Job description. Job description of a metrologist Job description of a deputy chief metrologist

The main functions of a metrologist are to check and adjust the accuracy of the operation of measuring devices and fixtures. The main goal of its activity is to bring measuring instruments in full compliance with established standards.

In addition, the profession of a metrologist also implies the ability to develop verification schemes for various kinds measurements, instructions, methods and other documents.

Places of work

Many organizations use a wide variety of measuring devices: scales, water or electricity meters, radars, ATMs, blood pressure monitors, audiometers, etc. The position of a metrologist exists both at the enterprises producing such devices, and at the research institutes developing them, and at the controlling institutions - Rostekhnadzor, Rostest, Rostekhregulirovanie, the Metrological Center for Energy Resources.

At large enterprises, you can meet the position of chief metrologist - the head of junior specialists.

History of the profession

Standard measures designed to maintain the unity of all measures were created in ancient times. But the unified international metric convention was adopted only on May 20, 1875 at the suggestion of D.I. Mendeleev. This date is considered the birthday of the metrology engineer profession in its current form.

But in Russia, as early as the 16th century, kissers (controllers) in the markets looked for and selected unofficial measures (primarily, weights). In the 17th century, supervision over compliance with reference measures was strengthened - they were engaged in the Great Customs and the Pomernaya hut.

Duties of a metrologist

The main job responsibilities of a metrologist are as follows:

  • organization of verification, repair and calibration of measuring instruments (also development of metrological documentation);
  • control of compliance of methods and measuring instruments with the requirements of the legislation;
  • carrying out metrological examinations;
  • maintenance of databases of measuring instruments.

On the manufacturing plant The metrologist is engaged in a number of additional tasks:

  • control of equipping the enterprise with all necessary measuring instruments;
  • training of personnel to work with measuring devices;
  • interaction with the manufacturer regarding the development and implementation of new measuring instruments.

In some research institutes, metrologists are involved in the development and implementation of new measuring instruments and methods (up to the creation of standards of physical quantities).

Requirements for a metrologist

As a rule, the requirements for a metrologist are standard:

  • average or higher education in the specialty "Metrology" or related technical;
  • knowledge of regulatory legal acts and methodological materials on metrology;
  • ability to work with technical documentation;
  • experience of working with institutes of metrology.

Sometimes knowledge of a certain industry is required, in English or special software.

metrologist resume template

How to become a metrologist

To become a metrologist, you first need to get an education in the specialty "Metrology and metrological support" (higher or secondary). With higher education, of course, more businesses will open their doors and hire you. Although there are few vacancies on the market, they take on internships for new specialists of the company with pleasure.

metrologist salary

The salary of a metrologist ranges from 25 to 70 thousand rubles per month. Large enterprises Of course, they pay more, but they also require more complex tasks.

The average salary of a metrologist is around 35 thousand rubles a month.

Where to get training

In addition to higher education, there are a number of short-term studies on the market lasting, as a rule, from a week to a year.

Interregional Academy of Construction and industrial complex and her courses of direction "

I approve

_____________________________ (Surname, initials)

(name of organization, its ________________________________

organizational - legal form) (director; other person authorized

approve job description)



(name of institution)

00.00.201_ #00

  1. General provisions

1.1.Real job description establishes the responsibility, rights and duties of the metrologist _____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the "enterprise").

Institution name

1.2. A person with a professional (technical) education is accepted for the position of a metrologist, (higher; secondary) - there are no requirements for work experience; at least 3 years of experience in engineering and technical positions; others

1.3. A metrologist is hired and dismissed by order on presentation

1.4. The metrologist is subordinate to .

1.5. During the absence of the metrologist (illness, vacation, etc.), his duties are assigned to the person appointed in in due course acquiring the appropriate rights and bearing responsibility for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

1.6. The metrologist must know:

Basic requirements for the organization of labor in the design;

Order of definition economic efficiency introduction of new methods and measuring instruments;

Technical requirements for products manufactured by the enterprise, the technology of its production;

Specifications, design features, the purpose and principles of operation of measuring instruments, the technology of their repair;

Measurement methods;

Decrees, orders, orders, methodological and regulatory materials on the metrological support of production;

Organization of metrological support of production;

Standards and other regulatory documents for metrological certification of products, operation, repair, adjustment, verification, adjustment and storage of measuring instruments;

The procedure for attestation and certification of products;

Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

labor law;

Rules and norms of labor protection.

  1. Job Responsibilities

The metrologist must:

2.1. Draw up local verification schemes for the types of measurements, establishes the frequency of inspections of measuring instruments and develops calendar schedules for their implementation.

2.2. Carry out:

Metrological examination of design and technological documentation developed at the enterprise and received from other enterprises;

Metrological certification of non-standardized measuring instruments.

2.3. Carry out work on the choice of means and methods of measurement, develop methods for their implementation.

2.4. Perform work on metrological support for the development, production, testing and operation of products manufactured by the enterprise.


In the preparation and implementation of measures to improve the quality and competitiveness of products, their compliance with the requirements of international standards;

In the preparation of projects of long-term and current plans for the introduction of new measuring equipment, proposals for sectoral plans for the metrological support of production and plans for organizational and technical measures to improve metrological support, methods and measuring instruments.

2.6. Participate:

In the preparation of products manufactured by the enterprise for attestation and certification;

In testing new types of products;

In preparation terms of reference for design;

In the development of measuring instruments for special purposes;

In the analysis of the causes of violations of technological regimes, defective products, unproductive costs of raw materials, materials, energy and other losses in production associated with the state of measuring instruments, control and testing.

2.7. Carry out:

Checking complex measuring instruments, technological equipment for compliance with established standards of accuracy;

Carrying out complex measurements in the course of technological processes and product testing, as well as measurements related to the resolution of disagreements between departments of the enterprise regarding the assessment of accuracy and the choice of measuring instruments and methods.

2.8. Prepare conclusions based on the results of testing and measurements.

2.9. Participate in the implementation of state and industry standards, enterprise standards and others normative documents, regulating the accuracy of measurements.

2.10. Conduct calculations of the economic efficiency of the introduction of new methods and measuring instruments.

2.11. Determine the needs of the company's divisions in measuring instruments, draw up consolidated applications for their purchase.

2.12. Carry out:

Mandatory control over the condition and correctness of installation, installation and use of measuring instruments;

Technical acceptance of measuring instruments newly supplied to the enterprise.

2.13. take part in the development and approval of standards and other regulatory documents on metrology issues.

2.14. Prepare reports on the implementation of plans for the metrological support of production.

  1. Rights

The metrologist has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with the documents that define his rights and obligations in his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

3.2. Submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the provisions of this job description. responsibilities.

3.3. Request personally or on behalf of his manager from the heads of departments of the enterprise and independent specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.

3.4. Report to your immediate supervisor about all the shortcomings in the production activities of the enterprise (its structural divisions) identified in the course of the performance of their duties and make their own proposals for their elimination.

3.5. Require the management of the enterprise to provide the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of their duties and the exercise of rights.

  1. A responsibility

The metrologist is responsible for:

4.1. Inadequate performance or non-performance of their job duties provided for by this job description within the framework established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation

4.2. Legal violations committed in the course of their activities within the framework established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. Causing material damage to the enterprise within the framework established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Head of structural

(signature) surname, initials

(signature) surname, initials

(signature) surname, initials

Familiarized with the instructions:

(signature) surname, initials

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Qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees
(approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 N 37)

Chief metrologist

Job responsibilities. Organizes work on metrological support for the development, production, testing and operation of products manufactured by the enterprise. Supervises the preparation of projects and plans for the introduction of new measuring equipment, organizational and technical measures to improve production efficiency, improve metrological support, means and methods of measurement, control and testing. Provides the compilation of local verification schemes, the establishment of the optimal frequency and the development calendar schedules verification of measuring instruments. Leads the work on carrying out metrological examination of design and other technical documentation developed at the enterprise, as well as coming from other enterprises and organizations. Participates in ongoing research on automation production processes related to the use of measuring instruments, in the work to determine the needs of the enterprise for these means. Ensures the introduction of modern methods and measuring instruments, as well as the performance of work on the assessment of measurement errors. Organizes work on the analysis of the state of metrological support, carrying out metrological certification of non-standardized measuring instruments, development, coordination and approval of methods, instructions and other regulatory and technical documentation for their verification, as well as certification of measuring instruments after restoration, repair, verification. Carries out control over the equipment of the technological process with all the measuring instruments provided for by the regulations, the compliance of the measuring instruments and methods used in the divisions of the enterprise with the requirements for compliance with the specified production modes and product quality. Organizes the preparation of technical specifications for the design and development of special-purpose measuring instruments. Ensures the completion of the exchange fund of measuring instruments, testing and control, storage and comparison in the prescribed manner of working standards, repair and maintenance of samples of measuring instruments in proper condition. Promotes the implementation of state and industry standards, enterprise standards and other normative and technical documentation regulating measurement accuracy standards, methods and means of verification. Supervises the work on the preparation of the established reporting and its submission to the bodies of the state metrological service. Organizes work to improve the skills of metrological service employees. Supervises the employees of the enterprise who carry out metrological control and metrological support of production.

Must know: legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on the metrological support of production; profile, specialization and features of the organizational and technological structure of the enterprise, prospects for its development; procedure and methods for planning work on metrological control and production support; organization of metrological support of production in the industry and at the enterprise; production capacities, technical characteristics, design features and modes equipment operation, the rules of its operation; fundamentals of production technology of the enterprise; regulations, instructions and other guidance materials on the development and execution of technical documentation; device and rules for the operation of measuring instruments, organization of their repair; methods for conducting research and development in the field of improving metrological support and measuring instruments; procedure for concluding contracts with third parties; advanced domestic and overseas experience in the field of metrological control and production support; fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; fundamentals of labor legislation; labor protection rules and regulations.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering and technical and leadership positions for metrological support of production for at least 5 years.

Newly created enterprises often face the problem of writing job descriptions for various specialists. Let's try to figure out how to write such an instruction, for example, for Chief metrologist enterprises. This will help us Qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 N 37 with amendments, the last of which is dated April 29, 2008

According to this guide Chief metrologist belongs to the category of managers, which we boldly indicate in the first section of our job description, which can be titled General provisions. also in General Provisions our job description also needs to indicate the necessary qualifications for applicants for the position Chief Metrologist - Higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and work experience in managerial positions in the industry corresponding to the profile of the enterprise for at least 5 years.

Next item General Provisions it is necessary to give explanations regarding the hiring and dismissal of a specialist for the position of Chief Metrologist - as a rule, the enrollment and dismissal of a head of this rank is carried out by order of the head of the enterprise

Next item General Provisions- subordination Chief Metrologist. Usually, Chief metrologist in his work, he obeys the orders and instructions of the head of the enterprise, or a person appointed by the head of the enterprise. For example, on large industrial enterprises, it could be Chief Engineer, as a person responsible for the industrial safety of the enterprise.

Next, you need to describe the knowledge that you must have Chief Metrologist. This paragraph can be consecrated as a subparagraph in Basic Provisions our instructions, and a separate section. Required knowledge for Chief metrologist are defined by the same Qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, to which we have already addressed in order to find out the necessary qualifications. This handbook defines the need for the following knowledge:

  • legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise, resolutions of federal, regional and local authorities state power and management that determine priority areas for the development of the economy and the relevant industry;
  • methodological and regulatory materials of other bodies relating to the activities of the enterprise;
  • profile, specialization and features of the structure of the enterprise; prospects for technical, economic and social development industries and enterprises;
  • production capacities and human resources of the enterprise;
  • production technology of the enterprise;
  • tax and environmental legislation;
  • the procedure for compiling and coordinating business plans for the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise;
  • market methods of managing and managing an enterprise;
  • a system of economic indicators that allow the company to determine its position in the market and develop programs for entering new markets;
  • the procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts; market conditions;
  • scientific and technological achievements and best practices in the relevant industry;
  • management of the economy and finances of the enterprise, organization of production and labor;
  • the procedure for the development and conclusion of sectoral tariff agreements, collective agreements and the regulation of social and labor relations; labor legislation;
  • labor protection rules and regulations

Don't forget the final point General Provisions indicate the possibility of revising this instruction in case of changes in working conditions, clarification and redistribution of tasks and functions performed by the Chief Metrologist.

The second section of our instructions is Job responsibilities of the Chief Metrologist. To compile this section of the instructions, again, we turn to Qualification Handbook positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 N 37 with amendments, the last of which is dated April 29, 2008

This handbook defines the following responsibilities for the Chief Metrologist:

  • Organizes work on metrological support for the development, production, testing and operation of products manufactured by the enterprise.
  • Supervises the preparation of projects and plans for the introduction of new measuring equipment, organizational and technical measures to improve production efficiency, improve metrological support, means and methods of measurement, control and testing.
  • Ensures the compilation of local verification schemes, the establishment of the optimal frequency and the development of calendar schedules for verification of measuring instruments.
  • Leads the work on carrying out metrological examination of design and other technical documentation developed at the enterprise, as well as coming from other enterprises and organizations.
  • Participates in ongoing research on automation of production processes related to the use of measuring instruments, in the work to determine the needs of the enterprise for these means.
  • Ensures the introduction of modern methods and measuring instruments, as well as the performance of work on the assessment of measurement errors.
  • Organizes work on the analysis of the state of metrological support, carrying out metrological certification of non-standardized measuring instruments, development, coordination and approval of methods, instructions and other regulatory and technical documentation for their verification, as well as certification of measuring instruments after restoration, repair, verification.
  • Carries out control over the equipment of the technological process with all the measuring instruments provided for by the regulations, the compliance of the measuring instruments and methods used in the divisions of the enterprise with the requirements for compliance with the specified production modes and product quality.
  • Organizes the preparation of technical specifications for the design and development of special-purpose measuring instruments.
  • Ensures the completion of the exchange fund of measuring instruments, testing and control, storage and comparison in the prescribed manner of working standards, repair and maintenance of samples of measuring instruments in proper condition.
  • Promotes the implementation of state and industry standards, enterprise standards and other normative and technical documentation regulating measurement accuracy standards, methods and means of verification.
  • Supervises the work on the preparation of the established reporting and its submission to the bodies of the state metrological service.
  • Organizes work to improve the skills of metrological service employees.
  • Supervises the employees of the enterprise who carry out metrological control and metrological support of production

Complementing all of the above with two more sections Rights and A responsibility, as a result we get a complete Job description of the Chief metrologist enterprises (organizations)

We bring to your attention a typical example of the job description of the chief metrologist, sample 2019/2020. Job description of the chief metrologist should include the following sections: general position, duties of the chief metrologist, rights of the chief metrologist, responsibility of the chief metrologist.

The job description of the chief metrologist should reflect the following items:

Job responsibilities of the chief metrologist

1) Job responsibilities. Organizes work on metrological support for the development, production, testing and operation of products manufactured by the enterprise. Supervises the preparation of projects and plans for the introduction of new measuring equipment, organizational and technical measures to improve production efficiency, improve metrological support, means and methods of measurement, control and testing. Ensures the compilation of local verification schemes, the establishment of the optimal frequency and the development of calendar schedules for verification of measuring instruments. Leads the work on carrying out metrological examination of design and other technical documentation developed at the enterprise, as well as coming from other enterprises and organizations. Participates in ongoing research on the automation of production processes related to the use of measuring instruments, in the work to determine the needs of the enterprise for these means. Ensures the introduction of modern methods and measuring instruments, as well as the performance of work on the assessment of measurement errors. Organizes work on the analysis of the state of metrological support, carrying out metrological certification of non-standardized measuring instruments, development, coordination and approval of methods, instructions and other regulatory and technical documentation for their verification, as well as certification of measuring instruments after restoration, repair, verification. Carries out control over the equipment of the technological process with all the measuring instruments provided for by the regulations, the compliance of the measuring instruments and methods used in the divisions of the enterprise with the requirements for compliance with the specified production modes and product quality. Organizes the preparation of technical specifications for the design and development of special-purpose measuring instruments. Ensures the completion of the exchange fund of measuring instruments, testing and control, storage and comparison in the prescribed manner of working standards, repair and maintenance of samples of measuring instruments in proper condition. Promotes the implementation of state and industry standards, enterprise standards and other normative and technical documentation regulating measurement accuracy standards, methods and means of verification. Supervises the work on the preparation of the established reporting and its submission to the bodies of the state metrological service. Organizes work to improve the skills of metrological service employees. Supervises the employees of the enterprise who carry out metrological control and metrological support of production.

The chief metrologist must know

2) The chief metrologist in the performance of his duties must know: legislative and regulatory legal acts, teaching materials on metrological support of production; profile, specialization and features of the organizational and technological structure of the enterprise, prospects for its development; procedure and methods for planning work on metrological control and production support; organization of metrological support of production in the industry and at the enterprise; production capacity, specifications, design features and modes of operation of the equipment, rules for its operation; fundamentals of production technology of the enterprise; regulations, instructions and other guidance materials on the development and execution of technical documentation; device and rules for the operation of measuring instruments, organization of their repair; methods for conducting research and development in the field of improving metrological support and measuring instruments; the procedure for concluding contracts with third parties; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of metrological control and production support; fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; fundamentals of labor legislation; labor protection rules and regulations.

Requirements for the qualification of the chief metrologist

3) Qualification requirements. Higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering and technical and management positions for metrological support of production for at least 5 years.

1. General Provisions

1. The chief metrologist belongs to the category of managers.

2. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering and technical and managerial positions for metrological support of production for at least 5 years is accepted as the chief metrologist.

3. The chief metrologist is hired and dismissed _____ (director, manager) organizations on presentation ______ (position) .

4. The chief metrologist must know:

  • legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on the metrological support of production;
  • profile, specialization and features of the organizational and technological structure of the enterprise, prospects for its development;
  • procedure and methods for planning work on metrological control and production support;
  • organization of metrological support of production in the industry and at the enterprise;
  • production capacities, technical characteristics, design features and operating modes of equipment, rules for its operation;
  • fundamentals of production technology of the enterprise;
  • regulations, instructions and other guidance materials on the development and execution of technical documentation;
  • device and rules for the operation of measuring instruments, organization of their repair;
  • methods for conducting research and development in the field of improving metrological support and measuring instruments;
  • the procedure for concluding contracts with third parties;
  • advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of metrological control and production support;
  • fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;
  • fundamentals of labor legislation;
  • labor protection rules and regulations.

5. In his activities, the chief metrologist is guided by:

  • legislation Russian Federation,
  • Charter (regulations) of the organization,
  • orders and orders _______ (CEO, director, leader) organizations,
  • this job description,
  • The internal labor regulations of the organization.

6. The chief metrologist reports directly to: _______ (position).

7. During the absence of the chief metrologist (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by _______ (position) of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the appropriate rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of his duties.

2. Job responsibilities of the chief metrologist

Chief metrologist:

1. Organizes work on metrological support for the development, production, testing and operation of products manufactured by the enterprise.

2. Supervises the preparation of projects and plans for the introduction of new measuring equipment, organizational and technical measures to improve production efficiency, improve metrological support, means and methods of measurement, control and testing.

3. Ensures the compilation of local verification schemes, the establishment of the optimal frequency and the development of calendar schedules for verification of measuring instruments.

4. Leads the work on carrying out the metrological examination of design and other technical documentation developed at the enterprise, as well as coming from other enterprises and organizations.

5. Participates in ongoing research on the automation of production processes related to the use of measuring instruments, in the work to determine the needs of the enterprise for these means.

6. Ensures the introduction of modern methods and measuring instruments, as well as the performance of work on the assessment of measurement errors.

7. Organizes work on the analysis of the state of metrological support, carrying out metrological certification of non-standardized measuring instruments, development, coordination and approval of methods, instructions and other regulatory and technical documentation for their verification, as well as certification of measuring instruments after restoration, repair, verification.

8. Carries out control over the equipment of the technological process with all the measuring instruments provided for by the regulations, the compliance of the measuring instruments and methods used in the divisions of the enterprise with the requirements for compliance with the specified production modes and product quality.

9. Organizes the preparation of technical specifications for the design and development of special-purpose measuring instruments.

10. Ensures the completion of the exchange fund of measuring instruments, testing and control, storage and comparison in the prescribed manner of working standards, repair and maintenance of samples of measuring instruments in proper condition.

11. Promotes the implementation of state and industry standards, enterprise standards and other regulatory and technical documentation that regulates measurement accuracy standards, methods and means of verification.

12. Manages the work on compiling the established reporting and submitting it to the bodies of the state metrological service

13. Organizes work to improve the skills of workers of the metrological service.

14. Supervises the employees of the enterprise who carry out metrological control and metrological support of production.

3. Rights of the chief metrologist

The chief metrologist has the right:

1. Submit proposals for management consideration:

  • to improve the work related to the duties provided for in this instruction,
  • on the encouragement of distinguished workers subordinate to him,
  • on bringing to material and disciplinary liability employees who violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to perform his duties.

3. Get acquainted with the documents that define his rights and obligations in his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management regarding its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including the provision of organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by the current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the chief metrologist

The chief metrologist is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description of the chief metrologist - sample 2019/2020. The duties of the chief metrologist, the rights of the chief metrologist, the responsibility of the chief metrologist.