Business plan for creating a sewing studio. The main indicators of the project. Do I need permission to open

The idea to open a sewing studio naturally comes to mind for experienced craftswomen, even more often for graduates of specialized lyceums and universities and inveterate women of fashion with entrepreneurial enthusiasm. We present expert opinions, as well as consider costs, risks and potential income.

Atelier from scratch: personal experience

After the crisis of 2014, sewing workshops have become extremely popular both in megalopolises and in provincial cities of Russia. Revenues fell, store prices adjusted to the dollar, and trading halls emptied. Then the practical and experienced Russians remembered that clothes can be repaired and altered.

According to Rosstat, the growth in the number of tailoring and repair shops in our country is 10% per year. Half of startups close after several months of work, but new ones immediately open up. And these are important arguments for those who are considering opening their own workshop.

The structure of orders according to the results of a survey of the owners of ten Krasnoyarsk ateliers:

  • 45% - clothing repair;
  • 10% - reworking of fur coats and leather goods;
  • 25% - sewing home textiles (bed linen and curtains);
  • 20% - individual tailoring.
  • The average bill for the repair of clothes is 350 rubles, and these are reasonable prices for a sleeping area. It was with the expectation of residents with a small income that Irina Lapina opened her atelier in Vologda. The startup cost her family 112 thousand rubles. And we managed to return these investments after a year of work.

    Irina's story is quite typical: studying at a vocational school, then working in a small studio, where she gained experience and professional secrets. When at the family council they decided to open their own sewing workshop, the first thing they did was to start the calculations. The start-up capital was used to purchase equipment and a modest premises.

    To open a sewing workshop, a businessman needs not only start-up capital, but also professional experience.

    Cost estimate for opening a tailor shop

  • Professional sewing machine - 20,000 rubles.
  • Household sewing machine - 7,000 rubles.
  • Overlock - 15,000 rubles.
  • Steam generator - 15,000 rubles.
  • Cutting table - 3,000 rubles.
  • Mannequin - 3,000 rubles.
  • Furniture and equipment - 37,000 rubles.
  • Rent of 10m 2 - 12,000 rubles.
  • The total costs will amount to 112,000 rubles.

    It is important to take into account all the costs of promoting a business.

    Initially, the office was opened in their residential area. Irina's regular customers became the first clients of the new workshop. After several months of intensive work, the owner of the atelier realized that it was time to expand - and took on another tailor.

    Types of sewing workshop services

    According to the 2GIS of Krasnoyarsk, now in any residential area of ​​the city there are from 1 to 5 sewing ateliers. As a rule, each one specializes in 2-3 types of services, which allows them to occupy their own business niche and reduces competition. Ateliers most often provide the following services to the population:

  • Clothing repair;
  • fitting new clothes;
  • tailoring;
  • sewing curtains;
  • sewing bed linen;
  • sewing a wedding dress;
  • sewing clothes for animals;
  • production of dance costumes.
  • Even at the planning stage, Irina decided that the studio would only deal with clothing repair and individual tailoring of suits. And I guessed it: in a residential area, these services were in demand - to hem a skirt or trousers, to fix a jacket, to sew a dress for a prom or an anniversary.

    The novice business woman looked for new orders through the VKontakte group, and in the evenings Irina, when she was walking with the child, pasted leaflets near the entrances. She did not miss the opportunity: she participated in city fairs, exhibitions, gave small ads in magazines. And these low-cost advertising methods worked.

    “I had a very low price tag for the city. For ordering a wedding dress, I made a gift - I released two pigeons: the clients were pleased. "

    Irina Lapina

    A year later, the monthly revenue was already 230 thousand rubles, and the customers were corporate clients: nearby shops and dance studios. They sewed their uniforms and smart suits from Irina. When it became clear that there were not enough workers, the tailors found a larger room, bought machines and expanded their staff.

    Now in this Vologda atelier 4 craftswomen are making orders and repairing them. But the owner herself takes measurements from clients and prepares patterns. The monthly income of the atelier is now about 90 thousand rubles, and this allows planning the development of the enterprise.

    Everything should be ready for the arrival of customers

    Table: financial indicators of the atelier 2 years after opening

    This real story clearly shows: opening a sewing workshop will not be difficult and costly, but you will need an accurate calculation, a great desire, courage and a lot of effort. This is exactly what the business plan serves.

    Business plan: simple rules

    First of all, it is the owner who is investing in a new business that needs a detailed and honest business plan. This is a simple rule that entrepreneurs underestimate. According to businessmen who started from scratch - they opened a tent in the market or a repair workshop household appliances, and without any plan: more often than not, such a first experience just becomes the business plan of the next one - a working business. It turns out twice as expensive!

    Meanwhile, writing a business plan will not be difficult for anyone who knows a business thoroughly. Or ready to study - in the process of writing a forecast plan for your future company. Before you start spending your investment on a sewing workshop, you will first need to sort out the upcoming costs to the nearest ruble.

    Take the time to work out your business plan: these efforts will pay off handsomely

    The main sections of the business plan

    The main document, according to which a businessman will work in the next few years, consists of six parts:

  • Industry analysis.
  • Organizational plan.
  • Production plan.
  • Financial plan.
  • Marketing and Advertising.
  • Risks.
  • Customers are increasingly choosing repair and custom tailoring

    Industry analysis

    Quite simply, the industry analysis is just a "passport photo": strict size, nothing superfluous. First you have to study all legislative framework in sewing and in the field personal services: federal laws, industry-specific SNIPs and Rules. Here is a list of the main documents:

  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • RF Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights";
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08/15/1997. No. 1025 "On Approval of the Rules of Consumer Services for the Population of the Russian Federation".
  • In this section of the business plan, you need to decide who will be the main customer of the new atelier: age and gender, occupation and income, preferences in choosing clothes and the frequency of seeking sewing services. A conditional portrait of a client is considered target audience, and all the work of the enterprise, namely the work schedule, prices, the list of services, will have to be built taking into account the interests of these consumers.

    To assess the competitive environment and the demand for sewing services, you need to study the business of competitors. On the website of the Statistical Office, you can find information on the number of tailor shops in any city or village in the region. The 2GIS system will also give comparable figures. Call your potential competitors as a client - both market leaders and neighbors in the area of ​​your future office.

    It is important to find out: what types of services do business colleagues earn, prices for these works, lead times, whether they provide Additional services, discounts for retirees or corporate clients.

    And it is better to visit several ateliers from the list of your closest competitors. Evaluate the size and furnishings of the premises, the number of employees, opening hours and service rules.

    Original solutions, peeped from competitors, will help you attract a paying clientele from the very beginning.

    All collected data should be entered into a comparative table. This will make it easier to understand what niche to occupy, as well as navigate the location of the studio and the organization of its work. The market share is considered approximate. This information will be important when planning business development.

    Table: garment industry - comparative characteristics

    Organizational plan

    Every business plan requires the same effort as planning a vacation trip, for example. In this case, they first choose a direction, then a place of rest, taking into account all wishes: so that the hotel is in the city center and next to the sea, and the room is spacious. And, finally, based on such tasks, they are determined with a budget.

    In the business plan, you also need to think over the sequence of opening a sewing workshop and write down all the little things: then this will be a guide to action.

    We solve organizational questions and write down the answers in the business plan:

  • Individual entrepreneur or LLC, we take into account the time and cost of registration.
  • Choosing a taxation system.
  • We decide on the list of services.
  • Where and what premises will the studio occupy, the cost of rent.
  • What equipment, at what price and where to buy.
  • How many workers there will be and what is the payment system.
  • Accountant, computer technician and technician - do it yourself or pay third-party specialists.
  • How demand will be organized - advertising.
  • Production plan

    The future of the atelier is the production of consumer services. And like any high-tech enterprise, it must operate in accordance with the requirements and norms that have developed in the industry. At this stage of preparing a business plan, you will have to study and select specific models of professional sewing machines and other equipment for a full production cycle, as well as make an estimate.

    The master's tailoring is afraid

    To understand how many customers a new atelier will be able to serve and which production plan should be laid down, technological standards are taken into account. For example, sewing one skirt takes a certain amount of time and steps, and so on for all types of work offered by a new sewing workshop.

    Based on the number of tailors and the estimated production plan, the production volumes are calculated per day, per month and per year. Moreover, experts advise making a forecast plan for such a production for the next two to three years. The data is also entered into the business plan. And let these numbers be arbitrary, they will help you navigate the mathematics of business.

    Financial plan

    The financial section of the business plan is the main one. It allows you to calculate in advance the prospects for the success of a new sewing studio. In fact, in one table, he takes into account the forecast production plan, minus costs and tax deductions, and then demonstrates the financial result.

    Everything is the same as in the budget of every family: there is a salary and bonuses, income from part-time jobs, utility bills and rent for an apartment.

    Break-even point: a volume of production that recovers costs and brings neither profit nor loss, which indicates the stable operation of the enterprise.

    Business ROI is calculated using a simple formula:

  • We calculate the revenue for each month of the year.
  • We calculate the monthly expenses.
  • Let's summarize the monthly net profit (revenue minus expenses).
  • We divide the annual expenses by the net profit, we get the profitability.
  • Example: the cost of a new store was 900 thousand rubles. per year, revenue - 2.1 million rubles., net profit for that period 830 thousand rubles.

    900,000: 830,000 = 1.08 years

    It turns out that the store will pay for itself in about a year of operation.

    Now let's calculate the profitability of the business - in other words, the profitability of the enterprise. The formula is also quite simple: we divide the net profit by the annual revenue.

    830 000: 2 100 000 = 39%

    Conclusion: the average profitability of a store is 39%.

    You need to understand that in a business plan, as a rule, the easiest-to-understand formulas are taken into account, and in the process of work, the forecast will change repeatedly. But the planned figures give a completely reliable idea of ​​the financial capabilities of a particular business.

    If in the course of work the conditions of doing business change, you should promptly make adjustments to the existing financial plan

    Marketing and advertising

    In this section of the business plan, the question is resolved - where and how to look for your new clients. To do this, you have to take into account the information collected about competitors, as well as your own marketing and advertising ideas.

    We analyze and make decisions:

  • The site - what it will be like and the cost of its production and maintenance.
  • Groups in social networks - what posts are posted there, who will be doing this work.
  • In what media do business colleagues advertise, why, rates, your choice.
  • What are the other paid and free advertising sites, their effectiveness and use plans.
  • Risks

    It is not difficult to calculate the possible risks. To do this, they have to be identified: through surveys of competitors and their customers, studying information about the reasons for the ruin of the atelier - now such reviews and expert opinions are easy to find on the Internet. It is better to write down all finds.

    Measure seven times, cut one

    Table: Risks and Countermeasures

    Atelier room

    The premises in the property are a convenient option, but it should be a profitable place for a sewing workshop. Therefore, most often, before buying an office, the studio moves repeatedly until a successful option is found. Here's what experienced atelier owners advise:

  • The best place to open a new atelier is in a popular shopping center: there will always be a demand for tailoring services and various types of clothing repair. The room in this case can be small - from 12 to 20m 2, but always on the ground floor with the appropriate "leading" advertising.
  • If the workshop will specialize, for example, in sewing curtains or bed linen, then it is better to choose an office from 30 to 60 m 2 on the first line of “walkable” streets in new or prestigious residential areas. Such an atelier provides space for an exhibition of fabrics and finished products, and this requires an increase in the size of the premises and the cost of rent.
  • A custom tailoring atelier can most often be found in the city center, since it is designed for a demanding client and a demand for the author's style of design and tailoring. Opening such a highly specialized enterprise from scratch is costly, and is possible only if there are regular customers and an established business reputation.
  • Workshops offering repair and tailoring are now popular in every residential area. The cost of renting a room in apartment building with an area of ​​12–20 m 2 in the range of 500–1000 rubles. for 1 m 2.
  • When renting a room, you should pay attention to the conclusion of a formal agreement, get your hands on the documents on the right to the property of the lessor, negotiate the methods and terms of payment.
  • Technical requirements: the room must have access to a voltage of 380 V; workplaces with good lighting according to SanPiN 2.2.1––03.
  • Rent a bright and well-ventilated space for your atelier: this will allow you to meet the requirements technical regulations and reduce energy costs

    IE or LLC: choose the form of business

    There are two forms of business organization in the garment industry - individual entrepreneurs and LLC. There are no problems with online registration of a business on the website of the tax office. In any case, the algorithm is simple: fill out an application, pay the state fee, provide originals or copies of the required documents, and that's it. If you did not make mistakes when filling out the forms, in a few days you will pick up the registration certificate:

  • Individual entrepreneur - state duty for registration of 800 rubles.
  • LLC - state duty for registration of 4000 rubles.
  • We compare individual entrepreneurs and LLC

    IE: it is easier and cheaper to register, and the fines in case of violations for individual entrepreneurs are much less than for LLCs. But on the other hand, at the expense of the enterprise individual entrepreneur responds with all his personal belongings. Moreover, regardless of financial result year, the individual entrepreneur is obliged to pay insurance premiums for the year, and the amount is rather big: about 20 thousand rubles.

    LLC: registration is more troublesome - more expensive, the package of documents is weighty. But the same charter of the enterprise can be found standard, and you do not need to certify the signature on the application with a notary for self-filing. An LLC can only pay taxes that it earned. And he is responsible for the company's losses only to his own authorized capital(usually 10 thousand rubles). But society pays fines several times more than individual entrepreneurs.

    The legal address for an LLC can be a home address if the director and founder of the LLC resides in it.

    Equipment selection

    To start a sewing business from scratch, it is enough to get by with the necessary things - this can be seen on the example of the studio of Irina Lapina (Vologda). Depending on the profile of the workshop and the number of employees, the set of equipment can be expanded. Sewing professionals know which machines are better and more reliable.

    Experienced businessmen advise to start a business to negotiate the purchase of used sewing equipment, overlocks, cutting tables, other furniture and equipment with the owners of the largest sewing workshops or factories: there, if necessary, there are knowledgeable locksmiths. New technique it is worth acquiring when the company is already on its feet.

    Before buying equipment for the atelier, it is better to make a floor plan with the arrangement of furniture and machines: this will help avoid misunderstandings, especially if the areas are small.

    A good sewing machine won't let you down

    Recruitment and remuneration

    The owners of the sewing ateliers say: at the first stage, it is worth taking only experienced workers. Do not neglect the rule to get feedback from their previous place of work: it is especially important that the seamstress is non-conflicting with customers and disciplined.

    It is worth going to a couple of seminars on personnel records in order to correctly draw up documents for the workshop employees.

    Remuneration for seamstresses provides for a salary and a percentage increase from production. This is the only way to motivate employees to increase the number of completed orders. The owner of the atelier should pay attention to the sharp fluctuations in revenue, as well as the presence of receipts for the things received, in order to avoid unaccounted orders.

    Atelier's reputation depends on the experience of seamstresses

    Home atelier

    Individual entrepreneurs and LLCs can also work at home if this is the legal address of the Company. There is no direct prohibition in the legislation. But if neighbors complain about constant noise, clutter of common areas with garment waste or other inconveniences, then verification cannot be avoided.

    According to the requirements of the legislation, when opening a sewing enterprise, the owner is obliged to notify Rospotrebnadzor and State Fire Supervision about the start of activities. On the websites of departments, you can download samples of applications and even advice on how to fill them out, as well as make an appointment at a convenient time.

    A good milliner doesn't go out of style

    Table: comparison of atelier in a non-residential building and a home workshop

    When deciding to open a sewing workshop, an entrepreneur risks: money, reputation, time and plans for life. But without determination, there is no success. British billionaire Richard Branson, for just such a case when thinking gets in the way of action, argued: "Drop doubts: take it and do it." With calculation, assertiveness and thorough study of the case.

    Related entries:

    No related records found.


    « Creation of a tailor shop for sewing and repairing clothes»

    Address: Pr. Komarova 8, building 1

    Tel. 89514001113

    Summary................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .. 3

    Section 1. Description of the subject of small business ........................................... .................................................. .................................................. .................. 4

    Section 2. Marketing plan ............................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .... 4

    Section 3. Production plan ............................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................. 7

    Section 4. Organization plan ............................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. . eleven

    Section 5. Financial plan ............................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ................................................. 12

    Section 6. Risk Analysis ............................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .......... 15

    Appendix No. 1. Directions of spending the first part of the payment for starting your own business as

    small business entity ............................................... .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ................ sixteen

    Appendix No. 2. Directions of spending the second part of the payment for the creation of additional permanent jobs for the employment of unemployed citizens ............................... .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...... 17


    1. 1. Brief description of the project

    The presented project consists in organizing an atelier to provide services to the population for sewing and repairing clothes.

    The targets at the time of the start of activities are to gain recognition and trust from customers, to maximize customer satisfaction in the services provided due to high quality.

    The long-term goals include increasing sales through the provision of new services, such as sewing bed and baby linen, providing new jobs and opening own store for the sale of finished products.

    Initiator of the project

    (Personal information)

    1. 3. Financial characteristics of the project


    unit of measurement

    The size

    Project cost

    Payback period of the project

    Revenue for the year

    Net profit for the year

    The presented project is break-even and self-sustaining. Provides attachment own funds in the amount of 15,000 rubles, payment funds for starting a business as a small business entity and payments for the creation of an additional permanent job for the employment of unemployed citizens in the amount of 135,000 rubles.

    1. 4. Project risks

    The main risks that can affect the implementation of the project:

    the risk associated with the selection of personnel and poor quality services;

    the risk associated with a lack of recognition in the service market.

    Section 1. Description of the subject of small business

    1.1. Name of a small business entity

    Society with limited liability Helen, with the application of a single tax on imputed income.

    1.2. Location of a small business entity

    Atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes is located in a rented premises at 8 Komarova Street, building 1 of the Kirov District of Omsk.

    1.3 Strong and weaknesses small business entity

    Strong side

    • Ø Experience in the garment industry;
    • Ø Competent and proactive staff;
    • Ø Competitiveness of the services provided;
    • Ø Creation of new jobs.

    Weak side

    • Ø Failure financial resources
    • Ø Lack of ownership of premises and materials
    • Ø Lack of a developed client base

    Section 2. Marketing plan

    2.1. Description of the service

    The initiator of the project offers a full range of services for minor-urgent repairs and sewing of knitwear (delicate body shaping, resizing, model, length, complex restoration of knitwear, darning), sewing men's and women's clothing, designing women's clothing, sewing curtains.

    The provision of services is carried out when using different types fabrics: knitwear, silk, chiffon, gabardine, linen, satin, wool, as well as sewing and suiting fabrics; accessories (tape, braid, locks, threads).

    The initiator of the project monthly uses the worldwide system of united computer networks (Internet), with the help of which he learns about modern patterns for embroidery, patterns, new models.

    Qualified personnel will quickly and efficiently fulfill the order, provide advice on the storage and use of clothing.

    2.2. Market segments

    The main market segments are residents of nearby residential buildings and employees of organizations located in administrative buildings. As well as buyers of things in shopping malls lighthouse, lighthouse-pier, and buyers of the left bank market. An example of "hemming the length of trousers, jeans".

    2.3. Competitors

    The main competitor of the project initiator is the studio __________________________________________________________________________________

    2.4. Comparison of services with those of competitors

    Advantages of a project initiator in comparison with a competitor:

    1) Affordable price

    The initiator of the project establishes reasonable prices for all types of services provided, available to the population with a low level of income. Price policy competitors are focused on a higher price threshold and, accordingly, on a population with a higher income level;

    2) A wide range of services

    The initiator of the project proposes not only sewing and repairing clothes, but also designing women's clothing, which is very important for women who follow modern standards fashion. Competitors are only engaged in sewing and repairing clothes. Also, the initiator of the project develops fur vests of high artistic design. Has experience in repairing leather products with "liquid leather". Painting on leather goods and embroidery on ready-made things made of leather and other materials.

    Section 6. Risk analysis

    6.1. The main risks of the project

    The provision of the types of services presented is subject to many risks, the main ones of which are:

    1) the risk associated with the selection of personnel and poor quality services;

    2) the risk associated with insufficient recognition in the service market.

    6.2. Management of risks

    The main measures to reduce the identified risks, which are applied by the project initiator:

    1) in order to reduce the risk of recruiting personnel, the initiator of the project carries out employment with the appropriate education and work experience;

    2) to reduce the risk associated with insufficient recognition in the service market, the initiator of the project conducts a wide advertising campaign.

    Appendix No. 1

    to the business plan

    (project topic)

    Sewing and repair of women's and men's clothing

    (field of activity)

    Directions of spending the first part of the payment

    to start your own business as a small business entity

    Appendix No. 2

    to the business plan

    "Creation of an atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes"

    (project topic)

    Sewing and repair of women's and men's clothing

    (field of activity)

    Directions of spending the second part of the payment

    to create additional permanent jobs

    for employment of unemployed citizens


    Amount, rub.

    Premises rental costs (first month)

    Purchase of a universal sewing machine

    Purchase of scissors

    Purchase of mannequins

    Purchase of assortment threads

    Purchase of a set of professional needles

    Purchasing a set of needles

    Purchase of threads (black, white

    Purchase of gabardine fabric

    Acquisition of patterns

    Purchase of a set of locks

    Purchase of a trouser tape

    Purchase of a container for small things

    Purchase of a trouser tape

    Purchase of costume fabric

    Purchase of knitted fabric

    Purchase of silk fabric

    Purchase of chiffon fabric

    Acquisition of fabric sewing

    Purchase of linen fabric

    Purchase of woolen fabric

    Purchase of satin fabric


    A sewing workshop is the place where each of us can place an order for services such as sewing and repairing everyday, festive or outerwear. Many sewing masters are interested in the question: how to open their own tailoring atelier? It is worth knowing that for each type of business everything is very individual, there are no universal advice in this area.

    If you have the ability and a great desire to work in the field of public services, then this is not enough to start working and receive a solid profit. To launch a project at full capacity, you need to have the skills of a psychologist, competent coordinator, teacher and entrepreneur. If you add to all this entrepreneurial spirit, knowledge of tax legislation and the financial sphere, you are guaranteed success.

    The competition in this market is quite tough. Therefore, in order to favorably distinguish itself against the background of competitors, the emphasis in work should be on quality and a non-standard approach to each client.

    Experts distinguish two types of such an enterprise:

    • a small studio in your own house or apartment;
    • atelier in a rented premises.

    The need for a business plan for a sewing workshop

    If you have already decided what type of business you will be engaged in, your work must be carefully planned, i.e. write a business plan. This is a step-by-step plan for the success of your future business. If you do not write the document, the risk of failure will be too great.

    This estimate is necessary for everyone: both the one from whom you plan to take funds to implement your plans (money depositors and bankers), and your future employees who want to know their prospects and tasks. But the most important thing is that the entrepreneur himself needs a business plan for opening an atelier in order to thoroughly analyze his ideas, to understand how vital and reasonable they are.

    This document should describe the main points of the future enterprise, analyze the possible difficulties that you will encounter in your work, and describe possible ways their elimination.

    The objectives of this document are:

    • for external use - to present your business in the most favorable light to investors;
    • for internal use - in this case, the business plan is used as a management tool.

    Market analysis, competitiveness assessment

    Before you start implementing your plan to open a tailor shop, you need to analyze the market in your locality... This will help you understand how tough the competition is in this industry, whether your enterprise will be successful in the city where you plan to conduct your business.

    In addition, analysis of mistakes and shortcomings in the work of competitors will help you. Only then will you be able to understand what will be best for your business and what will need to be avoided. Inaccuracies and shortcomings in the work of competitors will prompt you for new, optimal solutions and marketing moves.

    How to start a sewing business: registration and documents

    It is worth knowing that this type of business is segmented... What does it mean? You can open a workshop only for sewing clothes, others want to do only repairs, and there are those who are ready to combine both. Therefore, you must immediately determine the direction of activity.

    So what does it take to open a tailor shop? This kind labor activity must be registered legally with the tax office. The substantive form can be chosen in any of the options: or. In order to make it easier to maintain accounting and tax accounting, it is better to focus on individual entrepreneurship.

    Selection of workers

    Minimum staff should consist of:

    • the person who will take orders,
    • designer-couturier,
    • seamstresses.

    A fashion designer will need to be paid a good salary. You may not be able to afford it at first. Therefore, you can invite to work, for example, a girl student without a certain experience, but with a desire to work and acquire skills in her specialty.

    A tailor should have extensive experience in this area. The receiver must be able to accurately take measurements.

    People can be hired from among their friends or acquaintances or through agencies.

    It is imperative to conclude an agreement with a seamstress, in which it is necessary to register her financial responsibility... Since customers sometimes bring very expensive material or items for repair, in some cases an inexperienced technician can ruin the item. Therefore, he must know that he is responsible to the customer for the damaged item.

    Another important condition in the selection of personnel is that your future employees must be able to communicate with people and be decent.


    The services of the atelier include the following:

    • tailoring;
    • repair and restoration of clothes.

    It is worth knowing that this type of business is subject to seasonality. This will be especially noticeable if you only plan to do the repair or tailoring of outerwear. Seasonality also applies to those ateliers that work with knitwear or specialize in sewing dresses, raincoats, coats and fur coats.

    How to "promote" an atelier?

    After all the preparatory work has been completed, it is necessary advertising campaign your production. It is best to do this a few weeks before opening.

    • posting information sheets on advertising boards in your city;
    • announcement in in social networks and on local television;
    • distribution of invitations to mailboxes;
    • advertising in stores and shopping centers.

    Financial part: costs, profits, profitability of the tailor shop

    Estimated costs in the first year of the atelier's work with such services as sewing outerwear, overalls, uniforms for hotels and restaurants, repairing women's and men's clothing, look like this.

    To implement the project you will need 2,300,000 rubles.

    For the first 12 months of work, you can get income in the amount of 3.5-4 million rubles, next years it is planned to increase revenues by 20%.

    Net profit from the work of the studio- 2,800,000 rubles. As you can see, the project pays off in 10-11 months. Thus, we can talk about high profitability tailor shop as a business.

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    During a crisis, each person behaves in a completely different way: someone gives up and complains about life, and someone finds a new potential in themselves and strives to improve the quality of life. If you consider yourself to be in the second category, then this article is for you.

    Currently, there are a large number of business ideas that can be implemented practically from scratch or with minimal start-up costs. One of them is the opening of a tailor shop for the repair and tailoring of clothes. The advantage of such a business is the ability to open it at home and minimum investment... The idea is relevant for mothers on maternity leave, women who love handicrafts. Consider how to open a tailor shop for tailoring and repairing clothes, how much money it will take, and how to quickly implement the idea.

    Atelier is a chance to make good money for needlewomen

    Room selection

    The first stage in organizing any business is choosing a location for its location. In this case, there are several options for finding a room for a studio:

    1. Home business. If the living space allows, you can also create at home. Convenient, no need to go anywhere, sit and work. If your own territory is not suitable due to its small size, you can rent an apartment for a workshop. Still, renting residential real estate will cost less than other options, and very soon the initial costs can pay off.
    2. Commercial real estate lease Is another option, especially if you want to create a large clothing brand and intend to develop on a large scale. But in this case, accept the higher prices. Even basement in a large city, in a passageway it will not be cheap. The average cost of premises for a workshop in a relatively large city (with an area of ​​100 sq. M.) Will be about 150,000 rubles. You can also rent a smaller room (50 square meters) for 80,000 rubles. It all depends on the scale of your activity.
    3. Purchase of premises- an option for people with experience and investment. The advantage is that you save yourself the trouble of paying your monthly rent. The disadvantage is a large amount of start-up capital.

    As you can see, each of the options has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which one to choose - you have to decide on your own, in any case, the main thing is to focus the activity on making a profit.

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    Equipment and materials

    For a successful start of activity, you will have to purchase some items of equipment, as well as materials. For example, you will need to buy sewing machines and related items for operation, and you will also have to purchase fabrics, threads, needles. The cost of the equipment also varies, depending on the novelty.

    You can buy used items or opt for new ones. However, everyone decides on their own what to prefer. Basically, people with an average level of income turn to the atelier, who want to stand out from the crowd and make clothes to order. In addition, people with a non-standard figure, overweight and obese, or vice versa, thin, come to use such services. Therefore, it is important to choose the style of the establishment that you are opening, and then decide on the rest of the aspects.

    Both new and used equipment can be purchased

    In general, the purchase of a little used equipment and new high-quality materials from abroad will cost 200,000 rubles. If you are planning to open a large atelier, then get ready for high costs, which can go up to 500,000 rubles.

    Note: if you do not have your own business experience, then you should not take risks and invest too much money at the initial stage. Better to get the order and then buy the stuff.

    Atelier service

    If you want not just to sew on your own, but to open a whole company, then you will need to hire the following employees:

    1. Manager. He will deal with taking orders and advising real and potential customers. One employee will be enough for a small establishment. You can entrust him with the maintenance of cash register equipment and conducting cash operations. On average, a manager's salary in a big city starts at 30,000 rubles per month.
    2. Seamstresses. Suppose you are going to open a shop for 3 sewing machines. Therefore, for shift work, they will need 6 seamstresses (schedule - 2/2). Wage one seamstress - 20-30 thousand rubles. The cost of professional services is estimated to be high.
    3. Cleaning woman. You can clean the premises yourself, or you can use the cleaning services "on the side". It all depends on the scale of the activity and your personal wishes.

    The atelier's clients are middle-income people who want to look fashionable and original

    In this article, we will consider how to open a tailor shop for tailoring and repairing clothes, a business plan focused on small ateliers. The main advantage this business is a fairly democratic entry: no significant financial costs are required, relatively low competition and albeit low, but usually quite stable demand. It should be noted that stable orders will be provided if good quality is ensured.

    Business Features

    Before making recommendations for drawing up a business plan for a sewing studio for a small business, you should outline a little the sphere of production itself. This field of activity is old. It was somewhat supplanted by factory tailoring, but the service did not dissolve in the past. Let's see why.

    Service demand

    The demand for atelier's services lies in several aspects that are not provided by the factory forms of production. More precisely, they are not provided in mass production at this stage technology development:

    1. Individuality. Making things according to individual sizes;
    2. Originality. Manufacturing of original things. Includes fashion and especially glamor. If fashion is still a recreation of certain trendy types, then glamor is one-time, unique things. An analysis of fashion and glamor is beyond the scope of this article. However, in a marketing sense, the competent use of both makes a profit.
    3. Repair. For one reason or another, a certain circle of people prefers to repair old things and does not always have the opportunity to do it on their own. Crises within a certain framework, at the same time, do not particularly affect the flow of customers, the class simply shifts, with an economic deterioration, the less well-to-do from these services refuse (they repair themselves), but customers who were slightly better provided before are added.

    Atelier classification

    Now let's try to systematize the atelier on various bases. First of all, taking into account the demand for services.

    By the type of services provided:

    • tailoring;
    • Clothing repair;
    • universal;
    • specialized (sewing children's clothes, sewing curtains, sewing wedding dresses, making glamorous outfits, etc.).

    By volume:

    • home atelier;
    • mini studio;
    • a large atelier (including the production of clothing in small series).

    In the volumetric classification, one can note the direction of development of the atelier... To organize an atelier at home requires the very minimum costs. Over time, it can be transformed into a mini atelier with additional hired strength, its own premises. With further growth, expansion is possible with the creation of separate production workshops, the development and release of small-scale products.

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    What you need to organize a tailor shop

    A ready-made business plan for a tailoring and repair shop should include a production, organizational, marketing and financial plan. To organize a small atelier, a thoroughly worked out plan is not required; an outline of the main parameters is enough. To organize a large enterprise, it is recommended to take it more seriously: conduct marketing research, build a clear business plan with criteria and deadlines for achieving it. Let's analyze what is needed to organize a tailor shop.


    This activity is not licensed. For small business the form of organization is sufficient - individual entrepreneur. For large ateliers, fashionable salons, a joint-stock company is more convenient, more for marketing purposes. Joint-stock company perceived more solidly than a private individual entrepreneur... This is a nuance, but a significant part of marketing consists of similar nuances.


    • a package of constituent documents (depending on the chosen form of ownership);
    • a package of external documentation (lease agreements, work contracts, supplies, etc.);
    • a package of internal documentation (organizational, analytical documentation).

    Premises and location

    Both the requirements for the premises and its location depend on the chosen concept of the studio and the planned further development of it. Small clothing repair shops can be located on an area of ​​10 sq. meters. For an atelier with the production of clothing, the area should be much larger.

    The location and design of fashionable branded salons should be appropriate: city center, good surroundings. Small repair shops do not require special finishing, but can be located, for example, in shopping centers where they sell clothes (hemming trousers, fitting clothes).

    The location does not matter if the work is carried out under the order. Let's say there are long-term contracts for sewing workwear. Or work like an Internet studio. In the latter case, the outlook is somewhat dubious if the brand demanded by customers has not been worked out. And for newly opened small businesses, the internet tailor service is rather an additional one.

    Target audience and competitors

    It is advisable to choose the format of the atelier after the marketing research of the market., i.e. determining possible supply and demand. If a specific niche is not found (for example, a long-term contract for sewing workwear), then the volume of the market for conventional sewing services is quite limited. For example, opening another atelier next to a clothing store and a sewing studio looks like a somewhat dubious and risky venture.


    The set of equipment can be quite diverse and depends on specific services and their volume. An approximate list of equipment that you may need:

    • sewing machines (universal or specialized: knitted, lockstitch, furrier, etc.);
    • overlock;
    • iron with a steam generator;
    • ironing board;
    • patterns;
    • tables (sewing, sewing);
    • dummy.


    The number of staff, as well as the need for certain specialists, is determined by the format of the studio and the volume of orders performed. Some experts recommend paying more attention to the conscientiousness of employees than to professionalism. For most operations, special skill is not required and a conscientious employee quickly masters them. An exception may be high-class fashion designers in branded ateliers.

    In general, the staff of the studio may include:

    • fashion designers;
    • sewing masters;
    • seamstresses;
    • cutters.


    In the advertising plan for large ateliers, the differences are insignificant, only the amount of information disseminated increases, you can add advertising on the Internet, your own website. In terms of working with clients, it is worth considering a mechanism for attracting new clients. In addition to discounts, various contractual and agency mechanisms.

    Financial plan

    Summarizes the business plan financial plan. In it, brought together, the financial aspects from other parts show the overall profitability, the exit of the enterprise to self-sufficiency, the return on investment.

    In conclusion, for a sample, we give a calculation of a small atelier. A small atelier at a clothing store. Area 10 sq. meters. One seamstress.

    Income. With an average visit of 5 - 10 people a day and an average check of 200 - 300 rubles. Income per day 1 - 3 thousand rubles. A month can be predicted: 30 - 50 thousand rubles. Net profit: 5 - 10 thousand rubles. Payback is about six months.