Your successes achievements in the resume. How to Formulate Personal Achievements in a Resume: Examples. How to describe your achievements on your resume

The "achievements" section of the resume is one of those that directly affect the achievement of the most important goal - getting the desired position. But really, today a resume, even with the widest experience and the presence of high, is nothing if it does not indicate achievements. The presence of achievements indicates the ability to effectively use their knowledge in work, the desire to develop professionally, improve their skills and thereby generate income for the company.

Your achievements are your advantages over other candidates who are applying for the same position as you.

Leaders often choose those candidates who can demonstrate that they intend to achieve results, and moreover, are able to do so, which will have a positive impact on the development of the organization and its advancement to great achievements.

That is why you should not overlook such an important section when writing a resume. Focus on describing your results and achievements, on previous jobs to present yourself in the best light, because for the employer there is not enough bare facts to focus on you. Achievements do not have to be some kind of outstanding, even positive work results are enough, what you were able to achieve thanks to hard work and the desire to achieve your goals.

Often, reaching this section when writing a resume, job seekers encounter difficulties when it is difficult to squeeze out the necessary data. In doing so, they miss it, which is a huge mistake, and sometimes even costs them work. Think carefully, analyze your work, and what you have come to, even if these are small achievements, but these are achievements, do not hesitate to list them, it will not get any worse.

Highlighting in its labor activity some achievements it is important to describe them correctly. Experts advise, when describing achievements, to use effectively the formula called "Problem + Action = Result". Based on it, you briefly explain how it all began (task, goal, problem), what actions you took to solve it, and what was the result after that.

Examples of achievements in the resume

... “A new methodology for the professional development of employees has been developed with the result of an increase in personnel motivation of 15%”.

... "Received an award in 2013 for the best customer service."

... “I helped the loan processing manager to attract potential clients by calling on the phone. As a result, the volume of issued loans increased by 8% ”.

Any employee is aware of the situation when it is necessary to provide information on their professional performance, for example, annual attestation. What is the best way to do this? We are trying to adapt the coaching tool "Wheel of Life Balance" for this task.

In my consulting practice over the past two years, the most frequently asked question is: "How to formulate your professional achievements?"

When does this need arise?

  • In a job search situation for writing a resume, for an interview with a potential employer.
  • Within the company, when there is a transition from one career stage to another.
  • In preparation for the annual / quarterly certification.
  • etc.

But really, what is the best way to do this? I thought about it and started trying different options.

Practical application of all variations on the theme of "what is best" swept aside one way after another. As a result, the option with the use of the favorite coaching tool “Wheel of balance” showed its viability. I am sure that the audience of the community is familiar with it, so I will not describe it, and on the Internet you can read a lot of useful information about this wheel. Let's get down to practice.

So, take a piece of paper, a pen and draw a circle. We divide it into 6-10 equal parts (or into as many parts as you like). We sign each area of ​​the circle, for example, as in my drawing. These are the areas of activity in which your achievements can be found.

Next, we formulate what each area of ​​your circle stands for. Why is it important? The fact is that on the one hand, all definitions can be found in any textbook or Wikipedia. On the other hand, each company may have its own individual characteristics. And also your professional skills can only be yours.

For example, if you work within a company and are preparing for certification, then the area "Working with clients" - may have the following definition according to the information that the company puts into this concept - it is available to explain by phone the specifics of working with a service provided by the company, show restraint in a conversation with a conflicting client.

And in another company, "Working with clients" is the formation of a complete package of documents on the transaction, entering information into CRM, timely provision of changes to customers on the transaction, conducting correspondence through electronic document management.

If you are writing a resume for yourself, then there may be such an option - "Working with clients" - this is my unique opportunity to understand the needs of the client, combine scripting with "live" conversation, building long-term relationships with him.

A similar algorithm will work with other names of areas of the circle. As an example, a couple more definitions from the work of my clients:

  • "Leadership" - difficult situations in which I took responsibility for decision when working on a project, brought the work to the result.
  • "Communication" - my skills in negotiating with difficult people, with colleagues of different positions, with leaders of different levels of government, etc.

Now, let's write how much and what achievements you have in each professional area.

For example, "Effectiveness" is your effective actions that led to the planned result.

Example: “I suggested analyzing ROI to get data on the effectiveness of investments in training sales managers. The results of the data showed a direct relationship between the increase in sales and the new skills acquired through training. "

"Savings" - as a result of your work, the company saved the budget and received financial benefits.

Example: “I have found new suppliers of such and such services or equipment, with more low prices but without sacrificing product quality, entered into a contract and the company saved 30% of its regular budget for these costs. "

“Profit” - the team of the department, as a result of your innovations, has increased the sales volume in comparison with the previous months.

Example: “I analyzed the motivation system for sales managers over the past 3 years, approved a new motivation system for general director, introduced it, and as a result, the volume of revenue was increased by 40% in the first month after the introduction of innovations, then by 30% monthly. "

The principle, I think, is clear. Here it is important to first formulate, and what you understand as "work with clients", "leadership", "innovation", etc., that is, decipher each area of ​​the circle. And then write down your specific achievements.

Here are two sheets of paper:

  • The first sheet is a drawing with a circle of achievements.
  • The second sheet is a list of your achievements in each area.

We take the first sheet with a circle, and divide each area of ​​the circle into 10 equal parts. We got a scale from 0 to 10.

  • 0 - in the center of the circle.
  • 10 - on the outer line of the circle.

We look at the second sheet - our list of achievements. We count our achievements in each area and mark a point equal to the number of achievements in a particular area. Fill in the circle of your achievements in this way. Look at this impressive list, these are your results today, you have much to be proud of!

The data obtained can be used in accordance with the situation - for a resume, for certification, for an interview, etc.

How else you can work with your Circle of Achievements for the future:

  • Pay attention to which areas there are more achievements and which ones are less. You may be able to better understand your strengths and weaknesses in a profession or career.
  • Mark the areas in which you would like to get more achievements. Write down three simple steps how you can achieve this. Take this plan to work and carry it out.
  • Plan your success in an area where you have not yet received results, this will be your development zone.

This tool has been used in my practice for only half a year. During this time, I have never failed. Everyone who tried it in their work noted two main points:

  1. I managed to structure my professional results, to understand the situation “here and now”.
  2. Set goals for the future, i.e., identify growth zones.

Irina Lebedeva

Welcome to the blog site. Professional achievement for a resume is particularly important. Thanks to these characteristics, a potential employer will be able to assess the performance of your work, and decide whether you are suitable for work in his enterprise.

A completely different question - how to describe an example of your achievements on a resume in such a way as not to get rejected? Examples of real-world characteristics will be discussed in detail below.

What are "professional achievements" and why write about them?

Professional achievements are your successes and merits, which you have achieved, and which you have received throughout the entire period of work in a particular field of activity. It is quite logical that such characteristics cannot be the same for all professions, therefore, each applicant applying for a specific position must be able to indicate only that information about himself as a specialist that will be useful. Only the correctly presented data on personal achievements in the resume will interest the employee of the personnel department and the management of the company.

Why write about professional achievements?

Why include examples of personal achievements on your resume? There are several important reasons for this.

  1. The characteristics of yourself as a professional described by you will help the head of the firm understand how much you have succeeded in your profession. You not only work hard and perform your job duties brilliantly - you lead the business to prosperity and leadership among many competitors. Every boss will want to see such an employee within the walls of his company.
  2. An example of your accomplishments on a resume greatly enhances the self-esteem of a potential employer. Every boss wants his firm to make a profit with minimal costs, so that old clients stay and new ones keep coming. Physically, one person alone cannot cope with everything, especially if he runs a large company. Therefore, he needs a real pro, and this is you!
  3. An example of personal achievements in a resume characterizes you as a purposeful and responsible employee. Simple indications of your personality traits, such as "purposeful", "obligatory", "responsible" - are just a bunch of empty words that, in fact, do not prove anything. But if you give a concrete example of your successes and achievements in your resume, your candidacy will certainly interest the administration of the company.
  4. If you include examples of your professional achievements in your resume, the manager will be able to understand how positive the dynamics of your career growth is. It is by this criterion that the boss will evaluate your hard work, professionalism, and readiness for further self-development. This will be a good chance for you not only to get the desired position with a high salary, but also to be able to expect to be promoted over time.

As you can see, giving a sample of achievements in work for a resume, you can draw attention to your candidacy, and significantly "overtake" other applicants for the desired position.

Basic description rules

An example of achievements in work in the resume must be able to correctly present. To do this, follow 3 basic rules.

  1. Let's be more specific. Do not describe the basic principles and methods of your work. When giving examples, please indicate your most significant professional achievements. Do it as follows: "increased the percentage of sales by ...%", "accelerated the execution time of the task by ... minutes / hours / days", "trained ... employees", etc. And it does not matter in what units you measure your achievements - the main thing is give clear numbers. If this is problematic, try to clearly but concisely outline the essence of the work done.
  2. Tie your main professional achievements to a specific place of work. As a rule, in the resume, potential employees indicate 2 - 3 companies where they worked before, and give a short list of their merits.
  3. Prove that you are fit for the position you are trying to apply for. If you have previously worked as an economist, look for a job by this criterion. Do not pretend to be a chief accountant with skills and experience in the field in which you worked previously. A sample of your achievements as an economist in your resume for the position of chief accountant will be more than inappropriate. Most likely, you will immediately receive a rejection from the head of the company.

Question. So what examples of accomplishments can you include on your resume? It all depends on what kind of place you are applying for. If this is a managerial position, take care to describe your characteristics from the manager's point of view. If we are talking about an ordinary ordinary employee, stick to this line, without deviating from it anywhere.

Examples of personal achievements for different professions

What achievements should you write on your resume? Examples for different professions are given below.


An accountant is a very responsible and difficult position that requires accuracy, responsibility, and pragmatism. Consequently, the professional characteristics of this specialist must be at the highest level.

Examples of professional accomplishments on a resume for an accountant are as follows:

  • automation of accounting calculations and the subsequent reduction in the staff of economists;
  • successful completion of 10 (or more) tax audits;
  • complete software update of the company;
  • creation of 3 - 5 publications for accounting magazines or newspapers;
  • there is a certificate or diploma confirming the qualifications " Chief Accountant"Etc.

Another good example of what achievements can be indicated on an accountant's resume is the number of successfully completed external audits. If you have such experience, be sure to write about it in your characteristics.


What to write in the achievements in the teacher's resume? An example is described below:

  • the presence of an honorary diploma for labor merits in pedagogical activity;
  • successful delivery of 10 open lessons;
  • participation in 7 district, regional, all-Russian conferences on pedagogy;
  • organization and management of various training circles.

Also good example achievements at work is the holding of conferences or webinars for the exchange of teaching experience.


Of course, professional achievements here will directly depend on the medical field in which a person works and the degree of his qualifications. For each area of ​​medicine there are some of its own, special, nuances that are important to indicate in the characteristics if you want to get a new job.

So, let's consider the achievements that can be indicated in the resume, using the example of an ENT doctor:

  • performed 50 successful operations on ENT organs;
  • wrote and published 200 articles for magazines and newspapers "Health";
  • created and protected scientific work"Innovative methods of scleroma treatment", for which he received an associate professor of medical sciences;
  • within 5 recent years trained 45 medical interns;
  • conducted 8 webinars on otorhinolaryngology;
  • took part in 15 conferences, 3 of which are international.

Note. It is very good if you indicate in your resume the invention of a new medical apparatus, device, or device. Moreover, it should not only be developed by you, but also patented. You, in turn, must have a confirmation of the licensing of your development. However, it is necessary to indicate this in the resume only if such an achievement really takes place in your medical practice!

Sales Manager

If you are applying for the position of a sales manager, then indicate your achievements on your resume as follows:

  • increased sales by 30%;
  • attracted 50 new partners / clients over the past six months;
  • trained 15 new employees in a year;
  • over the past 3 years, it has organized 35 promotions and discount programs, thanks to which it attracted 200 new regular customers.

There are innumerable examples. But one thing you must clearly remember: only the truth, and no distortion of facts! Remember that the head of the company may at any moment demand proof that you are really successful in your field of activity, and if you embellish information about yourself a little, your deception will be quickly revealed.


Leaders can be roughly divided into 2 groups: small and large caliber. The first category includes administrators, supervisors, the same managers, etc. The second group includes directors, general directors, company presidents, etc.

Consider examples of professional achievements in a resume for a manager, taking as a basis the position of the director of the logistics department:

  • over the past 2 years has developed 5 schemes of new routes for fast delivery of goods from ... to ...;
  • automated the inventory system, at the expense of achieving a faster implementation of this process (earlier it took 5 hours, now it takes 1-2 hours);
  • completely updated software, thanks to which it was possible to increase the selection speed from… to… rows per hour.

So, we brought real examples professional achievements from the resume of applicants. Of course, you shouldn't copy everything in your profile. The previously described samples will only help you navigate how to correctly fill in the column with professional achievements in your "business card". The rest is in your hands, so don't miss the opportunity to get your dream job by writing your resume correctly and competently!


Describe your key skills. Start by introducing the type of activity in which you are best and consider yourself sufficiently qualified. State why you consider yourself an expert in this area. Do not include your functional responsibilities from previous jobs and do not indicate your personal qualities. Only purely professional achievements, they should look like a description of a product with all useful properties. At the end of this section, describe in detail your main achievements, which will be most important for this particular employer. This can be the benefit of the company, expressed in numbers: an increase in sales by a certain number of percent or a decrease in costs by a specific amount. You can make the desired impression on the employer with specific facts, they will confirm your desire to bring financial benefits to the organization.

The next item will be a description of professional experience. Here, write down your work history in detail, start from your last job. In addition to the profile of the organizations and their previous position, this paragraph should detail the achievements for each place of work. If there was career growth within a company, this is also worth mentioning. If you have little experience, emphasize in the descriptions good theoretical background in the expected job responsibilities. At the end of your description of each previous job, indicate the reasons for moving to another organization. Here name such reasons as a change in the field of activity, lack of professional growth, etc. In no case do not write about conflict situations with the management or with the team, as well as the fact that you chronically did not fulfill too high plans. This will negatively affect the opinion of you.

In addition to your professional image, you should list your computer skills, foreign languages. In the additional information section, indicate the availability of a passport, open visas, the possibility of long business trips and the presence of a car that you are ready to use for business purposes.

The final finishing touch is descriptions of personal qualities and your interests outside of working hours. Do not write about standard qualities like sociability and stress resistance. Indicate your real advantages: patience, the ability to smooth out conflict situations, pedantry, etc., depending on which of them will be the priority in this position. And in the description of your interests, mention those that characterize you as an educated and erudite person.

Tip 2: How to evaluate the personal and business qualities of your subordinates

Each leader in a given situation is faced with the question of the need to characterize his subordinate. Assessment of the business and personal qualities of an employee is needed when introducing him, drawing up a description, recommendation, and a certification sheet. How not to miss the main thing and write a thorough and correct review of the employee?


Professional and personal "portrait" should be disclosed as objectively as possible. It is important to take into account all the opinions: both you, as your immediate boss, and employees of the personnel department (personnel service), and colleagues.

The indicators that will help assess the business and personal qualities of a subordinate are quite diverse. As a rule, the professional one is in the first place. When drawing conclusions on this position, take into account the employee's work experience, the level of his knowledge in the field of the main activity, as well as the degree of familiarity with the legislative and other regulations governing this activity. Moreover, your assessments can be very positive ("great experience", "high level", "deep knowledge"); medium ("sufficient"); below the average “not well enough familiar with ...”, low (“does not have experience and skills in the field of ...”).

It is important to remember that the business qualities of a person also mean organizational skills and the ability, under certain circumstances, to take on leadership functions. How strong is your subordinate at this?

Significant in the assessment business qualities there will be a performance characteristic. How active, proactive is the employee in the performance of his immediate duties? Is he efficiently and creatively organizing his labor process, does it perform the tasks efficiently and does it meet the deadlines? Mark the punctuality and discipline of the employee with the appropriate scale.

Business qualities include the ability of a subordinate to establish productive working relationships with both management and colleagues and clients. Note the dedication, teamwork, learning ability.

All positive assessments of your employee were probably marked by various kinds of rewards. Take them as a basis for assessing business qualities, whether it is a victory in a professional competition or an effective one. social work... Surely the subordinate had other achievements (suggestions for improving working conditions, assistance in preparing a presentation or meeting with partners, and so on).

You can judge the personal qualities of a subordinate taking into account your perception of this person, as well as an adequate assessment of the style of his communication with colleagues. When describing personal qualities, it is important to note the degree of conscientiousness, benevolence of a person, his responsiveness, sociability, commitment, diligence. The characterization of a subordinate as a family man is also appropriate.

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The most difficult thing for a leader is to protect oneself from bias in assessing the business and personal qualities of a subordinate. If there is such a problem, contact the HR department (HR department) for help. Think about the objectivity of your characterization statements with other experts.

Useful advice

If it is necessary to characterize a subordinate not in a personal (oral) presentation or response, but in a written version, pay special attention to the logical construction of your judgments, the correct placement of accents. Separately, you can give up-to-date information about employee ownership information technology... Evaluate the quality of an employee that is significant in the current conditions - stress resistance.

To find a worthy candidate for office or production, you need to evaluate professional quality applicants. It is necessary to collect as much as possible more information, which will help to understand whether this person can cope with the given job.


The first step in the assessment is to review the applicant's resume for a particular position. If you saw that it was drawn up competently, completely, not loaded with unnecessary information, but specifically described all business and professional qualities, pay attention to this applicant. Good resume will indicate the compiler's ability to express his thoughts in writing, the ability to analyze and highlight the main thing.

The next stage of candidate verification is a telephone interview. Make an approximate list of questions, of which try to pay more attention to professional qualities, as well as the ability and ability to work in a team. In the course of the conversation, find out from the applicant the true interest and desire to work in your company.

To begin with, invite the applicant to get acquainted with the website of your company (if any), to understand the nuances and specifics of the company. Give him a few hours to do this. At the end of the appointed time, call back and find out how he understood the main policy of the company, how he presents his future work what salary I would like to receive.

Be sure to ask why he wants to work for you. If the candidate says that he sees a development perspective in the company, mentions the products that your company produces, then this is very good. If someone says that he wants to try a new field or has heard about big earnings, then such a specialist is clearly not for you.

During the telephone interview, you will understand how the candidate reacted to the study of information about your company. If he could not specifically answer a single question, it means that he is irresponsible and not interested in the proposed job. If the applicant thoroughly told about the products, pointed out its strengths and weaknesses, offered the possibility of improving individual processes, it means that this is an experienced professional and in no case should you lose this.

After a successful telephone interview, invite the applicant to your firm for a personal meeting. Here, too, compose a special questionnaire, combining topics in such a way as to find out the presence of the required knowledge, curriculum vitae, his competence and desire to work.

Only by collecting all the necessary information, you will be able to determine the professional qualities of the applicant and find out if he is suitable for your company.

At the conclusion labor agreement install probation where his professional qualities will be fully manifested.

Character is a person's personality traits that determine his behavior, actions and thoughts. Sometimes it is very difficult to give an adequate description of your character, because in this case it is quite difficult to remain objective.


People have a subjective opinion about themselves. Unconsciously or consciously, each person exaggerates or underestimates the qualities of his character. That is why it is very important to tune in to objectivity, to look at yourself from the outside, to imagine that an outside observer describes you, who needs to give you an adequate and honest assessment.

One of the defining properties of character is considered to be the attitude towards other people, and it is with it that the description should begin. Think about how you relate to others? Do you tend to be indifferent to what is happening in their life, or maybe, on the contrary, you are too sensitive to events that practically do not concern you. Do you find people useful or unhelpful, how do you feel about your friends and enemies? What is happening in your family, how close are your relations with relatives? All this information allows you to more or less objectively assess this part of your character.

Attitude towards work and work is the second important character trait. Imagine watching yourself at work. Tell yourself how much you love your job, how much you can work, you prefer sedentary work or the one where you have to move a lot? Do you love the very process of work, or is it just a way for you to make money? How comfortable do you feel as a subordinate or boss? Are you ready to take responsibility for your work or do you think that nothing depends on you? Answers to these and other related questions will allow you to evaluate the corresponding traits of your character.

Next, you need to describe your attitude to things. Think about how carefully you treat objects, whether you like jewelry, value gifts. Describe in detail how important things play in your life.

Only after that you can proceed to the description of those character traits that speak about your inner world. After answering the previous questions, you should already have a fairly objective idea of ​​what kind of person you are. Now you can rate yourself. Answer yourself if you can call yourself good-natured or spiteful, forgiving or vindictive, how religious you are, how you treat members of the opposite sex, how romantic you are, devoted, loyal, obligatory. Do not be afraid of "negative" answers to your questions, getting a complete objective picture of your character will only benefit you, help you to better understand yourself.

Each person has talents and abilities, some are noticeable from childhood, and they are easy to develop. And something is found only at a conscious age, for example, the ability to foresee economic events, a flair for good deals and lucrative contracts. Whatever skills you have, you need to develop them.


First you need to identify your strengths... Note that you do better than others. At the same time, it is important that this activity gives you pleasure and joy. Search in a wide variety of areas, not just at work. Perhaps you are a born leader or organizer, you can cook or sculpt with plasticine better than others. You can even find several skills that distinguish you from those around you, and it is with them that you have to work.

Each quality needs to be improved. For example, you are a good speaker, you can and know how to speak to the public. It may or may not be in demand at your place of work. But it is important to study this direction in order to become an even greater specialist every day. It is necessary to read books that help develop these skills, gain theoretical knowledge that will be useful in further use.

If you have a base of skills, you need to work with them in practice. The use of technologies and methods obtained in lectures or books will allow you to see the shortcomings and eliminate them. Each quality is lost over time, if not used. It is necessary to train him regularly in order to have a result. To do this, find a club of interests where your knowledge will be needed and useful. Perhaps you will not immediately start making money on this, but you need to start somewhere.

If best qualities manifest themselves in athletes, the coach begins to observe this and, if possible, improve these data. From the outside it is always better to see what is happening, how the training is progressing. Therefore, find your specialist who will help you. Today there are many trainings and seminars that allow you to develop a variety of abilities. Look for the ones that will make you very effective. Sometimes it takes several years of study to be successful.

Be sure to set goals. Whatever quality you develop, you need to understand where you are striving. Think about how much better they should become over the course of the year? If you have an understanding of what you are striving for, it will be easier to go. You can break this path into stages to track the results. It is important to establish not only the stages of development, but also the terms in which they must be reached, this will stimulate and help.

A person is a flexible personality, therefore, if you value work, then you should not show your shortcomings, since any of them can be overcome by doing it for a period of 8 hours. When writing a resume, you shouldn't even think about the shortcomings. When the interview is conducted and the employer asks about the availability negative sides character, boldly say that you are completely deprived of them.

A person has a sense of curiosity, and if you declare yourself as an employee who has no shortcomings, the employer will certainly show a desire to check how honest you are. If you declare yourself as an employee without flaw, then once you find yourself in the close ranks of your dream organization, do everything so as not to become a cause of disappointment to the one who has high hopes for you.

If the column on deficiencies is required

In this case, you should act according to the circumstances, the main one is the desired position. If you are aiming for the place of a creative director, then a reasonably indicated "disadvantage" called restlessness will be beneficial, but the quality of hyperactivity is completely inappropriate for an office worker who must spend all day at a computer. Much more relevant is this personality trait for sales representative, on the activities of which the profit of the company depends.

We were taught to be honest in childhood, but a resume is a white sheet of personality that you can write yourself, and then only follow and correspond to a certain set of qualities. You are too soft, but want to get a job in the personnel department, then indicate among the negative characteristics the quality of straightforwardness, because you will have to inform negligent employees that the organization no longer needs their services.

It is worth remembering that a resume is an opportunity to get to work, and not an identification of the negative sides of one’s character, so you should not point out about slowness, irascibility, isolation and lack of punctuality, otherwise someone will come who will put a more reasonable resume on the director’s table.

It is a long-known truth: cadres are everything. The human resources market is that very perpetual motion machine. Time passes, labels change trade marks, persons, names of firms, positions, but the scheme remains unchanged. Ever the question of choosing a job faced everyone.

The first step on the road to employment is to write a correct resume. A very fine line - it is necessary to describe the existing professional experience, without belittling or embellishing it, while presenting everything in the most structured and informative way. After all, it depends on how brightly and professionally you present yourself, describing your responsibilities, whether you receive an invitation to an interview, or whether your response will remain uninteresting for the employer.

Defining ambitions

So, we are faced with the task of creating competent advertising for ourselves as an employee.

The writing form is quite standard - the resume must contain the personal data of the candidate, including easy-to-contact contacts, information about education, experience, completed trainings or courses. An important point: in order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to identify your main professional or human advantages.

Correct resume. What it should be

Sitting down to compiling a resume, you should adhere to the "golden" principles:

Brevity. Your resume should be placed on 2-3 sheets, no more.

Structuredness. The information you provide in your resume should be presented in a specific sequence and exactly correspond to the previously selected form.

Objectivity. When specifying your experience and skills, moderate creativity and imagination, be objective and realistic. Emphasize with action verbs. By the same principle, we fill in the "Achievements" section in the resume .

Selectivity. Analyze your existing professional experience, choose from it only what will be most useful in achieving your goal.

Positivity. Prefer positive information over negative information. Description, definition, narration of information through denial will not play into your hands.

Emphasis on achievement. Identify and focus on your accomplishments. How to fill in the "Achievements" column in the resume, we will tell you a little later. Confused, not sure what to attribute to your achievements? Think about it: maybe you should take a better look around? What do you already have, what happened, did you succeed? Recall that a well-written resume should ultimately be easy enough to read not only by professionals in your segment, but also by recruiting managers. It is necessary to write the responsibilities, functions, achievements (this also applies to the resume in general) briefly, but succinctly, in order to reflect the entire work experience.

Standard chronological summary

Today, the standard form is the so-called chronological summary... It starts with the last place of work and then, in descending order, list all the others. Do not rush to immediately write down your responsibilities and achievements in your resume, do not rush things.

Let us explain using the example of the step-by-step compilation of such a resume.

Start with the last name, first name, patronymic, contact information and designation of the desired position. It's a good idea to supplement your resume with business-style photography.


You should not place a strong emphasis on education if you graduated long enough from your studies. It is quite possible to get by with the period of study, the name of the university, faculty and specialty. On the other hand, students are encouraged to give education a key place.

You can specify a topic and some term papers that you performed during the training period. If you have multiple degrees, they are usually listed in reverse chronological order. When describing your education, you do not need to go deeply globally and remember your education in high school. It is unlikely that this fact, memorable exclusively for you, will characterize you as a professional.

Briefly about the main thing

So, we come to the key section of our resume - "Work experience". The main task here is to show that you can perform the proposed functionality efficiently. Responsibilities and achievements in the resume should be outlined in such a way that you manage to convince the employer that it is you that he needs. Your previous work experience will certainly help with this.

A few tips at once: present the information according to the following scheme: period of work (dates of employment and dismissal), correct and full name of the organization, then be sure to indicate the market segment occupied by the company, its field of activity, as well as the position and in the resume. You can make it even more informative if after each job you will indicate the reason for your departure.

Primary screening

Do not forget that the section "Work experience" is the most important and, moreover, the most informative point of the resume. The "Skills and Achievements" section is viewed first. Think: your resume is read for 1-2 minutes, and during this time the manager must find points that are useful for himself. Try to help him in this, write your resume properly. Design it in a consistent, easy-to-read style.

Resume must be constructive

Quite common phrases: "there is a lot of work experience", "good managerial experience", "brilliant organizational skills" and others, besides the fact that they do not carry absolutely any information content, will not interest the employer at all, because if you did not take the time to correctly state your responsibilities, why should he waste this time on you?

Not sure how to describe professional achievements and results on your resume, or are you afraid to point something wrong? Refer to your job description... But do not make the mistake of many, you should not literally copy and paste paragraphs from the instructions, at least it looks ridiculous, as a maximum, it casts doubt on such competence as communication skills: you cannot tell in your own words what you yourself were doing, the information presented was copied and absurdly inserted like a template. We were faced with the question of what to write in the "Achievements" section of the resume, where to write and who needs it at all? It is necessary, do not hesitate.

No memoirs required

Talking about job responsibilities, do not aim to mention all of them, choose about 5-7 main ones, and that's enough. The employer is not interested in all of your life path, it is important for him to trace the last 3-5 years of professional activity. Therefore, do not overload the resume with additional and unnecessary information. It is worth telling in detail a maximum of 2-3 last jobs. Others, however, will be enough just to mention, without delving into responsibilities.

Filling out the resume (column "Achievements", as well as "Key skills") can be planned in such a way as to include actions that you really know how to do at least well and that were applicable in work experience. Remember, it's not a practice to be shy when writing a resume. Your main task is to increase "marketability", to present yourself from your very best side. In this case, the information must be objective, certainly based on facts from previous experience. What else do you need to remember when doing such a thing as filling out a resume? The column "Achievements", in addition to information about successfully completed projects and promotions, should contain information about foreign languages if the level of proficiency in them is really high.

In the final section " Additional Information"it is recommended to indicate your personal qualities that help you achieve your professional goals, and your professional reference in general. This section should help the employer determine why he should hire you.

Do not forget to adhere to the requirements for design, impeccable literacy and stylistic unity, and your resume will surely attract a potential employer.