Staff turnover: the pros to the employer, the cons to the employee. Reasons for staff turnover and how to prevent it Staff turnover pros and cons

Looking through various sites for finding jobs and employees, you can see that the same companies post the same vacancies, periodically offering jobs to the same specialists. Staff turnover Is one of the key and painful problems for any modern organization. To say that high turnover has a negative impact on business is not to say anything. A high rate of staff turnover does not allow the formation of a permanent and well-coordinated team, and, accordingly, the corporate spirit in the company. What are the reasons for such an unpleasant phenomenon? Are there any ways to avoid it altogether, or at least significantly reduce it?

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What is staff turnover?

Staff turnover- traffic work force caused by the employee's dissatisfaction with the workplace or the organization's dissatisfaction with a specific specialist. This indicator is also called "Index of revolving doors" and it displays how long the specialist has been at his job.

Figure 1 - The main types of staff turnover

1. Intra-organizational- associated with labor movements within the organization.

2. External- between organizations, industries and sectors of the economy.

3. Physical staff turnover covers those employees who, for various reasons, leave and leave the organization.

4. Latent (psychological) staff turnover occurs among those employees who do not outwardly leave the company, but actually leave it, are excluded from organizational activities.

5. Natural turnover (3-5% per year) contributes to the timely renewal of the team and does not require special measures from the management and personnel service.

Based on the latter definition, we can say that a small turnover rate is even useful for an organization, since it carries with it the renewal of the team with fresh thoughts and strength. Learn more about calculating employee turnover

Staff turnover can also be classified according to the position and period of work of the employee. The real disaster can be considered a large "turnover" of management personnel with some baggage of experience in the company (and the more experience, the more this affects the financial and emotional health of the company). In connection with the frequent change of the leader, not only temporary stagnation and low performance are possible, but also a ripple effect - the dismissal of his subordinates, who may leave after him.

Also, for some organizations, the real problem can be the dismissal of new staff if new employee resigned before he worked out the funds that were invested in him.

Reasons for staff turnover

Everyone knows very well that in order to cope with a disease, it is not the symptoms that need to be treated, but the source must be eliminated. What are the sources of the disease with the name "staff turnover"?

  • Let's start from the very beginning of the employment process - selection... Often the reason for dismissal is laid already at the first stage, during poor-quality selection. There are many reasons for such an unprofessional selection: a banal rush to close the free vacant place on the part of the employer, the desire to quickly get his fee as a recruiter, to find, finally, at least some kind of job as an applicant, or simply insufficient informing of the parties. In 99% of cases, this approach will sooner or later lead to dismissal.
  • After the selection of an employee, he expects adaptation process... Poor adaptation or, in general, its absence causes premature dismissal for probationary period... Even when new employees stay and work in the company for a long time, their decision to dismiss can be made already in the first weeks. labor activity in this company.
  • A successful onboarding process is not the key to success in dealing with employee turnover. The employee spends most of the day at work and on how comfortable working conditions created for him, his decision on his further stay in the company depends.
  • Dissatisfaction with management- in any form, be it personal hostility, dissatisfaction with professional qualities or management methods, can also lead to the dismissal of an employee. The last two points are not limited to time frames, since in this case everything depends on the character of the person.
  • After working for some time, an employee with certain ambitions and professional qualities will begin to think about the possibility of growth and development. Lack of career growth, professional development and training can lead to employee leaving. The next reason for the employee's dismissal is immediately traced - the prospect of getting a higher position in another place, the opportunity to more widely apply one's abilities there and, accordingly, a higher salary. This practice is usually observed at all levels of staff. Money is often not the root cause, though. Salary is not a direct determinant (determinant) of job satisfaction. Many employees are not satisfied with the psychological climate prevailing in the team, they are not loyal and not motivated, and money in this case is a convenient excuse to leave the company.
  • Leaving an employee following his colleague, boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, etc. are also common. After all, a person is an emotional creature.
  • And finally dissatisfaction with the employee on the part of the manager... The incompetence of an employee or his inability to work in a team is the reason for the manager's dissatisfaction and, accordingly, the reason for dismissal.

It is impossible to unequivocally determine the reason for the dismissal of all employees, so it would be useful to introduce into the company, for example, an interview upon dismissal, during which an employee of the HR department or a manager must find out the motive for dismissal.

Problem solving methods

Having found out the reason for the dismissal of employees, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate it. For example, if the fault is the level wages, it is necessary to find out whether it is financially possible to increase salaries, bonuses or the introduction of other options for financial motivation of personnel. If some of the employees were not satisfied with the working conditions, then it is necessary to make a decision on the possibility of improving them.

Figure 2 - Reasons and methods for solving staff turnover

If it turns out that the majority of those who quit have a work experience of up to 6 months, this indicates errors in the selection of personnel and its adaptation. In this case, the criteria for selecting specialists should be revised, the adaptation process should be improved, the supervision of an experienced employee should be introduced, the adaptation process of each should be monitored, training should be conducted, etc. employees, train him in effective management and interaction with the team. You can find out more about the calculation of staff turnover in your company and get a basic set of recommendations in this section.

HRM assistants for the personnel officer

Of course, there are many reasons for dismissal, which are almost impossible to predict, but still most of them lend themselves to monitoring and elimination before the fact of dismissal takes place. To help the personnel officer, there are a huge number of ready-made test complexes, developed methods and instructions for creating your own tests. Thanks to them, you can regularly conduct various surveys, testing and assessment of personnel. The purpose of such events may be to analyze the psychological climate in the team, the adaptation process of new employees, the efficiency of various services in terms of personnel management, the level of satisfaction with working conditions in the company, and much more.

1C: Salary and personnel management

To effectively combat employee turnover, it is necessary to constantly monitor its coefficient and investigate the situation in the company. On modern market exists automated systems for personnel records, containing modules for planning the work of personnel, monitoring the effectiveness of the personnel service and the state of personnel in the organization. One of the most popular and having the necessary functionality of information HRM-systems is "1C: Salary and personnel management 8". The system contains the report "Employee turnover rate", which allows you to monitor the current rate of employee turnover both throughout the organization and in a specific separate division.

This indicator represents the following ratio, taken over a certain period: (number of dismissed employees / average number of employees) * 100%.

Figure 3 - Report: staff turnover rate in "1C: Salary and personnel management"

The program contains functionality for testing employees, automatic payroll, tax and personnel records. "1C: Salary and Personnel Management" will allow not only using standard questionnaires, but also developing new ones, sending them out to employees, receiving answers and processing the results.

1C: Personnel assessment

Another HRM automation system, "1C: Personnel Assessment", will be a useful tool for a manager or a personnel officer in testing and assessing personnel. This solution gives the HR officer a wide range of opportunities for analyzing candidates when hiring and employees in the process of work, monitoring the socio-psychological climate in the team. The program allows for an individual approach to testing and evaluation due to the ability to design new tests.

Figure 4 - Program "1C: Personnel Assessment"

Methods of dealing with staff turnover, in principle, can be very individual in the same situation, but with by different people... The main thing is a clear definition of the root cause and its prompt elimination. Failure to understand that the turnover needs to be dealt with can be too expensive for the company. Constant monitoring and analysis of the reasons for the dismissal of employees and, of course, the search and implementation of methods to combat them - all this will bring huge benefits for your business. Financial results will not keep you waiting.

System integration. Consulting

Surprisingly, such an event, usually perceived as a negative phenomenon for the development and functionality of the organization, turns out to have its advantages and disadvantages. In some cases, high employee turnover can indeed have a very negative impact on the company, but in other circumstances it can even be beneficial.

The pros and cons of worker leakage actually depend on the type of organization. For example, in some industries its level is quite predictable and explainable and, as a rule, does not have any negative consequences. However, in other areas of business, the loss of skilled workers is too high a cost to companies in terms of the cost of continuous recruitment and training.

In any case, whether employee turnover is a disadvantage or an advantage is a matter that is analyzed within the company, and if this phenomenon begins to affect the efficiency of the organization and turns into a serious problem, then it undoubtedly needs to be addressed urgently.

At one point or another, any organization can reach a certain point of stagnation, because it, like air, will need new ideas leading to the introduction of innovations. Often, it is new employees who bring their fresh vision of work processes, and can also soberly assess the existing shortcomings and weaknesses in the company's work, since they were not participants and witnesses of the previous circumstances that led to stagnation.

Formal groupthink sometimes turns into an obstacle to further development companies, and therefore high staff turnover in this regard can be a way out of the situation. In other words, than fewer people work together, the lower the risk that the team will develop such formulaic thinking, in which there is no place for creative and innovative ideas. High workforce drain is a kind of medicine against stagnation within the organization and the potential for fresh, progressive initiatives that can serve as a powerful impetus for growth and development.

One of the most significant drawbacks associated with high turnover is the cost to the organization, since the selection and recruitment process requires a significant amount of resources. If a large number of employees leave the company, and this situation occurs often and in large quantities, then costs can hardly be avoided.

High employee turnover also means time consuming. Every time a new employee comes, he needs time to learn and familiarize himself with his tasks. This means that the newcomer gets paid for their own training, and other employees are distracted from doing their job duties in order to prepare and bring up to date a new team member on whom they spend their time and energy to the detriment of work.

Another disadvantage is that the leaving employee takes with him his knowledge, skills and abilities. Personnel knowledge is a valuable asset, and if really highly qualified specialists leave, and it is difficult to find a replacement for them, then with a high degree of probability it is possible to predict that this leaving valuable asset will sooner or later go to competitors.

As a result, we can conclude that one of the main aspects of successful management of personnel turnover is to identify those areas of activity where such a phenomenon adversely affects the work of the company, or, on the contrary, it may even be beneficial and only benefit the development of the company. In other words, it is necessary to find the necessary balance of pros and cons so that high staff turnover rates do not have a negative impact on work processes and, as a result, on labor efficiency indicators.

But what about the situation with? Without delving into theory, but looking at practice, one can state the fact that the employer shift work with frequent staff changes, saves on travel costs. So, you can often find proposals on the condition of travel compensation starting from the second shift. But in fact, an employee does not go to work on a watch for a variety of reasons.

It can be poor working conditions, various fines invented in order to discourage the employee from going to work again. And all the costs are borne by the shift worker himself. After that, the salary will not be compared with the one that could be received at the place of permanent residence.

And it is not at all necessary to carry out, it is only necessary to create artificially such working conditions under which the employee himself will make an unconditional decision to quit irrevocably.


Reasons for staff turnover and how to prevent it

The cost of employee turnover is sometimes very high for a company. An employer affected by this problem needs to analyze the causes of its occurrence and find effective ways to prevent layoffs of employees. In this article, we'll take a closer look at what causes employee turnover and how to deal with it.

The analysis of employee turnover can be divided into several parts: measuring, identifying its causes, and developing strategies for retaining employees. Let's consider each of these parts in more detail.


In order to understand whether there is a staff turnover, you need to measure it correctly. There are several ways to determine the rate of employee turnover. The simplest and most common formula is the ratio of the number of people laid off for a certain period (usually a year), multiplied by a hundred, to the average number of employees for the same period:

(number of people dismissed per year) x100

(average number of employees per year)

The number of dismissed includes everyone who for any reason left the company: how on their own and at the initiative of the employer.

It should be noted that the turnover rate varies depending on the specifics of the department. For example, among low-skilled personnel there is a high turnover of personnel, in contrast to employees of the administrative and management level. In this regard, the measurement should be divided into sections, departments, divisions.

The rate of staff turnover can be called from 3 to 7%. It is important to pay attention to the field of activity and the age of the organization. So for a young company, the normal turnover is 20%, for restaurant services and retail sales this figure can go up to 30%. In addition, to determine how much the turnover rate goes beyond the norm, you can compare it with the indicators of enterprises in the same sector (competing companies). If this ratio is much higher in your company, it's time to sound the alarm and take the necessary measures.

Reasons for staff turnover

Everyone knows that if we are faced with a problem, then it is not the symptoms that need to be treated, but its source. Therefore, for a start, it is worth spending internal research and find out why people leave the organization. To do this, you can start conducting exit interviews - a conversation with quitting employees. It is desirable that the interviewer is not a former supervisor of the employee or a person providing referrals to the employee. An alternative option could be a questionnaire survey. Explain to employees the purpose of the above procedures and ensure complete confidentiality.

The main reasons that can cause staff turnover are:

Poor selection

Sometimes recruiters' desire to fill a job as quickly as possible can lead to hiring the wrong employee. Or, during the selection process, the applicant did not receive full information about the job and subsequently his expectations were not met.

Dissatisfaction with leadership and its attitude

It can be personal dislike for the leader and disagreement with management methods. Staff turnover can be overestimated in environments with poor communication and poorly developed reward and reward systems. In such an environment, workers feel underappreciated, ignored, helpless, and insignificant.

Lack of career and professional development and training

On the one hand, employers value employee ambition. But, on the other hand, it can become a reason for leaving if employees do not see career opportunities within the organization. Also, dissatisfaction with the profession and the desire to change their specialty induce employees to look for a new application on the side, if they do not find it in this company.

Layoffs of other employees

For example, company mergers are not complete without layoffs. Cases are very common when, after the dismissal of the head of a department, all employees of this department leave the organization after him. In addition, layoffs that are unfair from the point of view of staff reduce the loyalty and motivation of employees.

Unfavorable working conditions

We spend a significant part of our life at work, so it is quite natural to want to spend this time in a comfortable environment. Cramped, poorly lit rooms, poor climatic conditions, poor-quality equipment or lack of it are just some of the examples that cause dissatisfaction with the workspace.

Poor adaptation or lack thereof

causes premature dismissal on probation. Even when new employees stay and work in the company for a long time, their decision to dismiss can be made already in the first weeks of employment in this company.

The prospect of getting a higher salary elsewhere

This practice is observed at all levels of staff. Money is often not the root cause, though. Salary is not a direct determinant of job satisfaction. Many employees are not satisfied with the psychological climate at work, they are disloyal and unmotivated, and money in this case is a convenient excuse to leave the company.

Staff retention strategies

So, we found out that there are a sufficient number of reasons for employee turnover. If among them are global causes (economic situation, labor market conditions) or personal circumstances (moving, caring for children, illness of a family member), then it will be almost impossible to cope with them. However, the above internal reasons for multiple layoffs can be managed. The responsibility for retaining employees should lie with heads of departments and HR managers. Here are some tips to help you reduce employee turnover in your company:

1. Provide. Hire the right people appropriate to the corporate culture of the organization. Their values, principles and goals must be consistent with the goals of the company. At the recruiting stage, provide applicants with maximum information about the job and the employer. Don't overstate expectations or go overboard with promises. Also use any appropriate selection methods to identify suitable professional qualities future employee.

2. Develop programs for professional and career development of personnel. Learning programs go a long way in building loyalty and retention. For example, such as continuing education courses, improving existing skills and gaining new knowledge at the expense of the employer.

3. Ensure employee involvement. "Open politics" does not involve meetings behind closed doors. Employees need to realize that they have a voice and are recognized for their contributions. Consult with them on work issues, introduce the practice of collective decision-making. Provide staff with regular updates on plant updates: financial situation, changes in policies and procedures.

4. Provide employees with work. Employees should feel that something really depends on their performance. Constant employment creates a sense of stability, which is fundamental not only in work, but also in other areas of life.

5. Develop a competitive compensation package that includes special achievement bonuses and bonuses, and a benefit system that supports the health of workers and their families. The needs of the staff should be taken into account. Do not discriminate against some employees. Be fair and consistent in awarding compensation. Employees will be less likely to leave an organization that cares for them.

6. Do not make you work overtime or on weekends. For most, rest is of great importance, so you should not shorten your already few hours. If necessary, be prepared to provide schedule changes and make it more flexible. Work should be judged not by the amount of time worked, but by the specific results achieved.

7. Protect your organization from headhunters. For example, keep internal phone numbers and email addresses confidential.

If your company follows these strategies and has a genuine concern for employee welfare, you don't have to pay the highest salary in town to have the lowest employee turnover.

The times when an employee worked in an organization for 10-20 years are furtively remembered by our grandmothers. The current generation prefers not to sit in one place, changing employers like gloves. Career experts recommend a professional shake-up every 5-7 years. But what if there is a clear turnover in the company?
Rjob found out where they quit the most, what the reason is, and if there is any cause for concern.

Areas and companies at risk

From records in other work books dazzles in the eyes. Particularly active people leave the office long before graduation. There are employers who themselves are not averse to getting rid of an employee who does not meet strict requirements as soon as possible.

As noted Svetlana Beloded , Head of HR Department, QBF, absolutely all companies face turnover.

“For example, at QBF, the sales department staff change most often. This is due to the specifics of the activities of financial advisors. Many specialists just get tired of constantly interacting with different people, ”the expert notes.

In turn Valeria Evdokimova, head of the HR analytics project of the holding, believes that the reason is deeper - employees are leaving companies that are not ready to offer optimal working conditions, to keep employees good wages or development in professionally and career opportunities.

“Therefore, people, after working for a short time and gaining minimal experience, quit. Most often this happens in retail, restaurant and hotel business, "adds Valeria Evdokimova.

Even more high-turnover areas highlight Lead HR Specialist V.I.G. Trans Diana Kovaleva. The "alarming" list includes:

All these areas, excluding the last one, are not considered prestigious and promising. Therefore, the change of personnel can be observed there often. As for the financial niche, there is an oversaturation of the labor market with candidates.

“A schoolboy or student sees that the financial sector offers many vacancies in the market. This means that after graduation it will be easy to find a job. On the part of the employer, the oversaturation of the market makes it possible to choose and not hold on to the leaving employee, ”explains Valeria Evdokimova.

I agree with this point of view and Roman Alekhin , founder of the Alekhin & Partners marketing group. He notes that in some areas they do not even try to fight turnover, since it is much easier and cheaper to find a new employee than to bear the cost of retaining him.

“In addition, there is a lot of turnover in markets with a high level of competition among employers and a low level of competition among employees. For example, at the sewing and pharmacy market in Kursk, employees left and returned to the firm several times. In all these cases, the level of wages is also important. Most often it is not high, and an offer of 500-1000 rubles higher can be decisive, ”explains Roman Alekhin.

Who is guilty?

If the talent pool changes regularly in the company, do not rush to throw stones in its vegetable garden. Founder Moscow Digital AcademyMaxim Ivanov believes that there is no need to look for the guilty ones, because both the employee and the employer will always have good reasons for dismissal.

Svetlana Beloded thinks that the responsibility for staff turnover lies with both the employer and the people under his supervision: “Sometimes the head of the company overestimates the candidate and delegates to the newcomer much more authority than he can handle. Competent work of HR specialists will help to avoid the described situation. But sometimes applicants are to blame for the recruiting mistake. For example, a candidate wants to borrow so badly a certain position, what . And some newcomers manage to seem to the HR-service representative, especially not very experienced, more competent than they really are. "

The result is one - an employee who does not reach the required level leaves either of his own free will or at the request of his superiors.

Elena Yakhontova , professor of the department corporate governance Graduate School of Corporate Governance RANHIGS, I am sure that the employer, not the employees, is to blame for staff turnover. Low wages, poor working conditions, unprofessional management and lack of career prospects - these factors will push even the most persistent to fire.

“People come to the company and leave the manager. Therefore, in order to reduce turnover, it is sometimes sufficient to increase the requirements for the managerial competencies of managers and the style of managing employees, ”the expert comments.

Why staff turnover is dangerous

Usually, a high percentage of layoffs followed by the hiring of new specialists is seen as evidence of the company's unreliability. Therefore, in most cases, staff turnover is a stain on a firm's reputation. But is everything so simple?

Valeria Evdokimova emphasizes that staff turnover can be both positive and negative.

From the pros - a fresh look and new ideas from newly hired employees.

The disadvantages include the difficulty of finding a new professional, the cost of training and integration, production downtime.

“If we are talking about companies that do not develop and apply know-how in marketing and management, then turnover will not hurt them much. A firm is hit when it is the market leader or when it has unique and innovative ways of working that give it an edge. If an employee leaves such a company for a competitor, then this can greatly shake its position, "- shares his opinion Roman Alekhin.

Loss of competence, according to Elena Yakhontova, is another problem of a company with high staff turnover. Seasoned specialists are being replaced by newcomers who are still timid, ignorant of many issues. And often their enthusiasm is unable to compensate for their lack of experience.

... and how to deal with it

How to deal with a turnover that exceeds the norm? Experts advise:

  • correctly determine the competence of a specialist before hiring him;
  • create the most comfortable working conditions;
  • regularly analyze the socio-psychological climate in the team;
  • involve employees in the company's business processes, making it possible to feel like a part of a global business;
  • calculate a competitive salary.

“To reduce employee turnover, you need to develop corporate culture... It is important to pay attention to the adaptation of newcomers, constantly with both material and non-material means. In addition, employers need to closely monitor the fulfillment of all obligations assumed to employees. Finally, I would advise entrepreneurs to take care of the company's brand as well, ”advises Svetlana Beloded.

Expert advice will certainly help strengthen team relationships and minimize employee turnover. But we must not forget that changes are inevitable even in the most stable company. The main thing is that they are for the benefit of both the employee and the employer.

Personnel turnover is one of the key problems of any organization, which negatively affects the work of the enterprise, does not allow the formation of the team, and therefore the corporate spirit, which invariably entails a decrease in production indicators and work efficiency.

You can give the following definitions of staff turnover in an enterprise:

Staff turnover is the movement of workers in an enterprise.

Personnel turnover in personnel management is a norm that shows how often an employee gains and loses a job.

The increased turnover of personnel, whatever the reason, reduces the staffing of jobs with performers, distracts highly qualified specialists who are forced to help newcomers, worsens the moral and psychological climate, reduces the productivity of those who are about to leave, which as a result causes economic losses. The regulation of staff turnover is becoming the main factor determining the strategic success, sustainability and stability of the organization's development. With controlled turnover, the possibility of crowding out uncompetitive workers arises: persons with reduced labor productivity and efficiency, low or morally outdated professional qualifications, poorly formed motivational attitudes, etc. In this regard, there are opportunities for personnel changes and career growth of the remaining "best" employees, which allow the organization to obtain significant competitive advantage on the market Romanov V. Pros and cons of staff turnover // Kadrovik. HR management... - 2011. - No. 11. - S. 94-107 ..

Work on the study and reduction of staff turnover at the enterprise involves the following stages:

· Collection and processing of information on the state, reasons and factors of staff turnover (determination of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the process);

· Analysis of the staff turnover process;

· Development and implementation of measures to reduce staff turnover.

Let us dwell in more detail on the quantitative analysis of the phenomenon under study. The state of the personnel turnover process is characterized by the turnover rate (Kt), the partial rate of turnover (Kch.t) and the rate of turnover rate (Ki.t).

The turnover ratio is used to assess the size of turnover for the organization as a whole and for its individual divisions. It is calculated for reporting period(month, quarter, year) as the ratio of the number of employees dismissed for violations labor discipline, as well as those who left of their own accord, to the average number of employees.

This formula for calculating losses is easy to use but deceiving. The main objection to estimating employee turnover using the dropout rate for a given period is that these figures can be inflated by the high turnover rate of a relatively small overall share of employees, especially during periods of active recruitment. After all, this indicator can be extended to the entire company, covering all professions and workers with long and short work experience, or it is limited to a small proportion of employees - only a few jobs could be involved, although each of these positions had to be filled again several dozen times in during this year. These are completely different situations, and if they are not analyzed, forecasts of future needs will be inaccurate and inadequate measures may be taken to remedy the situation. The turnover index also raises suspicions if the average number of employees, relative to which the percentage is calculated, is not typical of recent trends due to a significant increase or decrease in the number of employees during the Shapiro S.A. period. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management in modern organizations... - M .: GrossMedia, 2009 .-- S. 89 ..

The partial coefficient of turnover (Kch.t) is used to assess the size of turnover for individual age and gender, professional, educational and other groups of the workforce. It is calculated as the ratio of the number of those dismissed in a given group for violations of labor discipline, as well as those who left of their own accord, to the average number of employees in this group.

The coefficient of turnover rate (Ki.t) is the ratio of the particular rate of turnover (Kch.t) for a given group, allocated for the organization as a whole or for its individual divisions, to the turnover rate (Kt), calculated, respectively, for the organization as a whole or for its individual divisions. It shows how many times the partial coefficient of fluidity for a given group is greater or less than Kt, namely: the value of Ki.t. ? 1 indicates the average (relative to the organization or department) level of turnover in this group; Whale< 1 -- о том, что интенсивность текучести ниже ее среднего уровня, т.е. о стабильности группы; Ки.т. >1 - about an increased level of fluidity. Ki values. t allow to establish the influence of factors such as gender, age, educational level, profession, qualifications of workers, etc. on the turnover process, and also serves to monitor the effectiveness of individual measures to reduce turnover. At the same time, low values ​​of the coefficient of turnover intensity do not always indicate the normal development of social processes in the team. So, in a number of professional groups, the value of Ki = 0.5 often indicates the aging of the team.

Quite important for the analysis of staff turnover is the survival rate: the proportion of workers employed for a certain period of time who remain at the enterprise after a certain number of months or years. The distribution of losses within each group can be plotted in the form of a "survival curve". The basic shape of this curve has been found to be similar for many situations, although it has been observed that its peak may be further along the time axis and / or may be lower when the curve is for highly skilled or trained groups of workers.

Many people think that the stability index is more accurate than the employee turnover rate. It is usually calculated as a ratio: in the numerator - the number of employees who have worked for at least one year, in the denominator - the number of employees, adopted year back. This index shows how many employees with longer seniority tend to stay with the company, and therefore shows the degree of continuity of employment of the company. But this index can also be misleading, as it does not reveal the wide variety of situations in the organization. Variations in the staff stability index are called the “supplemental turnover index”: it is the ratio of the number of employees who joined and quit within one year to the average number of employees within one year. It shows the turnover of workers who have worked for a short time. Egorshin A.P. Fundamentals of personnel management. - M .: Infra-M, 2008. - S. 189 ..

The general state of staff turnover is analyzed for the enterprise and its divisions: the dynamics of the turnover rate is assessed in comparison with previous periods; subdivisions with the highest value of Кт are allocated; the conditions that determine the high level of fluidity are identified; identifies professional, gender and age and other groups of workers subject to high turnover, etc. The results of the analysis are summarized in the form of a report, which provides an assessment of the state of turnover in the organization (enterprise) and its dynamics; conclusions are drawn, which contain the main directions for the development of measures to reduce fluidity. A detailed analysis is recommended to be carried out once a year as of January 1. As of the beginning of each quarter, the values ​​of the turnover rates for the organization and its divisions should be determined, comparing them with the values ​​of Kt. in the corresponding period of the previous year.

For the analysis of stabilization processes labor collectives Also of great importance are the calculations of the staff turnover rate and the periods of complete renewal of the collective or individual professional groups. The staff turnover rate is defined as the ratio of workers dismissed during the year to their total number. The full period of staff turnover (in years) is calculated using the formula of N. Oparin. Management of staff turnover // Kadrovik. HR management. - 2010. - No. 4. - S. 56-67 .:

Similarly, the indicators of the full turnover period are calculated for certain categories of workers and professional groups(a long turnover period is considered a good indicator). Such an indicator of staff turnover as the level of "acclimatization" of new employees can also be applied. It is calculated in the versions of A.P. Agashkov. There is such a phenomenon - fluidity // Secrets of personnel management. - 2008. - No. 7. - S. 34-47 .:

1. The absolute number of employees dismissed in the reporting year with less than 1 year of work experience (with an analysis of the reasons);

2. Relative indicator:

where: A - the number of employees laid off during the reporting year and with less than 1 year of experience;

B - the number of employees who had less than 1 year of work experience at the end of the year;

С - the number of employees laid off during the reporting year with less than 1 year of experience.

The calculation (in both the numerator and denominator) does not include temporary employees, as well as personnel with a contract of less than 1 year.

Another method of calculating employee turnover is by looking at the group of employees recruited over a given period (usually a quarter) and recording the rate at which they left the company. Sometimes these numbers are plotted graphically by lagging dropout rates on a graph showing quarterly work periods. In this case, the resulting graph is called the duration curve.

When calculating fluidity indicators, it is very important to determine its optimal level. At this stage, it is necessary to answer the main question - whether the level of turnover is so high that it leads to unreasonable economic losses. Since the turnover rate depends on many factors (specifics of the business, the territorial location of the company, etc.), each company needs to calculate its ideal level of personnel turnover. And even different parts of the organization may have their own turnover rate.

The above statistical methods will make it possible to timely inform the management of the enterprise and the personnel department, both about the general level of turnover and its derivatives, which is very important for making adequate decisions to improve the human resource management system in general and reduce staff turnover in particular.

The employer's losses from staff turnover are financial and organizational losses (See: Table 1).

Table 1

Financial and organizational losses from staff turnover

Financial losses

Organizational negative sides"turnover"

Training costs for newly hired employees, incl. travel expenses (in cases of training in another structural unit organizations)

Excessive employment personnel worker receptions-dismissals. In those organizations that do not have a dedicated employee for maintaining personnel records, it is often necessary to introduce the position of a personnel officer due to the large volume of work on registration of receptions and dismissals.

Postage costs for sending notifications to the departments of military commissariats about the admission / dismissal of liable workers, notifications of the admission of former civil servants at the previous place of work (within two years from the date of dismissal of the latter) in order to fulfill the requirements

Increased employment of IT support specialists for connecting and disconnecting new / leaving employees. Due to the increase in the volume of work, it may be necessary to increase the salaries of these specialists or introduce a new system of their motivation.

Legal expenses - in case of litigation, if staff turnover is caused by the employer's non-compliance with labor legislation, the employer's failure to provide guarantees and compensations in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The company's image in the labor market is deteriorating, among competing companies. This leads to the practical impossibility of attracting or "enticing" good specialist: the freely available information about the increased turnover in the inviting organization does not cause an optimistic mood in the candidate regarding the duration and his stay in this company

The cost of increasing the payroll - if the employer tries to stop the turnover by raising wages

The company is becoming a kind of a springboard for the career growth of retired employees. Many companies have requirements for the job experience of candidates. And employees who "run away" from one organization, having gained little experience in it, can apply for a higher position in another company

Low score economic activity the company as a whole or a separate subdivision: because of the constant "turnover" monthly and quarterly norms are not met, information is processed for a very long time, profitable offers and contracts "slip away"; partners begin to express dissatisfaction with instability in the company's staff

Constant redistribution of the load. Due to the formation of vacant positions, work on these positions for the period of selection of new candidates is redistributed among the remaining employees. As a result - constant overworking by employees, which can also lead to the dismissal of these employees.

Service costs recruiting agencies(if recruiting is entrusted to the agency)

Constant "shake-up" of the team by the appearance of new members. Accordingly - distraction from work for the study and acceptance of a new colleague

Expenses for building a corporate spirit (trainings, joint events)

"Sluggishness" of employees who are on the way to making a decision to leave or already awaiting the expiration of the two-week notice period

The factors causing the movement of personnel are varied, have different sources, the strength of their influence is different, changeable and often difficult to quantify.

They can be divided into three groups Sotnikova S., Solovyova Yu. Diagnostics of staff turnover in trade // Kadrovik. HR management. - 2010. - No. 11. - P. 12 .:

1) factors arising at the enterprise itself (the amount of wages, working conditions, the level of labor automation, the prospect of professional growth, etc.);

2) personal factors (age of employees, level of their education, work experience, etc.);

3) factors external to the enterprise (economic situation in the region, family circumstances, the emergence of new enterprises, etc.).

In turn, in each of these groups, factors can be distinguished that differ in the strength and nature of their influence on the mobility of workers. The circumstances that determine staff turnover can be completely controllable (working and living conditions), partially controllable (satisfaction with the team, relationships, forms of motivation) and uncontrollable (climatic factors).

The main and most frequent reasons for staff turnover are the following Ivantsevich J. M., Lobanov A. A. Human resources of management. - M?.: Delo, 2009 .-- S. 45 .:

1.Dissatisfaction with wages (low wages, the difference between the promised remuneration when applying for a job and actually received with the first wage; non-transparent bonus system, errors in wage calculations; failure of the employer to comply with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the place and time of payment of wages, in including payment of wages once a month; non-transparency of calculation and payment of wages, including payment of a part of wages "in an envelope");

2. Inconsistency of the work performed and the level of position (responsibility) to the proposed status, both in the organization itself and in the market segment as a whole;

3. Work schedule (including not in the field of production activities. For example, the work schedule of a seller or a call center operator can also be shifts up to a 12-hour shift);

4. Problems of contact between the management and the team, incl. conflict situations between top managers of the organization; rejection of an imperious and unjust boss, etc.;

5. Absence or small social package(non-payment of sick leave, inability to go on vacation, failure to provide other guarantees and compensations stipulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, including to employees with children; lack of a voluntary medical insurance program, failure to provide overalls, as well as withholding its cost from wages provision, etc.);

6. Lack of career growth, as well as slow career or its impossibility due to management policy or organizational structure;

7. Severe working conditions (both in relation to improper, excessive workload on workers, and in relation to "unhealthy" working conditions: unheated warehouse, lack of space for heating, building unsuitable for use for the relevant purposes of activity, manual labor, old worn out equipment etc.);

8. Location of the place of work (direct execution labor function, as well as the parent organization (typical both for the regions and for Moscow and the Moscow region; including for reasons related to the duration of travel to the place of work));

9. Other reasons related to the personality of the employee himself and his motivation (unsuccessful attempt at starting a career, dissatisfaction with the chosen field of activity, etc.);

10. Other reasons related only to the wrong employer's policy (unreasonable downsizing / staff reduction, rebranding of the entire company, excessively strict dress code, etc.)

At the same time, it should be noted that according to Rosstat data for November 2012, 66.5% of the total number of retired employees are those who quit of their own free will, 7.1% - by agreement of the parties, and 2.9% - due to a reduction in the number of employees. The highest proportion of those dismissed of their own free will is noted in the organizations of wholesale and retail(87.4%) Official site Federal Service state statistics. - Electronic resource: URL: (date of access: 12/05/12) .. Despite the fact that employees in most cases leave of their own accord, the presence of the employer's fault in creating the prerequisites for staff turnover is observed in 90% of cases ...

At the same time, with a skillful policy and competently and, most importantly, timely measures, staff turnover can, if not completely eliminated, then significantly reduced and make it no more natural.

Thus, we can conclude that staff turnover is the movement of workers in an enterprise. The following factors affect staff turnover: personal; factors arising in the enterprise; external factors. The employer incurs financial and organizational losses as a result of increased personnel turnover.