Specialties in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for girls after 11. Profession of a policeman: description, essay. In a specialized direction from the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the region

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Purpose Familiarization with the activities of the police.

Objectives 1. To organize and hold a meeting with the district police officer. 2. Prepare creative work on the topic.

On November 10, Russian policemen celebrate their professional holiday - the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies. The history of the holiday dates back to 1715. It was then that Peter I created a public order protection service in Russia and called it the "police". The main task The sovereign formulated the new structure very succinctly: "Honor in serving the Fatherland." These words are still the motto of the police.

To become a police officer you need to: 1. Have excellent health 2. Undergo training at the university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 3. Have the skills of working with firearms, hand-to-hand fighting, providing the first medical care, physical strength and endurance.

The main activities of the police: Prevention of offenses. Public order protection. Capturing criminals. Ensuring road safety.

criminal investigation

Road patrol service

Investigators and forensics

Private security

Patrol service

A police officer must be: Physically developed and hardy Educated Restrained Fair Honest Strong Courageous Kind This profession is at risk. Doesn't tolerate random people.

We are grateful for the cooperation of our district police officer Alexey Andreevich Zykov

Questions raised at the meeting: What are the police doing? The behavior of students in an emergency. Prevention of delinquency among children and adolescents. Checking the knowledge of emergency telephone numbers.


MOU "Koskovsko - Gorskaya basic secondary school"Rameshkovsky district Tver region

Project participants:students in grades 1 - 4.

Project Manager:Zykova Elena Alekseevna.

"Profession - a policeman"

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Employees Day is celebrated in Russia on November 10 internal organs, November 17 - Precinct Day. To these events was timed class hour with the district police officer. The officer told the guys about the hard work of the police.

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Preventive work to prevent delinquency in children and adolescents.

Educational work on legal issues, reducing the "legal nihilism" of students, creating a system of incentives for leading a law-abiding lifestyle.

Contributing to the formation, development and education of the child's spiritual and moral qualities of the individual.

Fostering patriotic feelings of students, developing a respectful attitude towards law enforcement agencies.

Familiarization of students with the profession of "policeman".

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to form the cognitive competence of pupils;

develop mental operations, communication skills;

foster respect for the police profession;

To increase the level of public confidence in law enforcement agencies.

Equipment: interactive board, multimedia installation, laptop.

Event progress:

Teacher: Good afternoon guys! You, of course, know many courageous professions that exist today, for example, firefighter, military man ... And what courageous professions do you still know?

What profession is associated with mysterious events, crime detection, observance of law and order, fair retribution?

Children's answers : policeman, detective, district militia.

Prompt: When I was little, I was in elementary school, I considered Uncle Styopa that way (remember V. Mikhalkov's verses?).

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The song sounds: "Our service is both dangerous and difficult."

This is me peace and sleep
I protect yours,
I don't let thieves take
Things from pockets
Offend honest citizens
Ugly hooligans.
My phone number: "02"
Everyone is obliged to know.
If you are threatened,
Then call right away!
If crime is me
Won't want to give up
Prison will become her home
Some twenty years!

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The policeman is engaged in the protection of public order, the policeman's profession has several different specializations: an operative officer of the criminal investigation department, an officer of the patrol and guard service (PPS), an officer of the road patrol service (DPS), an investigator, a district police officer, and OMON. Today you are going to learn a lot of new and interesting things about the profession - a police officer.

Teacher: Would you like to try yourself in the role of a policeman, test your abilities for deduction and logic, show attentiveness and observation, ingenuity and resourcefulness?

Now you will be named by someone lost items, and you must find out who lost them ...

Golden Key (Pinocchio)

Crystal slipper (Cinderella)

Propeller and jam jar (Carlson)

Round dough product (Grandfather and Baba)

Broken Trough (Old Woman)

Pike (Emelya)

Boots (Puss in Boots)

Bright colored cap (Little red riding hood)

Additional questions.(If there is no answer to any question).

Feather of the Firebird (Ivan the Fool)

Talking Mirror (Queen - Stepmother)

Question: What is the name of the police department where the detectives work? (Criminal investigation)

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Do you know what qualities a detective should have - a criminal investigation officer?

Children's answers.

Logic is the science of the laws of correct thinking.

Deduction - the ability to find solutions by the method from complex to simple.

Being a detective is very interesting, but also dangerous: you never know what awaits you. A real criminal investigation officer must be not only smart, but also inventive, and be able to think logically, show ingenuity.

Contest "Mindfulness".

Your attention will be provided with a photo of one meeting of people. Your task is to look through it very carefully and then answer questions about what you saw.

Now attention, questions:

How many live plants did you see in the class? (the answer is ... plants)

How many people did you see in the class? (the answer is ... people)

For the correct answer, we get 1 point.

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A good traffic police officer (DPS) has the following qualities: attention, good memory, a sense of time, quick wit, intuition.

If you are in a hurry on the way

Walk across the street

There go where all the people

There go where ... (transition).

Must know, old and young

There is a pavement for cars

For passers-by ... (sidewalk).

The game is "Forbidden, Allowed."

1. Cross the street in front of a fast moving vehicle.

All together: prohibited.

Cross the street through an underpass.

All together: allowed.

3. Cross the street at a red traffic light.

All together: prohibited.

Cyclists cling to passing cars.

All together: prohibited.

4. Help old men and women cross the street.

All together: allowed.

Assignment: "Try it - don't be mistaken."

This game is for attention. The teacher asks the guys sitting in the hall:

Can you repeat three short phrases after me now?

No one doubts this, of course. “Twice two is four,” says the host. Everyone confidently repeats this first phrase.

“Three times three is nine,” he says. There is no mistake again, everything is repeated.

“So you are wrong,” the presenter happily declares. The guys are at a loss: “Why?”. The host explains: “So you were wrong” - this was my third phrase. Nobody repeated it ”. Well, if he found himself very attentive and repeated it, then he is entitled to a prize - a candy.

Well, here we have some fun. It's time to learn about the OMON ...

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In the OMON officers, we all see real men who really serve the Fatherland and more than once defended, including in battle, the integrity and constitutional order of our state.

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Competition "Questions of an investigator and a criminalist"

This is where the detective film begins. (the crime).

This violates the criminal. (law)

What is the name of a hand-made "portrait" of a criminal? (fingerprint / prints, e.g. of fingers or shoes).

These bracelets are not adornments for ladies. (handcuffs)

In which animated film was there a detective with "a nose like a dog, and an eye like an eagle" (The Adventures of Funtik Pig)


Well done, you have shown excellent knowledge in the field of investigation and forensic science.

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Teacher: A what do we know about the Private Security?

Children's answers.

The schoolchildren were told: who can work in non-departmental security, why do we need helmets and body armor, why guard objects?

Citizens of our country are confident in their safety when peace in their native towns and villages is guarded by such strong, courageous and at the same time friendly non-departmental security officers.

The children were once again reminded of the need to comply with the current legislation limiting the stay of minors at night in in public places unaccompanied by adults, and measures for the safety of personal property.

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Patrol - guard service.What do we know about the employees of this service? Children's answers ...The patrol service monitors the observance of law and order by citizens on the streets, in parks and other public places. By car, on foot, and even on horseback, they monitor the maintenance of law and order, detain violators. Another important task of the police patrol service is to solve crimes in hot pursuit. Whether someone snatched a bag from a woman, whether a lantern was broken - modern guards will figure everything out. Petty hooliganism, drunkenness in a public place - these are the main elements of offenses suppressed by officers of the police patrol service. In the requirements for candidates of the police patrol service, special attention is paid to health, physical development, moral and psychological state, and of course characterizing the data of the candidate before he enters the service, starting from school

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But the most important person in the village is, of course, the district police officer. After all, he participates in all affairs, all events, important and not so. Festive concert- a precinct in the House of Culture, a rally at the monument - how could it be without a precinct? Elections are in the forefront here as well. And in our school, of course, he is a frequent visitor.

Honest, bold and practical,
And he is a great friend to everyone.
The best on earth
The representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

He is an analyst today,
Tomorrow is a fair critic.
In a couple of days the strategist
Just a miracle man !!!

Teacher: - By the way, who of you can name the name of our district police station? (Zykov Alexey Andreevich). Folk wisdom reads: "Where he was born, there he came in handy!". This is about Alexei Andreevich. The most difficult thing is to work as a law enforcement officer with people among whom you grew up, went to school, but he copes with this successfully. In 2011, Alexey Andreevich graduated from the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The total length of service he has is 8 years. For 3 years on our administrative site, he managed to win over the villagers, to prove to them that he is not just a representative of the law, but a real precinct, who takes the most direct part in the life of the settlement.

Alexey Andreevich told the children what the work of the district police officer is, its complexity and benefits for people.

The policeman, using examples from life, explained that he was within the competence and powers of the district police officer. He said that during preventive measures, police officers pay special attention to identifying adolescents who are intoxicated, as well as identifying adults who involve minors in the use of alcohol and tobacco products, persons who use narcotic, intoxicating and psychotropic substances. Identification of neglected, homeless minors and their further placement in institutions of the prevention system, as well as parents (legal representatives) who maliciously evade the upbringing, maintenance and education of their minor children.

Explained to the children why it is important to follow the rules of conduct not only in educational institution but also on the street, in public places.

Pupils primary grades got an idea of ​​the skills of safe behavior. In conversation with teenagers, special attention was paid to obscene language. The children were also reminded of the inviolability of personal property, that they should not leave valuable things, for example, mobile phone, computer, and cash unattended.

That you cannot touch unknown packages and bags in transport and in crowded places, but you need to inform the driver or call the police.

Unknown items
Don't take it in your hands!
No boxes, no packages
Don't even look
Call adults for help
To find out
What to do with such a find,
What should be done?

Can be very dangerous
Here's a package ...
If you're not careful
Wait for problems and troubles!

What's the phone number for the police? ( 02) Emergency services? (112)

The right car is rushing
if suddenly trouble,
And on the side door
Written - 02

The district police station warned the students about the danger of becoming a victim of a crime, and about the possibility of being involved in its commission. the children were told about specific examples when minors went to illegal actions.

In the conversation, the topic of the dangers of smoking was raised. The children were told about the measures taken to reduce the demand for tobacco, the places where smoking is prohibited, and the administrative responsibility for violating the prohibitions specified in the law.

Continuing the conversation, the inspector reminded the schoolchildren of administrative responsibility even for the fact that they could unwittingly become offenders, only by posting on their page in social networks extremist slogans or links

He ended the conversation with the words: countryside really "Narodny" because he knows about the hardships and problems of his fellow villagers, he will give advice to someone,somewhere it will help to resolve the conflict between neighbors, reveal and solve the crime "

At the end of the conversation, not only the students, but also the teacher asked questions of interest to them. The district police officer answered in detail the questions of interest, informed everyone present about the preventive services of the district, to which both adults and children can turn for advice or help.

The backing track of the song sounds: "Our service is both dangerous and difficult."

Teacher: So, guys, tell me - what qualities should a real policeman have? (courage, honesty, nobility, intelligence, logical thinking, etc.). After all, these are the qualities that distinguish a real specialist.

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Teacher: -Now you know that in Russia there is an official holiday - the Day of the District Police Officer (District Police Day), it is celebrated on November 17.

On the eve of this holiday, you took part in the drawing competition "District police officer - respect, participation, help"You diligently portrayed what you knew about the hard work of the police officers.Let our guest appreciate our creativity ... Authors of the best drawings were awarded sweet prizes from the district commissioner.


Did you like our conversation?

What qualities should a police officer have?

Would you like to choose the profession of a policeman in the future?

The theme of the film "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson" is played.

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At the end of the event, all the children received a reminder to tell their parents about what they heard.

Souvenirs are handed over to the district police officer - drawings "District policeman's day".

Thank you for the attention!

Usually, when asked how many professions there are in the police, veterans of this service answer with open irony that, they say, there are three most widespread professions in the police, and earlier in the police. And they, formed in accordance with the opinions of the inhabitants, and these judgments are supported by criminal series about the activities of police officers - this is to select, beat, and also protect.

And speaking seriously about the profession of a policeman, there is only one profession, but there are a lot of positions in this law enforcement activity.

Let's omit the purely legal positions of investigators and operational criminals. Or positions in various areas of law enforcement, ranging from criminal offenses against human life and health and ending with economic crimes, as well as crimes in such areas as drug trafficking.

Let's try to talk about those positions in the police that have the so-called dual appointment. And we will focus on ensuring that these positions correspond to both men and women. Although women are quite common in the police force, not only in the accounting departments, but in all its structures, without exception, including the operational service.


As for the dog handlers, they are specialists in raising and caring for dogs. They must know the physiology, as well as the peculiarities of the behavior of tetrapods, in order to use their capabilities for the needs police service... In order to become a dog handler, you need not only to receive a special education, but also to have a number of mandatory qualities, ranging from love for animals and ending with the presentation of reasonable exactingness to them, using the methodology of raising animals. In other words, he must have the vocation of a canine teacher.

IT specialists

The state carries out law enforcement activities not only in the field of crimes in real life, but also in virtual reality, or on the Internet, therefore, the police have structures that are engaged in solving crimes, where the possibilities of the Internet were used. As for the positions in these structures, let's call them cyberpolice, as a rule, they should have the education of software engineers.


If the education of service dogs in the police requires animal teachers, then in the departments that supervise juvenile offenders, teachers for the education of adolescents are required. Moreover, the vocation of the latter should be at the same level as that of the famous teachers of street children, namely Sukhomlinsky, as well as Makarenko.

Police officer

More recently, a person of this profession was called a policeman. Today, it is the policeman who is authorized to monitor the observance of public order, to protect the peace, health and property of all law-abiding citizens. The special tools of a policeman's work are a pistol, a rubber truncheon, and handcuffs. This is due to the fact that their work is special, and when there is no other way out, you have to use force.

The history of the emergence of the profession Policeman How did the profession come about? How did the profession develop?

As soon as communities of people were formed in ancient times, people appeared who disrupted public order, and people who were forcing this order to be maintained. Police officers can be found anywhere in the world, they are needed in any society, at any time. In Russia, the Soviet government abolished the gendarmerie and the police, forming a workers' militia in 1917. This word itself revealed the purpose of this transformation: the militia is the people's armed militia, the name was supposed to symbolize the closeness to ordinary people, to the working people. Today our militia has become the police again, as in most countries of the world.

Significance to society Importance, significance and social status profession

In our time, the attitude towards people of this profession in society is different, reaching the opposite: some admire the courage and courage of the police officers who enter into battles with criminals, while others have a sharply negative attitude towards them. But without the police, normal life of society is impossible, anarchy and lawlessness would immediately reign. Order in society is based not only on the culture and intelligence of people, many people are kept from crime only by the fear of punishment. The presence of a well-developed police system ensures that if someone breaks the law, then the punishment will follow inevitably.

Features of the profession Police officer The uniqueness and perspective of the profession

If you want to go to work in the police, then you must definitely serve in the armed forces. The nature of the duties that a police officer performs dictates the basic requirements for candidates: they must be strong, athletic, know the techniques of hand-to-hand combat and master them well, but most importantly, he must have a heightened sense of justice.

"Pitfalls" of the profession Police officer All pros and cons of the profession. Difficulties and features.

In the profession of a policeman, there is a good opportunity for career growth: up to the general. Law enforcement officers have many social guarantees that they can use: medical care, free travel, etc. Still, one should not forget that police officers risk their lives in the fight against crime and corruption, and they do this almost every day. In addition, the majority of the population does not hide contempt for all police officers, although bribe-takers and boors are found among representatives of all professions.

Where and how to get the profession of Police officer Where are the professions taught?

Professional police officers are trained in special schools and colleges, cadet corps of justice. To obtain a rank above lieutenant, you need to get a university diploma.

The profession of a policeman is a particularly important, responsible and dangerous area of ​​human activity. All police work is based on federal, regional and district laws.

What tasks do the police officer face? The main tasks of a policeman are to ensure order in public places, to stop and detain offenders, as well as to explain to offenders what they are wrong about.

Police officers work with educational institutions, conduct open lectures and various events. the goal is to convey to the younger generation the importance of the work of police officers, that is, to warn them against wrong life choices and committing crimes.

The history of the emergence of the profession

Since the formation of society and the establishment of social order, people have appeared who did not want to obey. They stole, robbed and killed.

Chosen people in charge of the settlements appointed guards or guards who were supposed to suppress offenses, as well as carry out demonstrative punishments, up to and including the death penalty.

Over time, the guards of the law received the appropriate education, became part of the management apparatus, the profession received a wide variety of names, be it agents, policemen, militiamen, red cloaks, etc. Women not so long ago received the right to work in law enforcement agencies.

Under the Soviet government in 1917, a workers' militia was formed - this is the people's armed militia, the name was supposed to symbolize the closeness to ordinary people, to the working people.

V Russian Federation from 01.03.2011, by order of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, the militia was renamed the police, as in most European countries.

Policeman's rights

In order to carry out all assigned duties, police officers are endowed by federal law with a number of rights:

  • enter any premises (private house, government or commercial institution);
  • use public and personal vehicles for the purpose of conducting special operations;
  • on legal grounds use handcuffs, batons and firearms in life-threatening situations;
  • stop illegal actions of individuals and entire organizations;
  • demand for verification documents confirming the identity and legality of work;
  • use the testimony of unauthorized persons and call the compiled list of citizens to testify in an administrative and criminal case;
  • get access to information free of charge and without queuing.


A law enforcement officer should:

  • study and use all legal regulations;
  • follow direct orders from management;
  • constantly improve their qualifications, strive for professional growth, work on physical fitness;
  • any information related to the conduct of business and police work is a secret protected by law;
  • to protect and take care of state property;
  • report changes in family life, be it the birth of children, death of relatives, moving to another city or country;
  • prevent the emergence and development of corruption.

Requirements for a police officer

Any guys or girls wishing to work in law enforcement must graduate primary school police, for advanced training and future career - a secondary specialized or higher educational institution under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. "Stars on shoulder straps" and excellent career growth today are received by many girls, which is a high indicator for law enforcement agencies. However, girls are mostly engaged in “female” paperwork.

There is also a special list of requirements for the training of police officers:

  • body endurance for constant physical activity;
  • lack of bad habits;
  • a police officer must have good reaction and the absence of otolaryngological problems;
  • psychological stability, a heightened sense of justice and high moral qualities are an integral part of a police officer's service, since you have to work with various social strata of the population;
  • desire to help people in difficult situations at the cost of their own health;
  • It is believed that the police officer has no gender, therefore the demand for women and men is the same.

A police officer must treat himself and others responsibly, make important decisions and be calm in critical situations (hostage-taking, a large number of victims, domestic problems in families, violence against young girls and children, description of property).

A police officer is guided by applicable laws, that is, he is the face of the state, therefore he must be legally literate and able to convey an understandable interpretation of complex laws and articles to those around him.

Who can become a police officer?

Today, both a woman and a man can become a law enforcement officer. The approximate percentage distribution by gender is 50% to 50% of the total number of women and men who study and work citizens in the field of legal relations.

To obtain workplace in law enforcement, a man must undergo compulsory service in the armed forces, and a woman must receive a secondary or higher legal education.

The professional activity of a police officer can begin at a young age. For example, training in cadet schools and corps of justice, in military schools and military departments of universities.

Pros and cons of the profession

Description of the benefits:

  • annual salary increases and the possibility of career growth up to the rank of general;
  • special social status, free medical care, vouchers, for girls - special conditions during pregnancy, etc.;
  • early retirement for both women and men, according to the seniority order.

Description of disadvantages:

  • Irregular schedule, that is, work in night and day shifts, constant traveling and business trips.
  • Difficulties in personal life, especially for women. There are great difficulties in young girls with career growth, since it takes a lot of time for maternity leave and raising children. With a large competition for jobs, preference will be given to a man over a woman.
  • A daily threat to the life and health of a police officer and his family.
  • The negative attitude of many citizens towards the policeman as a profession.

Today, there is an ambiguous opinion about people who go to study and work in law enforcement agencies. Some believe that this is worthy of respect, others - that such people do not know where else to go.

Law enforcement officers risk their health on a daily basis, fight against criminal groups and corruption. Without police officers, modern society will never have a calm and normal life; anarchy and disorder will immediately reign.

The social structure is provided not only by cultured and intelligent people, but also by the fear of serious punishment and life-long consequences.

A well-developed system of law enforcement agencies guarantees that if a person violates established laws and is detained, he will certainly be punished.

Source: https://legkopolezno.ru/rabota/karera/professiya-politsejskij/

A noble and dangerous profession associated with constant pressure and risk to life and health, even when working in an office. The need to constantly abide by the charter, act within the law and fight stereotypes.

There is a real need for the reformation of most departmental structures from within and for a change in the image of the guardian of order in the minds of citizens. And this is not a complete list of what future police officers will have to face.

If a profession that is far from positive does not scare you - let's figure out the nuances of the specialty.

Police profession description

A police officer is a police officer. An employee who is authorized to protect public order, as well as the life, health and property of citizens of the country and foreigners on its territory. Depending on the area of ​​activity, the police officer is responsible for a certain area of ​​law enforcement, has a different range of powers and tasks.

The key task of an employee is to stop offenses and carry out their prevention, to ensure the isolation of criminals from society.

At the same time, the equipment of an employee of each department is individual and clearly standardized. Not all policemen always carry the classic Makarov pistol and other weapons with them. Many of them concentrate exclusively on office work, in particular, management work.

The range of tasks of law enforcement officers in different structures

The police belong to the internal affairs bodies of Russia and are part of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, in turn, has a complex structure, consisting of directorates and a department.

Those consist of several structural units, the employees of each of which have individual job duties... So the patrol service refers to the Office for the Protection of Public Order and so on.

Among others, the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs includes:

  • Investigative Department.
  • Traffic police.
  • Directorate for Countering Extremism.
  • Criminal Investigation Department.
  • Office for Migration.

After the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Drug Control Service was abolished - its powers were transferred to the Drug Control Department.

Until recently, there was also a tax police in Russia, but today its functions are performed by the Federal Tax Service, which belongs to the Ministry of Finance.

On the base internal troops In 2016, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation created the Rosgvardia, where many of the police officers who were laid off during the reform were transferred. However, structurally Rosgvardia does not belong to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, its employees are not policemen.

Where to study and how to build a career

If the limit of your dreams is ordinary service in the teaching staff, then it is enough to serve in the army and find a job in accordance with the regulations. Education in this case will only be an additional advantage. But if you want to move up the career ladder and apply for higher positions, then a legal or specialized higher education is required.

The TOP-5 of the best specialized educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia includes:

  1. University of Moscow.
  2. St. Petersburg University.
  3. Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  4. Krasnodar University.
  5. Nizhny Novgorod Academy.

There are also schools under the Ministry of Internal Affairs cynology and service-search dog breeding, Suvorov schools, and in Samara a specialized cadet corps was even opened.

Accordingly, training can begin even in adolescence by going to study at the Suvorov School under the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

But most police officers still graduate from secondary schools and enter specialized educational establishments already upon reaching the age of 17-18.

The key advantage of the police profession lies in the opportunities that open up for young employees with specialized education.

This is not only state support, benefits and wage above the national average, but also a real chance to become a heroic person.

For this, it is not necessary to perform out of the ordinary actions - it is enough to simply do your duty.

The main Benefits police profession:

  • Acceptable salary, numerous benefits.
  • Socially important, necessary service.
  • Career prospects.
  • Usually dynamic, fun work.
  • Rapid growth in rank with decent service.

disadvantages police profession:

  • Controversial status and often groundlessly negative assessment of the work from the side of society.
  • An extremely difficult and dangerous job.
  • Constant pressure and stressful situations.
  • Not the highest wages.
  • Bureaucracy, red tape, outdated regulations.

In the process of choosing a future profession, try to take off your "rose-colored glasses" and discard stereotypes. Yes, not everything is smooth in the internal affairs bodies, corruption is rampant, malfeasance and abuse of power are common.

At the same time, thousands of police officers of different specializations and levels in the hierarchy regularly risk their lives and carry out an honest, noble service. Do not overload your head with stereotypes, but assess the risks sensibly.

Only in this case your choice will be balanced and probably correct.

Essential information for children and adolescents

Often even pupils of the 2nd grade or 3rd grade write an essay, or prepare a project on the topic: “My future profession police officer". If the presentation of a specialty on professional platforms is too difficult for a child to perceive, we recommend that you provide him with the following quite simple and understandable facts:

  • A police officer is a person who maintains order, prevents criminals, or seeks and isolates criminals, intruders and offenders from other people.
  • He is armed, but can only use weapons in extreme cases when it is really necessary.
  • He must be not only strong and well prepared physically, but also educated, sociable and open to communicate with people.
  • He often risks his life to make the lives of others safe.
  • Police officers can be not only men, but also women.

If you are writing an essay or preparing a presentation in high school, then it is recommended not to delve into negative and even more stereotyped assessments.

Practice shows that teachers do not value this too much. But it is not necessary to lie either: if you see problems in the work of the modern police, describe it. But note also how they are trying to solve it, what prospects for this solution exist.

Police officer salary in Russia

At the moment, Russian police officers receive an average of 40 thousand rubles. The salary varies greatly depending on the position, rank and region of service.

The highest salaries, according to statistics, are in Kamchatka - over 70 thousand rubles. The lowest are in the Volga region, in the region of 30 thousand rubles.

Interior Ministry employees in Moscow, the Moscow Region and St. Petersburg receive an additional 10% to their salary on a monthly basis.

In addition, a number of benefits are provided, in particular for medical care.

With regard to rank allowances, they can also vary. On average, this is 9.5 thousand rubles for the rank of junior lieutenant, 10 thousand for the rank of lieutenant, senior lieutenant - 11 thousand and so on. There are also allowances for seniority - they start from 5% when working for more than three years and can increase up to 40-45%.

But it is worth noting that not all law enforcement officers can count on a salary of 40 thousand rubles or more. So many employees of the patrol and guard service receive in the region 17-18 thousand rubles, and even with all the allowances, their monthly income hardly exceeds 25-27 thousand. Too much depends on the place of work, education, rank, qualifications and experience.


The profession of a policeman is complex, dangerous and controversial. Despite the fact that many law enforcement officers risk their lives and health on a daily basis, their salaries cannot be called high. It is average, even taking into account benefits and allowances.

A high income is provided only for high-ranking and long-term employees. However, many police officers are completely devoted to work, they are aware of it. social significance and feel great about saving lives and keeping people safe.

Weigh in advance all the advantages and disadvantages of the profession and join the police service without unjustified expectations.

Source: https://info-profi.net/politsejskij/

A person on whom the state assigns the responsibility for the protection of law and order. The position refers to the junior commanding staff in the canine service, PPP, etc. The work is difficult and very dangerous, but without police officers, civilians cannot live peacefully.

In early March 2011, a law was signed in the Russian Federation, as a result of which the police were replaced by the police. The police are today entrusted with the duties of maintaining law and order, combating crime, and providing assistance to civilians.

The work of police officers is associated with danger and complexity, so the state provides them with tools for protection: batons, firearms, handcuffs, walkie-talkies and others.

The range of means for protection depends on the field of police activity, the use of these tools is limited by law.

Police officers are law enforcement officers, people who protect the lives of civilians every day. They guard private and commercial property, conduct conversations with schoolchildren, guard concerts and other events, acting within the framework of the law.

Features of the profession of a policeman

The work of the police is aimed at identifying criminal organizations, for which they conduct interviews in educational institutions, patrol the streets and roads around the clock, communicate with representatives of different social groups, promptly respond to all incoming complaints. It should be understood that the everyday life of police officers is not only chases and dangers, but also work with the civilian population, cooperation with territorial organizations, representatives of the authorities.

Duties of law enforcement officers:

  • detection of crimes;
  • compliance with the law;
  • obeying orders that do not violate the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • non-disclosure of state secrets;
  • providing first aid to people who have suffered at the hands of a criminal during the riots;
  • control over criminal elements;
  • activities aimed at finding evaders, missing persons, etc.;
  • ensuring the safety of civilians;
  • protection of all types of property;
  • maintenance of law and order;
  • prevention of offenses.

Police officers must be distinguished by good physical health, otherwise it will be impossible to find a job in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, both men and women can enter the service of law enforcement, but the requirements for applicants are strict:

  • good health and good physical fitness, which will be constantly monitored;
  • lack of drug and alcohol addiction;
  • absence of mental illness, tuberculosis and others.

Even at the stage of the medical examination, many applicants are refused, because they choose the most hardy, honest, healthy candidates who have passed the examination of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Pros and cons of being a police officer


  1. Respected profession.
  2. Full social package(free treatment, benefits, health resort treatment).
  3. Stability, because police officers are civil servants.
  4. Career.
  5. Early retirement, after which you can get a job in a security company.
  6. Lots of useful contacts.
  7. Demand.
  8. The opportunity to get a free higher education.


  1. Daily risk.
  2. Low wages.
  3. Strict selection when applying for a job.
  4. Sometimes the work is monotonous.
  5. Irregular working day, because in the event of force majeure, the police officer summoned to work must immediately arrive at the destination.
  6. Bureaucracy.
  7. Communication with asocial elements.

Important personal qualities

A police officer is endowed with power and strength, so he must be able to control his emotions, be friendly, reasonable and responsible. Every day, police officers are faced with dangers and not very pleasant people, which means that they should be characterized by courage, politeness, and communication skills.

  1. Endurance.
  2. Hard work.
  3. Honesty.
  4. Insight.
  5. Activity.
  6. Intelligence.
  7. Altruism.

Place of work

Police officers work in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, patrolling streets and roads, working with citizens, accepting applications, lectures at schools.

They regularly undergo physical training and prove their professional fitness.

Citizens wishing to work in the police must confirm their reliability with a personal guarantee prepared by an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, whose work experience is at least 3 years.

Retired police officers will be able to work in security companies, protect individuals and commercial objects.


A police officer who works with dignity in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can get an education free of charge at a specialized university. For the period of study, the student is provided with paid leave, after receiving a diploma, he can begin his journey up the career ladder. Every policeman can get the rank of general sooner or later!

Police salary

Professional knowledge

  1. Physical training.
  2. Ability to handle firearms.
  3. Hand-to-hand combat rules, application of knowledge in practice.
  4. Knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  5. Driving license (important for a police driver).
  6. Knowledge of the Russian language, the ability to prepare material for lectures.
  7. Basic knowledge of office work.

A boxer is an athlete involved in a contact sport.

During the fight, athletes strike each other only with their hands, which are wearing special gloves.

The Fixer is an in-country guide who assists journalists and photographers during their overseas business trips.


A stuntman is a professional performer of dangerous stunts in films or commercials, who replaces actors at the time of performing complex elements.

A phoniatrist is a doctor who specializes in voice problems.

TOP 9 most dangerous professions in the world

In this article, we are going to tell you about some of the most dangerous professions in the world. These are people who put themselves in danger on a daily basis by doing their jobs. And she, as a rule, is infinitely far from the daily office routine.

Source: https://www.profguide.ru/professions/policeman.html

Police service - pros and cons

My childhood was spent in a Moscow communal apartment, where one of the many neighbors was a young police officer. Two meters tall, beautiful and courageous, she jumped with a parachute, rode a horse and did a lot of other things that took my breath away. "When I grow up, I will become the same!" - I thought naively.

In the literal sense of the word, I didn’t grow up (158cm chickens laughing), but that didn’t stop me from fulfilling my childhood dream - to become a policeman (this was even before the renaming of “police” into “police”) I must say, I did not serve for a long time, only three years ... She was a policeman-driver, drivers are paid more.

What are the pros and cons of this service?


You know what they say: "Those who do not want to work go to the police to serve." It's true. There is almost nothing to do. "They gave a gun - and spin as you want" + When you are in civilian clothes driving your car, and a traffic cop stops you, and dollar signs are already flashing in his eyes, and you give him a certificate, this is an unforgettable experience + Civil service is stability , albeit on the verge of poverty. There is a salary, there is a pension, there are benefits too. Who knows how to get by with little and does not strive for anything, for those a good option... + A hostel is provided for nonresidents. What kind of conditions are there - it's the tenth thing, but, again, the fact remains - they won't leave you on the street.

And the district officers after many years of service are given an apartment. It's true. Plus, they know how to arrange apartments for themselves, but this is a separate conversation.

Pension - in 20 years. That is, if you came to serve after the army, then at 40 you can retire. And the lady, who came at 18, at 38. Although in reality, you won't expel anyone from retirement. + Big vacation. At least 30 days, plus all sorts of grace days, plus possible study vacations, if you combine work and study ... In general, one day I suddenly went on vacation, when it got very cold in winter, I just didn’t want to freeze my butt (I don’t remember exactly the year, but then they even began to save electricity), - and returned when the snow had melted and the birds were singing. + The opportunity to get a free specialized higher education. It is easy to enter, it is easy to study, VO gives the right to borrow leadership positions... True, now, in civilian life, "crusts" from a police university are worthless - officials have noticed that people come to serve in order to get free legal, and then they quit en masse, and instead of the specialty "lawyer" in the diploma, "law enforcement" began to appear. a good clinic, including a dental clinic. Free, of course. And the annual medical examination, from which one cannot be dismissed, which is also not bad, considering that in our country, diseases are usually noticed at the last stage, when nothing can be done except to write a will.

Presents from "sponsored". That is, frankly speaking, if there is a food market on the territory, you can come there unrestrictedly, point your finger at whatever you want, and everything will be wrapped up and given to you. In general, I have never bought any products during the service. And once we even stopped by for clothes at Cherkizon.

And we always dined for free at local cafes.


- Corruption. When I came to work, I was asked: "Are you going to work for yourself or like everyone else?" The fact that I was asked, it was nice of them) For those who did not understand what I was talking about, I explain - each employee of the teaching staff at the end of the shift must bring the n-th amount to the department. That is, collect a certain amount of bribes. Anything in excess of this amount can be kept for yourself. I, as a “girl,” were given a favor and allowed not to invest in the “common fund” if I decide to take bribes. - Boredom. These are continuous chases and other "scandals-intrigues-investigations" on TV. In fact, almost nothing happens, you stupidly ride in a patrol car around the territory and check the documents of migrant workers. Sometimes there are complaints from neighbors about the skirmish between husbands and wives, and when you arrive at the place, the husband and wife have already made up and are friends against the police. Never believe a movie about the police, you hear, NEVER! - Amplification. This is when on holidays, days of any official events, festivities or unrest, you need to go to work, even if you have to have a day off. - Form. Not even the fact of its presence, not even its eerie appearance, but the quality of the materials from which it is sewn. In winter it is always cold, in summer it is always hot. I had a persistent feeling that it was plastic. Hope the new black uniform is still better quality(I didn't have a chance to revile her, I left long before the recertification and all subsequent changes). - Bureaucracy. After each shift, it was necessary to write a report "on the work done" in the correct (that is, clumsy) language. No one bothered that they were exactly the same - they were all neatly folded into a special folder in case of checking. We pretended to be doing something. For example, that we are fighting unauthorized trade near the metro. In fact, this trade gave the "main income", and if the inspectors came, we warned the merchants to walk somewhere for a couple of hours until everything calms down (and we were warned about checking on the radio with a passphrase from attendants). The idiots-merchants who did not want to walk for a couple of hours, observing the rules of the game, went to the monkey house)) - They talk to the police among themselves exclusively with obscenities. If you are not ready - it is better not to meddle) - Hazing. Only if it is relatively fast in the army (how long are they serving there now?), Then in the police you are a "spirit" for about the first ten years. How does it manifest? No, of course, no one forces to wash toilets with a toothbrush. But if, for example, a corpse is found on the territory, and it is necessary to protect it until the criminologists and the corpse truck arrive (and they are in no hurry - the corpse does not care how long to wait), then a “spirit” is placed next to it. Sometimes you spend 12 hours in the cold next to the blind man's buff (I was still lucky - I came to work in my car and could bask in it) - Negative attitude of others. There is a whole range of emotions - from contempt to hatred. You can proudly say as much as you like: "But we don't care that they don't like us - when the" roast cock bites ", you won't go anywhere, you will call us!" , - negative is unpleasant, fact.

- The contingent with whom you have to work. Homeless people, thieves, murderers, rapists and other asocial elements. Such communication does not add positive thoughts. But, on the other hand, those who are especially impressionable will not go to the police)

# I really hope that something has changed for the better since I quit #

Source: https://plus-minuses.livejournal.com/51302.html

Police officer is a profession for all time:

As a child, each of us thought a lot about who he wants to become in the future. Plans for life changed from day to day, I wanted to master all the professions of the world! But most boys and girls in childhood dreamed of mastering a dangerous, adventurous profession, for example, a firefighter. They also liked the profession of "policeman".

It is extremely important for children to learn moral guidelines through fairy tales, stories, poems. As a child, each of us heard the wonderful poems of Sergei Mikhalkov, dedicated to the kind and valiant hero of all kids - Uncle Stepa.

This character always came to the rescue in difficult times, kept order, guarded the weak and raised the bad guys. A policeman is a profession of modern times, because before such people were called policemen, and before that - mayors.

This work has a very rich history, which will be very interesting to get acquainted with.

History of the profession

“Policeman” appeared quite recently, especially when it comes to the CIS countries. Telling the history of one of the most ancient professions in the world, one cannot but refer to Ancient Greece... The very name of this division comes from the Greek word "polis", which denoted the city.

A policeman is a profession that slaves used to do. They carried out arrests, and were also assigned to criminals to protect public order.

Despite the fact that the murder proceedings remained the business of the injured family, even then people had a strong need for protection from such “governors”.

Experience of the Romans

V Ancient rome the citizen-policeman, whose profession meant night observation of law and order, was a very respected person, specially trained both to extinguish fires and to save people.

Much later, after the growth of cities, the time came for the creation of "people's guards" - detachments of volunteers who performed all the same functions of police officers. In the sixth year BC, the first police formation was created at the behest of the Roman emperor Augustus.

As is known from world history, Rome expected an inevitable decline, which later led to the collapse of the state, but a policeman is a profession that is necessary at all times, therefore, European governments introduced this tradition, although in those days the police were more likely to serve individual, wealthy residents. not all the people. But very soon the nobles began to worry more about the order in their possessions and began to collect large detachments of people who control the order in the territories.

Royal police

In the middle of the seventeenth century, the official profession of "policeman" appeared in France. The description of the profession of those times included a list of qualities that an employee had to possess.

The position of police commissars also appeared, at their disposal many thousands of armies of the guardians of the law.

Even in philosophical concepts, ideas about the creation of so-called police states began to sound for the first time. Thus, ideas arose in society about the need to protect the life and health of citizens by the guardians of the law.

Citizens sacrificed part of their savings in the name of security and partly their “sacrifices” were justified.

Police around the world

Oddly enough, the police, which spread around the world at about the same time, had different names in different parts of the world.

For example, representatives of the police institution that emerged in England at the end of the 19th century received the joking nickname "Bobby".

In the United States, police are called the famous word "cops", in Ukraine, as in Russia, up to a certain point, police were called police (the only difference was in the spelling). There are police officers in Germany, gendarmes in France, and constables in Norway.

Job responsibilities

Police duties have evolved over time. With the development of bureaucracy, the attitude towards paperwork changed, year after year it became more and more, and so on until the creation of electronic management technologies.

The duties of any police officer include ensuring law and order, communicating with citizens, being ready for continuous learning and self-improvement, as well as knowing all the legal aspects of the profession.

Very often, the police check the documents of ordinary citizens, accompany the violators to the police stations, and also contribute to the elimination of the threat to the population.

Russian experience

It is believed that the bureaucracy in the Russian state was widely developed under Ivan IV the Terrible. This ruler created a system of orders, including "Search" - a policeman. This order provided for the search for fugitive criminals, the protection of public order and the identification of possible violations.

Unfortunately, bribery and other violations have spread along with the police organizations.

Under Mikhail Romanov, the order system was somewhat transformed, its powers became clearer, and already under Catherine II, the first police charter "on deanery" appeared, regulating the issues of what the police profession should be. Today it is not so difficult to find a photo of a typical mayor in the Russian Empire.

Preserved historical footage of police officers in other countries. The form, names, official formalities differed, but not the very set of characteristics that any law enforcement officer should have.

At all times, the discipline of employees, courage and courage, which would allow such people to cope with any danger, as well as diligence, powerful willpower, subtle abilities of a psychologist, and the ability to convince people of the correctness of certain decisions, were highly valued. Also, punctuality, composure and self-control are important for a police officer - the ability to control their feelings in a critical situation.

Police officer- a person on whom the state assigns the responsibility for the protection of law and order. The position refers to the junior commanding staff in the canine service, PPP, etc. The work is difficult and very dangerous, but without police officers, civilians cannot live peacefully. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in law, physical education and life safety (see the choice of a profession by interest in school subjects).

What is the policeman doing?

In early March 2011, a law was signed in the Russian Federation, as a result of which the police were replaced by the police. The police are today entrusted with the duties of maintaining law and order, combating crime, and providing assistance to civilians. The work of police officers is associated with danger and complexity, so the state provides them with tools for protection: batons, firearms, handcuffs, walkie-talkies and others. The range of means for protection depends on the field of police activity, the use of these tools is limited by law.

Police officers are law enforcement officers, people who protect the lives of civilians every day. They guard private and commercial property, conduct conversations with schoolchildren, guard concerts and other events, acting within the framework of the law.

Features of the profession of a policeman

The work of the police is aimed at identifying criminal organizations, for which they conduct conversations in educational institutions, patrol streets and roads around the clock, communicate with representatives of different social groups, and promptly respond to all incoming complaints. It should be understood that the everyday life of police officers is not only chases and dangers, but also work with the civilian population, cooperation with territorial organizations, representatives of the authorities.

Duties of law enforcement officers:

  • detection of crimes;
  • compliance with the law;
  • obeying orders that do not violate the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • non-disclosure of state secrets;
  • providing first aid to people who have suffered at the hands of a criminal during the riots;
  • control over criminal elements;
  • activities aimed at finding evaders, missing persons, etc.;
  • ensuring the safety of civilians;
  • protection of all types of property;
  • maintenance of law and order;
  • prevention of offenses.

Police officers must be distinguished by good physical health, otherwise it will be impossible to find a job in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, both men and women can enter the service of law enforcement, but the requirements for applicants are strict:

  • good health and good physical fitness, which will be constantly monitored;
  • lack of drug and alcohol addiction;
  • absence of mental illness, tuberculosis and others.

Even at the stage of the medical examination, many applicants are refused, because they choose the most hardy, honest, healthy candidates who have passed the examination of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Pros and cons of being a police officer


  1. Respected profession.
  2. Full social package (free treatment, benefits, spa treatment).
  3. Stability, because police officers are civil servants.
  4. Career.
  5. Early retirement, after which you can get a job in a security company.
  6. Lots of useful contacts.
  7. Demand.
  8. The opportunity to get a free higher education.


  1. Daily risk.
  2. Low wages.
  3. Strict selection when applying for a job.
  4. Sometimes the work is monotonous.
  5. Irregular working day, because in the event of force majeure, the police officer summoned to work must immediately arrive at the destination.
  6. Bureaucracy.
  7. Communication with asocial elements.

Important personal qualities

A police officer is endowed with power and strength, so he must be able to control his emotions, be friendly, reasonable and responsible. Every day, police officers are faced with dangers and not very pleasant people, which means that they should be characterized by courage, politeness, and communication skills.

  1. Endurance.
  2. Hard work.
  3. Honesty.
  4. Insight.
  5. Activity.
  6. Intelligence.
  7. Altruism.

Police training

Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 18 can become a police officer, the upper age threshold is 35 years. An applicant for a vacancy must meet the following requirements:

  • excellent knowledge of the Russian language;
  • physical training;
  • serving in the RF Armed Forces (for men);
  • a diploma of complete secondary, secondary vocational or higher education;
  • no criminal record.
  • admission to college (academy, school) after grades 9-11, for which it is necessary to pass a medical examination and an interview, pass testing, demonstrate physical fitness;
  • admission to a higher educational institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation after grade 11 or graduation from college. Here, too, will have to surrender psychological testing, pass a medical examination, physical education exam and a check of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

An applicant applying to such educational institutions may be declared unfit if his height is less than 160 cm; during the medical examination, mental disorders, serious chronic or venereal diseases, poor eyesight, flat feet or scoliosis were found.

Schools, educational institutions

  1. Rostov school of service-search dog breeding.
  2. Novocherkassk Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  3. St. Petersburg Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  4. Astrakhan Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  5. Yelabuga Suvorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


  1. Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after V. Ya. Kikot.
  2. Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  3. St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  4. Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  5. Tyumen Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  6. Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  7. Rostov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  8. Oryol Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Place of work

Police officers work in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, patrolling streets and roads, working with citizens, accepting applications, lectures at schools. They regularly undergo physical training and prove their professional fitness. Citizens wishing to work in the police must confirm their reliability with a personal guarantee prepared by an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, whose work experience is at least 3 years.

Retired police officers will be able to work in security companies, protect individuals and commercial objects.


A police officer who works with dignity in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can get an education free of charge at a specialized university. For the period of study, the student is provided with paid leave, after receiving a diploma, he can begin his journey up the career ladder. Every policeman can get the rank of general sooner or later!

Police salary

Salary on 08.08.2019

Russia 20,000-33,000 ₽

Moscow 40,000-55,000 ₽

Professional knowledge

  1. Physical training.
  2. Ability to handle firearms.
  3. Hand-to-hand combat rules, application of knowledge in practice.
  4. Knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  5. Driving license (important for a police driver).
  6. Knowledge of the Russian language, the ability to prepare material for lectures.
  7. Basic knowledge of office work.