevant positions of teaching staff persons who do not have special training or work experience, established in the section "Qualification requirements" of the section "Qualification characteristics of positions of education workers" of the Unified qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and employees and (or) professional standards, but possessing sufficient practical experience and competence, performing qualitatively and in full the duties assigned to them.
Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2010 N 761n "On Approval of the Unified Qualification Handbook of the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, Section" Qualification Characteristics of the Positions of Educational Workers "(registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 6, 2010, registration N 18638 ) as amended by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2011 N 448n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 1, 2011, registration N 21240).

III. Certification of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category

24. Certification of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category is carried out at their request.

According to the results of certification, the first or the highest qualification category is established for teachers.

The qualification category is established for a period of 5 years. The validity period of the qualification category is not subject to renewal.

25. Certification of pedagogical workers of organizations under the jurisdiction of federal executive bodies is carried out by certification commissions formed by federal executive bodies in charge of which these organizations are located, and in relation to pedagogical workers of organizations under the jurisdiction of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, private organizations, this certification is carried out by certification commissions formed by authorized government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - certification commissions).
Part 3 of Article 49 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326; 23, Art. 2878; N 27, Art 3462; N 30, Art 4036; N 48 Art 6165; 2014, N 6, Art 562, Art 566).

26. When forming the certification commissions, their composition, work regulations, as well as the conditions for attracting specialists to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the professional activities of teaching staff are determined.

A representative of the relevant trade union is included in the certification commissions.

27. Certification of teaching staff is carried out on the basis of their applications submitted directly to the certification commission, or sent by the teaching staff to the certification commission by mail with a letter of receipt or with notification in the form of an electronic document using public information and telecommunication networks, including number of the Internet.

28. In the application for certification, teaching staff indicate the qualification categories and positions for which they wish to pass certification.

29. Applications for certification are submitted by teaching staff regardless of the length of work in the organization, including during the period of being on parental leave.

30. Applications for certification in order to establish the highest qualification category for the position for which certification will be carried out for the first time, are submitted by teaching staff no earlier than two years after the establishment of the first qualification category for this position.

31. The expiration of the term of validity of the highest qualification category does not limit the right of a pedagogical worker to subsequently apply to the certification commission with an application for his certification in order to establish the highest qualification category for the same position.

32. Applications of teaching staff for certification are considered by certification commissions within a period of not more than 30 calendar days from the date of their receipt, during which:

a) a specific period of certification is determined for each teacher individually, taking into account the validity period of the previously established qualification category;

b) written notification of teaching staff about the time and place of their certification is carried out.

33. The duration of attestation for each pedagogical worker from the beginning of its conduct and until the adoption of a decision by the attestation commission is no more than 60 calendar days.

34. A meeting of the attestation commission is considered competent if attended by at least two thirds of the total number of its members.

35. A pedagogical worker has the right to be personally present during his certification at a meeting of the certification commission. If a pedagogical worker does not appear at a meeting of the certification commission, certification is carried out in his absence.

36. The first qualification category for teaching staff is established on the basis of:

stable positive results of the development of educational programs by students based on the results of monitoring conducted by the organization;

stable positive results of the development of educational programs by students based on the results of the monitoring of the education system, carried out in the manner prescribed;

revealing the development of students' abilities for scientific (intellectual), creative, physical culture and sports activities;

personal contribution to improving the quality of education, improving teaching and upbringing methods, broadcasting the experience of the practical results of their professional activities in pedagogical collectives, active participation in the work of methodological associations of pedagogical workers of the organization.

37. The highest qualification category for teaching staff is established on the basis of:

achievement by students of positive dynamics of the results of mastering educational programs based on the results of monitoring conducted by the organization;

achievement by students of positive results of the development of educational programs based on the results of the monitoring of the education system carried out in the manner established by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2013 N 662;
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2013 N 662 "On monitoring the education system" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 33, art. 4378).

identification and development of students' abilities for scientific (intellectual), creative, physical culture and sports activities, as well as their participation in olympiads, contests, festivals, competitions;

personal contribution to improving the quality of education, improving teaching and upbringing methods, and the productive use of new educational technologies, broadcasting the experience of the practical results of their professional activities, including experimental and innovative ones, in the teaching staff;

active participation in the work of methodological associations of pedagogical workers of organizations, in the development of software and methodological support for the educational process, professional competitions.

38. The assessment of the professional activities of teaching staff in order to establish a qualification category is carried out by the certification commission on the basis of the results of their work, provided for in paragraphs 36 and 37 of this Procedure, provided that their activities are related to the relevant areas of work.

39. Based on the results of attestation, the attestation commission makes one of the following decisions:

establish the first (highest) qualification category (the position of the teacher is indicated, for which the qualification category is established);

refuse to establish the first (highest) qualification category (the position for which the teacher is refused to establish the qualification category is indicated).

40. The decision by the certification commission is made in the absence of the certified pedagogical worker by an open vote by a majority of votes of the members of the certification commission present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the certification commission makes a decision on the establishment of the first (highest) qualification category.

When passing the certification, a teacher who is a member of the certification commission does not participate in voting on his candidacy.

The results of attestation of a pedagogical worker who is directly present at the meeting of the attestation commission are communicated to him after summing up the voting results.

41. The decision of the attestation commission is drawn up in a protocol, which is signed by the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the attestation commission who took part in the voting.

The decision of the attestation commission comes into force from the date of its issuance.

42. When a teacher with the first qualification category is made, the decision of the attestation commission to refuse to establish the highest qualification category, the first qualification category is retained until its expiration.

43. Pedagogical workers who, during certification, were denied the establishment of a qualification category, apply at their request to the certification commission with an application for certification for the same qualification category no earlier than one year from the date of the adoption of the relevant decision by the certification commission.

44. On the basis of decisions of certification commissions on the results of certification of teaching staff, the relevant federal executive bodies or authorized bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation issue administrative acts on the establishment of the first or the highest qualification category for teachers from the date of the decision by the certification commission, which are posted on the official websites of the said bodies on the Internet.

45. The pedagogical worker has the right to appeal the results of certification in order to establish a qualification category (first or highest) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

46. ​​The qualification categories established for teaching staff remain until the end of their validity period when moving to another organization, including one located in another constituent entity of the Russian Federation.