How many employees there is one personnel officer. At what number of employees is the personnel department created? Organizational component of work rate setting for personnel officers

Posted On 10.06.2018

Table 1

Type of operations performed Scope of work per month
One employee (employee) 0,74 0,8 43,2
One employee (employee) 0,39 0,42 20,6
One book 0,11 0,11 1,54
One duplicate 0,27 0,3 0,6
One entry 0,07 0,8
One copy 0,62 0,67
Making a translation One worker 0,38 0,41 11,48
One worker 0,1 0,11 0,55
Vacation registration One worker 0,11 0,12 3,6
Maintaining personal cards One worker 0,08 0,09 5,4
One leaf 0,05 0,05
Execution of penalties One registration 0,11 0,12 1,44
One worker 0,11 0,12 0,72
One worker 3,3 3,56 14,24
One worker 0,24 0,26 17,94
Selection of a reserve One man 0,17 0,18 1,26
One worker 0,19 0,21 1,89
. . . . TOTAL 196,46

In the first column we enter all types of work performed by the personnel service, which are covered by the established standards.

We count the number of employees in HR departments

Column 4 is calculated using the formula

H = To / Фп, where (3)

H = 196.46 / 166 = 1.18.

How many accountants should a company have?

Any manager is always faced with the task of personnel optimization. If everything is more or less clear with production specialties, then the number of administrative workers often has to be estimated rather roughly.

The staffing of the document support service

When it comes to accounting, it is difficult to know how many accountants a business might need. If there are more workers than the work itself, the company will spend extra money on the maintenance of useless personnel. In a situation on the contrary, people will no longer cope with their duties, and this can lead to disruptions in the company's business processes. After all, everyone knows that accounting is the heart of any enterprise. How to find the optimal number of accountants?

What affects the number of accountants?

First of all, you should determine how much work is to be done by the accounting department. Consider carefully what this department will do. Will it be his responsibility to negotiate with your debtors and sign reconciliation statements, or will managers take care of this, and the accountant will only have to provide the amounts and related information? The more related functions will be performed by accountants, the more they will be distracted from their core business and the less they will be able to do it. Accordingly, they will have to increase their staff in order to ensure continuous and reliable accounting in the company, as required by law.

You should also pay attention to the amount of paperwork. Paradoxical as it may seem at first glance, it depends little on the volume of the company's revenue. The fact is that the number of transactions with a revenue of ten million can be significantly lower than with a revenue of one million. It's just that the first company issued two invoices of five million each and carried out two operations, and in the second - one hundred invoices of ten thousand and a hundred transactions. Therefore, in the first case, the accounting department was lucky, and she had little work, but in the second case, the employees sat without raising their heads from morning to night.

And the very last and very important factor- the level of automation of the accounting department in your company. If it is low and manual labor prevails, more employees are required. If you are using the most modern advances: computer programs accounting, document scanners, then with the growth of the volume of work, you do not even have to especially expand the staff. Smart automation always improves work efficiency and saves company capital.

Determine the number of accounting employees

Determining the optimal number of accountants in the company should start with a list of tasks facing the department. An experienced accountant or consultant can help you calculate the amount of time it will take to complete each task. Then you should distribute these tasks to separate categories of employees.

In general accounting, there is usually Chief Accountant, his deputy, senior, junior accountants and clerks. But not always every company has all these positions, some small businesses manage with one chief accountant. In this case, you can compare the time required to complete all the tasks facing the employee with his working hours and clearly answer the question - does your chief accountant need an assistant about whom he has recently asked you?

If you have a large accounting department, compare the obtained standard time required to complete all tasks with the working hours of all employees. Perhaps you will also draw interesting conclusions!

By distributing the standard time for individual categories of employees, you will be able to draw up a planned budget for the remuneration of your accounting department.

To do this, it is enough to take the average hourly rates for each category of workers that operate in your region and multiply them by the time it takes to complete work tasks, for example, in a month. Taking into account the total number of employees in the accounting department, you can get the budget of the department for one month.

Automation is the queen of efficiency

As noted above, automation saves enterprise funds and improves staff efficiency. In addition to modern accounting software and technological means of work, there is another way to find out the level of performance of your employees. These are time tracking software.

Time tracking will allow you to find out how many hours are spent on a particular job, as well as how the work performed by the employee corresponds to his qualifications. If the chief accountant spends most of the day on entering primary documentation, instead of preparing for a reporting company, then the issue is not a lack of staff, but incorrect delegation of authority. If you transfer less skilled work to an employee with a lower qualification, the head of the department will have more time at his disposal to carry out his immediate duties.

Of course, this article will help you determine the ideal number of accounting staff that will inevitably collide with reality and will be corrected by it. However, after making the appropriate calculations, you will know exactly what kind of optimization you need to strive for, and to what level the efficiency of your accounting department should be raised. And this, in the end, one way or another, will allow you to save company funds and direct them to solving more pressing issues.

Chapter 1. Human Resources - the face of the company

“… If you choose your friends wisely, your business will go uphill.

If you wisely choose your business and the people who will work with you, you will prosper. "

(Warren Helman)

Not a single organization in the conditions of modern progressive trends can exist without a service (department) engaged in staffing the organization with personnel, maintaining all documentation regarding the hiring and firing of employees, and many other specific activities that, in our opinion, cannot be performed by other services. although there is an opinion among employers that the functions personnel service(HR department) can be performed by a secretary or an accountant. Yes, in general, it can, for example, fill out a work book or fill out a timesheet, but no more. Competently formalize an employee when hiring, make changes to the employment contract, comply with all the requirements of the Labor Code Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ (as amended on July 24, 25, 2002, June 30, 2003, April 27, August 22, December 29, 2004, May 9, 2005, June 30, 2006) (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and others regulations, only a "professional" personnel officer is able to.

I must say that since October 2006, significant changes have been made to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which allows personnel services (departments) or other employees performing personnel work to be more responsible in the design labor relations with employees (especially to the conclusion employment contract). Of course, a lot still needs to be clarified, but all this will be done over time, as they say - everything is comprehended by practice.

Let's return to the transfer of HR functions to other persons.

Practical implementation of an opinion on the transfer of HR functions to a secretary or an accountant often leads to personnel errors. For example, in practice, there are often incorrectly executed employment contracts that violate the rights of the employee. The author also, in practice, when hiring an employee, is often faced with incorrectly entered labor records in his work book, which may lead to the need to confirm the insurance record upon retirement. So you can advise employers one thing - do not skimp on organizing a personnel service (department) at your enterprise, this will result in high production results for you, and most importantly, peace of mind.

No wonder they say: HR is the face of the company.

It is with the personnel service (department) that the acquaintance of a potential employee with the organization begins. It depends on the personnel service (department) whether the newcomer will continue to get a job. labor activity from you or because he received dubious or incomplete information about his potential job, he will refuse to continue to communicate with your organization.

Therefore, an employee of the personnel department must have not only education, but also a set of certain qualities. An employee of the personnel department must have a presentable appearance - first of all, he must have a disposition to himself, have an open look and a well-delivered speech.

The requirements for an employee of the personnel department will be considered a little later.

And now about the personnel service (department) in general.

Consider the structure of the personnel service (personnel department).

Usually, but not everywhere, the head of the personnel department (HR department) is chief of personnel service(HR department), who is often the deputy head of the organization (now often called this positionDeputy Director for Human Resources). In my opinion, the synonym for the title of this position is HR manager(judging by the Qualification Directory of the positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 No. 37 (as amended on November 12, 2003) (hereinafter referred to as the Directory) has the same functional responsibilities). He is subordinate to employees holding the following positions: HR manager, training engineer, HR specialist, HR inspector. The structure of the personnel service (department) may also include clerks and typists. In general, the variations with the structural education of the personnel service (department) can be different. So, for example, in an organization there is only one personnel worker and his position is a personnel specialist.

What should be the number of personnel services (department) to ensure the normal functioning of the organization.

To do this, it is necessary to determine the cost of working time for the recruitment and accounting of personnel and other functions of the personnel service (department).

The main document used to determine the cost of working time for work on recruiting and accounting for personnel, as well as to substantiate the required number of workers engaged in these works, until now remains the Interindustry consolidated time standards for work on recruiting and recording personnel, approved by the decree of the USSR Ministry of Labor from November 14, 1991 № 78 (hereinafter - the Standards).

The validity period of the standards has been repeatedly extended, and since the new time standards for performing personnel operations have not yet been adopted, its provisions, as not contradicting labor legislation and regulating labor standards for personnel service employees (department), continue to be applied.

There are no other regulations governing the number of the personnel department (department).

Associate professor MGIEM, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Yurashev V.V. I was able to clarify this problem with the help of strict data formulas in the Standard. In my opinion, Yurashev's research most fully and quite clearly answered the questions about the number of personnel service (department), which often arise not only among personnel officers, but also heads of organizations.

Yurashev made calculations on the time consumption of only four work performed by the personnel service (department): registration of admission and dismissal, vacations and documents of employees retiring. But this turned out to be enough to determine how many personnel officers should fall on the number of employees.

First of all, it is necessary to clarify what functional duties are performed by employees of the personnel service (department).

The standards cover only a few of them, since over the years after the approval of the standards, work on the preparation and provision of documents for individual (personified) accounting in the state pension insurance system was added to the functions of personnel departments, work on social insurance, health insurance and a number of other very laborious jobs. These works are not taken into account by the Standards, but regardless of the number of employees in the personnel department (department), they are carried out.

So, clause 1.3 of the Standards indicates the following works:

1) paperwork for hiring workers and employees;

2) execution of documents upon dismissal of workers and employees;

3) registration and accounting work books;

4) execution of documents for the registration of personnel movements;

5) preparation of statistical reports on personnel records;

6) preparation of certificates, participation in the development of plans and other work performed by employees in recruiting and accounting for personnel;

7) work on time keeping;

8) work in the pass office;

9) work in the military registration desk;

10) work related to the automated control system;

11) other works.

According to the Standard, the time norm for performing a unit of standardized work is determined by the formula:

where Nvr - the norm of time for the performance of a contractual normative type of work (person h);

Topr - the standard of operational time for the performance of this work, established by the Standard (person h);

k - coefficient that takes into account the time spent on organizational and technical maintenance of the workplace, personal needs, etc. (in%).

Yurashev received the following:

“For 100 employees, the annual labor intensity of only 4 jobs is:

11.88 people h - registration of vacations;

19.7 people h - registration of a pension;

We normalize the work of a personnel officer, or How to calculate the number of personnel in the personnel department

h - dismissal;

26.64 people h - hiring.

Total, based on 100 employees, the annual labor intensity of these works will be 73.37 people. "

Then Yurashev identified “... one of the key factors that directly affect the workload of HR employees is staff turnover ».

“… G the number of people dismissed in a year, the same number of people we should take in a year; we consider the percentage ratio of workers and employees unchanged. If, for example, you take a company with a staff of 100 people, of which 20% are workers and 80% are employees, then with k = 8% and with monthly dismissal of 1 person and hiring 1 employee, the HR employee will need to spend 14.01 hours. If there are a person like that, it will take 14.01 ґ a hours. With a useful fund of working time of one employee in hours equal to 1910 hours, the number of employees is determined by the formulas:

Insofar as a - the number of people calculated for 100 staff units, then a is at the same time the percentage of people dismissed and hired.

Yurashev believes that the hiring of workers and employees is carried out in their percentage, that is, 2.4 workers and 9.6 employees will be dismissed and hired in a year, provided that the monthly dismissal and hiring is 1 person.

In the case when the company has 20% of employees and 80% of workers, the formulas for determining the number of employees in the personnel department change and take the following form:

Yurashev calculated the number of personnel officers in a company with a staff of 500 people (20% of employees and 80% of workers) using the following formula

Thus, Yurashev concluded that staff turnover affects the number of personnel personnel, and also calculated that only two jobs (registration of hiring and dismissal) are required in a company with 500 employees 1 personnel worker with a turnover of 27% per month.

One can only imagine that to perform two dozen jobs with similar conditions, it will take about 10 employees of the personnel service (department).

Table 1. Standards of time spent on personnel operations

The table does not list all the operations performed by employees of the HR department (department), but the list presented already seems impressive.

Table. 2. Approximate standards for the number of employees of the personnel service (department)

The presented tables will help personnel workers to organize their work more rationally.

So, one of the leaders is wrong who believes that there is no point in organizing a personnel service (department), let a secretary or an accountant conduct personnel affairs.

We can tell you with confidence - YOU ARE WRONG!

To have in the structure of the organization a personnel service (department) or, at worst, a specialist in personnel - this speaks of the stability and economic sustainability of your organization.

The success of any business depends not only on new ideas or technologies. The main secret of success is human factor... The personnel service, first of all, is purpose- providing the organization with conscientious, qualified, responsible, productive employees, creating optimal conditions for the successful implementation of their job duties.

Benefits of the organization as a result of the rational and optimal construction of the personnel department (department):

1) complete and reliable information on each employee;

2) knowledge of the organization's need for new employees, in the direction of training and advanced training of employees;

3) specification of job duties and level of responsibility;

4) preventive actions of the organization's management to eliminate negative phenomena (for example, when employees are laid off in the event of staff reductions);

5) and, as the main aspect, the absence of appeals to the courts and other instances due to incorrect registration of personnel documentation.

The number of personnel in the HR department

Calculation of the number of employees in the personnel department

For more effective work it is beneficial for the company to reduce unnecessary and unnecessary costs that arise as a result of some shortcomings in the organization's management policy.

Thus, the main problem in the personnel department of OAO “LUKOIL” is the number of personnel costs. The most precious thing for any organization is its personnel. Almost 60% of all costs go to people, their support, career advancement, social protection almost everything.

To solve this problem, we will calculate using the standards established by the decree of the USSR Ministry of Labor, we will calculate the required number of personnel service specialists, taking one month for the billing period.

Table 1

Calculation of the number of personnel inspectors

Type of operations performed Unit of measure for the amount of work Time standard per unit of measurement, man-h Time norms for performing a specific type of work, man-h Scope of work per month Labor capacity of standardized works, man-h
Registration of documents for employment (employees) One employee (employee) 0,74 0,8 43,2
Execution of documents upon dismissal (employees) One employee (employee) 0,39 0,42 20,6
Extracting a new work book or insert to it One book 0,11 0,11 1,54
Extracting a duplicate of the work book One duplicate 0,27 0,3 0,6
Making entries in the work book One entry 0,07 0,8
Removing a copy of the work book One copy 0,62 0,67
Making a translation One worker 0,38 0,41 11,48
Drawing up and adjusting the vacation schedule One worker 0,1 0,11 0,55
Vacation registration One worker 0,11 0,12 3,6
Maintaining personal cards One worker 0,08 0,09 5,4
Registration of a certificate of disability One leaf 0,05 0,05
Execution of penalties One registration 0,11 0,12 1,44
Registration of surname change One worker 0,11 0,12 0,72
Registration of documents for retiring employees One worker 3,3 3,56 14,24
Registration of an employment contract One worker 0,24 0,26 17,94
Selection of a reserve One man 0,17 0,18 1,26
Execution of an order to encourage an employee One worker 0,19 0,21 1,89
. . .

How to calculate the number of HR department

. TOTAL 196,46

In the first column we enter all types of work performed by the personnel service, which are covered by the established standards. Column 4 is calculated using the formula

Нвр = Top (1 + K / 100), where (1)

Нвр time norms for performing a specific type of work, man-hours;

Top standard of operational time for the performance of this work, established by the collection, man-hours;

K is a time coefficient that takes into account the time spent on organizational and technical maintenance of the workplace, rest (including physical culture breaks) and personal needs, as well as preparatory and final work, as a percentage of operational time. According to the results of the analysis of maps of photographs of working time, K is taken equal to 8%.

In the sixth column, we enter data on the amount of work for each type for the billing period.

The annual labor intensity of standardized works (Тн) is determined taking into account each type of work performed according to the formula:

Нврi norms of time for performing a specific standardized type of work, man-hours;

Vi is the volume of a specific type of work performed per year (i = 1, 2, 3,…, n types of work performed).

The normative number of personnel inspectors (HR) is defined as the ratio of the labor intensity of work to the useful fund of working time in the period that is taken as the calculated one, according to the formula

H = To / Фп, where (3)

That is the total labor intensity of the standardized work, calculated according to these standards;

Php is the useful fund of the working time of one employee (in this case, we took the average indicator for the month), h.

H = 196.46 / 166 = 1.18.

Thus, to carry out the work that are included in the table, you need 1.2 rates of a specialist in recruiting and personnel accounting. This means that in the personnel department of Lukoil, this work was distributed between two specialists, that is, the potential opportunity to reduce costs by entrusting the work to one employee and setting him an additional payment for an extended volume of work in the amount of 0.2 rate.

"Human Resources Department budgetary institution", 2011, N 11

In the previous issue of the magazine, we examined the topic of organizing a personnel officer's workplace. But first, the employer must determine how many such jobs are required to be created in the personnel department. This is especially true for large organizations in which for maintenance personnel work a whole staff is needed. In this article, we, as promised, will talk about how the quantitative composition of personnel of budgetary institutions is determined depending on the categories and what documents to be guided by.

Qualified employees of the personnel department know that the regulation of labor relations in budgetary institutions has its own specific characteristics and differs significantly from the norms for employees of other types of organizations. In addition to special legislation regulating the activities of budgetary institutions, among the general instructions for all employees in Russia there are also special ones that determine working conditions in organizations with this organizational and legal form of management.

for instance, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains a number of rules specifically regulating the relationship of employees with employers-organizations financed from the federal, "subject" and municipal budgets<1>... Among the rules governing legal position organizations with different levels of budgetary funding, there are also common for all, and special, applied depending on the level of funding.

<1>See, for example, Art. Art. 6, 34, 45, 119 and 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The total number of such norms is 23 articles.

However, in terms of labor rationing (see part 1 of article 160 and article 211 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), general laws and by-laws apply to legal entities regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership. In addition, special bylaws on labor standards adopted by the competent authorities are subject to application, if they do not contradict the law (Article 161 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Due to the fact that neither Ch. 22 "Labor rationing", nor Ch. 34 "Labor Protection Requirements" of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation do not contain reservations about special regulation of labor standards for employees of budgetary institutions, they are subject to the general and special rules specified above. In this article, we will consider this issue in more detail, give a few examples and focus on certain norms and recommendations that are especially significant for the work of personnel officers.

Labor rationing: basic concepts

From Art. Art. 159 and 160 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (fundamental for the regulation of legal relations between workers and employers in the field of labor standardization), the following is clear. Employees are guaranteed state assistance in the systemic organization of labor rationing and the establishment of labor standards in accordance with the achieved level of technology, technology, organization of production and labor, namely production rates, time rates, headcount standards, etc. Labor standards may be revised as they are improved or introduced. new technology, technology and organizational or other measures to ensure the growth of labor productivity, as well as in the case of the use of physically and morally obsolete equipment.

Guided by the general concept set out in Art. 160 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, ministries and departments of the Russian Federation are developing by-laws that detail general legal approaches to the establishment of labor standards in their subordinate budgetary organizations, taking into account the characteristics of a particular sector of the economy. For the personnel department of budgetary institutions, there is no special normative act containing a methodology for determining the number of staff. Therefore, the heads of budget-funded institutions should be guided by the Recommendations for determining the staffing of budget-funded organizations based on labor standards<2>... According to these Recommendations, certain calculation regulatory instruments are used to establish the staffing of budget-funded institutions. These tools are used to calculate the rates of time, production, load, manageability, maintenance, headcount and typical staffing.

<2>Published by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research Institute of Labor and Social Insurance" of the Federal Agency for Healthcare and Social Development (Moscow, 2006). The document has not been officially published. It is located on the website and in reference and legal search engines.

The time rate is the amount of working time set for the performance of a unit of work by an employee or a group of employees of appropriate qualifications in certain organizational and technical conditions.

The rate of output (load) is a set amount of work that an employee or a group of employees of appropriate qualifications must perform per unit of working time under certain organizational and technical conditions.

Controllability rate - the number of employees subordinate to one manager.

Service time rate is the amount of time spent on servicing a unit of work volume.

The headcount standard is the established number of employees of a certain professional and qualification composition, required to perform specific production, managerial functions or work volumes. A variety of staffing standards are standard staffs established on the basis of service time and load standards.

Any normative materials on labor used to calculate the staffing levels are approved in established order, if they are typical, or directly by the head of the organization, if they are local. "In accordance with the established procedure" - means according to the rules contained in Art. Art. 161 and 162 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. So, in Art. 161 says that for homogeneous jobs, standard (intersectoral, sectoral, professional and other) labor standards can be established. They are developed and approved in accordance with the procedure established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.<3>... The Government of the Russian Federation has determined this procedure, empowering the federal executive authorities to develop and establish the standard standards and labor standards necessary for regulating labor productivity, which are entrusted with the management, regulation and coordination of activities in the industry (sub-sector) of the economy. These bodies approve the norms in accordance with the rules for the preparation of regulatory legal acts federal bodies executive power. Typical professional, sectoral and other labor standards are approved by the federal executive body in agreement with the Ministry of Health and Social Development. Typical intersectoral labor standards are approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development itself. The revision of standard labor standards in the cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation is carried out in the manner established for their development and approval.

<3>Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 11.11.2002 N 804 "On the Rules for the Development and Approval of Standard Labor Standards".

In Art. 162 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that local regulations providing for the introduction, replacement and revision of labor standards are adopted by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers. Employees must be notified of the introduction of new labor standards no later than two months in advance. The same rule, by analogy, is applied when replacing and revising existing labor standards.

Having familiarized ourselves with the basic terminology and other fundamental rules, we will consider in general terms the process of determining the staffing of personnel officers of budgetary institutions.

The process of establishing the number of staff members

The Recommendations clarify that budget-funded institutions should apply, by analogy, the norms of the following governing acts (if their provisions do not contain a clause on the exclusion of "state employees" from their scope):<4>, Interindustry consolidated standards of time for work on recruiting and accounting of personnel (hereinafter referred to as the Aggregate standards)<5>, Norms of the maximum number of employees of personnel services and accounting departments of federal executive bodies<6>(hereinafter referred to as the Headcount Standards).

<4>Approved by the Resolution of the USSR State Committee of Labor, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions Secretariat dated 06.07.1989 N 223 / 13-15.
<5>Approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the USSR of 11/14/1991 N 78.
<6>Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 05.06.2002 N 39.

It follows from these standards that they are intended to determine and substantiate the number of employees of the specified structural units, the optimal selection, placement and use of personnel, the correct distribution of work between performers, as well as the establishment of job responsibilities.

As a rule, all officially adopted standards for the number of employees contain three sections: the general part, the section on the organization of labor and the normative part. In addition, they necessarily provide an example of calculating the standard number of employees, in particular, the personnel service. Let us also draw the readers' attention to the fact that in the methods for calculating the number of personnel officers it is noted: in cases where the number of serviced employees is less than 100 people, and the supervised number of subordinate organizations with an independent balance is less than five, local and industry standards for the number of employees of the personnel service can be applied ...

Consider the actions of the organization's management to determine the quantitative composition of the personnel department.

Organizational component of work rate setting for personnel officers

The activities of employees of the personnel department are regulated by special and general legislation of the Russian Federation, their job descriptions, provisions on structural divisions budgetary institutions. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary, guided by the Qualification Handbook of the positions of managers, specialists and other employees<7>(Further - Qualification handbook employees), develop or bring in accordance with its provisions the job descriptions of personnel officers and regulations on the personnel department available in the organization. Please note that it is advisable to issue job descriptions of personnel officers as a separate local act regulating the rights and obligations of certain categories of personnel in the personnel department. If the instruction is part of the employment contract, then each change will require compliance with the rules of Art. 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

<7>Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of 08.21.1998 N 37.

Employees potentially associated with HR work in large budgetary institutions may include:

  • Deputy Director for Human Resources;
  • head of the personnel department;
  • head of the personnel training department;
  • HR manager;
  • head of the pass bureau;
  • Human Resources Specialist;
  • training engineer;
  • psychologist;
  • sociologist;
  • physiologist;
  • HR inspector;
  • duty bureau of passes;
  • timekeeper.

When creating or bringing these local acts in accordance with the Qualification Handbook of employees, these documents need to be creatively reworked, leaving only those labor duties, which must be carried out by the HR department based on the imperative requirements of the legislation. The following functions of the HR department are mandatory according to the Headcount Standards:

  • organization and coordination of work on the selection and placement of personnel;
  • implementation of personal records of personnel, maintenance of personal files of employees;
  • accounting, maintenance, storage and issuance of work books;
  • preparation for approval and maintenance of the staffing table;
  • shaping personnel reserve to replace leadership positions structural divisions;
  • advising employees on issues related to the personnel service;
  • organization of verification of information provided by a citizen when applying for a job (in cases determined by law);
  • organizing and conducting meetings and seminars with personnel service employees;
  • preparation of employment contracts, orders for admission and dismissal, employee incentives;
  • certification of employees;
  • participation in competitions for filling vacancies;
  • preparation required documents and assignment of qualification grades to employees;
  • organization of work on training and retraining of personnel, advanced training;
  • coordination of work on the selection and placement of personnel of subordinate institutions and organizations;
  • ensuring control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation related to personnel policy;
  • consideration of letters, complaints and applications of citizens on issues related to the competence of the personnel service;
  • preparation of materials and presentation of distinguished workers for rewarding.

Both in the regulations on the personnel department and in the job descriptions of personnel officers, their duties, the competence of the personnel department should be reflected, and they must be approved by the head of the institution.

The next stage is the preparation of the procedure for standardizing the number of employees of this structural unit.

Normative component

Firstly, he has the right to use the size standard, defined as standard staffs, established on the basis of service time and load standards. For this, the Headcount Standards are applied by analogy. They have Example calculation of the normative number of employees of the personnel service and a table of the norm for the maximum number of such employees, which indicates how the quantitative composition of the personnel department depends on the number of employees of the budgetary institution.

Secondly, it is possible to define in detail the minimum number of categories of cadre workers required to perform the expected volume of work. To do this, you need to use the Standards for the number of employees in training departments (bureaus, sectors) at enterprises (when establishing such a standard, it is assumed that the amount of work will be performed by training engineers in a particular budgetary organization) and Aggregate Standards.

As a starting point, you need to take the entire amount of work that is defined in the legislation for personnel training, namely:

  • planning of continuous training of personnel;
  • organization of continuous professional and economic training for workers;
  • organization of individual training for workers;
  • organization of continuous training for managers, specialists and employees;
  • participation in the organization of training to improve the general educational level of employees (together with the personnel department);
  • control over the conduct of the educational process;
  • organization and execution of practical training for pupils and students;
  • organization of socially useful, productive work of schoolchildren and work on vocational guidance of youth;
  • organization of practical training for young specialists during the period of their internship;
  • participation in the organization and conduct of reviews (competitions) of professional skills;
  • participation in the analysis of learning outcomes;
  • drawing up cost estimates for all types of training;
  • preparation of reports on professional and economic training of personnel.

Further, from this list, those positions are highlighted that will actually be carried out in a specific budgetary institution, which, for example, does not have a contractual relationship for conducting practical training for students and students in it. Based on the result, a regulation on personnel training is created, and then, on its basis, job descriptions of employees for personnel training are developed.

Then, using the methodology for determining the number of staff for training, contained in the Standards for the number of employees in training departments (bureaus, sectors) at enterprises, and taking into account the number of annually trained personnel of a budgetary institution, the number of full or part-time positions in staffing table for this category of workers. With an insignificant amount of such work, for example, only at 0.25 rates, it makes sense (by virtue of Articles 60.2, 150 and 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) to authorize a personnel specialist to perform them, having received his consent to do so.

To independently calculate the categories and staffing units of the personnel department, you will need to use the Aggregate standards. They are designed to determine the cost of working time for recruiting and personnel accounting, time-keeping and military accounting, and are recommended for establishing assignments, as well as justifying the number of persons employed in these works. In particular, this manual contains standards for operational time in man-hours per accepted unit of measure for the amount of work, which includes the following types of work:

  • paperwork for hiring workers and employees;
  • execution of documents upon dismissal of workers and employees;
  • registration and accounting of work books;
  • execution of documents for the accounting of personnel movement;
  • preparation of statistical reports on personnel records;
  • preparation of certificates, participation in the development of plans and other work performed by staffing and personnel records;
  • timesheet work;
  • work in the pass office;
  • work in the military registration desk;
  • work related to automated control systems;
  • others.

Using the methods given in this document, it is possible to determine the number of staff units required to work on recruiting and recording personnel (performed by a personnel inspector), in timekeeping (timekeeper), in the pass bureau (duty bureau of passes), in the military registration table (inspector).

For clarity, consider an example of calculating the time rate and determining the annual labor intensity of standardized work and the number of employees using the formulas from the Above standards. The technique consists of two stages.

Stage I. We determine the norms of time for performing a unit of standardized work according to the formula:

Нвр = Top (1 + ---),

where Нвр - time norms for performing a specific standardized type of work, man-h;

Top - the standard of operational time for the performance of this work, established by the collection, man-h;

K is a coefficient that takes into account the time spent on organizational and technical maintenance of the workplace, rest (including physical culture breaks) and personal needs, as well as preparatory and final work, as a percentage of operational time. According to the results of the analysis of maps of photographs and self-photographs of the working time of workers K is taken equal to 8%.

To calculate the time norm for performing, for example, the operation "paperwork when hiring one employee", we substitute data from the corresponding tables of the Aggregate standards into the formula (the tables were developed by the Central Bureau of Labor Standards of the All-Union Labor Productivity Center and therefore have the status of scientifically based). Нвр = 0.74 x (1 + 8/100) = 0.74 x 1.08 = 0.8 (man-hours).

Further, it would be necessary to take data from the enlarged standards in turn for all operations that the personnel officer performs according to job description and regulations on the personnel department. For example, we will calculate the norm of time for performing the operation "registration and accounting of work books", provided that one work book is issued, one entry is made and one copy with ten entries is made: Нвр = (0.11 + 0.07 + 0.62) x (1 + 8/100) = 0.9 (person-h).

Stage II. When all the operations performed by the personnel officer have been calculated in this way, you can find out the annual labor intensity of the standardized work. It is determined taking into account the volume of each type of work performed according to the formula:

Тн = SUM Нвр. i x Vi,
i = 1

where Тн - annual labor intensity of standardized works, man-h;

Nvr. i is the time norm for performing a specific type of standardized work (complex of operations), man-hours;

Vi is the volume of a specific type of standardized work (complex of operations, operations) performed per year, man-hours;

i = 1, 2 ... n - types of standardized work (complex of operations, operations).

Then, according to a similar formula, the annual labor intensity of work (Тнн) is established, which are not provided for in the tables of the Aggregate standards. But before that, labor economists or rationers, that is, specialists in the organization of labor<8>who own, in particular, the methods of determining labor productivity, accounting and analysis of labor indicators, must determine the time norms for performing these operations.

<8>Labor organization specialists are required to have a higher professional (economic) education and undergo specialization, having mastered, for example, knowledge about social development the team, methods for determining the number of employees, the basics of production technology, the possibilities of using computer technology for calculating and accounting for labor indicators and the rules for its operation (see the Qualification handbook of employees).

And only then the total annual labor intensity of the work performed by the personnel department is determined, according to the formula:

To = Tn + Tnn.

On its basis, taking from the Above Standards information about the useful fund of working time of one employee per year or calculating it independently, it is possible, by isolating from the general To or calculating a special Too, indicating the annual labor intensity of certain types of work, to determine the estimated number of personnel officers in the areas of their activity ...

Here is the calculation of the number of personnel inspectors for a conditional organization:

H = To / FP,

where To is the total labor intensity of inspectors' work per year, man-hours (5500 - from Table 1 of the Aggregate Standards);

Фп - useful fund of working time of one employee per year (taken 1910 hours).

Then H = (5500 + 70) / 1910 = 2.9 people, where 70 (man-h) is the annual labor intensity of work not provided for by the Aggregate Standards. We get that in a conditional organization, a staff of personnel inspectors in the amount of three people is required to carry out work on the recruitment and accounting of personnel.

Calculating the number of timesheets is easier. It is determined by dividing the average number of employees by the service rate established by the time standards. To do this, you need to apply the formula:

H = Chos / Nobs,

where Chos is the average number of employees, people;

Nobs - service rate determined from the relevant collections of standards or obtained by calculation, people.

So, labor rationing is a rather difficult task, since the calculation should be based on the appropriate methods containing rather complicated mathematical formulas. If standard staffs are not used, it is necessary to involve specialists in labor rationing in this work.

N.A. Brilliantova


deputy head

Department of Labor Law

and rights social security ATiSO,

Scientific Secretary

doctoral dissertation council

at ATiSO

V.V. Arkhipov

practicing lawyer

Terentyev Bogdan

  • 30.07.2018 /

They were developed by the Central Bureau of Labor Standards of the Ministry of Labor of Russia with the participation of enterprises and organizations of sectoral ministries and departments. Inter-sectoral standards had a limited period of validity - until 1997, were of a recommendatory nature and were used as a basis for the development of labor rationing systems in organizations. Note! The official period of validity of the Interindustry standards for recruiting and personnel accounting has expired.

How to calculate the load on the HR department

They show, for example, how many employees over a certain period of time should be checked by an employee of the HR department for presence at the workplace. It is advisable to form a standardized task for employees of personnel services on the basis of an analysis of the content of the work (functions) they perform, the degree of their frequency and other factors. The establishment of standardized tasks will allow to rationally distribute functions between performers in accordance with their position and qualifications, to assess the effectiveness of work and interest individual workers in performing a larger amount of work (functions), combining professions and positions, subject to labor motivation.

The period for performing a standardized task is determined by the complexity and labor intensity, the degree of repetition of functions (works).

What is the number of personnel assigned to one personnel officer

Neither a record of the qualifications and the number of specialists, nor a real assessment is kept necessary costs working time. It's no secret that the number of HR employees in many companies is determined at the personal discretion of its “first person”. We will not comment on the correctness of this approach.
So how many HR people should there be in a company with 200 employees? It’s a pity, but we have to upset you. We cannot give a specific figure. You will have to look for the correct answer yourself, but ... with our help. And you will have to start with yourself, that is, with the rationing of your labor.
BASIC TYPES OF LABOR STANDARDS So, the improvement of the organization of labor of employees of personnel services is directly related to the solution of problems of its regulation (rationing) in time.

Number of employees per 1 HR officer

The second way - we proceed from the number of personnel This method is used most often, since it is quite logical that with an increase in the number of staff, the load on the personnel department increases. But information alone on the number of employees is clearly not enough, it is necessary to determine the list of functions assigned to personnel officers. Often, their tasks include: But even without these additional functions, one personnel officer is usually hired for every 150-200 people.

This is a very rough estimate, since it does not take into account the fluidity and the actual volume of processed documents. In addition, the specifics of the organization's activities can both reduce the load and increase it. Enterprises with harmful conditions labor, where medical examinations are necessary, registration of additional benefits, are, of course, more complicated from the point of view of personnel records.

Personnel rate

What workload should a personnel officer have and when to require additional payment

Inter-sectoral enlarged standards of working time for copying and operational reproduction of documents (1990); The enlarged norms of time for work performed in archives storing documents on the personnel of institutions, organizations and enterprises (1992); Standards for the number of employees in training departments (bureaus, sectors) at enterprises (1990); Inter-sectoral standards for the number of workers in the labor protection service at the enterprise (2001); Time norms for work on documentation support of administrative structures of federal executive bodies (2002); Selection recommendations suitable job workers, specialists and technical performers(2000); Recommendations for determining the staffing of budgetary organizations based on labor standards (2006).
Нвр = Top (1 + К / 100), where Нвр is the norm of time for performing a specific type of work (function), man-h; Top - normative value time to perform standardized work (function), established according to Interindustry standards, man-hours; K is a coefficient that takes into account the costs of organizational and technical maintenance of the workplace, rest and personal needs, as well as preparatory and final time. Based on the results of photographs and self-photographs, the working time is taken equal to 8%. For example, the norm of time for performing the operation "Paperwork when hiring one worker" will be: Нвр = 0.46 (1 + 8: 100) = 0.50 man-hours.

The time norm for the procedure "Registration and registration of work books", provided that one work book is issued, one entry is made and one copy with ten entries in the book is made: Нвр = (0.11 + 0.07 + 0.62) (1 + 8: 100) = 0.864 person-h.


Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and social issues USSR of November 14, 1991 Number of employees per 1 personnel officer However, such calculations are very time consuming and require significant efforts. In the case when efficiency is important, you can make calculations for a quarter or a month, but then the accuracy of the calculations will be very approximate.

And now let's together, with the help of the standards established by the decree of the USSR Ministry of Labor, calculate the required number of personnel service specialists, taking one month for the billing period. What should be the number of employees keeping personnel records? Attention I must say that with the introduction of the Labor Code, the approaches to the legal regulation of labor rate setting have undergone significant changes. Rationing has been transferred to the hands of the organizations themselves.
Despite this, experts consider them acceptable for all organizations, regardless of their form of ownership and type of activity. Firstly, because personnel records management in many respects repeats the technologies of documentation support for management, and secondly, because there are simply no special standards for documentary personnel support;
  • Resolution of the USSR Ministry of Labor of November 14, 1991 No.

Forum Surprisingly large reference base for HR administration Forum of HR officers. HR administration»HR administration Welcome to the forum of HR professionals and newcomers in HR business, dear colleagues! On our forum there are already more than 250,000 messages, more than 26,000 topics, and most importantly, we always have an excellent team and a spirit of mutual assistance. Novice guests, please USE THE FORUM SEARCH! Most of the questions have already been answered.

It should be noted that some of the provisions of these documents are outdated, some of them have become invalid, since they had a limited period of validity. However, they remain relevant to this day. Let's see how the required number of HR inspectors can be calculated on the basis of these standard standards.

CALCULATION OF THE NUMBER OF INSPECTORS BY HUMAN RESOURCES ON THE BASIS OF STANDARD STANDARDS In the traditional version of the work of the personnel service, the inspector performs all operations for accounting and staffing throughout the year. Below are fragments of time standards for paperwork when hiring workers and employees (table 1) and dismissal (table 2), contained in the Interindustry consolidated time standards for recruiting and personnel accounting, approved. by the decree of the Ministry of Labor of the USSR of 11/14/1991 No. 78 (hereinafter referred to as Interindustry standards).

Since the regulations governing the labor rate setting system have not yet been developed, the provisions of these standards can be applied at the present time as methodological manual when calculating and developing norms of time for certain types work performed by employees of the personnel service. When using this document, it should be borne in mind that to some extent it is outdated and does not take into account the changes that have occurred in the labor legislation, which are reflected in functional responsibilities personnel department employees. Therefore, the standards provided for in it may not cover the entire range of operations performed when hiring and firing workers.

Table 1 Time standards for paperwork when hiring workers and employees Contents of work when hiring employees: 1.
Annual labor intensity of work not provided for in the collection of standards, man-hours (70 man-hours). Then: H = (5500 + 70): 1910 = 2.9 people We take H = 3 people. Thus, the number of inspectors will be three.

Practice shows significant costs time for personnel officers for documentary service. For the standardization of typical works, the Time norms for work on documentary support of administrative structures of federal executive bodies, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 26, 2002 No. 23. HR services (with the traditional structure of enterprise labor resources management) may employ the number of timekeepers, which is determined by dividing the average number of enterprise employees by the service rate established by the time standards.

Let's give an example of calculating their number.

how many personnel officers should there be in the organization, are there standards? We have 451 people at our company and I am one personnel officer. Thank you.


Answer to the question:

There are standards, but they are advisory in nature for the employer. They can be taken as a basis when developing your own standards.

For an example of calculating the number of personnel in the HR department, see add. materials.

Details in the materials of the System Personnel:

1. Situation:How to determine the staffing of the organization's HR department

As a general rule, the headcount of an organization, including its individual divisions, is determined by its head at his own discretion in accordance with the structure of the organization, its functions and levels of management. At the same time, different ones can be used to calculate the number of certain employees.

In particular, when calculating the number of employees of the personnel service, the employer can use the Intersectoral consolidated time standards approved by the Resolution of the USSR Ministry of Labor No. 78 dated November 14, 1991. Currently, this document is of an informational and recommendatory nature and can be used by employers in the part that does not contradict Labor Code RF.

An example of calculating the number of employees in the HR department

The planned number of Alpha employees is 500 people.

Annually they plan to hire 50 employees (of which engineers - 20, workers - 30), fire - 45, apply for a pension - 20.

Based on the planned data using the standards, the head of the personnel department compiled a table with the required types of work and calculated the corresponding coefficients.

P / p No. Type of operations performed Unit of measure for the amount of work The number of the standard according to the Interindustry consolidated time standards, approved by the decree of the USSR Ministry of Labor of November 14, 1991, No. 78 Time standard per unit of measurement, T opi, people. - h , H vpi, people - h Scope of work per year, V i standardized works, T i, people - h
1. Paperwork when hiring workers One employee standard 1 of table 1 0,46 0,50 30 15
2. Registration of documents for hiring an engineering technician One employee standard 2 table 1 0,74 0,80 20 16
3. Execution of documents upon dismissal of an employee One employee standard 1 of table 2 0,39 0,42 45 18,9
4. Paperwork for a retiring employee One employee standard 1 of table 21 3,3 3,56 20 71,2
5. Compiling a report on the number of employees by gender and age and workers by education One report standard 3 table 23 10,75 11,61 1 11,61
Annual labor intensity of standardized works (Tn) 3 780

The head of the personnel department calculated the norms of time for performing a specific standardized type of work using the formula: H vpi = T opi × (1 + K: 100),

T opi - standard time per unit of measurement;
K is a coefficient that takes into account the time spent on organizational and technical maintenance of the workplace, rest (including physical culture breaks) and personal needs.

Coefficient K is taken equal to eight (clause 1.7 of the Interbranch consolidated standards of time, approved by the decree of the Ministry of Labor of the USSR of November 14, 1991, No. 78).

The labor intensity of the standardized work was calculated by the head of the personnel department according to the formula: T i = H bpi × V i,

T i - the complexity of the standardized work;
H vpi - time norms for performing a specific standardized type of work;
V i - volume of work per year.

This procedure is established in clause 1.8 of the Interindustry consolidated time standards, approved by the decree of the USSR Ministry of Labor of November 14, 1991, No. 78.

The annual labor intensity of standardized work (Tn), based on the table compiled by the head of the personnel department, calculated by the formula:

T n = T i1 + T i2 + T i3 + ... + T in

The labor intensity of non-standardized work was calculated by the head of the personnel department using the formula:

T j = H bpj × V j,

T j - the complexity of non-standardized work;
Н врj - norms of time for performing work, not provided by the collection and established on the basis of local standards by methods of labor rationing;
V j - the annual volume of work not provided for in the collection.

This procedure is established in clause 1.9 of the Interindustry consolidated time standards, approved by the decree of the USSR Ministry of Labor of November 14, 1991, No. 78.

The annual labor intensity of non-standardized work (T nn) was calculated by the head of the personnel department using the formula:

T nn = T j1 + T j2 + T j3 + ... + T jn

T about = T n + T nn

The standard number of employees of the personnel service (P) was calculated by the head of the personnel department according to the formula:

H = T about: F p,

T about - the total annual labor intensity;
F p - useful fund of working time of one employee per year - is taken on average equal to 1,910 hours (clause 1.11 of the Interbranch consolidated time standards, approved by the decree of the Ministry of Labor of the USSR of November 14, 1991, No. 78).

The annual labor intensity of the non-standardized work of the head of the personnel department of "Alpha" is 40 hours.

The total annual labor intensity (T o) will be 4,820 people / h (3,780 people / h + 40 people / h).

The total number of employees in the human resources department (HR) was calculated to be two (4,820 people / h: 1,910 hours).

If, at the same time, the personnel service is entrusted with the duties of maintaining military records, it is necessary for employees involved in military registration In the organisation.

If the personnel service also performs the functions of the labor protection service, it is necessary additionally in the organization on the basis of the Interindustry standards approved by the decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated January 22, 2001 No. 10.

Nina Kovyazina, Deputy Director of the Department of Medical Education and Personnel Policy in Healthcare of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Best regards and wishes for a comfortable work, Svetlana Gorshneva,

Expert Systems Personnel

V.V. Yurashev ,

Associate Professor MGIEM,


Ph.D. n.

Letters never cease to come to the editorial office of the magazine, in which office managers, accountants and secretaries of small companies are interested in how many the staff of the organization should grow in order for the management to introduce a separate staffing unit - a personnel inspector? HR inspectors ask how to convince the management of the organization that they do not have time to carry out more and more new work that is entrusted to them with the change in labor, social and pension legislation? General directors figuring out how many human resources are needed to keep the organization running?

The editors decided not to limit themselves to individual consultations and turned to a mathematician who, using dry numbers and strict formulas, tried to find arguments for the leaders of organizations, who often unreasonably save on personnel inspectors.

The main document used to determine the cost of working time for work on recruitment and personnel accounting, as well as to justify the required number of workers engaged in these works, to this day remain Interindustry consolidated time standards for work on recruitment and personnel accounting.<*>approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the USSR of November 14, 1991 No. 78. The validity period of the standards was repeatedly extended and was limited to 1997. But, since the new time standards for the performance of personnel operations have not yet been adopted, its provisions, as not contrary to labor legislation, and also due to the fact that they are an economic instrument of labor rationing, and do not directly regulate legal relations, continue to be applied by labor economists when calculating the number of employees in HR departments.

First of all, we will figure out what operations should be performed by employees of the personnel department in accordance with the Collection and analyze which of them are performed in all organizations, which - only in some (including due to the specifics of the company's activities), and which, in due to changes in legislation, practically not implemented.

So, the list of works is impressive. In reality, it is even greater, since over the years after the approval of the standards, work on the preparation and provision of individual (personified) accounting documents in the state pension insurance system, work with social insurance divisions of the Federal Social Security Service of Russia, work on medical insurance and more were added to the functions of personnel departments. a number of other very laborious works.

All these works are not included in the Collection, but, nevertheless, they are performed, regardless of how many pairs of hands are in the personnel department.

Let's take only four (!) Of the thirty jobs that must be performed by the personnel services of all organizations. The Collection takes the following time for their implementation:

table 2

Item by Collection Work Time rate according to the Collection ( Topr)
3.1 Registration of documents when hiring workers and employees 0.46 hours per 1 received worker; 0.74 hours for 1 received employee
3.3.2 Registration of documents upon dismissal of workers and employees 0.39 hours for 1 dismissed employee
3.4.5 Vacation registration 0.11 hours per employee
3.4.16 Registration of documents for workers retiring on an old-age pension 3.3 person hours per employee + 0.5 hours per 1 employee retiring

According to the Collection, the time norm for performing a unit of standardized work is determined by the formula:

Нвр = Topr + Topr k,

where Нвр is the norm of time for the performance of a contractual normative type of work (man hours);

Topr - the standard of operational time for the performance of this work, established by the Collection (man.h);

k is a coefficient that takes into account the time spent on organizational and technical maintenance of the workplace, personal needs, etc. (v %).

Since the standards of the operational time for the execution of this work (Topr) are known to us (table 2), we will deal with k. This coefficient takes into account the time spent on organizational and technical maintenance of the workplace, rest and personal needs, as well as preparatory and final work. The workplace of each personnel officer is individual: someone has a computer of the latest generation, someone has an old "386", and someone has all that is - a letterhead, stationery and a micro-calculator. In the personnel department of one enterprise, information storage is automated (in electronic libraries and archives), in others - all cases are stored in semi-automatic cabinets, in the third - cases are placed on ordinary shelves. What is "rest" while working? These are necessary exercises for the eyes while working on a personal computer, this is industrial gymnastics.

Consequently, k can vary: from 6 to 11%.

Let's see how the NVR time rate will depend on paperwork when applying for a job .

But first, let's determine what operations are included in this work. According to the Collection, the time standard (0.74 hours per 1 employee and 0.46 hours per 1 worker) is set only for performing the following operations:

  1. familiarization with the documents submitted by the applicant for work (passport, work book, education documents, military ID, etc.) and on their basis filling out the order (instruction) for employment (forms No. T-1 and T-1a) and personal cards (form No. T-2 or No. T-2GS), as well as filling out the registration card of a scientific, scientific and pedagogical worker (form No. T-4), if a scientific worker is hired;
  2. making an entry in the work book on the basis of an order (instruction) for employment;
  3. hiring notes in the journal (book) about hiring (if such a journal is kept);
  4. registration of a personal file (filing an application for employment, an autobiography and other documents related to the activities of an employee, compiling an inventory of documents in a personal file);
  5. numbering, registration and stowage of personal files in the safe;
  6. familiarization of the employee with the internal labor regulations;
  7. completing a safety checklist.

Neither the conclusion of an employment contract, nor the familiarization of the employee with local regulations related to labor function, neither the registration of the insurance certificate of the state pension insurance, nor the interview, nor other operations performed by the personnel department when hiring at the present time, are not taken into account when calculating this standard.

Thus, the execution of only 7 operations will take the time indicated in Table 3.

Table 3<*>

Nvr k
6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11%
Nrab 0,49 0,49 0,50 0,50 0,51 0,51
Nsluzh 0,78 0,79 0,80 0,81 0,81 0,82

The table shows how the rate of time for performing only one job depends on how it was originally organized workplace how the personnel officer himself is collected and organized.

Now we need to determine the annual labor intensity of standardized work Тн. According to the Collection, it is determined taking into account the volume of each type of work performed according to the formula:

where Тн - annual labor intensity of standardized works (man.h);

Нврi - the norm of time for performing a specific standardized type of work (man-hours);

Vi is the volume of a specific type of work performed per year;

i - 1, 2,…, n - types of work performed.

Let's calculate Тн when applying for a job. Suppose that the monthly hiring is 1% of the total workforce in the enterprise. Let's take a small service company with a staff of 100 people, of which 20% are workers and 80% are employees.

The monthly volume of hiring is 1 person, per year - 12 people. Conventionally, 2.4 workers and 9.6 employees will be hired in a year. Let's calculate the annual labor intensity of paperwork when hiring separately workers and separately - employees all in the same company with a staff of 100 people.

Table 4<*>

Тн (person h.) k
6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11%
Trab 1,17 1,18 1,19 1,20 1,21 1,23
Service 7,53 7,60 7,67 7,74 7,81 7,89
General 8,70 8,78 8,86 8,94 9,02 9,12

<*>The calculations were carried out with an accuracy of 0.01.

In it, Labor is the annual labor intensity of standardized work for hiring employees, Trab is the annual labor intensity of standardized work for hiring workers, and General - the total annual labor intensity of standardized work for hiring both workers and employees.

If the monthly employment is 2 people (2% of 100 state units), then 24 people are accepted per year, if 3 - then 36 per year, if 4 - then 48 per year, if 5 - then 60 per year, if 6 - then 72 per year. In other words, if a% is the percentage of admission per month (per 100 people working), then a is the number of people hired per month, and 12a is hired per year. In this case, the annual labor intensity of paperwork when applying for a job in a company with a staff of 100 people (of which 20% are workers and 80% are employees) will be determined according to Table 5.

Table 5<*>

% Тн (person h.) k
6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11%
= 2 Service 15,06 15,20 15,34 15,48 15,62 15,78
Trab 2,34 2,36 2,38 2,40 2,42 2,46
General 17,40 17,56 17,92 17,88 18,04 18,24
= 3 Service 22,59 22,80 23,01 23,22 23,43 23,67
Trab 3,51 3,54 3,57 3,60 3,63 3,69
General 26,10 26,28 26,68 26,82 27,06 27,36
= 4 Service 30,12 30,40 30,68 30,96 31,24 31,56
Trab 4,68 4,72 4,76 4,80 4,84 4,92
General 34,80 35,12 35,44 35,76 36,08 36,48
= 5 Service 37,65 38,00 38,35 38,70 39,05 39,45
Trab 5,85 5,90 5,95 6,00 6,05 6,15
General 43,50 43,90 44,30 44,70 45,10 45,60
= 6 Service 44,18 45,60 46,02 46,44 46,86 47,34
Trab 7,02 7,08 7,14 7,20 7,26 7,38
General 52,20 52,68 53,16 53,64 54,12 54,72

<*>The calculations were carried out with an accuracy of 0.01.

And now, let's see how the annual labor intensity of work on registration of an admission depends on the ratio of employees and workers. At the same time, we remain within 100 staff units and k - 8%.

Table 6<*>

% Тн (person h.) k
1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6%
80% of employees

20% of workers

Trab 1,20 2,40 3,60 4,80 6,00 7,20
Service 7,68 15,36 23,04 30,72 38,40 46,08
General 8,88 17,76 26,64 35,52 44,40 53,28
70% of employees

30% of workers

Trab 1,80 3,60 5,40 7,20 9,00 10,80
Service 6,72 13,44 20,18 26,88 33,60 40,32
General 8,52 17,04 25,56 34,08 42,60 51,12
60% of employees

40% of workers

Trab 2,40 4,80 7,20 9,60 12,00 14,40
Service 5,76 11,52 17,28 23,04 28,80 34,56
General 8,14 16,28 24,42 32,56 40,70 48,84
50% of employees

50% of workers

Trab 2,98 5,96 8,94 11,92 14,90 17,88
Service 4,80 9,60 14,40 19,20 24,00 28,80
General 7,78 15,56 23,34 31,12 38,90 46,68

<*>The calculations were carried out with an accuracy of 0.01.

Now let's move on to the second work - paperwork upon dismissal of employees and define its annual labor intensity. As part of this work, the following operations are performed:

  1. filling out the order (instruction) form on the termination of the employment contract (forms No. T-8 and T-8a) on the basis of the resolution of the head of the organization on the employee's application for dismissal;
  2. filling out a personal card;
  3. making an entry in the work book;
  4. issuance of a work book against a receipt to the dismissed;
  5. an entry on the issuance of a work book in the book for registering the movement of work books;
  6. seizure of a personal file from a card index, an entry in a personal file of dismissal and in the journal of dismissed (if such is maintained);
  7. completing documents for transfer to the archive;
  8. moving a personal card to a filing cabinet;
  9. drawing up a report on dismissal from work.

The time standard - 0.39 hours per 1 dismissed employee - is calculated only for these operations.

The company is still the same - with a staff of 100 people, of which 20% are workers and 80% are employees.

Table 7<*>

% (number of dismissed per month) T0 (12 ), (person h) k
6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11%
1 T0 = ​​12 4,98 5,01 5,05 5,10 5,15 5,19
2 T0 = ​​24 9,92 10,02 10,11 10,20 10,30 10,38
3 T0 = ​​36 14,88 15,03 15,15 15,30 15,45 15,57
4 T0 = ​​48 19,84 20,04 20,22 20,40 20,60 20,76
5 T0 = ​​60 24,80 25,05 25,25 25,50 25,75 25,95
6 T0 = ​​72 29,76 30,06 30,33 30,60 30,90 31,14

<*>The calculations were carried out with an accuracy of 0.01.

One more key work performed by the HR department - vacation registration ... It includes the following operations:

  1. drawing up a vacation order;
  2. entry in a personal card on the basis of an order;
  3. calculation of the duration of additional vacation;
  4. an entry in the leave registration journal (if any).

For this work, the Collection assigns 0.11 hours per employee. Let's define the annual labor intensity of this work.

Table 8<*>

T (person h) k%
6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11%
11,66 11,77 11,88 11,99 12,1 12,21

<*>The calculations were carried out with an accuracy of 0.01.

And the last of the selected operations - paperwork for workers retiring on an old-age pension. The time standard of 3.3 man / h is calculated by the Book for performing the following operations:

  1. a selection of work books based on a list of employees of retirement age;
  2. clarification of the total length of service (including preferential ones) according to the data of the personal card and work record book;
  3. registration of the employee's application;
  4. registration of a pension layout;
  5. retirement counseling;
  6. submission of documents to social security authorities;
  7. registration of documents in social security authorities;
  8. entries in the retirement book (if any).

For paperwork in the social security authorities, 0.5 hours are given for 1 employee who retires.

Some of these operations are not performed, but on the other hand, they are more than offset by the increased time spent on consulting employees and on contacts with pension authorities.

When calculating the labor intensity of this work, we will proceed from the fact that 0, r% is the number of employees retiring during the month (in percent); 0, r is the number of employees retiring during the month; 0, r х 12 - the number of employees retiring per year.

Table 9<*>

0, r% 3.3 people h 0.5 h (person h) k
6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11%
0,1 T 4,83 4,88 4,92 4,97 5,02 5,06
0,2 T 9,67 9,76 9,85 9,94 10,03 10,12
0,3 T 14,50 14,64 14,77 14,91 15,05 15,18
0,4 T 19,33 19,52 19,70 19,88 20,06 20,25
0,5 T 24,17 24,40 24,62 24,85 25,08 25,31
0,6 T 29,00 29,20 29,55 29,82 30,01 30,37

<*>The calculations were carried out with an accuracy of 0.01.

Tables 4-9 are basic. This means that if we calculate the standards for 100 people in the state, then to calculate the same standards for 2000 people, we multiply each of the indicators by 20 and, after summing them up, we get the total time it takes for an employee of the HR department to complete all the work. If the company employs M people, then each of the standards, calculated for 100 people, must be multiplied by M / 100, and the obtained indicators must be summed up.

Now about the rules for using tables.

For 100 employees, the annual labor intensity of only 4 jobs is:

11.88 person h - registration of vacations (table 8);

19.7 people h - registration of a pension (table 9 (r = 0.4);

15.15 person hours - dismissal (table 7 (= 3%);

26.64 people h - hiring (table 5 (= 3%).

Total, based on 100 employees, the annual labor intensity of these works will be 73.37 people.

Now let's take one of the key factors that directly affect the workload of HR employees - staff turnover .

Let's define the staff turnover as follows.

Let g be the number of people dismissed in a year, the same number of people we should take in a year; we consider the percentage ratio of workers and employees unchanged. If, for example, you take a company with a staff of 100 people, of which 20% are workers and 80% are employees, then with k = 8% and with monthly dismissal of 1 person and hiring 1 employee, the HR employee will need to spend 14.01 hours. If there are a person like that, it will take 14.01 ґ a hours. With a useful fund of working time of one employee in hours equal to 1910 hours, the number of employees is determined by the formulas:

Since - the number of people calculated for 100 staff units, then a is simultaneously the percentage of people dismissed and hired.

We believe that the hiring of workers and employees is carried out in their percentage, that is, 2.4 workers and 9.6 employees will be fired and hired in a year, provided that the monthly dismissal and hiring is 1 person. If more workers are fired, then an appropriate recalculation must be made.

In the case when the company has 20% of employees and 80% of workers, the formulas for determining the number of employees in the personnel department change and take the following form:

As in a company with a staff of 500 people (of which 80% are employees and 20% are workers) - the so-called "intellectual company", the annual labor intensity (T) and the number of employees in the personnel department (L) change depending on the turnover of personnel (% is the number of employees hired and fired within a year), Figure 1 will help us understand.

Let's see how the number of personnel officers will be calculated in a company with a staff of 500 people (20% of employees and 80% of workers). If the formula is used to determine the number of HR employees in an organization of 100 people

The figures illustrate in the best possible way how staff turnover, which sometimes depends more on wage policies, motivation and other factors than on the HR department itself, affects the number of HR personnel themselves.

We hope that these figures will convince your management that if only two jobs - registration of hiring and firing - require 1 personnel worker in a company with 500 people with a turnover of 27% per month (see Fig. 1), then in order to to carry out about four dozen more jobs, you have long been in need of assistants.

In ancient times, while people had not yet become familiar with culture and science, they produced fire by rubbing solid wood. Enlightened people, on the other hand, removed a purer fire from the sky, collecting the rays of the sun with the help of mirrors and lenses.

Likewise, the methods of determining the number of employees in an organization differ. It's time for your leadership to rely on calculations, not on intuition and often unreasonable savings in one of the key functions of the organization.