Chief metrologist duties. Job description of a metrologist. Job description of a metrology specialist

Newly created enterprises are often faced with the problem of writing job descriptions for various specialists. Let's try to figure out how to write such an instruction, for example, for Chief Metrologist enterprises. This will help us Qualification handbook of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 N 37 with amendments, the last of which is dated April 29, 2008.

According to this guide Chief Metrologist belongs to the category of managers, which we boldly indicate in the first section of our job description, which can be titled General Provisions. also in General provisions of our job description, you must indicate the necessary qualifications for applicants for the position Chief Metrologist - Higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and work experience at leadership positions in the corresponding profile of the industry enterprise for at least 5 years.

The next item General provisions it is necessary to give explanations about the hiring and dismissal of a specialist for the position of Chief Metrologist - as a rule, the enrollment and dismissal of a manager of this rank is carried out by order of the head of the enterprise

Next item General provisions- subordination Chief Metrologist. Usually, Chief Metrologist in his work obeys the orders and instructions of the head of the enterprise, or a person appointed by the head of the enterprise. For example, on large industrial enterprises, it could be Chief Engineer, as the person responsible for the industrial safety of the enterprise.

Next, it is necessary to describe the knowledge that must be possessed Chief metrologist. This paragraph can be sanctified as a subparagraph in Basic Provisions our instructions, and a separate section. Required knowledge for Chief Metrologist are determined by the same Qualification handbook of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, to which we have already contacted in order to find out the required qualifications. This handbook identifies the need for the following knowledge:

  • legislative and regulatory legal acts governing the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise, decrees of federal, regional and local government and administration bodies that determine the priority areas for the development of the economy and the relevant industry;
  • methodological and regulatory materials of other bodies concerning the activities of the enterprise;
  • profile, specialization and features of the structure of the enterprise; prospects for technical, economic and social development industries and enterprises;
  • production capacity and human resources of the enterprise;
  • production technology of the company's products;
  • tax and environmental legislation;
  • the procedure for drawing up and agreeing business plans for the production and economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise;
  • market methods of business and enterprise management;
  • a system of economic indicators that allow an enterprise to determine its position in the market and develop programs for entering new sales markets;
  • the procedure for the conclusion and execution of business and financial contracts; market conditions;
  • scientific and technical achievements and best practices in the relevant industry;
  • management of the economy and finances of the enterprise, the organization of production and labor;
  • the procedure for the development and conclusion of sectoral tariff agreements, collective agreements and regulation of social and labor relations; labor legislation;
  • rules and regulations of labor protection

Do not forget the final point General provisions indicate the possibility of revising this instruction in case of changes in working conditions, clarification and redistribution of tasks and functions performed by the Chief Metrologist.

The second section of our instructions is Responsibilities of the Chief Metrologist. To compile this section of the instruction, again, we refer to Qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 N 37 with amendments, the last of which is dated April 29, 2008.

This handbook defines the following responsibilities for the Chief Metrologist:

  • Organizes work on metrological support for the development, production, testing and operation of the products manufactured by the enterprise.
  • Supervises the preparation of projects and planning tasks for the introduction of new measuring equipment, organizational and technical measures to improve production efficiency, improve metrological support, means and methods of measurement, control and testing.
  • Provides the preparation of local verification diagrams, the establishment of the optimal frequency and the development of calendar schedules for the verification of measuring instruments.
  • Leads the work on the metrological examination of design and other technical documentation developed at the enterprise, as well as coming from other enterprises and organizations.
  • Participates in ongoing research on automation of production processes associated with the use of measuring instruments, in the work to determine the needs of the enterprise in these tools.
  • Provides the introduction of modern methods and measuring instruments, as well as carrying out work on the assessment of measurement errors.
  • Organizes work on analyzing the state of metrological support, conducting metrological certification of non-standardized measuring instruments, developing, agreeing and approving methods, instructions and other normative and technical documentation for their verification, as well as certification of measuring instruments after restoration, repair, verification.
  • Carries out control over the equipment of the technological process with all the measuring instruments provided for by the regulations, the compliance of the measuring instruments and methods used in the divisions of the enterprise with the requirements for compliance with the specified production regimes and product quality.
  • Organizes training technical specifications for the design and development of special-purpose measuring instruments.
  • Provides staffing of the exchange fund of measuring instruments, testing and control, storage and comparison of working standards in accordance with the established procedure, repair and maintenance of samples of measuring instruments.
  • Promotes the implementation of state and industry standards, enterprise standards and other regulatory and technical documentation governing the standards of measurement accuracy, methods and means of verification.
  • Supervises the work on drawing up the established reporting and submitting it to the bodies of the state metrological service.
  • Organizes work to improve the qualifications of employees of the metrological service.
  • Supervises the employees of the enterprise who carry out metrological control and metrological support of production

Having supplemented all of the above with two more sections Rights and A responsibility, as a result, we will get a full Job description of the Chief Metrologist enterprises (organizations)


1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of the person holding the position of the chief metrologist.

1.2. The chief metrologist is appointed or dismissed from work by order in agreement with the chief engineer.

1.3. The chief metrologist reports directly to the chief engineer.

1.4. The chief metrologist should know:

- Job description of the chief metrologist;

- Regulation on the service of metrology;

- Federal Law of 27.07.2010 No. 190-FZ "On Heat Supply";

- Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated March 24, 2003 No. 115 "On approval of the Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants" (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 02, 2003 No. 4358);

- Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of August 17, 2015 No. 551n "On approval of the Rules for labor protection during the operation of thermal power plants";

- Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of August 17, 2015 No. 552n "On approval of the Rules for labor protection when working with power tools and devices";

- Rules for commercial metering of heat energy, coolant, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 No. 1034;

- Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2013 No. 328n "On approval of the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations" (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia 12.12.2013 No. 30593);

- Instructions for first aid in case of industrial accidents of RAO "UES of Russia". Order of RAO "UES of Russia" dated June 21, 2007;

- Technical documentation for the main and auxiliary equipment installed in boiler rooms;

- Orders, orders and other internal local regulations;

- Newsletters and other instructions from supervisors public services.

- Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of 08.07.2002 No. 204 "Rules for the Arrangement of Electrical Installations".

- Law of the Russian Federation of 27.04.1993 No. 4871-I "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements";

- Instructions for the investigation and accounting of technological violations in the operation of power systems, power plants, boiler houses, electrical and heating networks (RD 153-34.0-20.801-00);

- Instructions for the prevention and elimination of accidents in the electrical part of power systems (SO 15334.20.561-2003);

- The scope and standards for testing electrical equipment (SO 34.45-51.300-97);

- Federal Law of 23.11.2009 N 261-FZ (as amended on 13.07.2015) "On energy saving and on increasing energy efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation»;

- Federal Law dated 21.12.1994 No. 69-FZ "On fire safety»;

- Federal Law of 22.07.2008 No. 123-FZ " Technical regulations on fire safety requirements ";

- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25.04.2012 No. 390 (as amended on 06.03.2015) "On the fire regime" (together with the "Rules for the fire regime in the Russian Federation");

- Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation of 12.12.2007 No. 645 (revised from 22.06.2010) "On approval of the Fire safety standards" Training in fire safety measures for employees of organizations "(Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 21.01.2008 No. 10938);

Labor Code RF dated 30.12.2001 No. 197-FZ;

- Federal Law dated 28.12.2013 No. 426-FZ "On special assessment working conditions ";

- Federal Law of 24.07.1998 No. 125-FZ "On mandatory social insurance from industrial accidents and occupational diseases ";

- Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 01.06.2009 No. 290n (as amended on 12.01.2015) "On the approval of the Interindustry rules for providing workers with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment" (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia 09.10.2009 No. 14742);

- Order of Rostekhnadzor dated November 15, 2013 No. 542 “On approval of federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety“ Safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption networks ”. (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 31.12.2013 No. 30929);

- Order of Rostekhnadzor dated January 29, 2007 No. 37 (as amended on December 6, 2013) "On the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations supervised Federal Service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision "(together with the" Regulations on the organization of work on the training and certification of specialists from organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision "," Regulations on the organization of training and knowledge testing of working organizations supervised by the Federal Service environmental, technological and nuclear supervision ") (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 22, 2007 No. 9133);

- Order No. 302н dated 04/12/2011. Of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation "On approval of the lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, during the performance of which preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations(surveys) of workers employed hard work and at work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions ";

- Methodological and normative materials on metrological support of production;

- Organization of metrological support of production;

- Standards and other regulatory documents for metrological certification of products, operation, repair, adjustment, verification, adjustment and storage of measuring instruments;

- Technical requirements for the products manufactured by the enterprise, the technology of its production;

- Specifications, design features, purpose and principles of operation of measuring instruments, technology of their repair;

- Methods for performing measurements;

- The procedure for attestation and certification of products;

- Advanced domestic and overseas experience in the field of metrological control and production support;

- Basic requirements for the organization of labor in the design;

- Determination procedure economic efficiency introduction of new methods and measuring instruments;

1.5. During the absence of the Chief Metrologist, his duties are performed by a person appointed by the Order in accordance with the established procedure.

1.6. A person with higher (technical) education and work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years is appointed to the position of the Chief Metrologist;

1.7. The initial appointment of a newly recruited chief metrologist is carried out no later than one month after the appointment to the post.

1.8. The frequency of certification and knowledge testing of the chief metrologist is established by the relevant regulations of the Russian Federation.

2. Job responsibilities

The chief metrologist performs the following job duties:

2.1. Organizes work on metrological support for the development, production, testing and operation of the products manufactured by the enterprise.

2.2. Supervises the preparation of projects and planning tasks for the introduction of new measuring equipment, organizational and technical measures to improve production efficiency, improve metrological support, means and methods of measurement, control and testing.

2.3. Provides the preparation of local verification diagrams, the establishment of the optimal frequency and the development of calendar schedules for the verification of measuring instruments.

2.4. Leads the work on the metrological examination of design and other technical documentation developed at the enterprise, as well as coming from other enterprises and organizations.

2.5. Participates in ongoing research on automation production processes associated with the use of measuring instruments, in the work to determine the needs of the enterprise in these tools.

2.6. Provides the introduction of modern methods and measuring instruments, as well as carrying out work on the assessment of measurement errors.

2.7. Organizes work on analyzing the state of metrological support, conducting metrological certification of non-standardized measuring instruments, developing, agreeing and approving methods, instructions and other normative and technical documentation for their verification, as well as certification of measuring instruments after restoration, repair, verification.

2.8. Carries out control over the equipment of the technological process with all the measuring instruments provided for by the regulations, the compliance of the measuring instruments and methods used in the divisions of the enterprise with the requirements for compliance with the specified production modes and product quality.

2.9. Issues prescriptions aimed at preventing, stopping or eliminating violations of metrological rules and norms in metering units for heat energy and the consumer's heat carrier.

2.10. Issues prescriptions aimed at preventing, stopping or eliminating violations of metrological rules and norms at heat supply sources.

2.11. Organizes the preparation of technical specifications for the design and development of special-purpose measuring instruments.

2.12. Provides staffing of the exchange fund of measuring instruments, testing and control, storage and comparison of working standards in accordance with the established procedure, repair and maintenance of samples of measuring instruments.

2.13. Promotes the implementation of state and industry standards, enterprise standards and other regulatory and technical documentation governing the standards of measurement accuracy, methods and means of verification.

2.14. Supervises the work on drawing up the established reporting and submitting it to the bodies of the state metrological service.

2.15. Organizes work to improve the qualifications of employees of the metrological service, in agreement with the employer.

2.16. Carries out work in the field of labor protection and fire safety. Creates healthy and safe working conditions, normal conditions for rest. Provides a high culture of production, proper sanitary condition of service premises.

2.17. Fulfills the instructions of the labor protection service, State Supervision Services in a timely manner.

2.18. Supervises the production and economic activities of the service.

2.19. Provides timely preparation of reports on the production and economic activities of the service.

2.20. Carries out work with personnel in accordance with regulatory and legal acts.

2.21. Complies with the requirements of the rules for labor protection, fire and industrial safety.

3. Rights

In the course of his activity, the Chief Metrologist has the right to:

3.1. To act on behalf of the metrology service, to represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with the structural divisions of the enterprise, state metrological control and supervision bodies, and other state authorities on issues of metrological production support.

3.2. Submit proposals to the head of the enterprise on the conclusion of agreements on the lease of unique measuring instruments and test equipment for calibration and other metrological work, as well as agreements on the involvement of third-party specialists in the metrological examination of documentation and metrological certification and the implementation of measurement procedures.

3.3. To ask for assistance from the heads of structural divisions and independent specialists in the submission of information necessary for the performance of work on metrological control and metrological support of production.

3.4. Participate in the preparation of draft orders, instructions, instructions on the issues of metrological support of production.

3.5. Provide the heads of the structural divisions of the enterprise with recommendations on the issues of metrological control and production support.

3.6. Submit, in accordance with the established procedure, proposals on the prosecution of officials guilty of violating the rules for the use of measuring instruments, the procedure for metrological support of production.

3.8. Submit for consideration by the head of the enterprise:

3.8.1. Ideas about the appointment, relocation and dismissal of subordinate employees.

3.8.2. Proposals to reward distinguished workers, to bring to material and disciplinary responsibility violators of production and labor discipline.

3.9. Visiting and signing documents within the limits of their competence.

3.10. To independently conduct correspondence with the structural divisions of the organization, as well as other organizations on issues that are within his competence and do not require the participation of the head of the enterprise.

4. Responsibility

The chief metrologist is responsible for:

4.1. Untimely and poor-quality performance of their job duties stipulated by the job description of the chief metrologist.

4.2. Failure to comply with work plans, its volume, timing and quality.

4.3. Results and efficiency of their production activities.

4.4. Reliability of information on the results of the work performed.

4.5. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the management.

4.6. Failure to comply with the rules of the internal labor schedule and labor discipline.

4.7. Violation of the rules for, and, as well as other regulatory and legal acts that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.8. The quality and timeliness of the fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned by the job description of the chief metrologist.

5. Relationships

When fulfilling their functional responsibilities The chief metrologist carries out the following relationships:

5.1. With chief engineer and director


- tasks or orders for the performance of work.


- information in the form of acts and reports with conclusions and proposals;

- schedules and scope of work;

- information about the work done;

- reporting documentation.

5.2. With the head of the personnel department


- signed vacation schedules;

- information about the employees of the service.


- service notes to the employees of the enterprise, summoned to work due to production needs;

- sick leaves of staff.

5.3. With the supply department


- tools, personal protective equipment from the warehouse, according to the submitted applications.


- applications for necessary tool, personal protective equipment agreed by the chief engineer.

5.4. With outside organizations(consumer representatives, counterparties)


- technical documentation;

- applications for checking the operation of metering devices;

- reports on the consumption of heat energy, coolant to analyze the correct operation of metering devices.


- certificates of admission;

- acts of defects;

- technical documentation.

5.5. With sales department


- information on the availability of heating and hot water metering devices put into operation by consumers;


- acts of admission or prohibition;

- reports on the consumption of heat energy, heat carrier.

5.6. With a legal department


- information about the concluded agreements (contracts);


- information for the conclusion of agreements (contracts) for the maintenance of metering devices;

- information on the transfer of technical documentation.

5.7. With production and technical department


- information on connection schemes for heat supply facilities;

- information about the sources of heat supply;

- technical conditions and design documentation for the connection of metering units.


- technical documentation.

5.8. With the service of adjustment, tests and modes


- information on the detection of faults in the measurement of metering devices for heat energy, coolant;

- information on the detection of violations in the internal heat supply and hot water supply system and at heat supply sources;

- information about the connected heat supply objects;

- acts and instructions based on the results of inspection of heat consumption systems;

- control and measuring devices for verification.


- reports on the consumption of heat energy, heat carrier;

- information on the availability of metering devices at consumers, at heat supply sources;

- verified control and measuring devices;

- information on the elimination of violations in the operation of metering devices at the consumer and at heat supply sources.

5.9. With operational dispatch service


- information about disconnected and connected power supply facilities;

- information on the connection and disconnection of heat consumers in connection with the beginning of the heating season and at the end of it;

- information on the timing of scheduled shutdowns of heat sources;

- information about interruptions in the supply of thermal energy to consumers as a result of emergency situations;

- information on switching heat supply sources;

- information on violations in the operation of metering devices at heat supply sources;

- daily schedule of the operating mode of heating networks and heat sources based on the weather forecast for the next day, issued by the meteorological service.


- reports on the consumption of heat energy, heat carrier;

5.10. With accounting


- pay slips for wages;

- material report;

- information on service contracts and payment for them;

- information on arrears in payment for service by the service of consumer metering devices.


- acts for the write-off of material assets;

- waybills for the internal movement of material;

- information about the work performed under the contracts;

- other documents upon request.

5.11. With the service of the chief power engineer


- control and measuring devices for verification;


- verified control and measuring devices;

- information on the elimination of violations in the operation of metering devices at heat supply sources.

5.12. With the heads of boiler houses


- The necessary operational information about the condition of the equipment for carrying out adjustment works metering devices at heat supply sources;

- information on violations in the operation of metering devices at heat supply sources.


- information on the operation of metering devices at heat supply sources;

- information on the elimination of violations in the operation of metering devices at heat supply sources.

5.13. With the labor protection service


- information about current and newly introduced normative and legal acts on labor protection, industrial and fire safety;

- regulatory and legal acts on labor protection, industrial and fire safety;

- information letters, operational instructions and other materials of the controlling state services in the field of labor protection, industrial and fire safety;

- governing documents (orders, orders, regulations ...);

- the standard for the provision of personnel with personal protective equipment;

- prescriptions, measures to eliminate comments identified during inspections of workplaces;

- measures to improve working conditions;

- schedules for testing the knowledge of managers;

- information about fires and injuries;

- directive documents regulating the relationship to ensure labor safety.


- reports on the fulfillment of prescriptions;

- reports on the implementation of orders, directive documents and other measures to improve the reliability of the equipment, improve the state of labor protection, fire and industrial safety;

- acts, schedules, programs, lists, etc .;

- explanatory on the issues of violation of the requirements of regulatory and legal acts on labor protection, industrial and fire safety.



1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of the person holding the position of a metrology engineer of the metrology service.

1.2. An engineer is appointed to the position, dismissed by order of the enterprise with the presentation of the chief metrologist.

1.2.1. The metrology engineer reports directly, receives instructions and orders from him.

1.3. A person who has a higher technical education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary special (technical) education and work experience as a metrology technician of the 1st qualification category for at least 3 years or in other positions replaced by specialists with a secondary special (technical) education, at least 5 years; a person at least 18 years of age who has passed a medical examination and has no contraindications for execution job responsibilities, and passed the knowledge test in the qualification commission.

1.4. The initial examination of knowledge on labor protection, fire safety, electrical safety, technical operation of thermal power plants of a newly hired metrology engineer is carried out no later than one month after appointment to the position.

1.5. The next test of knowledge on electrical safety is carried out at least once every 12 months, on labor protection and fire safety, technical operation of thermal power plants at least once every three years.

1.6. A metrology engineer must have at least group II in electrical safety.

1.7. A metrology engineer should know:

- Job description of a metrology engineer;

- Regulation on the service of metrology;

- Federal Law of 27.07.2010 No. 190-FZ "On Heat Supply";

- Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated March 24, 2003 No. 115 "On approval of the Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants" (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 02, 2003 No. 4358);

- Safety regulations for the operation of heat-consuming installations and heating networks of consumers (approved by the State Energy Supervision Service on 05/07/1992);

- Rules for commercial metering of heat energy, coolant, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 No. 1034;

- Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2013 No. 328n "On approval of the Rules for the operation of electrical installations" (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia 12.12.2013 No. 30593);

- Instructions for first aid in case of industrial accidents of RAO "UES of Russia". Order of RAO "UES of Russia" dated June 21, 2007;

- Technical documentation for the main and auxiliary equipment installed in boiler rooms;

- Orders, orders and other internal local regulations of the enterprise;

- Information letters and other instructions from the controlling government services.

- Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of 08.07.2002 No. 204 "Rules for the Arrangement of Electrical Installations".

- Law of the Russian Federation of 27.04.1993 No. 4871-I "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements";

- Instructions for the investigation and accounting of technological violations in the operation of power systems, power plants, boiler houses, electrical and heating networks (RD 153-34.0-20.801-00);

- Instructions for the prevention and elimination of accidents in the electrical part of power systems (SO 15334.20.561-2003);

- The scope and standards for testing electrical equipment (SO 34.45-51.300-97);

- Federal Law of 23.11.2009 N 261-FZ (as amended on 13.07.2015) "On energy saving and on increasing energy efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation";

- Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ "On Fire Safety";

- Federal Law of 22.07.2008 No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements";

- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25.04.2012 No. 390 (as amended on 06.03.2015) "On the fire regime" (together with the "Rules for the fire regime in the Russian Federation");

- Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation of 12.12.2007 No. 645 (revised from 22.06.2010) "On approval of the Fire safety standards" Training in fire safety measures for employees of organizations "(Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 21.01.2008 No. 10938);

- Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ "On special assessment of working conditions";

- Federal Law of 24.07.1998 No. 125-FZ "On compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases";

- Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 01.06.2009 No. 290n (as amended on 12.01.2015) "On the approval of the Interindustry rules for providing workers with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment" (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia 09.10.2009 No. 14742);

- Order of Rostekhnadzor dated November 15, 2013 No. 542 “On approval of federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety“ Safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption networks ”. (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 31.12.2013 No. 30929);

- Order of Rostekhnadzor dated January 29, 2007 No. 37 (as revised on December 6, 2013) "On the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision" (together with the "Regulations on the organization of work on the training and certification of specialists organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision "," Regulations on the organization of training and knowledge testing of workers' organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision ") (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 22, 2007 No. 9133);

- Order No. 302н dated 04/12/2011. Of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation "On approval of the lists of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and work, during the performance of which preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and the procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers employed in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions ";

- Methodological and normative materials on metrological support of production;

- Organization of metrological support of production;

- Standards and other regulatory documents for metrological certification of products, operation, repair, adjustment, verification, adjustment and storage of measuring instruments;

- Technical requirements for the products manufactured by the enterprise, the technology of its production;

- Technical characteristics, design features, purpose and operating principles of measuring instruments, technology of their repair;

- Methods for performing measurements;

- The procedure for attestation and certification of products;

- Advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of metrological control and production support;

- Basic requirements for the organization of labor in the design;

- The procedure for determining the economic efficiency of the introduction of new methods and measuring instruments;

- Instruction on fire safety measures in the premises.

2. Job responsibilities

The metrology engineer is obliged to:

2.1. Carry out work on metrological support for the development, production, testing and operation of the products manufactured by the enterprise, aimed at the steady improvement of its quality;

2.2. Participate in the preparation of projects for long-term and current plans for the introduction of new measuring equipment, proposals for sectoral plans for metrological support of production and for plans of organizational and technical measures to improve metrological support, means and methods of measurements, in the preparation and implementation of measures to improve the quality and competitiveness of products, its compliance with the requirements of international standards;

2.3. Carry out metrological examination of design and technological documentation developed at the enterprise and received from other enterprises, metrological certification of non-standardized measuring instruments;

2.4. Participate in the preparation of technical specifications for the design and development of measuring instruments, in testing new types of equipment, as well as in the analysis of the reasons for the violation of technological modes, losses in production associated with the state of measuring instruments, control and testing;

2.5. Check complex measuring instruments, technological equipment... Carrying out complex measurements in the course of technological processes, as well as measurements related to resolving disagreements between the enterprise and consumers, prepares conclusions based on their results;

2.6. Participate in the implementation of state and industry standards, enterprise standards and others normative documents, regulating the accuracy of measurements;

2.7. Calculate the economic efficiency of the introduction of new methods and measuring instruments;

2.8. Determine the needs of the divisions of the enterprise in measuring instruments, draw up consolidated applications for their purchase;

2.9. Realize mandatory control for the condition and correctness of installation, installation and use of measuring instruments, technical acceptance of measuring instruments newly supplied to the enterprise;

2.10. Timely submit for verification of measuring instruments subject to state control and supervision;

2.11. Carry out maintenance, repair of measuring instruments, metrological control and supervision of measuring instruments;

2.12. Study the advanced domestic and foreign experience in metrological support of production;

2.13. Participate in the development and approval of standards and other regulatory documents on metrology issues;

2.14. Prepare reports on the implementation of plans for metrological support of production;

2.15. Carry out inspection, acceptance into operation, Maintenance metering units for heat energy, heat carrier of the Consumer;

2.16. Carry out inspection, commissioning, maintenance of heat metering units at heat supply sources;

2.17. Inform the immediate supervisor about all emerging problems and the measures taken to eliminate them;

2.18. Interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues within its functional responsibilities;

2.19. In emergency and other extreme situations, take an active part in eliminating their consequences.

3. Rights

A metrology engineer has the right to:

3.1. Demand the creation of a healthy and safe environment for the performance of their work duties;

3.2. Unimpeded access to the heat supply facilities of the enterprise;

3.3. Request from the chief metrologist documents, materials, tools necessary for the performance of their official duties;

3.4. For timely receipt of personal protective equipment, in accordance with the Standard for the provision of PPE for employees of the enterprise, as well as their storage, washing, drying, repair and replacement;

3.5. Require the direct supervisor to assist in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights;

3.6. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning their activities;

3.7. Submit proposals for improving the organization and improving the methods of work performed by the chief metrologist for consideration.

3.8. Refuse to perform work if this work can harm life and health due to violation of labor protection requirements;

3.9. To improve professional qualifications in the manner prescribed by the head of the enterprise;

3.10. Other rights provided by labor law.

4. Responsibility

The metrology engineer is responsible for:

4.1. Improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this job description;

4.2. Violation of the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise;

4.3. Unfair attitude or irrational use of goods and materials, resulting in damage;

4.4. Failure to comply with existing instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of commercial secrets and confidential information;

4.5. Violation of labor and production discipline, fire safety instructions, instructions on labor protection and electrical safety directly by the employee and leading to an accident, to the creation of a threat of damage to the main and auxiliary equipment;

4.6. Untimely elimination of identified defects in the operation of equipment, devices within the time limits established by the head of the metrology service;

4.7. Violations leading to explosion, fire and fire in the workplace;

4.8. Violations due to the direct fault of the employee during the current repair of equipment, which led to an accident with or without damage to equipment, poor quality of work, repeated equipment repair;

4.9. Unreasonable delay in the execution of orders.

5. Relationships

When performing his functional duties, a metrology engineer carries out the following relationships:

5.1. With the chief metrologist:

- orders, instructions;

- orders, information letters.

- primary, repeated, unscheduled briefings at the workplace; on labor protection, fire safety;

- equipment operating instructions;

- personal protective equipment, overalls;

- equipment, inventory, materials, tools, technical documentation, other means necessary for the performance of work.

- operating documentation for approval;

- information on the implementation of administrative and technical orders corresponding to the profile of the activity;

- information about the disagreements that have arisen on the site;

- information on gross violations by personnel of labor protection and fire safety requirements;

- certificates, memos, reports, etc .;

- applications for the provision of vacation or time off.

5.2. With accounting:

Metrology engineer conveys:

- acts of acceptance and transfer of work performed (services rendered) on pre-verification preparation, periodic verification of measuring instruments;

- certificates for the installation and inspection of heat meters;

- incoming documents from suppliers on the work performed, services rendered, on the receipt of inventory items;

- business trip reports.

A metrology engineer receives:

- power of attorney for receiving inventory items;

- acts for the installation and inspection of heat meters (invoices, invoices for payment);

- Help, other documentation and information upon request.

5.3. With sales department

Metrology engineer conveys:

- acts of admission to operation of heat metering units at the consumer's premises;

- acts of inspection of heat metering units at the consumer's premises before the start of the heating season;

- reports with archival readings of metering devices on the amount of consumed heat energy.

A metrology engineer receives:

- information on request.

Article 11 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 27.04.93 No. 4871-I "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements" established that enterprises, organizations, institutions that are legal entities, create, if necessary, in accordance with the established procedure, metrological services to perform work to ensure the uniformity and required accuracy of measurements for the implementation of metrological control and supervision.

It is mandatory to create a metrological service or other organizational structures to ensure the uniformity of measurements in the following areas of activity:

1 Health care
2 Veterinary
3 Environmental protection
4 Ensuring labor safety
5 Trading operations and mutual settlements between the buyer and the seller, including operations using slot machines and devices
6 State accounting operations
7 Ensuring the defense of the state
8 Geodetic and hydrometeorological works
9 Banking, tax, customs and postal operations
10 Manufacture of products supplied under contracts for state needs in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation
11 Testing and quality control of products in order to determine compliance with mandatory requirements state standards Russian Federation
12 Mandatory certification of products and services
13 Measurements carried out on behalf of the court authorities, the prosecutor's office, the arbitration court, government agencies management of the Russian Federation
14 Registration of national and international sports records.

The rights and obligations of metrological services are determined by the provisions on them, and the rights and obligations of employees - by job descriptions approved by the heads of legal entities.

The job description of the chief metrologist can include the following duties:

  1. Implementation of a unified technical policy and management of work to ensure the uniformity and required accuracy of measurements, implementation of metrological control and supervision at the enterprise.
  2. Providing preparation required documents for accreditation of the metrological service of the enterprise for the right to verify measuring instruments.
  3. Development of plans for organizational and technical measures to improve production efficiency based on improving metrological support.
  4. Ensuring storage and maintenance at the proper level of standards and installations of the highest accuracy for reproducing physical quantities, verification equipment and other means of calibrating measuring instruments.
  5. Interaction on the issues of ensuring the uniformity of measurements with the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology.
  6. Monitoring the elimination of deficiencies identified by the authorities State Committee Russian Federation for standardization and metrology.

The job descriptions for metrologists (engineers and technicians) should provide for responsibilities for: accounting of measuring instruments; participation in the work of commissions for the acceptance and commissioning of measuring instruments; organization of verification, calibration and repair of measuring instruments; control over the development and correct use of new measuring instruments coming into operation.


  1. General Provisions
  2. The chief metrologist belongs to the category of managers.
  3. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering and technical leadership positions in metrological support of production for at least 5 years is appointed to the position of the chief metrologist.
  4. The chief metrologist should know:

3.1. Legislative and normative legal acts, methodological materials for metrological support of production.

3.2. Profile, specialization and features of the organizational and technological structure of the enterprise, the prospects for its development.

3.3. The procedure and methods for planning work on metrological control and production support.

3.4. Organization of metrological support of production in the industry and at the enterprise.

3.5. Production capacity, specifications, design features and operating modes of equipment, rules for its operation.

3.6. Fundamentals of the production technology of the company's products.

3.7. Regulations, instructions and other guidelines for the development and execution of technical documentation.

3.8. The device and rules for the operation of measuring instruments, the organization of their repair.

3.9. Research and development methods in the field of improving metrological support and measuring instruments.

3.10. The procedure for concluding contracts with third-party organizations.

3.11. Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management.

3.12. Fundamentals of Labor Law.

3.13. Labor protection rules and regulations.

  1. The chief metrologist supervises
  1. During the absence of the chief metrologist (business trip, illness, vacation, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for improper performance the responsibilities assigned to him.
8. .
  1. Job responsibilities

Chief Metrologist:

  1. Organizes work on metrological support for the development, production, testing and operation of the products manufactured by the enterprise.
  2. Supervises the preparation of projects and planning tasks for the introduction of new measuring equipment, organizational and technical measures to improve production efficiency, improve metrological support, means and methods of measurement, control and testing.
  3. Provides the preparation of local verification diagrams, the establishment of the optimal frequency and the development of calendar schedules for the verification of measuring instruments.
  4. Leads the work on the metrological examination of design and other technical documentation developed at the enterprise, as well as coming from other enterprises and organizations.
  5. Participates in ongoing research on the automation of production processes associated with the use of measuring instruments, in the work to determine the enterprise's need for these means.
  6. Provides the introduction of modern methods and measuring instruments, as well as carrying out work on the assessment of measurement errors.
  7. Organizes work on analyzing the state of metrological support, conducting metrological certification of non-standardized measuring instruments, developing, agreeing and approving methods, instructions and other normative and technical documentation for their verification, as well as certification of measuring instruments after restoration, repair, verification.
  8. Carries out control over the equipment of the technological process with all the measuring instruments provided for by the regulations, the compliance of the measuring instruments and methods used in the divisions of the enterprise with the requirements for compliance with the specified production regimes and product quality.
  9. Issues prescriptions aimed at preventing, stopping or eliminating violations of metrological rules and regulations.
  10. Organizes the preparation of technical specifications for the design and development of special-purpose measuring instruments.
  11. Provides staffing of the exchange fund of measuring instruments, testing and control, storage and comparison of working standards in accordance with the established procedure, repair and maintenance of samples of measuring instruments.
  12. Promotes the implementation of state and industry standards, enterprise standards and other regulatory and technical documentation governing the standards of measurement accuracy, methods and means of verification.
  13. Supervises the work on drawing up the established reporting and submitting it to the bodies of the state metrological service.
  14. Organizes work to improve the qualifications of employees of the metrological service.
  15. Supervises the employees of the enterprise who carry out metrological control and metrological support of production.
16. .

III. Rights

The chief metrologist has the right:

  1. To act on behalf of the department, to represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with the structural divisions of the enterprise, bodies of state metrological control and supervision, and other state authorities on issues of metrological support of production.
  2. Submit proposals to the head of the enterprise on the conclusion of agreements on the lease of unique measuring instruments and test equipment for calibration and other metrological work, as well as agreements on the involvement of third-party specialists in the metrological examination of documentation and metrological certification and the implementation of measurement procedures.
  3. Require the heads of structural divisions and independent specialists to provide information necessary to perform work on metrological control and metrological support of production.
  4. Participate in the preparation of draft orders, instructions, instructions on the issues of metrological support of production.
  5. Provide the heads of the structural divisions of the enterprise with instructions on the issues of metrological control and production support.
  6. Submit, in accordance with the established procedure, proposals on the prosecution of officials guilty of violating the rules for the use of measuring instruments, the procedure for metrological support of production.
  7. Prohibit the use of faulty and untested measuring instruments.
  8. Submit for consideration by the head of the enterprise:

8.1. Ideas about the appointment, relocation and dismissal of subordinate employees.

8.2. Proposals: on the encouragement of distinguished workers, on bringing to material and disciplinary responsibility violators of production and labor discipline.

  1. Visiting and signing documents within the limits of their competence.
  2. To independently conduct correspondence with the structural divisions of the organization, as well as other organizations on issues that are within his competence and do not require the participation of the head of the enterprise.
11. .
  1. A responsibility

The chief metrologist is responsible for:

  1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

And who can count on a salary increase Mark Bershidsky According to a December survey by Hays, 46% of employers plan to increase their staff next year. 45% say that they do not plan to increase the staff, but will only be engaged in ...

Raghav Haran, who has worked for major companies including Shutterstock and TrueVentures, has written about how you can get the job you want, even if you lack the degrees and certifications required of the applicant. The editors of have prepared a translation ...

Only every tenth employer is satisfied with the level of training provided by higher education in Russia. Companies need to start training their own personnel, having ceased to rely on the state and universities You can't just become a specialist in demand on the market, although, ...

Employers' opinions: which employees need to get rid of first of all Explained by representatives of Mail.Ru Group, Aviasales, and other companies. Anna Artamonova, Vice President of Mail.Ru Group First of all, you need to get rid of toxic employees ....

I approve

_____________________________ (Last name, initials)

(name of the organization, its ________________________________

organizationally - legal form) (director; other person authorized

approve job description)



(name of institution)

00.00.201_y. No. 00

  1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description establishes the responsibility, rights and duties of a metrologist _____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the "enterprise").

Institution name

1.2. A person with a professional (technical) education (higher; secondary) is accepted for the position of a metrologist - there are no requirements for work experience; work experience in engineering and technical positions for at least 3 years; dr.

1.3. The metrologist is accepted for the position and dismissed from it by order of the presentation

1.4. The metrologist is subordinate to the.

1.5 During the absence of a metrologist (illness, vacation, etc.), his duties are assigned to a person appointed in the prescribed manner, acquiring the appropriate rights and responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

1.6 A metrologist should know:

Basic requirements for the organization of labor in the design;

The procedure for determining the economic efficiency of the introduction of new methods and measuring instruments;

Technical requirements for the products manufactured by the enterprise, the technology of its production;

Technical characteristics, design features, purpose and principles of operation of measuring instruments, technology of their repair;

Measurement methods;

Resolutions, orders, orders, methodological and normative materials on metrological support of production;

Organization of metrological support of production;

Standards and other regulatory documents for metrological certification of products, operation, repair, adjustment, verification, adjustment and storage of measuring instruments;

The procedure for attestation and certification of products;

Fundamentals of Economics, Organization of Production, Labor and Management;

Labor legislation;

Labor protection rules and regulations.

  1. Job responsibilities

The metrologist is obliged:

2.1. Draw up local verification diagrams by types of measurements, establish the frequency of checks of measuring instruments and develop calendar charts their conduct.

2.2. To carry out:

Metrological examination of design and technological documentation developed at the enterprise and received from other enterprises;

Metrological certification of non-standardized measuring instruments.

2.3. Carry out work on the selection of measuring instruments and methods, develops methods for their implementation.

2.4. Perform work on metrological support for the development, production, testing and operation of products manufactured by the enterprise.

2.5 Participate:

In the preparation and implementation of measures to improve the quality and competitiveness of products, their compliance with the requirements of international standards;

In the preparation of projects for long-term and current plans for the introduction of new measuring equipment, proposals for sectoral plans for metrological support of production and plans for organizational and technical measures to improve metrological support, methods and measuring instruments.

2.6. Participate:

In preparation of the products manufactured by the enterprise for attestation and certification;

Testing new types of products;

In the preparation of technical specifications for design;

In the development of measuring instruments for special purposes;

In the analysis of the causes of violations of technological regimes, product rejects, non-productive costs of raw materials, materials, energy and other losses in production associated with the state of measuring instruments, control and testing.

2.7. To carry out:

Verification of complex measuring instruments, technological equipment for compliance with the established accuracy standards;

Carrying out complex measurements during technological processes and product testing, as well as measurements related to the resolution of disagreements between the divisions of the enterprise on the assessment of accuracy and the choice of means and methods of measurements.

2.8. Prepare conclusions based on the results of verification and measurements.

2.9. Participate in the implementation of state and industry standards, enterprise standards and other regulations governing the accuracy of measurements.

2.10. To carry out calculations of the economic efficiency of the introduction of new methods and measuring instruments.

2.11. Determine the needs of the divisions of the enterprise in measuring instruments, draw up consolidated applications for their purchase.

2.12. Implement:

Mandatory control over the condition and correctness of installation, installation and use of measuring instruments;

Technical acceptance of measuring instruments newly supplied to the enterprise.

2.13. To take part in the development and approval of standards and other regulatory documents on metrology issues.

2.14. Prepare reports on the implementation of plans for metrological support of production.

  1. Rights

The metrologist has the right:

3.1. To get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and obligations in the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

3.2. Submit for management's consideration proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.

3.3. Request information and documents necessary for the performance of his official duties from the heads of departments of the enterprise and independent specialists personally or on behalf of his manager.

3.4. Inform your immediate supervisor about all the shortcomings in the production activities of the enterprise (his structural divisions) and make your own suggestions for their elimination.

3.5. Require the management of the enterprise to ensure the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of their duties and the exercise of rights.

  1. A responsibility

The metrologist is responsible for:

4.1. Inadequate performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description within the framework established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation

4.2. Legal violations committed in the course of their activities in the framework established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. Material damage to the enterprise within the framework established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Head of structural

(signature) surname, initials

(signature) surname, initials

(signature) surname, initials

I have read the instructions:

(signature) surname, initials

And who can count on a salary increase Mark Bershidsky According to a December survey by Hays, 46% of employers plan to increase their staff next year. 45% say that they do not plan to increase the staff, but will only be engaged in ...

Raghav Haran, who has worked for major companies including Shutterstock and TrueVentures, has written about how you can get the job you want, even if you lack the degrees and certifications required of the applicant. The editors of have prepared a translation ...

Only every tenth employer is satisfied with the level of training provided by higher education in Russia. Companies need to start training their own personnel, having ceased to rely on the state and universities You can't just become a specialist in demand on the market, although, ...

Employers' opinions: which employees need to get rid of first of all Explained by representatives of Mail.Ru Group, Aviasales, and other companies. Anna Artamonova, Vice President of Mail.Ru Group First of all, you need to get rid of toxic employees ....

Amazon recruiting manager Celeste Joy Diaz shared the biggest mistakes Amazon job seekers make. The best Google recruiters agree with her. They identified 3 types of resumes and advised which one is better. 1. Resume with posts. In such a summary ...

Imagine finding your employee's CV on a recruiting site. What to do? Call "on the carpet" and force to delete the profile? To persuade to stay? Double your salary? Or dismiss the "traitor" without further hesitation? We asked the business representatives what they ...