How to open your own company. How to open your own company for a beginner entrepreneur Open a sales company

* Calculations are based on average data for Russia

Company registration services market

If you are going to make money by starting someone else's business, get ready for fierce competition. There are more than two hundred state universities alone that train lawyers in Russia, and less prestigious educational establishments cannot be counted at all. Meanwhile, the registration of companies is far from the most complicated legal procedure, so almost every graduate is able to start such a business.

“To be honest, the market is saturated to capacity,” says Inna Triadskaya, General Director of LenYust. - According to my information, there are now about 200 registration companies operating in St. Petersburg with a staff of 2 to 50 people. About 100 of them are united into one network - this is the Registrar company, established in 1999. Now it is a network of independent legal entities, united by a common management. The competition in our market is extremely tough. "

“In the yellow pages there are about hundreds of specialized firms, in practice, I think, much more - such services can be offered at notary offices, law firms other specialization, audit companies, as well as individuals, - adds Alexei Panov, head of the company "Favorable wind". “The competition is great, because the threshold for entering this market is small.”

The entrepreneur Elena Grishina, who works under the brand name “My Lawyer”, softens the picture a little: “In fact, there are many one-day firms among such law firms, and the number of permanently operating and reputable companies is much smaller - about 15-20. Competition, of course, is becoming more and more fierce, but the market is not yet saturated and so far everyone is finding their client. "

Start-up capital and fixed costs

Relatively small initial investment is perhaps the main plus legal business... The minimum amount among those named by our experts was $ 1500 - it included the registration of a legal entity, the purchase of a cash register, furniture, office equipment and stationery. In practice, much more will be required - you need to take into account the costs of equipping workers' workplaces ($ 1500-2000 per person) and, of course, advertising your services. “Advertising that brings real value, legal companies you have to spend at least 15,000 rubles a month, ”the director of LenYust cites the figures.

In addition to promoting your company on the market to fixed costs will have to include the salary of workers (on average $ 400 per person), rent payments (monthly $ 25 per square meter), telephone, Internet and equipment maintenance (about $ 300 per month).

We work

Those who already have experience in the business of registering companies pay attention to two key conditions for success. Alexey Panov, “Fair Wind”, speaks about the first of them: “Often, those involved in registering companies work“ under the wing ”of a similar business - an audit company, a firm that produces seals, a notary office, etc. Accordingly, the source of clients will be the same main business ".

The heads of the companies "Vash Yurist" and "LenYust", in turn, note the importance of respect for clients: “Clients come to us mainly through advertising and word of mouth. Many apply again. One of the elements of our policy is to work for the future, and, as a rule, it works, ”Inna Triadskaya explains. Elena Grishina also speaks about increasing the role of the same word of mouth.

We earn

Our experts believe that one of the main disadvantages of the business of registering companies is the low profitability. “The main problem is artificially restrained low prices... In particular, the market prices are set by the Registrar network, and it plays down, dumping, ”says Inna Triadskaya.

Alexey Panov talks about specific figures: “If we proceed from the fact that one specialist (assuming that at least 2 more people are involved - a courier and a secretary) can handle about 30-40 orders per month, then it turns out $ 4000-6000“ dirty "Which is very little after deducting expenses."

Elena Grishina, the head of Vash Yurist, adds a drop of optimism: “We believe that there is no ceiling for the level of profit, since the number of clients, and, accordingly, income, depends on the professionalism of the lawyer. If the client liked it, he will come again and tell his friends. There are several million working people in St. Petersburg, - even if fifty thousand of them decide to register their company, there will be enough work for all the legal offices of the city. "

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“As long as the legislation changes as often as in the last few years, there will always be enough work,” agrees Alexey Panov, Fair Wind. - But all the same, I would recommend starting such a business, approaching it as an opportunity to try yourself "in business", to dial customer base; hoping to reorient in the future to a more narrow-profile business requiring higher qualifications ”.

Figures and facts

About 1,500 legal entities are registered in Russia every day

In St. Petersburg there are about 150-200 companies offering services for the registration of firms

The cost of starting a business for the registration of companies ranges from $ 1,500 to $ 20,000

"Dirty" income per specialist with his full workload is about $ 4000-6000

Oleg Puntselev,

Source: "My business"

79 people are studying this business today.

In 30 days, 41723 times were interested in this business.

Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

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A growing number Vehicle on the roads of Russia directly stimulates an increase in demand for their components. Enterprising people know this feature and successfully strive for its implementation. We will describe in detail how to make a business on auto parts in today's article.

general information

Any car needs repair sooner or later. The older the car gets, the more investment it requires. And since the number of vehicles on our roads increases from year to year, the need for components is growing. The business of selling auto parts, if properly organized, will become a stable source of income.

In addition to spare parts, the company can supply and sell consumables. These include oils, filters, auto accessories and more. When creating your own business, you need to focus on the focus of the region where you plan to open a company.

Perhaps, spare parts will be in great demand not only for cars, but also for trucks, buses or agricultural machinery. It will be of great help to conclude a contract for the supply of goods to any car company. In this case, the percentage of the likelihood of a successful outcome of the case increases many times.

Market and competitors

Currently, the auto parts market is quite extensive. Before you think about starting a business, analyze it and study your competitors. You may be able to find ideas for the auto parts business that have not yet spread and become the first in the field. There are several ways to do the analysis.

The first, and it is considered the simplest and most inexpensive, is employment for a job in a specialized store selling auto parts. In a short time, you will be able to thoroughly study the running positions, understand the features characteristic of this issue.

If you have no desire to work for hire, you can start analyzing cars in the region. Find out their age, model, ask about problems in auto repair shops. The last method that you can resort to before starting a business selling auto parts is to order an analysis from a professional. In this case, you will receive detailed and detailed information about how the situation developed at a certain moment.


After examining the data obtained, you must draw up a business plan, on which you will rely not only in organizational moments, but also in planning. financial investments... In addition, the project will allow, if necessary, to attract additional funds.

Supplier contracts

Thinking about how to organize the sale of auto parts, you need to decide on the range. At the initial stage, preference should be given to the most popular positions. After the list of nomenclature has been identified, it is required to find suppliers and conclude contracts with them.

Some entrepreneurs, making their first steps in this business, purchase goods for wholesale markets or in stores. A good option it will be possible to take auto parts for sale. It is possible to ensure the full-fledged work of the company without a shortage of goods (especially in the off-season) if you find and conclude written agreements with several suppliers at once.

Don't lose sight of your competitors. Conduct price monitoring. Look for better supplier deals. By doing this, you can reduce the cost of goods in your store and make it attractive to customers. Business development will also require tracking trends in the regional car market. Do not disregard the release of new car models and modifications.

Start-up capital

It takes about $ 30,000 to start a business selling auto parts. With an average turnover of 10 thousand dollars per month and a trade margin of about 20-25%, its profitability will be 20-25%. If you follow all the subtleties and features of the auto business, the store will be able to fully recoup itself in 9-12 months. This figure is considered quite high.

Legal aspects

Choosing auto parts as a business, you should carry out the registration procedure for an individual entrepreneur (IE) or a company with limited liability(OOO). This can be done by submitting an application form to the local tax office. You will receive a certificate of registration, on the assignment of a TIN, on registration with the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Tax Collection, and receive the Goskomstat codes.

In addition, you must register the company with the medical, pension and social security funds. The final moment will be the choice of a taxation system, opening a current account and making a seal. Taking into account the low turnover, it is best for novice businessmen to give preference to individual entrepreneurship. Thus, you can save on taxes and reduce the amount of paperwork.


In parallel with the development of the project and registration with the tax service, it is necessary to resolve the issue of the location of the store. This largely determines the success with which your business will develop. Selling auto parts will make a big profit if point of sale place near stations Maintenance, garages, highways. This should be done taking into account the traffic of people: the higher it is, the more customers will notice your store.

The premises can be rented or built from scratch. The first method is easier for novice entrepreneurs, since the construction of a building will require considerable investment. Besides, it is worth creating a website. With its help you will be able to sell the most popular items, order spare parts and expendable materials through the Internet.

Arrangement of the premises, organizational aspects

Discovering own business for the sale of auto parts, you need to come up with a sonorous name for the store. It should reflect the essence of your company and be easy to remember. Take care of producing a bright and easily readable sign. Internal and appearance store should encourage customers to visit it. Install high-quality lighting so that the product is clearly visible. An important point is the presence of a parking lot or a convenient access to a retail outlet.

The store's opening hours are best adjusted in such a way that the client has the opportunity to purchase goods at the end of the working day and on weekends. This time is convenient for those who are engaged in car repairs on their own.

If possible, keep the store open 24/7. This is especially true in those cities, past which federal highways pass. Drivers who break down on the road will certainly look for a store that is open around the clock. This will bring additional profit to your company.


As such, no equipment is required for an auto parts company. Like any retail outlet, the store needs to be equipped with racks, showcases, racks and shelves, on which the goods can be conveniently and freely placed. Today, Internet access is important for such a business. With its help you can quickly and easily identify and select spare parts by VIN-code. This opportunity is especially relevant for owners of foreign cars.


Having experience in the sale of auto parts and good knowledge in this industry, you can start working in the store on your own at first. With a favorable set of circumstances, the business will begin to develop and grow, and there will be a need for additional personnel. In this case, it makes sense to attract sales consultants with experience in the automotive industry.

Not being able to do the bookkeeping on your own, you need to hire a permanent or incoming accountant. An additional plus will be the service of an independent master who will be able to assess the breakdown of the car and give an answer to the car enthusiast when asked which parts will fit his car. His responsibilities may include minor minor repairs that are carried out right on the spot.


After going through all the organizational stages, you will receive ready business... Auto parts will be in demand until cars stop breaking down. And this modern technologies has not yet been achieved. Focus on the quality of the products sold, track pricing policy company - and success will surely accompany your business.

Own business is the dream of many Russians who are tired or not ready to be hired workers. Having promising business- the plan should determine in what organizational and legal form to register your enterprise, choose the optimal taxation system and solve a number of other issues. You can learn how to open a company in Russia from experienced lawyers who are familiar with the procedure for registering legal entities.

Optimal organizational and legal form

The most profitable and optimal organizational and legal form in terms of taxation and complexity of management accounting and reporting is LLC. This is the conclusion reached by most entrepreneurs who want to start their own business at no extra cost. You can cope with this task yourself, following the step-by-step instructions of an experienced lawyer.

The owner (or owners) will have to:

  • - prepare the required package of documents;
  • - decide on the types of activities;
  • - to form the authorized capital;
  • - choose the optimal taxation system;
  • - go through the registration procedure;
  • - open a bank account;
  • - to make a seal;
  • - pick up an office;
  • - hire staff.

To organize and register a company with such a form of ownership, one founder is enough, but the total number of participants cannot exceed 50 people.

Registration documents

To create your own company in the form of a limited liability company, you must prepare a package of documents in which in addition to the application form P11001, the following must enter:

  1. the decision of the founder (taken individually) or the minutes of the meeting of the founders (if there are several of them);
  2. company charter;
  3. Memorandum of Association (subject to the creation of the company by 2 or more persons);
  4. a document confirming the payment of the state fee;
  5. duly executed power of attorney (if the registration is carried out by a representative);
  6. application for the transition to an acceptable taxation system.

Before submitting documents, you must take care of the legal address. The registering authority will require a document, will require confirmation of its existence. If this is a rented or own premises, you will have to provide a letter of guarantee signed by the owner, if the company is registered at the address general director or the founder will need his written consent.

As for the size of the authorized capital, it cannot be less than 10 thousand rubles, and must be paid in full within 4 months after passing the registration procedure.

Tax system: what to choose?

Current legislature Russian Federation allows you to choose the following types:

  • - simplified (USN);
  • - general (OSNO);
  • - single tax on temporary tax (UTII);
  • - the unified agricultural tax (ESHN);
  • - patent system (PSN).

Most owners modern companies give preference to "simplified". This system is the best option for small business owners. Its advantages are obvious:

  1. you will have to regularly pay one tax instead of three;
  2. deductions to the budget are made once a quarter;
  3. reporting is submitted once a year.

The system allows you to select taxation at 2 rates:

  • - 6% (all profits earned by the company are taxed);
  • - 15%, which are taxed on the company's income (this takes into account the expenses that the company had in the process of work).

Enterprises that have chosen common system, pay property tax, income tax and VAT and are required to regularly file reports on them.

Companies working on UTII pay a deduction to the budget, the amount of which depends on the type of activity, the size of the area on which it is carried out, the availability and number of employees.

Unified agricultural tax can choose an enterprise, 70% of the income of which is received from the sale of agricultural products.

The patent system is intended for firms whose line of business requires obtaining permits(patent).

Choice of activities

Any enterprise is created only if its founders know what they want to do and have a business plan for the development of their company. However, you should think about the fact that in the process of work, related areas may appear that will make the business even more successful. When registering documents, you will have to indicate one main type of activity and any number of additional ones.

It's not a problem if in the course of work the company needs to add additional types activities. This can be easily done by writing an appropriate application to the tax authority.

Registration procedure

Having prepared Required documents Having chosen the types of activities and the optimal taxation system, you can proceed to the final stage - the submission of documents. Modern legislation allows you to do this in several ways:

  1. in person or through a representative;
  2. by mail;
  3. using the Internet.

Having chosen the first option, you should contact the registration authority of the Federal Tax Service at the location of the company's legal address. In large cities, this function has been transferred to multifunctional centers. If the documents are submitted by a representative, you must ensure that you have a notarized power of attorney. In case of personal transfer of documents, the presence of all founders is required (in the same composition, you will have to pick up the documents). Consideration of an application and making a decision is carried out within three working days from the date of their submission.

When submitting an application by mail, you should be aware of the fact that to visit the registering authority to receive ready documents not necessary. They will be sent to the registered office of the company. The disadvantage of this method is the mandatory notarization of the signatures of all founders, and these are significant costs, to which the payment for postal services will be added.

The most popular application is online. The special service is simple and easy to use, which makes it easy to fill in the necessary forms even for people who are not confident Internet users. In addition, the program is configured in such a way that the applicant will not be able to send forms filled in with errors, and this greatly simplifies the procedure for accepting documents.

Also, on the topic of opening your company, see:

Reading time: 13 minutes

The merchandise business is the most popular type of business among beginners. Many people want to start a business selling goods, considering this type of activity is easier than providing services. In addition, in many cases the sale of goods does not need to be registered. If you are interested in this business, we will tell you where to start and how to open a sales business.

7 Big Steps Toward a Merchandise Business

1. Choosing a business idea

First you need to select a product for sale. There are many ways to select a product, but we will highlight the following two points:

Your goods. You are a producer of something or you breed, grow something at home. For example, make homemade candles, knit, make bath brooms, groceries or large wood products - gazebos, furniture. All of this applies to production. There is also a breeding option, for example, pig breeding, broiler breeding, rabbit breeding, other livestock and poultry farming. Or growing vegetables, strawberries, herbs, etc.

Strangers. In the case of other people's goods, you are simply looking for suppliers of the goods. But in this case, it is better to evaluate the market (point below) so that sales go and the business does not get stuck in one place.

2. Finding a supplier

In the first case, you are a supplier, therefore, in addition to sales, you must properly engage in the production of goods for sale. As for finding a supplier, the main thing here is to find a quality product from a reliable partner. The main ways to find a supplier are China, local or outside your home suppliers. The fourth case is focused on self-production.

China. As a rule, it is chinese online shopping with goods or resellers living in China. If you find a good reseller, then consider yourself lucky. There are risks with a reseller how to get poor quality product, never get it at all. Online stores are more responsive, but they do make mistakes.

Local. Look for local large wholesalers, shop and retail with your cape. This option does not always work, but in large cities it is quite possible to do it.

Urban / Rural. For example, home manufacturers or large wholesalers from other cities. It all depends on the choice of a business idea and your location. If you sell meat in the city, then the suppliers will be from the villages. Goods in urban-type settlements will come from larger cities.

We produce it ourselves. Well, and an option if you produce the product yourself and are an independent manufacturer. In this case, you need to competently conduct production, purchasing raw materials in bulk and producing goods for sale on time.

3. How we sell

After you have selected a product and found suppliers, you need to determine how you will sell your product. There are many ways to sell a product, and entrepreneurs often combine several ways to increase business income.

Point in the city. Goods purchased from suppliers are usually sold from a point in the city. This could be a boutique, stall, or store. In the case of a small start-up capital, entrepreneurs are looking for a place to rent. Sometimes it is necessary to buy out a boutique and then pay rent. You can buy it in installments.

From home. This way of selling is more suitable for selling goods of your own production. But some ideas of other people's goods can be sold at home. For example, selling children's clothing at home. In this case, the main thing is to advertise your products as much as possible. Use a variety of advertising methods.

Online store, social networks. You can combine sales options, or you can only use online sales. In the first case, for example, the sale of sports nutrition is suitable - it can be carried out in all ways. When selling on the Internet, it is necessary to promote pages on social networks and constantly advertise the site. It is possible to merge the site with social media to increase sales.

We hand over in batches in case of our production. If a certain product is produced in large quantities, then it can be handed over to retailers. For example, selling dried fruits in bulk to appropriate stores, handing over homemade things to a gift shop, meat to butchers, giving goods for sale, etc.

4. Evaluation of the idea

After you have decided on the ways of selling, you need to evaluate your idea. Evaluating the effectiveness of an idea will show how profitable a business can be.

Problem. First, does your product solve the problem of the population? If we are not talking about online sales, then the product should be needed by people in your area.

Need. Do people have a need for your product? If you exclude competition, how much can you make from sales?

Competition. If there is competition, what is it? Is it possible to completely suppress it? If you are in the shadow of big competitors, is it possible to earn decent money?

Margin. How much net profit will you receive from each product sold?

To effectively evaluate an idea, try selling a product before starting a business. Through advertising or the Internet. Identify the demand.

5. Pre-start procedures

We reduce costs. Find ways to cut costs. Even with good capital to start a full-fledged business, it's best to look for ways to cut costs without sacrificing quality. This will give you practice in solving problems related to your business.

Equipment. Do you need equipment? Don't forget to cut costs - buy used equipment.

Product. Are there any additional types of goods for sale. Is it possible to take the goods for sale. Get your product ready.

Workers. Do as much as possible yourself. What you don’t understand - hire a professional. For example, to create a website.

Business plan. Do you need a business plan? If necessary, write a business plan yourself using examples downloaded from the Internet and templates.

Registration. Do you need to register a business right away or can you work without registration to check the product? Do I need to register an individual entrepreneur in home production?

Resolve all issues related to the procedure for starting a full-fledged sales business.

6. Starting a business

When starting a business, you need to master in advance all the qualities of an entrepreneur that will allow you to persistently promote your business. Also adhere to the rules of doing business and the basic rules for selling goods. They will help you set up a business and run it for many years without losing quality.

  • read the article aspiring entrepreneur rules

7. Business development

If your idea generates a stable income in a few months, albeit a minimal one, then you have room to grow. It's good. Now it is important to properly set up a business for development, with minimal investment and increased sales.

Business development ways. First you need to choose the path of small business development based on your current situation. Leave everything as it is or develop. In what direction to develop. If you have chosen the development option, you need to draw up a development strategy.

Business development strategy. As you choose your business development strategy, continue to evaluate the market. If sales increase with an increase in the product or its variety, implement it. If new ways of selling a product bring additional monthly profits, implement it.

  • read the article Business Development Strategy Example

We increase income. The main goal of business development should be the idea of ​​increasing business income. You can increase income different ways, both by additional products and by the expansion of sales methods. But do not forget about 4 more points that increase business income. About them below.

Advertising. It is necessary to increase both the ways of selling and improve the advertising delivery itself. There are ways to manipulate customers in advertising. Using such techniques will increase the number of customers who come. Use other ideas to attract customers based on discounts and promotions. There are tons of ways to attract more customers to your business. At least half will suit a sales business.

Sales and customers. It is not so difficult to increase sales, although many do not use the most commonplace methods. First, be polite and learn to listen and communicate with the client. Secondly, you need to please the client. Use a variety of sales techniques and techniques to sell the main product, the secondary product, bring the customer back and make them talk about you. Doing business properly in general will increase sales.

We start word of mouth. A gift for a client, a good attitude towards a client, discounts, contests, promotions, convenience. Anything a customer likes makes them talk about you, raises recommendations, and triggers word of mouth.

Business ideas for sale

We will present you with a small list of business ideas that may include good sales... Let's divide it into 2 parts - the first, where you need to get the product yourself, the second part - the goods are bought from wholesalers.

Self-made product for sale

The post was changed:

How to open your own company: instructions for registering a business

Do you want to know how to open a company, do business for the benefit of yourself and society? First you need to understand, do you really need it or can you choose an alternative option? And only after that, think about what is needed to open a company and how to choose the right field of activity, decide on the organizational and legal form and prepare the documents.

How to prepare documents for company registration

If you are just starting your way in business, then the official opening of the company should be a logical continuation of your activity. Is it possible to start a business before the official registration of the company?

Before registering a company, it is advisable to test your strength and test the market before starting an activity. What if it turns out that you are not so interested in the chosen field of business or other nuances? When you understand that you are moving in the right direction, you can prepare paperwork for registering a company.

Documents are the basis of a future company, because papers will help to conduct business. These papers are called constituent papers.

Remember that in order to register a company, you need to prepare:

  • constituent documents: charter (company passport), constituent agreement (if there are several founders);
  • decision (when there is only one founder), protocol on the creation of a company (if there are several founders);
  • the minutes indicate:
  • issues that were put to a vote (creation of a company, composition of founders, etc.);
  • the results of voting on all issues (the decision was made "unanimously" or "by a majority of votes, against - Ivanov").

If there is only one founder, then only his opinion is indicated in the decision. You also need to confirm the authorized capital (its amount is 10 thousand rubles, the first part is paid immediately, the second - within 12 months).

This is followed by registration with the tax office, filling out applications on the P11001 form... Then you need to pay duty in the amount of 2 thousand rubles... The tax office will require documents of the company (constituent - originals or notarized copies), the original receipt of payment of the duty.

Documents can be brought or sent by mail with a security letter with a list of papers. After 5 days, the papers should already be registered. As a result, the owners of the company will receive a certificate from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a certificate of registration with the tax office. And civil servants will return the documents that the company's management sent to tax authorities(constituent papers). After that, you can order the production of a seal for the company, assign statistics codes, register with the funds.

How to start registering a company

Would you like to register yourself? Then it is important for you to know how to open your own company: step-by-step instruction this will help.

Important: sometimes novice businessmen rush to rent an office and arrange a business. But this is not true. You need to start with action: do business. And when you realize that you are interested in this, and entrepreneurship brings income, you can safely go to government agencies to open a company.

Before starting a company and doing business, you need to decide:

  • what is the purpose of starting a business;
  • with whom you will create a company (only you will be its owner or want to open a business with friends, colleagues);
  • do you want to attract investors or plan to sell the company in the future;
  • how to register a company: independently or entrust this matter to a hired company.

To know exactly how much it costs to open a company, you need to decide on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise.

Types of firms and its organizational and legal forms

A firm is a unit of entrepreneurship that is officially registered, it implements commercial purposes sells goods and services based on the interests of the members of the firm. Before you open your company and register a business, you need to decide on the organizational and legal form of your business.

Important: sometimes a company is called individual entrepreneurs... But this is not true, since IP - individual, which is registered to conduct business. By law, only a legal entity can be called firms.

A firm is a legal entity of any organizational and legal form: LLC, OJSC, CJSC.


Open joint-stock company(JSC) - legal entity person, form of organization of a public company, shareholders of an enterprise can sell their parts in the company. And other legal entities and individuals have the right to buy shares.

Open JSCs are opened if you need to quickly attract investments in business. The members of a joint stock company profit from the shares they own. The more shares a participant has, the more Money in the form of income (dividends). OJSC must publish reports on its losses and profits.


A closed joint stock company is a non-public company that has a predetermined circle of shareholders (founders). Not required to publish reports on their activities.

First of all, the current shareholders of the company have the right to purchase a stake in the CJSC. CJSC is opened in such cases:

  • need to attract external investment;
  • the total capital of the company is large sums;
  • the founders of the legal entity are going to sell the business over time.


Limited Liability Company is a legal entity whose feature is limited financial risk participants.

The LLC has debt obligations that do not exceed the amount of the authorized capital. Therefore, the members of the company are liable for the debts of the firm only within the limits of the share of the capital. Today LLC is the most popular form of business organization.


IE is a separate entrepreneurial activity. She can be seen as a subject commercial activities... IE - an individual who is registered as an entrepreneur. This form of doing business has its advantages and disadvantages.

An individual entrepreneur, like an LLC, is opened by many entrepreneurs who are just starting their way in business. It is convenient when an entrepreneur has an individual entrepreneur and an LLC.

If you already have your own business, but you need to open another business for a while, you need the help of a lawyer who will tell you how to open a one-day company on legal grounds? It is better to do this after consulting a lawyer who will tell you how to arrange everything correctly and protect yourself from unnecessary problems.

You can register a company (one or more businesses) by opening an individual entrepreneur and an LLC at the same time. The law allows it.

Choosing a form of business organization: the pros and cons of an individual entrepreneur

Choosing between individual entrepreneurship and opening a company (CJSC, LLC, OJSC), remember that each option has its own strengths and weak sides... Therefore, it is necessary to compare different forms of doing business and choose the most suitable option for yourself.

When making a choice in favor of an individual entrepreneur, remember that advantages of individual entrepreneurs are:

  • affordable registration cost (2-6 thousand rubles);
  • simplicity of the registration process;
  • low taxes and minimal fines (they are ten times less than for legal entities);
  • flexibility of activity (an entrepreneur works without a current account, he does not need cash machine, so income control is not easy to control);
  • ease of drawing up reports (the amount of paperwork for reporting to the state is minimal, you need to pay attention to reporting several days a year);
  • the ability to freely dispose of money (the sole proprietor's money belongs only to him and there is always access to it);
  • conducting operations with legal entities carried out by bank transfer.

The cons of the SP are:

  • the need to answer for their obligations with all the property that belongs to the entrepreneur (if they signed an agreement and did not fulfill their obligations, there are debts to partners or clients, in court a person can be deprived of some property: real estate, securities, deposits, equipment);
  • restrictions on some types of activity (you cannot sell alcohol and perform a number of other actions, everything is spelled out in the law);
  • you need to contribute funds to the Pension Fund (regardless of business or a temporary break), if there are hired employees, you need to pay money to the Social Insurance Fund.

When opening a company and choosing between an LLC and an individual entrepreneur, it is important to remember that "IP" does not sound prestigious.
You will not be able to participate in government purchases, various tenders, or execute government contracts. It is impossible for individual entrepreneurs to participate in the auction, large firms do not want to work with them. Therefore, many companies choose LLC to register their business.

The merits of LLC are:

  • limitation of liability of all participants and founders: if an individual entrepreneur is threatened with sanctions in the form of deprivation of property and other things, then an LLC that cannot pay the money may be left with debts or simply lose part of the authorized capital;
  • LLC is prestigious: if individual entrepreneurs are associated with small business, then LLC has more chances to cooperate with large firms;
  • the ability to conduct any activity (if there is a license, the company can carry out any types of entrepreneurship, participate in tenders, public procurement);
  • LLCs are sold and bought by firms (an individual entrepreneur cannot do this, if he wants to make an investment or sell a business, then an LLC is more suitable than an individual entrepreneur);
  • cover losses of previous years at the expense of profit in the current year;
  • income tax is reduced.

Minus LLC counts:

  • expensive and complicated registration procedure (opening an LLC you need to collect more documents, and registering a company costs several times more than registering an individual entrepreneur);
  • needed Authorized capital(it acts as a cash collateral, a guarantee to creditors);
  • earnings are not easy to get (LLC distributes its profits among the participants once a quarter, and all earnings go to the firm's account, so funds cannot be withdrawn without special procedures);
  • you need to keep accounting records, and reports are not easy to compile (you can hire an accountant or use the services of an accounting firm);
  • fine for violation of the law (penalties for LLCs are many times greater than for individual entrepreneurs).

How to start your own business

Business from scratch. Not easy for beginners. But you can go all the way of organizing a private business. From choosing a field of work to registering a company. As a result, you will be able to open your own company, receive income from activities, or even create a passive source of profit.

Patience, dedication, continuous development and enjoyment of their activities are the basis for business success.

There are several options for starting a business:

  • buying a ready-made company;
  • online entrepreneurship (services, goods);
  • a franchise business (for a start, you can learn how to open your company from scratch using a franchise and do it. As a result, you will get a ready-made business that will generate income).

How to start a franchise business

Wondering what it takes to open a franchise company and get started entrepreneurial activity? Find a company that offers franchise cooperation. Study the terms, buy a franchise. And work hard by paying royalties (cash reward to the franchisor).

Even the inexperienced can become an entrepreneur, for this there is a proven technology for business development. But it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the franchisor. If they are violated, the franchise may be revoked. It is necessary to act according to the rules, without independence.

To gain experience in business, develop your direct selling skill. If you do it skillfully, then you can sell whatever you want.

What is the easiest business to open

Do you think which company is easier to organize and why? The answer depends on what you want to do and what the purpose of your business is. So, the easiest way to open your business is like this:

  • choose a business that you like to do;
  • find a way to monetize your favorite business (think about the benefits to you and society from your actions);
  • draw up a business plan;
  • order services for the registration of companies;
  • prepare documents for company registration.

Not all beginner entrepreneurs know what documents are needed to open a company. Therefore, inexperienced businessmen turn to consulting companies that:

  • help to choose the organizational and legal form of business and know how to determine the scope of business;
  • collect all documents for registration;
  • are engaged in the design of your business and advise on all issues related to entrepreneurship, reporting.

If your business is successful, then official registration will become a natural continuation of the formation of your business. To find out how to create your own company today and make it successful, you either need to study a lot of specialized literature, or contact a company that helps businessmen in registering entrepreneurship. Decide what you will do and what your business goal is.