Sample resume of office supplies seller. Sample resume for the job of a sales assistant. Sales Assistant Key Skills, Skills and Opportunities

Sales assistant is one of the most demanded professions. There are many players on the market - small and large companies, private entrepreneurs, online store owners - and they all sell goods and services that require an expert to sell.

Target: position of a sales manager in a non-food store in Novomoskovsk, full-time.

The desired salary level is 5000 UAH.

Key skills:

In sales

  • skills active sales in retail,
  • display of goods,
  • inventory,
  • work with the cash register, terminal,
  • advising clients on the trading floor,
  • assistance in promoting the store on social networks.

Are common

  • preparation of primary documentation,
  • mentoring (transfer of experience to junior salespeople).


cutting and sewing clothes (certified seamstress).


MS Office, 1C, Corel Draw.


December 2014 - January 2017: shop assistant, cashier; chain of stores "Domostroy" (household goods).


  • reception and display of goods,
  • window dressing,
  • advising buyers on the trading floor,
  • settlement and cash services,
  • maintaining primary documentation (preparation of consignment notes),
  • preparation of sales reports,
  • accounting of the remains of goods in the warehouse,
  • control of the timing of the sale of goods.


In December 2016, it was assigned the status “ The best seller trading network»Based on the results of the year.

August 2010 - May 2014: salesman, shop "Little Fairy" (sale of goods for children, pregnant women, mothers, sale of baby food).



  • 100% fulfillment of the sales plan, in some months - overfulfillment; maximum overfulfillment of the plan - by 210% in November 2014
  • training of 5 young specialists (six months after the training, all trainees reached 100% fulfillment of the sales plan),
  • building communication with the audience in social networks (2% of sales from Vk, 4% of sales from FB).

2005 - 2010: studio "Athena", seamstress, cutter(women's, men's, children's clothing).


  • cut out on templates,
  • work with different types of fabrics,
  • sewing knitwear, workwear, outerwear,
  • consulting clients, individual selection of models.


1997 - 2000 Novomoskovsk vocational school No. 17, specialty "Seamstress-minder", bachelor's degree.


2014 - A series of trainings "Sales Technique" organized by the employer (5 trainings).

2014 Courses "Seller-cashier" on the basis of the regional state employment center (6 months).

Personal qualities:

  • Ability to build long-term cooperative relationships with colleagues,
  • The ability to quickly build contact with a potential buyer,
  • Ability to maintain emotional balance in conflict situations.

Sales assistant resume example was last modified: July 4th, 2017 by Elena Nabatchikova

Is an opportunity to show the existing potential, strengths, therefore, you should take care of the right accents for guaranteed employment. Studying the example of a sales assistant's resume, you can make sure that the employer initially tries to find a good employee who will contribute to the successful completion of the tasks. It directly depends on how successful the development of the shopping center, where the sales assistant is, will be.

What skills should you look out for first?

The sales assistant must successfully work with the product. Job responsibilities determine which ones should be emphasized when writing a resume:

  • Competent presentation of the goods. To successfully fulfill this responsibility, you should be familiar with the products that are being sold. The chances of successful employment are increased if the potential employee has similar experience or interests.
  • Neatness and cleanliness. The sales assistant should look good, as it directly affects the impression that will be made on the buyer. Even bad breath can be off-putting, which is why cleanliness is a major requirement.
  • Developed communication skills and loyalty. Buyers need to feel compassionate towards themselves. Indifference immediately reduces the chances of a successful sale to a minimum. In this regard, the sales assistant should be smiling, friendly and sociable.
  • Attentiveness. The seller-consultant must not only correctly represent the goods and communicate with buyers, but also place orders, enter orders for the delivery of goods, and issue invoices. The slightest mistake leads to loss of reputation and unwanted losses. For this reason, you need to be resistant to unexpected situations and always be attentive.
  • Interest in successful work... The main task of any sales assistant is to make a lot of sales. In this regard, work should be treated like a business.

A resume should indicate not only the necessary skills and specific work experience, but also the presence of suitable character traits. The employer is initially looking for information that will prove the possibility of successful cooperation. In this regard, a resume should not be a simple listing of courses and jobs completed. The main task is to draw up a unique personal proposal in a commercial style that will inspire particular confidence.

How to write a resume

Ready-made resume examples for the work of a sales assistant make it possible to understand on what basis all the necessary information should be included. In addition, the form of the document becomes clear.

Each person, having reached a certain age, thinks about how he will provide for himself. The choice of a profession largely depends on knowledge, skills, education and work experience. Also, the psychological characteristics of a person play an important role.

Work as a sales assistant

If you decide to try to work as a sales assistant, then you should know what this profession is, what difficulties there are. You need to know other points: what should be the seller, what is his responsibility, how to communicate with customers, and so on. To make a name for yourself, it is worth considering a sales assistant for an employer questionnaire.

At first glance, it may seem that this work is actually simple and does not require much effort. But in reality, being a sales assistant is not so easy. You need to be friendly, stress-resistant, sociable, know everything about your product and even about your competitors. It is necessary to be able to find an approach to each customer, to "hook" him and at the same time not to scare him away with persistence. It is worth remembering that clients are different; there are not only adequate visitors. Therefore, the ability to remain calm is extremely important. You will learn about all the desirable qualities if you look at the sample resume of the sales assistant. They indicate the standard skills, characteristics required in this profession.

Job search sales assistant

If you decide to try yourself in this profession, after weighing all the pros and cons, then you need to think about one more thing. What exactly do you want or can you sell? Foodstuffs, clothes and shoes, stationery, toys, appliances, and maybe furniture? The choice is large and it is impossible to list everything.

If you have made a decision, you can start looking through ads in newspapers, on the Internet and send a resume of a sales assistant to the competition for your favorite vacancies. You can find a sample filling at the end of this article. You can also print your resume and leave it in various shopping centers, shops where they would like or could work.

Before introducing yourself to employers, find out as much as possible about them.

Drawing up a resume for a sales assistant

If you want to please the employer, to be hired, you need to be able to declare yourself.

Competent resume writing will help you with this. A sample (sales assistant) can be found at the end of this article.

In the resume, you must indicate all those that the merchant should have. These are, for example, attentiveness, resistance to stress, sociability, the ability to find an approach to people. You can look at the resume samples of a sales assistant, find descriptions of the qualities that are usually indicated, and add suitable characteristics for yourself to increase your chances.

It is also advisable to indicate in the resume what skills and experience are available. For example, work with the programs "1C Trade" or "1C Enterprise", cash register, computer and office programs. All this information is desirable.

A sample of filling out the resume of a sales assistant

The employer, HR manager, during the day, consider a lot of questionnaires and applications from those wishing to take a vacant position.

The only way to interest them, as a rule, is a well-written resume, which contains information about the qualities, knowledge, skills and experience that are required from the employee. Therefore, check your spelling and punctuation before submitting your application. The information must be understandable and presented in the correct form, without abbreviations of words. No need to be casual. Otherwise, you may get the impression of bad manners.

So, let's take an example of how it should look like correct sample summary. The "clothing sales assistant" would be a vacant position in this case.

Sales assistant resume sample
Full name Full name of surname, name and patronymic

Date of Birth

Day, month, year of birth

Family status

Single or single, married or married, no children or, if any, indicate the number

Residence address

The actual address

contact phone number

Write the number you always use and stay in touch

E-mail address

Check the spelling
Job wishes

What position are you applying for, what kind of work schedule is desirable and what is the minimum wages agree.


Written in descending order: from the last to the first job, indicating the dates, job titles, responsibilities and employer. You can also add how much progress you have made and what skills you have acquired.

EducationHere you indicate what kind of education you have: secondary and so on. Start and end date of training. Full name educational institution... Specialty, qualification. If you have something you can mark it. It should also indicate what success you have achieved in your studies. For example, they took an active part in various events

If you have taken any courses, please indicate this. For example, it would be nice to mention the passing of training courses in the programs "1C Trade" and "1C Enterprise"

Special skills and knowledge

Here knowledge can be noted foreign languages, computer knowledge level

Professional skillsFor example, experience in sales, the ability to select clothes for customers by size and color compatibility
Personal qualitiesConflict-free, learnable, no bad habits

On the top right, you can attach your business photo, where your face is clearly visible.

Such resume samples of a sales assistant are easy to read, the employer quickly finds the necessary points that affect his decision. However, there is a category of people who believe that in order to be remembered, it is worth sending non-standard profiles. But these creative ideas are not suitable for all professions. Therefore, if you decide to work in the trade, then it is better to use traditional examples of a sales assistant's resume as an example.