Demanded services in the basement. What kind of business can be organized in the basement of a residential building? Features of creating a business

Own business in the basement is a great idea for an office, shop or warehouse. Even a novice entrepreneur can easily implement it. The premise helps to save on rent, because it costs an order of magnitude cheaper. In big cities, the sale of goods or production in the basement has long been common, popular and in demand.

Activities permitted in the basement

Any residential building is protected by the state. That is why the business in the basement should not interfere with the tenants. Additionally, you will need to properly organize the room from a technical point of view. You can open a business in the basement of a residential building, but sometimes this event requires significant financial investments.

There are a number of areas to work with in the basement.

In the basement of an apartment building, managers of medium and small businesses will be able to realize their commercial ideas. For a workshop or shop, an area from 30 to 250 square meters will be quite enough. m.

A retail outlet in the basement of a private house is opened if at least 400 sq. m. For a beauty salon, 30 sq. m. will be enough. m. Unfortunately, such a square is not always free in an ordinary basement house.

What business can be opened in the basement of an ordinary high-rise building:

  1. Shop with groceries, stationery or medicine.
  2. Workshops that repair clothes or shoes.
  3. There are many basement renovation business ideas out there. Breakdowns can be repaired mobile phones, office equipment or computers.
  4. Secretary for the delivery of products from abroad. In the future, the company takes over the delivery and integrity check.
  5. Shop for photo lovers.
  6. A pavilion for artists or art lovers.
  7. Travel agency.
  8. Collection of waste paper or glass containers.
  9. A hall for practicing a specific sport.
  10. Beauty saloon.
  11. A club for lovers of a certain type of games.
  12. There are also many snack bars or cellar bars, restaurants.

In this video, you will learn more about the basement business:

The basement has a number of features that must be taken into account when choosing a type of business:

  1. The establishment should not make a noise that will disturb the residents of the house.
  2. Correct organization of ventilation.
  3. According to fire safety there can be no more than fifty people in the room.
  4. There are standards of sanitation, sound and noise that must not be violated.
  5. You can open a business that will work at night.

Features of creating a business

Basement and semi-basement real estate cannot be transferred to a business on a permanent basis. The territory is considered to be the joint property of the people living at the given address. You can get a place and start your own business only after the consent of the majority of the residents of the house.

Basement rental in cooperatives is very relevant. The process begins with collecting signatures from residents. They need to be informed which case is opening in the basement. Thanks to this, it is possible to assess the possible discomfort. If an unpleasant situation arises, then the organization seeks to compromise and find a way out of this situation. For example, a company can offer yard improvement.

A business that uses commercial basements can increase the amount of green space, walkways, or asphalt. Thanks to this, the cooperative will improve the conditions for the residents. Also, the tenant is involved in the payment of utility bills.

Types of business

An entrepreneur who is going to start his own business should know that such manipulation is not prohibited by the law. However, it is necessary to place the enterprise in the basement correctly. The layout is coordinated and approved in several instances. It is preliminarily recommended to identify the sources of financing for the future project.

The first step is to examine the basement. This will allow you to determine what kind of business is worth doing in this territory:

  1. Production room.
  2. Trade in medicines.
  3. An organization that is entertaining.
  4. Funeral services.
  5. A business in the basement of an apartment building may be geared towards doing laundry or removing dirt from clothing.
  6. Public toilet.
  7. Leisure room (sauna or steam bath).

The basement can be equipped with a sauna

If the basement is transferred to temporary ownership, then it should be noted that for any commercial object, an appropriate square is needed. Trade point cannot work around the clock, because regular customers will cause discomfort to local residents. Quite often, the basement is used for a warehouse business. In this case, the merchant will need a lot of effort to re-equip the premises in accordance with the requirements.

For some types of goods, you will have to make metal wall racks. They are suitable for placing food items and will help you conveniently arrange other types of goods.

Legal registration of the premises

A small shop in the basement will be much cheaper than renting an office of a similar size. You need to spend a little money on repairs and legal registration of the premises. Which business is best for the basement will have to be decided after a thorough analysis of the market conditions. You should take care of the technical and paper side of the case. It is possible to conduct business in the basement after the following procedures:

  1. Obtaining consent for the refurbishment of the premises. This should be done by the majority of residents of a municipal or cooperative house.
  2. There are certain restrictions on the type of activity. For example, it is forbidden to engage in toxic and potentially hazardous industries. Residential buildings will not be allowed to open a noisy establishment. Otherwise, the residents of the apartments will constantly complain about him to the authorities.
  3. The basement structure is analyzed in detail. Most likely, it will need to be completely refurbished. The costs must be fully recouped. Quite often, the basement is in disrepair. You will need to carry out repairs and arrange installation necessary tools that comply with the safety regulations. In this case, the work will not have a negative impact on the health of employees and visitors. V modern conditions the time that will need to be spent on equipping the premises is of no small importance.

Required papers

After the start of the lease of the premises, you must submit an application to the local authorities. When making a decision, the purpose and duration of the lease is of great importance. To organize such a business, you will also need to draw up the following documents:

  1. Conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological station and fire inspection. In this room, all safety rules that are provided for the conduct of a certain type of activity must be observed. It is required to constantly monitor the technical and economic level of the basic rules and regulations.
  2. For the provision of the service, you will need to sign an agreement with the administration authorities. It indicates the amount, purpose and service life.
  3. For large cities where there is a shortage of space in the center, a basement will be an excellent solution. However, activities on its territory should not run counter to the current legislation.
  4. In a cooperative house, the housing office is considered the governing body. He draws up a permit for the lease of the basement.
  5. Additionally, you will need to hold a meeting of residents. The number of those present should be more than half of the total.
  6. In the accounting department of the housing office, you will need to sign a bilateral agreement. The payment also includes utility bills. The company undertakes the calculation of the used electricity, water or gas. In case of unforeseen circumstances, the entrepreneur assumes the payment for the reconstruction. To do this, you must first fix these conditions in the contract.

Do not forget to collect all the documents

The basement is a specific room. When organizing a business in it, you will need to obtain the necessary licenses. For this, an inventory of the technical side is made, the general condition of the walls, the type, and the design features are assessed.

Surveyors also check the surrounding area. There are many offices that offer their design services. With their help, not only workshops, medical workshops, but also other types of business are quickly created.

Repair and technical inspection

The basement of a multi-storey building rarely meets the rules and regulations. That is why, before renting it, a businessman will need to complete a number of mandatory procedures. Repair is necessary due to constant dampness and the accumulation of large amounts of cold air. In the future, proper care will have to be provided. The basement is equipped with various wall types building materials... All work is carried out only on a solid foundation. Dilapidated floors should be replaced with new ones.

There are certain features of the survey and reconstruction of the premises. You should pay attention to them when coordinating the project:

  1. Waterproofing must be done correctly. Otherwise, fungus and an unpleasant odor will appear on the surfaces of the walls. A person will not be able to stay in such a room for a long time. For special means are used. They must be diluted with water. They are most commonly used to prevent corrosion. The resulting composition thoroughly wipes the affected area. The procedure will prevent spoilage appearance coverage and the likelihood of short circuits.
  2. A thorough study of the idea of ​​repair is necessary, which will be used further. Attention should also be paid to lighting. The non-residential basement has no windows. A sufficient number of lighting fixtures must be used. You should stop your choice on energy-saving lamps. Other ideas could be implemented as well.
  3. Even if the area does not exceed 400 sq. m, then the ventilation system must be properly organized in the room. Humidity in the air will significantly degrade the air and make it stale. Stretch marks will begin to accumulate condensation, and subsequent repairs will cost many rubles.
  4. Mandatory use before starting the operation of the premises.
  5. If there is a kitchen in the basement, then odors from it should be eliminated with the help of a powerful hood. It can be placed on a shelf or frame.
  6. Good soundproofing system.


The basement is very popular, because you will have to pay much less for its arena. It is recommended to invite appraisers and experts before starting operation. They will be able to find even hidden defects and identify risks that may lead to the need for expensive repairs in the future.

Starting a business in a basement is beneficial in terms of acquiring or leasing premises. Here I would like to note that the cost of renting a basement is much lower than the cost of renting an ordinary office space. However, one should take into account not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages of the basement.

Negative sides of the basement

  • To obtain permission to place a club in the basement of a residential building, you need to collect signatures for the consent of all residents of this building, which is often very difficult to do.
  • Legal registration required. It is necessary to obtain certification, permission of the SES, the conclusion of the fire department, a document confirming the compliance of the premises with numerous requirements - the height of the ceilings, the presence of ventilation, the presence of a second exit, and the like.
  • The need for reconstruction. Redevelopment is often required, in which technical communications cannot be affected.
  • Dampness and moisture, which are the disadvantages of most basements. To combat these phenomena, it is necessary to conduct a special examination, use various waterproofing mixtures, and install a ventilation system.
  • Lighting. Since the basement is often devoid of windows, it is necessary to check the existence of lighting standards.

In addition to all these disadvantages, basement business there are many other problems that he may face. These problems include:

  • the need to deepen the basement due to low ceilings;
  • installation of additional equipment for laying sewer pipes and ventilation;
  • the inability to equip several exits that are required by fire codes;
  • significant expenses for the renovation of the premises.

That is why, before trying to save money on rent, you must first take into account all the little things. And now about the business ideas themselves in the basements.

Often, basements are located various enterprises maintenance - repair household appliances, sports clubs, shoe repair shops, small cafes, banks, online store offices and so on. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

There are such workshops in almost every urban area, and, despite the fact that the current standard of living of the population allows one to buy new shoes, the demand for the services of such workshops does not fall.

Undoubtedly, the competition in the described business is very high, however, professional experienced craftsmen are getting old, modern youth do not have a special desire to engage and earn in this service sector, for this reason the niche is slowly vacating, and this is in the hands of a novice craftsman.

In order to do this business, you need to undergo an internship with professional master for the repair of various shoes, you should understand the technology of this case, materials, find out about more profitable points of purchase equipment for repair, and then just open your own shoe repair shop.

A shoe repair shop can be opened in some basement hanging not far from large enterprises, in the city center, not far from any shopping centers or markets.

When opening a shoe repair shop, it will not hurt to create a workshop website on the Internet, on which its price list with services will be posted and which will be filled with informational articles on shoe topics.

With the aim of additional income the workshop can sell shoe care products, accessories, laces, shoe insoles. The workshop can also accommodate secondhand shoes.

Each person has shoes that need repair, but there is not always time to take them to the workshop, your workshop can pick up shoes from the customer's house and deliver them back.


  • rental of premises - 30,000 rubles;
  • equipment: a sewing machine - from 90,000 rubles, stretch marks - from 25,000 rubles, a machine for repairing shoes, on average 50,000 rubles. In total, the purchase of all equipment requires from 300,000 rubles;
  • expendable materials: glue, threads, locks and so on - 100,000 rubles;
  • staff salary (2 foremen and an administrator) from 50,000 rubles;
  • other expenses (telephone, utilities, advertising) - 30,000 rubles;

Total - from 500,000 rubles.

The average order value is 500 rubles. Payback - up to 3 years. The profitability is almost 15%.

Opening of a sports club

In our time, the development of the Russian sports industry is gaining momentum. Most people start to think about a healthy lifestyle. To this end, they get rid of excess weight, stress and depression, and keep themselves in good physical shape. Given this trend, the opening of a sports club will be a very promising idea.

I would like to note that the market for sports services in large cities is already occupied, which is why such clubs should be opened with the expectation of providing economy class services.


You can open your own sports club anywhere. Of course, if you want to make a good profit with this business, then you need to open it in a room located near large shopping centers, in residential areas, in the city center. Travel to your club also affects the success of a sports club. People mostly visit the club in the morning before work, or in the evening after it. You can open a gym in a basement with an area of ​​at least 150. This room should have a toilet, a gym, men's and women's locker rooms, a bar, a warehouse for sports equipment, and one room for employees.

Recent studies have shown that the creation of separate halls in the club for the female and male half of society has great prospects for development. And all because women in their midst are more relaxed, which in turn affects the productivity of the workouts themselves.

In sports clubs, there should also be good ventilation, as there is a lot of sweating during sports activities. The room temperature should be approximately 18 ° C and the changing room temperature should be 25 ° C.

Necessary equipment

To buy exercise equipment, you need to allocate a decent amount of funds. To equip 1 area with our modern simulators, you will need about 9,000 rubles. As for imported exercise equipment, they cost twice as much.

The main set of sports equipment for the club consists of:

  • power trainer;
  • several mats;
  • fitballs;
  • free weights;
  • cardiovascular equipment.

Required staff

For the opening and further running of the business of a sports club, one cannot do without an administrator, two cleaners, an accountant, and about three coaches.

The selection of personnel, especially instructors, must be taken very seriously. It's just that a very good athlete is not always an equally good instructor. In addition to their excellent physical fitness, the trainers must have charisma, they must be able to start the gym.

The accountant can be hired part-time or outsourced to the job.


To implement this business idea in the basement, you will need somewhere around 1,750,000 rubles, namely:

Initial costs:

  • necessary equipment- 950,000 rubles;
  • registration of an enterprise - approximately 30,000 rubles;
  • renovation of the premises - 1,000,000 rubles;
  • reception desk, necessary furniture - 400,000 rubles;

In total, about 2,400,000 rubles.

Monthly costs:

  • rent of premises with an area of ​​200 - approximately 420,000 rubles;
  • staff salary - 250,000 rubles;
  • utilities and operating costs - an average of 25,000 rubles;
  • advertising - 50,000 rubles.

Total - 745,000 rubles.

Expected income

When calculating income, you need to focus on the average cost of a subscriber in Moscow, which is approximately 4500-6000 Russian rubles, as well as traffic. The average income of a sports club is approximately 1,500,000 rubles. The payback period for this project is approximately 2 years.

In conclusion, I would like to say, if you love sports, why don't you start making money on it? Thus, you will not only benefit yourself and people, but you will also earn money on this, get a good profit and create a profitable business for yourself.

In this material:

Finding a business premises takes a lot of time and effort. There is a tendency that the closer the building is to the city center, the more expensive a square meter is. That is why aspiring entrepreneurs prefer sleeping areas and outskirts. Renting there is almost half the price, and the purchasing power is identical. But there are many such businessmen who accidentally or purposefully organize entrepreneurship in the basements of buildings. Opening your own business in a basement is far from news, but many still fear this, mistakenly believing that buyers will not want to go down into a dark space. In fact, there are many areas of entrepreneurship for which the basement is not considered a hindrance, and for some it is the perfect start.

Basement as a business premises: advantages and disadvantages

It is a mistake to think that if you open a business in the basement, it will be unprofitable. Such premises have a lot of positive sides:

  • Wide selection - everyone apartment house equipped with a basement. More than 80% of the area is still not occupied for some reason. That is why an entrepreneur has a chance to choose a basement in the part of the city he likes.
  • Ease of design - opening a business in the basement is not difficult. It is enough to get the consent of the tenants of the house, draw up standard documents and get down to work. Undoubtedly, the premises must be brought to the appropriate form on the basis of the current sanitary standards, as well as repairs must be carried out depending on the chosen activity.
  • Originality - business placement in the basement is not so popular that you can find 2 identical retail outlets. And if most of the shops look the same, then on the basement floor you can organize an individual layout.
  • Low rents - indeed, basements are not popular, so owners reduce prices to a minimum, just to have at least some profit.

Reference. Basement and basement are not exactly the same thing. Difference in ground level above the room. If for the basement the height of the ground cannot exceed half the height of the room, the opposite is typical for the basement - the level cannot be less than half. Thus, in the basement floor it is much brighter due to the possibility of installing almost full-fledged windows. The basement may have no natural light sources at all.

Cons of a basement business:

  • Dampness - depending on the age of the house, communications and location features, the basement may turn out to be damp with the spread of fungus. This is determined during the first inspection of the premises. It is wrong to think that after processing the situation will change, because you will either have to process the basement of the whole house, or hold events with regularity once a month. Constant dampness negatively affects human health (sellers, administrators, entrepreneurs), causing serious illness.
  • Technical work - given that important water supply and sewerage units are concentrated in the basement of a residential building, the selected room may turn out to be the center of regular plumbing work. This distracts the businessman from his direct duties, forcing him to close the institution indefinitely.
  • Emergency situation - pipe break, flooding from above, smoke. The basement is dangerous for emergencies.

If you approach business organization correctly, then the disadvantages can be easily avoided. For example, carefully choose a room so that communication nodes do not intersect with a retail outlet, exclude houses infected with fungus and dampness.

Renting the basement of an apartment building: design nuances

Renting a basement is no big deal. It is enough to follow the algorithm of actions:

  1. Contacting the housing department - the entrepreneur writes a statement indicating the purpose, term and cost of the lease. If the apartment building is the property of the municipal authorities, then the housing department employees independently send an appeal to the city administration.
  2. Receiving permits- contacting Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as is done when opening a store in a regular room. Structures are obliged to check the specified area for compliance with the standards and issue an opinion. Based on the documents received, the municipality makes a final decision.
  3. Drawing up a lease agreement - an entrepreneur applies to the city administration with a package of documents. The contract specifies all the nuances of the transfer of premises for temporary use, including the term, conditions, rental cost, payment time.

Reference. If the house does not belong to the municipality, but is on the balance sheet management company, then the sequence of actions is the same. Only items are added: gathering of apartment owners, voting of tenants for renting out the basement or against this decision.

The deal is considered successful if more than half of the owners voted positively. Funds for renting premises are used to pay for general house needs, which helps to reduce the amount in the receipt for each apartment.

What kind of business can be organized in the basement of an apartment building

The basement is not only semi-legal slot machine establishments, as many have come to think since the 90s. Today, the use of the basement area provides for numerous solutions in a wide variety of business areas.

Grocery store

Investments: Investments 685,000 rubles

The franchise of the Remontoff group of companies operates in the market of repair and finishing services. Our company works in three areas and provides a full range of services for its clients: interior design, repair and finishing works and the supply of materials to the facility. What is the uniqueness of our business model, in comparison with the others: 1) Under the Agreement, we guarantee 10 clients per month for the service of finishing the apartment ...

Investments: From 500,000 rubles. We will reimburse you 50% of your store renovation and decoration costs. Low investment risks. 40% of investments are exhibition samples, which remain a liquid asset in case of problems.

Any business starts to make a profit. With frendom sofas from business, you will also get a lot of positive emotions. Selling this furniture is a pleasure! Your partner is a manufacturing factory whose history begins in 2006 in the city of Engels, Saratov Region. Company ̶ permanent member international exhibitions... Residents of eighty-nine regions of Russia and neighboring countries ...

Investments: Investments 3,800,000 - 5,000,000 rubles

G.Bar is the largest network of beauty bars in the world, which serves more than 60 thousand customers and provides more than 140 thousand services annually. The G.Bar network includes 6 of its own beauty bars (Kiev, Moscow) and 21 franchised in the world, including Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Slovakia, Cyprus, and the USA. The company was founded in 2015 and provides ...

Investments: Investments 1,350,000 - 6,500,000 rubles

VodaTeplo® - sales, design, installation, warranty and service maintenance of heating systems, water supply, water treatment, water disposal, smoke removal, ventilation, air conditioning, electrical security, video surveillance, smart home systems. And also plumbing, equipment for baths and saunas, fireplaces, bath accessories, equipment for fonts and pools, pool chemicals and much more. WaterTeplo® - engineering systems... The most recognizable brand in our field !!! ...

Investments: Investments 23,000 - 610,000 rubles

The Electrosmart electric vehicle repair service center appeared in 2016. Our company began to develop rapidly due to the low cost of service for customers and high quality service. We also used, for the first time, a water protection technology for electric vehicles. This is how we got a large number of clients in Moscow. Now we are expanding our geographical presence and moving to the regions. At the moment ...


Investments: Investments 790,000 - 1,000,000 rubles

The franchise has been rated by many reputable experts as one of the most promising and stable. For six months, the company has opened more than 100 service centers throughout Russia, and by the end of 2018 the number of launched branches will be more than 200. But active growth is not the goal of We open exactly as many service centers in the city as needed ...

The basement business is gaining more and more popularity. This technical room can be used as a warehouse, shop or repair shop. Ingenuity and creativity will help a novice businessman to receive a stable income.

What does it take to build a successful home business?

First you need to develop detailed business plan... Here, the size of the start-up capital and the labor intensity of the subsequent sale of products are of great importance. Consideration must be given to the location of the object.

There are many ideas for organizing your own business in the basement. It:

  • creation of a warehouse for storing goods;
  • equipping the basement with sports equipment for use as a gym, yoga center or fitness club;
  • retail and wholesale- grocery supermarkets, clothing stores;
  • organization of a workshop for the repair of shoes and clothes, household appliances;
  • creation of a tailoring studio.

Oyster mushrooms can be grown in the basement. It is convenient to produce new furniture in the basement or repair old ones, change upholstery, varnish wood. The production of frameless furniture can be located in the basements of both residential multi-storey and private houses. It does not require complex and massive equipment, separate workshops, warehouses.

The sale of goods for pets will bring no less profit. Pets need food, medicine, hygiene products, vitamins. All of these items can be sold at a pet store set up in a prebuilt basement. To organize the smooth operation of such a store, it is necessary to organize a showcase and a warehouse, purchase basic goods, find regular suppliers, a seller and an administrator. At the same time, the number of employees can be minimal.

Another option for using basement meters is to organize a sports bar. Such small establishments attract fans of hockey, football, boxing and other sports. Sports bars are low-competitive, popular with locals and highly profitable.

Before organizing production in the basement, you need to make sure that the room is well ventilated and that the necessary communications have been carried out in it. Such a business will bring the maximum profit in small towns.

Important legal points

Like any other private business, a business in the basement of a private house or high-rise building requires prior registration. The prospective entrepreneur must obtain the appropriate permission for the implementation of the business idea and the consent of the city services.

To begin with, a citizen needs to formalize entrepreneurship, having received the status of an individual entrepreneur. The procedure is not complicated and does not take much time. Some activities require an organization legal entity(for example, LLC).

Before organizing a food workshop, canteen or cafe, you should obtain permission from the sanitary service. The entrepreneur will have to present a certificate confirming the quality of the products sold and the raw materials used in the manufacture of dishes. A license is required for the sale as well. alcoholic beverages... The company also needs a fire safety certificate issued by the relevant supervisory authority.

When deciding what can be opened in the basement, you should evaluate the competitiveness of the entrepreneurial business, research the chosen niche. There are many ideas for a home basement business. It can be a small hairdresser, yoga or fitness studio, massage parlor, billiard club, quest room. In a private house, you can organize a small business because of the small area of ​​the premises.

Basement requirements for organizing a business

When organizing a business in the basement of a residential building, you do not need to carry out additional communications. This room will have everything you need - gas, water, electricity, internet. For warehouse registration or retail space you will need licenses, appropriate permits and the presence of registration documents for the business.

Before placement, the condition of the premises is assessed. It must be clean and refurbished. Before finally deciding which business to organize, the entrepreneur should familiarize himself with the restrictions imposed by the legislation. The total area of ​​such a point should not exceed 400 m². The restrictions do not apply to warehouses. The in-house restaurant can only be open until 23:00. It is forbidden to turn on music too loudly, and the institution itself can receive no more than 60 visitors.

What business ideas are suitable for organizing in the basement of an apartment building?

One successful basement business remains a tailoring atelier, as people are increasingly attracted to products. self made made from natural materials. For comfortable work, you will need to redevelop, solve organizational issues, purchase equipment - a cutting table, sewing machines, and also make a fitting room for clients. Then you should hire qualified workers - seamstresses, cutters, purchase the necessary materials - fabrics, threads, fittings, accessories.

It is a good idea for a business to organize a production of handmade souvenirs and toys. Opening a production workshop wooden toys, you need to purchase all the necessary equipment, raw materials, consumables, find specialists, organize a client base. In order to ensure the promotion of products and their advertising, you can create your brand pages on social networks.

Popular business ideas include opening a supermarket or grocery store. The outlet will be able to make a profit in the absence of similar points nearby, the presence of a popular product. This is beneficial because the grocery business remains in demand at any time.

If your basement is larger than two steps to the right, two steps to the left, you've probably wondered how to make the best use of your basement space? If so, then this article is for you. The decent size of the basement allows you to turn it into another functional room instead of a dilapidated warehouse for all kinds of junk. Sauna, pool, billiard room, or maybe a gym? The options are only limited by your imagination and budget. At the same time, basement furniture plays an important role in the design of the space. Specialists homify will share ideas on how you can use the basement and what nuances you need to take into account.

Correct warehouse

You should not turn your overall basement into a room for storing unnecessary, shabby, old and broken things. Get rid of this junk once and for all! And in the freed up space, arrange the correct warehouse of necessary, valuable and necessary items that cannot be placed in the house. Arrange functional and easy-to-use shelving and anchorages to make the most of the space and place as many items on the walls as possible.


Do you want to keep fit, but tired of going to the gym in any weather, and the basement is too small to build a pool? Gym can be arranged even in a very small room. Put a couple of your favorite machines in it, add some dumbbells, an exercise ball, a jumping rope and ... a mini-gym is ready. In this case, do not forget about bright lighting, so as not to fall into a sleepy state. A large mirror is not only necessary for self-control when performing exercises, it will also visually expand a small room. Now you will have no excuses and will have to deal with yourself regularly.

Spa / bath / sauna

If you are a fan of more traditional types of body and soul cleansing, or if your basement is too small for a pool, consider a traditional Russian or sauna. A traditional tiled stove is a delight for the eyes. Such a stove, although it will not be cheap, will last more than one year. Natural wood cladding not only retains heat in the bath, but also has a beneficial effect on the body, depending on the type of wood. Basements are ideal for use as saunas or baths due to the small footprint and the absence of windows.

Lounge room

If your basement has a place to roam, add a small relaxation room to your bath in which you can relax after bathing procedures. Take care of a source of warm, diffused light to create a cozy atmosphere. A cozy sofa or a pair of soft armchairs will complement the room. It is convenient to place a teapot with cups for aromatic tea on a small table. In order for the furniture in the recreation area not to become unusable due to high humidity, it is important to provide the room with a good ventilation system.


If you live in a private house and can boast of underground mansions, then why not turn them into a small personal one? The ideal solution for those who want to keep themselves in good shape or just take a break from the daily work bustle and relax from the fast pace of city life. If finances allow, you can give free rein to your imagination and decorate the pool with bright multi-colored mosaics, Moroccan-style tiles or natural stone. Additional contour lighting in pure white color will make your small pool float in the air, making it more weightless and visually expanding the space. Take care of comfortable loungers made of wood, wicker wicker or stretched fabric. It's so nice to relax on them after the swim!

Billiard room

An additional opportunity to do your favorite hobby, entertain friends and at the same time update the basement is to equip a billiard room in it for gatherings with friends, because a billiard room does just fine without a source of sunlight. If the air in the room is dry, wood paneling on the walls, complementing the billiard table, will look great. In general, you can't go wrong if you decorate a room in a classic style with all its attributes: massive leather sofas and armchairs, dark natural wood shelves, retro lamps to illuminate the playing field. Thus, an ordinary basement turns into a real male den.

Living room

How about expanding your home and going underground a bit? Agree, the additional living space has not prevented anyone yet. If you do not have an urgent need for another room, this space can be reserved for guests. Make sure the floor is well insulated, check ventilation and humidity levels: the basement needs to be comfortable enough if you want to turn it into a living space. Add a cozy fireplace, a soft sofa and, trust me, your friends will visit more often.

Home cinema

Another ideal option for using the basement as a living space is to arrange a room in it for watching movies in a close circle, because for a home theater it is even a plus if there are no windows in the room and thus a source of natural light. In addition to the projector and the screen, it would be nice to complement the room with a large soft sofa or armchairs. The recently popular seating bags are ideal for spending evenings watching an exciting movie. In this case, upholstered furniture, like all basement furniture, must be protected from moisture: take care of good ventilation and a heating source to keep the room dry and warm and thus prevent the spread of fungi.


Is there nowhere to turn around in your basement? In this case, it is better to abandon global plans and follow the traditional recipe. Even a room for household needs can be changed beyond recognition and made even more convenient and functional. Instead of bulky cabinets or shelves, look for lightweight wall-mounted structures. Thus, you ideally use all the available free space for placing linen, household chemicals and other items used in the household. As a result, it will be released extra space for a washing machine and even an ironing board.

Basement office

Not everyone will like this idea, but among us there are many who work best in isolation from the rest of the world, thus concentrating on the task and not being distracted by unnecessary sounds. If you often work without leaving your home and value peace and privacy above all else, try setting up a study in the basement. From furniture you will need a table, a comfortable chair, several shelves for storing documents. Most likely, you will not receive visitors in it, so you can refuse from the sofa and additional chairs.

To suppress the oppressive atmosphere, it is recommended to paint the walls in light colors, as well as use white furniture. At the same time, do not forget that dampness is the enemy of health, and before moving your office underground, make sure that nothing threatens your health and, possibly, re-equip the ventilation system and install an additional source of heating.

As you may have noticed, basement furniture differs depending on the purpose of the room. The main criterion in this case is functionality, because we do not want to occupy all the small space with bulky items. Also, do not forget about the dry atmosphere, because dampness and fungus are the number one enemy for basement furniture.