Demand for basements. Business in the basement: ideas for "clandestine" production. Features of using the basements of residential buildings

Do you want to open your own business, but the budget does not allow you to rent a full-fledged office or retail space? You can save on rent by using basements. There are a lot of cellars suitable for trade, entertainment business and even production in residential areas. They are located on the basement floors of residential buildings. What business ideas will be the most profitable?

Sports bar

The sports bar is almost always muted shades and light semi-darkness, so the absence of windows will not be a minus here. Sports bars are in high demand both in the city center and in the residential area.

The main thing is to ensure the flow of visitors by ordering competent advertising. Word of mouth, a bright signboard, launching advertising on the Internet with setting up geolocation to neighboring areas will help.

Why can a sports bar be profitable? According to statistics, about 70% of men and 30% of women are interested in various sports.

Watching sports competitions is more exciting not alone, but in fun company... In addition, snacks and drinks are required: beer, meat and snacks to it.

Emotions from viewing are highly dependent on the quality of the image, that is, on the cost of technology. It is much easier to visit a sports bar, where all this is already there, rather than buying home a powerful audio system, modern TV and many snacks.

The average cost of opening such an establishment is from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles. It all depends on the area of ​​the premises, the complexity of the repair, the cost of equipment (you can save more than 50% by buying a used one).

The profitability of the business is very high. Developed sports bars can earn 500 thousand per month, in which case the payback will be 1-2 months.

A fitness center

Fitness centers are now opening in all cities. Despite their popularity, visitors often have to get to the gym for a long time: sports clubs are not located in every district.

Most clients are not satisfied with this, and in surveys they say they are ready to move to another room if a place near their home opens up. Indeed, why spend 30-40 minutes on a one-way trip when you can cross the road and end up in a basement fitness club?

It is on the residents of neighboring areas that the emphasis should be placed. It makes more sense to open a fitness center in residential areas with a large number of residents, rather than in the center.

The most profitable will be new areas in which the infrastructure is still developing, and residents are ready to visit any center for lack of analogues.

This is another expensive type of business. It will take about 700 thousand rubles to start. On the other hand, incomes will also be high: an average of 200 thousand. To calculate them accurately, you need to multiply the cost of the subscription by the number of visitors.

Cafes that pay not for food, but for the time spent in the establishment are gaining popularity. They are used for thematic meetings: business negotiations, creative gatherings, discussions in a large company of friends.

The greatest profit is obtained by those time cafes that develop good program inviting seminars, musicians, writers, animators. To start a project, you need to equip the room with tables and sofas, purchase game consoles, board games and other types of entertainment.

In the kitchen, the emphasis can be skipped: visitors are offered simple free treats (tea, cookies), and they can take full meals with them in time-out coffee or order them directly to the restaurant.

  • starting investments - 343 thousand rubles;
  • revenue - 360 thousand rubles;
  • net monthly profit - 133 thousand rubles;
  • the average payback is from 3 to 6 months.

Quest rooms are popular with young people. The essence of the business is that organizers create atmospheric rooms with puzzles that clients need to solve at a time. The premises are decorated in a certain style: a mansion with ghosts, a prison, a laboratory of a mad scientist.

Quests can be accompanied by live actors who will portray the opponents of the players, or take place without them. You definitely need an operator who will give hints if players get stuck at some point.

Organizers need to invest in the following elements:

  • Scenery;
  • equipment for prompts (microphone and speakers, walkie-talkies);
  • additional equipment (high-tech quests are more valuable).

For one session lasting an hour, players pay from 4 to 10 thousand rubles. for everyone. Prices may differ depending on the city, prices are indicated for the capital. The average profit of a quest room with two rooms is 186 thousand rubles after deducting expenses, the required investments are 670 thousand rubles.

Grocery store

Grocery stores are always needed at home. High demand allows you to open such establishments at least every 200 meters. Even the presence of large chain supermarkets will not be a problem for a small store in the basement.

A lot of clients will visit it simply due to territorial availability. Additional bonus will work within 24 hours (chain stores rarely work around the clock).

Initial investments - about 900 thousand rubles (rent, salaries of employees, purchase of equipment and products). The projected profit minus all expenses is 100-150 thousand rubles. Payback 8-9 months.


Another type of business that practically does not need advertising. All essential services generally start well, this is a great destination for beginners, inexperienced entrepreneurs.

A hairdresser can be opened at a relatively low investment: from 200 to 300 thousand. This is an economy class establishment, where 4 masters will be involved. Average income minus expenses - 150 thousand. Payback is fast.

Basements are a great business start-up opportunity for inexperienced entrepreneurs. A clear business plan and investment will be required.

I ask for advice on starting a business in the basement of a residential building in a residential area

# 1 Guest_nsav_ *

Good day! I ask for advice on starting a business: there is an excellent basement-type premise in a residential building. With an area of ​​about 100 sq.m. A sleeping area, people are constantly plying by (in this and the nearest is the City Hospital). The truth is located between the houses, it is not visible from the main road. I really want to master it. At first there were a lot of ideas (until I found out that in the basement, it turns out, not everything can be discovered). Without draft beer only.

Itself would very much like to bake buns, but it is impossible. What else could be interesting in a residential area and possible for opening in a basement. I myself am more inclined to food.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

Walking down the street, you often see basements, basements where craft pubs, hookah bars, barbershops, and other “hype” places are open. Do you dream to become individual entrepreneur and start your own business? For the time being, people hawala it, but you can't go far on such a business. In general, opening such a business in a basement room has only one advantage: cheap rent. But there are few downsides that can ruin plans: high start-up costs for repairs or the absence of windows that people like to stare at. You can, of course, take the risk and open another burger, but it will be very difficult to attract guests. It is better to consider the material, those ideas that you read in the article. These basement business ideas may not make your project the first in the universe, but they won't bend at the first difficulty.

1. Section of martial arts

Parents love to send their children to sports. You can open a banal gym or a trendy fitness club, or you can already think and open a children's martial arts section. For those who were engaged in karate, judo and other types of wrestling in childhood - one delight. You can earn some money as a coach. And the rest will have to hire specialists. This business is interesting and profitable.


The ideal room is in a residential area. For any business in the basement, the costs of installing ventilation equipment and good lighting are characteristic. These issues need to be addressed first. It is necessary to invite quality trainers. They can be poached from sports schools. In parallel with the improvement of the school, registration with the tax office is required.

Start-up capital

  • Premises rental - 40,000
  • Repair - 150,000
  • Equipment - 200,000
  • Salary of employees - 150,000
  • Advertising - 50,000
  • Other expenses - 50,000

As a result, to open a sports school will have to shell out 650,000 - 700,000 rubles.

How to become a famous place

Most of those who value the concept of "sport" want to win. You will have to constantly promote and develop your section. Cool and unique idea: constant school competition. This will develop the spirit of a winner in the children and, in the event of the victory of the pupils, will bring good fame and fame throughout the city.

The main thing is to start constantly attracting new children. The section can be used as a starting point for Olympic reserve schools. This way you avoid overpopulation and ensure a constant flow.

2. Draft beer shop

A banal idea, but in the summer it helps to make great money. Especially during major sporting events. The basement of an apartment building will do.


Everyone loves to drink beer. The main thing that attracts people is the rich assortment. Nobody goes to a store where there is one kind of light, dark and unfiltered. And a herring. It is necessary to provide the buyer with a rich and profitable selection of both drinks and snacks. It is important to find reliable suppliers. It is the basement room that is ideal for a beer warehouse due to the reduced costs for product cooling. But you have to buy a couple of air conditioners.

Start-up capital

  • Rent - 30,000
  • Equipment - 100,000
  • Repair - 70,000
  • Purchase of goods - 50,000
  • Salary of personnel - 30,000

It will be possible to save only on staff, standing behind the counter yourself. Therefore, prepare at least 300,000 rubles.

How to become famous

The only way to become famous is to create a beer network. Otherwise, the pub will be good only in the area. Driving from the other side of the city, buying beer from you is a dubious idea.

The risk is minimal. When things go wrong, there is always an opportunity to sell the store and how ready business and equipment separately.

3. Photo studio

If this idea seems hackneyed to you, scroll further. But, if you organize everything correctly, she has her right to life.


First, it is a long-term business. It will not be possible to make a profit from a swoop. Promotion and advertising is important. Hire good photographers, set a percentage. Let them look for additional clients on their own. Do It hourly pay... Create an entourage and it will go.

Start-up capital

  • Rent - 40,000
  • Equipment - 150,000
  • Advertising - 100,000
  • Repair - 100,000

400 thousand and the studio is ready to go.

How to become famous

Word of mouth works well in this kind of business. Therefore, it is important to convince the first clients that your business is not an apartment for an hour, but a professional studio, where everyone will receive high-quality photography and results. Do not overstate the price tag, try to take by quantity. Cooperate with discount sites. After all, everyone wants to be photographed, but they choose where it is cheaper. On this you can earn up to 100,000 rubles. per month.

4. Hourly cafe

Do you want to watch football, but neighbors are interfering? Noisy home party, but neighbors intervene again? Come to us! This is the motto under which such establishments are opened. And they are popular to this day.


It is better to open a cafe in a basement, the ceiling of which will shake not an apartment in a residential building, but a grocery store, for example.

Start-up capital

  • Rent - 40,000
  • Equipment - 250,000
  • Salary of personnel - 30,000
  • Repair - 150,000
  • Advertising - 30,000

We'll have to spend a lot on the arrangement. Game consoles, soft sofas, TVs. For those who like to roll balls there is a billiard room. The main thing is that your guests have something to do with themselves.

How to become famous

Service and filling of the cafe are two keys to the success of this small business. The average price of an hour in hourly cafes is 100 rubles. per person. It doesn't matter to pay 100 or 130 rubles for the company. But if, for example, you put on XBOX ONE, you buy a bunch of games - they will choose your bar.

By far the most risky of the ideas presented. But, as already mentioned, the business is not dusty, popular. Average income - 60,000 rubles / month

5. Breeding rabbits

If you are lucky and you live in a private house, your basement is probably busy with potatoes, grandma's pickles and other nonsense. Take it all away and start raising rabbits. It’s not expensive! What could be a problem - killing rabbits. Some have a hard time with it. But rabbits are not only valuable fur ... Then you yourself know.


Buy a dozen females, a couple of male rabbits and watch them breed. Of course, you need to buy cages for them, feed them, but you always have carrots and cabbage in your house, and you can build a fence yourself. It is most profitable to raise young rabbits up to 4-5 months. During this time, they gain 2.5-3.5 kg.

Start-up capital

  • The first rabbits - 20,000
  • Feed - 1,000
  • Maintenance (sawdust and other amenities) - 3,000
  • Skimming and gutting courses - 2,000
  • Vaccinations - 5,000

A case can be opened with a monthly salary. It is important to learn how to properly cut them and not experience psychological problems. And do not forget to get timely vaccinations!

How to become famous

Yours the main task- sales routes. You can open your own rabbit meat shop, but then you have to go through certification. And you can find intermediaries and sell them. Fur is also bought by a lot of people. Check the ads on the internet. One kilogram of meat costs 250-300 rubles, and a rabbit skin costs 200-500 rubles.

Someone grows champignons, someone cuts beards, someone makes delicious and smoky hookahs. There are a lot of ideas for private business. If you want to study and manage on your own, without turning the business into a network that only makes money - create what your heart is in.

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Basement mold: how to deal with it

Eliminate odors

Types of fungus in the cellar and how to identify them). Use personal protective equipment: masks, gloves, respirators, goggles, gas mask. When using electrical appliances, know and follow the rules of electrical safety when working in damp rooms. Now you know how to get rid of the smell in the basement. It is important here not to delay the elimination. How you felt the smells, immediately identify the reasons and do the treatment. After looking at photos and videos, you can do everything without any problems. => How To Remove Smell From A Basement: An Exclusive Guide => => publish => open => closed => => zapah-iz-podvala-329 => => => 2019-04-27 07:53:41 => 2019-04-27 03:53:41 => => 0 =>? P = 4583 => 0 => post => => 2 => raw =>)) => 1 => -1 => => WP_Post Object (=> 4583 => 2 => 2016-09-19 15:15:56 => 2016-09-19 11:15:56 => Basement smell Basement smell can come from various reasons. But this is a room may be in different ownership. After all, if you live in a multi-storey building, then sometimes you cannot do a complex treatment of the room. There may also be a smell in the basement of a private house, then you can do everything yourself. And in this case, the price of odor elimination can be higher, but you can do everything yourself most effectively.Today we will give instructions on how to deal with this in these two cases.

Odor development and elimination options

The smell of dampness in the basement can be due to several reasons, but most of it comes from high humidity. These are the fumes themselves and various diseases that dampness provokes.
The causes of odors in the basements of multi-storey buildings are:
  • Poor pipe joints can provoke basement sewer odors.
  • Also, in the basements, various valves are often located, which give a leak.
As a result of such problems, mold most often occurs (see Mold in the basement: how to deal with it) and forms the smell of the basement in the apartment. Mold is an ubiquitous fungus whose spores are everywhere. Once in heavenly conditions, they multiply at a tremendous speed, destroying and "eating" almost any material. Paradise habitat for mold - damp basements of residential buildings, both private and multi-storey.
Attention: However, remember that mold is not as harmless as it seems. When inhaled into the lungs, mold spores can cause dry coughs, asthma attacks, allergic reactions and skin rashes. Therefore, when working in damp basements and cellars, it is necessary to protect the respiratory system by wearing a mask, and in some cases a gas mask.
How to deal with this scourge? Is it possible to get rid of mold and damp smell on your own? Can! The main thing is not to give up. What you need to do and what actions to take - we will tell you in this article.

What does the smell from the basement of a multi-storey building say?

The problem of dampness and mold in basements is familiar to many residents. After all, this is a problem not only of houses with old communications, but also of newly built high-rise buildings. The first sign that the basement is damp and moldy is the smell - musty and fetid. Residents of the entrance are forced to inhale this "aroma". But most of all, goes to the inhabitants of the lower floors.
Note: The first thing to do is determine how the water enters the basement. The reasons may be different: rusted sewer pipes, cold water pipes, or a faulty downpour.
  • While the smell annoys only the residents of the first floor, the rest do not care, but when it "aromatizes" from the first to the last floor, then they begin to open windows and balconies, front door into the house. It helps a little during the day, but during the night the smell fills the entire staircase again.
  • This is not worth doing. It is necessary to immediately involve the management company that serves this house to eliminate the cause of the stench.
  • The first thing you can do is call the emergency service of Vodokanal. Everything related to water leaks is their job, they are obliged to come on any alarm call.
It happens that emergency service workers refuse to do anything, referring to the fact that intra-building communications are under the jurisdiction of housing and communal services. In this case, you should not call the dispatcher on duty and call the locksmith. This will be ineffective, a complex of works is needed to drain the basement.
  • All tenants of the entrance or the house must submit a collective, or better from each tenant, an application for elimination of malfunctions in the basement, which lead to the formation of mold and odor. Each application must be registered in the register of applications.
  • Management Company may refuse to perform work, referring to the lack of photographs or video filming. This is arbitrariness and such a demand is absurd. Here you can safely go to court. After all, the basement must be closed, and the keys must be at the locksmith on duty. Even when photographs and videos are provided, there will be other excuses to do nothing. In this case, you can contact a local newspaper, a TV and radio channel, or a deputy. After such calls, money and time are immediately found.
  • In many homes, such problematic basements are converted into gyms, billiard rooms, or leased out as warehouses. In any case, when the basement has an owner, he will not allow such problems to arise.

What does the smell from the basements of private houses say?

The basements of private houses were often the only place where the family stored food preparations for the winter, and in the summer they used them instead of the refrigerator. If there is an unpleasant odor in the basement, it is a sign of mold. Having found the cause and foci of mold, you must immediately begin to fight it. With objects covered with mold, they do, judging by the situation:
  • If the thing can be cleaned, and the mold has not caused irreversible changes in the material from which the thing is made, it is washed in special solutions, rinsed in clean water and dried in the open air. If the item is badly damaged and cannot be restored, it is thrown away.
  • After we have cleared the basement from everything that was there, we proceed to remove the mold. For this purpose, you can use the drug "Sanatex" or the usual "Whiteness".

Eliminate odors

Solutions for fighting fungus and mold can be made by yourself. We take in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 4 hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, boric acid, water, mix everything, and process the walls and ceiling. Items stored in a damp basement have a moldy and damp smell, which is very difficult to get rid of. Clothes, even washed, can retain this persistent smell. Furniture and carpets have no place in a damp basement. After airing and drying them outdoors in the sun, find another storage location for them. Unfortunately, sometimes even a sunny day, windy, hot weather does not help to get rid of the musty smell.

Walls and ceilings affected by mold

They are cleaned of plaster, treated with chlorine-containing compounds, primers, antiseptics. Then all the walls are plastered again. And again, everything must be treated with protective compounds against the fungus (see Types of fungus in the cellar and how to determine them).
  • Take 100 grams per liter of water. bleach and slaked lime. A sulfuric checker helps well, when burning, sulfur dioxide is released, which kills mold fungi. This treatment is very effective.
  • The earthen floors in the basement should be replaced with concrete ones, or the top layer of earth should be removed at a distance of 15, 20 cm. After finishing the treatment, place cans of dry soda to remove the odor.
  • When there is a musty odor without mold, this indicates poor ventilation, which means that condensation has formed on pipes and metal surfaces. It is necessary to make high-quality ventilation, and maybe even forced ventilation. Install an exhaust fan, and make air intake with a plastic sewer pipe. The bottom edge of the pipe should be 20 cm from the floor.
  • Periodic use of an ozonizer or quartz lamp also helps in the fight against mold and mildew. It is important to observe the precautions when doing this. By using a modern dehumidifier, it is possible to achieve an acceptable level at which mold does not appear.
Attention: In conclusion, we remind you once again that all work related to the removal of mold, the treatment of contaminated surfaces must be performed in compliance with safety regulations.
Use personal protective equipment: masks, gloves, respirators, goggles, gas mask. When using electrical appliances, know and follow the rules of electrical safety when working in damp rooms. Now you know how to get rid of the smell in the basement. It is important here not to delay the elimination. How you felt the smells, immediately identify the reasons and do the treatment. After looking at photos and videos, you can do everything without any problems. => How To Remove Smell From A Basement: An Exclusive Guide => => publish => open => closed => => zapah-iz-podvala-329 => => => 2019-04-27 07:53:41 => 2019-04-27 03:53:41 => => 0 =>? P = 4583 => 0 => post => => 2 => raw =>) => 0 => -1 => 386 => 386 => 0 => => => => => => => => => => => => => => => => => => 1 => => => => = > => => => => => => => => => Array (=> query_vars_hash => query_vars_changed) => Array (=> init_query_flags => parse_tax_query))

Starting your own business is a rather laborious process where all aspects must be taken into account. Sometimes novice businessmen face a number of problems when looking for premises for business. The cost per square meter for renting premises depends on factors such as the location of the building, popularity and even number of storeys. That is why today many entrepreneurs prefer basements, since this option will significantly save on rent.

Actual ideas for a business in the basement of a residential building for 2019

In large cities, the implementation of business on basement floor buildings are not news for a long time. Today, there are many options for organizing a basement business, for example:

  • Manufacture of frameless furniture.
  • Pet Shop.
  • Sports bar.
  • Yoga club.
  • Studio.
  • Shop wooden toys.
  • Grocery store.

Each method differs from each other in the amount of initial capital and the complexity of implementation. We propose to consider the options separately, developed taking into account the specifics of the market.

Production of frameless furniture

The basement is perfect for the production of goods with their subsequent delivery. The production of such furniture, in contrast to traditional wooden furniture, does not require storage facilities, separate workshops and bulky equipment. Such products can be sewn without all of the above, while saving a decent amount.

To work at the initial stage, you only need sewing machines, filler, necessary fabrics and consumables. Thus, the organization of this activity is a profitable idea for a business in a basement, which allows you to generate income from the first orders.

Products for pets

Many families have pets that need daily care. Therefore, there is a high demand for goods such as food, vitamins and hygiene products.
It is quite advisable to place this one on the basement floor, for its implementation it is necessary to perform a number of actions:

  • Convert the basement into a store.
  • Build showcases and storage rooms.
  • Find regular suppliers and purchase basic goods.
  • Hire a salesperson.

As for the personnel responsible for accounting, auditing and promotion, such work can be entrusted to remote employees.
At the initial stage, it is not required to recruit staff, whose participation is required in rare cases.

Sports bar

Sports bars are a relatively new type of establishment in Russia. Today this niche is filled only by 20 percent, which means that there is little competition in this business. It should be noted that the clients of such establishments are people with an average income level. By opening an expensive sports bar in the city center, a businessman risks losing most of his clients. Therefore, saving on rent, you can set reasonable prices for the menu.

To open a sports bar, you need to set the following priorities:

  • Execution of the relevant documentation: permits, licenses and registration.
  • Conducting communications (water, electricity, gas, internet).
  • Interior design.
  • Purchase of furniture, equipment.
  • Compilation of the menu.
  • Advertising promotion of the bar.

You can also save on decorating the interior of a sports bar: hang up posters on sports topics, arrange cups, lay out balls with autographs of famous athletes. There are many options for the original and budget design of the bar, you just need to connect your imagination.

Yoga club

At the moment, health-improving practices are in great demand among the population. Therefore, the creation of a yoga club in the basement will be in demand and profitable business in 2019. To open this kind of club does not require huge investments. Consider a rough plan of action for organizing a business:

  • Registration of the relevant documentation.
  • Re-equipment of the basement, creating comfortable conditions.
  • Advertising. The main emphasis can be placed on online advertising and social networks.
  • Purchase of inventory.
  • Software development.
  • Finding and hiring instructors.

The main current expenses of this type of business are: rent, payments utilities and salaries employees. Since the club does not require regular spending on large sums, it can pay off in a short period of time.


Every year, the popularity of unique and exclusive images created by individual tailoring is growing rapidly. This type of business does not provide for the presence of a large warehouse, therefore, without any particular difficulties, it can be implemented in the basement of an apartment building. That is why owning a tailor shop is profitable and actual business... The process of organizing a tailor shop in the basement is as follows:

  • Redevelopment of the premises, repairs.
  • Acquisition necessary equipment and tools.
  • Organization of workplaces.
  • Placing a cutting table, fitting room.
  • Selection of highly qualified employees.
  • Purchase Supplies- fabrics, accessories, threads, etc.

First of all, the success of the atelier depends on the quality of the services provided, but in no case should you forget about advertising. Expand customer base it is necessary in any business, this will help the placement of ads in newspapers and social networks.

Manufacture of wooden toys and souvenirs

Another original and lucrative idea for a business that can be implemented in the basement is the production of wooden toys. This activity is beneficial for several reasons:

  • Doesn't require huge investments.
  • The demand for environmentally friendly products for children is increasing every day.
  • No expensive equipment is required for the production of wooden products.
  • The cost of materials is relatively low.

For a successful organization business ideas it is worth following these steps:

  • Legal registration.
  • Purchase of equipment and necessary tools.
  • Arrangement of workplaces
  • Purchase of consumables and raw materials.
  • Search for specialists.
  • Submission of advertising.
  • Search regular customers.

At the initial stage, you can make toys in minimal quantities and sell them over the Internet. This approach will help test the chosen direction, identify demand and preferences of potential buyers.

Grocery store

This business idea is quite common in the market and has a leading position. A grocery store located in the basement will be profitable only under certain conditions:

  • Availability of a popular assortment of goods.
  • Lack of similar shops nearby.
  • Maintaining an impeccable reputation.
  • Competitiveness.

The grocery business is relevant at all times, regardless of situations in the foreign exchange market, weather conditions, and other factors, since food is necessary for humanity on a daily basis.

Benefits of doing business in the basement of a residential building

In addition to the fact that renting the basement of a residential building significantly saves financial resources, there are other advantages:

  • Local residents will learn about the opening of a new business facility even without advertising.
  • The business in the basement visit to the apartment building helps to acquire a loyal customer base of local residents.

Legal registration of the premises

The basement cannot be sold for life to a businessman. There are several ways to register a business in an unused technical room:

  • Conclusion of a lease agreement with the municipality.
  • Obtaining permission from the majority of residents of the house, each of whom owns non-residential premises in an equal share.
  • If the basement belongs to a cooperative of owners, you must first collect signatures from them.

Some of the residents may speak out against the new business. In this case, the entrepreneur will have to convince them that the company will not cause them any inconvenience, but, on the contrary, will contribute to the development of the territory. For example, a businessman can lay out flower beds or asphalt paths.

Required papers

For renting a basement, the following package of documents is submitted:

  • An application that is submitted to the housing office or the municipality, depending on the form of ownership of the premises. In the application, the businessman must indicate the duration of the purpose of the lease.
  • Then, it is necessary to draw up a conclusion of the communal and fire services, as well as the sanitary and epidemiological station, whose task is to recognize the premises as suitable for a certain type of activity. Without the decision of the above organizations, the basement can be used only for economic purposes.
  • After that, an agreement is concluded with the district administration. The lease terms are prescribed in the document.
  • The basement, which belongs to the owners' cooperative, is drawn up through the housing office. After the potential tenant has submitted an application to the relevant authorities, he needs to notify the tenants of this, after which on general meeting a decision is put forward.
  • The next step is the conclusion of a lease agreement by the accounting department of the utility service.
  • A businessman needs to obtain a license for the chosen activity and familiarize himself with the requirements for the basement. If the technical room was not previously used for social and social activities, then it must be reconstructed. To do this, you will need a certificate from the BTI, which will give permission for the re-equipment of the premises.
  • To draw up documentation on the technical part, an entrepreneur can contact a design office.

Repair and technical inspection

As a rule, most of the basements do not comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards and safety requirements.
Usually, this is a cold and dilapidated room, which is periodically heated by groundwater. After the demarcation of the part of the basement where the utilities are located, the tenant needs to make a reconstruction according to the project.

  • The first step is to waterproof the basement. This will help eliminate dampness and unpleasant odors and prevent potential short circuits.
  • Since there is little light in the basement, it is recommended to equip the room with additional lighting - energy-saving lamps, since the electricity consumption in the basement is much higher than in an ordinary apartment.
  • You also need to think about a good ventilation system. A ventilation problem can cause high humidity, as there is condensation on the inside of the wall.
  • Soundproofing - will be needed when a large number of visitors congregate in the room.
  • If it is planned to open a catering establishment with a kitchen in the basement, then you cannot do without installing an exhaust hood so that extraneous odors and smoke do not go towards the staircase.

Prohibited activities

Prohibited activities in basements include the following:

  • Night club and similar establishments.
  • The ban covers the production that can become a source of unpleasant odors, dirt and noise.
  • Funeral services are not permitted.
  • It is forbidden to locate a medical facility, as well as a swimming pool or sauna.
  • You cannot place a wholesale and small wholesale warehouse.

Activities must comply with sanitary and hygienic standards and rules fire safety... In addition, the tenant must not use commercial purposes other shared facilities bordering the basement: elevator, staircase, staircase and corridors.

If your basement is more than two steps to the right, two steps to the left, you've probably wondered how to make the best use of your basement space? If so, then this article is for you. The decent size of the basement allows you to turn it into another functional room instead of a dilapidated warehouse for all kinds of junk. Sauna, pool, billiard room, or maybe a gym? The options are limited only by your imagination and budget. At the same time, basement furniture plays an important role in the design of the space. Specialists homify will share ideas on how you can use the basement and what nuances you need to take into account.

Correct warehouse

You should not turn your overall basement into a room for storing unnecessary, shabby, old and broken things. Get rid of this junk once and for all! And in the freed up space, arrange the correct warehouse of necessary, valuable and necessary items that cannot be located in the house. Arrange functional and easy-to-use shelving and anchorages to make the most of the space and arrange as many items as possible on the walls.


You want to keep fit, but tired of going to the gym in any weather, and the basement is too small to build a pool? Gym can be arranged even in a very small room. Put in a couple of your favorite machines, add some dumbbells, an exercise ball, a jumping rope and ... a mini-gym is ready. In this case, do not forget about bright lighting, so as not to fall into a sleepy state. A large mirror is not only necessary for self-control when performing exercises, it will also visually expand a small room. Now you will have no excuses and will have to deal with yourself regularly.

Spa / bath / sauna

If you are a fan of more traditional types of body and soul cleansing, or if your basement is too small for a pool, consider a traditional Russian or sauna. A traditional tiled stove is a delight for the eyes. Such a stove, although it will not be cheap, will last more than one year. The cladding made of natural wood not only retains heat in the bath, but also has a beneficial effect on the body, depending on the type of wood. Basements are ideal for use as saunas or baths due to the small footprint and the absence of windows.

Rest room

If your basement has a place to roam, add a small relaxation room to your bath in which you can relax after bathing procedures. Take care of a source of warm, diffused light to create a cozy atmosphere. A cozy sofa or a pair of soft armchairs will complement the room. It is convenient to place a teapot with cups for aromatic tea on a small table. In order for the furniture in the recreation area not to become unusable due to high humidity, it is important to provide the room with a good ventilation system.


If you live in a private house and can boast of underground mansions, then why not turn them into a small personal one? An ideal solution for those who want to keep themselves in good shape or just take a break from the daily work bustle and relax from the fast pace of city life. If finances allow, you can give free rein to your imagination and decorate the pool with bright multi-colored mosaics, Moroccan-style tiles or natural stone. Additional contour lighting in pure white color will make your small pool float in the air, making it more weightless and visually expanding the space. Take care of comfortable loungers made of wood, woven wicker or stretched fabric. It's so nice to relax on them after the swim!

Billiard room

An additional opportunity to do your favorite hobby, entertain friends and at the same time update the basement is to equip a billiard room in it for get-togethers with friends, because a billiard room does just fine without a source of sunlight. If the air in the room is dry, wood paneling on the walls will look great, complementing the billiard table. In general, you can't go wrong if you decorate a room in a classic style with all its attributes: massive leather sofas and armchairs, dark natural wood shelves, retro lamps to illuminate the playing field. Thus, an ordinary basement turns into a real male den.

Living room

How about expanding your home and going underground a bit? Agree, the additional living space has not bothered anyone yet. If you do not have an urgent need for another room, this space can be reserved for guests. Make sure the floor is well insulated, check ventilation and humidity levels: the basement needs to be comfortable enough if you want to turn it into a living space. Add a cozy fireplace, a soft sofa and, trust me, your friends will visit more often.

Home theater

Another ideal option for using the basement as a living space is to arrange a room in it for watching movies in a close circle, because for a home theater it is even a plus if there are no windows in the room and thus a source of natural light. In addition to the projector and the screen, it would be nice to complement the room with a large soft sofa or armchairs. The recently popular seating bags are great for spending evenings watching an exciting movie. In this case, upholstered furniture, like all basement furniture, must be protected from moisture: take care of good ventilation and a heating source to keep the room dry and warm and thus prevent the spread of fungi.


Is there nowhere to turn around in your basement? In this case, it is better to abandon global plans and follow the traditional recipe. Even a room for household needs can be changed beyond recognition and made even more convenient and functional. Instead of bulky cabinets or shelves, look for lightweight wall-mounted structures. Thus, you ideally use all the available free space for placing linen, household chemicals and other items used in the household. As a result, it will be released extra space for a washing machine and even an ironing board.

Basement office

Not everyone will like this idea, but among us there are many who work best in isolation from the rest of the world, thus concentrating on the task and not being distracted by unnecessary sounds. If you often work without leaving your home and value peace and privacy above all else, try setting up a study in the basement. From furniture you will need a table, a comfortable chair, several shelves for storing documents. Most likely, you will not receive visitors in it, so you can refuse from the sofa and additional chairs.

To suppress the oppressive atmosphere, it is recommended to paint the walls in light colors, as well as use white furniture. At the same time, do not forget that dampness is the enemy of health, and before moving your office underground, make sure that nothing threatens your health and, possibly, re-equip the ventilation system and install additional source heating.

As you may have noticed, basement furniture differs depending on the purpose of the room. The main criterion for this is functionality, because we do not want to occupy all the small space with bulky items. Also, don't forget about the dry atmosphere, as dampness and fungus are the number one enemy for basement furniture.