Organization of work with the personnel reserve. Nine Steps to Building a Talent Pool Talent Pool Program

The work on training the personnel reserve is purposeful, systematic and planned. The organization of this work is aimed at ensuring high-quality and intensive training of each specialist for independent activity at a new, higher level.

Differences in the structure and composition of the reserve, as well as the initial preparedness of workers determine the principle of an individual approach when choosing forms and methods of work, their sequence and duration.

Work with the specialists included in the reserve is carried out according to a plan, which provides for specific measures to acquire the necessary theoretical, economic and managerial knowledge, to deeply master the nature of work, to develop the specialist's skills and leadership skills at the level of modern requirements.

The system of this work includes: study in the system of advanced training of executives with and without interruption from production; internship in the position for which he was enrolled in the reserve; temporary replacement of absent managers for the period of their business trips, vacations; visits to other organizations in order to study positive experience; participation in teaching work in the professional development system; participation in inspections of the production activities of the organization and their subdivisions; participation in the preparation and holding of conferences, seminars and meetings.

Talent pool planning aims to predict personal promotions, their sequence and related activities. It requires the study of the entire chain of promotions, transfers, dismissals of specific employees.

In domestic organizations, a special expert list has been developed, with the help of which candidates are selected when forming a plan for the personnel reserve of management personnel.

The plan of work with the reserve of managerial personnel of the organization includes the following sections: determination of the need for managerial personnel; selection and study of leading personnel; acquisition of the reserve, consideration, agreement and approval of the reserve; work with a reserve of leading personnel; control over the preparation of a reserve of leading personnel; determination of the readiness of the reserve of leading personnel for appointment to positions.

Personnel reserve plans can be drawn up in the form of replacement schemes, which take various forms depending on the characteristics and traditions of different organizations. We can say that equivalent circuits are a variant of the development circuit organizational structure, focused on specific individuals with different priorities. Individually oriented replacement schemes are based on typical replacement schemes. They are developed by HR services for the organizational structure and represent a variant of the conceptual model of job rotation.

Work with the personnel reserve in domestic organizations has a wealth of experience.

The main criteria for selecting candidates for the reserve are: an appropriate level of education and vocational training; experience of practical work with people; organizational skills; personal qualities; health status, age.

The sources for the formation of the personnel reserve are: qualified specialists; deputy heads of departments; grassroots leaders; certified! specialists employed in production as workers. The organizations have developed a certain procedure for selection and admission to the personnel reserve group:

The selection of candidates should be carried out on a competitive basis among specialists under the age of 35, who have positively proven themselves in practical work and having higher education;

The decision to include employees in the reserve group is made by a special commission and approved by an order for the organization;

For each employee (trainee), the internship manager (main) and the leader of each stage of the internship are approved, who draw up an individual plan of the internship at each stage;

The managers of the trainees included in the personnel reserve group receive material rewards for the successful completion of the stages of the service and professional promotion system by the trainee;

The intern is set an official salary corresponding to his new position, but higher than the previous Report, and he is subject to all types of material incentives provided for this position.

Preparing a talent pool is a strategic priority for most growing companies. The availability of competent, trained specialists, ready for promotion to key positions for the organization, guarantee the personnel security of the business and confidence in the future.

Given the scale and complexity of the task, the work of creating a talent pool requires an integrated approach and careful planning from the HR manager. An incorrectly defined sequence of actions in work with a reserve or the omission of an important stage jeopardizes the quality and effectiveness of all work.
This article describes a step-by-step program for the formation of the personnel reserve of the enterprise. It can be used as a basis and guideline for developing your own reserve training program.

Stage 1. Determination of key (target) positions for the preparation of the reserve.

Stage 2. Planning the optimal number of reservists for each position.

Stage 3. Profiling target positions.

Stage 4(through). Preparation and implementation of events for information support of the program for the training of the personnel reserve.

Stage 5. Development of regulations on the personnel reserve.

Stage 6. Selection to the personnel reserve (search and assessment of candidates)

Stage 7. Training of reservists (implementation of a program for the development of professional and managerial competencies).

Stage 8. Evaluation of the results of training reservists.

Step 9. Planning for further work with the reserve.

Let's dwell on each stage in more detail.

Stage 1. Determination of key (target) positions for the preparation of the reserve.


1. Analysis of the organizational structure and staffing of the enterprise.
Purpose: to determine the staffing level of the company's structural divisions.
Important: when preparing the reserve, it is necessary to plan the replacement of the resulting vacant positions, in the event that the reservists are appointed to higher positions. The organization should not allow the emergence of personnel "voids", especially when it comes to narrow specialists and rare professions, whose representatives are difficult to find on the foreign market.

2. Age analysis of the current management staff of the enterprise.
Purpose: identifying the most critical managerial positions in terms of the urgency of preparing the reserve (managers of retirement or pre-retirement age)

3. Expert analysis of managerial positions by the top management of the company.
Purpose: identifying the most priority leadership positions in terms of their contribution to the business result and the prospects for vacating the position.

Criteria for expert analysis of positions (example):
- Contribution to the achievement of the company's business result.
- The prospect of release (low perspective - the position is not planned to be released in the next 3-5 years (it is not planned for the employee to retire, increase or rotation)
- The number of employees in subordination (presence / absence of deputies, staffing of the department / department). Understaffed departments are in short supply for potential reservists.

Separately, it is worth noting the managerial positions that the company plans to create in perspective(for example, when forming new divisions as part of a business expansion). When compiling the list of target positions, it is also necessary to analyze in terms of the importance and urgency of preparing the reserve.

Stage result: positions that require priority formation of the personnel reserve have been identified.

Stage 2. Planning the optimal number of reservists for each target position.
Purpose: to ensure personnel security for key positions of the enterprise (to reduce personnel risks associated with refusal / dismissal / dropout of reservists).

Given the importance and priority, it is necessary to determine how many reservists will need to be trained for each target position.

The optimal number of reservists per position is 2-3 persons... On the one hand, this "insures" the target position against the risk of losing a reservist (due to his leaving the company or dropping out of the reserve training program). On the other hand, the presence of several applicants for one position, with a competent HR policy, creates healthy competition between reservists, increasing their motivation for self-development (the topic of how to prevent negative consequences competition for a place deserves a separate discussion).

Two in one?
In some cases, one reservist may be a potential candidate for several positions at once. This is possible when it comes to positions in which similar business and professional competencies are in demand (for example, Chief Accountant and the head of the finance department). However, such cases should be attributed more to the exceptions than to the rule; they often arise due to a shortage of reservists for certain positions. In this case, it is not recommended to use the policy of “universal” reservists, as this increases personnel risks and reduces the effectiveness of targeted training of employees. Faced with a shortage of reserve candidates among internal staff, it is advisable to organize a search for potential reservists in the labor market.

Stage result: the optimal number of reservists for each target position has been determined.

Stage 3. Profiling of target positions.
Analyzing key positions and drawing up a competency map (job profile).
Purpose: to determine the basic requirements for professional and business qualities, knowledge and skills that an employee must have for success in a particular position.
Additionally: define additional criteria for the selection of candidates for the reserve (age, length of service, etc.)

Sources of information:
- Job descriptions to target positions;
- Regulations and business plans of divisions;
- Results of interviews with top management and carriers of target positions.

Stage result: For each target position, a profile has been drawn up, including a list of the most important competencies (professional and business) required for a successful position holder.

Stage 4(through). Preparation and implementation of events for information support of the program for the training of the personnel reserve.

One of the common mistakes when implementing a talent pool program is that it is developed and discussed by a very narrow circle of people (as a rule, the company's management + representatives of the HR department) and reaches the employees in a ready-made form as a kind of "downward" innovation, mandatory for execution. This triggers a natural defensiveness in most staff and dramatically reduces the effectiveness of the program.

In this regard, it is necessary to observe three simple principles during the development of a new project and its implementation:

Information. It is important for employees to keep abreast of the development, launch and operation of the talent pool training program. First of all, they need to know the goals and objectives of the program, to understand how it can be useful for the enterprise as a whole and for each employee personally. Insufficient information to the staff about the innovation can cause negative rumors, fears and lead to the rejection of the reserve program by some of the employees.

Involvement. In order to avoid the emergence of false ideas and expectations from the reserve training program, in addition to informing, it is necessary to purposefully involve the staff in the discussion of the project, provide an opportunity to openly express their opinion about the program, ask questions and put forward proposals.

Increase in significance. Participation in information events of top managers and informal leaders of the company can significantly increase the significance of the program and emphasize its importance for the organization. There are cases when an ordinary employee of the personnel department was entrusted with conducting information events, since it was believed that this was quite simple task... However, the staff of the company did not take seriously the words about the significance of the program from the lips of a person who did not have sufficient authority in their eyes. The implementation of the program was significantly delayed, as additional time was spent on repeat meetings with the participation of senior management of the company.


1. Preparation of information materials on the project of the personnel reserve.
Purpose: information coverage of the reserve training program at all stages of its work.
It is important to use a variety of sources of information for employees:
- Meetings with employees - holding personal meetings with employees, informing them about the goals and objectives of the personnel reserve training program.
- Printed materials - publications in the corporate newspaper / bulletin board, information brochures.
- Electronic materials - newsletters by e-mail, announcements on the corporate website / creation of a special section on the internal website.

2. Development of a plan for information support of the program.
First stage- preparatory (1-2 months before the start of the program). Informing employees about the goals and objectives of the program implementation, its benefits for the company and employees. The task is to form a common understanding of the importance of the program among employees, to overcome possible resistance and skepticism towards innovation through timely and complete information of the staff.

Second phase- main (launching the program and its functioning). Informing employees about the progress of the program. The task is to maintain the attention of the staff to the program, to exclude the appearance of negative rumors and false ideas.

Third stage- final (results of the program for the period). Informing staff about the results of the program, the achievements of its participants (the best mentors, the best reservists), the appointment of reservists and the further work of the program. The task is to highlight the effectiveness of the program, to emphasize the compliance of the goals and objectives with the results obtained.

Important! Information support of the program should be carried out at all stages of its implementation.

Stage 5. Development of regulations on the personnel reserve.

1. Drawing up a draft regulation on the personnel reserve.
The question that many HR managers ask is: “Why create a Regulation at all? Can you do without it? "

Firstly, the provision on the personnel reserve helps to structure the stages of the program, to document the areas of responsibility of the program participants, to clearly define their rights and obligations. In addition, the regulation will be an important source of information for staff about the goals, objectives and mechanism of work of the personnel reserve training program.

Secondly, the regulation, being an official document of the enterprise, emphasizes the importance of the personnel reserve for the company and the seriousness of the management's intentions in relation to innovation. Documenting the intentions of the management for many employees automatically elevates the status of the project, it is useful to remember.

2. Coordination of the draft regulations on the personnel reserve with the heads of departments.
On the this stage it is very important to involve the company's management in the process of finalizing and agreeing on the regulations on the personnel reserve. This will contribute not only to obtaining valuable additions to the situation on the part of the leaders, but will also remove the effect of a decision "imposed from above".

3. Approval of the position by the top management of the enterprise.
After the regulation has passed the process of approval at the level of managers, it takes on the status of an official document of the company.

Stage 6. Selection to the personnel reserve (search and assessment of candidates).

Candidates for the reserve can be nominated in at least three ways:
1. Nomination of an employee by his immediate supervisor;
2. Promotion of an employee to a superior manager (through one or more organizational levels);
3. Self-nomination of an employee.

Employees who have been nominated for admission to the reserve follow a standardized selection procedure, the purpose of which is to identify the managerial potential of the employee and his readiness to undergo the training program. The selection should be carried out in 2 stages:

Preliminary selection. Formal compliance of the candidate with the requirements for admission to the personnel reserve (example of the criteria used):

The age of the candidate for the reserve
- For everyone: at least 25 years old.
- For women: no more than 50 years old.
- For men: no more than 55 years old.

Work experience at the enterprise
- At least 3 years old.
Compliant / Not Compliant

Availability of target positions at the enterprise for which a talent pool is required (from the employee's business line)
Yes / no

Absence disciplinary action during work (during the last 3 years of work in the organization)
Yes / no

Employee performance for the period (previous + current year)
High performance / growing;
Average performance;
Performance is low / falling.
Professional achievements: yes / no.

Basic selection. Assessment of managerial potential (professional and business qualities) is carried out in accordance with the compiled job profile for each position.

An example of assessed business (corporate) competencies:
- Understanding of the business;
- Skills in planning and organizing work;
- Ability to analyze information and make informed decisions;
- Leadership qualities, ability to build relationships;
- Striving for results and responsibility;
- Openness to new things and striving for development.

Assessment methods: assessment center, analysis of work results, case testing, competency interviews, testing (professional, personal).

Sources of additional information : expert review colleagues, manager, subordinates (if any) of the employee using the 360-degree method.

As a result At this stage, the final list of candidates for admission to the personnel reserve is formed.

Stage 7. Training of reservists(implementation of a program for the development of professional and managerial competencies)

1. Development of a general program for the development of reservists.
Objective: Development of managerial competencies for reservists applicable to all target positions.
In this case, we are talking about drawing up a management training program common for all reservists, which includes group forms of training (trainings, seminars, master classes, etc.) aimed at developing universal managerial competencies that are important for any managerial position in companies.

An example of the most common training modules in talent pool development programs:

Development of basic management skills
- "4 functions of the head: Planning, Organization, Control, Delegation";
- "Skills of making management decisions";
- "Motivation of subordinates";
- and etc.

Development of managerial thinking
- "Skills of systems thinking";
- "Finance for non-financial managers";
- « Creative thinking in business";
- and etc.

Manager's personal effectiveness
- "Skills of effective communication";
- "Skills of teamwork";
- "Team Leadership", etc .;

Typically, the program general training planned for 1 year and implemented within the framework of an internal training center (by internal trainers), or with the involvement of external training companies (or a combination of both methods).

2. Development individual program training for each reservist (individual development plan).
Purpose: to provide training for the reservist for the requirements of the target position, taking into account his individual characteristics, strengths and weaknesses.

Drawing up an individual development plan for each reservist (usually for 1 year), which combines various methods of developing professional and business qualities necessary for successful work in the target position. Among the main methods of development, it should be noted:

Workplace development - gaining new experience without interrupting the main production activity;

Developing assignments - solving work tasks aimed at developing the managerial competencies of an employee;

Participation in development projects - formation of project teams from the number of reservists and other employees to achieve production goals and develop the managerial potential of reservists;

Temporary substitutions - gaining new managerial experience while the reservist temporarily fulfills the duties of a superior leader;

Learning from the experience of others (work with a mentor) - gaining the necessary experience from a more experienced colleague or leader in joint work;
and etc.

3. Assigning a mentor to each reservist from among more experienced colleagues / superior leader.
The task that needs to be solved at this stage is to create an effective system of motivating the mentors themselves to perform their functions.

The options are:
- Regular mentoring allowance (monthly / quarterly);
- rewarding mentors whose reservists have demonstrated the best training results following the completion of the development program (or during the mid-term assessment).

Useful if necessary internally train mentors skills transfer of experience and assistance in the development of reservists.

4. Monitoring the effectiveness of training reservists.
Conducting regular interim meetings of reservists and their mentors with HR staff to assess development progress. Timely adjustment of the individual development plan of the reservist, if necessary.

Stage result: development of the required competencies of reservists.

Stage 8. Evaluation of the results of training reservists.

1. Conducting integrated assessment the quality of training reservists.
Evaluation directions:

Evaluation of production results - how the labor productivity and performance of the reservist changed as a result of training (increased / decreased / remained unchanged);

Assessment of the results of passing the general training program and individual development plans - how much improved professional and managerial qualities reservist in comparison with the indicators of the initial assessment (during selection);

Evaluation of results design work - what results were obtained as a result of the implementation of development projects, determination of the contribution of the reservist to the achievement of the result.

Assessment methods:
- Analysis of production results and achievements of the reservist;
- Receiving feedback from the reservist mentor;
- Re-evaluation of the reservist (see stage 6, item "Main selection");
- Analysis of the results of project activities.

2. Summing up the results of the training program for reservists.
Based on the results of assessing the quality of training reservists, making a decision on:

- Encouraging successful reservists that demonstrated an increase in performance and an increase in the level of development of professional and managerial competencies.

- Removal from the reserve employees who have demonstrated declining performance and / or lack of progress in the development of professional and managerial competencies.

Stage result: identified reservists with a high level of readiness to fill vacancies leadership positions.

Stage 9. Planning for further work with the personnel reserve.

1. If there are open target vacancies at the enterprise, consideration of candidates for replacement from among successful reservists.

2. Planning and organization of adaptation measures for a reservist when entering a new position.
- Drawing up an adaptation plan for a new position;
- Assignment to the reservist for the adaptation / probationary period a mentor from among the higher managers to provide the necessary support.

3. In the absence of open target vacancies at the end of the training program for reservists, planning measures to retain promising employees at the enterprise.

What for?
Reservists who have successfully completed the training program and have improved their professional level often "grow" out of their current position. This fact and lack of career advancement can seriously reduce the employee's motivation and, in extreme cases, cause leaving the company in search of more promising work... To minimize this risk, it is helpful to plan a retention program for the organization.

The program may include the following ways of keeping(depending on the capabilities and personnel policy of the company):

Extension functional responsibilities an employee, expanding his area of ​​responsibility and the level of decision-making (if possible, adding a part of managerial functions, for example, managing a responsible project);
- Salary premium;
- Providing additional social benefits;
- Organization of temporary replacements of the head (for the period of vacation, business trip, illness, etc.);
- Opportunity to become a mentor for less experienced employees;
and etc.

In any case, when choosing retention methods, you must also consider individual needs of the employee (for example, for some employees, the material component is more important, and for someone, getting a higher status in the company, etc.)

1 -1

The stages can be briefly summarized as follows.

  1. Identifying the needs and drawing up a model of the competencies of specialists for whom the CD will be formed.
  2. Collection of applications and recommendations in the Kyrgyz Republic.
  3. Evaluation of candidates for compliance with existing criteria.
  4. Formation of the CD.
  5. Preparation, training of participants of the CD.
  6. Assessment of progress in preparation for appointment to the post, correction of the composition of the RC.
  7. Appointment to office.

Principles of organizing a CD

The following are usually responsible for organizing the CD. structural units organization as an internal Training Center, assessment center, personnel development department or HR department. The specialists of these departments choose the methods of work, and then give them a normative "weight", approving by the order of the head.

More often than not, HR officers are concerned about creating a managerial team, since recruitment procedures for leadership positions are usually difficult, and the result is difficult to predict. By creating CDs for leaders, they are able to avoid stressful situations, as well as to preserve the approaches to management established in the company. Thus, there is a vertical movement of employees.

Rarely, but still there is another type of formation of CD - horizontal. In this case, those responsible for CR accumulate data on employees who do not seek to increase, but are interested in changing the type of activity.

Forms of work with the personnel reserve

The tasks of internal recruiting and CR formation are:

  • Identification of the internal potential of employees (through certification, assessment, interviews, consultations with middle managers)
  • Development, training, retraining, advanced training of specialists included in the Kyrgyz Republic, so that they acquire the missing competencies
  • Assessment of the acquisition of competencies required for the desired position or position, readiness for translation.

In addition, the RC can be replenished from external sources. To do this, a recruiter examines the resumes presented on job search sites, sent by candidates themselves, take part in specialized conferences and seminars, professional groups v in social networks- and finding worthy candidates, turns to them with a proposal to enter the Kyrgyz Republic. Unfortunately, in practice, the effectiveness of an external source turns out to be low, because the required specialist is unlikely to wait for a vacancy to open. However, with systematic work, such tactics can bring good results (high-tech companies often resort to it, forming a pool of rare specialists that may be required in the future).

What acts regulate the work with the personnel reserve at the enterprise

With regard to the creation of a CD, it can be.

What does the personnel reserve mean?

Personnel reserve(KR) are divided into two types - external and internal. This is usually a group of people who have been pre-selected for any position in the organization, more often in middle or senior management positions. Specialists are evaluated especially carefully, identifying personal, professional and business qualities necessary for the performance of official duties.

External personnel reserve consists of a resume of candidates who meet the requirements, so they can be invited at any time to the vacant position. The main disadvantage of the database is that it becomes outdated, because people grow, develop, find work and no longer need your suggestions.

Reference: sometimes the external talent pool consists of specialists who from time to time participate in projects and perform certain tasks.

Internal personnel reserve- already employed employees who have a high potential for career growth have management skills. As a rule, these are specialists who have been working for a long time, who have managed to prove themselves, to show their reliability.

Table. Comparative characteristics internal and external recruiting sources

Internal reserve includes:

  • highly professional employees with unique knowledge, capable of leadership, as well as professional growth in the horizontal direction (stock of key specialists);
  • subordinates capable of demonstrating vertical growth (administrative staff);
  • trained managers who can immediately take up their duties (operational staff);
  • potential managers (strategic pool of personnel).

The process of forming an internal talent pool takes at least 2 years, so it should be started from the day the organization was founded. Keep a close watch on all employees, make notes for yourself so that you can move a specialist if necessary.

In small companies, a talent pool is rarely created. Usually, employees are moved from position to position, or they are accepted into the company of relatives, friends or acquaintances, while avoiding formalities - assessment, testing, etc. It should be noted that sometimes this threatens with serious problems, up to the closure of the company.


Since the founding of the company« Omega» its owner Stanislav also acted as HR director. First of all, he accepted all his relatives into the staff, they invited friends and acquaintances. So it happened that people from the outside were not accepted, but they were looking for candidates for a position among« their» ... As a result, leading positions were occupied by those who did not quite understand the intricacies of work and responsibilities. This negatively affected profitability, competitiveness and many business processes. When the company approached collapse, Stanislav analyzed the situation and assessed the employees. He made a decision to dismiss some of the workers and hire professionals in their place. A scandal broke out. Most of the subordinates left, but other applicants quickly came to replace them. Gradually the situation returned to normal, and the company moved from the category of unprofitable to profitable ones.

Goals and objectives of the formation of the reserve

The main task of the CD is to improve and stabilize financial position organizations. In the presence of "spare" employees, the company is protected from unforeseen situations due to the absence of key specialists. Business processes go on as usual, customers are happy with cooperation, and business profitability does not fall.

The formation of a pool of personnel in the organization is also required to achieve other goals that face the management. Usually with the help of the "spare" database they try to:

  • to reduce the number of errors in the selection and placement of personnel;
  • assess staff adequately and slowly;
  • predict the need for employees;
  • provide the company with a reserve of effective specialists who know how to develop a business in accordance with the approved strategy;
  • retain and motivate talented leaders;
  • to reduce the cost of recruiting, adaptation of personnel;
  • maintain a positive reputation.

Goals, objectives, desired result, mechanisms for the development of reservists, etc. write in the Regulation on the creation of a personnel reserve. Record the sequence of each step to shorten and facilitate the work of the managers who will build the talent pool.

Example Position

The formation of the personnel reserve (FKR) of the organization takes place with the participation of higher authorities. We recommend adhering to the principle of openness and transparency. That is, do not hide from other employees that the selection of specialists in the Kyrgyz Republic has begun. It is possible that some will prove themselves in order to get a promotion.

If there are not enough resources for the formation of a KR, involve outside specialists from recruiting agencies who will take on some of the tasks or perform the work on a turnkey basis. Stick to the given algorithm, make sure that no promising employee is overlooked.

Stage 1. Determine your reserve needs

The first stage is the most important, so you need to approach it as responsibly as possible. If you do not pay attention to the nuances, the PCR process will be longer and more costly.

Before starting work on the formation of the reserve, identify:

  • strategic and tactical staffing requests;
  • the actual state of the Kyrgyz Republic, the degree of preparedness of employees;
  • the percentage of reduction in the number of "spare" employees over the past few years;
  • the number of released administrative units that can realize themselves in other divisions;
  • positions from which you can move specialists;
  • persons responsible for work with the CD, the placement of personnel.

Determine how much you can spend on the formation of a pool of personnel, coordinate it with the CFO. If the budget is limited, it is rational to engage in the development of already employed employees, and not to select external specialists in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Stage 2. Conduct the selection of employees for the reserve

The selection of employees takes a lot of time, since at this stage a complex work is carried out, consisting of complementary procedures. If several managers are working on CD, demarcate responsibilities, define selection criteria.

In general, when selecting a pool of "spare" you need:

  • to get acquainted with information from the personal files of employees, resumes, autobiographies;
  • conduct a conversation with reservists;
  • simulate situations close to real working conditions, observe a person;
  • evaluate the results of work for a certain period of time;
  • analyze whether the qualities of the employee correspond to the requirements for the position.

The main goal to be achieved is to collect as much information as possible about each employee, his personal, professional and business qualities, skills. Make a card with requirements and criteria so you don't miss important details when working with RC candidates.

Requirements for candidates for inclusion in the RC:

Download sample

When selecting a pool of personnel, determine the motives of potential employees, their goals and values. Do not dive into the study of unnecessary facts, personal life, because this information does not carry a special semantic load, but it takes your time to analyze it.

Stage 3. Create a talent pool list

After evaluating the candidates, comparing them with each other, make a preliminary list of "spare". Divide it into 2 parts. The first category includes workers who are assigned to the operational part, i.e. to replace key positions right now or soon. To the second group include those who will make up the strategic reserve. Typically, these are young employees with leadership inclinations who will gradually gain experience.

When compiling a list of reservists, adhere to the following rules:

  • define the replaced positions according to the nomenclature of positions and staffing table taking into account the hierarchy;
  • include personal information about each staffing unit;
  • record the time of enrollment in the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • mark the results of the quality assessment, write down suggestions and recommendations for self-improvement and development of the employee.

Create a talent pool for several years ahead. Submit the list to a higher-level manager for review - he has the right to delete some persons if, in his opinion, they do not meet the necessary criteria. As the list becomes outdated, it needs to be updated. Remove departures and add new arrivals.

Important! When enrolling selected reservists, prepare a nomination application if vacated. Submit the document to the director for approval.

Candidate questionnaire for the personnel reserve

Download the form

Preparation and retraining of applicants

After weeding out clearly unsuitable employees and enrolling in the talent pool of promising specialists, start working with those who are generally suitable for the position, but need additional training. Choose the best program for them, taking into account the budget.

The following techniques are commonly used:

The training program depends on the current experience, knowledge of the reservist. When choosing it, think about what needs to be developed for the employee, whether the program will help to achieve the desired result. If you are creating a personnel reserve for filling managerial positions, while there is no opportunity to provide educational leave, pay attention to distance programs. You can view the approximate content of some courses, find out the features of this form of training.

Answers to frequently asked questions

1. Who should be responsible for work with the talent pool?

Usually, the management of the organization's talent pool is the responsibility of the head or an ordinary specialist of the service. In large organizations, a special department is created. To achieve results in working with the CD, involve your immediate supervisors and reservists in this issue.

There should be about 2-3 people for each position. Make a list, count the number of potential jobs.

3. How to inform the staff about the development and implementation of the program?

Tell employees about your plans for a CR in writing or in person. Explain the goals and objectives of the program, communicate its importance to employees and the organization as a whole. Please note that insufficient information to staff about an innovation can lead to negative rumors and concerns.

4. What are the different ways of nominating candidates for the personnel reserve?

There are three main ways of promotion: a direct supervisor, a superior leader, self-promotion of an employee.

5. What are the possible problems when working with the personnel reserve?

The following errors are distinguished when working with CD:

  • work is proceeding without proper support from the management under pressure from the personnel service and the training department;
  • financial constraints do not allow the use of a number of areas for training reservists;
  • the reserve for filling managerial positions is formally made;
  • blurred selection criteria;
  • there are no clear criteria for evaluating reservists.

6. Is it possible to prepare a reserve for the tops?

Yes, many companies train reservists precisely for closing top positions in the organization. The procedure for working with them differs in that higher requirements are imposed on specialists.

7. How to plan further work with the personnel reserve?

After a positive assessment of the readiness of the reservists, decide what to do next, for example:

  • if there are open target vacancies, consider candidates for replacement from among successful reservists;
  • plan and organize adaptation measures ;
  • If there are no open vacancies at the end of the reservist training program, plan activities to retain promising employees.

As a result of the previous work on creating and developing the reserve, realize the goals for which the RC was created, develop additional measures to retain valuable employees. Do not forget that talent pool management is not just a formal procedure, but real work that needs to be systematically devoted to.

Talent pool - a group of qualified employees of the company who have passed preliminary selection, special training and are internal candidates for filling vacancies superior positions leaders.

Replacing leadership positions with internal candidates has the following benefits:

The time for adaptation of a new employee to the position is reduced (if replaced by third-party candidates, the adaptation period is from 3 to 6 months);

There is no need to form loyalty to the company (loyalty has already been formed, and this is a guarantee, since new leader who could not adapt to the company will leave, taking with him data that is a trade secret);

There is a "soft" replacement of generations and the continuity of technologies and corporate culture is preserved (there are no revolutionary changes that paralyze the work of the division for a long period).

Losses of qualified employees of the company caused by the lack of prospects for professional and career growth are reduced.

All these advantages have a concrete material expression for the company in the form of a reduction in lost profits due to a decrease in the efficiency of staff work. That is why most companies are interested in the professional growth of their employees at all levels, and are trying to create a talent pool.

When it's time to think about building a talent pool system for an enterprise:

The company is growing and there is a need for managers and specialists who can lead new departments and directions;

Aging of key and managerial personnel and the lack of young promising employees at the enterprise who can replace them;

A situation has developed in the company when promising employees do not see opportunities for their own further growth and leave it;

The rules for promotion and movement of employees have developed spontaneously, are outdated and lead to frequent mistakes when appointing new managers;

The search and selection of candidates for managerial positions does not take place on the basis of the company's development plans, but when a "burning" vacancy arises;

The company is moving to a new stage of development, and the requirements for the professionalism of managers are increasing;

People who do not profess the well-established values ​​and principles of corporate culture come to the top management of the company;

The activities of the enterprise are complex and require a high level of qualifications, the adaptation period for new managers is long, which increases the likelihood of making mistakes with dire consequences for the enterprise;

You have a question: which is more efficient - to attract new managers or improve the qualifications of existing ones;

You want to be confident in "your", proven management team, in its ability to solve any task assigned to it.

Timely identification and successful preparation for a high position of future leaders is today the most important factor for success in competitive struggle. modern companies create a system for the selection, development and relocation of future leaders (reserve) and consider the management of this system as a strategically important task.

The system of training a reserve of managers assumes the solution of the following tasks:

Identification of employees who have the potential to take managerial positions;

Preparing these employees for leadership positions;

Ensuring the replacement of the vacant position and the approval of a new employee in it.

When working with a reserve of managers, two groups are distinguished - a reserve (backup) and a promising reserve (resource) - young employees with leadership potential.

The algorithm for working with each of the groups of the personnel reserve, although it coincides in the main stages, has its own specifics, both in selection and in development (Table No. services provided by the company "Progressive Technologies of Management").

Reserve (understudies) are managers - candidates for certain key positions of the company who are ready to work in these positions at the present moment or in the near future.

Their preparation is a complex multi-stage process and requires from senior management, HR department, heads of departments significant costs time.

However, those companies that have learned to manage this process receive tremendous returns in the form of a painless generational change and the introduction of fresh views, continuity in work and management.

Reserve preparation is:

An effective means of optimizing the use of company personnel, selection and relocation of management personnel, ensuring the continuity of management, and on this basis - increasing the efficiency of the entire company;

One of the most important conditions for the successful work of the company in the long term.

A promising reserve (resource) is young employees with leadership qualities - specialists who, in the future, can take leading positions in the company.

The purpose of working with this category of executive pool is to identify and strengthen the development of employees who have the potential to take leadership positions in the company in a few years.

The planning and development process for young people with potential is similar to the process of working with a leadership pool. At the same time, there are a number of distinctive features. Unlike working with a reserve of managerial personnel, the training of promising employees is not targeted - they are not prepared for employment a certain position, but to leadership work in general.

When preparing a promising reserve, special attention is paid to:

Understanding the specifics of the organization's activities and its culture, developing a sense of loyalty to the company;

Continuous improvement of management knowledge based on advanced training courses (seminars);

Labor discipline(compliance with the rules of the internal labor schedule; hard work; conscientiousness; accuracy);

Corporate culture(the ability to build constructive relationships in the team; loyalty to the company);

Management skills (the ability to convince, lead, understand people, defend the interests of the team).

The selection of employees with leadership qualities is the most difficult stage in working with a promising reserve, since it is required not only to assess the state of the employee at the moment, but also to predict what will happen to him in a few years. Methods for assessing the potential of employees with elements of psychodiagnostics are gaining in importance, using which not only the existing level of formation of managerial skills is assessed, but also the potential for their development, as well as the level of motivation for their own development and occupation of managerial positions. One of the most effective is the "Assessment center" method.

Based on the results of the assessment, enrollment in the personnel reserve is carried out, and individual development plans are drawn up for each reservist:

For a group of understudies - drawing up a career development plan and those skills that must be additionally mastered to take up the position for which he was approved as an understudy.

For the group "promising reserve" - ​​the plan should be aimed at increasing the general level of managerial qualifications, and include: rotation, independent theoretical training, training.

The most common training needs for all reservists should be summarized and included in general program training (corporate trainings, seminars).

The organization and control of the development of employees enrolled in the talent pool should be carried out by the human resources management unit. Periodic evaluation is used to monitor the results of the development of the talent pool. The main focus of the assessment is on assessing progress in the level of managerial knowledge and skills of reservists, i.e. how the employee develops his potential. The results of work in today's position are very important for assessing the progress of substitutes, at the same time, for a promising reserve, they are considered only as Additional Information characterizing the reservist (the assessment of work results is more taken into account during certification).

The results of the progress assessment allow making changes to the employee's development plan or making a decision about the futility of his further preparation for a managerial position.

The system of working with young employees with leadership potential is important factor improve the efficiency of company management and must comply strategic goals its development.

Employees of the company "Progressive Technologies of Management" possess unique methods and experience in their practical application to work with the talent pool and are ready to help Heads of companies and HR managers in solving problems of forming and developing the talent pool of this company.

6. Features workforce planning at the enterprise.

Personnel planning is carried out both in the interests of the organization and in the interests of its personnel. It is important for an organization to have at the right time, in the right place, in the right quantity and with the appropriate qualifications, such personnel that are necessary to solve production problems, to achieve its goals. Workforce planning should create the conditions for motivating higher productivity and job satisfaction. People are attracted primarily by those jobs where conditions are created for the development of their abilities and high and constant earnings are guaranteed. One of the tasks of personnel planning is to take into account the interests of all employees of the organization. It should be remembered that workforce planning is then effective when it is integrated into general process organization planning. Workforce planning should answer the following questions:

How many workers, what qualifications, when and where will they be needed?

How can you attract the necessary and reduce unnecessary personnel without causing social harm?

What is the best way to use staff according to their ability?

Rice. 1. Place of personnel planning in the personnel management system in the organization.

How to ensure the development of personnel to perform new qualified jobs and maintain their knowledge in accordance with the demands of production?

What costs will be required by the planned personnel activities?

The goals and objectives of workforce planning can be summarized in the form of a diagram shown in Fig. 2.

Scheduling plays an important role as it allows you to calculate the time required for production finished products on existing orders based on the availability of raw materials, materials purchased from outside and objects of work in progress.

Target scheduling- to receive an accurate and complete project schedule, taking into account the work, their duration, the required resources, which serves as the basis for the implementation of the project.

In the tasks of scheduling for each work (operation), the duration of its manufacture and the resource that should be used for its implementation (a specific type of machine, unit, equipment) are indicated. The resources used in such tasks are reusable. For each resource, the time of its entry into the system is indicated (for machines, this is usually the time of the beginning of planning, or, for example, the time when the machine starts working after repair) and the amount of the resource that entered the system (for machines, this is the number of machines of the same type). An admissible solution to the scheduling problem is such a solution (admissible work schedule) for which the following are performed:

Technological conditions,

Resource conditions,

The resource cannot be used simultaneously by several jobs,

· Work consumes the resource necessary for its execution without interruption.

It is required to construct such an admissible schedule for which the resource conditions are fulfilled in the "best" way.