How to start a production of handmade dumplings. How to start a dumplings home business. What products will you need to work

If you think that you know everything or almost everything about dumplings, then you are mistaken. Many peoples are trying to prove that this dish is the national product of a particular country. This is their right. I would like to say only one thing: the dumplings have many "relatives". These are Italian ravioli, Caucasian manti and khinkali, Uzbek pasties and Japanese gedze. There are a great many varieties of this dish, each housewife prepares it with her own specific characteristics. The result is always overwhelming.

The popularity of this dish

It is difficult to argue with the fact that the popularity of food is not only not decreasing, but, on the contrary, every year dumplings are gaining an increasing number of adherents. We can safely say that the secret of the dish rests on three postulates: fast, tasty and very satisfying.

The dumplings tradition came to Russia from China. This country is considered their homeland. In ancient times in China, dumplings have always been considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity in the family. Not everyone could eat a large number of them. The reason for this is quite simple - the size of Chinese dumplings is several times larger than Asian manti. In its historical homeland, this dish still does not lose its fame. There they are served with different fillings inside: it can be meat, fish, shrimp, mushrooms, cabbage, green onions and various vegetables. As you already understood, there is no limit to the imagination of a chef who wants to surprise guests and diversify the table with unusual novelties.

There is no doubt that dumplings are so common because it is considered a very convenient dish. At all times, meat was not difficult to find and use. Nomadic peoples and travelers in large quantities stocked up on this food in the winter. On the way, it was not difficult to defrost the required amount of the product and quickly cook it.

In addition, the dish received universal recognition due to its satiety. By eating a serving at breakfast, you will not feel hungry throughout the day. It is, of course, difficult to lose weight with dumplings. But you will always feel full and joyful. If a person is engaged in hard physical work, then this particular food will become indispensable for maintaining physical strength and energy. Each family has the secrets of making dumplings, they are unique and inimitable. Housewives pass on their knowledge from generation to generation, young hostesses not only honor the acquired skills and abilities, but also try to bring something of their own - new and unique.

Making dumplings as a business

Today, dumplings as a business attract more and more people interested in obtaining stable profits. The demand for these products is always quite high. There are no seasonal risks and recessions in production, since dumplings are always eaten, regardless of the season.

This type of business has appeared in Russia relatively recently. In a short period of time, he took a leading position among all areas entrepreneurial activity... The production of this food is developing by leaps and bounds. The population's demand for this type of product is not falling, but is growing at a tremendous pace. This type of activity attracts many novice businessmen because the production does not require large investments and complex expensive equipment. The whole process can be adjusted in a very short time(one to two months).

Getting started is pretty easy. To do this, you need to find a room that will meet all the requirements of sanitary services, and purchase necessary equipment.

Don't be scared by the saturation of the market with this type of product. If the products are produced of the proper quality, the success of your enterprise is guaranteed!

The best options would be small family business(they are most in demand now). Competing with each other small production strive for high quality and low prices. For the consumer, this plays a dominant role. Dumplings manufacturing enterprises have become an independent industry. Every year more and more of them enter the market, so the competition is very strong. The creation of a small workshop is a benefit from various points. Only after several years of work can appropriate conclusions be drawn and, if necessary, begin to enlarge production.

In order to achieve a quick result, it is necessary to strictly follow its points.

If you nevertheless decided to create own enterprise in this industry, decide on the choice of equipment. There is a place for your imagination to roam. Numerous manufacturers offer different equipment configurations. The price will directly depend on the picking.

Can you cook cheese for sale? Is it realistic to make money on this? Which is better: a mini-workshop or own kitchen? Let's figure out these issues.

Mini-workshop for the production of dumplings

Where to start production? First you need to find the appropriate room. It should be small, but at the same time convenient for free movement workers. On average, for a small workshop, about 50 km will be enough. The room must have water, light and good ventilation. Floors and walls should be covered with an easily washable material.

Equipment for the dumpling shop

  • Dumpling machine - when buying it, pay attention to the functionality of the machine. The package must include interchangeable frames to give different forms products.
  • A device for sifting flour - thus unnecessary foreign objects are removed from it, the flour is saturated with oxygen. In small workshops, as a rule, desktop sifters are installed. They are compact and at the same time have great performance.
  • Equipment for the preparation of dough - it can be tabletop and outdoor. For dumplings, machines that can knead tough dough are more suitable. Entrepreneurs still give more preference to outdoor models.
  • Meat grinder. The main thing here is the performance of the device. The work must be carried out without interruption. Presence of the “Reverse” function is desirable. Thanks to her, you do not need to stop the meat grinder to cleanse it of tendons and films.
  • Stirrer for minced meat - with its help all the ingredients necessary for minced meat are mixed. We offer floor-standing and table-top versions with electric and mechanical drives. For the needs of the dumplings shop, the most suitable will be an electric minced meat mixer. Thanks to the work of this device, the minced meat is obtained with an ideal consistency.
  • Packaging machines - they can be either automatic or semi-automatic. They are used to program the packing weight and stamp the packing date. The presence of a person in this process becomes optional. Research has shown that consumers are more likely to purchase goods in transparent packaging. People want to see what they eat.
  • Cold rooms for storing raw materials and finished products.

When choosing equipment, do not forget to be guided by the main criterion - the possibility of 100% sales of goods. Accurate calculation of capacities will make it possible to sell finished products in full. So, if it is planned to open a small workshop, then an apparatus with a capacity of 50 - 200 kg / hour will be sufficient.

Full technological cycle consists of the following steps:

  • dough preparation;
  • minced meat preparation;
  • the formation of dumplings;
  • freezing of products;
  • packing and packaging.

Staff recruitment

Once the equipment has been purchased and installed, it is time to think about the personnel that will work in your shop. In order for products to be of high quality, do not skimp on employees. Give preference to people who love and know how to cook and treat the tasks with full responsibility and understanding.

If you manage to find people with experience in this field, this will be an undeniable plus for your business. All employees must have health records, which will indicate their state of health.

If the dumplings production workshop is fully automated, five people are enough to keep the production running smoothly.

Making dumplings at home

This type of business can be organized at home and work in a comfortable environment. In this case, the quality should be at the highest level. First, you will distribute dumplings among friends and acquaintances, and after the products have proven themselves with positive side, it can be sold to a wide range of the population of your city.

A profitable dumplings home business is the dream of many. You can start making dumplings at home with a small amount of money on hand. The main advantage of this work is that there is no need to open an IP.

Benefits of working at home:

  • no need to look for a room;
  • the minimum number of employees;
  • all the necessary equipment for work is in each kitchen (table, meat grinder, freezer);
  • the technology of making dumplings at home is familiar to every woman.

Ingredients for dumplings

When it comes to products, it's pretty straightforward. For one kilogram of dough, 1 kg of minced meat is used. To obtain minced meat, take various types of meat (beef, pork, chicken), onions, spices to taste. For the dough you will need: flour, water, salt, eggs. You can experiment with the filling. Thus, you can expand the range of products and attract more buyers.

In order to know exactly how many dumplings you can make for sale per day, you need to take measurements. Within a few days, count the number of products received and only then calculate your strengths and funds for the production of finished products. Do not forget to include the preliminary number of prospective buyers.

At first, you should not count on a quick payback of the project. Everything will come with time. If consumers like your products, then you can carve a worthy niche in this industry.

You can implement homemade food in two variations: in the form of a semi-finished product and already in finished form... If you can arrange the delivery of hot dumplings to offices, this will significantly increase the chance of success for your enterprise.

The profitability of the dumplings business

Let's try to calculate approximate figures. Let's take the cost of 800 kg of finished product per shift. The cost of 1 kg of dumplings is 69 rubles. The average price ranges from 92 to 95 rubles. Net profit from 1 kg - 23 rubles. Net profit taking into account wages workers in the amount of 6 people will be - 353 thousand. If you subtract from this amount the costs of utilities, you get the remainder - about 265,000 per month of your company's net income. In this scenario, the business pays off in less than 1 year. If you wish, you can reduce the cost of goods by using cheaper chicken meat.

The ROI of a home-made product will depend entirely on the final price. Basically, this is 20%, but some manage to achieve higher results - 50%.

To open a workshop for the production of dumplings, much more money will be required. The line, which will ensure the production of 600 - 700 kg of goods per day, will cost you 300,000 rubles. To this you will also need to add advertising costs and staff salaries.

The business of making dumplings at home will not bring you a lot of income. The best way- opening of a mini-workshop. Of course, you can start with home conditions, gradually attracting customers, but only after you have your own clientele, you can think about expanding production.

If you manage to stay on the market for about a year, then it makes sense to increase capacity. Only in this case will the profit be maximized. From the very beginning, decide what kind of profit you want to have from your production, and clearly follow the drawn up business plan. Success will not be long in coming.

In the current crisis, many are thinking about how to open their own business and make money. But not everyone can afford to get involved in something serious with large initial investments. There are many options for starting a business from scratch with minimal investment... And one of them is making dumplings. Classic homemade dumplings as a business are great for beginners and allow you to get, albeit low, but stable income. Semi-finished products are very popular: their assortment is wide enough, and the cooking time is minimal. Therefore, with the right approach, you will find regular customers who will buy all the products from you.

Key business advantages

The dumpling business has several serious advantages that must be taken into account when drawing up a business plan. Let's list the key ones:

  1. This case is not seasonal. They buy dumplings and khinkali equally well in winter and summer.
  2. High return on investment. Usually, a business pays for itself completely in 2-3 months.
  3. Minimum investment. You don't need hundreds of thousands of rubles to get started.
  4. No need for staff, office or workshop (at least in the initial stages).
  5. Ease of manufacturing technology, available ingredients.

Making dumplings isn't difficult, especially if you have the right equipment

There are also disadvantages: high competition, especially in megacities. If in a small city you can easily conquer the market, then in large cities you can face serious competition. But you can always defeat it - the main thing is to use only high-quality products, not to skimp on meat and spices.

What documents are needed?

To begin with, you don't have to draw up any documents at all - you will distribute dumplings and khinkali among your colleagues and acquaintances. This will provide you with a fairly stable income, but the turnover will be scanty. Therefore, sooner or later you will be faced with a situation when you have to look for an exit to the market, which means that you need to draw up permits:

  1. Recipe for your products.
  2. Conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological station on the safety of the goods.
  3. Documents from Rospotrebnadzor.

You will also need to register as an individual entrepreneur or open an LLC. Each of these types of management has its pros and cons, so be sure to figure out what will be beneficial for you. If you decide to work in a separate room, opening your own workshop, then you will also need a permit from the fire inspection, technical conditions and a label for the release of your own products.

Note: a prerequisite for working with food and food is the presence of a health book for each person in the shop. Make sure that the stamps are not expired, otherwise you will be charged with heavy fines.

Necessary equipment

In order to start a dumplings business at home, you need a minimum set of equipment - a meat grinder, a mold for molding dumplings, a rolling pin and a knife. If you plan to do sculpting at a serious level, you will have to purchase:

  1. Flour sifter.
  2. Electric knife for cutting meat.
  3. Powerful electric meat grinder capable of processing 5 kg of meat at a time.
  4. Dough stirrer.
  5. Mixer for minced meat.
  6. Installation for rolling raw materials.
  7. Freezers for storing products.

Dumplings are delicious and nutritious food

Usually, people start a business according to the following scheme - first they mold semi-finished products themselves, rolling back technology and recipes, then they go to a higher level, involving relatives in the process, then they buy equipment for automation and begin to produce dumplings in an industrial way.

Note: people are more willing to buy dumplings hand sculpting overpaying for them, as they are confident in their high quality... Don't disappoint people by starting to skimp on ingredients.

Additionally, you can purchase a packaging machine and pack the finished product in transparent bags. Buyers are much more willing to buy pelmeni in transparent packaging, because they can see them well and evaluate the quality of the molding.

Read also: Production of countertops from artificial stone

What products will you need to work

If you have conceived the production of dumplings as a business at home, then it would be nice to figure out how, in fact, dumplings are made. To sculpt classic dumplings, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Flour. You should take premium flour and sift it well before kneading.
  2. Water. It is best to buy bottled water or well purified and settled water.
  3. Salt. Classic rock salt without iodine.
  4. Eggs.
  5. Onion.
  6. Meat. Pork, chicken, beef are suitable for dumplings.
  7. Various spices (pepper, suneli hops, etc.).

There is no exact recipe for making dumplings. Experiment by mixing different meats, adding different seasonings to the minced meat for the best flavor. You can buy meat for a start in ordinary supermarkets, and when you go to industrial volumes, then in whole carcasses. The main thing is that all ingredients are really high quality, fresh and environmentally friendly.

Dumplings can be sculpted even on a classic mold

Note: forget about trimmings, veins, soy and herbal supplements. Buy only fresh meat on the day it arrives in stores. Buy carcasses from trusted farmers who monitor the quality and health of animals.

Where to sell dumplings

It's time to think about where your products will actually be sold. At the initial stage, you can sell products to your friends, colleagues, relatives. Then, having worked out the recipe and received positive feedback, start selling products on local forums and in social networks. After that, agree on the supply of dumplings to small cafes and restaurants - semi-finished products are very popular in them. With large cafes, you most likely will not be able to conclude contracts - they work with large suppliers. But if you make high-quality products and the reviews about you are as positive as possible, then you can always lure a large client by promising him a lower price, payment by installments or other interesting conditions.

Anything is possible: as an IT recruiter, disappointed in the life of the capital, launched a pelmeni production in Bryansk

The biography of Ella Vetlugina is rich in sharp turns. So she makes progress at school - Olympiads, music, gymnastics - and suddenly postpones her studies at the university and goes to work as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Social Physiology of ChelSU. So she enters the Faculty of Journalism - and a year later she is transferred to the "anti-crisis management". He quits journalism and becomes an IT recruiter. Receives the post of HR Director in international company- and leaves after three months to nowhere, because it is boring. Finally, after the capital, offices, IT and HR - unexpectedly Bryansk, a pelmeni shop, its own business. What will happen next?

30 years old, owner of the company. She was born in Chelyabinsk, studied at SURGU (journalism, crisis management). After moving to Moscow, she worked in IT recruiting. In 2015 she moved to Bryansk, where in September she opened the production of handmade dumplings. Since September 2016 he has been living in St. Petersburg. Raises a daughter.

Behold, a new twist

“As a child, I didn’t want to do business,” says Ella, “although my dad was a classic entrepreneur of the 90s, he was such a strong buy and sell. Alas, that experience does not work well in the current realities - recently my father closed his butcher shop in Chelyabinsk, unable to withstand the competition with the chains. In high school, I also resold some kind of cosmetics, lingerie, but it was difficult to call it a business, I just earned pocket money. I also washed cars. "

Ella was going to become a journalist. From the 11th grade she trained in the Chelyabinsk press. By the second year of the Faculty of Journalism, she realized that she was not taught anything new at the faculty, and, continuing to work in the media, she transferred to “anti-crisis management”. The training here was carried out in absentia, so that the young student ended up in the company of, as it seemed to her then, classmates, who were mostly entrepreneurs and top managers. In a strange and alien environment, Ella was lost. The first foray into the entrepreneurial path ended in a blues.

“I wanted to study management, but we were taught basic economics,” explains Ella. - I wanted to write investigations, but I was offered PR. When they did not take the text about the circulation of weapons in Chelyabinsk region, I just got on the train and left for Moscow. I had a laptop, a cat, an air rifle donated by my dad and 1,500 rubles. Over the years, this set has changed - now I still have a daughter and a car, but the rifle has been stolen. "

In the capital, Ella did not work with journalism - the vacancies came across one more sadder than the other, it all ended with a proposal to write horoscopes

“I then arranged a ritual farewell to journalism,” recalls our heroine, “asked to delete all my texts on the network, burned newspapers with publications. Now, as an HR specialist, I understand that I was poking my head in the wrong place, but there was no one to prompt ”.

From journalists, Ella went to secretaries, from there - to legal assistants. Most of her friends worked in the IT field, as it happened from Chelyabinsk. She even got a few jobs at a large company looking for programmers. “At some point, the company called and invited to take the money. I don’t understand what kind of money? They say you are entitled to a recruiting commission. I was then given an amount equal to four of the secretary's salaries. I thought about it and switched to finding employees for IT companies. "

For several years, Ella has gone from a freelance recruiter to HR Director in an international company. Despite the fact that the sphere seemed interesting to the girl, from time to time she wanted to do something of her own, different, useful. So, while working in a system integrator, Ella proposed to the management to open a corporate university - to earn money on training narrow IT specialists not only for her company, but also for the external market. The management "blurred" the idea, then 26-year-old Ella in her hearts went to HR-directors. And after three months she dropped everything and left for Bryansk.

From Moscow to Bryansk

Ella was brought to Bryansk for personal reasons, she did not know anything concrete either about the city or about the region. But even at the entrance, she decided that she would open her own business here.

“I wanted to do something absolutely useful. Not recruiting agency, not a website, not trainings. And something that a person really needs - I thought about sewing and about furniture. It turned out that the Bryansk region has good ecology, tasty products, and, moreover, cheap labor. The city is not that poor, but it just has little money, and prices and wages are low.

I decided to grow champignons. Firstly, it's simple - and I didn't understand anything about agronomy. Secondly, they are very high demand... But champignons are ammonia, work in gas masks. Production will have to be taken out of the city - that means you have to go out of town, drive people there. It is long and expensive. "

“And so I was sitting, as usual, making myself dumplings from delicious Bryansk meat, and suddenly I began to count the cost of minced meat and dough. Here, I think, is what we need! "

According to the entrepreneur, the hand-made dumplings market in the capital cities is absolutely bare. Such products can only be found in markets and restaurants. In grocery chains, they sell semi-finished products produced by a machine, and this is a radically different product.

Lyrical digression # 1:
the difference between store and manual dumplings

“The difference between manual and automatic dumplings is very big. This does not mean that all the dumplings in the store are made from poor raw materials. There are good brands in which there is really real meat, there are no veins and cartilage - as far as is generally possible with mass production. Real eggs are put into the dough, and even here and there not gray flour glitters. But with all this, the sculpting remains automatic.

And in order for the dumpling to come out as a dumpling, and not as a cutlet in the dough, the minced meat must be thin - then there will be broth inside. With machine sculpting, this does not work out, dumplings with liquid minced meat simply do not stick together - 90% of the marriage will come out. There is no automatic machine that would replace hands.

Yes, you can set any thickness of the dough on the machine, but it will not be the same as rolling with your hands - uniform, without lumps, holes. We tested the dough sheeter for several days - and abandoned it. Suitable for a mass product, but not for a premium product.

50% of the quality characteristics of dumplings depend on the dough. People usually ask: what kind of meat is there? And at least one would think: what kind of dough is there? Because if the dough is gray, it means that the flour is rotten and sour. The dough should be slightly yellowish, this indicates the presence of an egg in it.

But especially the reputation of dumplings is spoiled by the cheap segment of store products. There - "horns and hooves": offal, veins, soy protein, egg powder, melange, flour the year before last, preservatives. These dumplings can last for years. But they have a penny cost.

If classic dumplings cost less than 300 rubles per kilogram, I have doubts about their naturalness. This is the minimum cost that adjacent productions in their stores can afford. Typically, butcher shops have passable dumplings at a fairly low price. This is a local production: so that the meat does not disappear, they grind it, stick dumplings - and freeze it. And in chain stores I have never seen hand sculpting at all. "

Through Bryansk - to Moscow

According to initial calculations, the pure raw material cost was about 110 rubles per kilo of classic dumplings, the real one was more than one and a half times. “And so I mold and think: if this product is thrown into the Moscow market, it will surely be in demand among the wealthy residents of the capital. Given that the price will be quite human. "

Ella did not think about any home delivery then. She was going to sell dumplings in bulk - to shops, preferably large ones. It was planned to stand out on the market precisely due to hand sculpting. The main message: we make a high quality product.

“I turned to friends-entrepreneurs who were close to grocery chains, asked to take me to shops that were ready to buy such a product,” says Ella. - In one network they agreed to try. I quickly opened an LLC, and while we were waiting for a contract, I started production. The strategy was as follows: we go to the Bryansk stores of this chain, build up turnover, make capital and go to Kaluga, then follow the same scheme. But the network started having problems, the contract was first postponed, and then they forgot about it. "

“If I started all over again, I would still start this story. The question is, what I was up to was not what it turned out to be. "

Home delivery has appeared in the range of services from despair. Ella has already rented a workshop, bought freezers, stainless steel tables, knives, rolling pins, an electric meat grinder. Bryansk prices for labor, raw materials and rent allowed starting at 100 thousand rubles. On average, renting a workshop costs an entrepreneur about 10 times less than in the Moscow region.

Ella waited for a contract from the store - and did not look for other buyers, focusing on production. The owner of the business made the first 70 kg of dumplings with her own hands, testing the raw materials and running the technology.

“I watched which flour, which meat is better. I calculated how much raw material is needed per kilogram, how much you can stick in an hour, etc. I kneaded a bunch of dough, tried different eggs, different ratios. It only seems to be molding and molding. But if you're making a premium product, be prepared to take into account a ton of nuances.

For example, I worked for a long time to make the dough stronger - then we could make it thinner. Thick dough in store dumplings is made not because they spare meat, but so that the dumpling does not fall apart during cooking. In the end, we figured out how to make a tight dough, and in our dumplings it is thin. However, due to this, the time for rolling has doubled, and this is money. "

The second person in the team was an administrator with a wide range of responsibilities - from organizing the supply of flour and meat to recruiting employees. Ella was next to take on board two flatters. At the peak of the season - in the winter of 2015-2016, there were six of them, and the total number of employees in the company was nine.

Over the year, the state has narrowed and expanded more than once. Today the company employs two molders, one of whom is a chef. The position of the administrator has been abolished. Drivers-couriers, accountant, technical support of the site were taken out for outsourcing. Ella herself manages the production remotely - in September she moved to St. Petersburg to establish sales here.

However, we are somewhat ahead of events.

Home delivery

“We sat and waited for the contract. I had some business in Moscow, and I wrote on Facebook that I launched a startup, I make dumplings, I can bring them. The people responded - in the end I brought a whole truck of goods to Moscow. Word of mouth began to work, orders were sent from friends of friends. I thought: while we are waiting for the wholesale, you can make money on this. Made an order form for Google, Facebook group", - says the entrepreneur.

The company's website appeared only in November 2016. Before that, the form was enough, but it was impossible to attach online payments to it, and the assortment had grown so much that it had to be shown in all its glory.

“Online payment is our insurance. When it was not yet there, customers paid for small orders in cash to the courier. Each time it was a risk - if the buyer refuses, the dumplings can be thrown away - the freezer bag has a certain operating time. This, by the way, happened - and it's good that the next client just took more. Now we work only on prepaid basis ”.

When it became clear that the promised contract with the store would not be, Ella tried to break into other networks. Economy-format stores disappeared immediately. But even those that position themselves as a premium class asked for an astronomical discount: “And so I offered them goods with almost no profit, just to get on the counter. But it didn’t grow together. In the end, I decided not to waste time shopping anymore. Since then, home delivery has become the main selling principle. "

Delivery times to Moscow are from three to eight days, the car goes to St. Petersburg once a month.

Assortment as a marketing tool

Initially, the company relied on only one "classic" dumplings with minced pork and beef. But when it became clear that there would be no stores and that we would have to work with the end consumer right away, it was logical to give him a choice. The second in the assortment were "Men's" dumplings.

“They were offered to be sculpted by my man,” Ella recalls, “said:“ Make big dumplings for the man to eat and it would be good for him. ” This is the same classic, only three times larger. And then the buyers joined in, began to offer: I want it with cottage cheese, I want it with fish. I introduced the Dagestani kurze, a product rare for our places. There is other modeling, pure lamb, whey, its own complex of spices. The calculation was also that Muslims would respond to the Kurze. Well, off we go. Dumplings, manti, cutlets, rolls, kupaty, dolma, stuffed vegetables, fish dumplings, berry dumplings, with squid, cuttlefish ink, etc. "

“We have come up with vegetable dumplings especially for those who are fasting. Unfortunately, they boiled over - after all, the dough is there without an egg. The problem was solved thanks to a vegan client - experienced in these matters, he gave us a secret ingredient.

Today the assortment of "Dumplings" includes 94 products, of which there are 56 types of dumplings. All products are made in one workshop by the same craftswomen.

During the year, only one item was taken out of sale - dumplings with cheese and olives. Nobody ordered them. From time to time there is a buyer for other exotic species. The next contenders for departure are pink dumplings for children: the beet broth, which is added to the dough, is boiled.

“I am completely not guided by my taste. I like meat dumplings, and I don't understand sorrel dumplings. But people order, it tastes good for them, so we'll do it "

Each New Product- this is a marketing move, an occasion to tell about a new product, to remind about yourself on social networks, to interest a potential buyer. The enterprise does not bear any costs and risks, since it does not keep a stock of goods. Raw materials are bought on order - they paid so much, they mold so much. Made, frozen, sent for delivery.

“Of course, you can't work like that with wholesalers,” agrees Ella. “But our business is rapidly scaling. If necessary, we will make half a ton of dumplings in 10 days: three days to collect the molders and buy freezers, and a week for production. "

Between Miratorg and farmers

The volume for such a business as "Pelmeshka" is a lifeline, it can significantly reduce the share of non-food costs, which is slightly less than half of the total cost. We are talking about salaries, logistics, communications, workshop rent, etc.

More than half of the costs are spent on the cost of raw materials: meat, flour, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, seasonings and other ingredients. Modest turnover does not allow the company to take raw materials at wholesale prices, which greatly affects the cost price.

“In the premium segment, product quality is the number one factor. We cannot afford gray flour, the dough from which will crack. We cannot use egg powder - only selected eggs "

The enterprise buys pork and beef from Miratorg - the main capacities of the agro-industrial holding are based in the Bryansk region. Flour - the Chelyabinsk manufacturer "Makfa" (Ella Vetlugina's grandfather worked at this plant). The rest of the products - lamb, chicken, turkey, eggs - come from local farms.

“At first I thought that we would work exclusively with farmers, but not all farmers had proven meat. Therefore, I take pork and beef from mirotorgovye - they have meat that is both tasty and proven. But, alas, they don’t deal with mutton, ”says the owner of“ Pelmeshka ”.

Seasonal goods - vegetables, mushrooms (for example, chanterelles) and berries - are bought by the company at farmers' markets as needed. But truffles - from partners, the Moscow store "Mushroom Place". "We basically have nothing in the freezing, only fresh ingredients."

Cheese in Bryansk dumplings is produced by the cheese dairy of Oleg Sirota, a well-known apologist of import substitution. Ella was his guest and brought from there 100 kg of Imeretian cheese. Following this, several new types of dumplings appeared in the assortment at once - with cheese and potatoes, with cheese and cottage cheese.

Ella selects suppliers herself. During the first year of Pelmeshka, she changed suppliers of turkey, chicken and cottage cheese: “We have a rule: two complaints from a client - and we stop working with the supplier. It's tough, but otherwise we won't be able to maintain our reputation. Two clients complained of heartburn - and we started working with another poultry farmer. We initially took cottage cheese from a factory, produced by a local enterprise, but switched to a farm one. And the cost for it immediately increased. "

Delivery - for outsourcing

The advantages of Bryansk are not limited to delicious meat and cheap labor force, it is also close to Moscow. The distance of 350 km allows to carry goods home to the capital's buyers.

“We tried to carry it ourselves,” says the entrepreneur, “we worked with a partner, but it turned out to be the most convenient to use the YouDo service - there is always someone who will do the task quickly and well. But if he doesn’t do it, it will affect his rating.

Now we use the services of private drivers, the dumplings are delivered in freezer bags. In the summer, it happened that dumplings came a little melted, but this is not critical. We put additional batteries on the St. Petersburg flights. So far we have enough cars, but if we need to deliver half a ton, we will hire a refrigerator. "

At first, delivery was extended to orders over 2 kg, but given that the client always pays for it (it costs 350 rubles), this restriction was canceled. You can order as much as you like.

The "sundress" works best

While the best month for sales for "Pelmeshka" was April 2016, it brought 15% of annual revenue (turnover - 1.3 million rubles), about 400 kg of dumplings were consumed by customers per month. This was partly due to the rapid recruitment of a loyal audience - at this time there was an active growth, partly due to seasonality.

In summer, dumplings are rarely ordered - in May, diets, summer cottages, vacations begin. Demand rises when clients return to their apartments. High season is autumn-winter. November 2016 was good. Although December and January are worse than last year's - perhaps because prices have increased.

Initial investments in the business were repulsed after two months of the shop's work, the company finished the year in a small, but positive

“I noticed that of all the promotion channels - and we tried different advertising - only personal recommendations work. The neighbor praised - the neighbor bought. A well-known blogger wrote that he liked it - and customers ran to us. This phenomenon influences demand more than seasonality, ”the entrepreneur assures.

The lion's share of Pelmeshka's products is supplied to Moscow, about 10% to St. Petersburg. Bryansk as a market turned out to be unpromising. “We tried to supply our dumplings to local stores, they were just taken home by the director,” recalls Ella. - This product is too expensive for the local market. Yes, there are rich people here, but to reach them, you need to invest heavily in advertising - these costs are inexpedient. "

Prices: does not come out below

“When I calculated the price, I started from the cost price and a small profit. In fact, most of our customers don't even look at the price, unlike wholesalers. Any wholesaler wants the price 100% less, but then I will work in the red. Wholesalers are guided by the discount price of automatic dumplings - about 205 rubles per kilo. In them, we must lay raw materials, work, delivery, profit. This is unrealistic. In addition, the price for meat has risen by 25% over the year, and flour has slightly increased in price. Transportation costs have increased. And we raised prices. "

Today at retail Bryansk handmade dumplings cost from 649 rubles per kilo of "Tender" (with chicken) to 1500 per kilo of "Truffle". Classic dumplings are sold at 799 rubles per kg, "Siberian" - at 999 rubles. Manty - from 899 rubles per kg, pasties and kupatas - from 699 rubles, dumplings - from 499 rubles.

At the current turnover, the company has nothing to save on, except that ordinary freezers are used, and not for emergency freezing.

“We tried to cut costs, tried different flour, local producers - nothing came of it. The molders asked to return the Chelyabinsk one, - says Ella, - We tried to beat the onion with a blender to speed up the process. As a result, about 40 kg of dumplings were spoiled. When you beat the onion in a blender or food processor, it gives juice, greatly softens the minced meat. To make it tasty, onions have to be cut by hand - we still do that. ”

Lyrical digression number 2: on the reputation of dumplings

“As far as I understand, the market for handmade dumplings turned out to be empty, because it is hard to make money on it. As a result, manufacturers turn a blind eye to quality and begin to cut costs by cutting costs. It is easier for cheesemakers, they have more investments, more advertising, and, surprisingly, they have a clearer product.

The urban audience is ready to try our product with great difficulty, because the people are for recent years ten got used to the fact that dumplings are such unhealthy food that lies in the refrigerator just in case. Food that should not be fed to children. And we retrain the buyer, change his attitude towards dumplings. There are people in the capitals who have never eaten homemade dumplings at all, this is a surprise for them.

It turns out that in order to disperse demand, you need to change the attitude towards the product. This, again, is expensive - advertising works very poorly here. But for those who have already tried it, this is quite a festive product - we order dumplings for events, for birthdays. "

Sales markets

The first stores to sell handmade Bryansk dumplings were the Molochny Dvor chain - a significant event happened in July 2016. But after Ella raised the price following the meat producers, retailers stopped cooperating.

“According to the plan, another person was supposed to be in charge of sales in the company, but it so happened that this is also my function. All contacts with restaurants, markets, shops go through me, ”says the entrepreneur.

When it became clear that it would be difficult to enter the shops, Ella tried to take Moscow markets by storm. Since June 2016, Pelmeshka products have been sold at the Petrovsky Bazaar. But it was not possible to enter the Danilovsky market - they make their own dumplings there.

Business centers did not live up to the entrepreneur's expectations: for top managers, chefs make dumplings themselves, and public catering of a lower rank is not at all interested in such a product.

Cooperation with a Moscow restaurant that offered Bryansk dumplings in its menu could be called successful, but the restaurant closed. However, this experience has shown that restaurants are a potentially attractive category of partners, since they understand the cost of products. self made... That is why, having moved to St. Petersburg, Ella first of all set her sights on acquaintance with the sphere of premium catering.

In addition, Ella loves St. Petersburg's appetites - residents of the northern capital order more per person on average than Muscovites. For example, the last batch, weighing about 70 kg, was intended for nine customers. But the biggest purchase - 21 kg of dumplings and semi-finished products - was made by a Muscovite.

Demand: from singles to losing weight

The audience of "Pelmeshka" is divided into several categories, which unite only the wealth - not below average. The first category is family people over 30 who have many children. The second is bachelors. The third is businessmen who, in principle, love "all good things." The fourth big category is girls who are concerned about healthy eating. For them, specially introduced "Diet" (beef, chicken), "Fitness" (turkey) and sugar-free berry dumplings. By the way, the first two types are often taken by diabetics.

The most popular products in the assortment of "Pelmeshki" are classic dumplings (pork and beef), Siberian dumplings (beef), dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms, Dagestan kurze (lamb), dumplings from three types of meat, with red fish

“Everything else is for the assortment. Usually a person takes 5 kg of "classics", and one kilogram of some unusual ones - try it. For example, dumplings with squid. Or with cuttlefish ink - so far they have been ordered only twice "

It was the idea of ​​the clients to expand the assortment towards semi-finished products - some asked for manti, others for kupaty, and still others for pasties. All these products could have been on sale earlier, but Ella waited until the fall to show the entire range on the new website with a "screwed-on" online payment.

Marketing is learned with experience

“If I were starting a business now, I would not count on wholesale, I would not waste time on it. I would not delay with the site and take marketing much more seriously - from labels to social networks. And, perhaps, I would have found a partner who would be engaged in sales. Because there was a moment of business take-off that we did not work in full force- It was necessary to unwind this moment, and then “it would be ferry,” - Ella is sure.

The packaging of Pelmeshka has changed several times over the past year. Initially, with a focus on stores, it was a plastic box with a sticker. However, it turned out to be cracking in the freezer. The box was replaced with durable freezer bags with a branded sticker. It turned out that the stickers in the freezer are peeling off. Then the stickers were replaced with a cardboard label with a hole, and they began to tie them with a linen string to the bag.

“Despite the fact that this is a premium product, it turned out to be unprofitable for us to make the packaging more expensive. This would make sense for supply to stores. But any box with a window will add 30 rubles to the cost. A private buyer will overpay them, but why? And the wholesaler will strangle himself for them - in the wholesale people bargain for kopecks! "

Pelmeshka lured new customers with partner discounts (for example, buyers of a fish store get a discount from Ella, and vice versa), and promotions (mushroom, berry dumplings as a gift). Everyone who brings a new client to the next order receives a kilogram of any dumplings as a gift. According to the entrepreneur, these events do not bring visible results - the audience is not important. But on the other hand, the base of reviews is accumulating.

In the summer, Ella tried to sell “dumplings subscriptions” for a period of three months to a year. The longer the term, the higher the discount: 3 months - 5%, 6 months - 10%, 12 months - 15%. The price included delivery once a month.

So, the set "On a diet" (3 kg per month) included three types of dumplings - "Diet", "Fito" and "Summer". A three-month supply (9 kg) cost 5040 rubles, and an annual (36 kg) - 18480. There were also sets of "Bachelor" (four types, 4 kg per month) and "Family" (four types, 5 kg per month). In absolute terms, the most expensive set was the family set - 60 kg per year for 34,800 rubles. It was an experiment - the offer was valid for several weeks. Two subscriptions were sold for 6 and 12 months. Most likely, the experiment will continue in 2017 - so far there are no subscriptions on the site.

Foggy future

“To be honest, it's not all that rosy,” Ella admits. - If our client base does not grow organically at times or there is no investment to increase it, it will be difficult. We are at the stage when we need to go to a new level, and there are no resources for this. "

To launch a large-scale advertising campaign, the enterprise needs investments. For Ella, this is a sore point: “I don’t really want to let investors into the business. Because after some time the investor will say that it is necessary to switch to automatic sculpting and go online. This is a different idea, a different business. In this sense, I would prefer to take out a loan - it will be my responsibility and I will not have to report to anyone ”.

"Later, when Pelmeshka becomes a big enterprise, we may have both a vending machine and a budget line of dumplings, but not in the near future."

A year ago, Ella tried to take a regional loan to open a business under a government program at 7% per annum. With this money, she was going to make the first batch for the stores.

“I was told that if I want to take out a loan of 1.5 million rubles, I must own two apartments: if I do not pay, one will be taken away, but I will not be left homeless. Then I went to commercial banks, but the overwhelming majority of them lend to an already running business - from a year or more. So this year I will go to banks again - maybe something will work out. By this time, we need to understand the advertising strategy so as not to waste money. "

In mid-2016, Ella made the decision to cut ad budgets, focusing on free promotion on social networks - Facebook and LinkedIn. Activity on Vkontakte, according to her, did not bring clients, as did paid advertising in groups. “Only recommendations worked,” the entrepreneur repeats.

To promote Instagram and Vkontakte is the task of this year. The company does not plan to expand its assortment in the near future. For complete happiness, it remains to introduce only khinkali: "But you have to learn how to make them flawlessly."

At the present time, many are visited by ideas about the opening own business... There are many options. The main thing is that the work is profitable. One of the many types of private business is making dumplings at home.

Dumpling making is one of the most modern home businesses. It is especially popular in small towns, even taking into account the fact that the market is filled with this kind of product. The popularity of semi-finished products also lies in the large assortment, for example, manti, dumplings, khinkali, etc. Such products are loved and consumed by almost everyone, since their main advantage is quick preparation.

Advantages of the dumplings business:

  • The desire to buy dumplings is absolutely independent of the season.
  • A business pays off quite quickly with the right organization and management.
  • Low enough labor-intensive capital.
  • Significant savings due to the absence of the need to rent premises, hire workers at the initial stages.

All the necessary equipment (meat grinder, freezing chamber, etc.) can be found in any kitchen. The cooking technology is very simple and familiar to every housewife, and sometimes to the owner.

The big disadvantage of the business is its high competitiveness. But if the products are made from environmentally friendly and high-quality products, then they will clearly be in the lead.

Required documents

The first games often go to friends and acquaintances. They are the most important tasters. But you won't make a lot of money that way. You need to look for places of sale, and for this you need a package of mandatory documents:

  • Documentation of Rospotrebnadzor and Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.
  • Hygienic conclusion of the SES.
  • Recipe.

When expanding - building your own workshop - you will need to register with the tax office and register your activities. You can register or.

In this case, the conclusion of the fire department will be required. You will also need:

  • Technical conditions that are registered and agreed upon (TU).
  • Label mockup.
  • Technical instruction (TI).

If staff will be hired, they must have a health certificate.

Making dumplings at home and selling them only to individuals does not require various documents.

What equipment is required

For the manufacture of dumplings in small batches at home, equipment can be used the most common. To facilitate the work, you should purchase electric knife, flour sifter, electric meat grinder.

For work in the workshop, equipment is used on a larger scale:

  • Dough mixer.
  • The device for rolling raw materials.
  • Apparatus for kneading minced meat.
  • Automatic machine for the formation of dumplings.

In whatever conditions the products are made, there must be freezers for storing goods and raw materials.

You can save money on equipment if you hire workers, and it is better to involve relatives in the case. Plus, the product will be much better if handcrafted. It is in great demand.

If necessary or at will, you can get a packing machine. Please note that people trust products in transparent packages more, as they can see their contents.

Required Ingredients

The good thing about dumplings is that not many ingredients are required to make them. Everything is very simple:

  • Water.
  • Flour.
  • Salt.
  • Eggs.
  • Seasonings.
  • Meat (beef, pork, chicken).

In order to make your product more tempting for customers, you can experiment with the filling. Mix different types of meat and use a variety of herbs and spices.

Ingredients can be purchased from supermarkets, shops or markets.

In order for the dumplings to be in demand, the raw materials must be of high quality and environmentally friendly. Therefore, you should not use various trimmings and herbal supplements. It is advisable to buy meat in supermarkets on the day of delivery. Alternatively, you can conclude a contract for the purchase of meat with a livestock farm. In this case, the goods will always be fresh and in the quantity that is required.

When purchasing raw materials not in specialized stores, it is imperative to ask the supplier for quality certificates.

Detailed visual information about the operation of the dumplings shop is shown in the following video:

Sales of products

Sales is the first thing to think about before starting production. As for dumplings, there are a lot of them on the market, so you should carefully study the scope of their sale.

  • The first small batches can be sold to friends and acquaintances. In the event that the product has collected positive reviews, you can continue to manufacture, since a tasty and high-quality product will be in demand.
  • You can try to sell the product to small cafes, and if they are happy, establish a continuous supply with them.
  • It is also necessary to take into account large wholesale companies that supply semi-finished products and have a permanent customer base. In this case, packaging will be needed.
  • A good option is renting a trading tray on the market. Rumors of good products are quickly spread through word of mouth, so you don't have to spend on advertising.
  • Another way of implementation can be the sale of finished products. For example, delivery of hot meals. Due to the rich assortment, such sales will be quite profitable.

Thinking over the sale of manufactured goods, one must not forget about the vehicle. Having a car in stock will solve many issues.

Costs and business profitability

In order for the dumplings business to be profitable, before starting production, it is necessary to draw up a business plan, calculate the profitability.

When calculating the profitability, you can see the approximate amounts. For example, here is the calculation of raw materials for 800 kg of finished products:

  • Meat - 53 thousand rubles.
  • Bulb onions - 900 rubles
  • Flour - 1.5 thousand rubles.
  • Salt and spices - 600 rubles
  • Eggs - 100 rubles.

It follows that 56,100 rubles were spent on 800 kg of products. It turns out that the cost of 1 kg of finished goods is approximately 70 rubles, when its cost on the market is approximately 92 rubles. The net profit will be 22 rubles. In 24 working days, the profit will increase to the amount about 442 thousand rubles... From this amount, you will need to deduct running costs.

The calculation was carried out taking into account the operation of the equipment for molding dumplings, the cost of which will be about 555 thousand rubles.

The costs will be much less if you start manufacturing in small batches in your kitchen. When the product conquers the market and is in demand, you can expand production, rent premises, purchase equipment and hire personnel.

In order to reduce the cost of production, you can resort to the following tricks:

  • Add some potatoes to the meat, potato and meat dumplings will come out. The cost will remain the same and the taste will be great.
  • Add a little water to the minced meat, the taste will not deteriorate from this, but on the contrary, the product will turn out with a juicy filling.
  • Tell everyone you know about your business.
  • Post ads in free newspapers.
  • Post ads.
  • Submit information on the Internet.

Making dumplings is a profitable and low cost business that anyone can open. The main thing is to determine the sales market and organize the work correctly.

Many of us remember the days when families sat down at the table on a weekend and everyone together made dumplings, including the smallest ones. Home production went up to several hundred. It looks like a family owned dumplings business.

Living in the village, I had the question of how you can make money, in conditions of limited financial and material resources... Almost everyone has their own farm, the sale of products is not profitable. There is no way to export them to the city for sale, and the competition is too high.

Remembering the old Russian tradition of making huge quantities of dumplings, I thought, why not try making dumplings as a business? Just where to start? How to start a business from scratch? Any entrepreneurship begins with planning and determining financial costs.

Therefore, first of all, I decided to prepare a business plan for the production of dumplings with calculations, anticipating possible costs:

  1. Use of initial resources. What is more profitable - using purchased minced meat, or making it yourself, making a product at home or opening a mini-shop? A dough, buy ready-made, or knead your own?

If you use the services of suppliers, you will need constant availability Money exceeding income for 100% prepayment for the goods.

Calculation of the cost of components for 10 kilograms:

Ingredient nameShare of finished productPrice
Beef25% 450 RUB
Pork19% 390 rbl.
Salt0,1% RUB 1
Spices0,7% RUB 9
Onion5% RUB 25
Flour35% RUB 55
Egg0,2% RUB 6
Water15% 0
Total:100% 1026 RUB
  1. It is also necessary to take into account the possible transport costs. When supplying raw materials by wholesale buyers, you have to pay for the delivery.
  2. Expenses for rent and maintenance of premises (from 30 thousand rubles, utility bills - from 12 thousand rubles, Internet, communication services -1 thousand rubles).
  3. The costs of purchasing, maintaining and maintaining equipment (unless, of course, you do not sculpt by hand).
  1. Payment for the work of the staff. At the initial stage, you can get by with a staff of several people, attract relatives, but to expand production, you will have to take into account the number of employees and the corresponding financial costs.
  1. Business status registration - or legal entity... For rural areas, it is quite enough to formalize individual entrepreneurship with a simplified taxation system (from 10 thousand rubles).
  2. Marketing and Advertising. The best and not costly marketing ploy is the production of a product of excellent quality using natural products at an affordable price. But without breaking the laws of profitability, so as not to work at a loss. Rumors about my delicious dumplings quickly spread throughout the village.

Having decided on the possible costs and the need to roll over funds in reserve, I added inevitable risks to my business plan:

  1. There is a lot of competition, you can only win by quality.
  2. Small assortment that meets the needs of insignificant target audience(Muslims do not eat dumplings with pork, during the fast, Orthodox Christians do not consume meat products, vegetarians will prefer dumplings).
  3. Supervisory authorities. All certificates for products, production conditions must comply with SanPiN and the corresponding regulatory document... Otherwise, they face penalties, up to and including the termination of activities.
  4. The most difficult thing is to establish sales lines. After all, selling to neighbors will not bring the planned profit. But the profitability of production primarily depends on this factor. Selling products in supermarkets promises deferred profits.

By the way, a few interesting ideas for business in rural areas:

I have already mentioned that the maintenance of a production workshop will require significant costs. What you need to consider here:

  • square industrial premises(from 50 to 300 cm2), depending on the capacity of the equipment;
  • the amount of consumed electricity, water, etc., including the use of the hood;
  • room conformity SES requirements(zoning of premises with corresponding rooms for production, storage, etc.).

As a workshop, it is advisable to use former canteens that meet the conditions Food Industry... To minimize costs, it is advantageous to choose a premise that does not require re-equipment, with low rent and a convenient transport approach.

Dumplings production technology

Opening the dumplings business, the question arose about the choice of technology for the production of the product. But as it turned out, this process is similar for both mini-production and large lines:

Prepare products
  1. Defrost meat.
  2. Peel the onions.
  3. Disinfect eggs.
  4. Sift flour.
  5. Prepare saline solution.
Kneading the doughYou use ingredients according to the accepted recipe
Prepare minced meat
  1. Grind the meat together with the onion in a meat grinder.
  2. Knead the resulting mass on a meat mixer or by hand (15 minutes).
  3. Add spices and water, stir.
Shaping dumplings
  1. Using special apparatus for production.
  2. Making handmade dumplings.
Freeze the finished productWithin 20 minutes after sculpting, put the dumplings in the refrigerator.
Packing goods for salePut the dumplings in packaging material of 0.5 or 1 kg, with the obligatory indication of the production time and expiration date.

Equipment for the production of dumplings at home

A mini-workshop is certainly good, but starting a dumplings business will have to be simpler - at home. In this case, the costs are less, and with the equipment it is easier. Instead of industrial devices, it is enough to have:

  • meat grinder;
  • freezer;
  • table dumpling maker.

With a refrigerator and a meat grinder, everything is clear. But what is a dumpling maker? This is a tabletop machine for the production of 12-14 kg of dumplings per hour, worth 60-80 thousand rubles.

Pros and cons of the dumplings business

After calculating the options for the costs and profits of a business on homemade dumplings, I decided to read the reviews of the owners of this type of business, hoping to get useful information from their personal experience... Of course, there are pros and cons.

  1. Expect the payback of this event no earlier than in six months.
  2. The difficulty of many entrepreneurs consisted in calculating the cost of 1 kg of finished products, when using different types minced meat. The most low price, for example, dumplings with pork, and high - with beef.
  3. There should be back-up options for selling the product, in order to avoid losses.
  4. You need to constantly improve, use new recipes - competition.
  1. The business is quite profitable, with 100% of the cost of 1 kg of product, half is spent on production, and the same amount is obtained as net profit.
  2. Small start-up capital, especially when starting a home business.
  3. There is an acute shortage of quality goods on the market, therefore, the use of natural products can lead to a leading position.
  4. There is a great demand for this product.

The real experience of many entrepreneurs shows that with the right approach, it is quite easy to organize your own business for the production and sale of dumplings, even in rural areas. And having your own farms can turn out to be a big plus.